OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1907. City and Vicinity GoorKo V, Hly In III of la grippe. Will Ralnny Ik mii fTxrlnic with rhmi- IIIKtlHtll. (iihivko KnlliiKK of ('lncliHinnN vlnlt I'll frliiiulu Lorn Sunday, Mrn. Ed, Johtmon In very III of pnou moiilu lit lntr limiii) In Ilolton, Horn to Mr. nnd Mrn. I'm n U Iivu nf I'mk phicf!, on Saturday, a. turn. Mrn, A. J, llobhlo of Hot I on Im con aleHwmt from her recent lllnoss, MIhh Amanda Bullock of Willamette wont to Hnlom Tmrndny moniltiK to vlnlt bur mother who Im Improving ami will mion bo able to rot urn homo. Frank Thomas . ha houKht a 75- item farm In miction 14, town 3, rung') 4, of IiIh fulhor ln law, John C. Tracy, for $3000. ThoiiiiiH has farmed the place for Homo tlmo. JihIkh Thomas A. McHrldo returned Tuesday from several days' rent nt hlrt much imnr Deer Inland. Tho Judge him a liirM'i herd of stock on tho furm nml tho cold npdl hud caused htm to worry ovur tht'lr condition. Mr. nml Mrn, J, II, pnclunanti of Wllholl wru In Oregon City, Tunnday. Mrn. John Adanm loft Monday ovon lug to join her IiiihIiiiikI In Kan I'ritu-Hwo, MIhh Edna HIiH'luut ri-tunwd Mon day from a vlnlt with r'ltlv-H In Ht. JoIiiih. Mr. II. WoIIh wcnt to Ht. Jc TiH'mliiy to vlnlt her nlnter, Mr, belt Ward. illll (111- MIhh NHHn KwnfTord went down to rortland fur a f'w day' vUlt with filcmln, Monday. Mr. I). ('. Kly returned Tuesday from a vlnlt of aiviral day with Imr parent at Tiialiiiln. Ir. (!. A. Htuart ha returned from North Yamhill and report hi futlmr much Improved In health. Mr. ami Mr. Joseph Painter and daughter loin of Ciuiomah havo ro turned from a vlnlt with relative at .Shoddit. MIh Gladys Hyron of Tualatin r lurned with her aunt. Mr. I). 0. Kly, TuoMilny, for an extended vliWt In Ori am City. J. A. Mo4hnlio of Willamette Iibh jono Into tlio real entnto IiuhIiich In rortiann ami IiIh rumiiy win niovo titer next week. MIm Hazel Cooper ha JiiHt com H'ted tho fall term of hcIiooI nt Huh Mollvlllo and I vIhUImk lier.i with her frlond. MIhh llertlia Fred rich. FRUIT INSPECTORS ARE GIVEN LESSONS ATTEND COUR8E OF LECTURES AND DEMONSTRATIONS AT CORVALLI8 COLLEGE. J. I,. CttHwoll, who linn boo a popu lar clerk In tho Frank HiiHch furnlHh- Hlnned hi poHltlon to take t.ff(jct I ''''' tho direction of th cxpcrl- March Ht. Mr. Caswell wltl go to County Fruit Inspector A. J. Lewis wa In Oregon City Monday from his Maplu I.uno homo, Mr, Iewln return od Friday from Corvalll whitro ho took In tho Hhort coiitho for tho county fruit Inspectors, prevlounly arranged hy tho Ktato Horticultural society at I'ortlanil a few week ao. Seven county fruit Inspectors took advantage of tho course. Tho work a hearing In Justice Stlpp's court Sat urday. Hpldell was arrested on charge of assault and battery by Frank Werner. Moos Laxative Cough Syrup con taining Honey and Tar I especially appropriate for children, no opiates or polHonn of any character, conforms to tho conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, June 20, 1900. For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It expel oughs and Cold by gr-ntly moving tho bowel. Guaranteed. 8old by Huntley Bros. Drug Store. OUTSIDE "COLONIAL YELLOW"; INSIDE IS PRETTY PINK WHITE Chicago win-re, hi mother 1 living. Tho hull'lliig of a town hall ha been authorized by the Fntacada council, to ciihI $:00, It will bo erected oppo Hlto tho I. 0. O. F. hall and will Iioumo tho tlie apparatu a well a provide a meeting pinco ror mo city (tan. Tlut Endeavor society of tho Congro- gatlonal church I making ho mo chang es in it organization. It 1 proponed to form tho society In throw chapter. Chapter A to bo composed of tho young people who are over 10 year old; chapter II, of thoo between 12 and 10, and chapter C, will take In thoMo who aro under 12. Chapter II will complete it organization next Sunday evening. Chapter A Is al ready organized and at work. ment station and Messrs. Held and 1'ark. Tho coutho lasted for five day and the Inspectors heard lectures during tho afternoon on tho different varie ties of diseases that ore InfeBtlng our orchardM, and were alno Hhown tho bent method of combating thOMo