OREGON CITY EWT ' VOL. XXXV. NO. X. OREGON CITY, OREGON, RIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1907. E8TABLIS. RIOT AT CAZADERO ONE OF THE ITALIAN RIOTERS RECEIVED PISTOL SHOT WOUND. EIGHT SAFE IN THE COUNTY JAIL Head Fortmun McCllntock and Ivan Rlttsnhouto Had Narrow cap From Onslaught of Dago Rioter. Eight 'Cnzuilt'i'ii 1 1 a M 11 11 m In thorium ty Jail ni" with a ImiIIi'I hole through one corner (if hU forolii-iul, t!.i) ri'hiilt lif II I'M lllill tiMilt phliv on tin' WlllliS of I ln port and (iciiiTiil i:i"i ti li' coin puny nt the croHluK of th 'liK'iuiinriH III tin- llllltilli' of I In' llfti'l'lllioll Mon day, I'l till' (III I f ' II I4i of a lint. Although It was will uloiiK lii Din uftci noon wlon tli riot took pliici', Sheriff lieu tlx ami li In il. .iiilin had Hid Italian) Hiift'ly lilmiil in tin' county Jail liy K . In. Tin' riot tool place lit Cuadoro lit 3 o'clock Moiiiluy iiticriioiui between it KatiK of Italians ntnl ilulr box Ivan Hltti'iilioieie. 1 lie HallaiiH nro employ eil In the cuiiHtrnctloli of it ilam iict'oH-t tlio (TiicIiiiiiiiih where the Portland (Jemial Electric Co. Ih 1 j i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 a power homm. Tim trouble Htnrteit over tho tiiiniber of iIiivh tliat one Dlnuncolu worked when It came the time to tally up. Tb Italians clalineil tl'i'l tlii y I.a I put In full time which tlielr Mips lll tint hI.ow. "Trouble lit unco bi'Kuu," Kiibl one of tin- Italian who upolw' to the reporter In French Tuesday morning, "mill when we Insisted on the Iiohh to nuilin It rlttht be ilri-w a revolver on iix, when the ymiUK'T IManiicolii mnd a move to lilt lilm but not striking him." Itltteiihiium rnaile the following Htntetm-nt that the fray then started fur good uinl Ciirmlne Dltinacola, nn I'allnn, wlsi took a caliber revolver out of his pocl.i t uinl attempted to Hhotit Hlllelihoune, who with ft quick move, s.lcd the flreiirm me! dlschnrg ei It twice lii tin- air to n-me the Ital ian. At the Millie time ho struck tilt? man with hi l-rt hainl, (.ending hi in rolling to the ground where he re-l-elveil several brulhcs on his fore- henil on tho rock. Seeing how bin brother wns being hnnilleil, I.. A. lMniiaeula lushed with HI) evil looking htlletto upon Ultten hoiiHe, who again 111 ill two shots to Mcure him when M. Ilussl, another Italian employetl on tho construction work came shouting "I'll get him this time." Hut Just nil luhlcil move of Ulili iihouNi''H rlKht arm which landed on the Hallan'H forehcatl wan enough for him. The gang an in a riot for good by this time ami nnother Italian Htcppeit forwaril to make i mends for the wrong which ho thought ii.nl been done to his mates. ltittenliousi stated after wards that ho tried to perMiuiilo hint to Ieav tho Ka.HK but when he refus ed another tup of that little but mighty flHt brought him nrouinl to lerniM, . Quiet and pence reigned supremo for about, nn hour across tho river where tho Iiohh had gone to look over tho work on a grade, when lliially n gang of Italian hIhhvimI up with shot RiitiH and Keenied Intent upon tho life of Hltlenhoime. About thin time Sheriff rii'Hlle ami two deputies, Jack Doughett mid O. F. WllllaniB, who had been Hiitiinioiieil, arrived upon tho scene of tho riot. The affray was short and the eight, members of tho Rang who took part In tho disturbance wore cornered and placed upon a car for Oregon Clly. It wan a (liioer array that reached Oregon Clly on an elect ric car about 8 o'clock and got off In front, of tho court hiiHO. Sheriff Beiitle In tho lead to hIiow tho way to tho county basilic, followed by the eight Italians with "Hod" WllllaniH In tho rear with a repenting rlllo in ono hand and linger on the trigger. Doughott watched tho Hides thus making oueapi) Impossible, They woro Riven tho largo cell In tho county jail find (loorge Mackinaw who was sleeping quietly was rudely awakened by (ho Jabber of tho llul lans and made to hunt other quarters by hlniHolf. Tuesday morning the Italians woro a very quiet bunch and as only two could Hpeak n few words of English nothing could bo lonrnod of tholr sldo. lint when addroHHOd In French, which threo of thorn spoko with cast, there was a coni.iant jnhber until a i'rlond ELECTRIC WORKS by tho name, of CiihhIo who runn a Krocery toro In l'orlliind whom they ld would act bh Intcrpretor In tho CIIMIi, Two of tho Italians woro Homowhat Injured durlUK tho riot although noth ing net lulls. Ono received a wound on