Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 08, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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Notice of Sheriffs Sale
County if ClnekamitH. tin,
To It. II, Until In, Sheriff of Clackamas
County, Oregon, tli-miling:
lit tlio tiunui of tho Stain of Oregon
you nro hereby commanded to ut r
tlao and Hell In" tlio manner provided
by law tlm nevera! articles if personal
property iind parcels of real property
upon which taxn litt vt been roMpuc
tlvoly levied for tlm year H)D5 and
which nro marked nml extruded hh
unpaid ami delinquent ilium tlm
tax roll of Clitcktimiin County for
tmltl year 1905 and tlmt yoii pity over
nil money mo collected to the ciiiunty
treasurer of hiiIiI county mh required
by law.
Witness my hitml and the seal of
tho county court of tho Rtnlo of Oro
Ron for tlm County of , Clackamas,
thin tiny of November, A. ), 11)00.
(SEAL.) P. W. Cft KKNM AN,
County Clork of Clnrkamaa County,
County of Clurknmas,- hh,
I hereby certify Mint tho foregoing
In ft truo and correct copy of thu origi
nal warrant for the coilictloii of the
Delinquent taxtw for thu yeijr I'jof,,
and tlio wholo thereof of Mitch original
now In my bands nud tlmt the name
wan received hy me oti tho 1 1 tit day
of January, 19u7,
Sheriff and Ttlx Collector for Clacka
mas County, Oregon,
Now. therefore, In obedltmcw to the
command!) of th said tiliovu mention
ed warrant, I will on the
11th day of February, 1907,
at tlm hour of 9 o'clock ti m , at my
office. In thu Cloi'kaiinm County Court
llouae In Oregon City, Clnrkamna
County, Oregon, Hell thu several
tract or ptircelN of reril property em
braced In tho delinquent lint of Clack
amaa County, Oregon, for the year
19u5, and n description of which prop.
erty, the amount of tiixen, Intercut, j
to dato of Hah, and peuitltleH accrued
against each tract and tlie nnme of
thu owner when 'known or person to
whom taxed, la ax followa, towlt:
Ami Due
Johanna llucklcy, Marclilaiikn,
lot 35, hlk. 7 11
I). J. Ilurkley, Marchhntika, lot
30. hlk 7 11
William Buckley, Murchhiinkn,. .
lot 37. hlk 7 II
C. A. Gov, Marchhanka, lot 1,
hlk. 9 11
Harriet l,ee, Marchhanka, lota
2. 3. 4. f. C. 7, hlk. 0 65
C. A. Oovu, Marchhanka, lot S. I
blk 9 11
G. 1-oarvend and J, I,. Kravter.
Marchhanka, lot 12. I.Ik 'J 11
(1. Ioarvcnd and J. I., I'ra.er,
Marchhanka, lota 1.1, 1J, 15,
blk. 9 ... 34
C. A. Gove, Marchhanka lot 4.
blk. 9 11
Francos W. Dwycr, Robertson,
lot 12. hlk 3 90
Mra. H, H. Chick llobcrtaon, hit
6, blk 6 97
Mra. 11. 8. Chick, Robertson, lot
7, blk 5 .9"
Mr. 11. 8, Chick. Robertson.
Iota 18. 19. 20, 21, 22 , .90
J. 11. WeHtcott. Mlnthorn Add to
Portland, lota 14. 15. 16. 17, 18
I 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 1!4, 25, hlk.
'13 2 23
Suaan "McKurn, Mlnthorn Add
to Portland, lota 24 and 25, hlk
fl4 ,; 37
llonora Howe, trustee, Mlnthorn
Add to rortland, Iota 13 to 24
Inc.!. blk. 41 2.24
The Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn
Add to Portland, lots 19 and
20, blk. 68 , .11
The Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn
Add to Portland, lota ex. 100
ft off N. end 21 and 22 11
Tho Oregon Land Co,, Mlnthorn
Add to Portland, Ex. loo ft. off
N. end lota 28 and 21, bUt 08.. .11
Lillian Strang, Mlnthorn Add to
Portland, lots 13 to 20, hlk. C9 1.49
Lillian Strang, Mlnthorn Add to
Portland, lota 29 to 38, hlk 08 1.95
Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add
to Portland, lota 5 and 6, blk.
72 3S
Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add
to Portland, lota 40 and 41,
blk. 73 38
Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add
'' to Portland, lota 1 and 2. blk.
77 32
Oregon Land Co., Mlnthorn Add
to Portland, lota 15 and 10, hlk
. 77 32
Oregon Land Co,, Mlnthorn Add
. to Portland, lots 10, 17, 18 trod
19, blk, 78 -00
J. 8. Whim, Mlnthorn Add to
Portland, lot 38. hlk. 84 17
Lnolla H. Unas, Mlnthorn Add to
Portland, lots 12 and 13, hlk 87 .32
Lnolla II. IIosh, Mlnthorn Add to
Portland. lotB 25 and 20, blk
: 89 33
T. H. Wilson, Mlnthorn Add to
Portland, lota 5 and 0, blk 41 .37
W. J. Clark, Mlnthorn Add to
Portland, lot 10, blk. 41 19
Chns. B. Craven, Mlnthorn . Add
to Portland, lots 1 to 4, blk.
