Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 25, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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(n tin) Circuit ( limit of tlio fituto of
Oregon, fur ClnckniiuiH County,
If. W. Howes, Plaintiff,
Minnie Howes, J ' r 1 a i) t .
To Mlntiln Howes, dofoudunt above
linmi'il ;
In tho tiiiiiio (if tlin Rtiito of Oregon,
yon nro hereby required to appear and
t answer tliu complaint filed ngnlnst
yon In tho above entitled court mid
cause on or before tho 25th tiny of
February, A, 1). 1007, wild day being
after tint x 1 I Inn of six weeks from
tlio Hint publication of this HumiuotiH,
and If you full to no appear or an
uwi'i' mi I'l riniipliilnt, for want thereof
the pliilnlllT will npfly to tlin court
for tlio relief pniyeil for In tlio com
liliilnt, to-wlt: For a deeron dlssolv
Ink the IioiiiIm of tuutrluiony heretoforu
nnil now exiting tietween I lie plaintiff
above nniueil mill ymi defendant,
m llm ground of wilful desertion, mid
of lion. Thulium A. Mellrldo, Judge
of the above entitled court, which or
der wiik inndu und entered on tho 3d
day of Jiinuiiry, 1!)07, mid tho time
prescribed for publication thereof U
HlX Wl'I'llS.
The dato of the flrHt publication Is
Januiiry nth, 1907. Tho duto of 1uk
publication lii February 22, l'J07.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
C12 Commercial IUiIk . 1'ortlmid, Oro.
In the County Court of tho Btato of
Oregon, for tho County of Clack
amas. In tho matter of tho CuardlaiiHhlp of,
llurbara Reglnii Morlork, Amelia
bmlNO Morlork and Anna Mario
Mm lurk, minors.
Now come E. (I. CaufleM, guardian
of tlio above named minors by tils
attorney II, E. Cross, and flies In
Court his duly verified petition on
behalf of said minors, asking for an
order and llrenso allowing him to
mM tlio Interest which said minors
littve In the following described real
wsinte, situate In the County of Clack
auiiiH, Btato of Oregon, to-wlt:
I'.eglnnlng nt the Nortieast corner
of thut rertuln tract of land found
dencrlbed In deed recorded on page
370, Vol. 49, record of deeds for Clack
amas County, Oregon, kuIiI beginning
point being tho Northeast corner of
the Southwest quarter of tho North
west quarter of Section 4, T. 3 8. It.
3 E of tho W. M.; running thence
Smith along tho Hunt lino of said
tract 25 4S chains to the County road;
thence along said County roud North
C.1 degrees West l.fiC chains; thence
Koulii 74 degrees West along said
ro.i.1 6.50 chains; thenco North 85
degrees West 11 chains more or less
to the West Una of said Becilon 4;
thence North ulong sold Section line
!G chains more or less to tho North
went corner of tho Southwest quarter
of the Northwest quarter of Section
4; thenco Font 20 chains to tho place
of In ginning, containing 51 acres more
or less, subject to the life estato of
their father Daniel Morlork.
And It appearing to the satisfaction
of the Oiurt that It would bo hcnefl
rlul to said wards that such real es
tate nml their Interest In tho same
should bo sold, and the Court being
fully advised It Is ordered, adjudged
and decreed that Monday, tho 4th day
of February, 1907. at tho hour of ten
o'clock a. in. ho tho day and time
Het apart for the hearing of audi pe
tition and of objections to tho same,
If any thero bo, and that Daniel Mor
lork the father of said minors, Ionise
Iloniberger and Wllhelmlno Miller,
tie.t of kin to tho wards and alt other
persons Interested In said estato are
hereby cited to bo and appear before
this Court on said 4th day of Febru
ary, 1907. nt the hour of ten o'clock
a. m. to show cause why llrenso should
not be granted for the sale of said
real estate ns prayed for.
It Is further ordered and decreed
that a copy of this order ho publish
ed In Oregon City Enterprise for three
Hiicoosslvo weeks before the hearing
of such petition.
