OREGON CITV ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1907. LOCAL NEWS IC. N, Stroup, a well known Aurora Imp grower, was In town TuoHduy. MImh Mabel Htluglcy of ICiikIo Crook In visiting relatives horo. (I. W. Dlmli'k of Hubbard will nd di'i'Hn Mllwauklo grange Hiiliinliiy af ternoon on IIki cnro of fruit trnM, V. 1. l.lndsloy, of LlndHloy & Sons'1 sawmill, near Cnrus, was In town, Monday iifliiriioon, W. II. Young, now a sawmill opera tor In tho Knglo Crceg country wax In town Monday. (', C. Molson, n wi'll known Needy product resident, In town Tuesday, reported tlmt tlii. IIooiIh hud ilonu no damage In lliul Modioli. Jink GrlndstafT of Klwood In town Moinliiy, reported that Hot a trace of niiow was visible In tliu mountains f i in his lociillly, Since tint wntcr has reached n low er stage Hi" fishermen am beginning li) take Htoclhoiid salmon. They ar now w'lliiiK for 12 12 rents per pound In tho local retail markets. Mr. Agnes M. Crawford, a pioneer of lxr.fi, burled at lluttevlllo, Sunday, was the mother of Mm. J. It. Shaw of Oregon City, The deceived wn a native of ('Hindu and 75 year old. A, J. Elliott and O, Thouia were Klvcn a hearing Monday afternoon bo fore the Jtmtie court on the rhnrgo of disturbing a meeting at Heaver Creek Saturday. They pleaded guilty and Justice; Htlpp fined Elliott $10 and TIllllllBH f'JU. Mrs. K. A. Eddy and little nelce, j Melha, of Tniiliiiln canto Mouady to ' visit Mm. Eddy's sister. Mm. I). C. ! Fly. Minn Gladys Itryom, who l'n boon yIhIMiik her iiunt for several week re turned homo with them TuoHday. section with Mohh aired.; thenon cnntorly along thu Mouth lino of Mohh street to thu cast lino of Main Htreet; thence southerly along the. cunt lino of Main Klreet to thu north linn of Sev enth Hired, thence easterly along tho north lino of Seventh atrnnt to tho went IIihj of llluff atrcet; thonco Moutherly uIouk I ho weMt lino of llluff utroct to tho aouth lino of Seventh Htreet; thence woHlerly along tho Mouth linn of Seventh Htreet to tho cunt lino of Main street; theiico Houtherly along the east lino of Main Htreet to a point directly cunt of tho point of beginning; thonco woHterly to tho place of beginning; and the hiiiiio Is herein culled "Hiild illHtrlct." Section 2, Any person, linn, com pany or corporation now ownlnK or operating any audi wire or cables on or over which dectrlo current Ih trans uilltod or iihoiI (excepting only said exempt wire) la Hiild district under tho preneiit charter of Hiild city of Or of.' mi 'II y or under any frunchlHo or fninchlHe In actual uno or enjoyment heretofore given or granted by the City of Oregon C'lty (and Including hiioIi fninchlHe a are now owned, lined or enjoyed by an nMslguoo or as signees of tho original grantee or grantees thereof), may (Ho with tho Recorder of tho City of Oregon City a written application for apace, In part of Htreet In said illHtrlct, for mich conduit or subways and for wire, cnhlcH and appliance to ho placed therein. Buch application ahall ha tiled at any time after Iho tlino this or-dlniiii'-o I passed by tho Council of Hiild City of Oregon City. Any corpor ation may make such application by signing the muni) In It corporalo name by It l'reitldcnt, a Vlco-1'resl- or auhwayM, anil tho laying of wire, cable, and appliance therein and tho building of niau noioa or servlcflboxoa' underground. Each auoh permit shall have preference according to tho or dor In which each audi application and bond aro (Hod, a hereinbefore provided, and no audi permit ahull bo given, nor ahall any auch permit al low nor glvo a right to Interforo with or chango any apace so doalgnatod and having precedence a aforesaid, or any audi prior permit, or any con duit, HubwuyM, wlrca, cable, ap pliance, man hole or aervlco lioxoa, coiiHtructed or laid or to bo coiiHtruct ed or laid under uny other permit or right to coiiHtruct fir lay audi under ground conduit, Miibway, wlrca, cable, appliance, man hole or aer vlco boxe having priority thereto by reiiHon of auch proforonco. Section 0, Such perHon, firm, com pany or corporation, to whom auch a permit ahall bo given a aforcnald, without unnoccHHary delay (after auch conduit or Hiibway aro laid and con Htructed and tho man hole and under ground aervlco boxe coiiHtructed and tho wire, cable and appliance placed In auch conduit or aubwayH) ahall put tho aurfaco of