OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1907. Cityand Vicinity I O. Fellows of Highland was trans acting business here, Friday. Robert Duncan of Estacada, vlalted friends here, Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Sommors Is Improv ing: from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams returned from San Francisco, Sunday. Miss Ethel wyn Albright Is a guest of friends and relatives In Fortland. Hubert Kuppenbeuder Is confined t;" the home of his brother by an attack of appendicitis . Jonah Ten man and Will Randall have run a new telephone line from Central Toint to Oregon City. C. W. Moldenhauer Is now residing at 43C Division street, having moved to town Wednesday from R. ?, D. 6. f1. G. Lent has been having la gr!5Pe for the last week, most of the time not able to be In the store. Mrs. Will Muir of Xeola, Iowa, is in Oregon City .called here by the burial of her father, Morris Roberts, Mrs. Tom Wattenpaugh of Cres cent hill has sold five acres of her farm for $700. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ely, a seven pound daughter, Friday, January 25. Earl Wink of New Era visitec Wed nesday, his mother, who Is recovering from an illness, and has been in Ore gon City a few weeks. The G. A. R. councilmea in their meeting at Portland decided to hold the state encampment on the 2 26th and 27 of June at Newberg. ith. J. R. Caufleld left Saturday after noon for Home Valley, Wash., where he U employed as time-keeper in J. P. Porter & Co.'s sawmills. S. A. Finley, wife and children of Portland visited Mrs. Flnley's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moulton, Sun day. Mr. Oakley of Portland, spent Sun day with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. E. Clarence Oakley of the Congrega tional church. A. Hamann of Independence, who resided on Clackamas Heights about seven years ago, was in Oregon City, Saturday. Mr. Hamann is looking The price of hair cuts has been raised to 35 cents in Walla Walla, ex cept for bald headed men, 15 cents. Massages 50 cents. The street committee of the city council was looking over the streets Sunday morning. Water street re ceived most of their attention. A. Gieblsch and F. Joplin, members of a contracting firm of Portland, were in Oregon City, Sunday, attending the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Lawler. George Kirk was arrested Sunday for being drunk on the streets and generally creating a disturbance. He was fined $5 by the city recorder. C. E. Nash will open a blacksmith shop on the corner of 7th and J. Q. Adams street about February 15. The disfiguring woodshed will be torn down. Dr. W. E. Carll returned Thursday morning from Salem where he gave an address before the Marlon County Medical association. H. 0. Inskeep of Carus, was in Ore gon City Friday. Mr. Inskeep reports the farmers in his section of the coun try busy plowing the soil. Hon. George M. Cornwail and Hon D. H. Webster of Clackamas and Hon C. B. Moores were extended the court esies of the house of representatives at Salem, Wednesday. Some women are really too touchy. A widow has recently brought suit against a newspaper because in the obituary of the deceased husband it said that he had gone to a happier home. Mrs. William Robison, son Charles and sister Miss Rose Lindenbaum, wero guests of the ladies' sisters, Mrs. Solomon and Mrs. Rosenthal in Port- land, Sunday. . Earl Latourette Is the possessor of a bright red sweater, bearing the large "P" of the Portland high school. Earl was awarded the garment in recognition of his work as quarter - back on the 1906 Portland high school football eleven. MONEY MATTERS CAUSE OF ST. PAUL TROUBE MRS. TREMBATH GIVES HER VER SION OF AFFAIRS DICK LICH HAS GONE. HOTEL SOLD AND NAME CHANGED Thomas Stakely of Wasco County Buy Boarding Houae Trembatha Are Going to England . The St. Fnul hotel has been sold to Thomas Stakley of Wasco county and the proprietor took charge of the boarding and rooming house on Sun day morning. From now, on th house will be known as the "Stakely Hotue." Mr. Stakely is not entirely a stranger, in Oregon City as he has been in this city for tho last four months and had been employed In the Willamette Pulp mill. When seen Monday morning Mr. Stakely jjaid. that he intended to run a boardlrfg house that would be a cred it to Oregon City and it was his in tention to keep it in the best of order, fie will strive to overcome the name the St. Paul house acquired during the last few weeks and that will part ly be done through the change of the