OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1907. (QOU 0BMT CLOS After 40 years of successful business the fitm of L SELLING has decided to retire from active business. Our entire stock, consisting of gJ25 worth of general merchandise, offered at actual cost The greatest ,7, H, 1 , sacrifice in prices this city has ever known EVERYTHING at PRICES That SELL THEMSELVES Half Price and less for all broken lines. We qaofe a small list, which will give you an idea of prices prevailing throughout the store. DOMESTICS 3G Inch L. L. Mandim! snide domes- tic, ynrd 5 I -2C I-cmmlulo MtiHlIn, 30 InclmH wldo lit rlcmlng out prlco of yard 3 "2C Hxt quullty Calicoes, our Co, and 7c grades u novys, gray, pinks, light blues, garnet and cardinal, entire lino at closing out prlro of yard5c Regular 7o Apron Gingham closing out price, yard 4 -2c FlanneUHtes, In largo assortment, reg ulur 1 0 Vi c and 12c goods at clon ing out price of, yard 7 2c i Drapery Clotha, twilled and fast color, lOo and 12 Vic grade at cloning out price yarif 30 Inch Silkollnea, all colors, values from 10c to 12Vie, closing out price per yard 3c DRESS GOODS Tho supremacy of tills department la well known to tho ladies of Oregon City and vicinity, a most complete stock In all popular shades and black; wo offer doublo fold plaids, 25c goods, closing out price, yni I 9c Doublo fold Plaid, 20c grade, closing out prlco, yard 5C 52 Inch all wool Ladlua' Cloth, noth ing to equal It for sorvlcable wear, closing out price, yard .. 47c 64 Inch all wool covert cloth, regular $1.25 quality, closing out price, yr 59c We Claim for this Closing Out Sale tJZ&SitSi Our Store has always been known as the place where you could always expect the most satisfactory, results. The public can rest assured that only most attractive outlay of merchandise is offered. 7th and Main Sts. 3h Inch nil wool suitings, COc and C5o goods, entire line offered at rari 37c Novelty Suiting, 42 Inches wldo, regu lar 95c quality, closing out price, 69c CO liKb Suiting, $1.25 goods, closing out prlco yard 93c G8 Inch sacking, 85c quality, closing out prlco, yard 59C 28 Inch Mohairs, excellent COc quality, closing out price yard .... 37C 38 Inch all wool Albatross COc grade, closing out prlco, yard 33c 38 Inch all wool Henriettas, C5c qual ity, black and colors, closing out price, yard ... 47c 41 Inch Gorman Henriettas, silk fin ish, $1.25 quality, closing out price, yard 99c CLOTHING Every expenditure made during our great closing out sale will prove a splendid Investment An Immense stock of Clothing at a sacrifice that meant Dollars to you. Men's $20.00 to $25.00 all wool wors ted Suits, best of all wool materials, choice during closing I I Q I out sale q I JJO Men's $15.00 Suits, high grade through and through, worsted, closing out price ... $1 1.25 Men's $12.00 to $13.50 casslmere and cheviot Bults, closing out price . . . . $.795 Men's $10.00 to $11.50 8ults, velour casHlrncre and cheviots, closing out Price $7.95 Men's $8.00 Suits twilled wool cassl mero, closing out price $595 Young Mens suits High grade worsted Suits, our regu lar $12.00 to $13.50, closing out pneo $9.75 Regular $10.00 to $11.50 grades now on sale at $7.95 Young Men's Suits $3.00 to $9.00 grade at closing out price $595 Young men's Casslmere Suits, $7.00 quality closing out price $535 Young men's cheviot Suits $5.00 to $6.00 grades closing . Af (X'Z out price x3vlUJ UNDERWEAR MEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR Men's wool ShlrU and Drawers, now selling at the garment ... 63c Men's 45c and 50c Shirts and Draw ers, now prlce at per garment Men's Shirts and Drawers, our $1.50 values closing out price , 9 Women s, Misses' and Children's Vests and rants, at actual cost prices, which you can't afford to miss. SHOES Just as near to your own price as you could ask. Over 3000 pairs of shoes In . stock all dependable qualities and all offered at actual cost. OREGON CITY, OREGON Women's $3.50 Shoes now offered $2.95 Women's $3.00 quality we offer clos ing out price .. $2.55 Our $2.50 special closing out p $2.10 Our $2.00 grade, honest as gold, clos ing out price .$ .65 Our $1.75 quality closing out Price $ .43 Regular $1.50 grade, closing out p. $1.29 MEN'S SHOES Men's Shoes $.1.29 for $1.50 and $1.65 grades. Our regular $1.75 quality now sell- $1.40 Men's $2.25 grades In vlcl and velour calf, closing out price 5 Men's $3.00 Shoes, an unquestioned bargain at the price, reduced for closing out sale to 2 55 Men's $3.50 Shoes In latest and best styles, closing out Pr'ce2 95 Men's $4.00 Shoes in finest box calf vicl, that are made for the finest trade, closing out Pr,ceJ 45 BOY'S SHOES Our regular $2.00 line of Boys Shoes, closing out price $ .65 Our $1.75 grade, solid throughout, closing out price ....$ .43 ILrii KJ VVJ3 Our $1.50 Boys Shoes now selling $1.29 MISSES' SHOES Regular $2.23 values no$ .35 Regular $2.00 values now $ ,65 Regular $1.75 grade now $ .55 Regular $1.25 quality 93c Mens Furnishngs Men's 15c black soz now veiling at PaIr : 9C Men's natural wool box regular 15c grade, closing out price, pair Oc Our entire line of men's 25c half-hose, closing out price 9c Men's President Suspenders, regular 50c grade, daring closing out sale, priced at pair 35c Men's Work Shirts In duck, cheviots or percales, the best that money could purchase to retail at 50c, now being offered closing oat price 3 7c Men's Shirts, oar 75c quality, closing out prlca 53c Men's black Satteen Shirts, the un questioned $1.00 grade, closing out pr,ce 79c Men's Oregon Blue Flannel Shirts $1.75 and $2.00 grades, closing out prlce $1.45 'Men's Hats, $3 Quality $2.25 $2.50 quality closing out price $ ,90 Our $2.00 grade now being sold .$145 $1.50 quality closing out price . . 95c Our $1.00 Leaders closing out prlce - 50c Suspension Bridge Corner