tho part of atreetH In which audi conduit and Hiibway aro eoimtructed (caiiHd by audi count ruction) In a good onU;r and condition a aald purl of the aur faco of aald atreet wero prior thereto. Section 7. All excavation, for the purpimo of placing wl;-en, cable, con duit and MUbway under tho atreet In a!d dim rid, h!iuI bo rnado under tho HiipervUlon of aald City Council. Tho City ICnglneer Hhall prepare and keep a uliit, Hhowlng tho location of all wire, cabin, conduit, aubwaya .. .1 I,..t,.u. .1t l...t1 .V"'1 "l h,:T'l"r.yi "f ul,",r,z : ?'f I b ope,, for lnanectlon during office hour. Permit Hhall bo IhhiiimI by thereof, and tiling tho mhmio with tho Kecorder. Thu City Council of tho City of Oregon City ahall grant auch application and Ihkuo, or ciiiiho to bo iHHued Huch permit a In thl Ordln nance provided. Section 3. On tho tiling of auch ap plication a aforcMald, huPI City Coun- ..II ..!.... .....II ... ,.......,. K....U..K 77. " notllled by the person, firm, company a provided In S-ctlon of thl Ordl- j roriH)rixuon bavlng a permit there nance Hhall doHlgnate that portion or , k iliwniT iiiiiiiiiin in rjini 11 in in7 ii in of Htreot In Hiild dlKtrlct that each I aald City Council for tho repair anil maintenance of auch conduit and aub way. All repair, addition and change, where Htreet HiirfaccH aro removed, nhall bo made under tho aupervlalon of aald City Council and It ahall bo Columbia Hook and l.ndder Com puny I making idalairato prepara tion for tho firemen' 17th annual ball, which will be held at tho armory February 22. The Aurora band baa been Hccourcd to fumlMh the ruule. The firi)ueu'a annual ball U alwny a great nodal event and tho hall la iHiuilly crowded. ORDINANCE No An ordinance requiring, directing and regulating the placing of certain electric wire, cable and appliance In underground conduit or huIiwuyh In a certain dlMtrlct or part of tiio City of Oregon City. WIIKUUAS, overhead wire and cable (and pole coiinectud thuro with) UMeil fur traninlttlng or con ducting electric current for telephone, telegraph. illHtrlct telegraph, nieanon gor, and electric HkIiI and (Miwer pur poHo. ectrlc railwaya and all other purpoHoa for which electric current U now ued (excepting only certain wire, cable, pole and appliance mentioned and apcclflod In Section 11 of thl Ordinance and hereinafter call ed "ald exempt wlrea") In tho ill trlct or part of the City of Oregon City In thl Ordinance hereinafter do crlbed ami called "Hald district, " have beconie dungerou to tho live and property of tho citizen of the City of Oregon City and tho City of Oregon City Hhontd exerclwo tho right and powprH(lncbllng what 1 known ns po lice power)' In It vented and empow ered, to caiiHo nil audi wires and cable ( except kucIi exempt w ire) to be placed underground in tho part of tho Htreet of Hald City alluuted In aald dlKtrlct; now tlvrefore, OREGON CITY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That every pcraon, firm, company or corporation now owning or operating within said dlHtrlct, ( un der any franchlao heretofore granted or given and now In actual uo or en joyment) wlroH or cable (on or over which electric current Ih tratiHtnltted or lined) for operating any overhead telephone, telegraph, district telegraph, niesnenger, or elec tric light or power wires or cables or electric railways, or wires or cables on or over which electric current Is now or may ho here after transmitted or tiHod for any purpose or purposes whatsoever, or polos, appliances or apparatus used In connection with any such wires or cables (excepting only said exempt wires) shall remove or cause to bo removed, on or before the llrst day of March, 1908, from nhovo tho Rurfaeo of tho streets, al leys, public grounds, or parts thoroof, within said district all such wires, cables, poles and appliances, and place such wires or cables In underground conduits or subways as In this Ordin ance specified; and no person, firm, company or corporation, after this Or dliiunco becomes a law, shall ho grant ed or given tho right, prlvllego, or franchlao to construct, eroct, operate, or maintain, within said district, any overhead electrical wires, polos or system for any purpose or purposes whatsoever (except only aald exempt wires). Said district In said City of Oregon City Is bounded as follows: to-wlt: Beginning on the west line of Main