6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1907. Tea Satisfaction SEVEN FLAVORS Golden Gate Japan Golden Gate Kngflsh Breakfast Golden Gate Ceylon Golden Gate Oolong Golden Gate Fancy Blend Golden Gate Gunpowder Golden Gate Black and Green 'PacltJ tn Flttvr-Tlct Cortvni TfA CEYLON J- A. Folger & Co., s. F.cico SON OF FOUNDER OF CHURCH HERE ANNUAL BAPTIST MEETING AND ELECTION. INTERESTING PROGRAM GIVEN. DEADLY I0TH STREET CROSSING SCENE OF ANOTHER ACCIDENT malulng in tho fund Is about f5.ri00 Bint In his message tho Governor unya: "History records that Lewis anil Clark wore greatly assisted In their perilous Journey by a Shoshone u. alli en named Saenjawea. In fact, o Im portant was tho part played by this now far famed Indian girl, who showed Qualities of heroism and loyalty al most unmatched In tho annals of his tory, that tho management of tho Lew Is and Clark Exposition erected a splendid monument In her honor ou and Jim Hatton while on their way the Exposition wound. In the years from tho Ogle Mountain Mines. to come tho namo of Sacajawoa will The men w ere caught In a snow J ho recorded side by sldo with that of storm and blizzard and Mr. Hatton i tho world famed Pocahontas. Tho fact was saved from the terrible fate of 'has been established beyond all con frocr.lng to death by his comrade, Fair- itroversy that Sacajawea Is burled on dough, j tho Shoshone reservation lu the State The men were snowed In tho! of Wyoming, and her final resting mountains and progress was hazard- i place Is known. Tho commission rec- jous coming out from tho mines. Tho lommends that this legislature use a jcold was Intense. Hatton gave out ! portion of tho unexpended balance The First Baptist church held its ' and tho fact Ulat palrclough retained j for tho purpose of erecting a suitable annual meeting yesterday afternoon j enough strength to carry him on to j tablet or monument to mark tho last and evening. The afternoon session 'the next camp is all that saved him. ' resting place of Sacajawoa." began at 2: SO, the program consisting; The stprra at the mlnos hns boen j of a brief outline of the founding and . terrific and the snow Is several feet I eariy msiory oi me cuurca presemea j ,ioep. The entrance of the tunnel Is i THAI ATI1SJ VHTPD fcv linn V rr Thnn r.f Prirf '....,.. . .. I Urll.llll J I LKj - . v.. eiocheu. i no news came over mo land, whose father, Rev. Hezeklah Wires from tho nearest telephone. Johnson was the organizer and first ' pastor of the church. This w as fob i lowed by an address by Mrs. D. C. WHEN WILLAMETTE Latourette presenting the work of the I WAS FROZEN OVER women's societies of the church. Es-1 pecially notable is the work of the ( Ladies' Aid society under the presi-1 SOME FORMER SEASONS OF COLD WEATHER RECALLED BY RECENT COLD. dency of Mrs. Carrie X. Parker. Dur ing the last four years the Aid Society has raised above $2000, which has been applied chiefly in the erection of a parsonage. The parsonage Is now The Denton County Republican is paid for, an interesting feature of the ' responsible for the following: evening program being the burning of j The present cold spell w ith the mer- the cancelled note by Mrs. Parker, cury playing around a little above the f president of the Aid. Address of the zero mark, something that Oregonlans pastor which followed dealt first with seldom see, reminds people of some a statistical survey of the membership ' former seasons of cold weather. Rec and then with some of the present ords show that once, at least In Jan- RUNAWAY TEAM MADLY DASHES INTO NORTHBOUND LOCAL TRAIN, SATURDAY. DRIVER FORTUNATELY UNINJURED distance beyond and also a young lady received Internal InJurloH, Blackburn Killed by Panting