tint left tcinplo juMt over the cyo which ho claimed win caused by a bul let. Tho other received a cut on the chin which Iks nnld wan received with tlin butt of a revolver. Tho wounds were droHiiod and will heal In a tdiort time. Hubert McCllntock, who Is head fore in a n on tho work. Hinted ho took out his time hook t Klvo ono Italian his tlmi, and while feidlnt? In bin pclii ts fur a pencil, tho I)iifo Hiild "I liiivu a fcun to Mhoot you." Ho took tho ivm away from tho Italian and pre pared to defend himself. Thin Italian hud been discharged on tho provlous day. Mi ('Unlock nays that ho fired !tu iihols at the Italians, and one of them evidently took effect. I In fur ther HutcM that JUtti-uhouMo who Is woikliiK fur him kept the Kalian from him. McCllntock Is anxious to prime cut" ll;o rlotliiK Italians nt an early date, SO-POWLK MOTOR ARRIVES TOMORROW INTAKE PIPE HAS BEEN LOWER ED AT CITY PUMPING STA TIONWATER SUPPLY ASSURED. The Intake pipe at tho city water pumping station was lowered this tiioiiiliiK and thi; water will be turned on this cveulng. An Ku horsepower electric motor will arrive from Port land In the morning and will bo plac ed In Msltlon when (ho water Ih suf ficiently low to requlro Its use. How ever, It Is isisslblo that the Intake pipe may bo moved further np the basin In-fore It will bo found tnciii sary to lnstal the motor. No reason able cspeiiso will bo spared by tho board of water commissioners to kei-p the city HUpplli'd with water. It Is now believed that tho bnuk Iiik nwny of a portion of tho wooden basin wall, prevented an Inrush of waters that might have seriously dum aged the (lumping station. Tho utate meat bus been made that a conference of, the water board, tho Oregon City Manufacturing company and other parties Interested will soon be had to determine what steps can bo made to secure a temporary supply of water from the basin. It was tho Intention of the electric company to enclose the basin with a cement wall two years ago, but their time was taken up w ith other Improve ments, and tho matter was postponed. The Improvement will no doubt bo made when tho water reaches a suf llclcntly b,w stage during tho coming summer. TWENTY-THREE WILL FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Tho high school class of 1H07 will consist of 211 members, who will re ceive their diplomas at. tho close of the school year next Juno, Following Is tho list: Gonovivo I.elghton Capon, lloss Christenn Moehnke, Winnie Flor ence Jackson, Harold Vernon Wold I'oii, Myrtle Gladlous Cross, John Put ersim Telford, Harry August Schloth, Gilbert Kugcno Lang, Allco May Goett llng, Lola F.ldora Young, Elva Emily Watts, Ethyl Park, Olga McClure, Elizabeth Lewis, May Arvesta Scott, William Jackson, Chester Cat-others, Harry David Frost, Hn.el Maud Fran els, Alvnh Ray Grunt, Hazel Lucy Gln ther. Millard Irving Glllett, William Mitchell Strohmnyer. Alvnh Ray Grout Is tho class presi dent. COYOTE CAUGHT BY JAMES DICKEY Molalla, Feb. 12. This will do for February weather. Sumo linvo begun plowing again. Dr. Powell was called over tho river lust Saturday to set Frank Grimm's leg, Frank was logging, ami a limb sprang back breaking both bones above tho nnkle and tho lnrger ono olt tlwco. I. V. Harloss, who has been under treatment for catarrh In Portland for a fow weeks Is home for a l'ew days. .lames Dickey caught n coyote lost week. Tho Rood work of tho bounty duh goon on, Say, nro yon doing your part, KoltiK to let a few bear tho hup den? That may bo tho chenpcht way, but thoHo that uro doing tho paying don't think mo, Kumtux? LOGAN 8CH00L. Following Is tho roort of Hchool dla trlet No. 8, Iignn, Oregon, for tho inonth ending February J, 1907: Number of day taught, 20; day3 attendance, Gfl-lj puplld belonging, 21; averiiKo dally attendance, 28; those neither absent nor tardy woro Kffle ami Marlon Klrohom, Hoburt and Pearl King, Helen Tracy and Hosallo Allen. Visitor present were, Mensr. M. Flakes and H. Daue, Irdectora. Visit ors sro ulways welcomo, Allco E. Hitter, teacher. STEPS POWER CONFERENCE MAY RESULT IN TEMPORARY REPAIRS TCTBASiN. Construction of a temporary dam or wall to take the place of tho basin wall washed out by tho high water may be tho result of a conference held In Portland. Tho Oregon City Manu facturing company Is In urgent need of water power to operato Its large plant, and such Improvement would be appreciated by tho water commis sion as well as numerous