Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 11, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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My Hair is
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish It;
give it tomcihing tu live on.
Then It tvill Mun fjllini' and
will grow long uul heavy. g
Aycr s Hair Vior i. ilie only
genuine hair-food you can
buy. It gives new life to the
hair bulbs. You save what
hair you have, and gtt more,
too. And it keeps the tcalp
clean and healthy.
Tim bunt hind ol a ttlmonlitl
"Mold fur ovr BUty ynnti."
J.I). rr()o.. I.i.woll. Ummn.
a Maiiufeoturvri ut
2,(KK) miles of long din
Ihiu'h telephone wire in
Oregon, WaHhingtoit, Cali
fornia arid Idaho now in
ojMration by the I'ncillo
Fttition Telephone Com
pnr.y, covering 2,2r)
Quick, accurate, cheap
All the natinfiu'tin of a
personal communication.
Distance no ellect to
clear umlerntatiding. Hx
kane and Kan Fraiiciwo
an eanily heard a Port
land. -Oregon City oflicf at
llanlniirV Drmr Ntm
W. S. EDDY, V, S., M. D. V.
Crailui tc of the Ontario VrteiU
nary Collrye o( Vuronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, lucatcd
a' Orrgon City and CftUblithcd an
olficc at The Fashion Stables,
heventU Street near Mala,
Both telephone.
Farmer' Ijj Main iju
m -a mj mil n j'ww.
The Aristocrat among the
vvhiskles of the Old School.
Without a peer.
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It clonuses, soothes, heals, and protects tho
diseased innmbriinn. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold In tho I tend quickly.
Kostoro the Sonsos of Tn-ste and Smnll.
Fjisy to uso. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho luiHtrila mid ftbsorbud.
Large Siin, 50 cents at Druggist or by
mail j Trial Si.o, 10 cents by until,
ELY BROTHERS, 50 Warren St., New York.
A Aitro (ti.rfttilond If yon un , ,
iaU3;,Lt suppository
r i ii ii i m pile
I), mm,, Thnmpinn, ui'il
(Irf1fil BnhnoU, fllntrlvlHfl, N. 0., wrltu.1 I oftn v 1
1I117 ilu .11 vim olKlm fur tlii'til." Iir. S. M. lnTnni, I
KRVKD Itlllllf, W. V.t VrltON) "lllf'f fflVtt UlllVl'NIHl.RlL
rnotloD." Ilr. II. 1). Mudlll, CltirltalmrK, Ti'nll., rll.:
"Ill ft prnallo of VH ynin, 1 bav. ruimil lia riitiutlr to
iiiiim1 7tira." I'mal, 50 Ointi, Sitmiilw Krvt. Sultl I
lij Drumilill. MtRTiN BUOY, lNClTr, PA,
boui in Oregon t. n. Ituitlley tiro
Can for 1 n'l- tin in pie.
1 A ""-It
A Great Deol of Worry Caused
Shortage In Road Fund
Remedy Bug
geited. By
The two new roiinrllinen, CharleH
(iti) ninl Fri'd Meyer, took their
sent around the tuhle, Wediu-sday
night for tlio llrMt Hunt; tho Mayor
nnnuuwed hi appointees and all
wir confirmed; the aiiiiuul a well
as inonllily report were read; bo
hI.I.'h Hie usual ainount if routine
IhimIiu'hm wbm disposed of at tho flriit
regular ineeilitK of council for 1907.
Councilman A. Knapp wan unani
mously re elected prenldint of the
council, an honor hi colleagues were
Kind to bestow, for IiIh "best 1 ran"
h good enough for Ilium. W. A.
Mini Irk ax recorder had pleaded the
council and earned hi unanlmou re
election. The Mayor'a Appolnteea.
City proMceutnr J. U. Campbell.
Street Superintendent John C.
City Hiirveyor and engineer II. A.
Chief of policeCharles K. Burn.
I'ollcemen- H. L. Shaw and W. II.
Street cleaner -George Marley.
The Keiui iinnunl report of the water
rommlHlmmer waa rend ami ordered
published. Councilman Knnpp railed
attention to tho Item of JTiO for tele
phone. Hi, thought with all the valu
able franchises given the companies
the city should not have to pay phone
Tho quarterly and annual report
of city treasurer were referred; the
recorder' monthly and annual report
rend, ami the mayor announced tho
following committee:
Flnunce Committee Win. Andre
son. K. I'. Hand A. Knapp.
