OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1907. 3 City and Vicinity John ('. Elliott (if Damascus was til Oregon City, Saturday, F. 8. Hutchinson uiul wife of Char Crock were In Oregon Oily Saturday. lhirv. Mimiiori of Viola wiih doing business In Oregon City, Saturday. Mr. uiul Mrs, Simpson of Ilodland wem Oregon City vlMlt-.ru Saturday. Mr. ami Mrs. M. I Walker of Ho HIIii were guest nf Mr. nml Mrs, C, Jl. FrliiHt'll, Thursday. W.J I, Manning, n popular Red front eh-rk, left Friday for a visit with hl people In MeMlnnvlllo. Mr, nml Mr. T. T. Pnnkoy have mild their place ut Eagle Creek nml moved Wednesday lo (iiiekamns Heights. J. A. Illchey and J, F. Wllmurlli of titoMhniii wore In Oregon City through Thursday's ntorni transacting busl ni'HH In (ho county court. Charles Ilurmi, Jr., Is suffering with . , , , ' , . . ni.-K.. ui riieiimuiiHin ai niri Home lniM, Green Point, lie hllH lint been able to bo out mIiicu Ndw Year's Day. J. II. Kltielii nild J. N. lleMHeloil of Hiiniiysldo dlMtrlct were vlnltors In Superintendent Zlimer'a office Hatur day. The deed traiiMferiing (he ISurclay properly on Main street to Multnomah lodge, Iiiih been filed In the county recorder's office. The roiiHlderatlon in fir,r,oo. County Judge Grant Dlmlck united lletilo J,. Turner aiid Henry 0. (ireen In marriage at hi office Saturday af ternoon. Moth parties are resident of Multnomah county, Holit tirtio Women of Woodcraft, wilt Initiate two candidates Friday ev flint?, followed by one of their de liKhtftll Social meeting. Members whiie untiles In-Kin with F. nerve the supper atid the HUpper coiihIhU of eatables commencing with F, Mr. am) Mrs, CheMter Roakn, who have been vIhH Itttc Mr. Roake's par nits In Oregon City, Intended leaving for Chlco, California, Friday morning, but will be forced to wait until (he Southern Pacific lines are plared In order again. Miles & MfGlashan are, Intending Helling out their grocery business as Mr. MeCliiHlmn has Intercuts which take t) I in In a different part of the stale. He will leave about the third of February fur southern Oregon, where he has a great deal of timber land to look after. Fountain Hone company No. 1, met In regular meeting Thursday evening. Hym Montgomery was taken In as a member of the company. The regirtar election will be held tho HthI Thurs day In February. Refreshments and general kimmI lime was enjoyed af ter the business meeting. Dr. Hurley Pierce, of Wasco, Wash., who Is taking treatment for stomach trouble In the St. Vincent hospital In Portland, has been very 111 but Is Im proving now. Dr. Pierce Is a nephew of Mrs. John ph-rce of lr.th street and she or her husband hnve been going down every day. Dr, Pierce's wife Is also a physician In Wasco. County Ch rk (ireennian has receiv ed a card from Joseph IiiiKlirain, principal examiner of Ittireau of Pen sions, Washington, I). C, stating that he had a hoii, Frank Unighram, who he had not heard from for ninny years, and whom he would like to locate. The son Is 2."i years of age and a sten ographer. Ills father offers f:: re ward for any Informal Ion leading to ward his whereabouts. At tho Methodist Kplseopal church last Thursday evening the , following Sunday school ofrirers were elected for the ensuing year: Superintendent C. A. Williams; treasurer, Mm. (ieo. Osborne; secretary Miss Myrtle C ross ; recorder, Mis. It. C, Itlackwell; or ganist, Mrs. Ceorge Osborne. Tho Sunday school of (his church Is In a flourishing condition, and a contest has Just ended In which much enthu siasm was taken. Holn Circle had a Hplendld time at their social Friday evening. The lunch consisted of fig prune cereal, fig bars and fish salad. Tho table was decorated In ferns. A tree guessing contest created much amusement and the remainder of the evening was spent In dancing. Mrs. Pauline Schwartz, n former member, renewed her membership. A very enjoyable social event at Gladstone was tho party ' given Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Cnnium at their home, Friday evening by a few of their neighbors and friends, Tho happy gathering wns given In honor of their tenth wedding anniversary which oc curred on December 2B. Whist was the game of tho evening, Mrs. 11. Ilax ter winning first prize and M. J. Illout, tho booby. An elegant supper wns served. Tho company presented Mr. and Mrs. Cannon with a beauti ful llavlland china tea set as a mark of esteem for them, TIiohg preoent were Mr, and Mrs. 11. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.' J. ltlout, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ulout, Mr. and Mrs. W. Schooley, Mr. and Mrs. Uarton Par low, Mr, and Mrs. W. Cannon, Mr. and Mrs. S. Simons, Miss Dlout and Mr. John Graham. want information AISUU I UKtuUN U i r SECRETARY OF DOARD OF TRAOE RECEIVES HUNDREDS OF INQUIRY LETTERS. Tim secretary of the hoard of trade, ThonuiH F. Hyun, Iiiih received re cently hundreds of letter asking nlioiit Oregon City. More letters are com I life everyday from people who hnvi) heard of our city and who wlxh to know of It advantages-factories, business mid farmliiK vicinity, Tim board of trade Is In direct com munication with similar Institutions of I'ortland and Seattle. Tim sccro liiry ha been biiHy sending out liter- nturo broadcast ami It now remains I for all dm business men of the city til 111. Iin.tlf. lit II III,! (I.,.,.!!!,. i.f III,. ' , , , , hoard of trade Friday. It In under- stood that several Important subjects , ,. , . , , are to be taken up and those need the backing of everyone. COURT APPOINTS ROAD SUPERVISORS SELECTIONS MADE IN DISTRICT8 WHERE NO CONTEST HAS BEEN MADE. The county court reappointed tho following road supervisors for 1907 In their respective! districts before ad journing Friday afternoon: District No. r Horace Knox. " " C John Straus. " 8-David Douglas. " 14-8. F. Glbbs. " I7-A. H. Knlghl " 18-H. W. Hornshuh. " 19 WiHidsliJe. " 20-11. Sullivan. " 21 Frank Wlnslow. " 22 Albert F.nglo. " 23 R. W. Zimmerman. " " 2C-H. N. ICv.rhart. 27 J. Ubour. " 29-W. L. White. " 30 James Cooke. " 33 Henry Gromer. " " 31 John Turner. " 3a A. 1). F.d wards. " ar,-Paul Snyder. " 37- H. W. Kruno. " 39 Frank Jnggar. " 40 A. Vestal. The court reelected the supervisors who had no opixisltlon. In some cases where several men are after tho po sitions It w ill be some time before any definite action Is taken. The court will convene again on Tuesday. COLUMBIA H. & L. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS. Columbia Hook and Ladder com pany held It annual election Friday night lu their rooms, and the follow ing officers were chosen for tho en suing year: John (ileason, president; Fred W. Humphrys, foreman; John lluerth, first assistant foreman; P. Fry. second assistant foreman; S. U. Shndlo, secretary; C. W. Pope, treas urer; Joe Lynch, K. J. Noble and F. W. Humphreys, finance committee. Delbert Hart, for many years a member of the Hook and Ladder com pany, was nominated from that com pany for chief of the Oregon City fire department, the election for which will tako placo In March. Mr. Hart Is foreman In the carding room of the Oregon City Manufacturing company. Mr. Pollack was nominated for fire conimlslsoner from the Hoolt and Ladder company. PLA.Y TIE GAME OF BASKETBALL. The ninth and tenth grades of tho Harclny school played a tie game of basket ball Friday afternoon, result ing in a coro of 25 to 25. A large crowd was present to witness the game and cheer their favorlto grade. Tho hoys have been doing some good work lately under the direction of Clly Superintendent McKee and a good team will be tho result of a few weeks' practice. The men and positions were: Ninth Grade. Tenth Grade. II. Gordon C Grout., Hart F Jackson Adams F Frost Johnson G Stray melor ICd. Hornshuh ...G Cnufleld One Bridge Washed Out. Tho only flood damago reported to tho county court from tho country dis tricts is tho wushlng away of the Mill creek bridge by the recent fresh et. Tho damage Is only a light one as tho bridge can bo replaced at a small cost. New Teacher at Boring. II. H, Parsons of Tillamook has been apoplnted to teach tho school of Boring for tho coming year in place of Mrs. Elizabeth Mayhurst who resigned. $189,000 RfQUIREu TO PAY CLACKAMAS EXPENSES IN I907 LEVY OF EIGHTEEN MILLS OR- DERED BY COUNTY COM . MISSIONER8' COURT. Changes In Boundaries of Road Dis tricts and Much Other Busi ness Occupy First 1907 8esslon, The January term of tho Clacka mas county court has been a busy one, and tho present tlmo Is taken up looking over tho reports of tho different road supervisors. The court has ordered the present east boundary of Road District No. 5, to be established so that now it Is a part of Road District No. C. In the matter of tho petition of the i Wellenfer road, tho same was approv ed and tho petition turned over to I tho county board of road viewers. A saloon license was granted to T " M. A.Mson In the Poring precinct for a term of six months. The report of tho resurvey of tho Oregon Clty-Milwaukio road was read and placed on file. Claims against tho county were al- so examined and corrected and the same ordered paid. Tho appointments of Irving Clarke and Georgo Avery as special deputy sheriffs, without sal ary, who have been appointed by tho sheriff of Clackamas county and ap proved by him, were confirmed. W. I). Tiifdey and Ernest Hitch man, who were on tho pauper list, have been stricken from tho county roll and August Asmus, blind, has been sent to the Guynup's farm for treatment. Tho county court yesterday estab lished a new road district to bo known as district No. 40. It Is created from (Mirtlons of the Knglo Creek, Poring and Sandy districts, and Is situated Just east of Ilarton, In tho matter of tho extension ol tho boundary of District No. 14, the following were Included: tho north half of J. S. I lowland DLC of section 8, tho southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 9 and were Ret off from road district No. 39. From petition of J. A. Hyera for change in boundary line between dis tricts No. 3 and 12 it was ordered that part of number 3 bo made a part of road district No. 12 that Is the part that begins at Raker's bridge and con tinues to the Clackamas river. Estimate of amount to bo raised by Clackamas county: State Agricultural college 3 3-12 mills $31,123 County school census, 4 912 mills 49,875 School library. 