91 ,., 00
Chas, D. Craven, .Mlnthorn Add
to Portland, lota 31 to 40 hlk
91 1.10
J. W. Graale, Mlnthorn Add to
. Portland, lots 1 and 2, hlk. 91 .31
Ezra Creasy holt's, .Mllwauklo, ,
lota 5 and 0, blk. 28 ........ .19.99
prances Dyo Mllwauklo lists.
j 1-3 of lot 0, blk 33 11
Mary McOrnth, Canemali, lota
1 and 2, blk 7 29.04
Hedgos & Griffith, Canoniah, lot
li blk, 10 . . 1.87
A mt. Htm,
Clara Fields, Cunemah, lota 2
and 3, I.Ik. 10 8,71
Hcttg'M & (irirfllh, Canemah, lota
5, 0, 7, and 8, hlk. 10 6. CI
,!rn. A. K. LtttiMiretle, Canemah,
loti I and 2, blk. 17 8.74
Mra, A. K. I.iitouri-tto, Canemah,
lott 7 and 8, hlk. 17 3.12
Itlchard McMahon, Canemah,
lot 4 3 and 4, hlk 22 8.74
A. K. Walte, Cunemah, lot 4, hlk
25 3,12
JtMc.i A. (II libit, Canoniah, lota 3,
4, 5, blk. 32 94
II. J. KIhIht, TriiHtee, Canemah
lot 2, blk C 2.64
Christian htnchael, Caneniali, lot
3. hlk. C .,2.64
i:ilahlh Kluehart, Cttimnisli,
Kriii'llnniil hlka not nutntmr-
id between hlka CI, 02, lota
1, 2, , 7, 8 J. 60
ICIialieth Itlmdiart, Canemah,
fractional hlka, not numbered
between hlka 45, 40 lota 1, 7,
Kllsilieih Itlnehart, Canemah,
fractional hlka. not numbered
between hlka. 35, 30, lot 1 31
Thou, tillilia, aa ahown In record
of deoda, book 03, pagu 415... .02
li, 11. CmiflMld, Flrat Add to Ca
tioiiiuh. lot 5, blk. 5 1.50
P, II. Marhy, AtkliiHott, lota 3
and 4 12.10
Thin. lloiiMtiin, Pleaaant Llttltj
liouiea No. 1, lota 8 and 9.. .43
Hiitioiel SwaiiMou, Plcaxant Little
Ibiii;en No. 3, lot 18, blk. 2,. .32
Lucy K. Uichurda, Pleaaant Lit
tle Horne t No. 3, luta 3 and 4
blk. .1 05
J. I li.K,th, Pleaannl LIUlti
I loim-a No. 3, lota 7 to 14. blk
3 2.69
II. (). Peck, Pleaaant Little
11., m. No. 3. lota 17 to 21,
blk. 5 1.C2
II t). Peck, Pleaaant Littl
lluiio4 No, 3, lota 13 to 17,
blk. 0 1.C2
V. II, II. Gentry, Manihlleld, aa
d. H tu It .f I).. Ilk. 78, Pk
KK lot 1. blk. 2 3.84
Perry (Hack, Marahfleld, lot 3,
blk. 13 1.85
Anna I.. I nud, Talberta Add to
.Mnrhfle!d, lota 1, 2, 3, and
4, hlk 15 7.87
Willis Intel, lt.mta Add to Marxh
field, lot-, 4. 5, c, and 7, blk
12 2.85
J, W. Itoblnmm, Hoots Add to
MaiHhlleld, Iota 4, 5, 0 and 7
blk. 21 2.85
Joaepli llawklna, Iigua Tracta,
Tract 4 27. GO
Hannah Placker. Canby, Iota 2
and :i. blk. 2 11.87
Amttmln J. Kvnna, Canby, lot 4
blk. 2 0.07
A;tt:nan Cook, Canby, lot 1,
blk. 4 20.94
Jacob Itnueh, Canby, Iota 7 and
8, I.Ik. 4 4.C9
A, i:. Walte, Canby, lot 0. blk 11 1.60
A. K. Walte. Canby. lots 1 to 12,
blk. 14 11.74
J. W. ami K. L. Walte, Pruno
land. West half lot 64 2.28
J. V. and U. L. Walto, Pruuo
land. hd 00 4.50
Hi llweod I and Impt. Co. Oak
Giuve, all of ex. north 120 ft
of lot 4. blk 7 1.08
SellwiKid Land & Impt. Co. Ouk
Grove, all of ex. North 95 foot
of lot 3. blk. 8 1.20
Sellwuod I and & Impt, Co. Oak
Grove, all of ox. Wiy210 feet
of lot 1. blk, 19 1.08
Sollwood Land & Impt. Co. Oak
Grove, all of ex. aa ds. In It.
