t OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1907. City and Vicinity W. H. Brown of Sprlngwater was la Oregon City on bustnoss,Thur3day. A. J. Fleming of Oelllo, was In Ore gon City Thursday. He reports hav ing sold his farm recently. Is an expert window trimmer and al ready secured several contracts with Fortland firms to decorate their windows. L. W. Robblns of Molalla was In Oregon City Friday morning on his way home from a business trip to Portland. B. F. Harless of Molalla was in Ore gon City attending to some business matters, Friday morning. Mrs. D. W Kinnainl of Canemah attended a play given by the New Era school at that place Wednesday even ing. Her daughter Miss Mae Strange is principal of the school and took the part of leading lady. Consider able talent was shown by the pupils and the entertainment proved a de cided success. IMPORTANT MEETING BOARD OF TRADE OF OREGON CITY AN EXAMINATION RECOMMEND ED OF THE PRESENT ELEC TRIC LIGHT SYSTEM. ' Mrs. Ely Williams left Oregon City Thursday evening on the 8:30 train for Corlln. New, where she will visit ' with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Honeyman, who are James Cummings who has been very , the hotel business Bt thnt pl)100 ill of pneumonia at the home of his Mrs Willlams will be gone about two Bother, Mrs. Montour on Fourth St.. monUl9 anJ wl uUo yMt hcf son is recovering. Harry Williams, who is a trainman be- ' tween Corlln, New, and Salt Lake City. O. Andrews, clerk of the Rugg school district near Gresham. was a The Artlsnns haJ a 6,,K,miul tlme in ,,BW, iu u ou,-vi.uuut-uv0 thelr meetlng Thursday night. Six office, Saturday. REPORT OF ALL COMMITTEES Committee Appointed to See What i Can be Done to Retain Trade of the Ogle Creek Ml nee. "Whereas, The best Interest of Un people of Oregon City and the County of Clackamas demands that more In torest should be taken In matters ol public moment ard that all business men and people Interested In the de velopment of the resources of our county shouljl unite ami assist In the efforts now being undo In the further unco of the advertising of tho resourc es ami advantages we have here ni the promotion of m.uiy matters that will benefit us nil, and "Whereas, There Is no other or ganization formed In this county for PRESIDENT GATCH RESIGNS CHAIR MIDWINTER MEETING OF ORE GON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE REGENTS. At the mill winter mooting of the Oregon Agricultural collogu regent Wednesday the reslgmitlon of Presi dent (latch whs accepted. He was unanimously Invited to the chair of civics and economics, The hoard vot- rCAR INJURY TO WHEAT AT VIOLA Viola, Jan, 0, Home of tho pooplo lately from ta4 east soem to think thnt atmosphere and weather in (ho Wlllamotto ? al ley nut rhniiKO about as quickly M anywhere In America. Itov, Put ton mid Mr, J u M) went t I Holland Monday evening to mil out the Incorporation article for th trustee of tlm M, 15. church, Tlui Honing hiiw mill Is agalu rs nliiK full luiiiitod. ...... I It- I .1 . - ..!.... I L L I III I 1111 II I'llllVITU k imiiiiiii m - o.l to ask the 1-glslature f,.r $125,000 Ju.y , rR)ll ((JO ,,y g Dr. and Mrs. Pitman of Blodgett, Or., are visiting Iva Lawrence and family of Falls View. They will re main about a week. Mrs. Joshua Martin returned to her fcome in Lebanon Saturday, after a two weeks' visit with friends and rela tires here and In Portland. candidates became members of the order, namely Mrs. Frank Harlow. I Mrs. Effie Ott. Miss Cora White. An drew Robertson. James McFarland. and Linn E. Jones. The feast that followed was pronounced by the broth ers to be the finest chicken dinner ever given in the hall. Dancing and j cards kept things lively until almost 1 morning. At the regular monthly meeting of the Hoard of Directors of tho Oregon City Hoard of Trade, held Friday ev ening at the county court house, there ! HUcn purposes other than this hoard of trade, and believing that Induce ments should be offered to bring tho parties mentioned abovo together for the purpose of advancing the Inter ests of the entire county, therefore be it "Resolved, That tho members of the county court of Clackamas county, tho couuty officials and the Mayor, wero present: Hon. Chas. 11. Dye, president, Thos. F. Ryan, secretary; John Adams. H. 1C. Cross, E. Q. Cau tle'.d. G. H. Dimlck. W. A. Huntley, 1 directors and a number of members I of Hoard and citizen. j The minutes of tho meeting held on December 7 1900. read and ap- ! proved. The committee to whom was refer- j l-lly Cl)lincll