Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 25, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Amt. Due. i
J. C. Dixon. 18-100 acres M de-
scribed In record of deeds, book j
S. page 2G2 l.CS
M. E. Moore, 60-100 acres as de- j
scribed In record of deeds,
book 69. page 141 5.04
T. Charman and son, 50-100 acre j
as described In record of deeds I
book 65, page 29 6.72 j
M. M. MeCarver D. L. C. No. 40, 41,1
Sections 6, 7, 1, 12, 13, Ranges 2
and 1 east.
W. K. Young and C. K. Tyler. 100
acres as described In record of
deeds, book 87, page 291 ....3r.4S
t. 8. Whit D. L. C. No. 41, 42, Sec
tion 12, and 17, township 3 East,
Rang 1 East; Section 7, Township
3, Range 2 East.
Delbert Harrington, 5 acres as
described In record of deeds,
book 91, page S6 5.72
J. C. Howland D. L. C. No. 45, Sec
tions 7, 8, 17, 13, Township 3, Range
2 East
I. S. Hearst. 5 acres as described
In record of deeds, book C7,
page 56 6.47
Isaac Farr D. L. C. No. 52, Sections
28, 29, 32, 33, Township 3, Rang 2
East. i
Fred D. Llndsley. 20.14 acres as
described In record of deeds
book (7. page 301 13.82
Tewnshlp 4 South, Range 2 East '
P. H. Marley. NE quarter of SE j
of SI of section 14. township
4, range east; 10 acres 1.30'
Q. aid M. Mallet. 3.12 acres as
described In record of deeds, I
book I. page 236, section 16, I
township 4. range 2 east 43
Minnie Wells, 6 acres as describ
ed la record of deeds, book U j
page 409. section IS, township
4, range 2 east 43 1
Arthur Holden. 50 acres as de
scribed In record of deeds. Uk.
12. page 296, section 18, town
ship 4, range 2 east S.4S1
Mary Haley. E kalf of NE quar- '
ter section 22, towashlp 4,
range i east 16.80
O. W. and it. A. Kimball, 4.50
acres as described in record of
deeds, book 82, page 4S3. sec
tion 28, township 4, range 2
East 1.81
Tewnehip 2 South, Rang 2 East
O. T. Kay, 4.50 acres as described
in record of deeds, book 50,
page 455, section 2, township
4, range 2 east 74
Township 5 South, Rang 2 East
James ETerson. NE quarter of
SW quarter section 30, town
ship 5, Range 2 east; 40 acres 4.90
Township I South, Range 2 East
Elizabeth Lovejoy, East half of
NE quarter and NW quarter of
NE quarter of section 27, town
ship 6, range 2 east; 120 acres 7.78
T. F. Ryan, all of NW quarter,
East of Butte Creek, section
32, township 6, range 2 east.. 3.24
L. O. Reynolds. SW quarter of
section 34. township 6, range
2 east; 1C0 acres 8.64
J. E. Hoffman. SE quarter of NE
quarter section 36, township 6
range 2 east; 40 acres 4.60
A. M. McCleod, W half of W half
section 36, township 6, range
2 east 10.37
Thos. Charman, SW quarter of
NW quarter section 8, township
6, range 2 east; 40 acres.... 3.46
Township 1 South, Range 3 East.
Hilda Anderson 30.39 acres as
described in record of deeds,
book 64, page 182; except as
described in record of deeds
book 87, page 248 and book
89, page 193, section 25, town
ship 1, range 3 east 13.39
We are CLOSING OUT oaf la ge stock
and out Complete Stock of GROCERIES.
Mitchell Special Rubber Tire Baggy,
Regular $110, now . . . -P 1 vlVJ
A" grade Bee
Buggy, now
Low wheeled, Rubber tired Run-a-bout, dh""1 Cf
regular $90, now . . . . O.XJKJ
J. I. Case Steel Plow, regular $1 6.00 1 T ff
implement, now . . . . ' JmJJ
40 "O" Chilled
We are tetithig from business
Fait dough Bros Building
Amt Duo.
