OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1907. SHERIFFS BALE ON FORECLOS URE OF MORTGAGE. SUMMONS. SUMMONS. In thu Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for tho County of Clncka man, H. O. JuiioN, plaintiff, vs. A'. I). NlMwanilnr, Defendant. htatm ok onrcaoN, County of Clackamas. -m. Hy virtue of a Judgment ordor, do orno and tin execution duly IhmuimI out of arul umlitr tho neul of tho above en titled Court, In tlio abovo entitled cause, to inn duly directed and tinted tlio Sfilli dny of November, 1900, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In uahl court on tho 24th day of Novem ber, 11)0(1, In favor of E. (1. Jones, plaintiff ami agiilnnt A. I). NUwnndor, defendant for tlm sum of $1130.00, and Ui further mini of r0 00 un attorney's fun, hihI tho further sum of 1-0.00 float and dlHbui-Meiiiontn, and tho contg of and upon thin writ, commuudliiK mo out of tho personal property of nald difindiint and If sufficient could not bo found, Hum out of tho real property belonging to suld defendant on and after tho ditto of mild Exocti tlon to satisfy mild mini of 11130 00 and ahto tint costs upon thin mild writ. Now, Therefore, by vlrlun of Bald execution, Judgment order ami decree, and in comptlitnco with tho coiuniniidii of suld writ, being unable to find any pornoim! property of nald defendant', did on th SOth day of December, 19(1(1, duly levy uiMin tho following doHcrlhod roul property of nit Id de fendant, nltuato and doing In tha County of Clnckainaa and State of Oregon, to wit; Beginning at a point ten (10) chalni aoulh of tho Ki'ctiim comer between noetlon Four (4), Five (S), Right (8) and Nino (9) In Section Eight (8), TownMhlp Three (3) South, Range Ono (1) Wont of tho Wlllumeito Mer idian; Thenco Kouth Ten (10) chains; Thenco Went Thirty (30) chaln; Thenco North Ten (10) chain; Thence Kant Thirty (30) chain to tho place of beginning and containing Thirty (30) acre more or loan, and I will on Saturday, tho 19th day of January, 1907, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at tho front door of tho County Court IIouho In tho City of Oregon City, In nit Id County ami Btato, well at public auction, mihject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin. CAHh In hand, all tho right, tltlo and Interest which tho within named de fendant had on tho data of Raid El ocution, or since had In or to the above dencrtbed real property or any part thereof, to nntlsfy mi Id Execu tion, Judgment order, decreo, Interest cohI und all accruing coHtn. It. H. D HAT IE, Uberlfr of Clackamas County, Oregon. Ity It. W. BAKER, Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, Do enmber 20th, 19)5. 2t5 In tho Circuit Court of tho Slato of j tho circuit Court of tho Btato of Oregon, for Cluckaman County. Oregon, for tho Conntv of Clackaman. OAK GROVE WILL ALL PULL TOGETHER. F. W. Howon, riulntlff, Mlnnlu llowon, Defendant. Ada M. Manniiip, IMalntlff, v. Albert A. MaiiNhlp, Defendant, To Mlnnlo Howon, defendant above To Albert A. Mannhlp, tho abovo nam ed defondnnt. In tho narno of tho Btato of Oregon, mimed: In thn tiumo of tho Btato of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and you aro horeby required to appear nimwer tho complaint tiled against and answer tho complaint filed against you In tho abovo entitled court and you In tho abovo entitled cause on or cause .on or before the 251 h duy of before the 2Cth day of January, A. I). February. A. I). 1007. mild day being 1907, that bulii tho last day proncrlb after tho expiration of nix wo'okn from ed In tho order of publication for thin mo iinti piniiiriiiion oi nun niimnioiin, . nurnmonn, ana ir you rail to appear, and If you full to no appear or an-j the nald plaintiff will apply to tho nwer nald complaint, for wunt thereof .Court for the relief prayed for In her tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho relief prayed for In tho com plaint, to-wlt: For a decreo dlnnolv lug tho bond of matrimony heretofore comfjlulnt, to-wlt For a decreo of tho court dlsnolvlng the marrlugo contract existing between you and tho nald plaintiff, and for und now exlHtlng between tho plaintiff i nuch other and further rpllef an tho ubove named and you an defondnnt, on tho ground of wilful doHcrtlon, and of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judgi of the abovo entitled court, which or der wnn made and entered on tho 3d day of January, 1007, and tho time proMcrlbed for