Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 11, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Our people were treated to a small
enow storm Sunday, Doc. SO.
Our roads are just simply terrible
and it seems they are Kiting worse
every year, despite the fact that more
work is being done to' improve them
each year.
r.i. Oglesby spent Christmas with
relatives and friends near Silvorton.
We learn that .las. McGill wH sooi
start for the land "f "Owld Ireland."
Avon Jesse is spending the holidays
ut home. He will return to Forest
Grove this week to resume his stud-
Our school board tendered their
resignation last week and we have
only the clerk left. We will have a
special election on Saturday, January
6. to elect a ne board of directors
and we are looking for a warm time
at the school meeting.
Hops in this vicinity are about all
eold. There are very few hops in
the Aurora district.
John Kopper has been having his
residence repaired which adds to Its
appearance very much.
Just a little more trouble with theieet restorer. Huntley Bros.
Independent phone lines will cause a I
lot of people to join the mutual phone
lines. So take warning and "cut out"
this racket about free exchange of i
The road supervisor's fight at
Macksburg seems to be a kind of a
political fight.
Oglesby Bros, enjoyed a fine Xmas
dinner at Ben Wolfer's.
Wm. Leach will soon move to Para
dise city near Bear Creek.
Sam Wilier Is talking 20 cent hops.
He has his yet and seems In no hurry
to sell.
A. J. Kitzmiller is able to be out
Ezra Keilt from Seattle Is visiting
his uncle's family at Dover.
Miss Mollie Ahnart entertained
Gaylord and Helen Keith Christmas.
Joe DeShazer and Frank Ahnert
were in Oregon City several days this
Mr. and Mrs. Keith ate Christmas
dinner with the DeShazer family.
George and Perry Kitzmiller are in
Guy Woodle was a Dover caller,
School begins next Monday, Janu
ary 7th.
There will be preaching at the M.
E. church Sunday morning at 10:30
January C.
Charming Women.
Nothing lends more to personal
charm than a clear rosy skin and noth
ing is so sure to free the skin from
moth spots, sallowness and the ef
fects of chronic constipation as the
Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets, 25 cts.
Huntley Bros.
A Happy New Year!
Singing at Walter Smith's Sunday
evening was quite well attended con
sidering the weather. It was decid
ed to postpone the singings until
some of the girls came home to play
the organ.
The telephone poles are part of
them' raised so we hope to have the
phones in before long.
A party to welcome home Miss Lydia
Hunter was given Monday night at
the home of her parents. The people
watched the old year out and welcom
ed the new year with good resolutions.
All spent a pleasant evening. Lydia
had a very pleasant trip.
Geo. Deardorff has been having a
not welcome visitor in the shape of
a coyote and has not been fortunate
enough to kill it yet. It seemed to
want chicken. Perhaps it knew it
was holiday time.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hubbard entertain
ed their friends New Year's.
Harry Reed is again in our locality.
We hear he will work at Mr. Rodlun's
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cox formerly
of lone intend making their home at
oi near Arleta. Mrs. Cox's maiden
name was Mary Reed and she was
quite well known around here.
The Grip.
"Before we can sympathize with
others, we must have suffered our
selves.", No one can realize the suf
fering attendant upon an attack of
the grip, unless he has had the actual
experience. There is probably no dis
ease that causes so much physical and
mental agony, or which so successfully
defies medical aid. All danger from
the grip, however, may he avoided by
the prompt use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Among the tens of
thousands who have used this rem
edy, not one case has ever been re
ported that has resulted in pneumonia
or that has not recovered. For sale
by Howell & Jones.
Hay, grain, flour and feed of all
kinds at the Farmers' Feed Barn, at
the right price. 44tf
Watch' Mooting were In-1 1 -n tV
Methodist. Christian ami Goruun
churches, Monday night and a g morn!
celebration of the New Year .-.a ea
r;,,; ut ,v jj the citizens,
Cnv Proemer, residing one mile
north of here, sustained an injured
log by slipping from the icy sidtiwalk
t Macksburg.
yj Sedonia Shaw of Oregon City
wls a guest Monday and Tuesday nr
yiss Arline 0, Hardin, nor classmate
;,t the Barclay high school,
,. m. Vineyard, chairman of the
scheolboard of district No. 51. has re
reived a neat school library from
ytu,t. Zinser of Oregon City,
The false work under the stee'
bridge across the Molalla has been
removed and the Greeks are making
slow progress toward
the concrete
Beauty Mote Than Skin Deep.
