Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 08, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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In tho Circuit Court of ttio State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
V, W. I towns, riululKT,
Minnie Ili'wi'H, Defendant
To M Inula Howes, defendant above
In tlio iinniu of tho Sluto of Orepm,
you mo hereby required to appear ami
unnwer tho complulnt filed against
you In tho above untitled court and
cuiino on or before (ho 2Cttt day of
February, A. 1), 11(07, suld day being
after tho expiration of nIx week from
tho flrnt publication of this summon,
and If you full to ho appear or an
wit unld complaint, for wont thereof
tho plaintiff will apply to tho court
for tho relief prayed for In tho com
plaint, towlt: For a decree dlmwjlv
lug tho bond of mutrlmony heretofore
and now existing between tho plaintiff
nhovo named and you ax defendant,
on tho ground of wilful desertion, and
of Hon. Thomas A. Mrlirldo, Judge
of tho nhovo entitled court, which or
der wan iiiiuli) and entered on tho 3d
day of January, 1907. and tho time
prescribed for publication thereof It
nix week.
Tho dnto of tho first publication I
January 11th, 1907. Tim data of last
publication la February 22. 1907.
Attorney for rialntlff.
C12 Commercial Illdg., Portland, Ore.
Notice of Fnal Account.
Notice U hereby given that tho un
dersigned executrix of tho luht will
nnd teitanient of tho entuto of Jano
Atkinson, deceased, haw filed In tho
County Court of tho Statu of Oregon
for Clackaman County, her final ro
port of receipt nnd disbursement
an such executrix and her petition for
dlMchnrgo, nnd that Monday tho fourth
day of March. 1907. at 9:30 n. ra., has
been net and apoplnted by tho court
for tho hearing of said final report,
nnd of any and all objection thereto.
Executrix of tho lout will and testa-
nient of. tho estate of Jano Atkln-
Hon. deceased.
John K. Kolloek. Attorney.
First publication, Feb. 1, 1907. 8 5
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice In hereby given that tho un
dersigned C. Furl Shaver, admlnlstra
tor of the entuto of John II. Shaver,
deceased, huH filed IiIh final account
at such ndmlnlhtrator In tho County
Court of the State of Oregon for Clack
amas county, and that the said Court
hns appointed Tuesday, March 12t'u.
l'"7. at 11 o'clock a. m., and the
court room of ciilil court, nit tho time
and place for the hearing of objections
or exceptions to mild final account and
the settlement of said eHtate. all per
sons having objections to Hald final
account or to the Kettlement of nald
estate are required to present tho
name on or before the date above men
tioned. Hated February I. l!m". ,
Administrator of tho eNtato of John It.
Khltver, deceased.
Grnluun & Cleelon. attorneys for Ad
mlulHtrntor. 913
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Ih hereby given that the un
(WsiKtiod. has been appointed Kxecu
t tlx of tho estate of Phllena N. Rlne
linrt by tho Honorable County Court
of the County of Cluc'tvamax, Ail
person having claims ngulnst Hiild es
tate are hereby notified to present the 1
miino to her for payment with proper
ouchers at U'Ren & Schucbel' of
fice nt Oregon City. Oregon, within
fix months from the (Into of thin no
tice. Dated January 11, l?o7.
L'xerutrlx of the estate of Phllena N.
Klnehnrt, Deceased.
L'Ren & Sehuebel, Attorneys for Exe
cutrix. Gt5
Beauty More Than Skin Deep.
Rvery ono wtto wants a good healthy
color, and a clenr Hkln free from bll
lousnoas, slugglfli liver and chroulo
constipation should got n ncluigo of
Dainty T.nxnkola tonic tablets, nature's
twoet reHtorer. Huntley Hros.
Notice of Final Report.