of I). Ilk. 83, Pg. 417. lot 2
blk, 19 p., 1.08
Bullwood Land & Impt. Co. Oak
Grove, all of ex. Wly. 210 feet
of lot 3, blk. 19 1.08
Sellwood Land & Impt. Co. Oak
Grove, all of ex. Wly. 214 feet
of lot 4, blk. 19 1.08
Sellwood IJind & Impt. Co. Oak
Grove, all of ex. Wly, 217 ftot
of lot 2. blk. 30 1.44
Sellwood Land & Impt. Co. Oak
Grove, all of exJVly, 220 feet
of lot 4. blk. 30 1.08
Sellwood Land & Impt. Co. Oak
Grovo, lota 3 and 4, blk. 41 ..If. 40
Sellwood Land & Impt. Co. Oak
Grove, all west of H. II., lot
2. blk. 70 1.08
Sellwood Land & Impt. Co. Oak
Grove, lots 5, 0, and 7, blk. 85 8.28
II. O. Wlahart, Oak Grove, lot 6,
blk. 89 .72
II. O. Wixhart, Oak Grove, lots
7 to 15, blk. 89 0.48
Sellwood Land & Impt, Co. Oak
Grove, 30x205.30 feet 1,44
ltertha VIerbacher, Oak Grovo,
lots 12 and 13, blk. 93 1.44
Sellwood Land and Impt. Co.
second ub. dlv. of a portion of
Ouk Grove, lots Cnnd 7, blk.
08 1.08
Sellwood Land and Impt. Co.,
Second Sub. Dlv. of a portion
of Ouk Grove, lots 14 and 15,
blk. 98 1.08
Sollwood Land and Impt. Co.,
Second Sub. Dlv. of a portion
of Oak Grove, half of 4 and 11
and 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, and 10, blk.
99 .' 3.90
Anna Holt, Harlow, lot 4, blk. 1- .70
Anna Holt, Harlow, lot 9, blk 1 .69
G. W. Oftleld, Hurlow, lot 9, blk.
2 .70
A. P. Harlow, Harlow, lot 1, blk.
G 59
Sarah S. Nordstrom, Barlow, lot
8, blk. C 47
John GaUko, Harlow, lots to 2
8, blk. A 3.28
John Gatzko, Harlow, lots 1 to 0
blk. C 2.81
Willamette Falls Co., Wlllam
etto Falls Acreage Tracts, blk
. 71 1.56
A int. 0u.
T. A. Mellrldo, County Add to
Orecon City, lota X, 2, 3, 4, and
6, blk. 34 36.90
T. A, Mellrldo, County Add to
Oregon City, lota fl, 1, and 8,
blk. 34 31,82
Huruli J, Randolph, County Add
to Oregon City, blk K 1.C8
Samuel Kllpatrlck, Central Add
to Oregon City, lot 4, blk. 36 1.C8
A fin Id Iloylan, Darling's Add to
Oregon City, K hulf of NW
quarter, auction 4 ., 7.73
Mltchfd, Lew la & Htaver Co.,
Darnell s Add to Oregon
City, lota 1 and 2, blk. 1 3.30
John It, Kdwarda, DartioU'a Add
to Oregon City, lot 4, blk 1, 3,30
J. W. Moffatt, Darnell' add to
Oregon City, lota 9 and 10, blk,
1 6.38
John Campbell, Bhaw'a Annex to
Oregon City, lota 3 and 4, blk.
2 23
G. Woellener, Bhaw'a Annex to
Oregon City, lota IS and 16,
blk. 2 .23
Iiopold Troonifle, Bhaw'a An
nex to Oregon City, lota 2 and
3, blk. 4 23
Frank Warren, Bhaw'a Annex to -Oregon
City, lot 2, blk. 18 00
Llz.le Hmlth, Kbaw'a 1st add to
Oregon City, lota 6 and 7, blk.
3 69
Gaud A. L. Lund, Bhaw'a First
Add to Oregon City, lota 9 to,
12, blk. 4 1.37
John Ilaatarch, Bhaw'a first add
to Oregon City, let 9, blk. 7 .62
Herman Hchaffer, Shaw'a FIrat
Auld to Oregon City, Iota 11
and J2, blk. 7 1.02
W. 8. Wright, Khaw'a FIrat Add
to Oregon City, lot 14, blk. 7, .82
W. H. Wright, Bhaw'a first Add
to Oregon City, lot 15. blk. 7 .62
W. 8. Wright. Hhaw'a first Add
to Oregon City lota 17 to 22,
blk. 7 3.07
Anna 8. Warren. Park add to
Oregon City, lota 9 and 10, blk.