Dated, January 3, 1907.
C-t3 County Judge,
Notice of Final Report.
In tlio matter of tho estato of John
V Yoder, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of tho estato
of John P. Yoder, deceased, lato of
Clackamas county, Oregon, has filed
Ills final report In tho county court of
Clackamas County, Oregon, and tho
mild Honorable Court has appointed
Monday, tho fourth dny of March,
1907, for tho hearing of said finul re
port and tho final soUloiuent of Bald
estate. Any person or persons having
objections to said final report nro
hereby liotlfkuV to lllo the snmo with
nnld court on or beforo snld dato of
final hearing, that tho ennio may bo
hoard and determined.
Dated nt Oregon City, Oregon, this
32th day of January, 1907.
Administrator ns aforesaid.
C. II. Dyo, Attornoy for said estate. GtO
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clackamas.
Ada M. ManHhlp, Plaintiff,
Albert A, MniiHhlp, Defendant,
To Albert A. ManHhlp, tho above nam
ed defendant.
In tho name of tho Btato of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to appeur
and answer tho complaint (lied OKnliiHt
you til tho above entitled cause, on or
before tho 25th duy of Januury, A. D.
1907, that being tho hint day proscrlb
ed In tho order of publication for thin
NummotiH, and If you fall to appear,
tho nuld plaintiff wilt apply to tho
Court for tho relief prayed for In her
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decreo of thu court dissolving
tlio tnnrrliigo contract oxlstlng between
you and tho miiIiI plulntlff, and for
Hiich other and further relief a the
Judgo of aatd Court shall doom equi
table. Thin KummonN In published In tho
Oregon City KntorprlHo for six con
Mecutlvo weeks, by order of Grant II.
Dlmlck, Judgo of tho County Court,
Clackamas County, Oregon, which or
der Ih dated December 12th, 1900. Tho
flrHt publication of thU summon Do-
cumber 1 4 th. 190G, ami the last pub
lication of IIiIh summons January 26,
lt5 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court for Clackamas
County, Oregon.
W. O. McKown, Plaintiff,
Marguertha McKown, Defendant.
To Marguortha McKown tho nbovo
named defendant,
In the osne f tho State of Oregon,
you aro Hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you In tha above entitled Court and
suit on or before tho expiration of
six weeks from tho date of tho first
publication of this summons which
first dato of publication la December
21. 190C, and If you fall to so answer
for want thereof tho plaintiff will ap
ply to tho Court for tho relief demand
ed In tho complaint and for a decree
that tho plaintiff bo forever divorced
from defendant.
This summons Is published by order
of Thomas A. Mcllrldo. Judgo of the
above entitled Court and tho date of
tho first publication of this summons
Is December 21, 1900.
2t7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
(5. W. Evans, pluintiff.
Roho P. Evans, Defendant.
In tho nanio of tho state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you In tho above entitled court and
cause on or before tho 23d day of
February, A. D. 1907. snld day being ln appointed by Governor Chamber
after tho expiration of six weeks from ISn to look after tho Interests of Ore-
j tlio first publication of this summons, P"" t the coming Alaska-Yukon-Pacl-and
If you fall to so appear and an-! Ac exposition at Seattle In 1909, Is in
swer said complaint, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for tho relief prayed for In the com -
plaint, to-wlt: For a decreo dlssolv-
Ing tho bonds of matrimony hereto- j appropriating $150,000 for the use of
fore and now existing between tho,tllis commission.
plaintiff nbovo named and you as de
fendant. This summons Is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. Mcltrldo, Judgo
of tho nbovo entitled court, which or -
dor was mndo nnd entered on tho 4th
day of January, 1907, and tho time
prescribed for publication thereof la
six weeks.
Tho duto of tho first publication Is
January 11, 1907. Tho dato of tho
lust publication Is February 22, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Fnmous Illdg. 215V& Morrison Street,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice of Administrator's Sale.
