f OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1907. TOWN AND BRIEF BITS OF NEWS, PERSONAL CITY, CLACKAMAS COINTY AND A. Knapp returned Tuesday evening from a visit to Salem. W. H. Handle, of Sprlngwater, was In town Wednesady morning. Mr. and Mrs. D. II. I-ooney from Molalla, ycstortia. we; Samuel Elmer, a well-known Clarkes j farmer, was in the city Tuesday after- j noon. A. E. Cohoon of the government for estry department, was up from Port land, Tuesday afternoon. H. W. Trembath is at Salem looking after the interests of fishermen in legislative enactments. William Kulnke, one of the old time faremrs of Needy precinct, was in Oregon City Tuesady evening. William Stakely left this morning for Wainie, Wasco county, where he will make some improvements on his homestead. J. Do renins in from Redland Tues day afternoon, reported that the witer in the roads had dried up leaving them in fairly good condition. M. A. Magone went to Salem Tues day evening, where he will represent the interests of fishermen at the leg islative session. S. M. Buchanan of Hubbard, who had been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Elsie Snyder on the West Side, return ed home Tuesday evening. D. Harms, of Macksburg, in town yesterday evening, reported that sev eral hop growers were adding to the extent of their yards. ! Captain J. T. Apperson, member of the finance committee of the board of regents of the state agriculaural col lege, returned from a visit to Cor vallis, Tuesday evening. E. P. Dodge of Dodge & Sons' shing le mill at Meadowbrook, in town ; yesterday afternoon, reported that the i shingle mill would soon start up again. It has been closed down for some time j on account of continued interference of high water in the Molalla. The i Dodges formerly shipped out many j shingles by rail, but the increased lo cal demand now takes the entire out put. The mill has a capacity of 23, 0'0 feet daily. Councilman and Mrs. John McKie St. Helens were visitors in Oregon ! City yesterday afternoon. Mr. McKie 1 is a prominent rock block contractor, and supplies many of the stone pav- ing blocks used in Portland. He stat ed that the new court house at St. j Helens was almost completed. It is ! built out of stone taken out of the 1 ground a short distance from the ; court house site. ine uswaiu furniture .Manutactur- ing company has a force of men repair- ing the damages made by the recent flood. However this does not inter- fere with the operation of the machin ery and the factory is running continu ally. Some fishermen's boats were fastened under the finishing depart ment of the building over the water and driftwood gathered causing some of the piles to become loosened and seriously damaging that part of the structure. As none of the machines were in this part of the structure it did not materially interfere with the operation of the plant. New piles are being driven and the damages will soon be repaired. The regular quarterly examination of applicants for teachers' certificates began at the court house Wednesday morning. The board of examiners consists of County Superintendent Zinser, T. J. Gary of West Oregon City schools and L. A. Reed of the Parkplace schools. A force of men are working on the dock of the Oregon City Transporta tion company, which was demolished by the high waters of the flood. The upper deck of the dock, which is used Wholesale or retail at COST, my entire stock of goods at Arcade Racket Store. Counters, Show Cases and Shelving, everything goes. Bargains for everybody. Also some Hooszhold Gocds. Come and get Prices. 606 Main St., Oregon City, Ore. W. L. STULTS COUNTRY AND UENERAL, OP OR BOON THB WILLAMETTE VALLEY during the high water, was washed I from Its foundation, leaving the name 'in a very dangerous condition. The 'upper dock has been entirely torn out ,and temporary Improvements will be j nine ads the city Intends to grade. Eighth street. The change will make U1 considerable difference to the dock on : trance front Kighth street. Real Estats Transfers. Mary L. Steel John Cower and and James Steel to Jennie Cower, lot 5, Klsley; $500. Adolph D. E. Elmer and Emma El mer to D. II. Loonel, i 8 interest in 160 acres in II. B. Jackson DLC. 15 si and 2e; $1500. John Gaffney to William S. May in Wm. Holmes DLC, in sec. 5, "s-2e, i acre; $115. Fora n. Clark and John M. f iark, Laura L. Browiileo, Mary O. Rinehart and John Rinehart to Eva E. Craft and Daniel C. Scott, undivided 3-5 in terest tu part DLC Abel Mattoon and wife. 100 acrestli also fractional part of claim 50, 1 acre; jlSOO. Adellied Lehman to Bernard M. Flsch, part Lot Whit comb DLC No. ls-le; ?1. Bernard M. Fisch and Linda to Adelhied Lehman, part Lot Flsch Whit- comb DLC, No. OS, ls-le; $1. James McGill to Mrs. Amanda J. Choate, 'part of sec 30, ls-le, 7 1-2' acres, also in sec 29 and 30, 4s-le, 10 acres; $1500. W. H. Lang and Celia Lang to D. B. Kelly, part of J. P. Eagan DLC, sec. ", 2s-2e, 4.22 acres; also In John D. Garrett DLC, 2s-2e, 21.30 acres; also all property of Lang Flume and Pow er company; $1500. O. Paul Roethe anl Carrie Roethe to John G. Roethe. 