name. The St. Paul house Is to be forgotten by all, he says. The deal was made to Mr. Stakely by Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Trembath and they have released all claims to the business. The former proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Trembath, will go to housekeeping for some time, and af ter the fishing season they will start for England, Mrs. Trembath's old home, where they will spend several months visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Trembath was In England about a yeaf ago and If they like the coun try they will remain there to make their home. The change in the proprietors of the St Paul bouse recalls the doings within Its walls during the last month. When seen Monday morning about the deal which transferred the busi ness of the liotel to the new man, Mrs. Trembath was very eager to make explanations for the stories which have been current about her rooming house for some time. "The whole trouble that has come to this house was not caused as had been reported at first by many. Many tried to make a scandal of a little disa greement. They have had a wrong idea of the condition of affairs, for money matters were at the bottom of the whole thing. After the shooting scrape which, took place about two weeks ago, I bought out Mr. Dlcklich or rather forced him to sell as we. could not stand his way of doing busi ness. He pocketed all the money, paid only a few bills and when he went away after the scrape with the negro cook, be secured much money for b&ard In advance and the $200 I paid him for his share of the business." Then ttie lady went on to explain that Dlcklich wa3 not in the habit of keeping books for the hotel, but only for his own benefit in his (Italian) language, and that he always had the money. "You can make plain," she said, "that the first trouble, when Mr. Trembath found Mr. Dlcklich and my self conversing in the former's room, that, we were only talking over some unpaid meat bills and that had been the trouble all day, it was no won der that when Mr. Trembath found us together that his temper got the best of him. We have been badly treat ed and cheated by this man Dlcklich, and he has cheated us out of much money." About this time Mr. Trembath help ed the conversation by saying that if he knew where that man was now he would have him arrested for ob taining money under false pretenses. Since his departure the owners have had to board several persons gratis, as Dicklich had the cash In hla pock ets. Richard, the negro cook and dish washer is again working at the hotel and happy as a lark. He was taken out of jail by Trembath and given back his Job. GANG GUILTY OP GREATER CRIME Portland, Jan. 28. Charles Ander son, one of the ten men caught in the police dragnet recently in a raid on a Front street lodging house, and Frank Wane, under arrest for the Sellwood postoffice robbery, are sus pected by the police of being the men who murdered Dr. Philljp Edwards Johnson and threw his body from the 1 Ford street bridge. It leaked ouft Sunday, In spite of the efforts of Cap , tain of Detectives Bruin and Detec- live llollyor to keep tho mutter se cret, that when Anderson's room was searched ovldoneo was found that points to Anderson as ono of tho mon who committed the fiendish crime. Just what the evidence couslaU of is not yet known, but from all ac counts It must bo strong, for both tho officers have striven ever since Dr. Johnson's body was found under tho bridgo to prove that ho commit ted suicide. Tho fact that the friends of the murdered physlciun havo In creased tho reward for tho arrest and conviction of the men who committed the crime from f 1000 to 2000 may havo had something to do with tho ac tivity of tho police. SHALL FACTORY BE RETAINED? CSWALD MANUFACTURING COM PANY OFFERED BONUS AND BUILDING FROM CORVALLIS MEN. I'nlesa Oregon City Is willing to lose a big enterprise, the Oswald Man ufacturing Co., it Is time to begin making arrangements to keep them. Tho grounds and building where the factory now stands, belong to Frank Uuscb, but they have already notified Mr.'Busch that their Increasing busi ness has made their present quarters too cramped. They have now outstand ing contracts of 1300 they are un able to fill on account of not being able to turn out work fast enough for lack of room where they are, A few lots are not sufficient for a factory Of this kind, rather requiring acreage, as the kiln must be away from the main building to prevent dan ger of fire. Five years ago the citi zens of Sa. Johns gave $2500 to