OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1907. IF OPTIONS m Tffl IIP Muni WILL BE SOMETHING DOING. AT OLD GOVERNMENT HATCHERY. Railway, Electric Power Station and Manufacturing Plants Poaslbllltlei at Stone. If the option on 1700 acres of land ami the two stone quarries In tho vl dull y of tho old Kvitriimt'itt nuitcliory in'ur Mono, are taken tip by March 1, there will tin noiiirtliltiK ilolriK In tlint section. It 1h null! tlmt tho options were tuki'ii In tho Interest of tho II. 8. Wallace Christian Federation or ganlziiUon, railway ami nuiriufiulurlriK promoter. Homo of tho options tlmt luitl ixplmij with riliiuwoil nml tho time cutrtiilml tn March 1. Otm of tlm promoter of tho nrKnnl.n lion loot assured tho people on whoso lands that tho options uro In-lit. tlmt tho tmnn y to take thorn will hn forth comltiK Miiicli , Tho options oio' tho liiriili were taken ut prices ruriK Iiik from $ 1 00 to fill, ami arc located In tho iiumt ilcHlruhln section of tlm Clackamas county river, only nhout clitlit miles from Oregon City, nml near tho mouth of Clear crock. It I tho niiiuiunciMl Intention of (ho company to luilld ami equip largo flectrlc Hiwcr ntntlon, estatdlsh some manufacturing plnnt ami build n rail way throiiKh that section of tho coun ty. Tho Clackamas I a swift stream ami Inn a heavy fall In this vicinity, tlm affording excellent natural fa cilities for tho establishment of an electric power station. Then there Ik Clear creek that alno could bo tappo'l. There I a good location for a dam on tho optioned property, where tho woter could bo rained a sufficient height for tho purposes Intended. There In a nigh rocky wall on both Idea of tho proponed dam alto, thua reducing tho coHt of const ruction to a coiiHlderahlo extent. If tho optlona ar taken up March 1, It will mean that thoro will bo komethlng doing. HARRY CORBETT DEAD. Ban Francisco, Fob, 18, Harry Cor licit, brother of Jou Oorbelt tho base- nail player, wns found (load In tho hath tub at his boarding pluco thin morning, . MARK'S PRAIRIE CLEAN IIOPYARDS GRUBBING ONT DI8EA8ED AND WORN OUT OR-CHARDS. OmCIAL UALLOT FIREMEN'S ELECTION Tho official tallot for tho election of tho Oregon City Fire department official fire chief, assistant chief and threo fire commissioners ha been made out. Tho election will take place on March , 1907. Great Intercut I now being taken over tho content for tho portion of chief and Columbia Hook and Ladder company No. 1, ha placed Dolbert Hart against law renco Ruconlch of Fountain IloHe com pany No. 1. Tho other companies have thus far taken llttlo part, but ru mor are that tho different candidate are working for frlondithlp in tho oth er companies. C. Ilruner of I lose company No. 3 la the only candidate for the poult Ion of assistant chief. Four candidates are In tho field for member of tho board of fire commis sioners. They are: Max Bollock of Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1; U. C. Ely of Hone compnny No. 3; E. A. Lelghton of Cataract Hose com pony No. 2 and W, Potcr of Fountain Hone company No. 1. Three of thoae are to be elected to the board. Mark I'rolrle, Feb. 14, Tho real dent of this Noctlon are all discuss ing the matter of making gurdoti on account of tho good weather prevail ing during tho hint few day. (leorgo 13. OgleHby v.ts In Oregon j City ono day last week on business. John Jesso In doing a land office business now. lie Ih selling cream which bring him about f ir,. 