In tho nintter of the CHtnto of John
P. Yoiler, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned administrator of the cstnto
of John P. Voder, deceased, lute of
Clackamas county, Oregon, hns fllod
Ms final report In tho county court of
Clackamas County, Oregon, anil tho
Biild Honorable Court has appointed
Monday, the fourth day of March,
1907, for tho hearing of said final re
port nnd tho final settlement of said
estate. Any porsoti or persons having
objections to said final report aro
hereby notified to file tho same with
Hnld court on or lieforo Hnld date of
final hearing, that tho sumo may bo
lioard nnd determined.
Dated nt Oregon City, Oregon, this
12th day of January, 1907.
J. J. YOD13II,
Administrator as aforosald.
C. II. Dye, Attorney for said estate. Ct5
In tint Circuit Court of tho Htnto of
Oregon for tho County of Clucka-
Martha E, Henderson, Plaintiff,
William W. Henderson, Defendant.
To William W. llondoraon, defend
ant above named:
In tho numn of tho State of Oregon
you nro hereby required to appear and
niiHwor tho comlalnt tiled flKnlmtt you
In tho above untitled Court und cause
on or before tho 11th day of Murch,
1907, Muiiio being tho (lute fixed by
tho Court for auch appearance or aim
wer In and by tho order of Court for
tho publication of this summon and
If you fall to uppeur or answer tho
plulntlff will apply to tho Court for
tho relief prayed for In her complulnt
to-wit: fur n decree forever dlssolv
lag tho bonds of matrimony now exist
lug between plaintiff und Hitld defend
ant and for auch other and further re
lief nit may bo cqultublo and Just.
'I'b In HiiiumonH Ih published In the
Oregon City Enterprise for not Iohh
than once u week for hIx conHiicutlve
week prior to uld 11th day of March,
1907, by order of the Honorable Thorn
a A. Mcllrldo, Judge of the above en
titled Court, tnndo und entered on the
8th day of January, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Flrht Insertion January 25, 1907, and
IuhI publication th day of March, 1907.
In the Circuit Court for Clackama
County, Oregon.
W. O. McKown, Plaintiff.
Morguertha McKown, Defendant
To Marguorthn McKown, the above
named defendant.
In the dabm f the SUte of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
annwor tho complulnt filed agalnHt
you In tho above entitled Court and
milt on or before tho expiration of
hIx wcckH from the dnto of tho flrnt
publication of thin Riimmona which
Unit date of publication U Docombor
21, 190G, and if you full to ao aniiwer
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to tho Court for tho relief demand
ed In tho complaint and for a decree
that tho plaintiff bo forever divorced
from defendant.
ThM Biimmonn In publlHhod by order
of Thomai A. Mcllrldo, Judge of the
above entitled Court and tho date of
the flrHt publication of thin aummouii
In December 21, 1900.
2t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
0. W. Evans, Plaintiff,
Itiise P. Kvnns, Defendant.
In the name of the statu of Oregon,
you are hereby required Jy appear and
answer tho complaint Hied against
you In the above entitled court and
cause on or before the 2:!d day of
February, A. 1). 1907, said day being
after the expiration of six weeks from
I lie r.rt publication of this summons,
and If you fall to so appear and an
Hwer said complaint, for want thereof
;lm plaintiff will apply to tho court
for tb relief prayed for In tho com
plaint, towlt: For a decree dissolv
ing tho bonds of matrimony hereto
fore and now existing between the
plaintiff above named and you as de
fendant. This summons Is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrldo, Judgo
of do u'mAo entitled court, which or
der was made and entered on the 4th
day of January, 1907, nnd tho time
prescribed for publication thereof Is
six weeks.
