OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1007. Social and Personal A man-luge licinso was Issued Jan uary 25. to Marjorio Krlgbonrn ami Waltor St. John. Bmmn Bittnor and A. M. Zurfluh were Riven a marriage Hoonse, Janu ary 2C. A marriapo liconso has boon Issued in Multnomah county to S. J. Schwartz to Fixt ores for Sale! of Canby and Nina Bursoti of Tort-1 land. a h) L7 ID) (a) w ii i And "Got Cis i William H. Stanclift and Mrs. Flor ence Mlnior, both of Scotts Mills, wore married in Silyerton Saturday by the Rev. K. M. Mars tors at the home ol the bride. Mr. Stanoliff Is a man of 69 years of age and was au affirmed haehelor andthis is his first venture in the matrimonial line. The bride is of the same age. The couple will re side at Scott's Mills. Dodge-Grimm. In the county court room on Janu ary 12, Miss Ida Grimm and John Dodge were married by County Judge Grant It. Dimiek. Miss Iva Harring ton and Walter A. Dimick witnessed the ceremony, Elliot-Harriman. Rev. C. A. Lewis of Oak Grove unit ed in marriage J. Elniira Harriman of Clackamas county and Fred R. Elliot of Multnomah county, January 20. J. B. Elliot and R, J. Vors witnessed the marriage ceremony. Miss Ethel Cheney of McMinnville came Sunday for a visit of several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Cheney. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Wilson of Clack amas are rejoicing over the advent of a son born Thursday night January 24. Abernethy grange 346 In its all day meeting, Saturday, had a very satis factory session as well as a good so cial time. Milwaukie, Woodburn and Center granges Bent large delegations and a representative from each had a place on the program. Mrs. W. T. Brayton, secretary and treasurer of Abernethy grange received three ap plications for membership from Park place and turned in $21.60, the month's proceeds for dues and initiation fees. A bounteous dinner was served- at noon. The next meeting will be on Saturday, February 9. It will be an evening meeting in the hall and after the program a social time will be en Joyed by the members. Warner grange met in New Era in the new hall on Saturday for a regu lar meeting and the Installalton of of ficers for the ensuing year. It was decided that papers should be read at eacb meeting throughout the year, prepared by different members of the grange. The papers will pertain to the farm interests. The following officers were instal led: Master, Judge Thomas F. Ryan; overseer, Geo. Lazelle; lecturer, Mrs. G. V. Wilson; steward, Fred Chinn; assistant steward, Jim Hylton; chap lain, Mrs. Fred Chinn; treasurer, D. McArthur; secretary Katie Friedrich; gate keeper, Mrs. D. McArthur; Po mona, Mrs. J. S. Dick; Flora, Mrs. J. Blanchard; Ceres, Mrs. C. Dundas; S. A. S., Emma WileharL ManZan Pile Kemedy. put up to ; convenient, collapsible tubes with noz- j lie attachment so that the remedy i may be applied at the very seat of the trouble, thus relieving almost in stantly bleeding, itching or protrud . Ing piles. Satisfacton guaranteed or money refunded. Sold by Huntley Bros.' Drug Store. ' CANBY. James Evans, our chief of police, has heen on the Bick list. The Ladles Aid society of the M. E. church will give a valentine sexual on February 14. The M. E. church has been newly papered. The Greeks who have been working I on the railroad have caused some j trouble and have been ordered Ha j leave town. Clyde Evans spent Sunday with his J wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Knight. Hurst & Co., are loading a car of fancy potatoes to ?hip to California. The Canby school is progressing nicely under the management of Prof. Mitts. Marion Swausby and Aluta Knight are on the sick list. There were services in the Chris tian church Sunday, the first for months. Carl Smith and Rambler Wilkerson made a business trip to Oregon City, Saturday. Dade s L.HUO L.iver rius morougDiy i clean tbe system, good for iazy livers, I makes clear complexion, bright eyes j Early In December last we were called to Oregon City to close out the stock of goods remaining In the building now occupied by us. We were placed under hurry orders" as the understanding was that other parties wanted the building for permanent occupancy. Later we were Informed that we could stay. Under this impression and assurance we accepted a 35,000 Stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing: Hats, Shoes and Outfittings, from the Big "Globe" Department Store of Lansing to distribute among Oregon COy folks at any prices the goods would bxing. And prices absurdly low have ruled and reigned! Owing to the extraordinary inclemency of the weather, hundreds have been unable to come and share the marvelous values beieg offered. We had planned to continue the GRAND CARNIVAL OF BARGAINS THFU FEBRUARY, when Like Lightning's Flash from Cloudless Skies Come the command "Get Out! at Once" the store is leuseel over our heads! Messrs Goldstein & Levitt, of Portland take Possession March 1st These gentlemen have very kindly consented to our occupancy of the store building until February 23 when they take possession to install new and modern fixtures and an entirely and absolutely NEW STOCK of goods in men's wear. We have Just 20 selling days in which to dispose of the entire remaining stock of goods now in the store! For Us "23" Indeed Means "Skiddoo" Get Out ! On February 23 we leave Oregon City probably forever! Every dollar's worth of goods now in this store we occupy must be sold at some price ere that date! THIS IS NO FALSE ALARM NO FAKENO MISSTATEMENT no cry of "Woli" when no wolf is here. I We are truly leased out and must vacate this store February 23. Every Dollar's Worth of Goods Here Must Be Sold Before That Date ! With only 20 business days ahead desperate measures are demanded ! And desperate measures are in force. MEN'S SUITS FOR A SONG! OVERCOATS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY ! Men's best regular gf $7.00 and $8.00 Nfv - OVERCOATS kj)03 Men's best regular $20.00 O a r OVERCOATS Men's best regular J! P0 $10 and $12 90 OVERCOATS Men's best regular $15.00 ft SUITS N '00 Men's best regular $25 SUITS i Young Men's $8 and $10 SUITS 44.45 Boy's regular $3.00 KNEE PANTS SUITS $1-87 Men's best regular $10 SUITS .85 Boy's regular 35c KNEE PANTS f 22C Men's $2.50iants - - 88c $3 and $4 Pants - - 81.85 Men's $2.50 Canvas Coats - SI. 29 Marvelous Women's handsome, Stylish Shoes, made' in fine workmanship by expert shoemakers, on stylish lasts lots are broken A (h(f but all sizes in something in i I J the lot. A wonderful value jj -11 1 1 at the pair y iBHw Unmatchable bargains in Men's Furnishing Goods! foen's and Boy's Clothing, Men's and Boy's Hats, Men's, Boy's and Women's Shoes, Men's and Boy's Furnishings at emphatic reductions at ridiculously low prices. No such bargains were ever offered before in Oregon City. Come early, the store will be one vast sea of humanity during this sale. We're absolutely SELLING OUT! Going; Out of Business in Oregon City Forever! WE'RE GOING TO QUIT! READ THE RETIRING FROM BUSINESS PRICES Almost unbelieveable Values in Men's Hats! IFootweajr ! Men's good, strong, ser viceable and dependable Working Shoes $1.39 Men's new and fashionable button Shoes, made on stylish lasts and by famous makers. Very serviceable. Broken lots but nearly every size in the convention. A rare bargain at Early comers will reap the richest rewards from this Harvest of Bargatndom. Goldstein & Levitt take possession February 23 and before that every dollar's worth of goods must be sold clean to the bare walls for the store must be turned over to them empty. Look for the signs of V ll )' III Illy "TP I 2 DOORS FROM POST OFFICE. OPP. COMMERCIAL BANK, OREGON CITY