street Immediately south of what Is known as tho Imporinl Mill and at a point directly opposite the north end of what 1b commonly known as the basin, thonco northerly along the west line of Main street to its inter- such applicant nhall uno and each hiicIi applicant hIiuII have no right or privi lege to use any part or part of nald hi t oot k in Hald illHtrlct except a ho dcHlKUatt-d by Hald City Council. Pre cedence for auch apace (and auch per mit) shall bo given to pornona, llrms, compsiuloH or corporation now own ing or operating within Hiild district (under uny franchlo heretoforo grunt ed or given ami now In actual uno or enjoyment) wire or cables (on or over which electric current 1 trans mitted or lined) for operating any overhead teh-phono, telegraph, dis trict telegraph, moHHcriger, or electric light or power wire or cable or elec tric railway, and atrlctly according to the respective order of Illlng audi application and the bond hereinafter In thl Hi'ctl'm provided, anil the ap proval of tdd bond ahall relate back to the time of Illlng Much application, provided, however hiicIi bond shall have been duly executed and have beell delivered to said Kecorder (for approval by the Mayor of aald City of Oregon City) at tho tlmo of Illlng auch application, or prior to tho tiling of any subsequent application and not otherwise. H'lth said application Raid person, firui, company or corpor ation making and Illlng tho name snail execute a bund to the City of Oregon City In the Hum of Five Thousand Hollar ilj.imo.im) lawful money of the t'nlted States with n Surety Com pany (authorized to do business In tho State of Oregon) a surety for the proper carrying out of the provisions of this Ordinance by such person, firm, company or corporation ho executing mence; except that In case of emer gency, when service to Hubscrlbera or customer Is Interrupted by accident, ami Immediate repairs aro necessary, such repair may bo begun after notice to the City Knglneer and under his supervision without previous per mit, providing a report of tho clrcum stances, showing the urgent need of tho repair Is promptly made to the City Council by tho person, firm, com pany or corporation whoso service Is J so Interrupted. When said street surfaces Hhall ; have been restored by such person, ; firm, company or corporation as pro-' vlded iii till section of this Ordl-! nnnce, said Hum of money or certified ( cheque, ho deposited, a provided In j Section 5 of thl Ordinance, shall be i Returned to such person, firm, com-1 pany or corporation, who made auch i deposit. : Section 8. Any person, firm, com pany, or corporation owning, operat ing or using underground wires, cables, conduits or subways under this Ordinance shall be permitted to connect the same with tho side lines of the street by using auch space fori conduits or subways iir such wires or I cables and appliances under the j streets aim sidewalks from the main j conduits or subways so laid In the i parts of the Htreet of Hald district as may be necessary or convenient, and I for that purpose shall be given access to all area ways, or spaces under side walks, and shall have tho right to place and maintain such wires and fMllll.itl In llnthi.i1 ,1 It 1 1 d In a . .1 ! - 'i.'" i v-'iiimiia ill aiiu through such areas, ways and spaces. Section 9. It shall bo lawful for any person, firm, company or corpor ation using or operating (under the respective polo directly with the nearest wires or cables placed In aucb conduits or aubways (such wires for street lighting If put on tho outside of such poles shall bo placed In proper tubes so as not to bo dangerous to life or property) excepting, however, wire above ground connecting auch polo and tho wires thereof with the electric, lamp or lamps used on such polo. Second: The trolley wires and span wires of electric railways, together with tho feed tap wires connecting tho trolley wires with the under ground feeders; but all such feed tap wires above tho surface of streets Khali be placed In the Irmldo or on the outside it poles, to which span wires aro attached and shall be connected underground from tho foot or base of such respective poles directly with tho nearest wires or cables placed in such conduits or subways and If placed on the outside of auch poles, such feed tap wires shall be placed In proper tubes so as not to be dang