Tho dale of tho first publication Is
January 11, 1907. Tho date of tho
Inst publication Is February 22, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Famous llldg, 215 '-a Morrison Street,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice of Administrator's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of snlo mode and
entered In tho County Court of tho
Stale of Oregon for Clackamas coun
ty, State of Oregon, on the 7th, day
of January, 1907, In tho matter' of
the estate of, Chris Tinim, deceased,
the undersigned administrator of said
estate, will on the lGth day of Feb
ruary, 1907, nt the hour of It o'clock
In the forenoon of said day, at the
front door of the courthouse in Ore
gon City, Oregon, offer for sale to
tho highest bidder for 'cash, subject
to confirmation of Court, the following
described real property, to-wlt:
Beginning at tho north-east corner
of James G. Cunningham's ten ncro
tract on the County road and running
North two Hundred and Ten (210)
feet; thence West Fotir Hundred and
Fourteen nnd 11-12 ((414 11-12) feet;
thenco South Two Hundred and Ten
(210) foot; thence East Four Hun
dred and Fourteen and 11-12 (414
11-12) feet on said Cunningham's lino
to tho place of beginning, containing
Two acres of land moro or less, be
ing a part of tho Goorgo Wills and
Sarah Wills Donation Land Claim,
in section twenty-five (25) Township
One (1) South of Range One (1) East
of the Willamette Meridian, In Clack-
ainns County, Oregon.
Dated this Hfli day of January,
1907. (JKOROH W, DEI'.RY,
Administrator of tho Estate of Chris
Tlmm, deceased.
Graham & Cleeton, Attorney for Administrator.
Administrator' Notice.
Notice Ih hereby given that the un
dersigned lia been duly appointed by
tho county court of tho Htate of Ore
gon for the county of Clackamas, ad
ministrator of tho estate of Matthew
Athery, deceased. All person having
claims against wild estate are hereby
notified to present tho samo to me,
properly verified, a required by law,
at tho office of Clark & Latouretto
In Oregon City, Oregon, within alx
month from dale hereof.
Dated till Friday, January 18th,
Administrator of tho estate of Mat
thew Athey, deceased.
Clark & Latouretto, Attorney for
Administrator. Ct5
In tho Circuit Court of Oregon for
Clackamas County.
K. Matteson, Plaintiff,
vs. ,
A, P. Matteson, Defendant.
To A, P. Matteson, the above named
In tho name of the Stato of Oregon:
You aro hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you In the aliovo entitled court and
cause on or before the 11th day of
March, 1907. which Is six week from
the first publication of this summon
and if you fail to appear and answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayed
for In tho complaint, to wlt: for a de
cree dissolving tho bond of matri
mony existing between you and the
plulntlff upon the grounds of wilful
desertion and for general relief.
Thl summons Ih published by order
of Grant B. Dlmlck, County Judge of
Oregon for Clackamas County, and
said order was made and given by him
on tho i."!d day of January, 1907, dur
ing and because of tho absence of the
Judge of the Circuit Court of Oregon
for Cluckamas County from this
County at said time, and sold order is
made returnable to the Circuit Court
of Oregon for Clackamas County. The
nrst publication of this summon Is
made on tho 25th day of Januory,
1907 and tho last publication thereof
Is the 8th day of March, 1907.
7t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion.
Interesting Statement by Huntley
When a man comes Into thl store
and calls for any " particular Indiges
tion romedy, wo give what ho asks
for, but In case ho leaves It to us we
usually recommend Pepslkola tablets.
Hero Is a preparation we have been
selling right over tho counter for years
and from actual observation we know
It muni be good, and really does re
lievo and cure indigestion and dyspep
sia or there would bo a steady stream
of people coming bock for their money,
as every 25 cent box Is sold with the
understanding that you must be do-
cidedly benefitted or there la nothing
to pay.
You simply try Pepslkola tablets
wth tiio understanding that they will
steady your nerves, improve your ap
petite, relieve wind belching, coated
tongue, sour stomach, fullness after
eating, weakened energy, and other
sjmptoms of Indigestion or Huntley
Uros. aro ready at any tme to pay
back your money without the least
Improve and Beautify the Complexion,
Tho principal Ingredients In Dnlnty
t.nxnkola tonic tablets aro cascarln
and dandelion which la one of tho saf
est complexion beautlflers known.