Notlco Is hereby given that In pur- 1)0 represented nt Seattle, and the en-1 tic, school law, civil government
suanco of nn order of snlo mndo and ' tiro field of c omnierco, agriculture, Primary Certificates,
entered In the County Court of tho mining, dairying, education, etc, is Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
State of Oregon for Clacknnius conn- j represented. ' rophy, arithmetic, reading,
ty, Stoto of Oregon, on tho 7th, dny j Mr- Wehrung said this morning that j Thursday Art of questioning, the
of January, 1907, In tho matter of 't had not yet been determined who ory of teaching, physiology.
the estato of Chris Tlmm, deceased,
tho undersigned administrator of snld
estate, will on tho 10th day of Feb
ruary, 1907, nt tho hour of 11 o'clock
in the forenoon of snld day, at the
front door of tlio courthouso In Ore
gon City, Oregon, offer for sale to
tho highest bidder for ensh, subject
to confirmation of Court, the following
described real property, to-wit:
Beginning at tho north-east corner
of James O. Cunningham's ten aero
tract on tho County road and running
North two Hundred and Ten (210)
foot; thenco West Four Hundred and
Fourteen nnd 11-12 ((414 11-12) foot;
thenco South Two Hundred nnd Ten
(210) feet; thenco East Four Hun
dred and Fourteen and 11-12 (414
11-12) feet on said Cunningham's, lino
to tho placo of beginning, containing
Two acres of land mora or less, bo-
Ing a part of tho George Wills and.
Sarah Wills Donation Land Claim,
In section twonty flve (25) Township
One (1) Bouth of Hango Ono (1) Kant
of tho Willamette Meridian, In Clack
amas County, Oregon.
Dated thin Hth day of January,
Administrator of tho Estate of Chris
Tlmm, deceased.
Graham & Cleeton, Attorney for Ad-
Admlnlttrator's Notice.
Notice In hereby given that tho un
designed ban been duly appointed by
tho county court of tho Btato of Ore
gon for the county of Clackamas, ad-
mtnlHlrator of tho estate of Matthew
Atbery, deceased. All person having
claims agaliiMt Hiild estate aro hereby
notified to present tho Mame to rno,
properly verified, as remilrod by law,
ut tho officio of Clark & Utourf)tta
In Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from date hereof.
Dated this Friday, January 18th,
Administrator of tho estate of Mat
thew A they, deceased.
Clark & Latourctto, Attorneys for
Administrator. Ct5
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed Execs
trlx of tho estuto of Philena N. Rlne
hart by the Ilonorablo County Court
of tho County of Clackamas. All
persons having claims against said es- j
tato aro hereby notified to present tho '
same to her for payment with proper
vouchers at U'Ren & Schuebol's of
fice at Oregon City, Oregon, within
s!x "Mntn Horn the date of this no-
Dated January 11, 1907.
Executrix of tho estato of Philena N.
Rlnehart. Deceased.
L"Up'1 & Bchuebel. Attorneys for Exe
Died at the home of his grandfather,
T L. Sager, near Clarkes, Willie Cum
mins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cum-
j mlns. of tonsllltls, aged 5 years and
1 29 days. A friend contributes the fol-
j "Ho has gone up above,
To the land of light and love;
j May we who are left behind.
Keep the Savior's truth In mind."
ASK FOR $150,000 APPRO
From Dnily Capital Journal.
Hon. W. H. Wehrung. of Hillsboro,
member of tho provisional commls-
t'10 city today and brought with him a
j draft of a bill which w ill bo Introduc -
;011 ,n ltie legislature early next week,
creating a permanent commission and
Tho provisional commission which
was appointed by the governor last fall
Is composed of Mr. Wehrung, chair-
man; Henry E. Reed, E. W. Rowe, M.
; D Wilson and Senntor J. O. Booth.
Tho proposed bill provides that tho
governor appoint a permanent com
mission of five, who shall organize
themselves nnd have carte blnncho
over tho affairs of the exposition, as
far as tho state of Oregon la concern
ed. It Is provided In the bill that this
i slm11 not Interfere with private con-
trlbutlons for tho fnir, but all private
funds shall be kept separate and ln-
I tact from tho state appropriation.