W. A. Miller 50-100 acres as de
scribed In record of deeds book
89. pago 198, section 25, town
ship 1. rango 3 east
J. 11. Tretnall, S half of SK quar
ter of NE. sec 31, township 1
range 3 east 10. OS
George Brown. West half of NV
quarter, section 36, township
1. ranee 3 east: SO acres. .. .34. SO
..Township 2 South, Range 3 East
F. I and J. Hates, Southwest
quarter of Northwest quarter
section 3, township 2, range 3
east; 40 acres 5.5G
Grace McLean, 1 acre as d,oscrlt
ed in record of deeds book
page 166, section 4, township
2. range 3 east 1.S2
J. M. H. Deardorff, 64.14 acre as
described In record of deeds
book 58, page 247. section 6.
township 2, range 3 east 27.97
C. E.. R. L. and C. A. Wade,
50-100 acres as described in
record of deeds, book V, page
31. section 6, township 2,
range 3 east l.a
T. F. Cowing, lot 6. section IS, j
township 2. range 3 east 54 I
Feter Hobklrk, lota 2 and 3, sec- I
tlon 36, township 3, range 3
east 4.32
John Fishr D. L. C. No. 38, 59, Sec- 1
tlons 32 and 5, townships 1 and 2,
Range 3 East j
Jesse Kingsberry, t acres as de
scribed In record of deeds, book !
88. page 418 2.28
Township 3 South, Range 3 East
Christian Morelock, 51 acres as
described In record of deeds,
book 67, page 162, section 4,
township 3. range 3 east 7.1C
Lena Miller, 4 acres In South half
of SB quarter North of Coun
ty Road, section 82, township
3, range 3 east 48
John Davis heirs, 29.50 acres
as described In record of deeds
book 29, page 445, section 33,
township 3, range 3 east .... 4.76
Ben Helmer, 60 acres as describ
ed in record of deeds, book 82
page .19. section 34, township
3, range 3 east 7.56
8. J. McCrd D. L. C. No. 53, Section
25, Township 3, Range 3 East.
Thos. Charman. 81 acres as de-1
scribed In record of deeds, book
R. page 81. section 25, town
ship 3, range 3 east 17.16
Albert Wright D. L. C. No. 59, See-1
tiona 7, 8, 9, township 3, Range 3
W. H. and L. Bonney, 63 acres
as described In record of deeds
book 76, page 436, sections 7,
8, township 3, range 3 east.. 11. 62
Township 4 South, Range 3 East.
W. C. Ralston North half of NE
quarter, section 1. township 4,
range 3 east; 80 acres 6.48
Ben Helmer. 60 acres as describ
ed in record of deeds, book
89, page 49. section 3, town
ship 4, range 3 east 21.17
Township 4 South, Range 3 East
Anton Szlrlnwakl, NW quarter of
NE quarter and lots 1 and 2
section 12, township 4, range
3 east; 59.60 acres 12.31
George A. Weed, NW quarter of
SE quarter except NB quarter
of NW quarter of SE quarter
section 16. township 4, range
3 east; 30 acres 3.24
O. J. Hoel. NW quarter of SW
quarter section 27, township 4
range 3 east; 40 acrea 3.46
Arthur Rees heirs, SE quarter of
SW quarter, section 36. town
ship 4, range 2 east; 40 acres 4.42
Township i fteuth, Range 3 East
S. W. Jones, SW quarter of NW
quarter, section 1, township 5,
range 3 east; 40 acres 3.46
Line, regular $80
Plow, regular $10.00
Amt.' Duo.
James M. Comer SKVi section
8, township 5, range 3 oast; 100
acres 11.03
Aggie Thayer, I'tulivlded one
third of S hnlf of SW quarter,
sect Inn S, townsklp C, range
3 east; 26. tit! acres 1.94
Sarah K. Miller, undivided one
third of S. half of SW quarter
section 8. township 5, rung 3
east; 26.67 acres 97
Mrs. K. J. Lamb, W half of SU
quarter and U half of SW quar
ter, section IS, township 6,
range 3 iat; 160 acres 17.64
Ellen CV'shan, 2 acres as de
scribed In record of deeds,
book 79, page HOI, section 19,
township f, range 3 oast; 2
acres 28
Michael Pendleton. East half of
SU quarter, section 20, towu
ship 5, range 3 east; SO acres S.53
A. W. l.ofstet. tot . soettou 30,
township 5. range 3 east; 12
acres 8.41
Township 7 South, Rang 3 East
I). A. White and W. 1'. Estes. lots
4. 5, 6. and 7, section 0, town
ship 7. range 3 east; 130.96
acres 7.5C
II. E. Noble. S half of S half of
sectiou 8, township 7. range 3
east; 160 acres tl .04
J. H. Uramnedd, lot 1, suctlou
30 township 7, range 3 east;
32. 78 acres 2.16
W. L Harris, SIC quarter of SE
i of SKl4 of sec. 26, township 1
range 4 east; 40 acres 9.22
Township 2 South, Rang 4 East.
