Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 25, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Our entire stock, consisting of
at actual cost The greatest
W Inch I L. Miiruliinl grade- domett-
tic. yard 5 I "2c
I.oiriilulo MumIIii, :k; Inches wh!i! ut
flowing oul prlco of ynrd 3 2c
rii'nt quality Calicoes, our Ce, mi. I "c
grades In iiuvyn, grays, pinks, light
blues, gurnet und cardinal, entire
lino at dosing out price of yurdC
Iti-Kulur 7c A prim rilngharn closing
(ut price, yard f 2C
flannelettes, In largo sHor'tmvut, reg
ular 10"4c and I2c goods at clon
ing out price of, ynrd "7 2C
lu apery Cloths, twllk'd and flint color,
10c nnd 12lic KradoH at closing out
price yard 3c
3ft huh Hllkollnes, all colors, values
from loc lo IV.ic closing out prlco
per yard C
The Miipri'inacy of this department Is
well Itimwn to tho ladles of Oregon
City and vicinity, a most coinploto
stock In all popular shades ahd
Murk ; w offer doublo fold plaids,
-."it: goods, closing out prlco,
" 1 9c
Ihmhle fold lMnld, 30c grade, closing
out price, yard I 5C
62 Inch all wool Ladles' Cloth, iftth
Ing to equal It for Bervlcablo war,
closing out price, ynrd . . 47c
51 Inch nil wool covert cloth, regular
$1.35 quality, clowliig out price,
'rd 39C
We Claim
Our Store has always been known as the place where you could always
expect the most satisfactory results. The public can rest assured that only
most attractive outlay of merchandise is offered.
7th and Main Sts.
After 40 years
Half Price and less for
will give you an idea
28 Inch all wool HultlngB, 50c and C3c
goods, entire line offered at
)'' 37c
Novelty Suiting, 42 Inches wldo, regu
lar Mo quality, clotting out price,
" G9c
CO Inch Suiting, $1.25 Roods, clotting
out prlco yard 9Sc
W Inch nncklng, 85c quality, closing
out price, yard 59c
38 Inch MohalrH, excellent DOc quality,
cloning out prlco yard .... 37c
38 Inch all wool Albatross DOc grade,
cloHing out price, yard.....35C
3S Inch all wool Henriettas, CEc qual
ity, black and colors, clo8lng out
price, yard 47c
41 Irjch German Henriettas, silk fin
ish, $1.25 quality, closing out prlco,
yard 99C
Every expenditure made during our
great doting out ealo will prove a
splendid Investment. An Immenie
stock of Clothing at a sacrifice that
meant Dollar! to you.
Men's $20.00 to $25.00 all wool wors
ted Suits, best of all wool materials,
cholco during closing A a r p
out sale- vIOJO
Men's $13.00 Suits, high grade through
and through, worsted, closing out
$1 1.25
Men'a $12.00 to $13.50 cnsslniero and
cheviot suits, closing out
p'i $9.75
for this Closing Out Sale
of successful business the firm of
decided to retire from active business.
(OCPCI worth of general merchandise, offered
all broken lines. We quote a small list, which
of prices prevailing throughout the store.
Men'H $10.00 to $11.50 Suits, velour
casslmero and cheviots, closing out
pric $7.95
Men's $S.00 Suits twilled wool cassl
mere, closing out prlco $5.95
Young Mens suits
High grado worsted Suits, our regu
lar $12.00 to $13.50, closing out
p'" $9.75
Regular $10.00 to $11.50 grades bow
n $7.95
Young Men's Suits $8.00 to $9.00 grado
at closing out prlco $5.95
Young men's Casslmero Suits, $7.00
quality clotflng out prlco $5.35
Young men's cheviot Suits $3.00 to
$0.00 grades closing a - tr
out prlco vjv).00
Men's wool Shirts and Drawers, now
selling at tho garment ... 03c
Men's 45c and DOc Shirts and Draw
ers, now priced T C
at per garment vIvJC
Men's Shlrt3 and Drawers, our $1.50
values closing out price . 9
Women's, Misses' and Children's Vests
nnd Pants at actual cost prices,
which you can't afford to miss.
Just as near to your own price as you
could ask. Over 3000 pairs of shoes
In stock all dependable qualities
and all offered at actual cost.
25, 1907.
sacrnice in prices tnis city nas ever known
Women's $3.50 Shoes now offered
Women's $3.00 quality we offer clos
ing out price .. $2.55
Our $2.50 special closing out
p"- $2.10
Our $2.00 grado, honest 83 gold, clos
ing out price $ I .65
Our $1.75 quality closing out
prlc $ 1 .43
Regular $1.50 grade, closing out
Men's Shoes $1.29 for $1.50 and $1.C5
Our regular $1.73 quality now sell-
$ 1 .40
Men's $2.25 grades In vlcl and velour
calf, closing out prico 5
Men's $3.00 Shoes, an unquestioned
bargain at the price, reduced for
closing out salo to 2 55
Mete's $3.50 Shoes in latest and best
styles, closing out PrlceJ2 95
Men's $4.00 Shoes In finest box calf
vlcl, that aro made for the finest
trade, closing out Price 45
Our regular $2.00 line of Boys' Shoes,
closing out prlco $ .65
Our $1.75 grade, solid throughout,
closing out price ....$ .42
Our $1.50 Boys Shoes now selling
Regular $2.25 values no?$ .35
Regular $2.00 values now$ .65
Regular $1.75 grade now$ .55
Regular $1.25 quality 93c
Mens Turnishngs
Men's 15c black soz now selling at
pair 9c
Men's natural wool box regular 15c
grade, closing out price, pair Qc
Our entire line of men's 25c half-hose,
closing out price 9C
Men's President Suspenders, regular
50c grade, during closing out sale,
priced at pair 35C
Men's Work Shirts In duck, cheviots
or percales, the best that money
could purchase to retail at 50c, now
being offered closing out price 37C
Men's Shirts, our 75c quality, closing
out prlce 5Sc
Men's black Satteen Shirts, the un
questioned $1.00 grade, closing out
Pf'ce 79C
Men's Oregon Blue Flannel Shirts
$1.75 and $2.00 grades, closing out
prIce $1.45
Men's Hats, $3 quality $2.25
$2.50 quality closing out price. . . .$1.90
Our $2.00 grade now being sold
v$1.50 quality closing out price ....95c
Our $1.00 Leaders closing out
price 50c
Suspension Bridge Corner