1 12 mill S73 Road and highways, 4 mills.. 42,000 County expenses, 3 4-12 mills.. 33,000 Int. on out. warants 512 mills 4,375 To pay on out warrants 2 212 mills 22,750 Total $1S9,000 Tho court finds that $189,000 will be required and thus will levy a tax of 18 mills and that the same be levied upon each dollar of assessable prop erty real, personal and mixed of Clackanins county, thus: State and Agricultural Col lege 3'4 mills County School Library 5 mills County Purposes 5 mills Road 4 mills - Total 18 mills County court adjourned- Thursday afternoon until Tuesday morning. COLTON. Old Mother Earth is looking fine in her new white robe. Colton has about 3 inches of snow. Our two weeks' vacation will end next Monday. Miss Edna Gard of Clarks hs been engaged to tench the ensuing three months. 15. Honney is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mendnl and son of Woodburn returned home Inst. Sun day after a week's vis4t here at the Hubbard homo. Joe, and Clara Carlson attended the dunce at Heaver Creek New Year's eve, Mr. and Mrs. Carr were made- hap py by tho arrival of a new daughter on Christmas day. There was a family reunion at Will Uonney's at Christmas tlmo. There were twenty-two children and grand children of Mr. and Mrs. Bonney gath ered around the bending boughs of their heavily laden Christmas tree. Chester Troutt of Oregon City has been spending a few days visiting at Win. HtU'tevaiifH. : J. N. Laferty made a flying trip to'of thJ pray pnmp Bhoul, ,)6 Uom .Oregon City the first of the week to ,,0 t m vmwH t0 H0(.ure ,K.Bt re. j"" " lM" i""'iw river " " jcn over. , I The dance at Collon hall on Decern- l er 29th, was well attended and all : retmrt n fiuf tlmo Tlift rirl uciu a - - - llltlo too loose and came out pretty often. ii eon i iook row. in mo lor peopio to have to make a trip to the black- smith shop for repairs every time they take lludr rigs out of tho barn, I. ..Itf... U..I,. 1li ...111 ,...,1 ... rwl better vote a 10 mill road tax arid j get a bottom put In a few places ' where It seems to have fallen out, MULINO. Happy New Year! At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Aklns on New Year's day, was sol emnized tho marrlago of their daugh- , , minq tf.,l,ll.j SlfVlim C.IJU ll, Oscar Dlx of Clarks. The wedding though quiet was a very beautiful and Mini L- A Mr,.. ,l . 1. llB..,l,. ...w. ... I T ' , ' , .-..o.u.c-u u j iiuy. i. vt IH.-N, pasior oi mo aiein odlst Fplscopal church of Portland. Mr. Otis Dlx was best man. The bridesmaid was Miss Edith Wiles. Af ter congratulations, a dainty dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Dix will make their home at Dlx's mill at Clarks. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Chase spent New Years at Mr. Itarnes of Liberal. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W'oodsldo and family, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stehman of Liberal, Mr. and Mrs. Uoynton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood side New Years. Perrott-Rauch. Miss Helen Martha Rauch, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rauch of Gladstone, and Mr. John William Per- rott of Portlandf were united In mar riage In St. David's Episcopal church Wednesday, January 2, by the Rev. George II. Van Waters. A wedding linner at the Hotel Oregon for the elatlves of the contracting parties ollowed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. I'errott left Wednesday night for a month's wedding trip through South ern California. They will reside In Portland where Mr. Perrott Is a civil engineer and constructor. Best wish es of a host of friends are extended the happy couple. SELKEN CAPTURED IN PORTLAND H. S. Selken, who had a pressing and cleaning establishment In Oregon City some time ago, but who mortgag ed all the goods on hand and skipped, was found In Portland yesterday. He was brought to Oregon City Friday morning and placed in the county jail. Selken was given a hearing Friday afternoon and sentenced to 30 days in tho county Jail. .BEGINS ISlDfTOSIDAY, JAN. 2md CONTINUES FOR 30 DAYS lt sock clearing time for us money-saving time for, you. Unparallecl bargain offerings in Men's, YoutIVs and Boy's Clothing. Dress Goods, Hosiery and Underwear. Men's FurnisWngs. Blankets and Comforters. Pane Tgo o d s. n INSPECTOR REID l"f ,,on' Thomas A. McUride, Judge AVv I'MPllDfH I Aw'"' the 