Every ono who wants a good healthy
color, and a clear skin free from bil i
ousness. sluggish liver and chronic
constipation should get a ackuge of i
Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets, nature's j
Mrs. Ora Hughes spent Christmas
a ith her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Stauffer spent a few
hours at their place, Thursday.
Mrs. W. M. Bonney gave a party
Friday evening in honor of her cousin
who lately arrived from Canada. A
very pleasant time was enjoyed by
Will Stone left Monday for Salem
to continue his school work.
Christina Hamilton of Viola spent
the latter part of the week calling on
friends in this place.
Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion.
Interesting Statement by Huntley
When a man comes Into this store
and calls for any particular Indiges
tion remedy, we give what he asks
for, but In case he leaves It to us we
usually recommend Pepsikola tablets.
Here is a preparation we have been
selling right over the counter for years
and from actual observation we know
it must be good, and really does re
lieve and cure indigestion and dyspep
sia or there would be a steady stream
of people coming back for their money,
as every 25 cent box Is sold with the
understanding that you must be de
cidedly benefitted or there is nothing
to pay.
You simply try Pepsikola tablets
wth the understanding that they will
steady your nerves. Improve your ap
petite, relieve wind belching, coated
tongue, sour stomach, fullness after
eating, weakened energy, and other
symptoms of indigestion or Huntley
Bros, are ready at any tme to pay
hack your money without the least
cent. Farm security. U'Ren &
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments.
For the laying of Sewers In Sewer
District No. 5, of Oregon City, Ore
gon. Notice is hereby given that the
Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at a
special meeting of said Council held
Wednesday, December 2Cth, 190C, de
clared an assessment by Ordinance
No 307 for the laying of Sewers in
Sewer District No. 5, of Oregon Ctty,
Oregon, in manner as provided by
Ordinance No. SCO of said Oregon City,
Oregon, upon each lot, parts of lots
and tracts of land benefitted by
the laying of said sewers in said Sew
er District, to be as follows, viz:
Easterly half of Lot 3, block 42, Coun
ty Add. to Oregon City, Heirs of
George W. Grace . ... $11.00
Westerly half of Lot 3, Block 42, Coun
ty Add to Oregon City, John Fair
clough $11.00
Easterly half of Lot 4, Block 42, Coun
ty Add to Oregon City, Heirs of j
George W. Grace $20.00
Westerly half of Lot 4, Block 42, Coun
ty Add to Oregon City, John Fair
clough $20.00
Undivided half of Lot 5, Block 42,
County Add. to Oregon City, B. All
dredge : $20.00
Undivided half of lot 5, Block 42,
County Add to Oregon City, Luva
Randall $20.00
Undivided half of 3 feet of Lot G, Blk.
42, County Add. to Oregon City. B.
Alldredge 50
Undivided half of 3 feet of Lot C, Blk.
42, County Add to Oregon City, ju
va Randall $0.50
Lot G, less 3 feet off W'ly side, Blk. 42,
County Add. to Oregon City, Mrs.
Martha Ringo $21.00
Lot 3, Block 45, County Add to Or
gon City, A. E. Latourette.. $22.00
Lot 4, Block 45, County Add. to Ore
gon City, A. E. Latourette.. $40.00
Lot 5, Block 45, County Add to Oregon
V. SuTien. . JlO.im
it, to Ore-
.n.i Sia
, , III, 00
tt.l til
oimt . An. i to
IV Hunt.
, ; I ' 00
,.i. to U,e
I io No tit
iti.. e 'i
eg tU Ui'O
r t.t right
. ..,,(
Vo-t.- ,.. uiu'i'iiou
iiisie , , i
till ,o.,
e,t mu a ong
t. pi., e ei begin
i o, Wivgon
i Pietn.tnt Add to i
-iiuui eted li T. i
. : ..iti.i Ilarring- I
. ?.;3 0 ) :
...I. Plea unit Add. to
.. ll.ini;gun $35.00 !