10 4.03
KatloJUart, Park add to Oregon
City, lota C and 7, blk 16.... S.38
Dalay II. Haatham, lluena Vlata,
60x100 fet of blk. A 84
(!, Shipley, Pleaaant Place add
to Oregon City, lots 8, 9, blk
4 : 4.03
W. II. Hollenahead, Green Point,
South half of lot 1, blk. 1...14.40
G. T. Howell, Green Point, lot
2, blk. 4 4.47
Metes and Bounds of Oregon City.
Hank of Oregon City, aa describ
ed In Record of Deeds, Ilook
74, page 156, mutes and bounds 6.72
Samuel Mars, aa described In
Record of Deeda, Book 74, Pg.
150, metes and bounds 30.24
Geo. I-awrenco, Cake, H. M. k
W, M und. half of 60x32 ft.
front extending to B. R. limits
and bounded on tha north by
block 29. Oregon City 60.48
W. I), and D. Currln, Mountain
View add to Oregon City, lota
4 and 5, block 2 3.36
John Priest and William Shell
man Mountain View add to
Oregon City, lot 8, blk. 4 50
J. A. and 8. E. Thayer, Moun
tain Vlow add to Oregon City,
lot 9, blk. 4 60
Chas. A. Itoaa, Falls View to Ore
gon City, lot 9, blk. 1 1.68
Chaa. A. Rosa, Falls View add to
Oregon City, lot 10, blk 1 .... 1.68
Walter and C. B. Cotty, Falla
View add to Oregun City, lot
7, blk. 3 1.68
Thoa. law and wife, Falls View
add to Oregon City, lota 1, 2,
and 3, blk 6 9.41
Helen St rat ton, admr., Falls
View add to Oregon City, lot
14, blk. 7 1.34
Celeste Moore.Falls View add to
Oregon City, lot 6, blk. 20 A. .11.76
Helen Stratton. admr.. Falls
View add to Oregon City, lot
13, blk 20 B 84
Helen Stratton, admr., Falls
View add to Oregon City, lot
3. blk. 25 , 1.01
G. Rock wood heirs, half acre
adjoining block 1 11.29
P. II. Marley, lot 7, blk. 13 6.72
P. H. Marley. Oregon City, lota
1 and 2, blk. 19 , 16.80
James Wilkinson, Oregon City,
lot 2, blk. 45 6.04
James Wilkinson, Oregon City,
lot 7, blk. 45 3.30
O. Kellogg, Oregon City, lot 4,
blk. 60 13.44
P. H. Marley, Orcgou City, lots
1 to 8, blk. 87 13.44
Mehola Eaton heirs, Oregon City
lots 6 and 7. blk. 97 17.64
John C. Williams, Oregon City,
lot 7, blk. 101 10.92
Chaa. Scott, Oregon City, lot 3,
blk 120 3,36
E. K. Campbell, Oregon City, lots
3 and 4, blk 123 13.44
L. D. Leonard, Oregon City, lot
7. blk. 123 V 8.40
Mrs. Jessie Holman, Oregon City
32 1-2 x 6G foet of and lots 1
and 2, blk. 132 4:62
Mrs. Jessio Holman, Oregon
City, 27 1-2x06 feet of lota 7
and 8, blk 132 ; 6.04
James Buckboe, Oregon City,
lots 3, 4, and 5, hlk 147 3.02
E. K. Campbell, Oregon City,
lots 3 and 4, blk. 149 6.04
W. W. Myers, Oregon City, west
erly half of lots 1 ond 2, blk.