Forty little chocolate coated laxative
tablets, 25 cents. Huntley Bros.
Neglected Colds Threaten Life.
From tho Chicago Tribune.
'"Don't trllle with a cold,' Is good
ndvlco for prudent men and women.
It may ho vital In tho case of a child.
Proper food, good vontllatlon, and dry,
warm clothing are the proper safe
guards against colds. If they are
mnlntnlned through the .changeable
weather of autumn, winter and spring,
the chances of a surprise from or
dinary colds will bo slight. But the
ordinary light cold will become severe
if neglected, and a well established
ripe cold Is to the germs of dlpththe
rla what honey is to tho bee. The
greatest menace to child life at this
season of tho year Is tho neglected
cold." Whether it Is a child or adult,
tho cold slight or severe, the very best
treatment that cau be adopted is to
gjvo Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It Is safe and sure. Tho great popu
larity and Immense sale of this prep
aration hns been attained by its re
mnrkable cures of this ailment. A
cold never results in pneumonia when
it Is given. For salo by Howell &
Jones. ,
J I. A. Snyder has been appoint!
postmaster at Aurora, Or., by Presi
dent Roosevelt.
Administrator of Two Estates.
In tho matter of the estate of Sarah
W, Forman, Frank Marshall Forman
has been appointed administrator.
Tho estate ha been valued at $3750.
ITo ha also been appointed adminis
trator of tho estate of George Forman,
deceased, which has been valued at
$2500. Sarah Forman had been 'ap
pointed administratrix of the estate
of George Forman, but he recently
died, making the appointment of a
new administrator necessary.
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy a Fav
orite. "We prefer Chamberlain' Cough
Remedy to any other for our child
ren," say Mr. L. J. Woodbury of
Twining, Mich. "It has also done
the work for uh In hard cold and
croup, and we take pleasure In rec
ommending It." For salo by Howell
& Jones.
Superintendent Zlnser 1 entitled to
tho credit of ending the dispute that
threatened to seriously Interfere with
tho West Side school. He brought the
parties, their attorney and also some
witnesses together for a general dis
cussion. It wa only after a long and
heated argument that It wa found
out that the contract for the hauling
of the school children had been drawn
up, and all testified to the same thing
that nine children were to be allow
ed to ride to school, and that tho'Rob
Inson glr4 was not on the list.
Of course when the wagon came
past many of the children Jumped In
and were hauled to school by tbe kind
hearted driver until he saw that he
could not haul every one. The fann
ers, of course, said that their children
had as much right to ride a any of
the other not on the list Thl start
ed the old feud again. The result
wa that the contractor, W. C. Powell,
wished to withdraw but on the advice
of h attorney, Mr. Schuebel, he con
tinued his route.
A meeting of the persons directly
Interested was called and affairs were
practically settled when Superintend
ent Zlnser, seeing trouble ahead, ask
ed all members to appear before him
with their attorneys and If they wish
ed he would act as referee In the dif
ficulty. They met Thursday night
Some warm arguments flew between
several of the speakers but the out
come was a friendly agreement be
tween all the parties and a general
hand shaking was the grand finale.
Everyone Is now happy, 12 children
Instead of nine will be carried to
school, Including the Robinson girl.
The old feuds are forgotten It Is to
be hoped forever.
For Rheumatic Sufferers.
Tho quick relief from pain afforded
by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm
makes It a favorite with sufferers
from rheumatism, sciatica, lame back,
lumbago, and deep seated and muscu
lar pains. For sale by Howell &
Snow began to fall early Saturday
morning and reached a depth of sev
eral Inches. The young folks were
out early taking advantage of ' King
Winter" and a warm snowball contest
was held during the morning hours.
Tho snow brigade in front of each
store In the business district was hard
at work early in the morning.