Syndicate Inv. Co., 9 40 acres as
described In record of deeds,
book 90, page 36S, section 1,
township 2. range 4 east ... 2.16
W. N. Kansdell. 73x150 feet ai
described in record of deeds,
book CO, page 21, section 13,
township 2. range 4 east ... 6.60
L. and E. Idleman, DO-100 acres
as described In record of deeds
book 81, page 443, section 13.
township 2, range 4 east 20. 4J
Flotilla D. Colt. 160 acres as de
scribed in record of deeds, bxk
83, page 367, section 32, town
ship 2. range 4 east; 160 acres. 17.28
J. II. Colt. 134.S4 acres as de
scribed In record of deeds Issik
78, page 227, except as describ
ed In book S3, page 367, suc
tion 32, township 2, range 4
east 27.00
J. II. Colt, 42 acres as described
In record of deeds book 87,
pago 360, sectiou 33, towushlp
2, range 4 fast 7.56
M. V. Wetzel, as described lu
record of deeds, book 87, pagi
92, section 33, township 2,
range 4 east; 42 acres 6.70
J. W. Foster D. L. C. No. 40, Section
i 24, 30, 32, 32, Township 2, Range 4
' J. II. Co!t, 2.50 acres as descrlb
i ed In record of deeds book "S
! page 237 11.14
Phillip Foster D. L. C. No. 47, 37, Sec
tions 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, Township 2,
Ranges 3 and 4 East.
H. F. Currin heirs, 100x193 feet
and 100x13 feet as described In
record of deeds book 64, page
188 12.96
O. W. V. & Ry. Co., 73 acres as
described In C. C. Journal Vol.
page 1.94
Township 2 South, Range 4 East.
J. and A. Nicholson, 5 acres as
described In record of deeds
book 91, pane 46. section 21,
township 3. range 4 east.... 3.36
Geo. I). Ely, lot 4, except 1 acre,
section 23, township 3, range
4 east; 20 acres 65
G. II. Sarver, lots 5 and 6, sec
tion 30, township 3, range 4
east; 4S acres 5.88
and mtist close otit oaf stock by Feb i5f regardless of prices
Tenth and Main Streets
Amt. Duo.
Franklin Pierce D. L. C. No. 38, Sec
tions 20, 21, 28, 29, Township 3,
Rang 4 East.
O. W. F. Townalto Co., W. IS 54
acres of 11. L. C. lying north
of It. R 32,40
Horace Brown D. L. C. No. 32, 5, Sec
tiona 32 and B, Townships 3
and 4, Range 4 East.
S. J. Kigiilns, 41 acres as described lu
record of deeds, book 92, page
123 4.82
Thomas Lea D. L. C. Sections 13 and
22, township 3, Rang 4 East.
t). D. Ely, 5.04 acres as described
In record of deeds, book 62,
page 84 26
Township 4- South, Range 4 East
Henry Lnndwoar, N half of SW
quarter and N half of S half of
SW quarter, section 2, town
ship 4, range 4 east; 120 acres 8.64
11. M. Noble trustee. 10 half of
SW quarter and SW quarter
of SW quarter, sectiou 7. twp.
4, range 4 east; 118 acres ... 8.64
lSlUaboth Strickland, NW quarter
of SW quarter, suction 7, town
ship 4. range 4 vast; 40 acres 3.24
II. E. Noble trustee, NIC quarter
of NW quarter, section 18,
towushlp 4, range 4 east; 40
acres 3.46
B. C.ranaUkl. S half of N half of
NW quarter, section 29. town
ship 4, range 4 east; 40 aores 6 .30
Antbouy McNamara, W half of
NW quarter, sectiou St. town
ship 4. range 4 east; 81.90 A.. 6.22
H. L. Gregg. IC half of sectiou 36,
township 4, range 4 east 320
acres 23.08
William Tucker D. L. C. N. 44, Sec
tion 0, Tewnshlp 4, Rang 4 East
Ella Sob wing. 14 acres as describ
ed In record of deeds book 65
14 acres 5.80
U. V. De Honl. s half of SU quar
ter and BE quarter of 8V
quarter aud lots 7, sectiou 6,
township (, range 4 east; 1C2
acres 17.66
Tewnshlp 7 South, Ring 4 East.