159 5.04
Augusta Henness, Oregon ,Clty,
lots 1 to 4, blk. 172 15.12
VV. T. Whltlock, Oregon City, lot
5, blk. 173 4.03
W. F. Lehigh, Oregon City, one
third of each lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
7 ami 8 Jllr 177 K 58
notion iana uo, notion, tot 3,
blk. 19 92
O. W. P. & Ry. Co., 20-100 acres
of (Boring Junction) Tract 6 .17
John J. Deford, Clackamas
Heights, lot 10, blk. 30 F 69
A, G. Trempleasure Clackamas
Heights, lot 2, blk. 30 .....Y .69
Paul Freytag, Clackamas H'ghts
lot 5, blk. 29 II .69
G- Sehlndler, sub. blks. 19, .28
29, 30, 38, 39, lot 12, blk. 29 II. ,G9
L, E. Williams, Clackamas Park,
E half of lots 6 and blk. 7 8.86
E. A. Newton, Edgewood, lot 11,
Wk. 3 ... .34
Mrs. M. E. Johnson, Edgewood
lot 17, blk. 6 1.02
Amt. Due,
J. C. Alnsworth trustee, Edge
wood, lots 11, 12, 13 and 14,
blk. 7 3.94
A. R. Fratt, Friends Oregon Col
ony, blk. 106 8.64
A, H. Fratt, Frlenda Oregon Col
ony, blk. 107, 2 acres 2.69
Walter II, Pomeroy, Linn City,
lota 7, 8, and 9, blk. 1 79
M. li. Wakeman, Linn City, lots
6 and 6, blk. 8 63
M. K, Brown, Rockland, lot 1,
blk. 6 , 24
M. V. Plummer, Shannon' add
to Oregon City, lot 2, blk. 45 1.07
M. V. Plummer, Shannon's add
to Oregon City, lots 3 to 8, blk
45 3.17
Will Miller, Shannon's add to
Oregon City, lots 1 and 4, blk
18 1,07
Sunset Land Co, Sunset City, lot
3, blk 11 1.58
K. K. Campbell, West Sldo add
to Oregon City, lots 13 and 14,
blk. 3 7.93
L. H. Wasserman, South Oregon
City, Iota 4 and 6, blk. 2 ... 1.82
Edwin Collins, South Oregon City
lot 11, blk. 8 69
Ella Sehwlng, Windsor, Iota 5
and f,, blk. 1 2.11
II. C. Allen, Windsor, lota 6 and
6, blk 2 2.11
g. C. and E. Parker, Windsor, lot
1, blk 7 4.75
8. C. Parker, Windsor, hit 2, blk.
7 1.0C
S. C. Parker, Windsor, lot 3, blk
7 1.06
0, T. Kay, Wlndaor, lot 13, blk
11 1.06
Luclnda Cllne, Windsor, lots 7
and 8, blk. 13 2.11
Susan Scott, Windsor, lot 1, blk.
14 1.06
Busan J. Scott, Windsor, bits 3,
4 and 6, blk. 15 3.17
G. A. Hoffman, Windsor, lota 9,
and 10, blk. 15 2.11
Annie Brlsterfelt, Wlndaor, lot
3, blk. 21 l.OC
Julia Harry, Weslyn, lot 3, blk.
2 4.89
Clackamas Abstract & Truat Co.
Weslyn, lot 6, blk. 6 1.19
Willamette Falla Co., Willamette
Falls, lota 7, 8, and part of 9,
blk.. 17 4.35
Katie E. Supple, Oswego, O. I.
8. Co.'a first add to, lots 1,
2 and 3 720
F. M. Small, Oswego, O. I. & 8.
Co's FIrat add to, easterly 50
feet of lot 16, blk 33 1.20
Geo. M. Bain, Oswego, O. I. &. S.
Co's 1st add to, lot 9, blk. 34 1.20
Geo. M. Bain. Oswego, O. I. k S.
Co's 1st add to, lots 12, 13 and
14, blk, 34 3.60
Martha S. Mills. Oswego. O. I. &
S. Co's 1st add to, lot 4, blk. 37 5.70
Oregon Savings Bank, Oswego,
O. I. k S. Co.'a extension to,
lot 16, blk. 138 46.20
Mrs. E. Harger, South Oswego,
lot 8, blk. 3 CO
E. W. Cornell, South Oswego,
lot 2, blk 29 60
E. H. Hablgcorat. trustee, South
Oswego, lota 4 5, 6 and 7, blk.
30 1.80
L. A. Caphall, South Oswego, lot
8 and 9. blk: 36 90
J. D. Lee, trustee, South Oswego
lots 10, 11 and 12. blk. 36 .... 1.34
J. F. Dickson, South Oswego, lot
13. blk 30 46
E. II. Hablgcorst, trustee. South
Oswego, lot 14, blk. 36 44
Nancy Wilton, South Oswego,
lot 15, blk 36 46
L. M. Parrtsh, South Oswego, lot
15, blk. 37 90
Nancy Wilton, South Oswego, lot
5, blk. 42 46
J. D. Lee heirs. South Oswego,
lots 6. 7, 8 and 9, blk. 42.... 1.80
E. W. Cornell, South Oswego,
lots 1 to 5, blk. 45 2.24
E. W. Cornell. South Oswego,
lota 14 to 18, blk 45 2.26
E. W. Cornell, South Oswego,
all of block 59 8.10
W. P. O'Connor, Estacada, lot
4, blk. 19 51
S. LeRoy, Estacada, lots 1 and 2
blk. 20 1.01
L. A. Livingston, Estacada, first
add to. lot 4, blk. 22 61
0. W. P. Townsite Co. Estacada,
first add to, lots 1 and 2, blk.