the Doernbecker Manufacturing company and today it Is tho biggest factory on the coast. Corvallls has offered the Oswald Co. $5000 bonus and tho use of a large factory formerly a carri age factory, to come to their town. The Oswald Manufacturing company Is composed of Oregon City people and they prefer remaining here, if the proper inducements to stay to justify their business Interests were given them. It would certainly show an enter prising spirit if some of the moneyed men of Oregon City would look Into the matter and try to keep this in dustry at home. MACKINAW GIVEN 25 DAYS IN JAIL Must Answer Charge of Resisting Of ficer After Serving First Sentence. George Mackinaw was fined o0 or 25 days in Jail Monday morning by Justice Stlpp, on charge of being drunk and creating disturbance out In the country. Having nothing with which to pay his fine and no way of securing the price, he was placed In the county jail to serve his time. As soon as the time limit expires he will be brought up on the charge of resisting an officer of the peace and given the limit. Mackinaw tried to get away from Constable Ely Friday when he was being brought to town, but his desperate efforts wero In vain. SUES FOR SHARE OF "SPUDS." Joseph Blrrer as plaintiff has filed suit against Karl Brookman for the failure tx give over share of potatoes. Defendant planted potatoes on land of plaintiff, who was to receive one third of the crop. The defendant has harvested 900 sacks of good marketable potatoes and only delivered to the plaintiff 20 sacks. The plaintiff seeks judgment for 280 sacks of potatoes or the sum l of 23G and cost of action, City Bonds for $1032. Bonds to the amount of $1032.50 are to be issued by the city treasurer for a period of 10 years. These bonds are placed out for payment of construc tion of sower No. 5. Flre Election No Walkaway. A list of the voters of the Hook and Ladder for the coming election of fire chief and the assistant chief has been made out. The list of the other com panies will be made within a short time. The Fountain hose company will place candidates In the field for these offices and an interesting fight is expected between these two com panies. Del Hart is the candidate of the Hook and Ladder's, BETTER LIGHT AND POWER SERVICE ANOTHER HIGH VOLTAGE WIRE FOR OREGON CITY WILL IM ' PROVE SYSTEM. Motors Changed from 33 U 60 Cycle, Saturday Three Phase and Even Distribu tion. The Portland Railway Light and Power company Installed, Saturday morning. Us new 00 cyclo motors. Tho light ami power were shut off for a couple of hours while tho changes were being made. Tho largo amount of machinery, which h'l to lo Installed at tho plant on the VYit Side for tho new change, had been a.'l placed In position and was ready to conuoct as soon ns tho motors around town wero put in. The change. Is rom a 33 cyclo paw er motor on tho nltot'nK current to CO cyclo ones. This nwm much to the patrons and will urac Really bo a remedy for the pxr service "'Kh cost in keeping perfect lamps. C. K. McNeil representing tho Port land General Electric company wM In Oregon City Saturday morning In stalling tho new motors about town. Seven motors were put Into place and the oil ones taken out; ono at the Star office, one at tho Courier, and the rest in dental offices. In speaking of the light servlco and tied new chana. Mr. McNeil said: "The company mado tho change of the 33 cyclo to tho CO at a great cost, a largo amount of new machin ery was Installed some time ago In the plant, and the motors about town amount to several hundred dollars. We expect by this chango to give our patrons as near a perfect servlco as possible, the current will bo even and also of a good voltage. "The voltage at present I have work ed up to 124 and we expect to keep It there in the future. It will mean a good bright light. Oregon City will have Its own center of distribution and less trouble will bo caused by accidents." The electric company expects to put In a third leg from across the river to tho main business section and the result of this addition will be to make a threephaso system, thereby balancing the current and se curing a better and more even sys tem. Mr. Coolard is now in Oregon City working with a force of men on the third leg. OREGON CITY NOW HAS NATIONAL BANK CHARTER GRANTED FOR 150.000 INSTITUTION TO SUCCEED THE COMMERCIAL. The comptroller of the currency hat chartered The First National Hank of Oregon City to succeed to the buginesi of the Commercial bank of Oregon City and the new bank will begin business about March 1, 