Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 18, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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(0 ' (SO. "
Seventh and Main Sts.
(Continued from page 7.)
In the matter of "report of resurvey
of Oregon City and Milwaukie road;
Ordered that said report be filed.
In the matter of appointment of Irv
ing Clarke and George Avery as Spec
ial deputy sheriffs;
Ordered that same be and is here
by approved.
In the matter of the petition of W.
H. Wettlaufer and others for a coun
ty road;
Ordered that viewers meet at place
of beginning of said road on the
day of January, 1907.
In the matter of petition of J. M.
Allison for liquor license at Boring;
Ordered that a license to sell liqu
ors at Boring be granted said J. M.
Allison for a period of six months.
In the matter of the appointment of
Board of County Road Viewers for
i 1907;
Ordered that S. A. D. Hungate, Nix
on Blair and Bud Thompson be and i
are hereby appointed as such board, i
In the matter of report of viewers on I
Gortler road; !
Report of viewers read second time
and referred to district attorney, j
In the matter of the report of viewers j
on Risley and Oatkin road;
Report read second time and refer-
red to district attorney. j
In the matter of change of boundary !
line between road district 13 and road j
district 33; )
Ordered that the following be tak- j
en from road district 13 and added I
to district 33:
Commencing where the south line !
of section 12, T. Z S. R 3 E. inter- i
sects the cast line of the 7.. C. i
Norton D. L. C. and running thence j
north to the N. E. coiner of said j
claim; thence West to the N. '.
corner of said claim; thence south
to northwesterly line of Allen Mat- j
toon Claim; thence northeasterly j
to the section line between sections j
14 and 15; thence south to the!
northerly line of Ed .Miller place; j
thence northeasterly on north line ofj
said place to the west line of Jacob j
Gerber place; thence southeasterly j to tw raise(1 for mmnf( year;
following said westerly line to Ger-'sia,,. am, Agricultural 'College. $34,125
hers place to section line between County School 49,875
sections 14 and 23; thence east onyiH-ary 875
section line to Springwater road (lis- j Roads and Highways 42,000
trict; thence south 3-4 miles to cmnty PurposeB 35,000
reiu oi nw tp.arier oi section ;
thence east one-halt mil
lO line ,
dividing section 21 into east and I
west halves; thence south to Clear I
Creek, thence up said stream to j
its intersection with present boun
dary of Springwater road district
No. 33. !
In the matter of extension of lines of j
road district 14, to include north half I
of J. S, Howland D. L. C, all of sec-1
tion eight, The SW quarter of NW
quarter of section 9, also the SW of j
section 9, also section 10, T 3 S. It 2 I
E; j
Ordered that the lands and premises
mentioned and described be and the
same are set off from road district
No 39, and attached to and made a
part of road district No. 14.
In the matter of petition of J. A.
Byers and others for change in boun
dary line between road districts 3
and 12 and set over into road dis
trict No. 12, the following described
land from district No. 3, to-wit:
Begin at Baker's bridge, thence
After 40 years of successful business the firm of I. SELLING has decided to retire
from active business. In order to wind up affairs as quickly as possible we will
inaugurate a CLOSING OUT SALE.
A $25,000 Stock Reduced to Prices to Sell Them at Sight.
Prices ruthlessly cut; our stock is most complete and every department contribtes to
the sacrifice. Our prices have always been to the lowest limit. People will ap
preciate what it means when we say that our
Entire Stock is Offered at Actual Cost.
down stream with the meanders of
Clackamas river to mouth of Rock
Creek in section 12, T. 2 S. R. 2
East; thence up Rock creek to the
center, of section 12 in said town
ship and range; thence east to the
section line between sec. 12. T. 2
S. R. 2 E and section 7. T. 2 S. R.
3 E; thence south one-half mile to
NV corner sec. 18, T. 2 S. R. 3
E; thence east on north line sec
tion 18 to NE corner said section;
thence south to north bank of
Clackamas river; thence down
stream with the meanders "thereof
to beginning, and it is ordered that
above described lands be and same
Is hereby made a part of road dis
trict No. 12.
In the matter of changing boundary
of road district No. 9 so as to include
section 11, T. 3 S R 4 E;
Ordered that section 11. T. 3 S. R.
i E is hereby made a part of road
district No. 9.
In the matter of appointment of road
Ordered that following be and are
appointed as supervisors for year
District No. 1, W. H. Counsell; No.
2. M. B. Webster; No. 3, Ed. Seifer;
No. 4, Granvill Linn; No. 5, Horace
Knox; No. C, John Straus; No. 7.
James Fegles; No. 8, D. W. Doug
las; No. 9, Henry Johnsrtn; No. 10",
D. N. Bridenstine; No. 11, Ed. Har
rington; No. 12, Edward Hutchins;
No. 13, August Hubert; No. 14, G.
F. Gibbs; No. 15, Wm. Fine; No.
10, W. G. Randall; No. 1", A. H.
Knight; No. IK, E. W. Hornshuh;
No. 19. W. A. Woodside; No. 20, U.
