Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 04, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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My Hair is
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give It something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Aycr's Hair Vigor is the only
genuine hair-food you can
buy. It gives new life to the
hair-bulbs. You save what
hair you have, and get more,
too. And it keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
Tli bt kind cf to.llmonUl
"Hold lor ovar almty ynara."
M1.I)T J. 0. Ar.rOo , I.w.ll, Mm.
AIM atuiuOMilurart ef
Clackamas and Marlon Orowera Gath
er at Aurora Inspector
Lewi' Report.
'J.IKHI tnili'H of Iciiik die
Unc telephone win ii
Orison, Wasliiniitoi, Cali
fornia iiml Idaho now in
ohthUoii liy ili. I'ncifu
Station Telephone Com
j.Hi.y. covering 2,2 V
Quick, nu'iiraUi, c.hm
All the aatisfactiun of t
iiTHonal coiniiiuniculion
biHtance no elloct to a
clear unitrntan(iiriK. Hik-
kani and San Kranoiwo
an enHily heard as Port
land. Or,.K(, C'ity oflicf at
Ilsihliiiir's Urmr Ston
W. S. EDDY, Y. S., M. D. V.
Gradp te of the Ontario Vclol
nary Colli de of Torunto. Canada,
and the McKlllip Schiwd of
Surgrry of Chicago, ha located
a' Orrgon Clly and t.Ubliidicd an
older at The I'aahtoii Slblc,
r-evtuth Street utnr Main.
IMU telephone.
l-'armriV I jj Main 131 1
Fruit Inspector Lewis of Clacka- 1
mart county wan In Oregon City Fri
day giving ou mora notices of warning
to tint owner of Infected fruit tnm
of thlH district. Tho liwmtctor also
wan scattering hand hill on which
was printed different spraying aolu-
tlollH. . '
Mr. Lewis has jiiHt ruturnad from
a mooting of tlui fruit growr of the
district thnt hordiT along tho bound
ary lino of both Clacliama and Marl
on counties, Tho meeting wan hdd
In Aurora Thursday afternoon.
Mr. I,ewl worked In conjunction
with E. C, Armstrong, Fruit Inspector
of Marlon county. Tho meeting was
an Interesting ono a over 150 farmers
and business men had responded , to
tho call,
Fruit Inspector Armstrong of Marl
on I an especially strong man along
hortlculturlal Ilium and brought many
ICIMld IlIlUI t till) pITMOIlH assembled.
No Hi't speeches were made by
either Inspectors, but specimen of
diseased branche were brought and
A valuable team of hore wa
drowned Thursday evening In tho
Willamette above tho fall near tho
mouth of tho Tualatin river.
Gustavo Bchnoiiu wan plowing on
tho tract of land wheh corner at tho
Intersection of, tho Tualatin and Wil
lamette river ThurHday until tho day
was well spent. Later In day whllo
working on tho edge of embankment
tho horse slipped and foil over the
bluff, a dlHtanco of 70 foot, to tho
swift wator at tho mouth of tho Tua
latin. An tho darkness prevented see
ing tho futo of tho tioraoM, tho young
mun In charge took for granted that
tho horses had boon klllod by tho ter
rihlo fall and did not. Htunrnon aid.
A llttlo lati.T, men that woro work
ing tho boom of log on both sides
of tho Willamette report that ono of
tho horse wan aoon near tho bunk,
but tho deepnes of tho water at that
point prevented tho horse from land
ing. In a abort tlrno tho horse sank
out of Might, Tho logger on tho Ca-
explained to tho grower, ami remedies nomah aldo May that the othor horse
given for tho hbiho. Fruit grower In th,'n HWBt" acr"M!' t!l" Wll'amotto but
thla county aro trying to agitato tho
building of a plant whoro apraylng o
lutlcitiN will bo manufacturod and Hold
to tho growers Tho Notation would
bo purer, more cffoctlvo and could flo
Hocurod at a much lowor cont. Thla
plan In bolng favored In Southern Oro
gon, and la headed thero by Charlo
MfHervo of Mod ford, who la county
fruit Innuector f Jackaon cunty. In
apoaklng of the condition of fruit
tree In that dlntrlct Mr. Iewla Maid,
"TrH' of tho aouth end of tho coun
ty aro In fairly gmid ahapo, and In
fact In much better condition than In
other part. In tho Isolated district
dUeamid treoa aro practically un-known."
UJ V."
