Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 22, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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New Buildings to be Erected In VI
cinlty of Rlnearson Place
and Glad
stone. The real estate transfers printed
daily In the Star indicate that there
la an active movement In Clackamas
county real estate. It also is encour
aging to note that property is being
sold at reasonable figures, in fact at
much lower ratos per acre than is de
manded in interior counties farther re
moved from the niar"ket centers.
Clackamas county lands are held
at a less figure than in any other
county in the Willamette valley, while
at the same time the fertility of the
soil Is everything that can be desir
ed, and there Is the further advant
age of close proximity to Portland,
the best market town on the coast
Suburban property between Oregon
City and Portland has been active dur
ing the last few months and bids fair
to continue. Judge Thomas F. Ryan
has completed another deal irhlrt
transfers 14 acres of the E. E. Will
lams tract, in what is known as West
Gladstone near the Rinearson ranch,
to N. E. Randall for $3000.
Mr. Randall will build a handsome
residence on his newly acquired prop
erty. Prof. Reed of the Parkplace
school has also bought some property
in that vicinity and he and his father
will begin the erection of twr homes.
It is reported that several otuer resi
dences are to be built shortly.
The building activity that has been
going on during the past year in that
direction has been aiding materially
in the work of the board of trade,
which has advocated the problem of
better transportation facilities. The
committee, in looking forward to the
settling up of the country between
this city and Portland, has found
many advantages that can be secured
in the way of lowering the transporta
tion rates between this city and the
metropolis. As this desirable section
of the country becomes more thickly
settled the demand for better rates
will become stronger.
The members of the board and the
greater majority of th merchants of
this city are now expressing them
selves as favoring the adoption of low
er rates of transportation, and have
come to the conclusion that low pas
sengers rates as well as low freight
rates wouitl beneficially aid in the
growth of the city. ,
Some of the members of the board
, of trade express themselves as favor
ing a strong organization of the busi
ness people and citizens that will
make a united pull for one common
object, the breaking up of the com
bine of the three transportation com
panies that have killed off all compe
tition. They realize that this can be
accomplished only by a united move
of the entire business population.
The Valentine sociai given bv the
ladies of the Eaptisi church in the
church Wednesday evening was a de-
Wholesale or retail at COST, my entire stock of goods
at Arcade Racket Store, Counters, Show Cases and
Shelving, everything goes.
Also some Household Goods. Come and get Prices.
606 Main St., Oregon City,
cldod success. The attendance was
splendid and th evening enjowed by
all present Prof. Yoder of Portland
who is always popular with his audi
ences played several selections; he
was assisted in two piano duets by
Miss Myrtle Toote of Gladstone. Miss
Tooze also gave two recitations that
were well received. The surper in
conundrum style kept everyone guess
ing what they were ordering and made
lots of fun. The menu explained was
Fine-cut, cabbage salad; Food for
spinningwheel, rolls; New England
brains, beans; A girl in arithmetic,
potato salad; Brazilian Jag, coffee;
Woman of grit, sandwich; plied up,
layer cake; of water, In water but not
water, tea; coagulated superfluity,
cheese; H20. water; Changeable pol
itician, turn-over; take one or you will
regret it tooth-picks; letters with
burdens, pickles; a circle of sweet
ness, doughnuts.
Sprlngwater, Feb. H. Jonathan
Wooster, a well and favorably known
citizen of Springwater, died February
years. He came to Oregon thirty-six
years ago. Death took place after a
w weeks illness at the home pf his
r".c"?hter, Mrs. Wm. Smith. Funeral
?i .Ices were held February 5, at the
SriT'gwcter church, Rev. C. T. Mc-.-.,.-..
3t01t;?. nrvl burial was at
if ??-'-?-vfir enptery. Mr. Woos--r
l?s- ' cMMrcn: Mrs. Wm.
i.T.!!1: of ?T!rc--ntfr: Eusene Woos
r'. P?rt;a !: !"rher son In Maine;
i visrl-'or ii Missouri and one in
Idaho. Mr. Wooster was a member
if t'ie Maine legislature when James
T's'"" t rribr of that 'body
t-A , r'i f-!nd of that distin
guished statesman.
February 11th, a farmers' Institute
was held at Estacada. Dr. Withy
combe of Corvallis gave several In
teresting talks on various agricultural
and horticultural subjects. His main
point was to the farmers what we do,
do it well and use brain force as well
as brawn or we are liable to get left
and that we are a' favored people to
have such a good country as this
great state of Oregon and the advant
ages and facilities we have. Mr.
Schrumbmezer's topic was dairying;
try and get the best breeds and not
try to have all purpose cattle which
could not be done successfully. Mr.