John D. Campbell. NW quartor
of NB quarter and N half of
NW and SW of NW quarter
of section 14, township 7, range
4. east; 160 acres 18.82
S. H. Reynolds. S half of NW
quarter and NE quarter of
SW quarter, section 6, town
ship 2. rangu 5 east; 118 80
acres 19.01
Elva Dolan. E half of SE quarter
of Section 8, township 2, range
5 east; 80 acres 8.63
B. C. loreni, SW quarter of NB
quarter and NW quarter of SE
quarter and 8 half of NW
quarter and N half of SW
quarter, section 16, township
2, range 5 east; 240 acres. .. .20.74
Elva Iolan, N half of NE quar
ter, section 17, township 2,
range 5 east; 80 acrea 6.48
M. McCormlck, SE quarter of
NE quarter and lots 1 and 3,
and NE quarter of SE quartor
of section 18, township 2, range
6 east; 157.21 acres 32.52
Frank I-angensand. W half of SE
quarter, section 22, township 2
range 5 east; 1G0 acres ... 2.16
Henry Warren, SE of SE quartor
and W half of SE quarter and
E ha'.f of SW quarter, of sec
tion 23. township 2 south, range
6 east; 200 acrea 23.76
Thomas Colllnge, 8 half of SW
quarter and NW quarter of S.
W. quarter 22.97
Isaac C. Carr, SW quarter of SW
quarter 3.02
Township 3 South, Rang 5 East.
Henry Scheel heirs, W half of E
half (f SE quarter and W half
of SE quarter, section 22, twp.
3, range 5; 120 acres 11.32
JUL aft JLJai I m$
Air tight Heaters, regular price &i TA f A fro AA
$2.25 to $5.00, now . . f l.JU IU J.UU
Six-hole Range, "Niagara," regular J7C f
$42.50, now .... OO.UU
Nails, per keg, kj)
Like reduction on Small Tools, Tinware, Graniteware
and Builders' Hardware.
Full Line of PAINTS and OILS at Less than Whole-
sale cost.
Amt. Duo.
Albert Metssnor, N half or NW
quarter and SW quarter of N.
W, quarter, of section 28, town
ship 8, range D, 120 nores, .. .10.28
Township 4 South, Range 5 East.
J. A. and 11. F. I. Inn, NE quarter
of SE quarter, of hocIIou 3,
township 4, range 5 wast; 40
acres 2,69
A. F. J. Miller, N hnlf of NIC quar
ter and NE quarter of NW
quarter of section 4, township
4, range 5 east; 118.82 acres,. 7.56
Louis (ierlliiKor, S half of section
16, township 4, range 5 east,
320 acres 20.80
Martin McAnully, undivided hnlf
of E half of W half, section .16 I
township 4, range 5 east; 80
acres 10.37
Township 2 South, Range 6 East.
Henry Glenn, SE quarter of sec
tion 4, township 2, range 11 K;
100 acres 12.00
Henry Glenn, NE quarter of sec
tion 10, township 2, range 0
east; 100 acres 15.30
J, M. Flynn, W half of NIC quar
ter and SE quarter of NW
and NE of SW quarter, see.
14. township 2, range c east,
100 acres 8.04
Mort Mendenhall, NE quarter of
suction 1(1. township 2, range
6 east; 160 acres 4.32
Hm. Caples, NW quarter of NW
quarter, section 21, township
2, range 0 east; 40 acres 2.59
Township 4 8outh, Range 6 East
Martin McAnulty. undivided half
of NW quarter, section 31,
township 4, rangu 6 east; 80
acres 10.37
Township 6 South, Range 6 East
Setn Austin heirs, undivided half
of SIC quarter of NIC quarter of
section 23, township 6, range
6 east; 40 acres 2.10
Township 2 South, Range 7 East.
Frank Woolsey, IC hulf of SW
quarter, section 16, township 2,
range 7 east; 80 acres 4. NO
L. A. Lewis. W half of SW quar
ter, section 16. tonshlp 2,
range 7 east; 80 acres 4.80
J. A. I.lnneberger, SW, quarter of
section 21, township 2, range
7 east; 160 acres 9.60
Wisconsin Investment Co. West
half of section 22, township 2,
range 7 east; 320 acres 23 04
Wisconsin Investment Co., NW
quarter of section 27. township
2, rango 7 east; 160 acres .. .15.36
Harry G. Nlcolal, all of seel Ion 36.
township 2, range 7 east; CIO
acres 82.94
Township 3 South, Range 7 East.