A little bit of excitement occurred
Saturday morning when the 9:40 car
eamo along Main street from Cane
mah. A lot of boys began pelting
away at the car and so thick did the
little white spheres fly at the car win
dows that the conductor had to come
out and order them to stop. Upon get
ting upon terra flrma the lads began
banging away right and left until
the man picked up a piece of iron
from the platform of the car and made
for the boys. Upon a second thought
and after being cooled off with anoth
er volley of snowballs he returned to
his post.
Skin Disease cf Twenty Years' Stand
ing Cured.
I want you to know how much
Chamberlain's Salve has done for me.
It hns cured my face of a skin disease
of almost twenty years' standing. I
have been treated by several as smart
physicians as wo have In this coun
try and they did me no good, but two
boxes of this salve has cured me.
Mrs. Fannie Griffin, Troy, Ala. Cham
berlain's Salve is fofsnle by Howell
& Jones.
The governor of Arizona has signed
the bill passed by the legislature,
making tho running of a gambling
game a felony.
What to Do When Bilious.
The right thing to do when you feel
bilious is to take a dose of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They will cleanse the stomach and
regulate the liver and bowels. Try It,
Price 25 cents. Samples free at How
ell & Jones' drug store.
The Oregon City board of trade has
been receiving a large number of let
ters from persons In the east, who
bad become Interested In Oregon and
her future possibilities. Many of these
people have been wishing to come to
Oregon for years, others have Just
decided and many more will decide
to come west very soon.
The secretary of the board of trade
has been kept busy for several months
answering these letters asking for in
formation of Clackamas county and
Oregon City. At the last meeting of
the board of trade the secretary was
given the power to spend more money
that he might be able to Answer all
The colonist one-way rate to Ore
gon City begins on the first of March
and will continue dally until April
30th. The rates have been put down
as low as possible and the result will
be a large emigration to the west
The Spauldlng Manufacturing com
pany composed of W. II. Spauldlng,
F. E. Spauldlng, and E. H. Spauldlng,
Is plaintiff In a case against C. A.
Gordon, R. B. Franklin, D. Franklin,
B. E. Franklin and B. A. Franklin.
The Spauldlng company manufac
ture buggies, wagons and vehi
cles at Grlnnell, la., and was given a
promissory not for $100 by the de
fendants who live at Wilsonville.
The note was In payment of a bug
gy and has not been paid, the com
pany says. It asks for principal and
Interest since August 1904, at 10 per
cent, and $25 attorneys fees.
It also has a second action on a note
of $90 at same rate of Interest and
$25 attorneys fees.
Young Men Organize Club And Send
Challenge to Barclay
Lovers of the game of basketball
will have the privilege of witnessing
a good game Friday of next week
Some young men of Oregon City have
Joined together under the name of
the "Invlncibles" and have sent a
challenge to the captain of the Bar
clay high school team and the same
has been accepted. ,
The high school lads have some
good material to pick from and they
have been practicing for the last two
months. They have not yet made up
their team, but it is to be picked from
the best of the two teams. Captain
Roberts of the high school team feels
confident of the outcome of the game,
but they are losing no time on that
Captain Marvin of the Invlncibles,
is bringing his men into shape and he
expects to make th high school fight
every inch of the game. The line-up
for the Inrincibles Is as follows: E.
Latourette, center; Hankins, guard;
Cole, guard; Marvin, forward; Bolling
er, forward.
Claims She Was Injurecf by Defective
Machinery In Portland
Bertha Strong has had filed through
her attorneys, Richardson, Dimick &
Morehead, a damage suit to the
amount of $3000 against the American
Can' company.
The plaintiff states that the com
pany Is incorporated under 'the laws
of New Jersey but is doing business
in a factory in Portland, Oregon for
the purpose of manufacturing tin cans
and tin boxes.
Joe Degidio is the superintendent
and manager of the factory.