. g ,u .i
t :. i inc.
Mt. Pleasant Add to !
'sty. k S. & L. P.
... $35.00
. t I. I'.locl
3, Mt. Pleasant Add In
Oregon City. Ernest P. Elliott $35 00
i.ot 5. Block 3. Mt. Pleasant Add to
Oregon City, Paulina Schwnrtfe
Lot C, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to
Oregon City, G. Green $35.00
Lot 7, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to
Oregon City, J. F. Nelson.... $35.00
Lot 8, Block 3. Mt Pleasant Add. to
Oregon City. Rebecca Sykes. .$35.00
Lot 9, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to
Oregon City, Rebecca Sykes $35.00
Lot 10, Block 3, Mt. Pleasaut Add. to
Oregon City, Mary Marr $35.00
Lot 11. Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to
Oregon City, Mary Marr ... $35.00
Lot 12, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to
Oregon City, E. J. Waldron ..$35.00
Lot 13. Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to
Oregon City, E. J. Waldron ..$35.00
Lot 14, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add to
Oregon City, Wm. E. Estes $35.00
IM 15, Block 3. Mt. Pleasant Add to
Oregon City, Wm. E. Estes.. $35.00
Lot 1G, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add to!
Oregon City, Chester A. Elliott
Lot 17, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add to
Oregon City, Chester A. Elli
ott $35.00
Lot 18, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add to
Oregon City, Mrs. Martha Far
rel $35.00
Lot 1, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City (Also known as Block
13, Holmes Add to Oregon City),
Henry Hornshnh $35.00
Lot 2, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Henry Hornshuh $35.00
Lot 3, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add. to
Oregon City, Joseph O'Neill $H3 00
Lot 4, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Joseph O'Neill, $35.00
Lot 5, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Mrs. Olive Albright,
Lot G, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Mrs. Olive Albright,
Jr, (i)
Lot 7, Block 11, Pleasant Hill -A 11 to
Oregon City, Estate of Benjamin
Jaggar . $35.00
Lot 8, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add. to
Oregon City, Estate of Benjamin
Jaggar $J.'.t;0
Lot 9, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Estate of Benjamin
Jaggar , $35.00
Lot 10, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Ira O. Shattuck, $35.00
Lot 11, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add.
to Oregon City, Mary Holmes, $35.00
Lot 12, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add.
to Oregon City, T. B. Hankins, $35.00
Lot 13, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add Jo
Oregon City, Heirs of Julius Ixigus,
' $35.00
Lot 11, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Heirs of Julius Logus,
Lot 15, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Or'egon City, D. J. Switzer... $35.00
Lot 1G, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Franci3 H. Cross $35.00
Lot 17, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Matthias Justin, $35.00
Lot 18, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Matthias Justin, $33,00
Lot 5, Block 8, Pleasant 11,111 Add to
Oregon City (also known as Block
8, Holmes Addition to Oregon City,
Joseph and L. Noble $17.50
35 feet off East side of Lot G, Block
8, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City,
Joseph and L. Noble $20.00
11.G7 feet off West side of Lot G,
Biock 8, Pleasant Hill Add to Ore
gon City, W. and L. Illuhrn.. $9.00
Lot 7, Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, W. and L. Bluhm $35.00
Lot 8, Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Jane C. Rands. .$35.00
Lot 9, Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Jane C. Rands. .$35.00
Lot 10, Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Gustina Moehnke
Lot 11, Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, Gustina Moehnke,
' $35.00
Lot 12, Block 8, Pleasant Hill" Add to
Oregon City, C. & A Bluhm . , $.15.00
Lot 13, Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to
Oregon City, C. & A Bluhm. . $35.00
. and
iV c,.
"Vnotlnnal part of Lot 14. (about half
lot), lllock 8. Pleasant mil dd t'l
Oregon City, C, and V lllnlvn, $IT SO I
fJJ.mi Block 4. Holmes Add to Oregon City.