erous to-life or property; upon leav ing tho polo above ground tho feed tap wires slall pass directly to the trolley wires by tho shortest way. Should the span wires be attached to buildings, the feed tap wires above ground shall bo placed In a properly Insulated pipe, which pipe Is to be fastened vertically to the building; upon leaving this pipe, the feed tap wires shall pans directly to the trol ley wires, by the shortest way. Third: Wires, cables and ap pliance for. electric signs, advertise ments, and decorative lighting, con nected with wires or cables In auch conduits or subways; but all auch wires for electric signs, advertise ments and decorative lighting ahall be carried from or connected with buildings, and If such wires are placed on the Hides or front of any such build ing they shall be placed In proper tub es so as not to be dangerous to life or property, and such wires ahall be con nected underground from the founda tions or basement of such respective buildings directly with the nearest wires or cables placed In such cod dult or subways. Hut no such wires for electric signs, advertisements or decorative lighting shall cross any street above ground. Fourth: Wires, cables and ap pliances for telegraph, telephone, dis trict telegraph and fire alarm system connected with wires or cables In such conduits or subways, but all such wires for tolegraph, telephone, dis trict telegraph and fire alarm system above the surface of streets shall be placed on tho sides or front of build ings in proper tubes so as not to be dangerous to life or property, and such wires shall be connected under ground from tho foundation or base ment of such respective buildings di rectly with the nearest wires or cables placed In such condluts or Hub ways. Section 12. No person, firm, com pany or corporation owning any right, privilege or franchise heretofore or hereafter given or granted by the City of Oregon City for the transmission or use of electric current by means of overhead wires or cables for any pur poao or purposes whatsoever (who or which have not yet placed, erected and operated In said district any sys tem of overhead wires or cables for tho transmission or use of electric current) ahall place over tho surface of any street or part thereof, In said district any overhead wires or cables or any poles, after the passage of this Ordinance (except aald exempt wires); but auch last mentioned per son, firm, company or corporation shall place, in said district, all and any wires or cables and appliances for the transmission or use of elec tric current In said district In under ground conduits or subways in the same manner and under the same con ditions, provisions, restrictions and exceptions, and Hhall make and file such application, bond, plans, specifi cations, map of general route, map of definite location, and deposit money with the City Treasurer, as specified and provided in Sections 2 to 11, both numbers Inclusive, of this Ordinance, relative to the persons, firms, compa nies fir corporations mentioned in said Sections 2 to 11, both numbers Inclusive, and not otherwise; and said City Council shall designate such space In the parts of streets In aald district, and Issue such permit I (according to precedence, as herein before provided) to such person, firm, company or corporation specified in this Section 12, as are provided in Sections 2 to 5, both numbers inclu sive, of this Ordinance, relative to the persons, firms, companies or cor porations mentioned in said Sections 2 to 5, both numbers inclusive, and not otherwise. Section 13. The provisions of this Ordinance Bhall inure to, apply to, and I bind the respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, of such person, persons, firms and companies' and to the respective successors and assigns of any such corporation or corporations; and to the successors of said City of Oregon City. Section H. An7 violation of the provisions of this Ordinance by any person, firm, company, or corporation shall upon conviction of him or it, bo fore the City Recorder or Mayor of the City of Oregon City, be punished, for each offense, by a fine of not less that Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Three Hundred Dol lars ($l!00.