8b0V0 entitk'd court' whlch or um UKLL UtW uu-r was made and entered on tho 3d day of January, 1907, and tho time A meeting of tho fruit growers wan held on January 3d In McMlnnvlIle, at which Jamea Held, fruit Inspector of Clackamas county, spoke of the value of spraying and tho kind of pumps that gave the best results. He nut of the rmlrilnn (lint thn tircujiiri. suits. Ho had seen the best results obtained by having a platform over UlfJ pil flp m that ono nian couid H(anf on R and spray down, while other men . ...... .were spraying up. Air. Held was j Rtr()nt,)y m favor of Btrlctly enforcing I tho law as to sale of infected fruit. ftlther to d,.aU,rH or to cannerymen. ;Ho w(.nt on U) ay tbat the (jn Hafe. ,,uar,i for tJ,e frujt n,iHtry was to ; romj IK.op(J to produce a good clean '.. ' article;, DUNBAR'S ESTIMATE FOR STATE EXPENSES j One million dollars Is the amount to be raised In taxes for carrying on tho business and the institutions of the State of Oregon for the next two years, beginning with the first of the year, outlined by Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar. Of this total Multnomah county is supposed to furnish nearly one-half, while Clackamas county Is I called upon to supply $34,337.50; $33,- 500 of which goes for state purposes iand $837.00 to the State Agricultural ! college. Chas. Tooze, formerly of Silverton but now of Gladstone, was in Oregon City, Friday. Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the next meeting of the city council for a renewal of my liquor li cense at my present place of business on Main street between Fourth and Fifth streets. W. RAM BO. Big Stock 7 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. F. W. Hewes, Plaintiff, vs. Minnie Hewes, Defendant. To Minnie Hewes, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 25th day of February, A. D. 1907, said day being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to so appear or an swer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff above named and you as defendant, on the ground of wilful desertion, and for such other relief as may be just and meet In equity. This summons is published by order OUR IL-IL II FJ prescribed for publication thereof Is six weeks. Tho date of the first publication l January 11th, 1907. The date of last I publication Is February 22, 1907. MILLER & MILLER, Attoraeya for Plaintiff. Commercial Bldg., Portland, Ore, CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. In the matter of the Guardlanahlp of, Barbara Reglna Morlock, Amelia Louise Morlock and Anna Marie Morlock, minors. Now comes E. 0. Caufield, giiardlad "f the above named minors by his ff T.- ft I mi . attorney H. E. Cross, and files la Court his duly verified petition on behalf of said minors, asking for an I ttrAttf and llnr.naa a llstnrl rt rm IkIm C4' Jliyil-I HMWTI 1115 U I Ili lAJT the interest which said minora have in the following described real estate, situate in the County of Clack- arna. State of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land found described In deed recorded on page 370, Vol. 49, record of deeds for Clack amas County, Oregon, said beginning point being the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the North west quarter of Section 4, T. 3 S. R. 3 E of the W. M.; running thence South along the East line of said tract 25.48 chains to the County road; thence along said County road North C5 degrees West 1.56 chains; thence SmUn 71 dem$e8 West .... road 5 50 chalng. aenca North M degrees West 14 chains more or less to the West line of said Section 4; thence North along said Section line 2G chains more or less to the North west corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section, 4 ; thence East 20 chains to the placo of beginning, containing 51 acres more or less, subject to the life estate of their father Daniel Morlock. And it appearing to the satisfaction I of the Court that it would be benefi cial to said wards that such real es tate and their interest in the same should be sold, and the Court being fully advised it is ordered, adjudged and decreed that Monday, the 4th day of February, 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. be the day and time set apart for the hearing of such pe tition and of objections to the same, if any there be, and that Daniel Mor lock the father of said minors, Louise Hornberger and Wilhelmine Hiller, next of kin to the wards and all other persons interested in said estate are hereby cited to be and appear before this Court on said 4th day of Febru ary, 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m, to show cause why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate as prayed for. It is further ordered and decreed that a copy of this order be publish ed in Oregon City Enterprise for three successive weeks before the hearing jof such petition. Dated, January 3, 1907. GRANT B. DIMICK, 513 County Judge.