Train, Mr. Hlnokburn was Killed Hovornl yearn ago by a Chaulainiua wpeclal train ns ho wan coming Into town. Mr. Ulackburn wan struck by tho train at this name crossing and met ItiMlant death. PARKPLACE AND GLADSTONE CLUB Mother' Club Changes Date of Meet ing Piano Nearly Paid For Program Planned, One Horse So Badly Hurt That It Had io oe anoi Mecem i ragcaiea Tll0 Mtbors' club of tho Pnrknlnco at Dead Man'a Cron- and Gladstone schools met at tho ng, ParUplaco Hchool house Friday after noon. Tho time for their regular meeting wan changed from tho third . i , ... , i.... .., ,1. Tho Tenth afreet grade crossing of,1" l"" """,)r " ,,mllu' the Southern Pacllk tracks at tho , wt 3 P- T,,lr,y ,,,,,nr" ,n,', foot of Singer hill was tho scene of .0" U, ,lano ,,,KVlnR bul tMrt l,,,,lur" another accident Saturday morning 1 "1 lo '", 'm1,1- At the next meeting - ELLOH tho topic of discussion will bo "Is It Wise to Conceal Juvenile Crlnii'?" It Is expected that several prominent speakers will be present to assist In tho discussion. ARE INDIGNANT Hold Meeting To Protest Appointment Elligsen as Road Supervisor, The voters of tho road district of when a runaway team dashed down the hill and crashed Into tho passing northbound local, duo In Oregon City at 10. 'JO a. m. Fortunately the driver of the team, Oliver Van Hoy, was un hurt, but ouo horse was killed, ami tho wagon was tunashod to kindling wood. The team, a tine one, was owned by O. A. Van Hoy of Maplo Luno. Ills son Oliver was coming down Singer hill with a load of cord wood when the! Elmer HWoti. tho Oregon City poul burr of tho right hind wheel oamo ifT. tr fancier and famous poultry Judge. Oliver noticed tho trouble and stop- i has about completed tho Judging of ping his team went back to hunt tho J another poultry show. All scent to missing burr. It was soon found and j 1,0 sallstb-d with tho Judge's decision, returned to Its Place. Just then tho ; d Mr. Plxoti tins materially Mreiigtli ELMER DIXON ADDS TO HIS LAURELS 2,000 mile of Ioiik dis tance telephone wire 111 Oregon, V'uHliinp,toii, Cali fornia itml Idaho now in operation y tin I'acifto Stat inn Telephone Coin .;ti y, covering , 2, 'Jot) towns Quick, n curate, cheap , All the mil inflict inn of K persona! cotniiiuniciilion. Uintanee no ellecl to a olear underHtanilinn, Kpo kane anil San Francisco H8 euHily heard ni I'ort I ami. Oregon City nllice at llauliiiir's Dnisr Slow W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V. C,r In tc of the Ontario VrtciL nury Colli de of Toronto. Cainola. and the MiKlllij) .School of Surgrry of Chiiitijo, bun locuted a'. Orison City uud mtnbliidicil an office wl The r'ushiotl SUlilrit, hcvritth Strict m-iir .Main. Doth Irli-phoiii'i. l-'armcr' ijj Mniii 13 1 1 ened his reputation tut a bird expert among tho fanciers of tho northwest. Ills work at Portland, where ho has train was pulling out of tho Btatlou and tho horses became frightened. Van Hoy was in tho act of Jumping . ( 1 ... ... . . . .. ! I.. .... . 1.. I ,1... ft Tualatin held an Indignation meeting 10 nw 8,'nl- "ul realizing no coul.ln t . " - '",ui Saturday afternoon at Stafford The , u, ,ln,,', ,,mKp f,,r t,,u 1'rldles ; cxn.tnuon or mo c.regon rm trouble was over tho appointment of,,,t thw t'Trlllcl animals. Tho horses y association, will be completed piii.,o., ... ..i .. .... 