Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 15, 1907, Image 2

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Attorney Howard M. Prownell of ! him right away. Ho could have pick
Astoria, who has been spending a few led him from a largo crowd of men.
The Misses Fannie and Kate Porter
went to Fortlaml, Saturday morning.
Milton Trice went up to Salem to
Bpend Sunday with friends.
W. V. Bradley, of Beaver Creek,
was in the city Friday afternoon.
H. 0. Inskeep, the sage of Carus,
was In town, Friday.
Representatives Huntley and Camp
bell returned from Salem on Friday
August Staehley, a well known New
Era farmer, was In Oregon City, Fri
day afternoon.
J. L. Mattocks, a well known New
Era farmer, was In Oregon City, Fri
day afternoon.
W. S. U'Ren returned from Salem
Friday where he has been actively In
terested In some legislative matters.
Miss Frances myers of the Eastham
school, spent Saturday and Sunday In
Mrs. Pope and daughter, Miss Lau
ra, were Portland visitors, Saturday
Mrs. L. L. Pickens entertains a
number of friends at bridge whist this
Ex-Representative Paulsen of
George precinct was In Oregon City,
'A. A. Webster, who has been in Sa
lem, looking after the position of Fish
"Warden, has returned to Oregon City.
H. A. Ajidrewse of Concord, was In
town Saturday. He has rented out his
farm and 13 now taking a course in
the study of medicine.
weeks at Salem, returned Saturday.
The women of Abornethy Kiause
are making preparations fer a valen
tine social to be given at the grange
hall on the evening of February 14.
The Uniform Rank of the Woodmen
of the World will hold another of their
social dances in the Armory hall this
Rev. and Mrs. l.andsborough entor
talned a number of teachers Friday
evening very pleasantly at tholr home
on Jefferson street.
W. F. Haw-ley, manager of the
Crown-Columbia paper mills, and a
resident of West Oregon City, has
made three big purchases of real es
tate In East Fortland.
Rev. Kraxberger has besun the In
struction of catechisms preparing
for confirmation which will take place
on Tentecost Sunday. Rev. Kraxberg
er has a good class.
The name of Miss Morleta Hickman
was left out from the program of the
county teachers' institute on Thurs
day afternoon. Miss Hickman render
ed a very pleasing piano selection, the
"Song of the Brook."
Benjamin Irwin of Mtlwaukte, In
town Saturday, stated that the resi
dents of that city have all kinds of
lumber plied up, gathered from the
high tide of the passing flood In the
William Stone, a prominent Viola
precinct farmer, was In town Satur
day. Mr. Stone stated that J. Cooper,
recently of Alberta, Canada, had pur
chased the Dew place, and will take
possession about February 20t2i.
Estacada Grange will give a basket
social and entertainment March2, and
W. W. H. Samson has received an In
vitation to be the auctioneer. He says
that he will serve without compensation.
J. E. Siefer, road supervisor of the
Damascus district, filed his monthly
T. M trcw. f tho, nlanV rnnfl repon ua me cumuuasiuuer a cuu.i
was down town enjoying the sunshine jFriday- Some Important Improvements
The authorities have since boon work'
Ing to find track of him as they have a
good description, but tho thief seems
to have vanished.
A. Deute of this city, who works In
the factory, has found two razors on
the railroad track. The razors are
supposed to have boon Btolon by the
man who robbed tho Kochor store at
Canby last week, and wore no doubt
lost In tho tussle that occurred In the
got away.
Chautauqua work U progressing
slowly so far as the rest of the attrac
tions go for the coming session, al
though within a week Secretary Cross
will be able to give out the list of the
large and Inducing attractions which
are to be placed on tho program. This
work Is slow aso the local secretary
has to confer by mall with the secre
taries of the other four assemblies
on the coast.
Mr. Cross said Saturday morning
the $2330 had already boon subscrib
ed of the needed $3000 for Incorpora
tion and that It would only bo a short
time before the necessary notice of
30 days would bo published calling
for the first meeting of tho new Wil
lamette Valley Chautauqua Association.
Saturday after a month's siege in
doors with la grippe.
The regular quarterly teachers' ex
amination will convene at the court
bouse next Wednesday.
Andrew Kocher, the Canby hard
ware and implement merchant, was
in Oregon City, Friday.
VT. A. Shaver, the upper Molalla
bee farmer, wa3 taking in Oregon City
and Portland, Saturday.
