Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 01, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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City and Vicinity
8. H. Thoiiiu of Mt. I'ltmmwit who
Itiirt liimn very 111 wllh dropsy fur some
lltno In not recovering a bin ninny
friend would wliih.
Horry Hchnfor of the O. K, CU anlnK
ml rniMHlnx purlorH on Jfiiln street,
will leave thl evonlnir for Heottlo,
whuro lio will open up a nlmp.
Htv. I.uca of Portland, pastor of
Iho (lurimin Lutheran church in Ore
uort (!lty, Iiiin returned from u sevor
I weeks' visit Ht Ih Angclim.
lUf. H, V .Dlimnwre, who Hindu nil
addrosa In tho PrtiHbyterlnn church
Sunday evening on local option In
reported by bin hearer to bo high
ly entertaining .ttpoiiktir.
Tho ladl of tho CoiiKregathmal
vtoirrh will bold nuotlicr market on
Saturday afternoon, If yon want
something KKd to out don't forgot to
1". T. Kendall, principal of tho Went
Sldo school of Oregon City In assist
ing tho county nchool superintendent
In looking over tho eighth grade ex
Minlnalliin papers.
OnKon City has lost her Salvation
Army. If that organization U really
working for tho Malvatlon of inula,
H'a a pity thoy ever left Oregon City.
Hllvorton Appeal.
ha returned homo.- Balmu Capital
Tho Htiito Horticultural aoclely
hopes to hold two good meet Inn this
year, one In Mod ford and another at
1'ortland. Ita work deserves tho sup
port of everyone, town and country,
for It In "all Oregon work," for iho
Upbuilding of our orchardH ami homes,
Mr. J. I). Honnor returned from
McMlnnvlllo Monday afternoon, whero
hho liad been by tho bedside of ber
daughter. Mls Ona Itenner la at
tending McMlnnvlllo college.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ayer of Salent,
wore tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. Coo.
Hoey In Oregon City Sunday. Mr.
Ayer Ik aHKlHtaut raxhler of tho Stale
Hank of Salem.
In the matter of tho estate of Mor
rU Itoberts, deceased, John W. 1xter
has been appointed administrator. Mr.
1 ider la also tho attornoy for tho es
into. Valuation baa been cMtlmnted at
Captain J. T. Apportion, of Oregon
t'lty, arrived In pnlotn last evening
tleorgo W, Ogle, of Molalla, who
ban been In SaU-in fur several days.
Prof. L. T. Traver, former super
liilondent i of tho Pendleton city
schools, was a vltiltor In Superintend
out .Insor'a officii Monday afternoon.
Professor Traver loft tho same dtiy
for Biilem. Ho la now traveling In
their Intercut of a chxl book firm.
Charted I'arrlHh, who wan arrested
limt week and' lined $10 for being
drunk and (Unorder! and not going
homo when told to by ofTiclaln, wan
placed In tho city Jail upon being tin
ablo to pay Mm fine. Monday morning
City Itorordor Dlmlck remitted !Ih
lino and ho waa given hla liberty.
with friends hero last week.
Our school la progreslng nicely tin
dor tho management of MIh Fogg of
Mr. and Mr. C, Bpanglor spent Bun
day with friends In west Carus.
Tom Inskeep returned to 1'ortland,
Mr. and Mrs. Kpence wont to Ore
gon City, Saturday,
Oulll Thomas of Jlonver Crook spent
Hunday In our burg.
Wo hear that Kph Jones und family
are going to movo back to hla farm.
Wonder what that means?
Several of tho young folk of this
plucc spent Monday evening with Mr.
and Mr. William Davis and family.
Tho Hum of $10 waa realized from
an entertainment at tho Now ICra
school on Friday. Tho money will bo
expended for tho purpono of tncroas
lug tho aehool library. Miss Mao
Htrango, teacher of tho Now Kra
school, had chargo of tho entertainment.
Tho weather of tho Inst fow day has
been quite (Unagreeable,
Itkhard Davis ban been laid up with
a lamo foot.
Minn Wlunlfred Howard, who Iibh
been working In Portland In tho U. H.
laundry tho last sixteen montha, Bpcot
a few ilaya with friend and relative
hero tho flrat of tho week.
Mr. Spatz and Mr. Stelnor, both of
Heaver Crook, apeut Sunday with Kph
Mr. (in-gory haa been hauling toan
lea to Oregon City for ahlpment.
Kmtna litnkoep returned homo fiun-
i day from Portland.