Dailey, Mr. Reed, Mr. Lewis and Mr.
Judd gave very Interesting talks on
fruit, poultry, small fruits and some
fine stereopticon views were given.
Frank Stormer's children are quite
ill with pneumonia.
AT i 1 00 PER ACRE
Stafford, Feb. 14. We are enjoying
this delightful weather. Who wouldn't
like to live in a place where there is
never a flood or a land slide and
Fourth of July every day but Sunday,
caused by the blasting for the new
trolley road from Salem to Portland.
Henry Schatz sold his place Satnr
day for $100 per acre. The purchaser
we understand is an English or Amer
ican man, by name of Brink, recently
from Dakota. We are sorry to lose
Mr. Schatz and his family, but hope
they will do well by the change.
Bargains lor everybody
Golden Gate Japan
Golden Gate English Breakfast
Golden Gate Ceylon
Golden Gate Oolong
Golden Gate Fancy Blend
Golden Gate Gunpowder .
Golden Gate Black and Green
'Pacltd m FJavor-TigSt Cartont
J. A. Folger & Co., San Francisco
Little Herman Moser hurt his hand
quite severely Sunday, it is reported,
by driving a nail Into loaded cart
ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Decker came out to
her father's, Mr. Karnes, last week
from their home in Willamette on ac
count of the high water.
Is there not a law against allowing
obscene matter to pass through the
V. S, malls? Then why Is the report
of the Thaw trial permitted to stare
one In the face from the pages of a
responsible, respectable paper like the
Oregonlan? It serves no moral end,
and the average render would prefer
not to be made familiar with the Bil
lingsgate vaudeville of a north end
A couple of drummers were In town
this week selling cream separators
and met with good success.
The road boss had a few men out
mending our ways, and the query
arise, why blame the mad boss for
not carrying on the work as we indi
vidually think It ought to be done?
As we understand it he has to da as
the county court tells him, and they
may not understand road building any
gets on a roving fit but the rovers
often wander back to the old stamp
ing ground.
Mr. Weddle, who went down to Ash
land, after his wife's death, to put his
children In school, is home for awhile
cutting wood for next year, when he
Intends to move back upon the homo
farm which Is now rented to Will Nor
land. Will Borland sold his big team for
$100 and bought a span of colts for
Beaver Creek, Feb. 14. Everybody
seems to be enjoying the fine weather.
Many are busy sowing at present.
The rock crusher shut down for one
day short of hands.
Mrs. D. Thomas spent a few days
with friends at Cams this week.
Mr. Grlsenthwaite called on Mr.
Martin last Sunday.
G. Stabln called on Mr. Thomas last
Otto Lemon made a pleasant call
on Miss Maud Daniels one evening
this week. ,
The dance at Beaver Creek ended
up in a rough house.
Several of the young folks attend
ed the services at Schubel church last
Sunday evening.
Miss Esther Martin called on Mrs.
Matchett one day last week.
Mr. Ogden Is very ill; Dr. Mount
is in attendance.
Walter Mann has been quite sick
Little Georgle Selby la jerlng
from a sore eye.
Mrs. J. D. Ixcke is In very poor
Mrs. Kayes la once more In her little
home, her son Harry Is with her.
Stafford and Joe Harrington are
making garden.
Grandpa Dixon Is yet quite feeble
from the effects of the fall ho receiv
ed some weeks ago.
We are a little bit worried about
Wiley May as we never see him Idle
good weather or bad, but we saw him
driving out with a new rig and be
seemed contented. We wondered if
he had decided to play gentleman of
leisure; If so we ahe glad for he and
his good wife are worthy of a pleasant
drive in a new buggy.
Ex-City Treasurer II. E. Straight
and II. C. Salisbury both connected
with Pope & Company havelmrchascd
the plumbing and hardware business
of A. Mihlstln at 720 Main street, and
will take possession March 15. Both
are enterprising young business men,
and have been reared from boyhood
lays in the hardware and plumbing
business. Mr. Straight has been with
the Pope company for 19 years and
Mr. Salisbury 18 years. During the
last few years Mr. Straight has prac
tically been manager for the Pope
company, while Mr. Salisbury has
made a specialty of plumbing work.
The entertainment given by the Sun
day school of St. Paul Episcopal
church in Willamette hall Tuesday
evening was well attended and. the
presentation of two acts from Louisa
M. Alcott's "Little Women" well act
ed. The piano solos by Hazel Farr
and Clara Daugherty were enjoyed by
the audience as was two well deliver
ed recitations by Clara Fields. Miss
Gussle Humphrey's kindergarten class
called forth the applause always ac
corded these little people.