Tho bill Is a lengthy ono and goes
Into detail as to what exhibits shall
j 8,mll Introduce the bill, but It is gen-
rally believed that somo member
from Multnomah county , will stand
sponsor for it.
Dangers of A Cold and How to Avoid
Them. I
More fatalities have thoir origin in
or result from a cold than from any
other cause. This fact alone should
mnko people moro careful as thero Is
no danger whatever from a cold when
It Is properly treated in the beginning.
For many years Chamberlain's Congo.
Remedy has boon recognized as the
most prompt and effectual medicine
In use for this disease. It nets on na
ture's plan, loosens tho cough, relieves
the lungs, opens the secretions and
aids nature In restoring the system
to a healthy condition. Sold by How
ell & Jones.
Canby lodgo No. 156, I. O. 0. F,
Installed officers Friday evening, and
cloned tho work with a banquet at
tho city hotel. Tho officers are: N.
0., Calvin Kocher; -V. O., Geo. P.
Weeks; trcas., W. II. Dalr; secretary,
E. I. Beas; warden, Elroy Dates; con
ductor, O. W. Dixon; I. G., Frank
Weed; O. O., Geo. Zeek; It. S. N. O.,
C. L. Hates; L. B. N. G., A. Klllmer;
It. 9. V. 0., If. Patche; L. 8. V. O.,
W, Lucke; chaplain, J. U. Howard.
The Crip.
"Before wo can sympathize with
others, wo must have Buffered our
selves." No ono can reall.o tho Buf
fering attendant upon an attack of
tho grip, unless ho has had the actual
experience There Is probably no dis-
enHe that causeu so much physical and
mental agony, or which so successfully
defies medical aid. All danger from
the grip, however, may he avoided by
the prompt use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Among the terns of
thousands who have used this rem
edy, not one caso has ever been re
ported that has resulted In pneumonia,
or that has not recovered. For sale
by Howell & Jones.
Nelson McConnell died at bis home
near Sherwood after a long Illness,
Tuesday night, aged about 74 years.
Funeral services at the home, conduct
ed by Rev. Eldrldgo of Sherwood. In
terment at Pleasant Hill cemetery,
Thursday at 12 o'clock. Mr. McCon
nell leaves quite a largo family of
sons and daughters, married and sing
le. His wife died several years ago.
Mrs. John McConnell is quite 111,
but Improving at tho home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hen Seely.
Mrs. Arnold Clutter Is Improving
slowly since her last Illness
Mrs. M. C. Young Is home from Port
land where she has been In the hospi
tal and under the doctor's care for
the last three months. She Is much
But few know how to prevent or
cure distemper, epizootic, pinkeye
balkey horses unruly and kicking
horses and cows, Foot Evil In sheep.
The proper care of hogs. Cure of
Catarrh In your own head, besides
many other valuable things, all with
out drugs or abuse. Do you? If not
send your name and address to O.
II. Anderson, 306 Bryson Blk., Los
Angeles, California. I am an old
stock raiser and I know how. It cost
to learn, but it paid me. This will be
a well spent penny for you. 5t4
Notice Is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Clackamas
county will hold the regular examina
tion of applicants for state and coun
ty papers at Oregon City, as follows:
For State Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, February
13, at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuing
until Saturday, February 16. at 4 p.
! Wednesday Penmanship, history,
j spelling, physical geography, reading,
Thursday Written arithmetic, the
ory of teaching, grammar, bookkeep
ing, physics, civil government.
Friday - Physiology, Geography,
mental arithmetic, composition, alge-
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature, !
school law.
For County Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, February
13, at 9 o'clock a. m and continuing
until Friday, February 15, at 4 o'clock
p. m. '
First, Second and Third Grade Certifi
cates. Wednesday Penmanship, hlstorv. I
orthography, reading,
,K . ,,
tnnerniihv rem dine
Thursday Written arithmetic, tho
ory of teaching, grammar, physiology.