n'l officials of Oregon red the matter of securing Informa- i Clty bo nnJ aro '"'""''by made honorary George Boylan came up from Cath lamet, Wash., Thursday on a three days' business trip and to see his daughter, Mrs. W. C. Green. jtion relative tc the construction of I new locks on the East side of the rlv- John Lewthwaite. Jr.. has had the I r- r"' the Willamette Falls, re- Albert Berger of R. D. 1, Oregon City, was In town Saturday. Mr. Berg er leaves soon for Washington coun tf where he expect3 to reside. Mrs. Eva Emery Dye gave an ad dress before the Woman's club of Sa lem Saturday afternoon, going up on aa early train Saturday morning. Mrs. W. F. Schooley and two child ren of Gladstone have gone to Blodgett Lincoln county, for a six weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Taylor. Floyd Baker, who went to Eureka, CaL, last fall, has returned to Oregon City. He Is dissatisfied with the cli mate of that part of the world and will remain in Oregon City. The county court has finished draw ing up the list of the persons who are to serve upon the jury for the year 1907. They have chosen about 250 names, as the law prescribes between 200 and 500 names. Dr. W. E. Carll has been in Port land several days the past week, at? a member of the State Board of Medi cal Examiners. There were 33 appli cants. The next meting of the board will be held in Salem, next week. George Ogle of Molalla came in on Lis ay to Ogle mine Thursday. There is five feet of snow at the canyon and and it takes an hour to go from one camp to the other on snow shoes a dis tance one thousand feet straight up. George Ghine was in Oregon City Thursday evening on his way to Al bany to enjoy several days with friends. Mr. Ghine is a salesman for a large eastern concern. members of this board of trade, a d. are Invited to attend the meetings of said board and take part In all It proceedli gs. "Resolved, That there bo crea; )d what shall be known as Contrlbu'iUT Membrs of this board, who will not lawn for the new location of the fine ' Portcd that they were working upon residence he Is to build, all graded jsnlu" '"alter as shown In the follow and leveled. A high rock wall has i lns rtiort, and on motion their re been built on the front and the Wi.il'iwt for further time was granted. tion gives the effect of a magnificent ' "We, the committee appointed to 1 1,0 l" to purchase stock in the terrace from which a beautiful view!1 alK,,lt the lock to be construct- i 1(ourdl but b 1,10 Pynonl of one -'ol-can be had. The cellar has aUo been M r the government, regret that we lar Pr monlh m 1,0 allot,J '"" dug am! operations will be begun oni8 to bring up any compre- l'rlviu'8'-s of membership In said bo.ly. the house right away. The lot Is 8!t-! honsive statement of the facts, as-; "Kwlv,l that an Invitation bo cx uated just west of the Willamette I certained and reported by the United j t,'niiod U) ov,'ry cltlz"n ot Orvgm City Falls railway track and a few hundred ' s,at''3 ct'Kineers. However, we have aml thl' Co,lnty of Clackamas to be yards south of the Willamette Falls fnd sufficient facts to convince that Cl),uo contritutlnK members of said Ry. station. The Northwestern Long Distance Telephone company began the string ing of wires Thursday morning in Oregon City. The company placed a the Interest of the Willamette Valley I1,,ard of Trad' undlr 11,0 abovo con- as well as Clackamas county would be subserved by having a system of modern locks. We have secured some valuable Information from tho en gineers In Portland, but will bo able large force of men at work Thursday to give better report at the next meet morning under the supervision of G. j ing." E. Fritz. The operations were start- j The chairman of the committee on ed at Creen Point. The line will fob ! commission house, John Adams, re 'ow the railroad track to the depot j ported what the committee had done and then will be taken on out through jin the premises, and what assurances Center street The men will make t they had secured, and on motion the Oregon City their headquarters for ! committee was requested to continue several weeks and then will go an to; their efforts In said matter of secur- New Era. Oregon Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F., Insta'led the following officers, Thurs day evening: C. A. Nash, N. G.; H. M. Shaw, V. G.; E. J. Noble, rec. sec; Thomas F. Ryan, treas.; Harry Trem bath, permanent secy.; D. C. Ely, warden; W. C. Crawford, conductor; S. E. Lowe. I. G.; John Cook, R. S. of X. G.; W. E. Hedges. L. S. of