Committee on Street and Public
Property K. 1 Hand, t). C. William,
F. J. Meyer.
Committee on Health and Police
J. N. HarrlnBtoij, Henry Ilrandt. C.
W. Pope.
Committee on Fire and Water A.
Knapp, W. 11. 1.0KU, Henry Ilrandt.
Cemetery Committee I). C. Will
lam, J. N. Harrington, C. W. Pope.
HI Honor alto untiouuced appoint
ment of head of department, as
Klven bImivh ami all were confirmed
without dlHHent. W. Kainho was
granted etxennlon of liquor license.
Claim were allowed except one of
C. (i. Miller for $:'5 for gun and amu
nltlon fumlHhed In Outlaw Smith
hunt. This was referred hack for
Investigation. Knglneer's report on
Sewer No. 6 rend. Nash'a woodHhed
must he repaired or torn down.
Tho following claims wero allowed:
General Fund.
Chns. K. Hums chief of pollco,
burying dog $7(5.00
IC. I.. Shaw, night watch
W. II. Cooke, special police ..
W. A. IMmlck, recorder and ad
ditloiial work for December.. 35.00 1
J. U. Campbell, prosecutor fees .levying tho road levy within tho pow-
and opinion 82.50 pr ,f the city and thus remedying this
George Marley, cleaning Main jKrent shortage of $1783.30.
street '. 50.00, Tll cty nmds are especially ex-
W. M. Gadko, cleaning Main St. 10.00 Pmslve to keep In order and during
L. McFnrlnnd. chief tiro dept 10.00 I tho lnt year for example, $1253.G0
Wilson & Cooke, brooms . . .
M, I). Latourette, treasurer,
Ktanips, stationery, etc 45.00
C. N. Greenmun, hauling 9.25
Williams Hros, hauling 11.25
Pope & Co., repairs at Jail, sup
plies, etc 2.75
J. R. Myers, wood 5.00
J. D. Rentier, labor and material
(Ire house 23.50
K. F. Story, blncksmlthlng. . . . 3.90
Clin. nCtta, meals at Jail .... 11.00
Unterprlse, printing 15.00
Portland Genl. Electric Co.,
lights 385.95
C. 15. Nash, wood 4.00
A. O. Long, fire supplies 31.50
Oregon City Mill & Lumber Co.,
lumber 57
Oregon City Foundry, catch ba
sin cover 2.32
Road Fund,
J. C, riradley, street supt $58.50
John Gloason, street work 30.00
N. Story, street work 1G.00
C. n. Straight, streot work ... 12.00
Wm. Giulke, street work 17.00
John Walters, street work ... 9.00
A. Wlckham, street work . . . 8.00
Multnomah Lodgo No. 1 brick.. 2. CO
Sewer District No. 6, Fund.
John Dlttnor, Inspection 55.00
W. A. Dlmlek, ordinance, entry
of assessment In lion docket
Bancroft applications and en
try 10.001
II. II. Johnson, final estimate
Hewer Hist. No. G 20.00
Recorder's Monthly Report to Jan. 2,
Fine $ f.0.00
Cemetery Fund 60.00
License 421.00
O. W. P. & Hy. Co aeet. fran
chise noo.oo
Cluckamii Co. tuxes, genl fd. 215.C8
Premium Warrant sold,
(iem ral fund , C.21
Clackamas Co. Tax Uoad fund
and Premium on warrants.. 1
Itoad poll tax 28.00
Sidewalk liens paid road fund.. 40.15
Jackson St. I nipt. Fund 284.09
Jtiekson St.yJmp. Fund assess
ment paid 281.1)0
Sewer Ilt. No. C Fund, as-
segment paid 97 .CO,)
Total . $rj 10.78
The Treaiurer'a Report for 1906.
Receipt on Hand of General Fund.