00 per mouth. HI five cow aro Jerseys. Tho birthday party given at Mr. Kerr's In honor of lsom Hutchinson, was n complete success. About CO relative and friend were present. An excellent lunch wa served at mid night and It proved an enjoyablo occasion. Our Iiopgrower will soon commence Krulililng thi-lr vine. If tho good weather continue. Mr. Iliadluiry of l-owlsburg I In our rui'iMi looking ror a farm to pur chaMo. He has several acquaintances In thin vicinity, and says thut ho ha come t. stay. Oglesby Uro. wire cnlled to New Era Rut unlay evening to play for ono f, their popular dances. Ml Alice Rltler was visiting at home Saturday and Sunday. She Is teaching at r,nn, ,Vlss Hitter Is a first class leat her and any school dis trict Ih fortunate In securing her service. Miss llentrlco Hit tenuous I at tending school at tt'lllpa, and she I missed In this vicinity. J. II. Crons sold 13 pig to Henjamln Wolfer during the past week. Ed. Ilerren will hnvo a house built on his ranch hero In the not distant future. Ceo. Oglesby ha tho contract to build a fine born for Henry Cran on tho prairie. James McGlll ha aold hi llttlo ranch and will tart for Ireland In a few day. Jame Choate ha purchased the McGlll ranch and will take possession the first of the month. The grouse hooteth and tho hunter shiMiteth and puts tho game In a hag. A great deal of farm Improvements are being planned by our progressive farmer this summer, The high water left some of our small bridge In a bad condition, and our bosses are trying to get them passable. Some of our small boys are getting the fishing fever already and will soon be trying their luck at angling for the sueckled beauties. Chopping down and grubbing out old orchard I all tho rage here. Let the good work go on and In a few years we will have some eatable fruit. NEW LITERARY CLUBS HIGH SCHOOL Tho high school boy formed a now debating society, Friday, which will moot on every other Friday nt tho Harclay school. Tho following aro tho officers hove been elected: Alllo Grout, president; Wallace Caullold, vIco-proHldont; William Jackson, sec retary; Lionel Gordon, treasurer; Har old Waldron, sorgennt-nt-arias. Tho girls of tho high school have also taken preliminary steps for the organization of a literary society. Tho Interest taken In the starting of these new societies Is due to the fact that tho city superintendent and the di rectors ore offering a gold medal for tho best debate during the school year. , Everything goes nt. first cost at Ar cado. All nice goods. tf T IVY 8TIPP ATTORNET-AT-LAW. Justice of the roace. PASSES NUMEROUS ROADS AND ACCOUNTS FEBRUARY TERM WA8 BUSY ONE FOR JUDGE AND COM MISSIONERS. Ilo It remembered, that at a regu lar term of the County Court of Clack amas County, held In tho Court House In Oregon City, for the purpose of transacting county business In Febru ary, the snmo being the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of snld court, present, Hon. Grant B. Dim Ick, county Judge, presiding; T. B. Klllln and John Lewelllng, commis sioners, when the following proceed ings were had, to-wlt: In the Matter of Claims Allowed Pauper Sherlff- T. C. Jubb J. M. Haydon Charles Miller T. a, Jonsrud Olaf Llndholm Gilbert Jonsrud M. K. Knndle F. T. Bhuto F. Nicholas Hoy Thompson K, L. Hharp Chns. Thompson Llvy Stlpo C. F. Ely W, A. Dlmlck C. B. Burn L. Ktlpp C. F. Ely Foul Herda H. B. Mount Edna Bpldoll Walter Harrl I, . K. Bi-ntley E, Kchubert II, WTrembath W. McLarty ft. J. Jones F. A. Ely J, W. Aldredgo E. F. (Jrldcr C. F. Ely It. II. Heath) Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City. Fetor Hansen $ 6.00 W, Dnnforth 5.00 I It. G. Ogden 5.00 C, E. Burns B.00 B. F. Forrester 6.00 W. J. Lowellon ' 8.00 M. Kruger 7.00 Mrs. Valentine 7.00 John Avln 10.00 J. E. Jack 8.00 .W.T.Gardner 10.00 Mrs. M. Pickens 10.00 F. W. Sprague 10.00 Mrs. Bradtl 10.00 Mrs. Holnz 10.00 J. A. Jones 10.00 Martha Ford 10.00 E. Hltchman . 