'becamo unmanairab'o and vouim Van 1 Tuesday, and the awards havis all Moy was dragged for over 30 yards pracucauy oeen iiiiuii'. niimnign wiero problems of the church. There was a social hour between the afternoon and evening sessions. ' in some places teams could cross on At six o'clock a chicken supper wasUhe ice. On January 15, the mercury served, under the direction of the ! registered three degrees below zero, About 150 sat down to thUi beinS the coldest day known In county court, Tho voters at this meet ing signed a petition which will bo presented to the court for the ousting of the present incumbent and to work for the appointment of Raker. uary, nineteen years ago, (in 1SSS) the ; LOCATED w inanieue was irozen over so mai WORKING ROCKPILE down tho hill. The horses, wagon and lad reached tho track Just as tho train was speed ing by tho crossing. Tho baggage car knocked tho wagon headlong up tho track between the narrow space be tween the cars and the embankment a space of only a few feet In width. The horses seemed to have tried to run up tho track along that narrow are some controversies yet to bo m-t tied regarding one or two of tho Ited dub offers. MASONIC CONTRACT POR MARRY JONES this part of the state for a quarter of a century. The weather was extremely cold for a number of days and It was not until March 25 that the Ice broke up. Boats were frozen in solid, much skating was done and people were coming and going as though the river did not exist. There was a thin coat Ladies' Aid supper. j The evening session began with the Roll Call, and was followed by the different reports, election of officers, and, presentation of the budget for the ensuing year. Besides the stand ing committees, the following were elected officers: Trustee, for three years, W. M. Shank to succeed him self; four Deacons, D. C. Latourette, J. J. Burgess, W. W. Marrs,,and J. D. Renner; for Clerk, A. S. Hunt; for Treasurer, Jno. V. Loder; for Finan cial Secretary, Clarence Eaton; for Chorister and Organist, Mrs. G. V. H. Miller. Officers of tho Sunday school for the ensuing year are as follows: Superintendent, Mr3. C. A. Nash; assistant superintendent, W. M. Shank; secretary, Miss Ella Demp jJQ 'HONOR MEMORY Bter; treasurer and pianist. Miss Mar- J Qp SACAJ AWEA garet Wilkinson; chorister, Jno. W. ; Loder; librarian, Orville B. Hunt; as sistant librarian, Thoma3 Gerber. Special music was rendered during K. M. Hands began surveying, Mon day morning, tho tract purchased by Charles Decker, Horse Thief, Wanted , !,lmco for ov,'rul fir(1,i 09 "I'l'er ' Ul Masons from tho Barclay estate. wagon wheel track can bo seen deep-jTho Kllrv,.y ,, 1vHf, wl nllll(t(, Here for Two Years is Busy and Will be Kept Busy. ly cut Into tho soft embankment. Oliver let go of tho horses Just In time to save his life. Ho received no injuries except bruises. Tho horses In tho amashup wero freed from tho wagon ami hugged the The Clackamas county authorities have been notified that Charles Deck er, who has been wanted by tho of- embankment as tho remainder of tho ' ficials of Oreiron f'ltv for tpnllnt n mra n,,.,,! nv r.f ii.i .n H ) Inmorffl In artma i " " - horse about two years ago, Is doing places, January- 7 and 8, 1S90, but it ; rn ,,,. ? ... , ' a CO-day sentence on tho Multnomah disappeared in a few days. The tem-Lmintv rr,rL. When Decker's term expires in Portland, he will be turned over to Sheriff Beatio. In a day or so when tho excavation will begin. Tho contract for tho excavation work of tho basement of tho new Ma sonic Templo has been awurded to Harry Jones of this city. I The Aristocrat among the 1 whiskies of the Old School. I Without a peer. H For Sale by Q E. MATTHIES. 