OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907, MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mr, Toitumw'h yoiiniseMt daughter wot wllh a very itnrloim ueddimt Twin flay I'vciilni.! on lnr way homo from hoIiimiI, Si'vcrnl of tint Hcliool child iii 1 1 1 1 1 1 mi1 mi it wouil wiikoii for n rldo iiiul tlm little Klrl Ml off Tho wlmi'l luiHMtul over lir linn, ci'iihIiIiik It nt (tin wrliit. A iliM'lor wiih ritllud ninl ni't llio fiui'tiiii'il (trtit which In In k Hi'iliiim condition. I Mm. Moron wuk vory III Tuemluy rrniiluK iiml Dr, Klrleltliind wiih culled SIiii In hoiiik Imtlnr li( Jn'tvioiit, bill, vnry vinl(, ! Tlm I'IiiiitIi liullilltiK nt, Dili iluco wrh fiiuiiil to hii In ii very deplorable 'iuulli Ion Kiiinliiy, Tho roof him j'.ot in li'iildiiK limlly nml mrprt and floor went it hIiim'I of leu, Tho Jillillor lunl kept a Urn ni'iirly nil day to timlio II til for Hiihliiilh Hcliool In the afternoon. Tim cnli'iliiliimniit nlvi'ii by llm homo tuh'iit nt May's hull Biittirdiiy iiJulit wih wfll r'uili'i-i'i iiiul Eiivn tlm uillfiii'i ll (iIkiimIiik if.: rit tti . Tlm Sunday Hilioiil Hiihl ciimly utnl pop. orit. n-iillzliiK $5 10. j A. I. lliiphT iiml wife Imvfi moved ; In tlm Miirrow properly. They cuiim from Ioh AtiK"l"N, Ciil. Mr. ill'fllldt llllH U f'.OOll Hlltl't In young chlrKi iiH liulrlii'd In un I r k-h lialnr. Un will lihio Iiiivo miuthcr hlrli come off thin week. j Mvrrlmrt mid Hull me IihvIuk n ' rloiin tl'im with n hick lionm uml a Unit) one, 1 A 1 v In Murk hint coiim lionui mill will farm t!m pliu-e thhi yi-nr. I.nw rmire Muck will ko ehiewhere, H ('. Selliy who hiiM I n npi'lullni? the ImlliliiyH wllh hU family here, wnt hiirk to tlm IokkIiiK rump Thurn- j Ujr Mr. I'nullim HwBtt uml Mr. J. ' Nelion Hieiit tho ilny with Mrs. Mat btt llrowtm, Friday. j There H a rumor of another weij. dint? In the tieitr future. Wiley .May In cleiuiliiK up the bop ynl ftiul mttli)K In iimro polin. A man of Mr. Muy'H ik uml ability put 4 t Hhuiiie Home other who me "too olij" to work. II" In out early nnl ll ttlwnyn nt work. ()M l.'lield IwIh who tin lived it Iuiik thiKi with Mr. Miilloy, wax Kent to ttui liiMutut iiMylum thU week. lie ki tieriiine ilitliKi-roill. Mr. ami Mr. It. M. (. Drown went U Dartmi the latter part of thin week t Nlt Mr. ami Mm. John It. (JInd d'i. j Tho hoy niul (jlrln nro having n fine time nkMlng, u luxury they Heliloin (5l In OreKoll. Mr. anil Mr. Burly vln!td frl.-nln In Portland lat week. Mr. BttHTonl of rortlmiil returned wllh them Sun day ami Npoin pnrt of the diiy. Mr Mile I quite feeble, but I hopeful ami think when aprlng come ah rheiimntlHin will vanlnh. RUSSELLVILE ITEMS. Dorn on Ih-cember IS, to Mr. ami Hi. Job, llowmnn, n (ImiKbter. Moth er ami iliiur.hter doing tine and wo ttilnl; Jell will recover. Uusmi llvllle I experlellf'lllK qultO a hunl winter, the Knniiid belni? frozen hard, quite a hiiow on for over a week and Mrth eie t wtiiit. At tho roHldenco of tho bride' par nt. Mr. uml Mr. I.. I). Shmik, their ilaiiKhtcr Netlle unit Mr. Kill C. Shephi-i-il of Crook county, Oregon, were iiiiII.mI In tlm bond of matri mony. The Kiiest were Mr. and Mr. Iiuokimr of Wllholt, Mr. mid Mrs. D. K. Johtmon, Mr. nml Mm. John Shep herd nml fiiinlly, Mr. Shepherd' sin ter lmly uml Mr. nml Mr. L. D. TriilttiiRer. After tlm knot Iiml been .secundy tied nt tho noon hour, tho company nut down to a mimptuoii dinner. All enjoyed the (mthhIoii tin mi nsely and wIhIi tho promlHliif; youiiK oup!e a Ioiik, huppy nml priwperou life. They will no to ('rook county In a few ilny to live, where Mr. Shep Imnl him a farm. Mr. K. K. Jiart wan a K'iest of Mrs. I.. II. TrullliiKor New Year' day. Karl Davidson of Scott' Mills hn been visiting his Ki'nnd parents, Mr, and Mrs. Davidson. NOTES FROM CARUS. School has closed until further or der of tho school board of directors. MIhh Iliutha SpaiiKler hns returned to her homo aftor a month's visit In Tacoiiia. A few