X. G.; F. S. Oswald, R. S. of V. G.: R. W. Brow n. L. S. of V. G.; J. L. Waldron, J R. S. S.; E. W. Scott. L. S. S.; S. F. j Scripture, chaplain. The installing of ficer. Deputy Grand Master Adam Knight of Canby Lodge Xo. 15C, had charge of the exercises. One candi date was given the first degree. ing commission house for the transac tion of Lusiness in the city. The committee appointed to secure better depot and switching facilities from the Southern Pacific railroad, re- dition. Judge Ryan also presented tho fol lowing resolution relating to traffic re lations with tho Ogle Creek Mining District, and same was adopted and Prof. J. C. Zlnser, Judge G. It. Dim lck. Sol S. Walker. C. O. Albright and Judge Thos. F. Ryan were appolntod. as a committee to carry out the provi sions of the resolution: "Whereas, It Is reported that the trade of the Ogle Creek Mining Dis trict Is In danger of being diverted from this county and its totns and cit ies, by reason of inadequate roads to the said mining section and "Whereas, It Is desirable that the business men of Oregon City and the County of Clackamas, should as far for a now burn, shop and addition to the administration building. And also for a reapproprlutlon of the $13, 000 fur an eastern Oregon Htullon, lapsed by reason of tho referendum, with $3,000 additional for the same station, A report of the executive commlltee showed that the operation of the east ern Oregon experiment station for the IS month past has resulted In u profit of more than $1500. On account of delayed trains tho mooting did not begin until 10 o'clock and ended after midnight. Seven re gents were present and Captain Ap person was elected secretary pro (cm. tat ! Htrllilng him wlillo Hawing In j Herring mill, Monday, j Home of our farmer four tho faM j w limit Is Injured by Hut sudden frooie ! while the ground wits full of wator. I lincnusit of backwater from tho Wil lamette, nor furtucr Imvo bna greatly tni-oiivenleiiced In roaeiitoc Origin City during the Inst week, O. W. P. REPAIRING MAIN STRUCT RAILS WILLCARt r)R CHILD IP GRANTED DIVORCE The O. V. P. R. company hat force of nu n nt work on tint expound electrified rail Connect Ions on Mill street In front of the court lumne. IteuH.hig the diingerniis condition of their track ami tho demand of the people a stated In tho Htar on Wed tuvuliiy, the company (tent, a K'iX of men to nuil.e t do repairs tho following morning. Tho work dimply cuiiMlsts of taking up the bricks thnt have worked uf unevenly, flxltiK the w lro connoctlutii properly and tho placing hack of tut bricks smoothly. ported that the depot of said company 83 P""" control and supply all parts was now being enlarged, and that , of the Collnt'' arul the company had also Dromlsed better1 "Whereas, It Is an accepted fact. switching facilities as soon aa rights that 1,10 0b1u Creck Iln'nR District of way could be secured from prop erty owners, whereby an overhead crossing could be constructed at Sing er Hill. On motion a committee of three, E. G. Caufie'.d, W. A. Huntley and Frank Busch were appointed to as sist the said company In securing the is one of the richest and bout mining localities In the state, and "Whereas, very many of tho enter prising and active owners and oK-ra-tors of mines In that section aro old time residents of this county, and aro ready to assist In any effort that may be made to open up this section of E. H. Hilling as plaintiff has Insti tuted a divorce suit agalmit Kate Hil ling In tho circuit court. The two were married In ItoHclmrg, on tho 2Tith day of January, 1900. Tho plaintiff alleges that the defendant treated him In a very cruel manner lnco that tlmo and deserted him while they were living In Springfield, Oregon, In the year 1900, coming to reside In Portland. The result of the union I a child, Hernlce Hillings, aged C years, and tho plaintiff begs the court to grant him a decree dissolving tho bonds of ttintrlriiiin v 1tefwtfvn ttin fu-u nriil nuk f, .,.. ........I. f ..... ..u.i I I 1"VB private parties with Urn fol- ' v"" ' " " j lowing amounts to loan on real tv.tat: Mrs. Adams of I'ort'and, formerly of Huron, S Duk., called on her frloul Mrs, O. A. ('honey, Monday. Private Money to Loan that he I alilo to provide for the child to tho extent of 15 per month. 