Taxe $091:908 1
nullum iini-n , u'v.J'f
Miscellaneous license UOi.'JO
Exempt fire certificate 9 00
Fine 31900
Il....h....u P'lfiA An
Sule of cow, horne and lamp 10.25 i
O. W. P, Co. franchise CIO 00
Sale orillnaneo book 1.50
Prelnium (; warrant and
l,f,,U f kft
Kent o. c. T. Co 150.00
Forfeiture A. Mlhlstin 91.00,
Sale of b...iks to Water Com.. 14.00
fuuh ,.n i,nr,,i lun i i im. i qui r.o 1
Total receipts $1C,C35.7I
Diiburaement for Year.
Warrants drawn fll.C74.91
Interet paid 5401.06
Permanent Street Improvement
Receipt for Year $3832.19
Disbursements 22C0.94
Road Fund.
Taxe Clackamas county road
oil i o r
i iniinini on warrants boiu... ' u' i
Koad Poll tax 357.00
Account lumber, labor, etc... 2C3.97 '
O. W. P. Co. share repair Main
street 43.72
Total $2899.01
Warrants drawn during year$7413.10
Interest paid on redeemed war-
rants 2G9.27 1
Total $7082.37 1
T1i. .lw.rt.a... .
. ....... uiuniK iiiu year ill j
the Road Fund I $1783.30 and needs
to be remedied In some way and has
caused a good deal of worry to the
... '
councllnien who are on tho finance j
committee. The trouble seems tr. he '
In the fact that the special road levy '
Is far too small each year for the e.-
Illinult',. Pl.n. I ...lit I ... . ., .
ii.n.v ioiivi n.!n.Tui wiiiiiu me cuy
limits. Last year tho levy wn di
vided Into two taxes 3 mill road tax
and a 3 mill bridge tax and as the
city is only allowed 00 per cent of
the road tax. Its share was Indeed far
too smnll. This has been the bottom
of the whole trouble between the
county and tho city officials. Some
now say that tho charter ought to be
changed, thus placing the power of
Wtti spent on Molalla avenue, $470.20
.... . .... . .
m tuMinifcum mreoi, anil a large
sum on tho Madison street bridge and
tho lower end of Main street besides
tho ninny regular road expenses.
Following Is a report of the city's
Indebtedness on 5 per cent
General fund warrants out
standing 24,950.00
Road fund, warrants out
standing 18,751.74
Total indebtnoss $93,702.3G
The following bonds Issued for the
Sewer and Street improvement under
tho Itnncroft Bonding Act. amount
ing to $27,720.S5 might also be added
hut these will be paid oft by tho
property owners along tho Fifth street
sewer system.
Report of Water Commissioners for
tho. year 1900 to Jan. 1, 1907, as fol
lows: Total receipts for year ....$37,802.28
Total Disbursements 13,013.03
Outstanding warrants 24,408.34
Inventory 9s!490.00
Gross receipts 1905 11,057.75
Gross receipts 190G 12,077.74
Increase $1,019.99
Warrants after cash appliod$31,0 10.02
Tho recorder's report showed that
mine persons had boon burled in
Mountain View cemetery during the
month. Two Intitrmentfi were also
made In the Odd Fellows cemetery.
lyigan, Jan. 1. Xmas came and old
Santa, too, now both are past and gone
for 1900.
Mis Elsie Fallert spent Xmas with
the home folks.
Mrs. Sophia Btrohm of Portland
spent Christinas with her parent Mr.
and Mrs. John Shuttle.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Lewthwalte of
Mt. Tabor are spending the holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Ulebhoff.
C. (', Itobbln and family of Port
land are visiting relative here dur
ing the holiday vacation.
A brother of Mr. A. It. Partch re
siding In California, made a brief visit
with Oregon relatives.
Most of the Ixgan young folk at
tended the masquerade at Damascus
iv-eeinber 21.
Mrs. Swale
and daughter Miss
Mary Swale, who have been visiting
In Missouri and Kansas thl winter
are expected home soon.
MU Lulu KIrchem Is Improving
and v. Ill soon be out again.
That "old bird" whose
Kooseveit has so strenuously defend -
ed, and known to us as the Stork,
made a call at Henry Swale' home,
leaving a little son.
If newspaper talk means anytnlng,
wo Pralrlo folk will he living In town
before many moon pas.
The Christian Confederation com-!
panv have notions on several hnn,lr.,1
""re nere, wun uio unuerstamiine
thl Is to he a townslte. According
" Hie Sunday Oregonlan of December
2.'l alt ttrranL'enieiit art. niu.nt mm.