0 perature at night was from 5 to 8 de grees above zero. On December 23, 1S79, the temperature wa3 three degrees above zero. There was a dense fog in the morning, and as the clay grew colder the fog congealed on fenc es and telegraph wires. In tho matter of guardianship of tho So terrified wero tho animnls that ! children of Mrs. N. T. Melvln. deceas- they went on a dead run following tho ! ed, N. T. Melvln was appointed guard train down towards tho Congregational . Ian of tin; minors Oscar, John L., Oregon's favorite author, Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, of this city, well known k , river the pmiritrv tlirnii'h her "Tc mo evening session by .miss Georgia 1 1 ,.,,.,, 0-1 r.1,1 n,.." ti, j UU't VI J UH 0 "il UU't A 111- church where tho gray horse turned down Eleventh Ktreet toward Main. Tho other borso, a beautiful black, kept on running down tho track 'to ward tho long trestle, and tho marks left on tho ties aro proof of tho strides of the animal In Its headlong (light to destruction, j Upon reaching tho first threo or four Woman's Troubles Come Thick and ' ties of the trestle tho horso slipped Fast Circuit Court Practically jhotween tho open space of tho brldgo Over. THREATENED TO KILL UNLESS GIVEN CHILD Cross, a ma!e qoartt consists? of! Con.'iue.-t," has received a copy of work, breaking two legs and fell over tlm brldgo to tho bottom of tho canyon. ' When that spot was reached by Mabel M. Wright has brought suit ' Wi,1,.SH,, flf tll 1If.r,i(.nt 1(, Messrs. Hunt, Shank. Loder and Rob-; th(; annal messai,e of thl. Governor for divorR,! from Archl" c- Wright. 1 1)orHO was lylnjs on ltH ,KH( nlbblng ins, and by little Mis Belle Castle. 'f Wyoming, Hon. Bryant B. Brooks. I Thc cou!,, v married In Silvcrton, ) at tfce f,v bJa,,(.s of KraHH ahmt It. who rendered several instrumental j , th(, ,engthy recommendations of j February 8, 1903. In July, 1906. whon Afterwards tho animal was helped to numbers during tao supper hour. i Wyoming's officials, he proposes that the Plaintiff wa: returning from a vis- !a HtandliiR or leaning position on Us !the balance of the appropriation for j !t with frI'jD(ls in r'rtland, tho defend-1 two I(.K3( tho cth;.r two oRA Mng Hlie Wyoming appropriation for the a,u Brawiou ner as fine enterea tno broken tho front left and tho hind I Wyoming exhibit at the Lewis arliho"se and 'PIed her on tho cheek '('lark Fair be spent for the erection ! 80,1 faco- Joking her through tho of a suitable memorial to mark tho hHIIS0 KaylnE' "l )ilU y,,u! j He also accused her of speaking to other men which she says is false. Harris It., Clarenco W, and August N. Tho estate was valued at $101)0, principally tho Insurance carried by the deceased. Martha K. Henderson has brought suit for divorce from William W. Henderson. The plaintiff ami defend ant were married In San Francisco, March 110, 1900. The defendant has been cruel and Inhuman. Ho has also called the plaintiff all sorts of names upon de manding money. Ho has often struck her, Tho plaintiff prays fi r a de cree dissolving the bonds of matri mony. Private Money to Loan I have prlvnto parties with tho fol lowing amounts to loan on real estate: When you require an Abstract of Tltl to lands In Clai-kama County, bare It accurately nnd reliably prepared by a roMpntiHlhln company incorpor ated for tho purpoMiv Our raten are reasonable. We Invito you to e amino our complcto set of Abstract Ilu( ill s. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMI'A.NV. ijOG- COS Chamber of Comniorro Uldg., I'OHTLANI). OltEC.ON. Money to loan ou Clackamas County Property. JJVY HTMT ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. Justice of tho Peace. SAVES PARTNER f-ROM FREEZING I n. sting place of the Indian maiden, Reports have been receive! of the Sacajawea, who so ably aided the terrible experiences of Tom Fairclough first pioneers of Oregon. The sum ro- 8 a Don't neglect your coughs Statistics show that in New York City alone over 200 people die every week from consumption. And most of these consumptives might be living now if they had not neglected the warning cough. You