B. F. Linn of Linns Mill, wa3 In
town Saturday and reported that
Frank Mills who met with an acci-
Dr. G. B. Smith of Eaele Creek, was ucul as programs iau.-
looking after business before the com- ab,jr- 0n,y one bone of the rlht IeS
are being made to the thoroughfares
In that district, including some new
Mrs. A. Holden left Friday night for
Central Point, Jackson county, to vis
it her son, Arthur Holden. Mr. Hol
den was formerly employed as a clerk
in Robertson's store, but is now op
erating a fruit farm near Central
Miss Edna Simmons was given a
pleasant surprise Friday evening at
her home. Fifteenth and Jackson
streets, In celebration of her birth
day anniversary. The cvenlug was
spent In games and muslo and at tha
proper hour a delicious luncheon was
served. A number of beautiful pres
ents were given as mementoes of tho
occasion. The guests were Misses
Mabel Fisher, Lent Story, Myrtle
Fisher, Carrie Lutz, Tearl James,
Adah Hulbert, Lucllo Bruner, Etta
Bruner, Ella Lutz, Margaret Wilkin
son, Vera Howell, Bertha Wyman, Lu
la Ramsby; Messrs. Andrew Nater
lin, Cleo. Howell, Melville Green, Carl
and George Simmons; Messrs. and
Mesdames A. J. Wilson, A. Simmons,
P. Lundgren, R. E. Woodward, P. J.
Lutz. G. Howell, Fred Schwartz, M.
P. Chapman, Elmer Lanklns, Ant. Nat
erlin and C. C. Simmons; Mesdames
Wyman, Kruger, Bruner, Clara Chute.
Manufacturing Plants and Railroads
For the Lower Clackamas
River Section.
The mountain slide that obstructed
the Logan road at tho point called
Capo Horn, during tho racing of tho
ClacUaniaa, Is being opened up Fri
day under road supervisor. 12. C. Harrington,
Tho colonization company that
quietly took opiums on a number of
farms In the lower I-ogan and Clack
anins river for $100 per aero and
inwards, have soeuitM a renewal of
tho options. The tlmo lime of those
options expired February 1, but tho
company contended that It was Im
possible to begin tho proposed Im
provements with tho allotod time on
account of the extreme bad weather.
Among tho things to bo done by l ho
colonization company, as announced
by its promoters were the establish
ment of some manufacturing Indus
trios at tho old government salmon
hatchery and the construction of a
railway with a possible Eastorn Ore
gon connection. An attempt was made
for some tlmo to keep theso options
a secret, but tho purposes of the colo
nization company and other details
connected therewith have become pub
lic property.
Among tho properties covered by
these options are the Mumpowor
place, the lands belonging to the Hut
tan and Baker heirs and tho big stono
quarles on both sides of the Clacka
mas near tho old government salmon
It Is reported that options were se
cured on these latter properties for
$114 per acre, a special offer being
mado on account of the known value
of tho rock quarries. Options were se
cured on other lands in tho vicinity at
an average of $100 per aero.
The site of tho old government
hatchery is an excellent location for
manufacturing plants, and consider
able power could bo genorated from
Clear creek as well aa the Clackamaa
L. H. Klrchem of Logan, says that
the matter of these options Is no long
or a secrot, although an attempt was
made for lomo tlmo to keep the cm
tracts tied with a veil of secrecy.
missioners' court, Saturday.
Charles Baker, who lives on the
Beatie place on Beaver Creek, was in
town Friday.
W. A. Garrett, a prominent young
resident of Marquam precinct, was in
the city Friday afternoon.
G. F. Oglesby, a Mark3 Prairie
bop grower, was in town, Friday afternoon.
was broken, and it Is expected that he
will recover rapidly.. Mr. Linn says
that his mill is rushed to Its full ca
pacity with local orders.
G. W. Kesseling, a Canby farmer,
paid his taxes in full to Sheriff Beatie,
Friday afternoon.
Louis Jaggar, a prominent Portland
commission man and former Oregon
City merchant, Is suffering with a
slight attack of paralysis.
Webb Burns and a party of ladies
had an exhilerating boat ride along
the O. W. P. track below town yester
day afternoon. The party were row
ing in the flooded district near the
Clackamas, and fastened one end of a
rope attached to the boat to the rear
of the incoming trolley car. The rap
id ride was exhilerating, even if It
was dangerous, and the laborious ex
ertion was avoided.
Tho telephone linos are In trouble
bore, a lot of tho polos being down,
If any one want to know any thing
they have to git and find out.
Miss Annlo Shannon Monroo of tho
Oregon Journal, and her sinter. Mix
KllzHboth, of Portland, wore guests
of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Warron.
Charon was a man wiio fried solos
over tho sticks.
To sloop well, rofcd the Dally Star.
Clothes Washed "Whiter Than
Snow." Family Washings at
Reasonable Hates- -No worry,
no regrets If you phone 1204.
Our wagon will call.
Plumbing & Tinning
Hoi Air Furiucn, Nop Plpei, Pumpi,
Spray Pumpi, Water Pipes.
SpriYinj Materials.
All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty
Estimates Given on All Classes
of Work.