1 1 jl Having disposed of my butcher bus iness, I will offer for sale the follow ing: One span good work horses, 2'i0 pounds; 1 set double harness, 1 farm wagon, plow ii anr harrows, 1 new moving machine, 1 two-seated Hurry 'artles 5 8 li Amount. $r,ooo.oo $i:.on u 9 ir.ott on 1 1 rni) no t 510 (10 t 3oo oo f lOOINj to t :nono Tlma. to 10 yeara to 5 years to 3 years to 3 to 4 years year years 1 to & yours harness, 1 two-Hoiitod nettled nurry i time for repayment Interest at C it cent ami your oa (good), bay forks, cable anil carriers for handling hay, pitchforks, etc. The bImivo will bo sold cheap for cbmIi only. CHAS. ALHRIGIIT. Mrs. D. E. Jones and sister Miss Amanda Bullock of Willamette, were guests of friend3 in Oregon City, Fri day. They went from here Saturday morning to Salem to visit their moth er, whose many friends will be glad to know she is improving. Mike Kroll, who lives on the Molalla road near Beaver Creek, was in Ore gen City Friday morning. Mr. Kroll stated that his family was much im proved since their sick Fpe'.l, but that his son Charles had taken sick Thurs day morning with an attack of la grippe. Miss Mollie S. Barlow who has been In Europe for the last 12 months returned to Oregon City Friday morn ing. Mis3 Barlow went to Berlin with Dr. and Mrs. Sommer, who will not return for some time yet. Joe Harless and P. A. Fairclough started Friday for the Ogle mountain mint3 with ten miners for the win ter's work. Mr. Harless came to Ore gon City Wednesday evening and says that there is a good deal of snow up in the mountains. Coming out they encountered between three and five feet of snow. The weather was fear fully cold and at times he thought he would freeze to death, due to the strong wind that was blowing through the passes of the mountains. The crowd is expecting a hard trip to the mines. In speaking of the work there there, Mr. Harless said that the new bunk house w as a good one and would be good shelter for the men from the winter storms. There are now six men at work at the mines and this addition will make quite a crowd. Will Koerner left for Stanford Uni versity, Palo Alto, Saturday afternoon to resume his studies. Will came up on the trip with the Stanford boys who played with the Vancouver Stars during the holidays and stopped off at Oregon City to visit with his par ents. Mrs. Helen Mountour rectived a let ter Saturday from Manatowoc, Wis., announcing the death of her nephew, Raymond Atridge on January 5. Mr. Atridge was about 24 years old. He was a baggageman and his death was caused by a railroad accident at Mil waukee, Wisconsin. J. X. Snfith of the J. E. Smith Hard ware company of this city, has start ed In business in Portland with an office at 327 E Sixth street. Mr. Smith mlttee instructed to bring said matter to the attention of the City Council for action relative to securing legal inspection of service rendered: In making a report the committee stated that the members had found the present system of electric light and power was very unsatisfactory, and very expensive for the following reasons: The main wires from the power house to the station are too small. Secondary wires are also too small. The current la unsteady, voltage low, ?auing poor light part of the time, and high voltage, burning out lamps "lid making renewals expensive. 1 he factories using the power have in pome cases been greatly handicap xd and some have been forced to rse Gtlifr power, with great Injury to t..-.?.iiselves and city. The cost Is too reat tuJ the meters very unsatla f ictory. We -iif,gest that the city ought to have an expert to go Into the details ind find the cost of furnishing light nake a comparison of the present .barge and the right way of correct ing present system. The committee to whom was refer red the matter of securing an equita ble adjustment on rates between points on line between Oregon City and Portland, reported the bringing of said matter before the officers of the transportation companies and the securing of a promise on the part of he managers of the O. W. P. & Ry. Co. that the matter would receive cilmen and not tho corporation shall their attention In the Immediate fu be personally liable for damages. Up-'ture. on this point Judge McBrlde made a 1 The following resolution relating to ruling declaring the charter clause the creating of contributing and hon void, holding that the city must be re- orary members of the board was lu sponsible and not its individual of- troduced by Secretary Ryan and on fleers. motion the same was adopted: The Batdorf damage suit against the city has been brought to notice since the city attorney, J. U. Campbell denies every allegation in the amend ed complaint of Mrs. Batdorf and sets up a cross complaint, alleging that the street where