evil. They were taken out In the college orchard for practical ntudy tit the San Joho wcalo and different fun gii growth, and alno given demon Miration of tho xpraylng Holutlon ai,d tiielr effect on theao enemleu of 'be fruit tree. In tho evening lectures and chemi cal ti-Hl of theKo Hpraylng aolutlon were demonHtrated. TAKES BIG DIP OP CLACKAMAS WATER Portland Man Wants 40,000 Miner's Inchea For Electricity t and Power. day morning, Mr. Jame Roake said that no word had yet been received by thorn. Rev. B. J. Thompaon paused away at the age of 73 year, Wedneoday morning. Ho waa born In Middle bury, Vermont, and was educated In New England. Throughout his life Dr. Thompson wa prominently Iden tified with educational and ministerial work. For nearly 20 yeara he was head of the department of mathematics and astronomy In the university of Minnc aota. He came west to Salem In 1881 where he occupied the pulpit of the Presbyu'lan church. From 1880 'o S. W. Curtl of Portland has made an appropriation of tho waters of Chekama river in which be asks u m7 he aumed the presidency of DILL TO ABOLISH 2 NORMAL SCHOOLS Mr. John W. Iider gavo a charm ingly Informal reception at her homo Tuendny afternoon In honor of Mr. Mary Mclntyro and daughter Mary, who leavo Thursday night for their now homo at Poorla, 111. Mr. R. C. Ganong favored tho company with several beautiful aoltw. Dainty re freshments were served by tho host ess. Mr. Mclntyro and Miss Mary were presented with two pieces of sterling silver, an ollvo fork and fruit spoon, n a remembrance of their Oregon City friend.' Tho following ladles were present: Mosdameg J. Sawyer, C. II. Frlssell. II. E. Straight. Charles Vonderaho. William Andresen, C. 11. WllHim, It. It. McAlpIn, C. G. Miller, W. M. Shank. County School Superintendent J. C. Zlnser received Wednesday morning a number of copies of some of tho new bill that havo been presented before the legUlature thus far. These bills all pertain to tho educational interests of tho ntato. One of tho bills Is for the abolish ing of tho Southern and Central Nor mal school. Another Is a bill for a recast of tho present school laws. b" given tho right to take 40,000 min er's Inches at the rate of 1000 cubic feet per second. A ditch or flume I to be dug for the purposo of Irrigation and the car rying of the waters for tho purpose of transmitting the same Into elec tileiiv and power. Tho ditch Is to be known a tho Portland canal and will start at the Intersection of the Oak Urove creek and the Clackamas river P. MAY BE SLOW BUT TAKE8 NO ONE'8 DUST E8THET-ICALLY. DEPOT IMPROVEMENT PROGRESS Lots of Room, Handsome .Exterior. Comfortable Interior and An other Means of Access Provided. County 8chools Examinations. The Eighth grade examinations of the schools of the county will take Place on Thursday and Friday, Jan-every Sunday evenlnK- the Albany College and pastorate of the Presbyterian church of that city, resigning In 1887 to accept the chargo of a church at Corvallls. Deceased was a member of the Knights Templar lodge. The Inter ment will take place in Albany Satur day. Five children are now living: Mrs. Elmer Samuels, Raymond, Wash Mrs. William Fortmlller of Albany; George Thompson of Boston, Ore Anson W. Thompson of Los Angeles. ManZan Pile Remedy, put up tn1. r ri,.i, Dnou cm, n-i convenient, collapsible tubes with noz-: , . , , zle attachment so that the remedy j Mr- and Mrs- Chester Roako visit may be applied at the very Heat of ,c1 'n Oregon City and In Albany dur the trouble, thus relieving almost In- h.g the holidays, spending a week stantly bleeding Itching or protrud- here, Tbe reverend waa at that time I rt a nllna Knttufattnn Dnnrnntin.1 r m i rvw.now Mf.,w,iA ci fc. H..S.I1- feeble heakh. Hros.' Drug Store. Long Live the King! GERMAN CONFERENCE l8n countrles; while In America the HELD AT CLARKES cry of the present day Is "Long live Dr. Klng'a New Discovery, King of Clarkes, Jan. 22. The snow is all gone and farmers will soon get to work. The German conference was held January 20 at Clarkes church. The Christian Endeavor society Is held In tho M. E. church in Clarkes C. W Assault and Battery. Spldell of