E. I- Weltller. lot 1, section f,
township 3, range 7 east; 55 89
acres 4.32
Township 1 South, Range 8 East.
W. H. McCrum. West half uf sec
tion 25. township 1, range 8
East; 320 acres 20.74
Joseph A. Wilson, Kant half of
E half of section 20, townihlp
1, range 8 east; 160 nrres. . . . 10. 37
Geo. C. Jones, Jr.. E hnlf of W.
half section 26, township 1,
range 8 eat; 160 acres 10.37
E. G. Jones, N half of NE quar
ter and NE of NW and SW of
NE quarter of sec. 35, town
ship 1, range 8 east; 160 acres. 10. 37
I. A. Mcf'rum. N half of NW 14
section 36, township 1, range
8 east; 80 acres $.18
T, Keller, SW of NW and W hnlf
of SW quarter and SE quarter
of SW quarter, Hectlon 36, twp,
1, range 8 east; 160 acres ...10.37
Township 3 South, Range 8' 2 E.
W. Wilcox, N half of SW quarter
section 28, township 3, range
8'i east; 80 acres 5.18
Amt. iu
M. 0. Strickland, W half of K
half of section 35, township 3,
rungo H',i east; 160 acres ... 10.37
Township 8 South, Range 4 East.
Frederick F, Smith, SW quartor
or section 2, township 8, range
4 east; 160 acres 20.86
Francis II. Siiillh, SIC quarter of
section 3, township K, range 4
east; 160 acres 20.86
Laura A. Austin, NW quarter of
section 3, township 8, range
4 east; 160 acres 20,86
Township 8 South, Range 7 East
Helh Austin heirs, undivided half
or SIC quarter of NW quarter,
and HW quarter of NIC quarter
and lot 2, section 30, township
fi, range 7 east; 5G 89 acres,, 4, S3
Sheriff's Assessment.
Thos II. Ruddy, Oak Grove, part
in described lit hook 93, page-4
120, Ida 25; 2 acres 3. CO
Willamette l'ulp Al Paper Co., 15
acres as described In book 93
piiK 111. Huctlon 30, town
ship 3, range I east; 15 acres. 3.24
II. IC. Noble, part of D. D, Tomp
kin's D. L. C, as described lu
record of deeds book 93, page
472. township 2, range 8 oast,
10 09 ncres 15.84
J. W. Cove, ZolirlHt'a add to Es
tacada. lot 4. blk It 55
Amos Wise, purl of James Athey
1 1. I, ('., Hook 88, page 448,
township 2, rangu 1 east; 11.65
acres 10.44
M Kmi'-h, 29 2 acres lu the Henry
Saffron I). L. C C.62
J. H. Steal ger, 20.30 acres as de
scribed In record of douds book
91, page 506, section 6, town
ship I east; 20 30 acres 18 31
O W. I'. Townslto Co., Estacada,
lot 23. bill 32 C5
Sullwood Laud & Improvement
Co, all except westerly 218
feet sub. division of a portion
of Oak Grave, lot 3. blk. SO . ,. 1.08
V, S. Arnold, part of George Crow
D. L. ('. township 2, range
1 east t OS
Rachel Deardorf, 3 acres as de
scribed In C. C. Journal No. 8,
Vol. (1, page 4S9, suction 2, twp.
2, runge 2 east 1.S3
Special Roll.
James M. Comer, SE quarter of
Section 8, township 5, range
3 eii't; 160 acres 4.18
Emmsh WehW s half of 8. W.
quarter, section 8, township
5. range 3 east; 80 acres .... 1.10
J. C. McGtew, S half of NE quar
ter, section 17, township 6,
ranK" 3 east; 80 acres 1.60
John Dennett, SE of NW quar
ter, section 17, township 8,
range 3 cast; 40 acres ......
II E. and Mrs. 11 Smith. SW of
NW quarter, section 17, town
ship 5. range 3 east; 40 acre 1.17
To the person who offers to pa;
the (axes, costs and accruing penal
ties thereon and take a certificate at
the lowest rate of Interest and '4;li'h
said rnte of Interest shall not be
gr utcr than ten per rent said aale
Khali be continued from day to da;
until the said list Is exhausted. All
of snld tracts of real property being
situated In Clackamas county, Oregon
Dated this 11th day of January,
1907. R, 1). HEATH,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
City, Oregon
Mesa u