35 1.01
E. E. Hannah, Estacada, Zobrlsts
add to. lot 1, blk. 3 51
Willamette Falls Co., Willamette
Tracts, tract 19 3.48
Willamette Falls Co., Willamette
Tracts, tracts A and B. blk 21,3.48
Willamette Falls Co., Willamette
Tracts, tracts A and B, blk 57 3.48
Willamette Fall3 Co., Willamette
Tracts, tract A. blk. 63 1.39
Willamette Falls Co., Willamette
Tracts, tract B, 4)1 k 64 1.39
Daniel Harvey, Peoples Trans
portation Co., lot 1 78
0. W. P. & Ry. Co., People's
Transportation Co. lots 5 to 23.14.82
C. A. Burkhart, Barton, lot 1, blk
2 ; 12
Frank Fornian, Barton, lots 3 to
8, blk. 5 1.50
Frank Forman, Barton, lots 7 to
18, blk. 6 2.38
Township 8 South Range 3 East.
Weyerhauser Timber Co., N half
section 3. township 8, range 3
E., 826.20 acres 42.12
Weyerhauser Timber Co., (E 1-2
and E half of NW 1-4) by new
survey N 1-2 and N 1-2 of S
1-2 section 12, township 8,
range 3 East, 400 acres ......51.84
Chas. B. Hawkins, Gladstone,. lot
2, blk. 3 69
H, L. Kelly, trustee, Gladstone,
2, blk 6 2.74
II. L- Kelly, trustee, Gladstone,
lot 15, blk. 5 1.37
G. B- Dlmlck, Gladstone, lot 9,
blk. 6 1.37
Miss C. McCown, Gladstone, lots
7, and 8, blk. 6 ' 2.74
M. F. McCown, Gladstone, lot 12
blk. 9 1.37
Miss C. McCown, Gladstone, lot
13, blk 9 1.37
Tho F. A. Schmidt heirs, Glad
stone, lot 18, blk. 13 2.74
II. C. Stevens, Gladstone, lots 1
to 5, blk. 19 5.14
Janette Robinson. Gladstone, lots
1 i and 2. blk. 28 2.74
Maggie M. Bowers, Gladstone,
i0t 16, blk. 76 6.16
0. E. Bold, Gladstone", lota 15 and
16, blk. 79 ... 8.5G
, Amt. Due.
Simon P. Slawson, Gladstone, lot
3, blk. 90 34
O. J. Mack, OladaUine, lot 6, blk.
90 35
Chas. F. Wallace, Gladstone, lot
7, blk. 90 34
J. C. Froat, West Gladstone, lot
12, blk. 12 1.03
Harry W. Hull, Gladstone Park
pt of aa dea. In Record of
Deeda, II. 61, Pg, 271, lot 110 6.47
Alfred Meklund Gladstone Park,
lot 122 1.70
Jesse A. Glbbs, Gladstone Park,
Pt of as des. in Record of
Deeds Hk. 63, Pg. 416, lot 110 .69
E. L. Harnett, Estacada, lots 16
and 16, blk. 2 1.38
W. M alone, Estacada, lot 6, blk
15 51
P, O'Connor, Estacada. lot 3, blk
I J .91
Township 3 South, Range 1 Weit.
W. O. Morgan, NE of HE, aec.
4, township 3, range 1 west
40 acres 6.40
A. and L. A. Murdock 54.96 acres
aa described in Record of
Deeds, Book 89, Page 29, aec.
5, township 3, range 1 w., 4
acres 12.48
John Anderson O. L. C. No. 65, 47,
Sections 25, 36, 30, 31, Township
3, Range 1 E and 1 W.
Andrew Giesy, 7 acres as describ
ed In Record of Deeds, Book
U. Page 94, Sectiona 25, 36, 30,
31, Township 3, Ranges 1 E
and 1 W, 7 acrea 1.51
Lot Whitcomb O. L. C. No. 41, 38
Sectiona 1, 2, 35, 36, Townships 2
and 1, Range 1 E.
Margaret Wilson, 5 acre as de
scribed in Record of Deeds,
Book 46, Page 261, Sections 1,
2, 35, 36, Townahips 2 and 1,
Range 1 East, 5 acres 7.30
George Wills' D. L. C. No. 42 Sec
tion! 25, 26, 3, Township 1, Ranges
1 E and 2 E.
E. Cole and Emma F. Cole, 6
acrea as described In Record
of Deeds. Book 69, Page 261,
Sections 25, 26, 3; Township 1
Ranges 1 E and 2 E; 6 acres. 2.76
John Anderson, 88-100 acres as
des. In Record of Deeda Book
59, Page 314, Section 25, 26, 3;
Township 1, Ranges 1 E and
2 E; 1.38
Township 2 South, Range 1 East.
Frederick Koaland, 30 acrea aa
des. In Record of Deeda Book
47, Page 64, Section 6, Town
ship 2, Range 1 E; 30 acrea. 18. 72
N. O. Walden. 2.70 acres as dea.
crlbed In Record of Deeda
Book 61, Page 347, Section 36,
Township 2, Range 1 East
2.70 acres 2.44
Joaiah Franklin D. L. C. No. 49, Sec
tions 2, 3, 4, Township 2, Range 1
F. X. Auer and Max Smith 50
acres as described in record of
deeds, Books 77. 35, Pages 475,
303, 362 65.52
George Crow O. L. C. No. 40, Sections
11, 12, 1, 2, Township 2, Range 1
C. S. Arnold, 7.79 acres as de
scribed In Record of Deeds,
Book 57, page 214, Sectiona
11, 12, 1, 2, Township 2, Range
1 East 22.31
Julia Ann Lewis O. L. C. No. 54, Sec
tion 25, 26, 35, 36, Township 2,
Range 1 East.