from hero nltendoil tho danco at lloavor Crook, Now Year' cvo. Mr. mid Mrs. Win. Davis spent Now Year' woolc visiting at lloavor Creole with tholr many friends. I Dr. It. (lonelier visited with Cnpt. Holme one day last wook. Severn! loads of potatoes were hnul-1 oil from hero to Oregon City Inst I wook. I Ralph Howard loft Monday morning for Oregon City to help Mr. Mohan ! loud a car of tolophono polos, Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ilu-1 lard, a thlrtoon pound daughter, not.h mother and child nro doing woll, Davis Doss and H. Howard and son hauled hny last wook to Oregon City ta bo shipped to Rainier. o o FOR 16 DAYS Royal Barpiiiii Car ONLY The Mighty Power ofUnprecedented and Unparalleled Bargains A Jubilee of Value Giving! Saturday Jan. 1 2 to Feb. 1st. 1 6' Selling Days A MOST GIGANTIC SALE! A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY The immense, spacious and ele gantly appointed, big "Globe" De partment Store of Lansing retires from business in all its men's lines, and turns over its entire stock of men's and boys' wear, clothing,shoes, I hats, furnishings, overalls and rub- cer gooas. $siD,uuu.uu worth ot Dependable, Ready to Wear Gar ments and Footwear (the latter in cluding hundreds of pairs of Women's Shoes) to the UNION FIRE SAL VAGE & ADJUSTMENT CO. at 35 per cent of actual cost of the I goods! All the Men's Departments of the big 1 'Globe" Store SOLD OUT to us, and will be placed on sale for 1 6 days only at our Oregon City Store. A Monster Avalanche of Mas sacred Prices that will cause the mercantile world to tremble for miles around and rattle the dry bones of the ! 00 per cent merchants'round town! Mi'll't: llisili V n AT Kt Vlwov K Kl I IV.it k J IIIVJII I fc 3 I 4 VI V- J . yj ,xJJ Prices TUet Challenge The World to Meet for J EARGANS pJu I CHALLENGE 1 fcJt' WORLD WV MATCH 'the "Olobt-'ii" iH in lonj; top shoe of visca vzed, water-proofed I Hther lottom, in Un or b ark the "Cilobe's" f-j 50 values lor Js 5 Men's $3 shoes at i 1 .43. Men's $4 shoes i'2.35 Children's best rc(julr $2.50 shoes i 1.35 Wonderful bflrnolns in Rubber boots $35,000.00 Worth of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods from the big "Fair" Department Store of Lans:ng to on Sale at less than actoal cost of raw materials. Sale opens Sat., Jan. 12. Continues 16 days only. $35,000.00 worth of merchandise of every description for men's, women's and boys' wear to be distributed into the homes of Oregon City folk for sixteen uays only, at prices people never before dreamed of on such marvelous values. A ROYAL CARNIVAL OF MATCHLESS BARGAINS. An event that will go down In history as the greatest sale ever known throughout the state greater not only in the marvelous selection of styles, in the multitude of fered, but greatest In the bewildering low and absurdly little prices asked. Come here expecting to find absolutely the best values you ever 6aw. You will not be dicappointed; your expectations shall be exceeded in every instance. We guarantee that the prices are lower and the values such as you only could picture In your most exalted moments of Imagination. Why, language is too faint to convey to you even an idea of the extraordinary values to be found here during the next sixteen days. A MIGHTY AND GIGANTIC CARNIVAL OF FURIOUS SELLING FOB. SIXTEEN DAYS will mark the most important mercantile event ever held in Oregon City and State. It is not necessary to mention that we do strictly as we advertise. The public knows that every statement we make is the truth the truth In its entirety. The best and greatest values on earth are now staring you in the face. The only question is, can you, dnre you, In Justice to yourself, overlook a chance like this? Use good common sense with which nature has endowed you. Scan these prices carefully. Never again will you have such a golden opportunity to dress in 6uch rich raiment at such trifling cost. It will pay