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding Ninety days, or by both such line and Imprisonment. And in addition It Is and shall be the duty of the Chief of Police of said City of Or egon City to remove or cause to be re moved from, on or over any and all parts of streets in said district all electric poles, wires, cables and ap pliances which are required to be placed In conduits, or subways, as hereinbefore provided, or are not re moved from the parts of streets in said district on or before the First day of March, 1908, (excepting, however, said exempt wires). The cost and ex pense of such removal by (or under the orders or direction of) said Chief of Police, shall be paid to the City Treasurer of said City of Oregon City by the owner of aald poles, wires, cables and appliances, and if not so paid forthwith by such owner shall be recovered from him or It by civil suit brought by and in, the name of the City of Oregon City in a court having Jurisdiction. Read first time and ordered pub lished at a regular meeting of the council of Oregon City held February Gth, 1907, at 8 o'clock p. m. By order of the council of Oregon City, V. A. DIMICK, Recorder. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup con taining Honey and Tar is especially appropriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms to the conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1906. For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It expels oughs and Colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold by Huntley Bros. Drug Store. To sleep well, read the Dally Star. AID) A )sv3 1 1 OREGON CITY'S BUSIEST STORE the same and so filing such nppllca Hon. Said bond shall bo approved by provisions of this Ordinance) electric the Mayor of aald City of Oregon City. 'wires or cables In underground con Sectlon 4. Every such person, firm, ! ,U!ta or subways, to carry such company or corporation now so ow n- j wires or cables up tho sides or front of lug or operating (or having the right, 'any building within said district, with privilege, or franchise to operate) In the consent of the owner or lessee of said dlstirct any such telephone, tele-! such building; provided, that such graph, district telegraph, messenger ; wires or cables shall be nlaced in or electric light, or kwer wires or cables, or wires or cables for tho pur pose of operating electric railways (excepting only said exempt wires) after Illlng application and executing audi bond, and prior to constructing any such conduit or subw ay or placing any such wires, rabies or appliances In such conduits or aubwnys, shall pre pare and submit for approval to tho City Council of said City, plans and specifications for system of under ground conduits or subways for elect ric wires, cables and appliances In- proper tubes so as not to bo dangerous to life or property; and no wires or supports therefor shall cross the front of any window or opening In such building. Section 10. Within ninety days after the completion of auch conduits or subways under tho provisions of this Ordinance, suh person, firm, company, or corporation so construct ing and completing such conduits or subways shall make In duplicate (and file one of said duplicates with said City Engineer and the other of said eluding the necessary man hides and , duplicates with said Recorder) a map service-boxes (situated within said district) and ahall file a map showing tho general route and location of uuch conduits or subways; and no such conduits or subways shall be constructed or construction begun thereon until such plans, specifica tions and such map of general routo are approved by the City Council. Section 5. Each person, firm, com pany or corporation so applying to place wlrea, cables, or appliances In underground conduits or subways, as hereinbefore provided, in addition to snld application, bond, plans, specifi cation and map of general route, shall deposit with tho City Treasurer of said City of Oregon City, a sulliclent sum of lawful money of the United States, lu amount as estimated by tho City Engineer of said City, necessary to defray the cost of repaying those portions of the street surface opeued for constructing such conduits or sub ways, the aald sum of money to bo for the purpose of guaranteeing and se curing the repaying of that portion of such street surfaces opened by such person, firm, company or corporation, constructing auch conduits or sub ways. A cheque payable to tho order