OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1907. City and Vicinity John 1'uU of Colton wum In town on business Tuesday. Horn to Mr. nml Mm, Olto ICrlcHnn, Kililijr, January II, it hod. Horn, Saturday, Januury 12, to Mr. Mill Mm. Lewis Fair, a mod. W. II. llolloiiilllor of Chirks wum mi Oregon City IjiihIiidhi vliiltor, Tus . C. Heymour, principal of the Mil waukln schools I very 111 Willi pnuu-mould, Hpnncer Thomas Iiiih boon qultn 111 for noiiik 1 1 mo lit hi homo ut Mt. PIHnnt. A tnarrlfiKs llnimut hns been IhmiicmI lo MIhh Kmiiitt 10. HiiKKln and V. O. ut liln'rt. to Evulyn I. Maurice nnd John I). IMxIuy, on tho lGth of January. Mm, Frank Nehren and two child ren of The Dalles aro visiting at tho homo of postmaster T, I. Itandnll. Mm. Mlnnlit Butler, of Nome, Alas ka, ha urlvod In this city tr vlHlt sev urnl inontliM with he sister, Mrs. A I vln Cannon. Ouk drove, Jan, 14. Taken estray one small hornless, solid rd cow. No marks. H, 1-. Canto, 1', O. address, Ci'olKliton, Oregon. Ct4 lim 1m 81 year old and a veteran of the civil war, having loot an arm In tho Atlantic campaign. Waller Miindheiiko returned yester day from HelllnKhani, Wash,, where he hud been vIhIIIhk IiIh brother for the luMt I wo weeka. Horn, to Mr. and Mm. Charlen ('lurk of Mt. Pleasant, a twelvo pound Hon, TunNday, January 15. A marlaK" IIci nho Iihm been ImhuimI AltorneyH W. 8. U lten and C. K. Hchuebel went to Baloin early Monday iiiornluK (o tukti In tho beginning ses sion of tho legislature. Sheriff Heatlo li hi found tho valu able homo which ho lont some tlmo ago. The animal wan found on tho Uradcol pluco at New Era. John Howie of Oxwego Is visiting IiIh daughter, Mr. Honey. Mr. How- Harry Allen ban arrived from Un derwood, WohIi., to visit hi sister Mm. K. C. Hamilton. Ho Hay ho want to stay In thin section of coun try until It gets warmer. Tho legislators of Cluckama coun ty all returned Wednesday evening from Hulern upon tho adjournment of tho hohmIoii and will remain In Ore gon City until tho flmt of tho week. MIhh Adello Qulnn from tho U'ften & Schuebel offlco and Miss Lermle Heoley of J. U. Campbell's office, left for Ralem Tuesday evening where tbey are Hienograpliera In tho leglnla tlve aHHembly, A. W. Cheney returned from La ! Angeles, Cal., Wednoaday. Hi wife land Hon will not bo homo before 'spring- Oren ha atarted to Hchool In Is Angelea, much Improved In heulth. The Harclay high achool girl organ ized a basket ball team Tueaday after noon. Tho member are: Edna Kin ney, Bodonla Bhaw, Anna Alldrcdge, pi,pii9 0f the city achool are Alice (Joottllng, Oenlvlevo Capen, Vada "cramming" these day In preparation Elliott, Hazel Francl, Arllne Hardin, Mabel Francl, Ethyl rark. Word from the bureau which ha for the coming examination, which are due the last week of the present term. Instead of the old fahtoned examination, a ytem of "quizzes" In chargo William Jennings Hryan'a 'ha been adopted for both the morning western tour, states that hi time j and afternoon. In doing thla, Jthe I taken, ao that It will bo Impossible period formerly taken by the examlna for him to accept the Invitation to Hons will be cut down to the last will make their home In Pendleton. Mr. McClellan la at present agont for the Balfour, Outhrle & Co., and ha been buying wheat for the com pany around Echo for the lat seven month. week of the term Instead of the last two week. visit Claekama county. The city aehool will be cloned for three day In February during ses- Hlon of the Annual Institute of tho The Gladstone WhlHt club held an teachom of Cluckama county. The ;"ther ot thftlr delightful meeting day set for the holding of the InHtl- j Monday evening with Mr. and Mm. I lute are the Cth, 7th and 8th of Feb-,"- Harlow. Mr. J. F. Blount won 'ruary. Kvery teacher In the county '.tn0 1JI' Prize, a beautiful burnt 'is expected to attend tho Institute, 'W(K'1 Plece and w- k- 1'teT the lwh!