Block Iti, Oregon, the folio lng described nor
t .1 '. Hon thereof, Commencing nt the
Northwest oorner of said Block I,
running thence Southerly along
Block lino 200 foot more or loss to
Southwest comer of block: thence
Masterly on Block line 100 feet;
thence Northerly nt right angles
200 feet more or less, to block lino;
thence Westerly on Block line 100
feet to place of beginning, estate of
John Welch $100,00
Block 7. Holme Add to Oregon City,
Oregon, the following described por
tion thereof: Commencing nt the
Northwest corner of said Block 7,
running thence Southerly along
Block Hue 200 feet, more or Iohh, to
Southwest corner of Block; thence
Easterly on Block lino 100 feet;
thence Northerly at right angles
200 feet, more or less, to Block line,
thence Westerly on lllock line 100
feet to place of beginning. Estate
of John Welch $100.00
Block 14. Holmes Add to Oregon City,
Oregon, tho following described por
tion thereof: Commencing at the
Northwest corner of said Block 14,
running thence 'Southerly along
lllock line 200 feet, more or less, to
Southwest corner of Block, thence
Easterly on Block lino 100 feet,
thence Northerly at right angles
200 feet, more or less to Block lino,
thence Westerly on Block lino 100
feet to place of beginning. Estate
of John Welch $100.00
The Easterly half of Block 8, Holmes
Add to Oregon City, Oregon, also
known as Block 8. Fleasant Hill Ad
dition to Oregon City; Estate of
John Welch $200.00
Block 2 of Holmes Add to Oregon City,
Oregon, tho following described por
tion thereof: Beginning at tho North
east corner of said Block 2, running
thence along Molalla avenue in a
Southerly dlrectfon 55 feet, thence
at right angles 100 feet, thence at
right angles 55 feet to North line
of Block; thenco Easterly along
Block line 100 feet to place of be
ginning. Horace Williams... $27.50
Block 2. Holmes Add to Oregon City,
Oregon, tho following described por
tion thereof: Beginning at a point In
line of said lllock 2 on Molalla ave
nue 55 feet South of the Northeast
corner of said Block, running thence
South on Block line 45 feet, thence
West at right angles 100 feet; thence
Northerly 45 feet, thence at right
angles In an Easterly direction 100
feet to place of beginning, Martha
Hayward $22.50
Block 2, Holmes Add to Oregon City,
Oregon, the following described por
tion thereof: Beginning at the South
east corner of said Block 2, running
thence In a Westerly direction along
Block line 100 feet, thenco Norther
ly at right angles 100 feet; thence
Easterly at right angles 100 feet
to Molalla avenue; thenco In a
Southerly direction along Block line j
100 feet to place of beginning, Mary
J. Cans $50.00
Block 9, Holmes Add to Oregon City,
Oregon, the following described por
tion thereof: Beginning at the North
east corner of said Block 9, running
thence South along Molalla Ave
nue 100 feet; thence West at right
angles 100 feet; thence North ut
right angles 100 feet to Block line;
thence along Block line 100 feet to
place of beginning, John Schpyler,
Block 9, Holmes Add to Oregon City,
Oregon, the following described por
tion thereof: Beginning at the
Southeast corner of said Block 9,
running thence North along Molalla
Avenue 100 feet, thence West 100
feet; thence South 100 feet to Block
line, thenc East on Block line 100
feet to place of beginning, S. B.
Johnson $50.00
Block 12, Holmes Add to Oregon City,
Oregon, the following described por
tion thereof: Beginning ut the
Northeast corner of said lllock 12,
running thence along Molalla Ave
nue 200 feet to South East corner
of said Block; thence West on lllock
line 100 feet; thenco North 200 feet
to Block line; thence EaHt 100 feet
to place of beginning, M. Yoder,
A statement of the aforesaid assess
ment has been entered In tho docket
of City Liens, and la now duo and pay
able at tho office of the City Treas
urer of Oregon City, Oregon, in law
ful money of tho United States, and
if not paid within twenty (20) days
from the first publication of this no
tice, such proceedings will be taken
for the collection of tho namo as are
provided by the Charter of Oregon
City, Oregon.