Thomas Mostul, a prominent Logan
farmer was in town Wednesday after
FICE. Taxes Are Coming In at Lively Rate
Marriage Licenses and
Divorce Complaints
The courthouse is one of the busi
est places In the city this, week and
bids fair to bo by far the busiest for
some time to come. A largo number
of persons are coming In daily to pay
their taxes, and the number Is in
creasing. '
The county clerk's eCleo lud a good
run all day Thursday and being St.
Valentine's day more marriage li
censes were Issued thun usual. Three
licenses were Issued and the parties
immediately sought tho proper per
sons to legally bind them togetherfor
the remulnder of tnclr lives. There
Is no doubt that the question of the
day, "Will you be my valentine?" was
duly considered. There were only
two dissatisfied parties who sought
the office to file complaints for di
vorce. The recorder's office has received
n large and up tvdate book shelf and j
case which will Immediately be placed than an Independent company was
within the vault. The shelf will be, putting In an opposition Kwer plant,
used to store away a large number The Portland General Electric com
of the books and records that up to j pany, however, has given out that it
this time had to be placed in any old Is one if M new ventures and that
corner. The new look case, is a com
bination shelf and drawer case and
will make room for 30 largo record
books besides having 48 drawers for
papers and deeds.
The county court room has also been i
a ousy place as tne room lias been t
used for the last three days by the i
County School Superintendent to hold
the teachers' examinations. Tho ex
aminations were completed Friday af
Following are additional proceed
ings In the circuit court in addition
to the cases already mentioned:
Arnaud vs. Arnaud; W. H. P.ell vs.
Clara C. Bell; Mlndella Freundenthal
vs Berhard Freundenthal: Leona
n,Ira v. VrnnW !!r!,,.r C 1.
Mason vs. Julia Mason; A. A. Dicker
son vs. C. D. Dlckerson: l.ola Stroun
vs. Elmer N. Stroup; Bertha B. Held
vs. John Field; A. M. Gardner vs. D.
W. Gardner; Pearl W. Smith vs. Wal
ter E. Smith; Nellie Mullen vs William
The case of R. L. Sabln vs. Charle
Rusk and Cora Rusk was decided
against the defendants who were each
ordered to pay the sum of f 29G.fG and
Interest on same. Defaults were or
jdered drawn in the divorce cases of
II. K. Billings vs. Kate RUIIng; W. O.
McKown vs. A. McKown; and H. R. Matheson has been on tho county pau
Koen vs. Anna Koen. ; per llHt for the last ten years and al-
Tho court granted Mlndella Freund-
enthal the right to resume her maiden
name of Mlndella llarwood and also
to Iiertha Reld her former name, Her-
tha B. Dancer. .
Mary E. Courvllle as plaintiff has
filed a complaint for a divorce suit
against Oliver L. Courvllle. The two
Rapid changes of temperature are hard
on the toughest constitution.
The conductor passing from the heated
Inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature
of the platform the canvasser spending an
hour or so in a heated building and then
walking against a biting wind know the
difficulty of avoiding cold.
Scoit'j? Emulsion strengthens the
body so that it can better withstand the
danger of cold from changes of temperature.
It will help you to avoid taking cold.
were married at Plains, Motitanu,
July 2, moil, Tho plaintiff atutes that
the husband has been an habitual
drunkard from the beginning of their
married life ami that ho rendered her
life very burdensome, lie often times
made threats to kill her and abused
her continually. There are two child
ren as tho result of the union, Harris
Oliver C'ourvlllo aged 9 years and De
lia Fay Courvllle aged 7 years,
On June 15, 1902. the plaintiff states
that tho defendant threw a loaded re
volver at her while ho was about to
kill his brother. She was forced to
leave her husband on account of the
cruel treatment and so came to Port
land, where she earned her living for
the last three years.
She begs tho court to grant her a
decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony between them also asks for tho
custody of the children.
George J. Moody has Instituted a
suit In the circuit court for a divorce
from Myra 1.. Moody on the ground of
cruel and Inhuman treatment. They
were married at Oak Grove April 17,
llitS. He states that the wife has
been cruel and has abused him and
that since July 18. 1905. Bhe had
nothing whatever to do with him. She
desired that he would go away and
would not let him sit at tho same
table with ber.