Ann Smith. 50x272.6oft. aa de
scribed In Record of Deeds
Book 86, Page 202, Sections
25, 20, 35, 36, Township 2,
Range 1 East t. . . 1.85
Samuel Shannon O. L. C. No. 70, Sec
tions 23, 24, 25, 26, Township 2 E.
Range 1 East.
William C. Schultz 3 acres aa de
scribed in Record of Deeds
Book 92, Page 325 66
Robert Moores D. L. C. No. 47, 64, 67,
Sections 35, 1. 2, 31, 36, Twp. 2
and 3, Ranges 2 E and 1 E.
M. A. Stratton heirs, two-thirds
Interest in 2 acres as described
In Record of Deeds, Hook 31
page 450, 1 acre 6.61
Clara D. Hawkins, 90-100 acres
as described in Record of Deeds
Book 58, page 1 3.38
Township 3 South, Range 1 East.
Willamette Falls Co., lot 1 except
as described In record of
Deeds. Book 75, page 231, sec
tions 2, 8, 10, Township 3,
Range 1 East; 3.74 acrea 5.22
E. B. Harrison, W half of SW
"quarter, section 4. township 3,
range 1 east; 80 acm 12.96
Lucy J. Arnold, 5 acres aa de
scribed in Record of Deeds,
book 40, page 223, section 20,
township 3, range 1 east; 5
acres -. 1.14
S. B. Pomeroy D. L. C. No. 39, Sec
tion 1, 2, 11, 12, Township 3, Range
1 East.
R. J. Beutel, as described in rec
ord of deeds, book 49, page 253 .46
A. F. Hedges D. L. C. No. 40, 47, 37,
Sectiona 36, 1, 12, 31, 6, Township
2 and 3, Ranges 1 East and 2 East.
E. G. Caufield, part of as describ
ed in record of deeds, book 59,
page 417 1.87
Joseph Parrott D. L. C. No. 43, Sec
tions 23, 26, Township 3, Range 1
W. and W. E. Knight 5.09 acres
as described in record of deeds
book 72, page 463 .70
Township 4 South, Range 1 East.
Aurora Electric Co. 5.68 acres as
described In record of deeds,
book 90, page 255, section 9,
township 4, range 1 east .... 1.30
Unknown, north 10 acres of E
half of NW quarter, section 31,
township 4, range 1 east 2.46
Township 5 South, Range 1 East.
Unknown, NW corner of NE of
SW, section 2, township 5,
range 1 east 43
R. H. Lampman, N half of NW,
Bectlon 14, township 5, range
1 east 10.40
P. H, Marlay, E half of NW quar
ter and NE of SW of section
33, township 6, range 1 east. 18. 14
J. H. and M. E. Comer, east half
of SW quarter and S half of
SE quarter and SB quarter of
NW quarter and 10 acres In
SE corner of SW quarter of
NW quarter of section 85, twp.
5, range 1 East ...16.80
Geo. W. Jackson D. L. C. No. 38, Sec
tlons 23, 24, 25, 26, Township 5,
Range 1 East.
Amt Duo.
C. V. Jackaon, 11 acres as de-'
scribed In record or deeds,
book 81, page 434 1.19
Eieklel Burbage D. L. C. No. 40, 37,
Section 33, 34, 2, 3, townships 5
and , Range 1 East.
Jennie E. Nicholson, 21.48 acres
aa described In record of deeda
book 92, page 323 13. ig
Township 6 South, Range 1 Eaat.
Fred L. Sklrvin, 1 acre aa de
scribed In record of deeds,
book 92, page 42, section 4,
township 6, range l'eaat .... 1.08
D. M. Steindler, NE quarter of
SE quarter of section 12, twp.
6, range 1 east 3.24
Township 1 8outh, Range 2 East.
J. B. and C. F. Deardorff, 276.62
acres aa described in record of
deeds, book 27, page 453, ex
cept aa described in record of
deeds, books 62, 64, 47, 32,
pages 251," 278, 456, 404, and
books 33, 73, 48, pages 182,
114, 309, aection 25, township
1, range 2 east; 276.62 acres.. 71.64
C. Reynolds, 6 acrea as described
in record of deeds book 86, pg.