10.061 acres of Chas. Risley tract; $150. Lorrin H. Andrews and Martha E. Andrews to Charles retvy Andrews, part Stephen II. Walker DLC. 2sle. 71.14 acres; also in Walker DLC right of way 20 feet wide. Nelson MeConnell to James MeCon nell. Eva MeConnell, Clyde MeConnell and Clarence MeConnell, ne of ne of sec 9, and nw of nw of sec 10, 8 acres; aiso part se of sec 4, 9.Co acres; also strip 20 feet wide, SO yards long on (north line of nw of ne sec. 9; and 5 ! acres in sec. 3 in sw; all being situ- latt.,1 In ".1,... 1 Jacob S. McConib and Eveline Mc- j Combe to Joseph McCombe, all of lot ;i, blk. 2G in Central Add to Oregon jCity; $500. Benjamin Wolfer and Julia D. Wol ; fer to George, E., Charles E., and j James F. Oglesby, beginning nw cor- , ner of 10-arre tract sen 0 4s.1o 1, a,. -rn S. O. Dillman and Ednetta Chase : Dillman to G. 0. Molin, all of lots 12 !and 13 in blk. 7. Falls View add to Oregon City; $1.00. Hubert Engle and Hattie Engle to P. C. Miller, w half of nw of sec. 35. s-2e, fqt. o. $000. C. R. Hougham and C. B. Houcham to J. W. Ebner, half of nw and n half of ne of sec 4, Gs-le; $1000. v.'. S. Hurst and Amelia t James McGill, part of 4s-le, 7 1-2 acres; $500. Albert France to Wilson M. Hurst sec. 30, R. Snook and Frances Caroline Snook, sec 1, 3s-le, part of M. M. McCarver DLC, No. 41, 28 acres; $3100. Estray Notice. Oak Grove, Jan. 14. Taken estray, one small hornless, solid red cow. No marks. S. L. Casto, P. 0. address, Creighton, Oregon. Il-t3 Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Herman Liesman, ha3 been aopoiiit 'd Administrator of the estate; of Henry Dieckman. deceased, by the Honorable County Court of Clacka mas County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same for payment with proper vouchers to the above named H. I.iesinan, at his home in Frog Pond, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated February the fuh, 1907. H. LIESMAN, I Administrator of the estate of II. jDieckrnan, deceased. 10t5. I Notice of Final Account. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of John Kennedy, deceased, has filed ! in the county court of Clackamas SAI county, Oregon, his ilnnl account aa such administrator and that the 19th day of March, 1007 at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day him been by the County Court fixed as the time for hearing objections to said report and the settlement thereof. 4 D. D. JACK. Administrator of flio estate of John Kennedy, deceased. First publication, February 15, 1907. Last Publication, March 15, 1!07. A. H. Mendenhall, Attorney for ad ministrator. ! SUMMONS. ! In the Circuit Court or the State of OrcKon for Clackamas Count v. Minnie M. Hoiiehtlln. Plaintiff. vs. Eugene Houghtlln. Defendant. To Eucene HoiiL'htlln. the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon! you are hereby required to appear and answer the eonmhilnt tiled against ' you 111 the above entitled suit on or before the Soth day of March. 1007. and If you fall to so appear and aim- wer for want thereof the plaint Iff will apply to said Court fur the relief de manded In her complaint, to-wlt: For the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff and for her costs and disbursements In this suit, and for such further relief ns to the Court may seem meet. This summons Is published for six consecutive weeks by order of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcltrlde, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County, made ami entered on the Mil dav of February. 1907. First publication February 15, 1907. Last publication March 29, 1907. MAC MAIION and McDF.VlTT. Attorney fur Plaintiff. Portland, Oregon. 10t7. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon In and for the County Clackamas. George Nilson, Plaintiff, vs. JulU Rosalind Nilson. Defendant. To the above named defendant Ju- lia Rosalind Nilson; In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 29th dav of March l'.b7. ami if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take decree against you for the relief pray ed for in the complaint herein filed, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defen dant be dissolved and that the plain tin have judgment from the defen dant for the costs and disbursements of this suit, anil for such other and further relief as to the Court apppears just, equitable and meet. This summons is published by or der of Hon. Thomas A. McHrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court, duly made, signed and filed on the 9th day of February, 1907, which order specilled the time for answering the complaint herein as the 29th day of March, 19o7, and the first publication of summons Is made upon the 15th , day of February, l:o7. RALPH E. MpODY, ! Attorney for Plaintiff. 