0- 3
ai . . m ,r 1 hi
Tho new bank building I m uring
8. I. lllrd, formerly of Ulg Timber,
Montana, ha reoently Hold hi ranch
thero and bought thut old Harlow
place hero.
J. II. ItlHHol! ha returned to Dur-
keo to reHitmo chargo of hi position
a I'dgerwixK! engineer.
Andrew Kix'her ha purchnscil
; Egypt. Ilambletonlan threo year dd,
lro of Coeur d'Aleno of Geo. Spojght
well know breeder of flno horacN. Mr.
Kocher also contemplate tho pur
icbaHo of another borne of tho aamo
tttiK'k, which will without dobut coin
pb'to ono of tho fluent team In tho
country. Iloth horse promise well
for apeed. Mr. Speight will keep tho
team until well broken. I'urchaso
price withheld at present.
Famous at homo for
generation past;
Famous now all over
tho World.
For salo by
N until Catarrh quickly yield to trenU
nimit by Kly'a Croam Jiulm, which I agree
ably aroiiiulio. It i rueoived through tha
liotttribi, clcanso and beal tho whole mir
fiwie over which it diffiuiea Itself. l)ruggiata
Nell the COa. hixo ; Trial iti.e by until, 10
ritnU. Test it and you urn euro to cuuttmio
tho troiiUnniit,
To accomuioduti) those who are jmrliid
to U10 uho of aUuuior in npplying iipiiiU
into tho tiasid tiaasago for ttttarrhtl trvii
M, the proprietor prepare Cream Halm iu
liquid form, which will bo known a Kly'a
Liquid Crown lliilm. Trico Including tho
aprnying tube i 7!ieonls. Druggists or by
rnttil. Tho liquid form oiubodius tho lued
ioiual iropertie of tho solid preparation.
tho logs prevented landing and It also
disappeared from Might.
Tho team wa heautfully matched
and was valued at $?r0
A dispatch from Moomlngton, 111.,
concerning tho Journey of the Oregon
plonoor, K.ra Mocker, aaya:
"On tho last lay of a tollaorne jour
noy of 8000 mllos, Ezre Meeker,, aged
70, guiding a team ox patient oxen yok
ed to an old-time pralrle-achooner,
passed through here, bla objective
point being Indianapolis, Ind., whoro
hi Journey ends. He Btarted on March
I from Portland, Or., and ha boon
steadily going ever ulnce, bla object
being to mark tho famous Oregon
trail, which ho hit In 1831, and which
ha been tho mibjoct of ao much con
troversy of late yeara. There wa
much talk during the Lcwla & Clark
exposition at Portland In 1905 concern
ing tho exact route of thla trail, and
Mr. Meeker, who wa ono of the few1
men thero who had passed over It,
decided to make the Journey once
more. Ho procured a typical outfit
of tho prairies, and atartlng with his
own homo, which he numbered Camp
No. 1, he ha numbered consecutively
each camp since, and ha also Bet up
20 marble monument along the trail,
suitably Inscribed. Ills unlquo per
sonality and tour have attracted great
attention over the entire route. He
ha been writing a book of the Inci
dent met with. He hope to reach
Indlnapolis, the point from which he
started la 1851, In a few days."
American Indiana Practiced It For
Many Centurlet.
Girlhood and Scoffs Emulsion are
linked together.
i The girl who takes Scoffs Emul
sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she is
plump, active and energetic
The reason is that at a period when a girl's
digestion is weak, Scoffs Emulsion
provides her with powerful nourishment in
easily digested form.
It is a food that builds and keeps up a
girl's strength.
"Archaeological rearch reveals
many important detail of the dome
tic economy of ancient times, but prac
tically nothing that Indicate the char
acter or even the existence of what
aro today regarded a vital branche
of an adequate public service," Bay
Frank Ablal Mower In Rocorda of the
Fast. "Perhaps there were no such
branche In Hioho time, and perhaps
thoro wore many of which we have no
Inkling, because they were organized,
like an afternoon reception, In such
form that they could and actually did
disappear without leaving palpable
trace behind.
"The general delivery of private
Information from house to house,,
theoretically at public expense, and
actually under government regulation,
Is supiHised to have been unknown to
tho ancient of all periods; but I can
state that ono of tho most effective as
well as ono of tho most Interesting
A Jamaican Lady Speaki Highly of
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy.