Tho above assessment will bear in
terest twenty (20) days after tho first
publication of this notice.
This notice Is published by order
of the Council of Oregon City, made
at a special meeting of said Council,
held Wednesday, December 2Gth, 190G.
Date of first publication of this no
tice, Friday, January 4, 1907,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Glnclinnitis,
da M, Manshlp. Plaintiff,
Uiiert A. Miinshlii, Defendant
I'o Allien A. Mnnshlp, the above iiiuu
ml defendant.
In the name of the Slate of Oregon,
nit ice hereby required to appear
'Mil nniwor the complaint tiled aguliHt
ou lii the above entitled cause on or croo and an execution duly limned out
.'lore the 25th day nf January, A, H, of mid iiitrtr tho neal of the above en
;;ii ;.. ;,,g :.. .( day proserlb- titled Court, In the above entitled
In the order of publication for this niicie. to nie duly directed and tinted
i . e is, mid II' you tall to appear, the "C.l li day of November, 100(1, upon
he suld plaintiff Mil apply to tho n Judgment tendered and entered In
'oiirt lor the relief prayed for In her huM court on the 21th day of Novum
oinpliiliit, tii-wlt: ,er, moo, in favor of 15. tl. Jones,
For a decre.1 of the court dissolving p'nlnllff and against A. l. Nlxwnndor,
the marriage contract existing between defeniliint for the mini of $1130. 00, and
oii and the said p'amillT. and for the further miiiii of $50. 00 an attorney'
.ueh other and further relief us the f,., (lnd the further num of $20 00
Judge of said Court shall deem oqul- co ils and disbursements, mid tho cost
table. ) of and upon thU writ, coiniiiiiiulltiK
This summons Is published In the .-,;, out of the personal property of
Oregon City Enterprise for six eon-i. mid defendant mid If sufficient could
secutlve weeks, by order of Grant B. j not he found, then out of the real
Dlinlck, Judge of the County Court, properly belonging to mild defendant
Clackamas County, Oregon, which or jou and after the" date of said Kxoeu
der Is dated December 12th, 1900, The thm to mttlsfy mild mini of $1130 09
first publication of this summons Do-jn, UHO the ,.ost upon this said w rit
comber 14th, 1906, and the last pub
lication of this numiuutift January 25,
U5 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
r... n... i' ,,f fin,, in. i
Amos L. Ix)veJoy, William R. IneJoy,
A. Lawrenco Hudson, A. C. Gowdy,
and Elizabeth Gowdy, lawful helm of
Elizabeth Lovejoy, deceased,
To Amos L. IiveJoy and William R.
liovejoy, of tho aliovo named de
fendants. In the name of tho State of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer tho com
plaint filed against you In the above
entitled suit on or before January 11,
1907, that being the expiration of nix
weeks from the date of tho first pub
lication of this aummons, and If you
fall to ho appear nnd answer, tho
plaintiff will apply lo tho above en
titled Court for the relief prayed for
In plaintiff's complaint, to-wlt:
For tho foreclosure of that certain
mortgage executed by Elizabeth lxve
Joy on tho 7th day of July, 1903, for
the sum of $180.00, due one year after
date, Interest at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum until paid, nnd which
mortgage conveyed the following des
cribed premises, to-wlt:
Tho East half of the Northeast
quarter and tho Northwest quarter of
the northeast quarter of Section
Twenty- seven (27), T. 6 B. R. 2 K. of
the W. M and for such other and fur
ther relief ns the Court may deem
just and equitable.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllride, Judge of
the abovu entitled Court.
The date of the first publication of
this Humuions is Friday, November
30th, 190C, and tho date of the lust
publication of this numinous Is Janu
ary llth, 1907.
oiu Aiiorneys ior i-iainiiu.
Notice to Creditor.
Patrick Sharkey Estate:
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Patrick Shark
ey, deceased, by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Clackumas
County, and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent tho same to tho undersigned nt
tho offlco of Wilson & Neal, room G31
Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Port
land, Oregon, with proper vouchers,
duly verified, within alx months from
date hereof.
Date of first publication, December
14, 190G.