J pleted. The promoter are all sub-
j "tantlal citizens. Success to the ven-
I,un' - Th location is Arthur' Prairie
which could be made an Ideal and
; beautiful place. This Logan country
Is one of the most prosperous and
, iu-bwbkij Kfcuons in me county.
gon City talk of an electric line
, to P.eaver Creek and Molalla, but this
I place Is not mentioned, yet If there
had been a line through here, thl
'other line may not have been eontem.
1 pl it to (I. Ore eon Citv U too slow thnf
Is all Just
wako up to your own In -
Mu niohwr ,
Portland to school Wednesday.
i . .
A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1
Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the su-'
perlntendent of Cart Service at King-
Jamaca. West Indies Islands.
j says that she has for som6 years used
, '
-namberlaln's Cough Remedy for'.
fimnh. n,-f, o .1 ,.K .
o--.. ..... aim mmiijg coiign
land has found It very beneficial. She
! a implicit confidence in it and would
t e without a bottle of It In her
l'omo- Sold hy Howell & Jones,
Portland, Or., Jan. 3. Ernest Hast
ings former leading man In Baker
Stock company was killed last night
In a railroad collision on the Union
Pacific near Llrule Station, Neb. Two
trains collided In a blinding snow
js,orm - Thirty people were in the ob-
servatlon car with Mr. Hastings, but
ho was tho only one killed. He was
very well known here.
Improve and Beautify the Complexion.
The principal Ingredients In Dainty
I.axakola tonic tablets are cascarin
and dandelion which is one of the saf-1
lost complexion benutlflers known
Forty little chocolate coated laxative
tablets, 25 cents. Huntley Dros.
Mail Carriers Have New Suits.
The mall man now walks up and
down the streets of Oregon City with
pride, for he put on his new regula
tion suit Thursday morning. Every
one will be glad to hoar of this change
In his garb as he can be easily distin
guished from other persons.
Dangers of A Cold and How to Avoid
More fatalities have their origin In
or result from a cold than from any
other cause. This fact alone should
make people more careful as there is
no danger whatever from a cold when
It is properly treated In tho beginning.
For many years Chamberlain's Congh
Remedy has been recognized as the
most prompt and effectual medicine
in uso for this disease. It acts on na
ture's plan, loosens tho cough, relieves
the lungs, opens the secretions and
aids nature in restoring the system
to a healthy condition, Sold by How
ell & Jones.
When you want your horses well
taken care of, Btop at the Farmers
Feed Barn. 44-tf
Grippe or Influenza, whichever you Uko
to call it, is one of the most weakening
diseases known.
Scolfs Emulsion, which is Cod
Liver Oil and Hypophoiphites in easily di
gested form, is the greatest strength-builder
known to medical science.
It is so easily digested that it sinks into
the system, making new blood and pew fat,
and strengthening nerves and muscles.
Use Scott's Emulsion after
Invaluable tor Coughs sad Colds.
The oTicers of the state of Oreg-.n
are now placed on a Hat salary and
, the same went into effect Wednes- !
; day morning. This means that all the!
! fees collected by the officials will!
i have to be turned into the state treas- I
' ury. j
From the best InfoiR.ation at hand, j
It appears that under the new law the I
state Treasurer will turn in fees to
the amount of It 000 a voar thl Knino.
M oi one per cent on the security
bond held by him for insurance com -
panies. This fee was allowed for
co'lectlns thu intf.ro; fr.r tha .T -
The Secretary of State will turn in
about $8000 a yes--, the fees to this
amount being received from notary
commissions, certified copies of rec-
ords, a percentage of the insurance
licenses, Bnii me insurance license
'tee. This will make a total of $12,-
000 a year.
j The flat salary law also cuts off
! perequlsltes to the nrobable amount of
- $5000. maklne a total of S17 000
1 It dors not fnllnw hn ir-vor that
1 the state will be $17,000 better off
! by reason of the flat salarv la - Tho
'flat .aiarv i. ij v ,
-the Governor frcn: to J50C3, Cat
.of the Secretary cf tata from 513C0
;to $1500. that of the State Treasurer I
from $800 to $1500 and that nf t ho !
Attorney-General from $3000 to
$3000, showing a total increase of!