Sullivan; No. 21, Frank Winslow;
No. 22, Albert Engle; No. 23, R. W.
Zimmerman; No. 24, C. F Spagle;
No. 25, Herman Harms; No. 20,
H. N. Everhart; No. 27, John La
bour; No. 28, L. D. Shank; No. 29,
W. L. White; No. 30, James Cook;
No. 31, Z. Elligsen; No. 32, W. C.
Heater; No. 33, Henry Cromer; No.
34, John Turner; No. 35, A. I). Ed
wards; No. 30, Paul Snyder; No.
37, C. W. Kruse; No. 38, Henry
Thiessen; No. 39, Frank Jaggar; No.
10, A. Vestal.
In the matter of estimate of money
Int. outstanding warrants..
puvm't mi tutu nil lnr uni-rantu ' 7T,n
Total $189,000
In the matter of levy for year 1900:
Ordered that a levy of 18 mills be
and same is hereby levied as fol
lows: Mills.
State and Agricultural College. . .3'
County School and Library 5
County purposes 5
Roads 4
And it is ordered that same be ex
tended on the tax rolls as by law
In the matter of petition for change
of boundary district No. 30;
Ordered that the present boundary
line of road district No. 30 be chang
ed so as to Include following de
scribed land, commencing at NE
corner of section 22, T 2 S II 1 E
and running thence south' to SE
corner of said section 22; thence
west on south line of section 22 and
21 to the east bank of Tualatin river
thence up stream along east bank of
said river to Intersection with pres
ent boundary of road district 30.
In the matter of Jury list for 1907:
Abernethy-F. J. Relllng. W. H. Smith,
Sol Wheeler. E. R. Leek, Chas. Llv
esay, C. W. I'arrish. Henry Sails
bury, E. P. Carter.
Barlow J. J. Sandsness, W. T. Mel
vin, W. W. Jesse, M. O. Rynerson,
Gustav Arndt.
Boring W. H. Boring, W. A. Hall,
C. M. Lake, J. W. Stone.
Beaver Creek Orin Hughes, W. Grls-
enthwaite, H. Henrlci, Fred Moehn
ke. V. Bohlander, W. E. Voting. Fred
Bluhm, Henry Hughes.
Canvon Creek W. E. Bonney, C. K.
Cascade J. M. Thomas, Paul Dunn,
Adolf Aschoff, Paul Meinlg, Ole
Mikkleson, Mile Donahue, Theodore
Revenue, K. F. Bruns, Ed Coalman.
Canby Frank Hilton, D. R. Dimlck,
James Adklns, Albert Vinyard, John
Robins, John L. Dick, H. S. C.
Phelps, V. L. Mack, Hans A. Lln
neberg. Clackamas James Johnson, C. L.
Roadartnel, G. H- Webster, I. L.
Clark, A. Hunter, R. B. Holcomb,
Louis Erickson, Fred Gage.
Cherryville W. E. Welsh, J. M. Wall.
Cam-man R. H. Taber, Gno. Lazclle,
J. M. Warnock, W. B. Lawton, W.
.1. McCord, F. M. Thompson.
Needy D. Kaufman, V. Scamcl, Mos
es Burkholder, Enos Hostettler,
Chas. Noblitt.
Klllin Amos Yoder, Arthur Snyder,
John Elliott, Julius Jensen, Levi
Erb, August Reichel. W. G. Wolf.
Marquam Ira James, I. D. Larklns,
A. V. Albright, James Reed, John
Taylor, Barton Jack, J. M. Gro
shong. '
Macksburk A. D. Gribble, F. P.
Brusch, O. II. Wright, John Roggie,
John Glade, John Damm.
Eagle Creek H. S. Gibson, E.I. Bur-
nett, Egbert Foster, A. Suter, J. W. j
Doty, John McConnell. (
Estacada J. J. Davis, J. E. Crawford, j
F. J. Harkinrider, D. M. Marshall,
John Tracy, S. E. Helple, G. F. Boy- j
er, Robert II. Currln. j
George Adolph Wlederhold, C. Coff-!
man, Carl Rath. j
Harding Eli Swales, F. W. Sprague,
W. P. Kirchem, Joseph Gill, John
Hatton, Fred Gerber.
Xcw Era John Burgoyne, John Kei-
ser. Enos Cahill. Aucust Steahelv.
George Brown, William Rider, Sam
Oswego Thomas Fox, R. Hayes, Al
bert Walling, H. W. Koehler, A. W.
Shipley, John Bichner, R. B. Wll
mit, Charles Haines.
Oregon City No. 1 W. J. Wilson,
Bradley, F. A. Miles, Ed. Fields, J.
J. Cooke, George Randall, Otto
Erickson. E. L. Johnson. I
Oregon City No. 2 James Tracy, II.
Blankinship, John Wlesmandel,
Henry Mlley, Elmer Lankln, V. Har
ris, Fred Gadke, Pat Flnnucane, El
mer Cooper, C. J. Parker, Sol Walk
er, Clark Greenman.
Oregon City No. 3 Samuel Francis,
F. M. Darling, Joe Harrington, E.
W. Scott, W. I). Stafford, Joe Lutz,
Horace Williams, William Estes.