(h will ti4 Ju 1(1 In riA Ttnrnlnv fitch gentleman's prize, a fine deck of I school building. C. If. Dye and J. U. Campbell went up to Salem Sunday afternoon, to be on hand promptly Monday morning when the legislature convened. Traf ton Dye, who I an expert stenograph er, accompanied hi father. Senator J. K. Hedge, L. B. Jonea and C. O. cards. Refreshment were enjoyed. The club decided to nv.et every two week. The next meeting 1 with Mr. and Mr. B. A. Baxter on Friday, January 25. Rev. P. K. Hammond united Annie H. Allison and H. T. McClellan in mar riage about 1:30 Thursday afternoon Huntley, tho other three member of In St. Paul' Episcopal church. Sher tho legislature from Claekama, went iff Beatle and Phillip Hammond wit to Salem Monday morning. nessed the ceremony. The couple THIS GREAT SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 2 1 NOT ONE DAY LONGER BATTERING DOWN HIGH PRICES WE ARE REVOLUTIONISING THIS TONN. The Union Fire Salvage & Adjustment Co. At Rosenstein's old store, two doors from postoffice IT'S AM ILL Wll THAT BLOWS MflllY EOBil I tfllOO 7e StCk iU Department Stote is buying reason enough for any I kPdovyy fair mind, being slaughtered at less than manufacturers cost of production uas uuyiu uiuuu ui ctn mis community in action, irriceson season able goods never was so low in all the history of this great state. We sell goods when they are put in our hands. Prices must do the work. Wc are the Monarchs of this Entire Coast, and have done more to knock down the wall of hieh prices than ever has been done on the Pacific Coast. READ THIS PRICE LIST and remember we have 50 bargains to show for every one we mention in this adv. Sensational Selling of Women's $2.50 Shoes $1.00 500pairsofthc"GlobeV best $2.50 values in fine footwear for fastidious women. All latest styles, newest lasts and choice of all popular leathers; products of famous shoe makers of world-wide reputation. The bigest shoe bargain you ever knew! Think of it! Shoes that other stores would call cheap at $3 and $3.50 The Globe Department Store's best $2.50 values, 500 pairs selling here, as ll A A long as they last, at the pair )I.UU MEN'S HIGH TOP $7.50 SHOES $5.50 MEN'S $3.00 SHOES AT $1.45 MEN'S $4 00 SHOES $2 35 The "Globe's" 18 in. long top shoes of viscolized, waterproofed leather bottoms, in tan or black, the "Globe's" $7.50 values $5.50 Wonderful bargains in Rubber Boots. Bargains In Children's Shoes $1.50 Values 59c. Choose from sizes 9 to 12, handsome styles, vici kid leathers with patent tips, best $1.50 shoes the Globe carried, selling out here at 59c Children's best regular f 2.50 shoes $ 1 .35 MEN'S OVEKCOATS MARVELOUS BARGAINS Of fine or roughish all wool fabrics, fashioned on newest rr.oJels. and made in expert work manship. Very fashion able, swagger garments buy for next winter. The "Globe" best $7.00 and $8.00 values, selling now at $3.85 The "Globe's" best $10 and $12 values, now selling at 5.85 The "Globe's" best $20 values, now selling at $9.45 Men's Suits Sensational Values New stylish Suits in all most popular fabricpand Marvels nf th tailnr'c art. Selling this way : The "Globe's" best $10.00 Suit for $4.85 The "Globe's" best $15.00 Suits for $7.85 The "Globe's" best $25.00 Suits for $ 1 .75 Young Men's $8 and $10 Suits for $4.45 Men's Canvas Coats worth $2.50 for $ 1 .29 Men's $2.50 Pants ' 88c Men's $3.00 and $4.00 Pants $ .85 1.; .;.. m .it 9 ,, ,J cut on latest models. , Walking Skirts WOMEN'S $3.50 WALKING I SKIRTS $1.45. Neat, attractive Skirts, cut In the full round lengths, trim, trig styles, full of chick and verve In 8 gored models, plaited effects, trimmings of strappings aad buttons. Greys, blues and blacks, heavy and me dium weight materials, best regular JI1.50 values in town, in the sale at .$1.45 Bedding Worm Comforfers $2.00 COMFORTERS 89c Heavy warm household com forters that will delight the heart of any housewife $1.50 and $2.00 values In this sale, and all per fect at 89c Boys' $3.00 Knee Pants Suits 99c Boy's 35 ct. Knee Pants 1 2z Men's Furnishings $1.50 Union Suits 75c . Men's $1.50 Union Suits, in heavy cotton ribbed mater ials, all sizes, the best reg ular $1.50 value sold by the Globe and they sold hun dreds of cases at that price here for half 75c Men's $2.00 wool undergar- ments 89c Men's 75c ribbed garments, sizes somewhat broken 39c Men's Handkerchiefs . .2'2c Men's Good 75c Working Shirts for 33c Men's 73c Gloves 39c Men's 40c Suspenders. . .19c Men's C5c Sweaters 25c Men's $1.00 Sweaters 45c Men's $2.00 Sweaters ....85c Men's $1.50 Street Gloves 89c Men's 50c Silk Handkfs. .22c Men's 10c Hosiery ..... 