Panny Irlnh apent Hunday with her
I grandmother.
j Mr. and Mra. Jack (JrlfTlth apent tho
j afternoon at Win. Davln. Sunday,
j Mlnne II. ppangler and II. Howard
jtMik In tho program dnnco at Molalla
J Saturday nlt-bt. They report a fine
Umo and that thero will bo other danc
es there February 9 and 22d.
i Everett tiroen npent aevoral day
Endorsed by the County.
"Tho mont popular remedy In Ot
aego county, and tlm bent friend of
my family," write Wrn. M. Dl'.tz, ed
itor anil publlHher of tho Otaogo Jour
nal, (JllbertHvtllo, N. Y., "I Dr. King'
Now Dlncovery. It ha proved to bo
an lnfalllblo euro for cough and
colda, making Blurrt work of tho worat
of them. We alway koep a bottlo
In tho hoiiHO. 1 bellovo It to bo tho
mont valuabl proacrlptlon known for
Lung and throat dlaeaHca." Guaran
teed to never dlaappolnt tho taker, by
Howell & Jonoa' drug atoro. Price
r0c and $1.00, Trial bottlo free.
lover, Jon. 29. Every one 1 glad
to moo the anow dltiappear.
A, J. Kltmlller ha returned from
a trip to Washington county.
Mia Lulu Morlnon camo from Port
land to keep hoiiKo for bor father.
U'orgo Wolf la recovering from a
day am! Sunday with Mra. Klt.mlller.
C. A. Keith bought nlxteon head of
abeep from Joo DoShazer lant week.
Tho neighbor Hawed wood for Mr.
Kolth lant week.
Preaching nervlee rif-xt Sunday, Feb
ruary 3, at tho Dover M. E. church.
The Limit of Life.
The mont eminent medical aclen
tint are unanlmou In tho conclusion
that tho generally accepted limitation
of human lift! I many year below
tho attainment iwmalblo with tho ad-
vanced knowledge of which tho race
la now poHHCHKod. Tho critical peri
od, that determine It duration,
Hccma to Im between 50 and CO; tho
propoacaro of the body during thl
decade cannot bo too strongly urged;
4 ,
x:; 'i-.y
Our collection' of Laces and Embroideries for
Spring lutve arrived and, are open for your iiir
sped ion.' ' .
The new llnc.cmsisl.taf the newest and pretti
est designs ever shown here; arriving in due time
for the early Spring scwiiig.
Embroidery edging's in all widths. Insertions
for shirtwaists. Tiny lace edging and msci
tions. Waist patterns in allovcr lace, etc., etc.,
Dozens of pretty things to add to the White
All Properly Priced
caroleannon then being fatal to long
Ivlty, Nuturo' bent helper after 60
la Electric Hitter, tho aclentlflc tonic
modlclriQ that revitalize every organ
of tho body. Guaranteed by Howell
& Jonca, drugglKt; C0c.
Hobbln Ilro. are finlnhlng up their
delayed inventory, a tank that caune
a High of relief when over with,
Mr. Trulllngor, the blackHinlth, has
boon unablo to work becauno of a
lamo arm, caunod by a sprain In
shoeing a home.
Otl Morrl had tho mlnfortune to
calk himself last week while driving
on tho river. The nail wa severed
from tho big too.
Port Perry ha moved hi family
over to tho logging camp where he
ha a job of hauling logs,
I. 0. O. F. lodge No. 184 had good
work In the Initiatory degree Satur
day night. Tho chain gang at Mo
lalla are making preparation for a
flrst-clas dance on February 22. The
IxjKter have been out some time. It
may be an "odd time" at Molalla to
have an anti-booze dance, but the
management haa determined to main
tain good order at all hazard.
"Oh! Joe!" seem to be coming In
to line as a feminine cus word by the
ladle that feel like saying something
occanionally to emphasize their feel
ing at stated surprise. It probab
ly originated with losing an over-shoe
in the mud or practicing the art of
nail-driving, And when made use of
in connection with tho telephone has
more resemblance to recorded swear
ing than giving vent to an excitement
suddenly expressed.
Elmer Short died at bis borne at
Mllwaukle Height on Wednesday af
ternoon, January 30, 1907, at the age
of 30 year. The cause of death wa
pneumonia. The funeral service will
bo held on Friday with Interment In
the Itlverview cemetery of Portland.
The body wa brought np to the Shank
& Blssell undertaking parlor of thl
city, Thursday.