1907. Thr First National Bank of Oregon City will have a capital of $50,000 fully paid, wi h the privilege of $50,000 more in circulation. The president will be D. C. I,atour ette; cashier, F. J. Meyer; M. I). I-at ourette, assistant cashier. The Commercial bank as organized about twenty years ago by C. D. and D. C. Latourette; mainly as a conven ience for thdr law and broktrage busi ness, but has grown to such proportions that the owuers feel justified in nation alizing the institution. For Lung Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it Is true. And your own doctor will say so. ' The best kind of a testimonial -"Bold lor over sUty years." A Hade by A 3. a. 1 Oa.. Lowell. Maaa. so manuraoturera of 8ARSAPARILLA. PIUS. HAIR VIU0R. yers We have bo seoretst We publish the formulas of all our medlolnas. Keep the bowels regular with Ayer'n fills and thus hasten recovery. PROFESSIONAL THOS F. RYAN, ATTOItNIOY-ATLA W Probato and Realty Law Prantleo Specialties, Kent Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Courlhotmo, , GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and Eighth Sts. V. S. U'RI.N C. KCMIMIWL U'REN St SCHUEBEL ATTOKNHYS.AT.LAW MiUTSCIII'.R ADVOICAT Will practice in all courts, iimke collection and arttlrmrnU of rutslcs. Furnish atmlinct!) ol title, lend you ttioury on 1'iiiiUliiig, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E. HEDCES HEDGES & GRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Wcinhard Building, opposite Court House 3rT. "E ATT OR NICY Kent Knt.ite, LoMiin, lunitrtitice THE BRUNSWICK Hotel and Restaurant Hcst Service ami Accoinmodu'iniie Main St., Opp. suspension Bridge f RED C. GADKC Plumbing & Tinning Dot Mr Furnim, Mop Pipes, Pumpi, Spuy Pumps, Water Pipes, Spuylof Materials, All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates Given on All Classes of Work. Kes. Phone 15H Shop 15U 014 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or CASCADE LAUNDRY Clothes Washed "Whiter Than Snow." Family Washings at Reasonable Rates- -No worry, no regrets If you phone 1204. Our wagon will call. "Plnoules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our Pino Forests, used for hundreds of years for Blad der and Kidney diseases. Medicine tor thirty days, $1.00. Guaranteed. Sold by Huntley Bros.' Drug Store L. L. PORTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Office with Oregon City Enterprise. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: on Appointments Saturday JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist ft Spraying a Small Orchard Requires a imal! iprpy pump-but a good one. You want )uat food fruit the owneri of lrg orchard! who use powtr pryeriand you can have it. Any apray pump haa dona ita part whan It provide! a high, avan praaaura, keeps tha spraying materia) wall stirred, glvaa no trouble, and works reasonably aasy. Bean's Little Giant Pump docs all this and more. When ws say it "keeps the material well stirred" wa mean It too, and It's Important If you want good fruit. And tha "no trouble" feature lata you feel good naturtd after the the stuffing box can't leak almpla It la a pleasure to cheaper but Bssn'i 11 ri 1 1 1 'ittxmsi&JX 1 pump ever offered for apraylng amall acreage. Also a splendid white-washer r ; i We have and will l I Hi'. feFrank Busch i'S'foX Vfc.ntf Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving SET Williams Bros. Transfer Co. in. DIRECTORY O. D. EBY, ATTOUNlOY AT LAW Money loaned, almtracta furnlrshe.ii, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business transacted. Over Hank of Oregon City. Urol moi lHt?. t Ollice la NTtHPIIISt F. T. CRIFFITK AT LAW MmIii Mtreet, OUKtiON CITY Knapp & Nobel Domestic and Imported Wines and Liquors All Kinds Smokers' Articles. 7K - (loin - Street If youwont TEETH that will make you look and feel like a live person when you laugh, call on the Mololla Dentist that's the kind he has been making for the past twen ty years. "The proof of the pudding; is in the eating thereof. I can furnish the Bayer H you can furnish the Farm If you wish to sell out or buy In, wrlto or call and tell mo about it. If you want to do a little speculating I can make you somo easy money. I have tho buyers. Also buy and sell timber lands, sawmills, etc. GEORGE W. DIXON, Canby, Oregon. daya spraying la over, Tha valves ean't clog, (because there lan't any) and tha pump la ao use It, Of course we have good pumps Littl Giant Is altogether the best barrel samples f these pumps In stscK be pleased ta show them to yes. . ' . . V , 1 ... ; . -