Friday Geography, mental arithmo-
J. C. ZINSER, Supt.
Enjoy Strenuous Outdoor Life.
Tho McMlnnville News Says: Two
young girls of athletic strength and
rugged constitution have been causing
considerable comment In the quiot
precincts in the neighborhood of
Brooks, Oregon. One Is a trained
: nurse and the other is a book-keeper
j who aro said to have come hero from
the east, but lately from Portland,
whero both were employed, to work on
a farm. The girls give their names as
Rosellas aud aro nt work on the M.
L. Jones place near Lake Elizabeth
and aro at present employed ln the
dairy department of the farm, which
In operated by Dan Bluer. The young
easterners aro splendid specimens of
young womanhood and have donned
the garb of their masculine fellow-
workers. They wear heavy cowhide
boots and overalls and the disguise Is
made all the more striking by wearing
their hair short. Part of their work Is
the milking of 30 cowa together with
tho addition of operating a largo cream
separator. i
To the general public the action of
the girls has been more than a puzzl
ing problem. The young ladles main-'
tain that they enjoy the strenuous out
door life. They are efficient workers, ;
too, and Mr. Ulueur cannot bo persuad-
ed to replace them with men.
Mr. Mart Miller, chairman of the
committee appointed by Harmony
Grange to learn who built the first;
log and frame houses In Linn county
for residence, says the Albany Demo
crat, will make his report tomorrow
to tho Grange at Its regular meeting.
He has made a thorough study of the
subject, at considerable trouble, and Is
satisfied he Is right In his conclusions.
According to Mr. Miller, the first log
house was built by John Packwood,
four miles from Sclo on the Lebanon
road, In the summer of 1844. Mr. Pack
wood was an Immigrant of 1843. The
place was sold to J. J. Crabtree In I engineer of passenger train No. 38,
the spring of 1846 and the fact Is au-; disregarding the block signal and the
thenticated by Newt and other Crab-! heavy passenger train going full
trees. George H. Mimes, Oregon's speed, crashed into a freight. Soon
historical authority, doubts the correct-! after the wreckage took fire and at
ness of this, but Mr. Miller Is satis-least a BCOre of Persons were cremat
fled it Is correct. ed-
The first frame building was erect-1 The scenes baffle description. All
ed by Judge G. H. Baber on the pres-, the available physicians of La Fay
ent farm of Henry Halght near Mil- ette hurried to Fowler and the Injur
ler's In 1840, Mr. Baber that year cora- jed, with broken limbs, bruised bodies
ing up valley from further south. He or terrible burns, are being brought
did the work himself; including the
making of the lumber.
A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the su
perintendent of Cart Service at King
ston, Jamaca, West Indies Islands,
says that she has for some years used
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
coughs,, croup and whooping cough
and has found It very beneficial. She
has Implicit confidence In It and would
not be without a bottle of It In her
home. Sold by Howell & Jones.
Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 19. The
number of dead now accounted for
reaches over 450, bodies recovered or dressed woman in Paris this win
as parts of bodies. The total dead ter M 'hat all the dressmakers -say
will reach at least 700. J13 true. Every morning her automo
Thesituation Is now fully under the ! bl,e whizzes around the city .vhile
control of the authorities, thanks to she Inspects and accepts, or rejects,
American marines landed from Ad- fashion's newest creations. The duch
mlrals Evans' ships. Lawlessness has ' ess eyen laughingly invites artists of
been entirely suppressed. (greatest fame to discuss the aesthetic
The whole city of Kingston Is rock-! aspect of a modern woman's draper
Ing like a ship at sea, the shocks com-1 ieS- She notes every hint they light
ing at frequent Intervals. Most of j ly ,et fall and puts it to use in design
the damage was done along the river ! inS her raiment, but disguises it so
front, where the streets were leveled. deftly that even its author cannot rec
Crowds of terrified Inhabitants have enize it.
been flying southward to seek some The duchess, who is very popular,
possible safe shelter. The few that passes every hour of the afternoon and
have escaped the terrible disaster night at social gatherings of some
snnnb nf fha larcn nnmhaf fhal n.!nK kind. Kho is Sin intlmnta ef tha Ta.