Mr, lantha Kruse, widow of John
Krime, and mother of ex-representative
J. L. Kruse, died last evening at
her home near Wllnonvlile. The fun
eral will be held from the home at
11:30 o'clock Thursday. Three son
survive her J. I.. Kruse, Albert
Kruse and Homer KruHe,
The services over the body of Mor
ris Roberta took place at the Hoi man.
funeral parlors Sunday. Burial took
( place In Mountain View cemetery, ;
Mr. Sophia Koellermeler died of
Ilrlghf disease at her home In Staf
ford, Sunday, January 27, at the age
of CO year. She leaves a husband
and five children, funeral service
at late, home, Tuesday; burial in Ger
man cemetery at Wllsonvillo.
Henry Matteaon died at hi home at.
Mllwaukle at the age of IS, January
23. The cause of death was rheuma-'
tism. 1
Pine Salve Carbolized, act like a
poultice; highly antlsceptlc, exten
sively used for Eczema, for chapped
bands and Hp, cuts, burns. Sold by
Huntley Bros.' Drug Store.
Wholesale or retail at COST, my entire stock of goods
at Arcade Racket Store. Counters, Show Cases and
Shelving, everything goes. Bargains for everybody.
Also some Household Goods. Come and get Prices.
606 Main St., Oregon City, Ore. W. L. STULTS
."Everybody Should Know"
say C. G. Hays, a prominent business
man of Bluff, Mo., that Bucklen'g Ar
nica Salve Is the quickest and surest
healing salvo ever applied to a sore,
burn or wound, or to a case of pile.
I've used It and know what I'm talk
ing about." Guaranteed by Howell &
Jones, druggists. 25c.
We are now having the Oregon gen
tle rain which 1 much more appreciat
ed than tho northern blast which ac
cording to estimate froze fifty thou
sand dollars worth of potatoes In Ore
gon, $1000 In Springwater.
Those who were ill are Improving.
Grandpa Wooster 1 quite feeble, al
though It might be expected as he is
over 92 years old.
Our school Is getting along nicely
under the auspices of Miss Glnther and
Miss Warner.
"Regular as the Sun"
Is an expression as old as the race. No
doubt the rising and setting of the
sun Is the most regular performance
in the universe, unless it Is the action
of tho liver and bowels when regulat
ed with Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, drug
gists. 25c.
Letters remaining uncalled for In
tho Oregon City postoffice for the
week ending. Feb. 1, 1907:
McClain, Mrs. M. L.; Cash, Herbctt;
Jones, Al.; Morris, Patrick J.; Smith,
Luther; Wright, W. E.;Box 2C.
The weather seems to stay very
Potato buyers seem very regular at
the cellars along the roads. j
Mrs. Fred Koellermeler died at her
home Sunday of dropsy. She leaves
a husband and five children to mourn
her demise. '
The telephono wires need a lot of
repairing since the heavy frost Sunday
evening. On one line It broke the
posts off, while on the other it raised
them out of the ground.
John Hayos is on the sick list.
There are several people in our '
neighborhood who are trying to swln-!
dlo one man out of hishop patch.
I ' ,
IP'W Wfc city's busiest store
Notice of Fnal Account.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned executrix of the last will
and testament of tho estate of Jane
Atkinson, deceased, has filed In the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas County, her final re
port of receipts and disbursements
as such executrix and her petition for
discharge, and that Monday the fourth
j day of March, 1907, at 9:30 a. m., has
I been set and apoplnted by the court
and of any and all objections thereto.
Executrix of the last will and testa
ment of the estate of Jane Atkin
son, deceased. '
John K. Kollock, Attorney.
First publication, Feb. 1, 1907. 8-5
Make 1907 an ELECTRIC
YEAR in yotir Household as well
as in your Store and enjoy the
convenience, the labor-saving, the
healthf tilness, the safety, the econ
omy and the prosperity that at
tend the use of ELECTRICITY,
ALS :-The Company will hence
forth furnish free of charge, to all
meter customers, new Edison base
lamps of 4, 8, 16, 32 and 50
candle power, in exchange for burn
ed out or old lamps heretofore fur
nished by the Company. Lamp re
newals will be made at THE
mean better light, and is Equal to
a Substantial Reduction in the
Cost of Lighting.
C. G. MILLER, Contract Manager
"PJneules" (non-alcoholic) made
from resin from our Pine Forests,
used for hundred of year for Bla'd-
der and Kidney diseases. Medlcin'e
for thirty days, $1.00. Guaranteed.
! Sold by Huntley Bros.' Drug Store
Try to deceive yourself into the belief that you
are owing this bank a large sum of money and
that you are required to make weekly or monthly
payments. When these payments have been j
made for some time and you have accumulated
a good bank account you will pardon yourself for
the self-deception. ' j . j
The Bank ot Oregon City !