Administrator of tho Estate of Pat
rick Sharkey, deceased.
Wilson & Neal, Attorneys for estate.
In the Circuit Court for Clackamas
County, Oregon.
W. O. McKown, Plaintiff,
Marguertha McKown, Defendant.
To Marguertha McKown, tho abovo
named defendant.
In the nme vf tho State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you In the abovo entitled Court and
suit on or before tho expiration of
six weeks from tho dato of the first
publication of this Htirninoris which
first date of publication is Deeomher
21, 190G, and if you fail to so answer
for want thereof tho plaintiff will ap
ply to tho Court for the relief demand
ed In the complaint and for a decree
that the plaintiff ho forever divorced
from defendant. f
This summons Is published by order
of Thomas A. McBrldo, Judge of tho
above entitled Court and tho dato of
the first publication of this summons
is December 21, 190G.
Attornoys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho Rtnto of
Oregon for the County of Clneha-
E (!, Jouoh, Plaintiff,
A D. Nlswander, Defendant.
County of Clackamas.--an,
By virtue of a judgment order, do-
Now, Therefore, by virtue of unlit
execution. Judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the command
of said writ, being unable to Hud any
periional property of mild defendant',
I did on the 20th day of December,
19015, duly levy upon the following
bwcrlbed real property of mU d
rem nut. Minute nun uemg in mo
County of Clackamas nnd Stale of
Oregun, tow It:
Beginning at n point ten (10) chain
south tf tho section corner between
section Four (I), Five (5), Eight (H)
and Nino (9) In Section Eight (K),
Township Three (3) South, Hango
Ono (1) Went of the Willamette Mer
idian; Thence South Ten (10) cbtiln;
Thence West Thirty (30) chain;
Thenco North Ten (tO) chain; Thenco
East Thirty (30) chain to the place
of beginning and containing Thirty
(30) acre more or and I will
on Saturday, the 19th day of January,
1907, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock n. in.,
at tho front door of the County Court
IIouho In the City of Oregon City, la
said County and State, sell at public
auction, mibjcct to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin,
cash In hand, all tho right, title ami
Interest which tho within named de
fendant, had on the date of said El
ocution, or Hlnco had in or Ui tho
abovo described real property or any
part thereof, to natlsfy said Kxecti
tloll, judgment tinier, decye. Intercut
costs nnd nil accruing cohi
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By R. W. BAKER, Deputy,
Dated, Oregun City, Oreg,n, Do-
comber 20th, 190G. 2lS
Executor' Notice.
No'lce Is hereby given that the tia
derslgned have been appointed execu-toil-
if the cstato of Robert DeShazer
itecensi-d, by the Hon. County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon. All
persons having claims against suld es
tate are hereby notified lo present
the same to ns for payment with prop
er vouchers to Gordon E. Hayes at
his offlco In tho Stevens building, Or
egon City, within six month from the
date of this notice.
Dated December Sth, 190G.
Executors of tho Estate of Robert Bo
Shazor, Deceased.
Gordon E. Hayes, Atty,, for estate 1 ti
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County,
Pearl W. Smith, Plaintiff,
Walter E. Smith, Defendant.
To Walter E. Smith, defendant
abovo iinmed:
In tho name of tho Slatn of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appenr and
answer tho complaint filed against
you In the above entitled court and
cause on or before tho 22d day of
January, A. I), l!io7. mild day being
after tho expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fall to ho appear or an
swer said complaint, for want thereof
tho plaintiff will npply to tho court
for tho relief prayed for In tho com
plaint, to-wlt: For ii decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between tho plaintiff
above named and you as defendant,
on tho ground of willful desertion, and
for Riieh other relief as may bo Just
and meet In equity.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. Mellrlde, Judge
of tho abovo entitled court, which or
der was mado and entered on tho 3d
day of December, 190(1, and tho time
prescribed for publication thoroof Is
six weeks. t
Tho dato of first publication Is Do
comber 7, 1900. Tho dato of larit pub
llcutlon is January 18, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 421-4 Mohawk
Bldg., Portland "-fgon, G2-t7
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office with Oregon City Enterprlao.