10.00 Court v John Lewellon 40.40 T. B. Klllln 36.15 G. B. Dlmlck 11.00s Court v Wm. Board 5.00 of the Peace W. J. Van Horn 3.00 J. C. Haines, J. 2.00 Thos. Fox 2.00 J. H. Vernon 2.00 J. F. Adams 2.00 F. II. Dungao 3.00 Clerk IrwInHodson Tax Rolls Ella Shaver Hetta IMerco A. Warner M. Mulvcy E. Mcf'ord Coroner I), rauflcld It. T. Borbur M, GroHs C. I). Morand John Turner Wm. W. Hmlth George lllml'T I). II. Close J. Nichols F. II. Bolter E. 1'. Hodman (i. L. Hedges L. Holman Attestor Glass & Prudhommo Margaret Goodfcllow C. Pratt J. F. Nelson Tax Department Lincoln & Lovejoy Current Expente C. E. Ratnsby F. W. Gn enmaa W. U. Tel. Co, Huntley Bros Co. Telephone Co. Court Houte , F. Bunch L. k L. & O. Co. A. Mlhlstln V. Harrl O. V Cheney 1. Nehren Jail It. B. Beatle Pauper W. L. Molloy v, B. L. Holman A. (ill) nop Wilson & Zumwalt J. M. Parrlsh St Vincent's hospital Emma A. Wilkinson J. E. Jack Geo. Redaway Brown & Welsh Miles & McGlashan Insane Dr. M. C. Stricklln Dr. J. W. Norrls James Evans C. F. Ely Rose Nehren Printing Dally Star Courier Road Survey S. A. D. Hungate N. Blair Bud Thompson Roy Stafford Adolph Haag W. II. Bottemiller B. Sullivan Fruit Inspector A. J. Lewis Damages Wllhelm Ott Tax Rebate Conrad Berher Road District No. 3 F. Busch M. Brelthaupt . John Straus District 4 J. W. Douglas H. S. Gibson District 5 S. E. Card Davis & Davis O. D. Roe George. Parch Dave Parch F. W. Parch Davis & Davis Deatin Lake , W. A. Hall District M. C. Donahue District No. 11 J. A. Zimmerman E. Harrington E. P. Carter H. B. Rockwoll M. S. Glass L. J. Glass J. E. Smith ' L. Glass M. Glass J. Glide District 13 Dorlng Lumber Co John Hughes O. N. Gill W. H. Brown Walter Emmot W. B. Hubert Harry Hubert August Hubert D. D. Evans W. C, Ward W. B. Hubert District 14 W. H. Nolson A. Mather Pope & Co G. F. Glbba C. C. Glbba Jas. Shelly A. Splinter F. Beard 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 4.95 14.10 4.70 2.40 11.15 14.50 2.90 1.70 2.90 2.90 2.90 2.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2S.40 10.64 47.25 58.50 49.50 58.50 30.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.90 1.00 4.50 4.50 2.70 5.40 12.8 8.00 52.00 62.00 .50 35.00 5.00 4.00 1.35 37.00 7.05 14.45 45.00 2.30 1.20 45.00 6.60 27.92 5.30 15.60 15.00 1.50 10.00 4.00 3.60 11.00 16.90 3.20 1.33 6.00 6.00 4.80 6.80 2.00 34.25 128.60 23.00 15.00 15.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 42.00 50.00 3.60 3.20 8.75 138.55 3.00 17.50 3.50 1.15 1.50 12.00 12.00 16.00 4.00 31.50 32.50 200.00 3.00 6.25 5.00 2.00 1.75 M.75 10.00 1.75 1.75 2,00 711.60 6.40 1.00 8.40 11.00 11.20 10.40 16.50 3.60 4. GO 2.40 1.50 32.58 6.55 31.25 15.00 . 17.00 17.00 13.00 Jim Shelly 13.00 T. W. Glbbs , 18.25 O.-Olnson 4.00 C. Forber 4.00 District 15 Pope & Co 1.75 District 17 Alex Tlco ' 1.60 John Robins 1.60 R. Johnson 2.25 W. A. Tlce 75 L. E. Wlnslow 4.50 Goo. Knlland 21.00 A. H. Knight 7.50 If. C. Glllmore 1.60 A. Kockor 2.80 District No. 18 L. Moser" 2.25 Eugene Cummins 4,60 Pope & Co. 5.94 A. Mather 61.25 Arthur Hornshuh 6.25 C. Muralt 41.50 Jame Shannon 68.50 Wm. Grlsenthwalte 67.50 W. C. Martin 37.25 Elmer Lundergan 22.75 Dan Glnther 13.12 . Alva Hughes 8.75 Geo. Hollman 13.12 Fred Hohlander 8.75 Charles Sttlner 8.73 Fred Stelner 4.37 H. H. Hughes 2.25 , Wm. Phelps 8.30 Hy Shelly 32.75 O. M. Kunzman 12.50 A. Hornshuh 22.75 Willis Hughe 28.50 W. C. Martin 5.25 Edward Hughes 4.25 E. W. Hornshuh 40.00 J. Grossmlller j.50 C. Martin 10.50 District No. 19 Fred Erlckson ' 1.50 August Erlckson 1.50 John Darnall ' 2.25 F. A. Woorhilde 3.00 W. A. Woodsldo . 