She states that she had been em
ployed by the manager in the shear
department and she operated a mach'
ino used for the purpose of printing
on tin cans and tin boxesi The woman
was unacquainted with the workings
of the machinery and had to rely on
the Judgment and skill of the manag'
She alleges the machinery govern
ing the counter die became worn, de
fective and unsafe, but the manager
said it was all right and commanded
her to finish her work. While plain
tiff was working, the counter-die by
reason lts being worn, fell on plain
tiff's hand and 03 the result her hand
and fingers were greatly deformed,
Having suffered great pain, mental
strain, and bodily injuries and being
unable to work hereafter, she asks
the court to ,grant her the sum of
Another Fine Forage Crop Added to
Long List of Valley Production
-Making "Clover
Experiments of the last year on
the farm of W. M. Robinson on the
west side have shown that alfalfa can
be raised In Clackamas county a
well as any place In the east The
seed was planted a year ago on one
and a half acre and although the
experiment ha covered only one-half
of the period necessary for complete
showing it ha given promise of great
success. Hundreds of farmer in all
part of Oregon have since been ex
perimenting with the raising of al
falfa and Dr. Grleger of Forest Grove
has obtained three good crops on his
farm during the past year.
That alfalfa can be grown in Ore
gon successfully will be a great aid
in getting many people of the east to
come west They believe that It Is
the best crop and the best feed for
the farm animals.
Alfalfa growing Jn the Willamette
valley is still In an experimental stage
so far as the possibility of producing
it is a commercial crop Is concerned.
The same could have been said of
clover ten years ago, but It Is now
one of the principal forage crops rais
ed throughout the Willamette valley.
A few years later retch was Intro
duced, It grows so luxuriantly as to ob
tain popular favor and at once be
came a common and valuable crop. It
cannot be said, however, that clover
was altogether successful at first and
many failures occurred In various sec
tions of the valley, causing a feeling
generally that the valley lands were
not adapted to the growing of clover.
About this time the Oregon State
Agricultural college people advocat
ed the practice of Inoculating the soil
by taking soil from a field where
clover had been successfully grown
and spreading It over the new land at
the time of seeding, which plan was
considerably followed and resulted
In solving the problem of Inoculation.
Now it is considered the soil of the
Willamette valley has become thor
oughly inoculated with the germs re
quisite for the production of clover
and that a good crop can be raised
without difficulty In every section of
the valley.
It Is confidently expected that what
has already been accomplished with
respect to clover can also be done
with alfalfa. In the past few years
enough successful experiments have
been made by Individual farmers to
prove that alfalfa Is a success In the
Willamette valley.
A deed filed In the recorder's of
fice of Clackamas county has trans
ferred the property of the Willamette
Falls Railway company to the Port
land General Electric company. The
deed Is dated January 17, 1907, but
was filed Thursday afternoon. The
transfer of the property takes the Wil
lamette Falls railway, electric light,
power and telephone lines, strip of
land, rights of way, franchises, ties,
rails, tracks, side tracks, switches,
electrical equipment, rolling stock and
all remaining interests.
The road, as all know, Is operated
on the west side, car running from the
suspension bridge to the Tualatin riv
er in the town of Willamette, since
September, 1S93.
The Willamette Railway company
when started, had In view the running
of a line clear through to Portland
on the west side of the river. When
the line was completed between Ore
gon City and the town of Willamette
the work was- dropped and since that
time the railway has only been used
as a suburban line. For years it was
also used to bring cord-wood to the
paper and pulp mills, but since fuel
oil has been used at the mills, that
part of the business was dropped.
The deal was made by the officers
of the Willamette Railway company,
H. W. Goode, president and Charle3
H. Caufield, secretary.
Roosevelt calls Foraker's bluff by
appointing a negro to a federal of
fice in Cincinnati, and Foraker must
vote to confirm the appointment or
admit his blow and bluff abcut the
Brownsville affair was' insincere.