publication thereof 1 nix weeks, The date of tho flrnt publication In January 11th, 11)07. The ditto of lant publication In February 22, 1907. MILLER & MILLER, Attorneys for riulntlff, CI 2 Commercial llldg, Portland, Ore. Judge of auld Court ahall deem equi table. Thin nurnmonn In published In tho Oregon City Enterprise for alx con necutlvo weokn, by order of Grant 11. Dlmlck, Judgo of tho County Court, Clackaman County, Oregon, which or der In dated December 12th, 1900. The firm publication of this summons De cember Hth, 190G, and tho lant pub lication of thin nurnmonn January 25, 1907. JOHN DITCIIBURN, 115 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court for Clackamas County, Oregon. W. O. McKown, Plaintiff, va. Marguertha McKown, Defendant. To Marguertha McKown, the above named defendant. In the nm f tho Sto of Oregon, you aro hereby requited in appear and annwer tho complaint fllod agalnnt you In tho above entitled Court and nult on or betore tho expiration of nix weeks from tho dato of tho first publication of thin Kummons which CITATION. In tho County Court of the Btato of Oregon, for tho County of Clack aman. In the mutter of tho CunrdlatiMhlp of, liurbura Kcglna Morlock, Amelia limine Morlock and Anna Marie Morlock, minors. Now comes E. O. CauDeld, guardian of tho abovo named minors by his at tor hey II. E. Cronn, and files In Court bin duly verified petition on behalf of said minors, nuking for an order and llcctmo allowing him to sen uio imercMi wnicn nui-i minors flrKl dat0 of pul)caUon ls Decoraber have in tho following ueHcrlbe.l real 21 ,90C( an,i lf you rall l0 B0 BnHWcr estate, situate In the County of Clack- f(,r want thereof the piant wl ap. amas. State of Oregon, to-wlt: py t0 tho Court for tho rt,lkf demBnd. Ileglnnlng at tho Northeast corner le(i ,n tho compant an(, for a d6Cro0 of that certain tract of land found !ttlttt lho p,anlff ba forever dlv0rced described In deed recorded on page from defendant. 370. Vol. 49. record of deeds for Clack- Th9 Bummona , pi,biHhe(i by order an.as County. Oregon, said beginning 'of Thomai) A, McDrl(ie j1I(,ge of th0 point being tho Northeast corner of 'al)0ve entltled Court and the date of the Bouthwest quarter of tho North- tho flrgl pubiiCBt(m of thlg 8Umm0n8 west quarter of Section i, T. 3 8. R , December 21, 1900. J lu or the w. M.; running thence i South along tho East lino of said tract 25.48 chains to tho County road; tln'iico along sold County road North C5 degrees West 150 chains; thence South 74 degrees West along said I In tho Circuit Court of the State of Notice to Creditor. ED. and A. R. MENDENIIALL, 2t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. road 5.50 chnlns; thenco North 85 degrees West 14 chains moro or less to tho West lino of said Section 4; thenco North along said Section line 2G chains more or less to tho North-' Oregon, for Cluckamas County. O. W. Evans. Plaintiff, va. Rose P. Evans, Defendant. In tho nanio of the state of Oregon, Oak Orovo, Jan. 11. Tho Oak Orove Improvement association met at a special meeting last evening, the reg ular monthly meeting of January 3, having been postponed on account of tho Inclemency of the weather. Tho meeting wan characterized as have been all the meetings, by that enthusiastic and energetic spirit of Its ncmbcrs. A largo attendance was In evidence. Tho feature of tho evening wan an address by Judge Munley of Portland who Is largely Interested hero. The address was ono of great Interest deal ing both with domestic and foreign relations which affect the property of Portland and the Pacific Coast and Incidentally our prosperity, because of our relationship to the great and growing city of Portland. In his clos ing remarks ho drew a very nice com parison between that which should be In tho homo and In tho village; for Instance: Tho father first secures In tho home those things which are need ful and useful and then he looks to the beautifying of the home. This the Judgo said should bo tho Idea of the vlllago builders. Provide first the needful and useful things, then look U. the side of nature, the beautiful. Oak Grove Is naturally a beautiful place and with a little more coopera tion with nature can be made one of tho most beautiful suburbs of either Portland or Oregon City. Lying as It docs on tho summit of the divide It Is healthful and sightly. It has an end less supply of good pure water which can be easily carried by a gravity sys tem to any and all