patrons. MessrB. T. I. Charman, Chan. H. Caufield of tho Water Commission and Uosenbaum and Jacobs of the Oregon City Manufacturing company, went to Portland Wednesday morning to meet tho representatives of the Portland General Klectric company, Messrs. Goodo and Sullivan. Tho session will bo held for the discussion of tho pres ent condition of the basin. Tho Oregon City Manufacturing company Is unable to run Its largo plant on account of the lack of water power since tho Hoods and also has been unable to secure motors to run their machinery. Although tho water commission Is Kt ill using the water (lower It will not bo long before elec tric motors inust be used under tho present conditions. The delegation from this city went to Portland with the Intention of get ting something definite In the way of a temporary dam which would provide sufficient water supply for all the mills and tho city water pumping sta tion. The plan Is to build a wall or temporary dam east of the walls of tho basin that went out and thus turn the vfatera Into the flumes of the dif ferent mills. After such a dam Is built it would bo an easy matter for the Portland General Electric company to go ahead nnd rush tho work of the concrete dam during tho Bummer months. SUNSHINE BRINGS JOY TO REDLAND PEOPLE Redliind, Feb. 1.1. Everybody is glad to see the sun shine again. Fred Wilcox has been on tho sick list for the last two weeks; also Min nie nnd Tillio Hubert. Will Stono was down from Salem for a few days, last week. Mrs. Curler of Oregon City wac vis iting Mrs. Klrchem last week. Mr. 'A. Funk returned home last Saturday, after spending several days In Portland nnd Oregon City. A new girl arrived Sunday at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis. M. E. QUARTERLY MEETING AT DOVER Dover., Or. Feb. 13. Harry Morri son has resigned his position in Tort land to help his father clear up his farm. W. R. Roberts Is out after being con fined to his house for threo weeks. Paul McNolai's baby died lust Mon day night and was buried Wednesday nt. 10:;J0 a. in. on tho farm. Frank Ahnert had tho mlsfortuno to lose fourteen young pigs., Tho DeShazer boys are absent from school on account of severe colds. . There will bo quarterly meeting at Til SECURE tho M. K. church at Dover on March . Preaching at 10:30 a. m. by hlir. 15. V, (lowland, presiding older. Tho la dles will bring baskets and have din ner aftor services. Mrs. Cooper returned from Portland Saturday whero she had been taking caro of her son Loo, who had boon very III, but wan Improving when she loft. Guy Woodlo has returned from the saw mlllu hlu ranch, 0. A. Keoth Is building a barn yard fonco. PURCHASE 160 FARM FOR $1750 CLOSE IN A PARCEL OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE CHANGES HANDS. I). II. Looney of Molalla completed tho purchase of 100 acres off tho old Austin place yesterday, the considera tion being $1750. Tho wlndtip of the transaction took place In O. I). Kby's law office yesterday afternoon, and the latter made Mr. Ismey an offer of $2000 for his bargain which was re fused. While the land Is unimproved it lb s within ono mile of the Molalla puhtofriee and Is level and fertile, and run be cleared at ninall expense. Peo ple that know the property assert that Mr. Ixjoney has secured a bargalu in Ibis purchase which cannot be dupli cated anywhere in Clackamas county. SOWING GRAIN IN OUT CARUS WAY Cams, Feb. 13. The weather of last few days has been enjoyed by every body. They all feel more like work ing now a days. Several of our farm ers have been plowing and sowing their grain. Our minister preached a very Inter esting sermon Sunday evening and a largo crowd was present ' i Miss P.ertha Howard, after spending two weeks' vacation at home, has gone up to Union Mills to work for Mrs. Kerns. Several from here attended the dance at Beaver Creek Friday night and report a good time. Kph Jones and family have been moving on his place. Say, Jacob, you will certainly have to get you a new cook now. CLEANING HOPYARDS I PLOWING AND SOWING i ClarkcB, Feb. 13. We appreciate the fact that the cold weather is past, I and are enjoying the spring sunshine. ; Several of the farmers have started j plow ing and others are sowing grain, j Mrs. Ruts from Colton was visiting ; Mrs. Schruble last Sunday. Mrs. Rower from Colton went to the county seat Thursday on business. k m w wfrtL mwmw i mmi IF yow tongue ALUM and look in the glass you will see the effect You can't help puckering