Mr. Michael Hart, wife of the su
perintendent of Cart Service at King
ton, Jamaca, West Indies Islands,
says that she has for some years used
Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy for
coughs,, croup and whooping cough
and has found It very beneficial. She
lias Implicit confidence In It and would
not be without a bottle of It in her
homo. Sold by Howell & Jones.
Protecting the Horses.
The other day a brutal teamster
struck his horse with a board. Fortu
nately ho was seen by a humane of
ficer and was prosecuted. In the
Municipal Court he was fined $3.
But the case did not stop there. The
Judge l(xked the facts over and de
cided that the owner of the horse who
employed a brutal teamster was even
more culpable than the teamster him
self. Therefore he fined the owner
These fines were small enough, con-
slderlng the character of the offense,
systems of rural free delivery ever I though, of course, it may be that with
conceived was In uso for untold gen-1 the costs added they were properly
oration by tho Indians on the north J proportioned to the pocketbooks of the
shore of Lake Superior, especially the offenders. Rut In giving the owner of 1
I'llngors, and (I suppose prior to tho j the horso the heavier fine the Judge
demoralization wrought by the advent (certainly showed a proper comprehen-
of the Caucasian) by the Indians of 'slon of the situation. Most team own
Several surveying parties that are
at work In tho country about Sandy,
hnvo created a good deal of comment.
It Is not known Just why tho survey
ors are working except that tho Ore
gun Water Power & Hallway com
pany expects to extend Its lino Into
tho Siiinly country and tho cast end
of Clackamas county.
The present survey started from
Anderson, a small station on the, O.
V. P. & Hy. lino to a point seven
miles cast of Sandy. About 40 men
nro now employed In tho two parties.
Ono of tho crews Is In chargo of I).
V. Klnnalrd of this city.
New Depot for Canby.
John lliiney of Canby was In
go 11 Clly Snturdny' on business.
Hatiey spoko In praising terms of tho
enterprising town of Canity. Tho
Southern Paclllc la now building a
now depot nt thnt point.
other localities.
"Under tribal law, every person who
travels over tho trail must examine
tho contents of each post office that
ho passes for the purpose of forward
ing any messages which are delivered
In the direction thnt ho Is pursuing.
If tho first person who pusses the
cliche or post office In which I have
deposited my letters knows my family
or whoro they live and expecta to
see them, ho must take tho message
to them. If ho Intends to go only a
portion of the way; ho copies my mes
sage, leaves the original as ho found
t, and deposits his copy in the last
post office thnt he passes on his Jour
ney toward my wigwam.
"If another person comes Into the
trail on the hither side of this copy,
ho must repeat tho operation describ
es are Intelligent enough to know that
a brutal teamster la the ruin of a
horse, and they aro only too glad to
get rid of teamsters who are not sen
sible enough to manage the" horses I
by humane methods. When a team
owner Is found who cannot seo the
facts in this way he deserves to be
punished, whether he profits by the
punishment or not. Chicago Record-Herald.
When wanting to take a ride get
a rig of Bradley, the best In town.
Oregon's Great Recreation and Health
Resort at the Newport Beaches.
Ticket Sales Resumed Nov.
1st to May 31st. 1907. '
As a winter health and recreation
j resort Newport is the one par excel-
own copy Into tho lust cache 011 the
road be travels In their direction.
"I naked the civil chief of the Pila-
have utooil the tint for ovrr o venr.
ami nt- Hi III In tlir Irnl. 1 lirlr ulwolute
ccrliil ill v of prowtli, llirlrliucommniily
tiiri;eylrliN of ilrlli luim vcj'i-tiililm nmt
Uranium lloui-rn, mukr tlirm (lie must
inul llir most populiu' cvnv-
l-olcl lv nil dialt ri. 1.107
Seed Annuel free 011 ifquiM.
Dulrull, Mich.
Dr-llll 1 1 1 11
BV rciiniitc
P- wlirrc.
k cure guarntitwtl If jnu una
udy'S Rnnnncilfnni
11. Mutt. Ttmmn.on. Huli't
()rM Rollout, BtRtt'.rlllfl, N, c., wrttuai " I aim luy
tli7 do sll vim alftiii! fur tlii'tii." Dr. S. M. Iivun,
K.viiii Hiiok, W, V., wrlli'.l "Tltny Rlvo utilvtr.ftl hhiU
ruiilliiu." Ilr. II. U. Molllll, Cl.rk.liurii, Trim., will,.:
"Ill 11 prnutlno of UR Ji'iuf, I have fniiiid no rriueily to
viml yiiuiH," final, fid Crntn. H.iiilon Krua. Bnlil
lif Drumtl.H. MTN RUDY, lNCTt, H.