4c Men's 33c Hosiery 18c Men's Fashionable Hats The Globe's newest styles, latest blocks, black and colors, from world famous makers. Think of the fa mous John B. Stetson lat est $3.00 hat for ....$2.45 $3.00 Hats for $1.65 $2.00 Soft or Stiff Hats 85c he II ft i AT ROSENSTEIN'S OLD STORE, TWO DOORS FROM POST OFFICE C. G. Miller picked up a purse con taining $110 in front of his uportlng goods store on Main street Monday evening. A Commercial bank receipt Innldo the purso showed It to be the property of Smith Turner, and through Inquiries at the bank Mr. Miller lo cated Mr. Turner at Stafford. He wrote at once Informing the loner that the money was In his possession and Mr. Turner's father came in Tuesday and took it home with him. The Senior Endeavor society of the Congregational church held Its annual reception and business meeting at the home of Mrs. Eva Emery Dye, Tues day evening. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mlg non Chase; vice-president, Emll Gor don, secretary, Gaylord Godfrey; treasurer, Minnie Schatz; organist, Minnie Schatz; corresponding secre tary, Mrs. V. A. White. Plans were discussed for enlarging and bettering the society for the coming year, af ter which a short musical program was given. Delicious refreshments were served. There were about twen ty-five In attendance and the society before adjourning tendered Mrs. Dye a vote of thanks for the delightful evening. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William Galloway to John It. Hick man and Florence M. Hickman, la sees. 30 and 31, 2s-2e, in L. L. Porter tract; $1436. Wm. Nasmyth to Ida Crawford, N half of NE and SE of NE and NE of SE of sec 30, ls-Ce, 100 acres; $1. Olof Johnson and Hannah Johnson to Nels Lundln and wife, between sec. 9 and 10, 2s-2e, 7 acres; $1450. Elizabeth Califf to David A. James and Ellen D. James, all lot 1 in block 140, Oregon City; $700. Otto P. Olson and Anna B. Olson to C. H. Rands, a!l lots 5 and 6 in blk. 30 in Bolton; $273. J. J. Zinser and Anna Zinser to Wil liam A. Dunn and Ida M. A. Dunn, part of sec. 33, ls-2e, 7.5 acres; $0000. Morris Wiprut and Augusta Wiprut to Security Savings Trust Co. N 23 acres of Thos. Bailey DLC. No. 45; $4750. Henry Swartz and Eva Swartz to Security Saving & Trust Co., In sec 23, 3s-lw, 1.95 acres; $390. - Thomas F. Cowing and wife and Eugene H. Cowing and wife to Lena Ruconich, lots 7, 8, in block 103, Ore gon City; $3000. Albert Rodlun and wife to Urban Peier, Jr., all E. half of S. half of W. half of SE of sec 27, ls-3e, 20 acres; $750. Helen L. Stratton to E. P. Ketchum, all of lots 14 and 13 of blk. 7. Falls View add to Oregon City; $400. W. A. Currie and Jennie Currie to Jessie M. Starr, NE of sec 12, 7s-2e, 160 acres; $1.00.- J. M. Starr to Loretta P. Starr NE of sec 12, 7s-2e, 100 acres; $1.00. Robert Brady to Jennie M. Nease, S acres beginning 20 chains south and 7 chains west of section corners of sees. 20, 21, 28, 29, ls-2e; $1200. G. D. Board man and Elizabeth Boardman to W. A. Shaw, lots 4, 7, 10 and 13, Boardman's Add to Jenning's lodge; $1000. V. A. Shaw and M. A. Shaw to Ell- zabeth Boardman, same as above; $1000. Don E. Meldrum to Doris L. Mel drum, lot 8, blk. 08, Oregon City; $1. S. E. Hillman and wife to William H. Hudmet SE of NW of sec. 16, 3s le! $1G00. Adam Bany to John Bany E half of NW of sec 2, 4s-le, 40 acres; $2000. Augusta D. Chevitt to M. Bonflgt, part of lot Whitcomb DLC; $G50. Joseph L. Daniels to Charles M. Daniels, part sec 16 and 17, 4s-2e, 1.94 acres; $300. A. T. Poole and Annie A. Poole to Mary L. Hayes, blks. 48 and 49 In Minthorn Add to Portland; $800. J. W. Roots and wife to A. J. Mc clung, 1 acre SW corner of tract 10; $1. . Mattie Noe to Aurie M. Draper, lot 1, blk. 17, in Bolton DLC of D. D. Thorupkins; $200. E. G. Caufield and wife to Aurle M. Draper, all lot 5, blk. 18, and lot 2, blk. 17, Bolton; $100. t tiaver uecner ana wue to o. A. Palmer, W half of SE sec 33, ls-4e; $300. Going Out Of Business. Miles & McGlashan will close out their stock of groceries at cost. Must go this month. 2