10.00 District No. 20 Fred Beurer 7.70 Geo. Rchlewe 5.30 .W. II. liotic-mtllpr 3.83 Ed. Mclntyre 3.50 R. RohlnHon 3.50 Fred Sherruble 1.50 Adolph Haag 10.00 Garrett Martin 7.00 Garrett Mrtln 7.00 J. J. Jones 9.20 John Put. 7.15 Curtis Martin 2.00 Adolph Haag 1.50 B. Sullivan 1C.23 District 24 J. S. Yoder 96.85 8. II. Kauffman 2.73 Jos. Myer 12.00 Wm. Stuwe 7.60 John Kramer 7.50 Herb Johnston 9.00 Solon Klnzer 21.00 Rile Garrett 900 Harry Garrett 7.50 Dan Kauffman 1.50 R. I. Garrett 7.50 L. P. Spagle, 18.75 Chris Hondrlc 1.50 Ernest Werher 4.50 John Gahler 4.50 George Askln 1.50 District 25 HGetts 2.00 J. B. Mitts 1.25 District 26 L. C. Dunton 1.00 H. N. Everhart 8.75 District 27 J. P. Miller 4.50 Ed Hubbard 2.25 ! A. P. Ssboe 1.50 J. Labour 10.00 District 28 Omer Williams 11.25 Frank Haun 12.00 Francis Haun 10.50 J. Wilholt 15.00 Harve Dart 4.50 Wm. Miller 1.00 Ellis Shepperd - 10.50 L. D. Shank, 22.50 ! District 29 j W. L. White 17.50 I District 31 Chas. Korman 3.50 i Z. EUIgsen 1.25 j Ed Gross 1.75 i F. Zimmerman 3.75 , E. Athey 1.50 ! District 32 Sidney Baker 1.75 Will Baker 2.60 District 33 Cary H'dw Co. 17.95 DuBols Lumber Co. 115.11 W. II. Kandle, 5.40 A. D. Schmidt 22.50 E. II. Tlson 5.40 J. P. Howell 9.90 ! L. H. Raney 7.20 J. Wilcox 3.60 I Ed Closner 5.40 i D. Grain .90 j E. Lewellen .90 Henry Cromer, 49.10 F. Roley . 37.64 District 34 0. C. Lumber Co. " 31.64 ; , S. Batdorf 12.00 P. Bodlne 8.00 Fred Shaber 4.00 Ira Rivers 1.30 I S. Batdorf 1.75 ! J. Turner 8.00 j James Edwards 1.75 ! Mat Ranch 1.75 j Smith Turner 1.75 j John Turner 10.00 ; District 36 Amos Yoder 1.50 Noah Yoder! 1.85 A. J. Lais 9.45 A. P. Schneider 3.00 Paul Schneider 2.50 S. S. Miller .50 N. Blair 2.50 District 38 F. Lance 12.50 ! R. Lance 5.00 . Hankina 8.50 1 Bradford 5.50 " Olsen 5.00 McMullen 4.00 Mason 2.00 Louiska 3.00 , F. Glover 20.00 H. Thlesaen 5.00 District 39 Pope & Co. 12.05 I E. Story 2.60 John Green 32.50 J. A. Confer 37.50 General. j A. H. Averlll Machy Co. 30.25 Beall & Co. I 2.50 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY THOS f RYAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Probate and Realty Lav Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse. O. D. EBY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. GEORGE C. BROWNELL ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office inJCaufield BIdg., Main and Eighth Sts. W. S. U'REN C. SCIIUEBEL U'REN 8c SCHUEBEL ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice in all court, make collections and settlement of estates. Furnish aUtract of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E. HEDCES F. T. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms lO-lSWeinhard Building, opposite Court House . ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Entdte, Loans, Insurance Main Htreel, OREGON CITY I A SAVING SCHEME Try to deceive yourself into the belief 'that you are owing this bank a large sum of money and that you are required to make weekly or monthly payments. When these payments have been made for some time and you have accumulated a good bank account you will pardon yourself for the self-deception. & J The Bank ot Oregon City is n m m If not don't delay, but get it wired at once. The wires put you in touch with a world of com-v fort that the dweller in a wireless house can never appreciate. Good light alone is sufficient reason for having it wired but there are many other reasons. O When you ha e electric connection you will find a dozen uses for the current, all contributing so much to the pleasure of living that youll wonder how you ever did without them. At odd times you'll pick up little electric de vices, rendering one service or another economical ly and quickly, and presently you'll be living in an electric home, amid greater comforts and conven iences than you ever dreamed ofe Get Your House Wired at Once PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. C.G. MILLER, Contract Manage FOR OREGON CITY