10t7 l SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon for Clackamas County. Oi'fgon & California Railroad Com pany, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Peter Gabriel, S. A. I) Puter and Ed ward O. Jones, Defendants. To Peter Gabriel and Edward (!. Jones, Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby summoned and re quired to appear in the above entitled court and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last, date deseribled in theorder for publication of sum mons, to-wlt, the 1st day of April, 1907 and if you fail to so appear or ans wer the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the com plaint herein against you. The re lief demanded In the complaint Is a judgment and decree of this court quieting title of the plaintiff against the defendants as to the Northeast quarter (NE'4) of Section twenty nine (29), Township four (1) South of Range six (0) East of the Willam ette Meridian; and thereby remove from said property the cloud created by the fact that the defendant Peter Gabriel heretofore made an alleged and pretended homestead application for said real property and thereafter executed an alleged and pretended deed of conveyance to the defendant, S. A. D. Puter of the said real proper- WtffiW""'T',t '' '-J1 A OELIGHTFUL BEVERACE, A SAFE STIMULANT. A GOOD MEDICINE. For sale Ly E. Matthles. ty and that thereafter S. A. D, Puter ' imwle. an alleged and pretended deed of conveyance to the defenadut Kd- Uvnrd G. Jones of the said real proper ty and decreeing Nald deeds to be null and void and of no effect and enjoin- , In and restraining the defendants and ench of them from asserting or j claiming any right, title or Interest In or to said real property by virtue jof said deeds and for such other and further relief as may bo deemed prop- , or In tjto premises, ) This summons Is published In pur suance of the order of the Hon. Giant pi. Dlmlck, Judge of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the 12th day of I February. 1!M7. and the date of " the first publication thereof is the 15th tlll - v of February.. 1007. JOHN K. KOI. LOCK. 1 't 7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. ,m" ("'cult Court of the State of Oregon fr Clackamas County, C. Olson, Plaintiff, VS. Itortle Olsen, Defendant. To Bertie Olsen, defendant above name. I: In the niiino of the State of Oregon you are required to appear and ans wer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the ;:nth day of March, 1!'07, that being the date tlxod by the Court for such app''aranco or answer in and by the order of the Court for publication of tills summon, and if oii fall so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to wit: For 11 decree dissolving the niarriue contract now existing be tween the plaintiff and defendant nnd to allow her to ivsumo her former name of Annie C. Frnger. and for such oth.-r relief as to the Court may seem meet and Just. Tills summons Is to be published In the urcgon I Ity hnterprlse fer met less than once a week for six consec - tithe weeks prior to said ;'.( li day of! March. I'.in7. by order of Ibe llonora- j Ide Thomas A. Mcltrlde, Judge of na!d court, made and entered on the i:;t!i , day of February. 19i7. first Insertion li hru.iry l .tb, l'."7, last Insertion March 29th, F.m7. T. II. MeHKVITT. Attorney for Plaintiff. I CSosSno Out Only Four Weeks more of our great closing out s.ile. We make prices so low that our stock will be reduced in the quickest possible time. H you wish to share in these wonderful reductions you must hasten as only -1 weeks more remain of this great sale. Good Figured Calico can be bought for during our closing out sale yard Best 7c yard Apron Gingham during our closing out sale, price, yard.... Regular me and 12c and Insertions now yard Torchon laces being sold at Boys' and at . . . . Girls' 15c Hose now Outing Flannel 8c grade, during sale yal Men's 50c Underwear, Shirts and n Drawers, garment during sale J J w Men's Iiest 50c Work Shirts ,saln M ice v) C Men's President Suspenders, regular n 50c value closing out price )jC Women's Black Fleeced Hose 20c val ue, sale price pair Women's Shoes, viol kld. Blucher cut, r $1.75 and $2.00 grades closing out l II price at yUU? Women's 50c Rubbers, high cut priced at pair ) Best L. L. Domestic 30 inches wide r,i2c quality during closing out. sale ( yard V 4 To appreciate of Suspension Bridge Corner SUMMONS. in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clnoka man. Ella 13. Williams, riulntlff, vs. George Rlnonrson, Edward 11. Illnear noil, Emma RlneniMon Freytng, Jac ob It. Kliiearsou. Abraham L. Kin enrson, Isitne Itlnenrson, Peter M. Utncnrson, Frank