know how quickly Scott 'j Emulsion enables you to throw off a cough or cold. ALL DRUGGISTS 50c. AND 11.00. On December 30 the defendant at tempted to choke plaintiff to death un less she let him have the baby. Troub le and worry has been constant since. tracks wero strewn Tho plaintiff prays the court to grant her the custody of the child as well as decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony. left, and tho wounds presented a ter rible tdght, the front leg hanging by tho tissues of tho hide from tho knee. Tho poor animal was put out of Its misery by Chief Burns. At the scone of tho accident wan a smashed up, overturned farm wagon, still filled with cordwood, while tho Homo distance Parties Amount. Time. 1 $P,000.00 5 to 10 years 1 $ I .VIO.OO 3 to G years 2 $:!r,00.00 1 to 3 years 5 Sir.iiO.00 5 years 8 S r.00.00 l to 3 years 15 $ 300.00 'I to 4 years 25 S 100.00 to S 200.00 1 to r. yc,ra Judge McBrlde was kept at homo Friday by an attack of la grippe. The work of tho circuit court is practical ly over. Wh am 4i STAND FIRM "When you buy an OILED SUIT or SLICKER demojid. It's the easiest and only way to get JL Sold everywhere w ith four-foot wood and wagon de bris, tho cordwood and wagon pieces hardly distinguishable one from an other. The train stopped on tho trestle nnd tho conductor and brakesmen camo hack for particulars of the accident, which was reported to headquarters from tho station hero. Tho colliding wagon marred tho Hide of several cars i and throe car step hand rails wero torn off and wero found by tho track '' near the crossing. Interest at G per cent and your ovn tlmo for repayment. Also a llttlo Chattel money at 8 por cent. Will buy notes and mortgages. Also own Oregon City property to trndo for country land. Will look up titles to land froo if trade Is made. Own 3 lots, house, barn and c.hl.:lcen park at Willamette, for sale cheap on Installment:-!. No real estato agent to Interfere. If Interested call, wrlto or phono, JOHN W. LODER, Attorney -at-Law.. Stevens Ilulldlng. Oregon City, Oregon. Office In Jiigger Ilulldlng, Oregon City. J. U. CAMPBELL, attohni;y-atlaw. Oregon City, Oregon. Will practice In nil courts of tho utate Office In Onulleld Ituildlui;. CATARRH ' Humphrey Jones Thrown out of Wagon Saturday morning's accident brings to mind other misfortunes and casual ties that have resulted at this crossing In past years. I Within the last year Humphrey Jones and a number of persons In a 'wagon were driving over tho crossing ' and wero struck by one of the South ern Pacific trains. Tho result of tho accident was serious Injuries to Mr. Jones who was thrown out of tho wagon onto tho embankment some Trrrr hp- t' l mi m HK'itl,lnt wi'.li TiiDjifrc from the M:irt. I wn Imv 'Ion! t r;l I , : :i ii 1 1 1. tr i;or 'A MiiiituiMit-i nt l.iiri'1-.t. ( 1 VTiBtaviWTfIS "Si l'A B 1 HB ft m Is ' Wit lff 5' . r.'07 Son! An CmVa o. m. rcanv &. co mm jfV,ili Detroit, Mloh nlll 'V ... J n'ovrr Mf mini jf v 1 Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Clvo Satisfaction. CIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE, It clnansos, soot lira, bonis, anil iirutects tho diseased nuiiiibriuin. It cures Oalarrh and drives away a Cold In th Head quiekly. itostores tiio Heiises of Tn.it n mid Hmell. I jisy to use. (!oiitiiins no injurious drugs. Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed. Idirgo Ki,, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail ; Trial Hizn, 10 emits by mull, ELY BROTHERS, EG Warren St., Now York. WANTED. TO LIST FOR EALI3, nonio good farms and average tracts. K. II. Coop, er, over Hank of Oregon City. 5t4 MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cont. Farm security. U'lten ft