Center will bo given mm i lr i TL n i " i'ii' ifi Throat and Lung Remedies!" of which Mrs. Julia Ryder Palae, Truro, Mass., says: "It never fails to give Immedi ate relief and to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. Paine's opinion is shar ed by a majority of the Inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all i will take DAMS OREGON CITYS BUSIEST STOREi CTeain Wp V a ii a i in t f. II I I T Henry Kruder is home to visit his parents for a few days. A. Schruble Is working at Dupert's saw mill. Mr. Kruder Is on the Blck list. Division 14 held a meeting on the OREGON CITY MARKETS 21st and took in new members. other remedies have failed; and for coughs and colds it's the only sure cure. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, druggists. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. A decided change and bright and cheerful spot to look at nowadays la the Southern Pacific depot on which the painters are putting on a bright yellow coat of paint The priming of the building began Tuesday morn ing and In a short time the depot will assume a cheerful appearance with lis Colonial yellow and the trimmings of brown. This change from the here tofore gloomy slate garb with its ghastly trimmings will Indeed be striking. The carpenters are putting the fin ishing touches to the trimmings and fancy work of the outside, while a large crew is busy on the Inside ia preparation for the painters. The waiting room is also to be cheered up and brightened by a combination of colors which the boss painter says will give the room a refreshing ap pearance. The officials of the company seem to have returned to the land of the living and have woke up to the fact that the people of Oregon City wish to be accommodated and that no more of the spectral colors would do. They have substituted a color as near the natural living flesh as possible a Cesh-white with just a dash of pink. The Southern Pacific company has been painting a few of its depots ia the new colors since last July. Many other improvements around the depot place. A general idea of L. Maxon is working for Mr. Tab man. Mr. Wettlaufer is burning out dead stumps. G. Marquardt was in town Satur day on business. Mr. Olson came back on his farm again, two weeks ago. Ore- 10 Pine Salve Carbollzed, acts like a poultice; highly antlsceptlc, exten sively used for Eczema, for chapped hands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Huntley Bros.' Drug Store. T Tt ritit T T si a. The best of grades. Good assortments. iuiuuiwuuutiwwi Diversified varieties and Remarkoblv Low Prices. That's briefly about our underwear but it is deserving of a larger mentioning than that. Note Special prices. BOARD ! W $2.00 VALUES $1.68 1 The celebrated Medlicott flat all wool under shirts and drawers in gray, winter weight. SPECIAL $ 1.68c EA. $J.50 VALUES $ U 23t ....,... - - Coopers Wool Ribbed in gray or pink, medium heavy weight shirts and drawers. SPECIAL S123cEA. J $1.25 VALUES $1.08 The Bradford Spring Needle ribbed wool in blue, splendid wearer, shirts and drawers. SPECIAL SI. 08 EA. $1.00 VALUES 82cts.l - - Light sanitary flat wool or medium heavy wool, flat or ribbed goods, brown, tan or gray, shirts and drawers SPECIAL 82c EA. 65c and 75c Values 48c Heavy Fleeced Line garments, well made and good Wearers. Shirts and drawers. SPECIAL 48c EA. 150 Samples -3 off A big collection of sample undershirts, extra quali ty, a bit better than ordinary. Regular from 75c to$4Ea. SPECIAL 1-3 OFF. FILLS VACANCY IN TEACHING CORPS At the meeting of the board of school directors Friday afternoon, Miss Irene Johnson of Portland, was chosen to fill the vacancy In the teaching corps of tho city schools. Miss Johnson camo up from Port land Friday afternoon especially to meet with tho board. She camo high ly recommended as an efficient teach er. She has been teaching In the schools of Columbia county. Miss Johnson will 'begin her work Monday morning and will have charge of the fourth grade of the Eastham school, while Miss Nellio Stevens will be transferred to the second grade. Miss Meldrum, who has resigned from her work at the Eastham school leaves