the plaintiff received her' injuries was unimproved and thus it was not the duty of the city or of the council men to build or maintain a sidewalk there. It is also alleged that the plaintiff was familiar with the condition of the street and her accident or injury was caused entirely by her own careless ness. Mrs. Batdorf! brought suit against the city and its councilmen more than a year ago to recover $5000 j damages, alleging that she had sus tained injuries by falling on a defec tive sidewalk on Seventh street. The charter priide3 that the coun- right of way that is required by the i he c)ll'lt'. nd to get their supplies company for said purposes. tnm this &rl'' tlle otl"'r town3 of Uu The committee to whom was refer-' co"t'. therefore be it red the matter of investigation of the j '"Solved. That the President of electric light service and cost of same I101 lM'anl nPI'"1"1 a committee of five submitted the following report, which ; 10 asc(rtain tho condition and means on motion was adopted and the corn- of communication between Oregon City and the Ogle Creek Mining District and to report to this board at an early date what stops It Is necessary to take, to open up roads and highways so that tho wants of said district may be supplied from Oregon City, and other towns of the county. Resolution presented by tho secre tary referring the question of extend ing tho boundaries of Oregon City to include a portion of tho west side of the river, to a committee of five members, whose duty It would be to bring the matter before the city coun cil of Oregon City and If It met with the aproval of that body to assist In securing the passago of necessary amendments to the city charter by the legislature, was laij over for con sideration when there should bo a larger representation of citizens and business men of the city present. The secretary stating that he was In receipt of several thousand names each month of persons desirous of re ceiving literature and Information rel ative to Oregon City and that he had been expending nearly tho entire re ceipts of the board each month In postage sending tho circular write-up of tho county and that It was not suf ficient to send much more than half of amount required, on motion the secretary was authorized to expend all available funds of the board in sending out this literature and also to ask the county court of Clackamas county to make a monthly appropria tion of 25.00 for use In distributing this information regarding tho re sources, advantages and possibilities of Clackamas county. On motion tho Bill of the Oregon City Enterprise for printing of dodgers In the amount of $2.25 was allowed and warrant ordered drawn In pay ment of same. Charming Women. Nothing lends moro to personal charm than a clear rosy skin and noth ing Is bi sure to free the skin from moth spots, sallowness and tho ef fects of chronic constipation as the Dainty Laxakuln tonic tablets, 25 eta. Huntley Bros. Ali a little Chattel money at 8 nor cent. Will buy noti'n and mortgage. AIho own Oregon City property to trade for country land Will look up titles ft land frM If trade Is made, Own 3 luti, hniiHit, barn and rhl.-k park at Willamette, for salo cheap ua installments. No n nl estnti) agent to Interfere. If Interested cull, write or phono, JOHN W. LODER, Attornoy-at Law., Stevens Building Oregon City, Oregon. CLACKAMAS COUNTY EXPENSE. STATEMENT FOR LAST 12 MONTHS COST OF RUNNING THE SEVERAL OFFICES SEEN AT A CLANCE HERE. Electlo.i Bills Footed up to Over Four Thousand Dollars Outlaw Smith Cost Taxpayers $768. Tho following Is a statement of the expenses of Clackamas county for the year HtOG, prepared In compliance with the statutes of tho state of Ore gon: County Court and Commission ers $1,910.45 Circuit Court 2,121.50 Justice Court 1,019.75 Sheriff's office 2,98;i.0G t'lerks i.SOUQ Recorders officii 2,700.45 Treasurer' office 1,331.21 Coroner's office 673.25 taxes, , School Kupt. office Stock Inspector ... Assessor's officii , . , Assessment and col Tax rebate Current expenses Court Iioiiho Jail Poor ami caro of Indigent soldiers Insane Election expenses Printing und advertising Surveyor , . . . , Hoard of Health Fruit Inspector 170.10 Outlaw Smith 7CS.48 1.3SO.0O 18 40 S.G07.8G 1.8S4 35 29S.R3 G.10.93 1.9C8.27 93,711 3,730,13 55.00 180.84 4,190.75 C97.08 1.370.93 254.30 Total expenses ....$42,000.80 juf r t'trf'.timjk tern i Wi V m FOLGERfi 1 action No Prlzaa tio Coupons tio Crockery Never Sold in Bu":. 1, 2, 21 '2 and 5 Pound Tins Only J. A. Folger & Co. San Francisco