you to come many hundreds of miles to visit this gigantic event. When you take into consideration that this sale is of more importance to the people, and in fact, the greatest sale ever attempted In retail merchandising, In Oregon City, embracing an expenditure of OVER THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, it will convey to you some idea of the marvelous sacrifices that will be offered to the public. , The appended Items are merely representative; to fully realize and to properly appreciate the extraordinary values to be found, you must needs volt our store yourself. Now, then, in offering these bargains we make no reservations, and include and place at your disposal every garment and arti cle throughout our departments. The selling prices of the goods, as sold by the Big "Globe" DEPARTMENT STORE PRICES, are quoted as the value of the goods In this announce ment, at regular Clothing Stores they'd sell for much more but SEE HOW WE SLAUGHTER THE BIG DEPARTMENT STORE'S "LITTLE PRICES!" REOD: $! v Sensational Selling of women s snoes at - 500 pairs of the "Globe's" best $2.50 values in fine footwear for fas tidious women. All latest styles, newest lasts and choice of all popular leathers; products of famous shoemak ers of world-wide reputation. The biggest shoe bargain you ever knew! Think of it( Shoes that others stores would call cheap at $3 and $3.50 The Globe Department Store's best $2.50 values 500 pairs sellinehere &i Art as long as they last-atthe pair Bargains in Children's Shoes $1.50 val. 55c Choose from sizes 9 to 12, handsome styles, vici kid leathers with patent tips, best 1.50 shoes the Globe Store carried selling here at per pair - - 59c ll i i ; T Men's Overcoats; Marvelous Bargains Of fine or roughish all wool fabrics, fashion ed on newest models and made in expert work manship. Very fashionable, swagger garment3 buy for next winter. The "Globe's" best $7 and 8 values Selling now at " $3.85 The "Globe's", best 10.00 and $12.00 values Selling now at $5.85 The "Globe's" best $20.00 values Selling now at $9.45 Men's Suits? Sensational Values New stylish Suits in all most popular fab rics and cut on latest models. Marvels of the tailor's art Selling this way The "Globe's" best $10 Suits for $4.85 The "Globe's" best $15 Suits for $7.85 The "Globe's" best $25 Suits for $11.75 Younfe men's $S and $10 Suits for $4.45 Men's Canvas Coats worth $2.50 for $1.29 Men's $2.50 Pants 88c Boys' $3.00 knee pant Suits 99c Boy's 35c knee rants 12Jc Men's furnishings. $1.50 Union Suits 75c Men's $1.50 Union Suits, in heavy cotton robbed materials, all sizes, the best regular $1.50 value sold by tho "Globe" and they sold hundreds of cases at that price hero for half 75c -Men's $2.00 wool undergarments 89c Men's 75c ribbed garments sizes somewhat broken 39c Men's Handkerchiefs 2i2c Men's 35c Hosiery 18c Men's good 75c working Shirts. .. .33c Men's 75c Gloves 39c Men's $1.50 Street Gloves 89c Men's 50c Silk 'Kerchiefs 22c Mou'9 U0 Sweaters Men's 10c Hosiery 4c Men's 40c Suspenders 19c Men's C5c Swenters 25c 45c Men's $2.00 Sweaters 85c wife; $1.50 anil $2.00 values in this sale, and all perfect at 89c Women's $3.50 Walking Skirts, $1.45 Neat, attractive Skirts, cut in the full round lengths, trim, trig styles, full of chic and Verve in 8 gored models, plaited effects, trimmings of strap pings and buttons. Greys, blues and blacks, heavy and medium weight materials, best regular $3.50 values 'In town. In the sale at $1.45 Men's fashionable Hats The "Globo's" newest styles, latest blocks, black and colors, from world famous makers Think of tho famous John B. Stetson's latest $5.00 Hut for $2.45 $3.00 Hats for $1.65 $2.00 Soft or Stiff Hats 85c BEDDING WARM COMFORTERS $2.00 Comforters 89c Heavy warm household Comforters that will delight tho heart of any house- Union Fire Salvage and Adjustment Co. Formerly Rosenstein's 2 doors South of P. O., Oregon City FOR I 6 DAYS ONLY I