Res. Phone 1514 Shop 1516
914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or
Charles A. Burkhardt, now an Alas
ka canneryman with headquarters In
Seattle, visited Mrs. H. S. Moody and
the Logus family, Friday.
Heraan Lee, Canby's oldest pioneer
resident, passed through Friday on
bis way home from a visit to the Cow
litz river valley in Washington.
Ex-Representative J. L. Kruse of
Wil3onviile was In town Friday and
reported that ithe floods had done
more or less damage to roads and
bridges. One county bridge on Mr.
Kruse's place was carried from its
moorings by an earth slide, but had
been replaced by Road Supervisor
Elligsen. The piers of the Oregon
Traction company's railway bridge
now being constructed across the Wil
lamette, were under water Tuesday
and the workmen had removed the
bunk house to dry ground.
George Ogle, who has for many
years been prominent in Clackamas
county politics, was in town, aStur-day.
W. M. Shively has returned from a
commercial tour, and is now confined
to his upper Seventh street home with
a severe attack of la grippe.
Oudln Roberts who leaves Sunday
to enter the Salem high school wa3
tendered a reception In Knapp's hall
Friday evening by his former school
mates, pupils of the Barclay high
school. The evening was enjoyed
with music and dancing. Coffee and
cake were served. Mrs. Viola God
frey and Miss Harriet Cochran acted
as chaperones.
Logan, Feb. 8. The ground hog got
fooled this time.
Most of those on the sick Hat are
Mrs. H. Babler was reported better.
She is at Gladstone at present under
going a course of treatment.
Quite a number of the young folks
attended Miss Lulu Holcomb's birth
day party, Saturday, February 2.
Miss Emma Fallert leaves for Port
land soon to resume work.
Grandpa Hatton is having a siege
of la grippe, as Is also Mrs. Hatton.
"The way the story grew" was well
illustrated . by the rumor getting out,
that Clear Creek bridge at Stone was
carried away by the recent flood,, and
said rumor finding Its way into the
county paper. On account of which,
all on R. F. D. No. 2 have been having
a mail famine, and ita not very pleas
ant. The west end support of the
bridge, a sort of pier, was damaged
by the water washing around and out
underneath it a deep bole, leaving the
weight of the structure resting on one
corner. Fred Gerber, the supervisor,
promptly made temporary repairs un
til the water goes down. At present
the bridge is safe. The attention of
the County Court has been called to
that one weak point of this bridge in
the past, more than once, but no action
was ever taken. This is a case where
"an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure," and don't coat one
half as much. These little mountain
streams get on a rampage occasional
ly and are quite "swell" affairs. As
Is is now the current runs against
the pier on the west end.
$10,000 TO BE SPENT
If vouwant TEETH
that will make you look
and feel like a live person
when you laugh, call on
the Molalla Dentist
that's the kind he has been
making for the past twen
ty years.
"The proof of the pudding
is in the eating thereof."
L. D. Shank, of Canby, was a visitor
In Oregon City, Friday, and attended
to some matters in the commissioners'
Fred White is pushing to completion
tbe interior finishings of the store
rooms to be occupied by John Adams
at the corner of Washington and Sev
enth streets.
L. H. Kirchem, of Logan, reported
Saturday that some of the supports
of the Clear Creek bridge had been
undermined by the high water and
that the structure had settled down
18 inches on one side.
The local market has practically
been at a standstill during the last
week as no commodities have taken
any jumps except eggs, These are
gradually falling and the last few days
have come down In price from SO to
35 cents to 27 1-2 to 30 cents. The lo
cal dealers now state that the price
of eggs will be at least 2 1-2 cents
lower by the first of next week.
Kal Kocher and tbe authorities
Skin Disease of Twenty Years' Stand
ing Cured.
I want you to know how much
Chamberlain's Salve has done for me.
It has cured my face of a skin diseaso
of almost twenty years' standing. I
have been treated by several as smart
physicians as we have in this coun
try and they did me no good, but two
boxes of this salve has cured me.
Mrs. Fannie Griffin, Troy, Ala. Cham
berlain's Salve is for Bale by Howell
& Jones.
The owners of the Ogle mountain
mines are feeling so Jubilant over tho
outlook of tho mines that they contem
plate the driving of another tunnel In
to the mountain. The ore taken out of
the present tunnel has given satisfac
tion and when tested somo time ago
in Portland assayed at $10 per ton.
