OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1907. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY THOS F. RYAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate. Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse. oTwTeastham, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections, Mortgages. Foreclosures, Abstracts of Title and General Law business. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Office Phone 1101 Res. Phone 1773 C. H. DYE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Corner Sixth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. 0. D. EBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Cauficid Bid., Main and .Eighth Sts. C. D. 8c D. C LATOURETTE ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office in Commercial Bank Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON, W. S. U'REN C. SCHUEBEL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORS EYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice in all courts, make collection and settlements of estates. FumWh abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E. HEDCES HEDGES & GRIFFITH F. T. CRIFFITH LAWYERS Rooms 10-13 Weinhrd Building, opposite Court House H. E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Main Street, ORKC.ON CITY Spraying a Small Orchard Require s small spray pump but a good one. You want uit as food fruit as the owners of large orchards who use Power sprayers and you can have it Any spray pump has done its part when it provides a high, even pressure, seeps the spraying material well stirred, gives no trouble, and works reasonably easy. Bean's Little Giant Pump does all this and more. When we ssy it "keeps the material well stirred" we mean it too, and it's important if you want good fruit. And tbe"no trouble" feature lets you feel good natured after the days spraying is over. The valves can't doc, the stuffing box cant leak (because there isnt any) and the pump is so simple it is a pleasure to use it. Of course we hsve good pumps cheaper but Beax n's Little Giant is altogether the best barrel pump ever offered for spraying small acreage. Also a splendid white-washer Wi have samples f thsst aomss ia stack and will be pleased te shew them t rao. Furniture Hard ware, Oregon City I I fs' . I 1 1 r it i 11 ffjFrank Busch TWO AND ONE-HALF MILL LEVY IS VOTED BY SCHOOL ELECTORS Ami UiIh: It docNu't require much Intelligence to bent a m ii n with Ion. RESULTS OF TAXPAYERS' ANNU AL MEETING HELD AT COURT HOUSE FRIDAY NIGHT. Resolutions Were Adopted Favoring Two County High Schools, Also "Bringing Home ths Bonds." A mooting of the taxpnyers of tho Oregon City school district whs hold Friday night In tho county court house. A lovy of 2-i mills was voted as tho result of tho roport of tho school clork ami of tho board of direc tors. Tho report of tho school clerk for tho past school year was as follows: Income of past year $11, 197. CO Disbursements 12.855.22 Total disbursements In ex cess of Income ) 1,537.56 The present Indebtedness of the school district is $15,000 and during tho coming year promises to be in creased, thus tho tax levy of 2 1- mills, based on tho following running expeuses of the coming year: Disbursements $11,515.12 Receipts 11,300.00 A Memorable Day . Ono of the days wo remember with ploiiHuro iw W'U ns with profit to our health, l tho one on which wo became acuualnted with Dr. Kliig'H New Llfo Plllw, tho palnloHH purlllers that cure , ltla,,u.m, B,j lilllousneHH, and keep MI gathered around the well filled ! (ho bowels right, 25c tit Howell & tables whore nn excellent dinner was Jones' drug atoro. served BARGAIN IN KIVK-KOOM HOUBIfl ( 2 Mi loU, good coiner In Klyvlllo; nil kinds of boarliiK fruit trees. PRICE ONLY $525.00. ICnquIro at Dry floodH More 717 Main Street, Oregon City. Terms to Suit. D. C. LATOUEETTE, President. F. J. MEYE. Cashier. THE COMMERCIAL BANK OP OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Estimate excess of disburse ments . ..? $ 45.12 Both reports were approved as read Several resolutions were passed and the main ono was favoring tho estab llshing of two county high schools. This plan will work In conjunction with the methods taken up at tho njeeting of the Barclay High School Alumni association. Resolutions were also passed par taining to the transferring of school bonds held in New York to the Hank of Oregon City. The board of directors were given the power to borrow money at any time for the Interests of the school. In tho evening tho company assembled In the room where stood tho beautiful Christmas tree, to listen to a short program and enjoy tin wonderful sifts left by good Saint Nick. The program consisted of tho fol lowing tongs and recitations: Recitation Christmas Morning, Jes sie Osborn. Recitation Why Santa l.aughod, Guy Waldron. Recitation Trouble Ahead, Lloyd Rider. Song In My Merry Oldstnoblln, Her- tha and Vada Rider. Recitation Christmas Day Is Host, Song Haven of Rest. Alethu Crlteser. Recitation Snow Man and Santa Claus, Vada Rider, Instrumental Music Mrs. Flora Jar- ret t. Recitation Tho Day for Hoys, Ray mond Creteser. Song The Flower of My Heart. Bertha and Vada Rider. Recitation A 'Xmas Mystery, Delia Osborn. Instrumental Music Mrs. Flora Jar rett. After the evening's entertainment was over, the presents were distribut ed. Many useful and beautiful gifts were received by those present. A Wonderful Happening. Port Byron, N. Y., has witnessed one of the most remarkable cases of heal ing ever recorded. Amos F. King, of that place says: "Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured a sore on my leg with which I had suffered over 80 years. I am now eighty-five." Guaranteed to cure all sores, by Howell & Jones, druggists, 23 cents. Long Live the Klngl Is tho popular cry throughout Europe an countries; while In America, the cry of the present day Is "Uintt live Dr. King s New Discovery, King of Throat and Lung Remedies!" of which Mrs. Julia Ryder Paine, Truro, Mass., says: "It never falls to give Immedi ate relief and to quickly cure a cough or Cold." Mrs. Paine's opinion Is shar ed by a majority of the Inhabitants of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all other remedies have failed; and for coughs and colds It's the only sure cure. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, vs. druggists. frte. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle Choose Your Druggist Carefully A tlnifrgiHt can do moro harm or good than most jM-oplo give liim credit for. There aro different quulitioB in drugs just an there are in dry goods, and to tho outsider all qualities go by the mhiiio name. Tho difference between pure high grade 'drugs and cheap, inferior drugs of the same name, means tho difference between keeping nick and getting well. When a doctor writes a prescription ho moans best quality. When Home druggists fill a prescription they think only about big profits. Every Drop of Medicine . . . that goes in a prescription filled in this store is per fectly pure, l'tire drugs mean a my recovery, l'oor drugs mean a relapse. You want the best. I-ot us fill your prescriptions. We are giving away free, while they last, a 25 coot box of soap with a 25 cent pair of scissors for 25 cents. HOWELL & JONES Reliable Druggists. 1 Call on Knaeo Rr Nnbf Retail Liquor Dealers For Mince Meat Plum Pudding Grape Brandy Old Peach Old Apricot Maderia Wine Port Wine Sherry Wine Muscatel BRANDIES and TABLE WIXES aiaaena Zinfandel Claret Chianti Sauterne Hock Itiesling Port Sherry To!;ay Malaga Muscat Angelica Catawba Sparkling Saute: ne and Burgundy. Impt. Rhein Wines Impt. Port Impt. Sherries Impt. Champagnes Impt. Cognacs Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Phones, Office 1121 Residence 1833 Williams Bros. Transfer Co. 524 Main Street Classes Now Starting English, ? Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Shorthand Start now while others are beginning. Complete courses in Day School. Night School, 7 to 9 Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, The opportunity for you is now ALLEN BUSINESS COLLEGE E. 0. Allen, President Bridge Corner Oregon City, Oregon LOGGING BOOMING ALONG THE MOLALLA Canity, Dec. 31. A new saw mill s being installed on the Molalla river a short distance above Liberal by W. A. Shaver of Molalla, and the machin ery was received at Canby Saturday. It wan loaded on wagons and trans Krted to the mill site. Mr. Shaver will cut ties principally, he having closed a contract with the Southern Pacific Co. for a large quantity. The ties will be driven down the Molalla river to Canby and loaded on the car.) here. Pete Harnig has closed a contract with Portland mills for two million feet of logs to be delivered In Port land within the next four months. He is logging on the Molalla river near the town of Molalla and driving his logs down to Portland. The Charming Woman is not necessarily one of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those rare qualities that all the world admires: neatness, clear eyes, clean smooth skin, and that sprightliness of step and action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman is never attractive, not even to herself. Electric liitters re store weak women, give strong nerves, bright eye-i, smooth, velvety sl.in, beautiful complexion. Guaranteed at Howell & Jones, druggists, 50 cents. I. Tolpolar's rniture store . ' -iv --'iff nr. arnma ' - Ti a IVI-.TTOM Tint rTn l-ITU' I 4 - .A few samples of our Furniture Val ues. We can save you money on any order. Let us prove it. Kitchen Cabinets, large size, worth your while to examine it Family Christmas Party. A pleasant family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hider of Greenwood on Christmas day. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hider and daughter Mary, Mr and Mrs. Grant Criteser, Louis, Durwurd and Eletha Criteser of Hock Island; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hider, Ilcrtlia, Va da, Lloyd and Kae Hider; Mr. and Mrs. Terrol Osburn, Delia, Jennie and Mrs. Terrel Osborne, Delia Jessie and Hider and sons Waldo and Milton of Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Wal dron and son Guy; Mrs. Laura Mc Cormack, Mrs. Flora Jarrett and son Vernon of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. John Weismandel of Cams; Mr. E. K. Marshall of Portland, and Wilbur Knightcn of Greenwood. trm Ft.' '''I'ii 'ArOS. ml mi wM irHi Hmj I 1 '! csr ft J - A ' U&ir Morris Chair Dining Chairs from 75c Rockers, a nice line to suit .?Je!?.a?L?m.as G'ft to l .65 for fine ones everyone, $1 up to $7-50 Our expenses are small and we can sell goods cheaper than others. Remember it costs nothing to look, if you don't prefer the goods to the money you can keep the money. Full line of Crock ery, Tinware, Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, and Heat ers of all kinds. Matresses trcm $ I up to $ I O r Dining Tables, fine assortment from $3 to $ 1 O ' J iff m f w""'' "" '4 Kitchen Safes, fine line up from $2 to $ 1 2