Oak Grove J. W. Grasle, J. F. Brot
je, P. T. Oatfield, L. E. Bentley, C.
W. Risley.
Pleasant Hill Allison Baker. Jay
Baker, C. Calkins. W. F. Young, F.
F. Too.e.
Soda Springs Wm. Miulngo, A. M.
Groshong, J. W. Nightengale.
Springwater Wm. Handle, James
Shibley, S. II. Raney, W. V. Tuck
Tualatin J. L. Kruse, Iiuls Toedte
nieler, J. Iderhoff, G. W. Boylan.
Union Millard Crlssell. C. F. IV Wil
son. W, J. Mlley.
West Oregon City J. W. Moffutt.
Charles Shields, Ed. Batdorf. I). C.
Howell, A. L. Pressy.
Viola-James Fnllam. William Mat-'
Highland Henry Klelnsnilth, O. Mnr
quardt, Edward Lelchtwels. W. F.
Henderson. Fred Heft. A. Klehe, .1.
T. Grace.
Harmony C. F. Zlnscr, G. Mamie, W.
E. Morris, Wm. Hudson,
Milwaukie Wm. Shlndler, T. R. A.
Sell wood. R. Scott. John G. Miller,
Isaac Mullen.
Maple Lane Arthur Bailey, A. Mailt.,
M. M. McGcehan. David JohI, Wm.
Beard, John Baker, John Gaffney,
Milk Creek-Fred Erickson, J. J. Mai
latt, Claud Howard. Tom Fish, C.
O, Boynton, John Dcnlson.
Molalla Wm. Vaughan, John Sawtell,
Wm. Vlck, Harvey Everhart, Geo.
Nicolal, J. V. Harless, John Cole.
George Gregory.
In the matter of appointment of Stock
Ordered that R. I. Garrett, be and
he Is hereby appointed Ktock In
spector. j In the matter of estate of Mary Ott,
deceased ;
Ordered that the county clerk draw
a warrant In favor of administrator
of said estate for $50, upon his filing
receipt In full and exempting Clack
amas County from any and all
In the matter of publication of de
linquent tax list for year 1905;
Ordereil that said list be published
In the Oregon City Enterprise, and
the Oregon City Courier, and said
papers be allowed for the publica
tion of said delinquent list, twenty
cents per line, or ten cents each
per line.
Notice of Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of sale made and
entered In the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Clackamas conn-
j ,y' S,at" ,,f 0r,on' 011 thn 7'1'-
of January, 1907, In the matter of
the estate of Chris Tlmm, deceased,
the undersigned administrator of said
estate, will on the 10th day of Feb
ruary, 1907, at. the hour of 11 o'clock
In the forenoon of said day, at the
front, door of the courthouse In Ore-
I Uie highest bidder for cash, Htibject.
... ,.nflrmtl,, .f rrt m. c.ii, .,!,,
- .....,,.
described real property, to-wit:
Beginning at the north-east corner
of James G. Cunningham's ten aero
tract on the County road and running
North two Hundred and Ten (210)
feet; thence West Four Hundred and
Fourteen and 11-12 ((414 11-12) feet;
thence South Two Hundred and Ten
(210) feet; thence East Four - Hun
dred and Fourteen and 11-12 (414
11-12) feet on said Cunningham's line
to the place of beginning, containing
Two acres of land more or less, be
ing a part of the George Wills and
Sarah Wills Donation Land Claim,
In Hcctloii twmty five (25) Township
One (1) Smith of llange One (1) East
of the Willamette Meridian. In Clack
atnas County, Oregon.
Dated this Iltli day of January,
Administrator of the Estate of Chris
Tlinin, deceased.
Graham & Cleeton, Attorneys for Administrator.
Admlnittrtor'i Notice.
I Notice Is herchv irlven tlmi tt, .
(,erslgned has bee duly appointed by
Make 1907 an ELECTRIC
YEAR in your Household as well
as in your Store and enjoy the
convenience, the labor-saving, the
healthfulnes, the safety, the econ
omy and the prosperity that at
tend the use of ELECTRICITY.
Company will hence
forth furnish free of charge, to all
meter customers, new Edison base
lamps of 4, 8, 16, 32 and 50
candle power, in exchange for burn
ed out or old lamps heretofore fur
nished by the Company. Lamp re
newals will be made at THE
mean better light, and is Equal to
a Substantial Reduction in the
Cost of Lighting.
C. G. MILLER, Contract Manager
i Monday
! January
Oregon City, Oregon
the county court of the State of Of
goo for the county of Clackamas, ad
ministrator of the estate of Matthew
Athory, deceased. All perilous bavin
claims ngaltiHt said estate are hereby
liotlth'd to present the same to 111",
properly verified, as required by la,
at the office of Clark At I-utotirctti'
In Oregon City, Oregon, within i
months from date hereof
Dated this Friday. January lKtn.
Administrator of the estate of Ma
thew Athey. deceased.
Clark & Latoiirette, Attorney for
Administrator. C