: iisnri oni i,.o..i., . ... i
I ' . . '6 . . n'11 ul UPl
sain 10 uie state or S7200.
This gain is more apparent than I
ronl t .i-...... f . - . 1. . . . , 1
l"v " Ol
u. . . , , .
i rl'Pl.i '",-"tB UI Wle
j . , f '""f " 8tarte;I a
Lj . , J o.nctsj
and a movement s on font to hnvo
mt- j:esiri onicers relieved of t,ome
of the duties they have performed
Heretofore. m'iaur,e iiiey have recei v-
ed the fees and perquisites paid fori
the service..
Wood burn, Ore., Jan. 3. No trace
yet discovered of Mrs. Mark Fryman
of Woodburn who disappeared from
the home of Mrs. Al'.iert Jordan early
Monday morning. She was 39 years
old, 5 feet 8 Inches in height and
slender. She is supposed to have be
come crazy over religion. She said
she distrusted her husband and others
and her heart belonged to another.
She wore a red dressing sacque, black j
skirt, light jacket and fur.
She had
no money. Her husband and friends j
are searching for her. I
In tho annual business meeting of
the Congregational church Wednes
day evening the following officers
were elected: Trustees, for a term of
three years, Mrs. M. M. Charman, L.
Adams; deacons, for three years,
Robert Warner, L. H. Andrews, C. H.
Dye; Sunday school superintendent,
C. H. Dye; assistant Sunday school
superintendent, Mrs. W. A. White;
church clerk, Mrs. Shepard.
The annual roll ca'.l meeting will
be held Thursday, January 10, and a
reception will be given on that even
ing to the new pastor, Rev. E. C.
The Derthick club will hold their
first meeting since the holidays at
the home of Mrs. Clark Ganong In
Canemah Friday, January 7. Mrs.
Samuel Dillman will give an Illus
trated lecture on Yellowstone Park,
' ftt1 notfiO anil irtAlira rrlnnnnrl nrlvlls
visiting there last summer.
When wanting to take a ride get
a rig of Bradley, the best In town.
i Private Mnnov tn I nan
3 "
l have private parties with the fol-
lowing amount to loan on real estate:
f 1 artl,!S Amount. Time.
$ 500.00
$ 3H0.00
$ 100.00
5 to 10 yeara
3 to 5 years
1 to 3 yean
5 years
1 to 3 years
2 to 4 years
$ 2f0.00
1 to 5 ye-rs
Interest at C per cent and your own
tlme for renaympnt.
a "ule "-na"e' money at B per
41 11x1. . . t
will hm nr,t. an,i n,nrtw.
1 Ah,o own Oregon City property to
j traiT?, for country land,
! '"' UP titles to land fre tf
I trflrtp ia rnacto
Own 3 lots, house, barn and chUkon
park at Willamette, for sale cheap oa
No real estate aQ'ent to Interfere.
If Interested call, write or phone,
Stevens Building. Oregon City,
When you require an Abstract of Title
' to lands In Clackamas County, hare
it accurately and reliably prepared
by a responsible company Incorpor
ated for the purpose. Our rates are
reasonable. We Invite you to ex
amine ur complete set of Abstract
! :::
) Clauibcr of Commerce Bldtt,
I M0Py t0 loan CIackaraa9 County
Justice of the Peace.
I 0,TiCe in Jagger Building. Oregon City.
i wfr-gui'i ltj.
i Will practice In all courts of the state
Office In Caufleld Building.
When you tnry
you want
and long
These and many
other good point
are combined In
You cant etfford '
to buy any other
TOWC4 C4.iO4t CO
prove their worth at harvest
i .:;ic. After over Cfty yenrsof
;-"S3, they are pronounce d
best and surest by caref.l
tcrs everywhere. Yorr
. r sells them. KC7 Scd
-ti2l free on request.
li. KEUKY CO., ltetn.lt. Vllc'w
NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. rel Spee.lyl HatU-
fftvtioo liunntuieed or Money H'?fundei. Sent prfpn.fi
'or $1.00 per box. Will aenJ them on trill, to be paid for
whin relieved. 8 amp leg r'rtm. It your druggial due not
have them sviul your orders to ttw
Sold in Oregon City by Huntley Bros.
f. . '