parts. It Is con venient to both river and rail trans portation and Is traversed In numer ous ways by good substantial public highways. For a place to locate a suburban home, Oak Grove has no equal. At the conclusion of Judge Munley'g address, the various stand ing committees were appointed as fol lows: Committee of 5 on transportation B. Lee Paget, chairman; J. Story, Judge Munley, Dr. Mclntyre. Committee of 5 on Public Utilities T. E. Cone, chairman; Fred Harris, S., J. Broetje, Chan. Blgham. Committee of three on Finance G. W. Meyers, chairman; L. E. Bentley. Committee of three on Publicity S. L. Casto, chairman; A. C. Arnold, Geo. II. Hansen. Committee of five on Membership Miss Pearl Allen, chairman; Cbas. Ris ley, J. V. Beckley, H. Heitkemper, J. G. Miller. In cases where the committees are not full the remaining members are to be chosen by those already appoint ed. Our Membership has doubled Since Last Meeting. A number of suggestions were made for the good of the order after which celved from the poople of the chnrch and of Oregon City, spoke of tho work of tho church and its future while In hln charge., Mr. Oakley has come to this city from Eugene, where he won many friends and upon coming to bis work In Oregon City, left a prosperous church In tho college town. Mr. Oak ley has a winning personality and Is a great favorite among tho young peo ple wherever It has been bla duty to cast his lot. The people of Oregon City general ly, as well as the members of the Congregational church are proud that 8PRAYING EXHIBIT ATTRACTS VISITORS. Clackamas county's delegation at the meeting of the State Horticultural society in Portland was large during the whole session. H wag especially large on the last day when the exhi bition of the different spraying mach ines and solutions took place. A prominent orchardlst of this eonn ty who was present at this meeting said that our delegation rlvalod la number the Hood River delegation. Over twenty of the fruit growers of such a man has been secured to parti- Clackamas county attended during the clpato In the religious affairs of this , exhibition of orchard spraying, which city, and especially should the young J goes to show that tho orchardlsts of people be grateful to have found such ! the county are waking up to the fact a champion for their cause. Wher-j that the spraying and cleaning of the. ever Mr. Oakley has been located the orchards Is an Important question. young people have been gathered to gether for the welfare of their reli gious and their educational advantages. During tho session of the Horticul tural society resolutions of Importance were adopted and it was decided to exert every effort to secure legisla tive action In the Interest of horticul ture. The Oregon delegation In cong ress will be urged to secure tho paa sago of a fruit mark bill by which Beauty More Than Skin Deep. Every one who wants a good healthy color, and a clear Bkin free from bil iousness, sluggish liver and chronic growers, shippers and packers may be constipation should get a ackage of Required properly to label fruit pack Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets, nature's ages. It will be requested of the state leg islature to amend the law so as to make the term of office of the master sweet restorer. Huntley Bros. Baseball Hero Married. Enon Califf wag united In marriage of the grange nine years Instead of to Misg Nellie Barrett, Friday morning two, and also to provide for the ap at the court house by County Judge polntment of the president of the State Grant Dimlck. Enon is a former Ore- Horticultural society for a like term, gon City lad and Is well known to The courts of the counties having fruit every one here and has a Coast ,repu- Inspectors will be asked to pay the ex tatlon through the work he has done penses of their Inspectors for a one on the base ball diamond during the week course In entomology at the ag- last few years with the Portland ag- rlcultural college. Officerg of the se gregation. The young couple will make ciety were elected as follows: their home In Portland. I Honorary president, Dr. J. R. Card- I well, Portland; president, H. C. Atwell, A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of Forest Grove; first vice-president, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Hunt Lewis, Medford; second vice Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the su-' president, C. D. Huffman, LaGrande; perlntendent of Cart Service at King- secretary. Professor E. R. Lake, Cor ston, Jamaca, West Indies Islands, vallis; third member finance commit says that she has for some years used tee, H. M. WllllamsonPortland. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for ' At the conclusion of the meeting a coughs,, croup and whooping tough telegram was read from United Statea and baa found it very beneficial. She Senator-elect Jonathan Bourne, Jr., has implicit confidence in It and would suggesting that the society adopt a not be without a bottle of it In her resolution requesting Oregonlana, home. Sold by Howell & Jones. I wont corner of tho Southwest quarter I you are hereby required to appear and of the Northwest quarter of Section 1 answer the complaint filed against j the meeting adjourned with the mem- K!...i.... i.. i i i i i 14: theliro Knnt "0 rhnlna In tho nara Voll in tho abovo entitle! ronrt unil or lIe3 Various committees He- imut I' l in-li'l' Klti'll Ulliv litvt - - v t - - - i derslgned hns been appointed Execa- !"f 'Klnlng. containing 51 acres more ui "n or before the 23d day of j rm'ncd that there will be "something Irlx of tho eHtnte of Phllena N. Illno- wr U'MH' "'J'ct to tho llfo estate of j February. A. D. 1907, said day being : (,0,n8" ln 0ak Grov'e in the near fu hsrt by the llonorablo County Court I t,1,,r fll(l"r Daniel Morlock. j after tho expiration of six weeks from ture- of tln County of Clackanius. All An1 " appearing to the satisfaction I11"' first publication of this summons, " persons huvliig claims against said es- ' 11,0 Court that It would bo benefl lnnd if you fall to so appear and an-j But few know how to prevent or tsto are hereby notified to present the ' c1"' to B,lll 'i"ls that such real cs-jswer said complaint, for want thereof ; cure distemper, epizootic, pinkeye tnto and their Interest In tho samel the plalntlT will apply to tho court balkey horses unruly and kicking should bo sold, and tho Court Doing! for 1,10 relief prayed for In the com-, horses and cows, Foot Evil In sheep. fully advised It Is ordered, adjudged , plaint, to-wlt: For a decreo dlsso!v-Tho proper care of hogs. Cure of DISTRICT SCHOOL NOTES. Harvey Gibson of Barton was ln Oregon City Friday afternoon. While In town .Mr. Gibson conferred with County School Supt. Zinser concern ing the building of a new school house in that district. W. L. Johnson has been engaged to teach the Mark's Prairie school and will receive a salary of JC0 per month. when passing through other states, to ; inquire for Oregon fruit and other Ore gon products. Mr. Bourne also sug gested that boards of trade and simi lar organizations In the state adopt similar resolutions. SHERIFF PADLOCKS BUSH CIGAR STORE. A representative of the Merchant's Protective association of Portland for Supt Zinser is ln receipt of a draft the Wildman-Raphel Co., of San Fran of the bill which is to be brought be- Cisco filed complaint Thursday morn fore the legislature urging that a law ing against W.A. Bush of Oregon City, be passed which will place at least The complaint states that Bush oper two competent male teachers on the ates a cigar store in Oregon City and text book commission. had purchased goods from the Wild- man-Raphael company to the amount Dangers of A Cold and How to Avoid of $57.65 which he promised to pay on nninn to her for payment with proper vouchers at U'lten & Schuebel'B of fice at Oregon City, Oregon, within nix mouths from tho dato of this no tice. Dnted January 11, 1907. EDNA ELNOllA RINKIIART, Executrix of the eHtato of Phllena N. Ulnehart, Deceased. U'lten & Schuebel, Attorneys for Exo- cutilx. 6t5 SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Pearl W. Smith. Plaintiff, vs. Walter K. Smith. Defendant. To Walter E. Smith, defendant above named: In tho niinio of the Stnto of Oregon, you nro hereby required to appear and answer tlio complaint filed ugnlnst you In the abovo entitled court and cause on or before tho 22d day of January, A. I). 11107, snld day being after tho expiration of six weeks from tho first publication of this summons, and lf you full to so appear or an swer Haiti complaint, for wunt thereof tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In tho com plnlnt, to-wlt: For a decree dissolv ing tlio bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff abovo iinmed and you as defendant, on the ground of willful desertion, and for such other relief as may bo JuhI and meet ln equity. This summons la published by order of lion. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of tho uliovo entitled court, which or der was made and entered on tho 3d day of December, 1900, and tho time proscribed for publication thoreof is kIx weeks. The (Into of first publication is De cember 7, lltOG. Tho date of last pub lication is January 18, 1907. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff, 421-4 Mohawk llldg., rortlano. T-egon. C2-t7 L. L. PORTER, , ATTORNEY" AT-LAW. Abstracts of Property Furnished. Offlco with Oregon City Enterprise. and decreed that Monday, tho 4th day of February, 1907, at tho hour of ten lug tho bonds of matrimony hereto- j Catarrh ln your own head, besides fore and now existing between the 'many other valuable things, all with- o'clock a. m. bo tho duy and time j plaintiff abovo named and you as do-lout drugs or abuse. Do you? If not set apart for tho hearing of such po- : fendant. , jsend your name and address to O. tltlotx and of objections to the same, This summons Is published by order H. Anderson, 30C Bryson Blk., Los If any thero bo, and that Daniel Mor-f Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrido, Judgo Angeles, California. I am an old lock tho father of said minors, lnilse Hornberger and Wllhelmlno Illller, next of kin to tho wards and all other persons Interested In said estato aro hereby cited to bo and appear before this Court on suld 4th duy of Febru ary, 1907, at tho hour of ten o'clock a. in, to show causo why license should not bo granted for tho sale of said real estato as prayed for. ' It Is further ordered and decreod that a copy of this order be publish ed In Oregon City Enterprise for three successive weeks before tho hearing of Hiich petition. Dated," January 3, 1907. GRANT D. DIMICK, 5";! County Judgo. Notice of Final Report. of tho abovo entitled court, which or- stock raiser and I know how. It cost der was made and entered on tho 4th j to loam, but It paid me. This will be day of January, 1907. and the time j a well spent penny for you. 5t4 prescribed for publication thereof ls six weeks. Tho dato of tho first publication Is January 11, 1907. Tho date of the last publication ls February 22, 1907. ALBERT B. FERRERA, Attorney for rialntiff. Famous Bldg. 2 15 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Them. .More fatalities have their origin In or result from a cold than from any other cause. This fact alone should make people more careful as there is no danger whatever from a cold when it ls properly treated In the beginning. For many years Chamberlain's Congh Remedy has been recognized as the most prompt and effectual medicine In use for this disease. It acts ou na ture's plan, loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by How ell & Jones. the 4th day of January, 1907. The company asks the court to grant judgment against the defendant for the sum of $57.65 and whatever costs may be contracted. W. A. Bush has been operating a cigar store on Main street between Fifth and Sixth street Sheriff Beatle attached the goods Thursday morning and a padlock was placed on the door -awaiting orders of the court Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion. Interesting Statement by Huntley Brothers. When a man comes Into this store and cnlls for any particular Indiges tion remedy, we give what ho asks for, but in case he leaves it to us we usually recommend Pepsikola tablets. Here is a preparation we have been APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION In tho matter of tho estate of John P. Voder, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned administrator of tho estate selling right over tho counter for years of John P. Yoder, deceased, late of i n,ul fro,n actual observation we know Clackamas county, Oregon, has filed ' must 1)0 B001, nn(l really does re hls final report In tho county court of ;Hvo and euro indigestion and dyspep Clackamas County, Oregon, and tho sla r there would be a steady stream said llonorablo Court has appointed ( c,f pooplo coming bnck for their money, Monday, tho fourth day of March, j s every 25 cent box is sold with the 1907, for tho hearing of said final re-1 understanding that you must be de port and the final settlement of snld,cldodly benefitted or thore ls nothing entato. Any person or persons having , to pay. objections to suld final report are hereby notified to file tho sumo with snld court on or boforo said date of final hearing, that tho same muy bo heard und determined. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 12th day of January, 1907. J. J. YODER, Administrator as aforc-sald. C. H. Dye, Attorney for said estate. Ct5 argument. You simply try ropslkola tablets wth tho understanding that they will steady your nerves, Improve your ap petite, relievo wind belching, coated tongue, sour stomach, fullness after eating, weakened energy, and other symptoms of Indigestion or Huntley Bros, are ready at any tme to pay back your money without the least The first foreign born to take ad vantage ln this county of the new nat uralization laws as passed by Cong ress and which went Into effect last September, is William Davies of Beav er Creek. He was born ln Hollywell, Wales, and In order to comply with tho new law, his name with the in tention of becoming a citizen of the United States of America, is posted on the bulletin board in the court house and will remain there for the next 90 days. The names of the wit nesses also appear on the papers. NEW PASTOR GIVEN CORDIAL WELCOME. The annual roll call of the Congre gational church was held in the church parlors Thursday evening ln conjunction with a welcoming recep tion to the new pastor and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. E. Clarence Oakley. Many of tho members of tho church were present to answer to their name wnen the roll was called, giving some scriptural verso in response. About 150 persons were present, in cluding members of some of the other churches as well as pastors of other denominations, to welcome tho now pastor to his charge. JUDGES APPOINTED FOR FIRE ELECTION. The Board of Fire commissioners met Wednesday evening and elected Henry Stratton, A. E. Rhodes. Furd Curran, as judges of the coming elec tion on the 1st day of March. The COUNTY WILL PAY FUNERAL EXPENSE board also ordered that a notice of The administrator of the estate of Mary Ott, deceased, has been notified by the court that the sum of $50 has been drawn and will be placed in favor of the estate to pay the funeral ex penses of the deceased. This action was made necessary since a damage suit would have been brought against the county unless the funeral was paid by the county. M,rs. Ott died from the result of an explosion of giant pow der on a public highway and it was the intention of the estate to sue the county unless this concession was agreed upon. election be posted on the bulletin boards. Election will be held in the rooms of the Fountain Hose company. Exempt fire certificates were granted to William Sheahan and Tom Burke of Cataract Hose company, and to B. M. Doolittle and E. G. Roberts of Hose company No. 3. The board also ordered that the names of the quali fied voters for this election be posted by the secretaries of the different fire companies. BURGLAR TAKES GOLD WATCH AND $30. Guy Walker was arrested Thursday morning on charge of larceny. The property was stolen from the rooms occupied by Mr. Hulbert in the Bruns wick house on Main street between Seventh and Eighth streets and no doubt, was taken out last evening. The thief entered Hulbert's rooms and carried away a gold filled, open face watch, of Hampden make, and a gold fob valued at $30. He also took $30 in gold. j The Grip. "Before we can sympathize with others, we must have suffered our selves." No one can realize the suf fering attendant upon an attack of the grip, unless he has had the actual experience. There is probably no dis ease that causes so much physical and mental agony, or which so successfully defies medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avoided by the prompt use of Chamberlain'3 Cough Remedy. Among the tens of thousands who have used this rem edy, not one case ha3 ever been re ported that has resulted in pneumonia, or that has not recovered. For sale by Howell & Jones. Brings Suit Against Father. Louis Toedemeler Jr. has lnstitut- Improve and Beautify the Complexion. The principal ingredients In Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets are cascarin ed suit against his father, Louis Toed and dandelion which Is one of the saf- emeier Sr. Toedemeler claims that est complexion beautiflers known. hi3 father unlawfully retains a num- Mr. Oakley In answering to tho Forty little chocolate coated laxative ber of farming Implements, etc., the welcome he and his family had re- tablets, 25 cents. Huntley Bros. valuation of which ls placed at $80.