Sold in Oregon City by Huntley Bros
Call for Free Sample.
The Grip.
"lieforo wo can sympathize with
others, wo must hnvo suffered our
selves," No ono can realize tho suf
fering attendant upon an attack of
tho grip, unless ho has bad tho actual
experience. Thoro Is probably no dis
ease that causes so much physical and
mental ngouy, or which so successfully
dclloM medical nld. All danger from
tho grip, however, may bo avoided by
tho prompt uso of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Among tho tens of
thousands who have used this rem
edy, not ono ease hnH over been re
ported that has resulted in pneumonia,
or that has not recovered. For salo
by Howell & Jones.
ed, delivering it to my family or hls;lence. Recognizing.this, and wishing
to give tho people an opportunity to
breathe tho fresh, pure ozone of the
ocean, tho Southern Pacific and Cor
vnllis & Eastern have resumed the
gers how long his people has used this ! sale of tickets through to Yaouina
beautiful und eiTeetivo freo-dolivory I From all S. P. points tickets will be
system, and he ronlled 'alvvnvs' ! 801(1 throughout tho winter and spring
"As tho Piliigers claim to bo the ab
original natives of tho srtil where tho
remnant of their tribes is now located,
and ns tho tepee of tho present hered
itary chief overlooks tho graves of
more than 30 generations of his an
cestors tho term 'always' In this case
must menu, at tho lowest many, many
J. J. 11111 will retire from railroad
Interests, Ills son will bo Great
Northern's head.
When you want your horses well
taken care of, stop at the Farmers'
Feed Darn. 44-tf
Dangers of A Cold and How to Avoid
Moro fatalities havo their origin In
or result from a cold than from any
other cause, This fact alone should
make people more careful ns thero Is
no danger whatever from a cold when
It Is properly treated In the beginning.
For many years Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has been recognized as tho
most prompt and effectual medicine
in uso for this disease. It acts on na
ture's plan, loosens the cough, relieves
tho lungs, opens the secretions and
aids nature In restoring the system
to a healthy condition. Sold by How
ell & Jones.
' until May 31st, every
I Wednesday and Saturday
land from Albany. Corvallis am! Phl
lomath on tho Corvallis & Eastern,
tickets will bo sold to YaQuina and
Newport DAILY.
The rates will ho tho snme as during
tho summer, and will bo good for re
turn GO days from date of sale.
Dr. Minthorn's Sanitary Baths
will be in operation during the entire
winter and treatments will be given
Other Health Resorts Closed.
During the winter nearly all other
health resorts are closed or difficult
to reach, and none of thorn have the
advantages of Newport and vicinity
as regards climate, points of interest,
recreation, and amusement. For par
ties desiring to enjoy fishing, hunting
or seeing the ocean in sunshlno or In
storm, the famous resort Is unequal
led, the surroundings are Ideal beau
tiful scenery, climate mild, healthful
and invigorating. Cottages for rent
cheap, fresh vegetables, milk, honey,
fruit nt lowest possible cost, fish and
the famous rock oysters to be had
for tho trouble of securing them.
Full information from any S. P. or
C. & E agent or the Gonoral Passeng
er Agent of either Company.
Rate from Oregon City to Yuqulna
$G.0Q. 49-t7
This should be the first care of every woman, for it is the
rough, coarse-grained complexion resulting from exposure
to the weather without proper protection, that undermines
the very foundation of beauty.
Insure your complexion against '
winter skin-evils by the use of
A dainty preparation, free from grease and glycerine, and
a delight to use, which soothes, nourishes and rebuilds, re
storing the beauty of nature's own color to the softened
skin 35-per bottle.
Huntley's White Pine Balsam cures Coughs and Colds
cures quickly, cures safely and costs but 25c.
Money back if not entirely satisfactory.
Holidays A e Near
magnet that draws trade. Keep
your store bright and you'll be
kept busy.
A show window brilliantly
illuminated with ELECTRIC
LIGHT makes many a sale "the
night before' It attracts atten
tion, makes it easy for your dis
play to be examined and shows
your goods to THE BEST AD
make a name for you and when
your name is made it will burn
it t into the public's eyes and
minds. It is an investment that
pays big dividends. Our repre
sentative will explain how.
current on Meter Basis.
C. G. MILLER, Contract Agent