168, section 28, township 1,
range 2 east 7.66
Cora Beatty, 2 acrea as described
in record of deeda, bk. 62, page
381, aection 28, township 1,
range 2 east 1.61
Unknown, 35-100 acres In the NW
corner of NE quarter of NE
quarter, section 29, township 1
range 1 eaat 43
Unknown, lot 3, aection 36, town
ship 1, range 2 east 1.20
Cella M. Morris, 20 acres as de
scribed in record of deeds,
book 89, page 415, aection 2,
township 2, range 2 east 10.08
Township 2 South, Range 2 East.
Guatav Simon, SW quarter of
N. W. quarter aection 3, town
ship 2, range 2 east; 40 acres22.68
Alfred Garret, 50-100 acres aa de
scribed In record of deeds, Bk.
87, pg. 191, sec. 9, township
2, range 2 east 1.72
Anna L. Intel, 50-100 acrea as
described in record of deeds,
book 85, page 212, section 9,
township 2, range 2 east 98
Mary J. Hicky, 50-100 acres as
described In book 64, page 409,
section 9, township 2, range 2
east 6.90
Gustav F. Frederick, 33-100 acrea
as described in record of deeds
book 34, page 320, section 21,
township 2, range 2 east 68
W. T. Matlock D. L. C. No. 37, Sec
tions 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, township 2,
..Range 2 Eaat.
A. O. and M. L. Haywood, 25-100
acres aa described in record of
deeds, book 85, page 114, ... 1.22
B. Jerminga O. L. C. No. 38, 40, Sec
tion 13, 14, 18, 19, Township 1 and
2, Range 2 Eaat.
W. B. Jennings, 5 acrea as de
scribe in record of Wills No.
2, VoL 6. page 173 S.83
Hiram Straight D. L. C. No. 42, Sec
tions 20, 21, 28, 29, township 2,
Range 2 East
C. Fisher, 1 acre aa described in
record of deeds, book 81, page
290 3.42
Mary Mikler 24-100 acres as de
scribed in record of deeds, book
36, page 403, . 68
Ezra Fisher O. L. C. No. 44, Section
28, 29, 32, 33, Township 2, Range 2
T. Charman, 60-100 acres &a de
scribed In record of deeds, Bk.
45, page 426 43
William Larkin, 1 acre as de
scribe In record of deeds, Bk.
56, page 442 2.16
Peter Rinearson D. L. C. No. 41, 29,
Section 24, 18, 19, 20, 30, Township
2, Ranges 1 and 2 East
Carrie Hallet, 11.99 acres as de
scribed in record of deeds, Bk.
91, page 479 15.40
George Abernethy D. L. C. No. 18,
Sectiona 21, 28, 29, 30, Township 2,
Range 2 East.
Theo. and M. Kraft, 10 acrea as de
scribed in record of deeds, Bk.
81, pages 458, 459 6.05
Marie C. Kraft, 16.53 acres as de
scribe in record of deeds, Bk.
66, 62 15.23
Archibald McKinley 0. L. C. No. 57,
60, Sections 6, 31, Townships 3 and
2, Range 2 East
Charles Powell, 1 acre as describ
ed In record of deeds, book 78
page 313 3.42
A. P. Smith D. L. C. No. 63, Sections
5, 8, and 9, Twp. 2, Range 2 East.
Phoebe A. Gilbert, 20 acres as j
described in record of deeds,
book 52, page 6 21.06
D. W Foley and Wm. Ball, 5
acres as described In record of
deeds, books 88 and 55, pages
183 and 253 3.24
Samuel Campbell D. L. C. No. 64, Sec
tions 9 and 10, Township 2, Range
2 East
Perry Black, 50400 acres as de- '
scribed In record of deeds, Bk.
88, page 259 1.24
D. D, Tompkins O. L. C. No. 61, 65,
Section 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, Town
chip 2, Ranges 1 East and 2 Eaat.
C. G. Jacobs, 22.3 acres as de
scribed In record of deeds book
86, page 90 33.00
Edward Magone, 15.96 acres as
described in record of deeds,
book 37, page 225 19.80
Township 3 South, Range 2 East.
Sanford Powell, 10 acres as de
scribed in record of deeds, Bk.
D. page 470, section 10, town
ship 3, range 2 east 2.52
Hal. D. Llndsey, 25 acres as de
scribed in record of deeds, Bk. -.73,
page 110, section 21, twp.
8, range 2 east 9.28
Hal. D. Llndsey, 5 acres as de
scribed in record of deeda, Bk.
73, page 110, section 28, town
shio 3, range 2 east 1,08
T.H. and A. Lindsey, 28 acres as
described In record of deeds,
books 67 and 64, pages 164
and 300; except as described
in record of deeds, book 73,
page 110, section 28, town-shlp-3,
range 2 east 12.96
William Holmes D. L. C. No. 46, 38,
Sections 6, 6, 31, 32, Township 2
and 3, Range 2 East
Chas. Dickey, 3-8 acre aa describ- '
ed In record of deeds, book 60,
page 131 3.36