today for Talo Alto, where she has been offered a position in the Miss Haiker's school, a private institution for young ladies. Miss Nellie M. Stevens had petition ed tho board of directors for tbe change from tho fourth grade to the second grade as she Is especially adapted for the work of tho primary grades. Sho has had special training in tho Weston Normal school for five years for this work. When Miss Stev ens came, to Oregon City she accepted a higher grade only because tho po sltions in the primary work were fill ed. . (Retail Prices.) Wheat No. 1, 85c per bu. Flour Valley, $4.10 per bbl; gon bard wheat, $1.30. Oats in sacks, $1.30 per cwt Hay Clover, oat, cheat mixed per ton. Potatoes $1.10 to $1.25 per sack. Eggs 35 cents per dozen. Butter Ranch, COc per roll; sepa rator COc per roll; creamery 70g75c per roll. Ruttabegas, carrots, turnips, par snips, beets 75c per sack. Good apples Choice $1.00 per box. Peaches Dried 20c per pound. Honey 12c per lb. Beef Heifers, $3.00; steers $3.50 $4.50 per hundred. Hogs, dressed, 8c. Mutton, $5 to $5.50 per hundred, veal dressed SVa c. Cabbage 2c per pound. Squash 50c $1.00 per doz. Shorts 85c per sack. Barley $1.15 per sack. Charming Women. Nothing lends more to personal charm than a clear rosy skin and noth ing Is so sure to free the skin from moth spots, sallowness and the ef fects of chronic constipation as the Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets, 25 cts. Huntley Bros. A Wonderful Happening. Port Byron, N. Y., has witnessed one of the most remarkable cases of heal ing ever recorded. Amos F. King, of that place says: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured a sore on my leg with which I had suffered over 80 years. I am now eighty-five." Guaranteed to cure all sores, by Howell & Jones, druggists, 25 cents. the spacious waiting room can now be had. The office will be roomy and the agents of the company will be gin to think that they are once mora like the rest of the citizens free ta move around within their office. The old office and the old waiting room will be used as a baggage room Jfor the storing of light freight, such as trunks and other small parcels. Now that the partition has been tak en out between the new and the old freight rooms, It Is easily seen that the space will be sufficient and the accommodations more nearly coincid ing with the demands of the patrons. A runway has been built between the two rooms as the floors differ in height, the south freight floor corres ponding to the floor of the freight cars. This will make the handling of the freight an easy matter. A platform on the outside has been built to reach to the freight cars on the siding. The frontage of the depot or plat form will also generally be improved with a better coat of granite and the same will be leveled off from tb.3 tracks to the side of the building, while the embankment which runs to the foot of Seventh street will bo re arranged on a better level and a rail ing will be placed along the wall. The company has also decided to give a better access to the depot and will have two stairways built; one running from the walk on the south side of Seventh street along side of the depot to the granite platform and tracks. The other will be from the iron stairway or rather be a continu ation of the first landing running south and will thus enable people com ing down the hill to reach the depot without, crossing the street. Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean the system, good for iasy livers, makes clear complexion, bright eyes and happy thoughts. For sale by Hunt- i ley Bros.' Drug Store THE RICH MAN AGED MINISTER DIES AT ALBANY A special to the Star from Albany Wednesday morning announced tho death of Rev. E. J. Thompson of that city. Mr. Thompson ia the father of Mrs. Chester Roako, tho daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Roake of this city. When Informed by the Star of the death of tho reverend, Wednes- 3 Usually gets his start through the habit of sav- ing. The opportunity is also yours, and we advise you to take advantage of j of it by opening a Savings Account with The Bank ot Oregon City