Charles Albright of this city, who
Is Interested in the Ogle mines, re
ceived a letter Thursday from the
mines telling of the new plans, It
will mean an outlay of from $8000 to
The company will begin work on a
new tunnel very soon in which they
will place air compressors and ma
chine drills. This will bo the third
tunnel driven into the mountain. The
first was dug years ago by a company
who gave up tho proposition as non
payable. Tho second tunnel was
made by the Fairclough Bros, some
years later and was started lower
down tho mountain. An excellent pay
ledge was struck. The first tunnel
It was found, missed this ledge only
a few feet
The third tunnel Is to bo started fur
ther down the mountain than tho two
previous ones, and with tho use of
the air compressors and the machine
drills, will be driven further into the
mountain. The ledge is expected to
be much better there and a large
number of cross cuts are to be mado
which will make the work much easi
er. The writer of the letter to Mr. Al
bright mentioned that tho trip of the
boys to the mines in January, as it
was reported by many, was very much
exaggerated. Tho trip was a hard
one, but nothing compared to some of
the stories circulated.
613 Majn Street. Telephone 861
The Planet
High Grade
Liquors ond Cigars
Good Meals and Clean Beds
Thomas Stakely, Prop.
First Class Accomodations and Prompt
Main St. between 4th & 5th
What to Do When Bilious.
The right thing to do when you feel
bilious is to take a dose of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
have been unable to find any trace of i They will cleanse the stomach and
the thief. Kocher thought that his 1 regulate the liver and bowels. Try it.
man had gone to Portland and that he ' Price 25 cents. Samples free at How
would be able to lay his hands on ' ell & Jones' drug store.
County Treasurer's Notice.
I now have money to pay county
warrants endorsed prior to July 1,
1905. Interest will cease on such war
rants on date of this notice.
Oregon City, Oregon, February 8,
1907. J. C. PADDOCK,
Treasurer of Clackamas County, Or.
Be up to date. Read the Dally Star.
10c a week.
I can furnish the
H you can furnish
the Farm
If you wish to Bell out or buy In
write or call and toll me about it. If
you want to do a little speculating I
can make you some easy money. I
have the buyers. Also buy and sell
timber lands, sawmills, etc.
Canby, Oregon.
Pnone22l OFFICE. Pottofflct Bldg
mm oirael
Successor to
Pioneer Transfe
tand Expresso
Sand and Gravel
Oregon City - - .. . . Oregon
2,(KX) niiloaoflongdla-
tunco telephone wire in
Orison, Washington, Cali
fornia ami Iilalui now in
operation ly the l'aoillo
Station Telephone Com
pany, covering 2,250
Quick, in tni rate, cheap
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Uistanoo no Hl'oct to a
clear understanding, 8H
kane and Han Francisco
as easily heard us Port
land. Oregon City ofllce t
liirdmjrs I)rur Store
W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V.
Graduate of the OnUrlo Veteri
nary College of Toronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School of
Surgery of Chicago, ha located
at Oregon City and mtublislicd aa
office nt The l'anliloit Stable,
Seventh Street near Mailt.
Iloth t'rlephune.
Partner' IJl Main Ijil
i VmrM. till Willi Ir"-rf lllloSt J
V f kiiiiiiii, Hiry m ut u ; J
y (t Km i hr un. I , i,v no
N l'"il la III antl'itf nor tllM(i-
1, fmllltllirtita nl haM ral I H ,A
itttt. I g p a'l , i il itM tTorniJ
XL tl nl.lr4lrt t nniii (..r uvrr m
-MI7 AltHHftt
f S l. rtV A CQ.tjf
When you require an Abstract of Title
to land In Clackama County, nave
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company Incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates art)
reasonable. Wo Invito you to di
amine our complete set of Abstract
C90- C08 Chamber of Commerce Mldf,
Money to loan on Clackamaa County
Justice of tho Pence.
Offlco In Jagger nulldlng, Oregon City.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Will practice In all courts of tho state
Offlco In Caufleld liulldlng.
1 W ri
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy la a Specific,
8ure to Give Satisfaction,
It cloanmi, soothe, hal, and protects the
diseased inombrann. It cure Catarrh and
drives awny a Cold in tho I loud quickly.
Restores the Hon boh of Tiwto and Hmull.
Kaay to ui). Contain no injurimi drug.
Applied into tho nostrila and absorbed.
Lurco Hlzn, CO eimta at DrugisU or by
mail) Trial Huo, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Wtrrtn 81., Ntw York,
Private Money to Loan
I have private partlon with the fol
lowing amounts to loan on real OBtate:
Parties Amount. Time.
1 $.1000.00 5 to 10 yeara
1 $4500.00 3 to fa' yeara
2 $3,100.00 1 to 3 years
5 $ir00.00 S years
8 $ r00.00 1 to 3 years
15 $ 300.00 2 to 4 years
25 $ 100.00
$ 200.00 1 to 5 yeurs
tlmo for repayment. '
Also a little Chattol monoy at 8 per
Will buy notes and mortgagos.
Alno own Oregon City proporty to
trade for country land.
Will look up titles to land free if
trade is mode.
Own 3 lots, house, barn and chicken
park at Willamette, for sale cheap on
No real estate agent to interfere.
If interested call, write or phone,
Stevens Building. Oregon City,