' S; Z:-
T.Q . . tv
ped people has begun and hundreds
of dead disfigured bodies have been learn tne Castilian tongue.
carried away for burial. j Of all the Americans there, the
Not a sound building is left stand-' Duchess de la Rouchefoucauld is the
ing in Kingston and it is estimated most Parisian. She takes the great
that less than a dozen houses can now est Interest in the study of French
be occupied; the business section is literature and frequently attends con
entirely wiped out and the loss Is ' ferences held by the academies. For
said to be about $3,000,000. j lighter, if more exciting, diversion she
The shores of Kingston Saturday Pla'3 bridge whist, and often takes a
morning were' sinking Into the aea
,ana panic reigns supreme.
I '
The streets of the city are now
guarded by American soldiers from
the ships that have been sent to the
scene of devastation.
Improve and Beautify the Complexion.
The principal ingredients In Daintv
Laxakola tonfc tablets are cascarin
and dandelion which is one of the saf-
est complexion beautifiers known.
Forty little chocolate coated laxative
tablets, 5 cents. Huntley Bros.
Was Cold Two Years Ago.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Brown of It must be good, and really does re
Maple Lane were in town Friday. Mr. j Heve and cure indigestion and dyspep
Brown is a carpenter and contractor sia or there would be a steady stream
and Is employed In Portland, but has ! of people coming back for their money,
spent the last week at home, the cold as every 25 cent box is sold with the
weather having stopped operations, understanding that you must be de
Mr. and Mrs. Brown came to Clacka- cldedly benefitted or there is nothing
mas county three years ago from Mas- to pay.
sachusetts. Mr. Brown says he has You simply try Pepslkola tablets
kept a diary since 1SG2, hut he has wth the understanding that they will
traveled about so much that he has steady your nerves, improve your ap
only saved the records for the last few petite, relieve wind belching, coated
years. He reports that there was a tongue, sour stomach, fullness after
cold snap in 1904. On February 11, ' eating, weakened energy, and other
of that year, the thermometer register- symptoms of indigestion or Huntley
ed four above zero and for the three Bros, are ready at any tme to pay
succeeding days it was 16, 18 and 20 back your money without the least
degrees above. argument
Engineer Disregards Block
8ignal and Collision With
Freight Follows 35 or
40 Injured.
La Fayette, Ind., Jan. 19. Over a
score of persons were burned to death
in the terrible railroad accident at
Fowler early this morning, and 35
or 40 were Injured.
Fowler Is 28 miles west of this
place. The wreck was caused by the
nere ana piacea in nospitais.
The passenger train left Chicago
last night at 11:30 o'clock and Is
known as the Queen City Special, with
heavy Pullmans for Cincinnati and
Beauty More Than Skin Deep.
Every one who wants a good healthy
color, and a clear skin free from bil
iousness, sluggish liver and chronic
constipation should get a ackage of
Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets, nature's
sweet restorer. Huntley Bros.
Senator Mitchell's Daughter.
The reappearance In Paris society
of the American Duchess de la Rouch
efoucauld, youngest daughter of the
late John H. Mitchell, senator from
Oregon, 13 a feature of the season.
The spirited duchess went to Paris
from her husband's Chateau de Mont
mlral, determined to play a consuku-.
ous part in the social gayety.
She will be far away the most rich-
w. r..,.,,. Z Z ZZ "1 7.7.
' tho Snoni . . '
sionally is seized with the desire to
naD(l at the bridge parties given by
Mrs. Marshall and her daughter.
Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion.
Interesting Statement by Huntley
When a man comes into this store
' and calls for an particular indiges-
tion remedy. we give what he asks
; to1"' but ln case he leaves 11 to Us wo
, usually recommend Pepslkola tablets.
Here is a preparation we have been
selling right over the counter for years
and from actual observation we know