Ulneai'Moii, Kliiearsou, Ida Pulleii, lthetla l'ul len, E, G. Cautleld, John T. Hall, W. T. Iluiiie, J. 0, Morelund mid J. Po llvkn, Defendants. To George Rlueursou, Edward II. Itlnenrson. Jacob II. Rliicm'soti,, Abra ham L. Ittiiotti'soii, Isaac Itiuearsoti, Frank lllnearson. Rlneitrson, Ida Pollen, lthetla Pillion nnd W. T. Hume, defendants herein. In the name of the Stale of Oregon: You ami each of you are hereby required to appear In the above entitled Court on the First day of the term of the said Court to be begun and held next after the expiration of hIx weeks from the dale of the publication of this summons, and you will take notice that If you fall to appear and answer Ibe coin plait llled against you In the above en titled suit on or before the llrst day of said term of nald Court, then the plaintiff herein will apply to the Court j for the relief demanded In the com I plaint lu this suit, which Is for the re ! forming of a deed made by P, M. Kin 1 cm-son ami Isabella ItlneuiSoll. his wife, to C. C. Williams on the 2nd day of October, ISS'.I, so as to make the de scription In said deed rend: running thence North .".0 dog. 14 mill. West etc Instead of running thence North :;o den. II mill East etc as dccrlhcd therein. Tills summon Is published by the order of the Hon. Grant B. Dltnlck, Judge of (he (Vtiuty Court of the Slate of Oregon fur the County of Clackamas, made February 11th, 19ti7, the I bin. T. A. Mclirble, .indue of the above entitled Court being absent ! f rum 1 1 I said County of Chicltiiinu. THOS. F. RYAN. put llsh - Attorney for Plaintiff, time Feb. LMh I97. d llrst SUMMONS. Ii, the Circuit of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Oregon & California Railroad Com pany, a corporation, plaintiff, XING GREAT Men's I'lilaundei-ed Shirts, pure linen bosoms, sold regularly at 5c at closing out price 5c Best 2"c Table sub- yurd . ! 5c priced 7!c Men's $2n to $25 nt Men's $15 to closing out Men's $10 to closing out Hoys' Heavy entire line 10c lens what it means to purchase goods at cost less is to come and lliia v. Nils Mlko Walneo, 8, A. D. Puter, Richard 15. Moss ami 10. (1, Jones, Defendants, To Nil Mike Wntnee, Richard K. Moss and 10. G. Jones: liefelidiilils. In the name of the Hlalo of Oregon: You nro hereby Hiiiiinintied and re quired to appear In Hut above entitled court and answer thn complaint filed against you In the above enlltled suit on or before the (Into last do scribed In the order fur publication of summons, to wit: on or before the 1st day of April, 1907. and If you fall to appear or answer, the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for thn relief demand ed In the complaint tiled herein against you, The relief deiiHiiided In the com plaint Is a judgment and decree of this court quieting tllln of the plain airr against the dcfeudim! to Iho Southeast quarter (SK'il of Section Iweiilynlne (2IU, Township four (41 South, Range six (ti) Fast of the Wil lamette Meridian; tluit there be re moved from said property the cloud created by the fuel that the defendant Nils Mike Walneo heretofore, made an alleged and pretended homestead ap plication for said real properly and thereafter executed tin alleged and pretended deed of conveyance to tllil defendant S A. I. Puter of the said real properly and Hint there after S. A. D. Paler made an alleged and pro tended deed of conveyance to lint de fendant ',. G. Jones of the wild leal properly and that thereafter the do feudal)! E. G. Jolies executed nil al leged hud pretended deed of convey ance of the said real property to the defendant Richard E, Moss and de creeing said ileedii to he null mid void and of no effect nod enjoining and re straining the defendants and each of them from asserting or claiming any right, tide or Interest In or to (be said real propel ly by virtue of nald deeds and for such oile r nnd further relief as may be deemed puopcr In the prein l-.es. This summons Is published lu pur suance of the order of the lion. Grant II Dlmlck, Judge of thn Cotiuly Coiiit of Cbickani.is County, Oregon, duly made nn I entered on the r.'th day of February. 1 'M7, and I he dale of thn first publication lo-i f Is the .',ii day of February. 19"7. JOHN K. KOI.LOCK. im7 Attorney for Plaintiff. Sale 33c Oil Cloth during this KC Hulls now "Ing sold $16.95 $11.25 $7.95 33 $10,50 Worsted Suits, price $11.50 Suits your choice price Cotton now off Sweaters. Our red at price of Suits Men's 25c Neckwear, your pick dor- n Ing sale I JjC Best 75c Quality Bleached Sheets go n -v 59c Hoys' KneoVnnts, to close out at, 50c 1 iialily, now Our 05c grade being sold at 75c. Quality offered at ,""5C MEN'S PANTS. $5.00 duality at. prices of $3.65 $1.50 Grade, to close nt $3.35 J $:!.50 Quality, closing out. price .... $2.35 Men's 15c wool socks, (dosing out price, QC see 7th and Main Sts. Oregon City, Ore. s