An electric power plant that will he
a duplicate of the one now being com
pleted at Caitadero, Is to be built two
and a half miles further up the Clack
amas on the Unbelt place. Ex coun
ty surveroy, John W. Meldrum has
been doing the engineering work at
the new location, and It was reported
It will furnish !.".tu)o horse power, the
duplicate capacity of the Car.adero
Justice of the Peace I.lvy Stlpp of
flclntcd at two marriage ceremonies
Thursday which united the lives of
i Leuella Helen Korsbee and Victor II
I Fritz. Sn.l!" P.rlggs and L. H. Hrls-
I blue. The young people sought the
I Justice as soon as tho marriage II
i cense had been secured. Mr. Hrlsblne
lives eat of the city, his grandfather
hidng an eurly pioneer of this section.
Tho other contracting parties were
unknown to the justice.
Special to Dally Star.
New York, Feb. 15. Tho total
I deaths reported 8S th.
result of the
! Larchmont disaster. Vie steamer going
aground along Hock Island Is l."9
r irty-nve noiiies nave been wentmcd
nnd 87 are missing. Vigorous lnvcs
ligations will he Instituted as to the
icausH of disastrous collision between
I me i wo vessels, some oi mo escapeu
, i"""""' ' -'r -'"..: .... wv
"',rt ot lhG cnl,taln th ofTlcers-
E. Matlioson was brought before tho
county examining board Friday after
noon and examined, for insanity.
though getting well along In years has
never attempeted to do a bit of work.
Six years ago lie was sent to the state
hospital for the Insane but was soon
1 permitted to go hack to his home. The
board found, that the man was sane
anfl Instead of being sent to Salem
will go to tho county poor farm again.
I BOO. AND $1.00.
2,000 miles of long dis
tance telephone wlro In
Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and Idaho now in
operation ly the l'aciflo
Station Telephone Com
lttr.y, covering 2,250
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the' wiiisfiuition of a
personal communication,
l'islanoe no ellect to a
clear -Understanding. Hjk
kano and Han Francisco
n PiiHlly heard us Port
land. -Oregon City ofllcr t
llurdiiiir's J)rur Stow
When you require an Abstract of Title
to lands In Clackamas County, have
It accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company Incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates' ar
reasonable, We Invito you to Di
amine our complete set of Abstract
Hooks. I
tiOfl- COS Chamber of Commerce Hide.,
Money to loan ou Clackamas County
Oregon City;
Will practice In all courts of the statt
Office In Caufleld Building.
ht too.l Hit I r f..r ovrr y ',
lei mir i'.!t tnlhr Ira t. 1 tirif nWoluie
rrttalntv of r'uwlh. their Mttrmttmonty
tffc ) Irl.l. uf itrlU'lou. .ri-rlot !r Bll t
Im-hiiHIiiI 1'n.rn. make Ihrm t'tr punt
rrlit.lile .Hi the nio.l pniuilir cny. ft
wlirrr MiM lv nil i Jitl Jf 1
. lMrd Annul free ou itwt, f J
il. KRKV CO.,
(k.MI. Mich.
W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V.
Crsdu'tc of the Ontario Vcleil
imry Collrjjc of Toronto. Canada,
and the McKlltip .School f
Surgery of Chicago, ha locattd
Ort-gon City and ratablinhrd sn
office at The fashion Slahlra,
f-rveiith Street ncr.r Main,
Both lele(houc.
I Parmer' ij Main 131 1
In all li iiArt,
Ely's Cream Balm
CU-aikM, moUiM and hrala
ths dlx-Mi-d niemlirna
Il CttrrtcaUrth and dfira
awijr a suld la tin boad
Cream Ilalm U placed Into tha D'ultila, apreads
over Ilia niemtirnna and la aWrtm). Itellef I lu
mcilnto and a eiira follows. It la not drylntf does
Dot produce, neezlnii. I-artfC Hlx. (W ccuU at Vruf
(l.l or lijf mall ; Trial Him, 1') cunu.
KI.T llltOTHEWH, M War-en Street, New York
Private Money to Loan
I have private parties with tho fol
lowing amounts to loan on real estate:
yi roM jurj
Parties Amount. Time.
I innno.00 B to 10 years
1 $4500.00 3 to G years
2 $3500.00 1 to 3 years
5 $1SD0.00 5 years
8 $ C00.00 1 to 3 years
15 $ 300.00 2 to 4 years
25 $ 100.00
f 200.00 1 to 6 yours
Interost at 6 per cent and your own
time for repayment. '
Also a little Chattel money at 8 nor
Will buy notes and mortgagos.
Also own Oregon City property to
trade for country land.
Will look up titles to land frci If
trade Is made.
Own 3 lots, house, barn and chljken
park at Willamette, for sale cheap on
No real estato agent to Interfere.
If Interested call, write or phone,
Stevens Building. ' Oregon City,
When you buy
you want
and long
These nnd manv
other good points
&re combined In
Ttbu wvn"t afford
to buy any other