it makes you pucker to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you take this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system you injure digestion, and ruin your stomach. AVOID -ALVH" i Royal is made from Ctnan Alum but 'ou nave proht of quality, the LUMBERING ONE OF THE BEST INDUSTRIES Mrs. Kliza Klelnstnlth la having her hogs butchered and J. Rutz Ih assist ing. The Ave butchered hogs will be sold In Oregon City. Peter Davidson from Highland went to Clarkes on hU way to Oregon City Friday. J. T, Grace was In town last Friday HOLDS SPECIAL SES SION CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE GANTENBEIN GRANTS NUMBER OF DIVORCES. Several unhappy and mis-mated Comdex were seoarated Wednesday i during the pant Vuivi years, and log afternoon when Judge C. L. Ganten-1 , . . . fc ! ging camps are becoming numerous In bein of Portland held a session of the j the timbered districts. It is true that circuit court for the brief space of Portland receives credit for the gTeat three quarters of an hour. The follow- j er Part of Clackamas county timber log cases were heard and were also i I,roIuct3' lncludlng the bl M of ties floated down the Sandy, but given decrees dissolving the bonds of lho Bhlpment3 from Southern Paclflc matrimony: Miller vs. Miller; Anna j stations is no small item. Wisnon vs. W. A. Wisnon; Margaret; Undsley & Sons who operate a HoHkins vs. Hiram Hoskins. The case jgaw mill near Cams are shipping of Geo. W. Caldwell vs. Chas. Rush mining timbers to Utah and all kinds and Cora Rush, which has been hang-;0f dimension lumber to California, ins In the courts for a long time was! This firm already has one car loaded aaln brought up; the contest Is over a promissory not of $100. An order of default was ordered and tiie court Instructed the clerk to take further testimony in the divorce case; of A. McKown vs. Marguerlta Mc-! Kown. Work has been piling up fast in the 'have all the ordets that they can fill, circuit court during the illness of j The mill Is kep continuously running Judge Thomas McBride and it was! cutting on an average of 8000 feet thought best to get some of the oldest j daily. Other mills along the line are cases out of the way. Judge McBride doing equally as well, is still in very poor health at his home j The lumbering business in Clacka In this city, but Is Improving. I mas county is practically in Its In- ' ( fancy as thousands of acres of tlm- FAHI F fDFAIlK ftDF. ber alonS the foothills and up the Mo LaULL JLKLAMJ UKC" jlaIlai Clackamas and Sandy rivers and HHM AFDIF K( finilthfcir trlb.utaries remain practically vivn nuuiu 1V7. 77J PROCLAMATION EXTRAORDINARY' FOR AN EXCURSION TO PORT LAND FRIDAY NIGHT. Hear Ye! All Eagles! Gather up your wings, and open wide your beaks with a loud yea, yea, and J the P'ank sawed out Timber of sim be on hand Friday evening at 7: 40 ! ilar Quality, also can be found high when a special car will leave for Port- land to be entertained ' by Portland Aerie No. 4. All Eagles are cordially invited including bald headed ones. A good, jolly time Is assured. Don't fail to be on hand Friday evening for the special car. Yea, Yea! wg, m j i"JiiL m ' J ' p, piiiih mm man mi i i ii j 1 1 ji f y pure, refined Grape Cream Ell53 XMf -.imU' t OUTPUT AND MILLS INCREASING IN ENCOURAGING WAY. LUMBER SHIPMENTS ARE HEAVY Product! Being Exported to Utah, Cal ifornia, and Other Point Plenty of Good Tim ber. Lumbering Is becoming one of the greater industries of Clackamas coun ty, and the output is being Increased to an appreciable extent. Many new mills have been put In commission , w ith timbers at the depot, and two more are being loaded with lumber products. The lumber Is hauled In by teams from the Carus milt and is sold at certain figures delivered on board the cars, Llndsley & Sons find ' a eood demand for their nrodnet. and .untouched by the woodman's axe or The building of motor lines and log ging railways will bring the finest ; bodies of timber in thoj world conven- j ient to where it can be handled with a profit. On the upper Molalla are bodies of timber that will produce the finest quality of boards without a visible knot in the greater number of j UP on the otner streams. ! wtihln a few years lumber will be- jcome one of Clackamas county's most valuable exports, for It has the qual ity in the raw product. before it gets stale. Oniy 10c a week y 4 mm m of Tartar-Costs more profit of good health. I Hi li'V - -ni X ' j f