of tho City Treasurer, duly certified by a bank satisfactory to the Mayor of tho City of Oregon City, for the amount so estimated by the city engln neer, may bo deposited and held In stead of cash money, Suld City Coun cil ahall then Issue or cause to be Is sued, a permit to such applicant grant ing the right to him or It to enter up on such streets or parts thereof In said district and to make such exca vations therein as may be nocesBary for the construction of such conduits of definite location of said conduits or subways showing the location of the same under tho streets or parts there of In said district, and also showing the location of all man holes connect ed with such conduits or subways. It shall be tho duty of the City Engineer and also of aald Recorder to record such map of deflntte location In a book kept In his olllco for such purpose and to enter In an alphabetical index the name of tho owner of such conduit or subway with reference to the volume and page whore such map of definite location Is recorded and he shall file and preserve such map among the documents of his office. Section 11 Nothing In this Ordi nance contained shall apply to wires, cables, poles or appliances, now law fully used, operated or maintained, or hereafter to be lawfully used, operat ed or maintained for any of the pur poses as specified in this section 11, and the same are the wires, cables and poles mentioned and referred to as exempt wires In other parts of this Ordinance (and such exempt wires may continue to bo used, operated and maintained notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Or dinance) to-wlt: First: Wires, poles and appliances for lighting tho streets of the City of Oregon City under contract with said City, or under private contracts, con nected with wires or cables in such conduits or subways; but all such wires for street lighting above the surface of the streets shall be placed Inside or on the outside of poles used I In connection with such street light- lng aud shall be connected under ground from the foot or base of such ' Something for Nothing If you put what money you save in a Savings Bank, or Invest It wisely in other ways, it earns from 3 to 6 per cent for you each year. What about the money you can not save that you must spend to live that brings the clothing you must have? We'll show you how to make that pay dividends. The "easy-money" medium is L. ADAMS Premium Trading Stamps It is a plain case of Something for Nothing. One of our Trading Stamps is given with eve ry ten-cent cash purchase, or ten-cent part of a purchase And when you have spent $30.00 on things you have to have, you will possess 300 stamps one book which you can exchange for a high-class premium not a cheap, shoddy souvenir, but a useful ornament a luxury which will set off your home. More than one book means premiums of greater value. 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"1S47" Silver Plated Knives and Forks 3 Books One Silver Tinted Nut Set l Book One Child's Set Comb and Brush 1 Book One Gold Plated Clock l Book One Nickel Watch, guaranteed time keeper l Book One English Semi-porcelain Toilet Set, 10 Pieces 2 Books Salad Sets of 7 pieces, rich decorations 2 Books Salad Sets of 7 pieces, bowl, 6 saucers , .1 Book Sets of 6 Genuine French China Plates, Havlland make l Book One Havlland French China Chop Dish 1 Book One "Near Cut" Glass set, 13 pieces ..1 Book One Lemonade Set with Tray 1 Book Chocolate Set, 14 pieces 1 Book One Guitar; elegant finished and perferct tone 4 Books One Banjo; professional size and quality 4 Books One Violin, very sweet tone and perfect ""tsh 4 Books One Mandolin, perfect in tone and quality 4 Books Books .2 Books Books Books Book One Parlor Clock guaranteed time-keeper s..3 One Carving Set, extra quality steel, 3 pieces One Carving Set, extra quality steel, 2 pieces , 1 Book One Single Barrel Shot Gun 3 One 22-Calibre Rifle, "Stevens" 3 One Carpet Sweeper, best make, "Mon arch" 1 One Split Bamboo Fishing Pole 1 Book One Split Bamboo Fishing Pole 2 Books Genuine Bromley Axminister Rug, Orien tal patterns, 30x00 2 Books Fifty-four piece Dinner Set, Best Eng- .. lish make, semi-porcelain, richly- decorated. 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CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. BEST OF HAVILAND CHINA WARE GIVEN AWAY PREMIUM