4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1907. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday. By THE STAR PRESS. H. A. Galloway.. Editor and Manager Subscription Rates: One Year $15" Six Months 5 Trial subscription, two months.. .25 Subscribers will find the date of ex plratlon stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment Is not credited, kindly notify us, and the matter will receive our attention Entered at the postoffiee at Oregon City, Oregon, as second class matter PERSONAL. Among the new Incorporations giv en out from the office of the socretar of state at Salem, Saturday, was the following: The Star Press, principal of fice, Oregon City, Or.; capital stock $20,000; Incorporators, 11. A. Galloway, Sara II. Galloway. Snow V. Beaton and E. C. Tho mas. The organization of the printing and publishing company to be known as the Star Press, has been completed by the election of a board of directors, who have selected II. A. Galloway as president, and Snow V. Heaton as secretary. The four incorporators named in the Salem dispatch are the sole owners of the capital stock of The Star Tress. Mr. Galloway is the present publish er of the Daily Star and has been for the last four months lessee and man ager of the Oregon City Enterprise. Snow V. Heaton has been connected with the Star ahnost from the first week. Mr. Thomas Is a newspaper man of Troy, O., now manager of the Miami Union at that place. As soon as he can dispose of his property in terests there he wlM move with his family to Oregon City. The Daily Star has been sold by Mr. Galloway to The Star Press, which will hereafter publish the pa per in the Enterprise office a3 here tofore, and Mr. Galloway will contnue editor and manager. "First of all the news" will continue to be the aim and idea! of the Daily Star, and Oregon City and Clackamas county news first of all the news, so Star readers need not expect any radi cal changes of policy. There will be changes in the paper, however, made along the line of trying to better it. These will not be outlined at this time, for they will be made one at a time and only after we are thoroughly satisfied each one will result in bet terment. The liberal patronage enjoyed by the Daily Star has caused the whole state to "wake-up" to the fact that this is one of the best as well as one of the oldest towns in the state. We believe the demonstration that Ore gon City must be classed among the live towns will continue and increase in effect, because it has and will con tinue to pay dividends to alj partici pating. That 1907 may be the biggest and best year in Oregon City's history and that every reader of the Star may have a generous slice of the prosper ity is the Daily Star's earnest wish. The Star Press has also bought the Oregon City Enterprise newspaper, business, good will and plant of L. L. Porter, together with the Enterprise job plant, for a consideration of $10, 000 cash. The Enterprise is the old est paper in Clackamas county and one of the most widely known and influen tial weeklies in the state. The new publishers will endeavor to make it even more widely read and popular in the homes of Clackamas county, and it will consistently advocate and main tain Republican principles. The Enterprise job plant, with pos sibly one exception at Salem, is now the best equipped of any in the state outside of Portland, and capable of turning out all classes of work. This equipment will be added to, and su perior printing of all kinds will be turned out at prices as low as quality will permit. The job plant will here after be known as the Star Press. FROG POND. Old Oregon Joe is stopping at the Wilsonviile cash store. Louis Toedtemeier, Jr., and Charles Ely visited Louis Toedtemeier Sr. one day last week and called for those Logs that he took from the road. Dr. H. S. Mount was visiting Ider hoff brothers Sunday. Miss Kate Sharp is visiting rela tives in Oswego. The dance at the M. B. A. lodge Mil was well attended. Sixty numbers were sold. H. A. "Toedtemeier Is having troub le with his eyes again. Mr. Gebhart is improving his place by grubbing trees out of his field, Tualatin Grange No. Ill had its annual election Saturday. G. Mankin of Portland was in Ore gon City Wednesday on business. Dams Across The Sandy and the Sal men. William Stubbe, the Enterprise agent, of Estacnda, was In town Fri day. Mr. Stubbe has been serioudy ill for two and a half months and this Is his first visit here for some time, tie report having vhited Thonun Brown, manager of the llsh hatcher ies at Salmon just before he was tak en 111 and Mr. Brow a showed htm the vork he had done on the dams across the Salmon and Sandy rivers. In his estimation it was an exce'lent piece if work; the way Mr, Brown put the lams ncross those rivers. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. C. Chalpusky and Mary A. Chal msky 5 acres In DLC of Thomas larns: $500. Clara F. Morey to Frey P. Morey mrt of Gabriel Walling DLC In 2 s -1 E. 4.20 acres Martha A. Pdankenship and H. H. rsiankenshlp to Jennie Trimble, all of lot 3. block 15. county add; $1150. Richard Johnston and Annie John- ton to II. T. Latham, 1 acre Matlock DLC; $100. Walter P. Deen and Lena Vesty Deen to Lucinda Deen, all their Indi vidual interest In and to N half of SW of sec. 17 In 2 s r-4 E, 80 acres; 520. Dolphia A. Wolls and James A. Wells to Maude A. Miller all of the N half of lot 2 In blk. 1 In Marshfleld; $150. Charles W. Uiehey and Nora A Richey to Lucinda Deen, all N half of SW of sec 17, in 2 s r-4 E, SO acres; $20. J. W. Hobart and Mary A. Hobart to Edwin Hobart, S half og SW and XW of SW of sec 34 In 6 s r-1 E; CO acres; $1500. , Jesse Hobson to J. H. Keith l.C acres In sec 13 2 s rl-E; $700. A. B. Koplin and Daisy Koplin to Mrs. E. J Koplin, part of tract "C Willamette Falls 40C.G acres; $73. Lewis Pendleton and Elizabeth Pen dleton to Julia Slaughter the N half of N half of XW of NE of sec 2G, in 5 s r-3 E, 20 acres; $1. Frank Coyne to George Coyne all of lots 3 and 4 in Atkinson; $1. E. F. Riley and Martha S. Riley, lots 3 and 4, In Atkinson; $80. P. H. Marlay and Jessie V. Marley to Marthan J. Wilson, lots 3 and 4 in townsite of Atkinson, $1. ' J. B. Coyne to Martfia J. Wilson, lots 3 and 4 In townsite of Atwlnson; $1. United States to Isaac M. Park, W half of NE of sec 20, 4 s r e, 80 acres. J. A. Cox to Mary A. Cox, lots 10, 11 and 12 block 13 in town of Canby; $1. Martha H. Gossett and W. J. Gos- sett to James M. Park the SE of XW of sec 29, 4 s r-4 E, 40 acres; $400. A. W. Lambert and Belle Lambert to Charles A. King, and G. W. Bever, the SW of XW and s half of NE and XW of SE of sec 2G, 2 s r-G E, the X half of N half of sec 2G, 2 s r-G E; the SW of SE and SEofSW of sec. 23, 2 s r-G, 400 acres; $10,000. Richard Scott and Hannah Scott to Caspar Kerr part of lot Whitcomb DLC, 10,000 sq. ft. $030. Alice Boyles and P. M. Boyles to W. T. Echerd, in William Engle DLC 5 s r-2 E, 5 acres; $700. F. E. Parker and Bertha Parker to Nancy 'McCoy part of DLC of D. C. Latourette, 2 s r-2 E, .4025 of an acre $200. John Barry and Mary Barry to Sa bastian W Barry, lot 3 and 4 In block 5, Canby; $350. John Hofer to George W. Kesser ling, ail of lots 3, 4, 5, C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in block 2 of Albert Lee add to Canby; $300. Henry Jewett to Electa Jewett 1.27 acres in block 112 in Gladstone. J. A. Moehnke and Cora L. Moehnke to John Creegan and Anne Creegan, ail of lots, 1, 2, 3, 4 of block 2 of Parker Hill Add, Oregon City; $250. William Albert Deardorff and Ros etta A. Deardorff all of NE of SE of sec 25 in 1 s r-2 E; $1300. Frank I. Bradford to Chas. D. Lash in sec 21, 3 s r-1 K, 49.32 acres; $1000. Chas. D. Lash and Hannah Lash to W. A. Calavan, half interest in sec. , 3 s r-1 E, 49.52 acres; $1300. J. M. Stone and Mary E. Stone to P. K. Johnson, all of lot 7 in block Falls View Add to Oregon City; 70. Ursula Knaus and Anna U. Knaus, Katie Knaus Doilenback, Emil O. Dal- enback and Frederick C. Knaus to Jacob John Knaus, sec 33 and 34 in 1 s r-1 E and sec 3 and 4, 2 s r-1 E; 33.08 acres; $2500. C. U. Barlow and Addie P. Barlow to Thomas P. Lee, all of block C7 of Pruneland, Clackamas county, 3 s, r-l E; $850. John F. Lovelace and Mabel Love lace to T. J. Wirtz, all of half inter est in lot 1, blk. 4 of E.stacada; $250. S. F. Scripture, R. T. Barbour, El mer Cooper, J. E. Booker, Elmer Lan kins attended the opening exercises of the new W. O. W. temple in Port land, Monday evening. o OREGON'S FIRST WOMAN PHYSICIAN Dr. Owens-Adair Visits Ore gon City-Hcr Interesting Life's History Vr. O.vons-Adnlr, tho publication' ,hose lilo history has received so , uoh favorable comment from the Oregon papers, was In the city, Mon day, a guest of Mrs. Eva Emery Dye. There is hardly a person In Oregon who has not heard of the plucky wo xun who crossed tho plains with her .mrents In IS 111, was married and a mother at fourteen, and who at eigh teen began to learn to road and write in the primary classes of the public chools along with her little brothers and sisters. In a few years she was a popular teacher herself, and such was her thirst for knowledge that by her own and unaided exertions she saved up noney enough to go east where at Vnn Arbor she took a thorough course in medicine and camo back to practice, the llrst woman physician In Oregon. A natural financier, and skilled with the best In her profession, In a few ears. Dr. Owens-Adair had $50,000 n her own right, aud probably no ither woman In Oregon has been In timate with so many notable govern ors, senators aud historic characters of the last fifty years of Oregon his tory. Her pen and voice have ever been ready to champion every good cause, and her abounding enthusiasm and energy have n'ade her a power for good. No young man or woman can read the wonderful story of her struggle and triumph without feeling that life Is worth living and that God certainly helps those who help them selves. After marrying Colonel Adair of Astoria, some years ago, this gifted and self-made woman gradually gave up the practice of medicine and now lives at Sunnymead, one of the hand somest estates of the Lower Columbia, where her house Is the center of old time hospitality, and her numerous friends point with pride to a life crowned with honors. Old Oregon City residents who have known and loved the doctor for years will be glad to know that her unique and en tertaining book Is on sale at Hunt ley's. Admitted to Probate. The estate of Redon S. Carnett has been admitted to probate and letters of administration granted to Richard Scott. Estate Is valued at $450. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. For the laying of Sewers In Sewer District No. 5, of Oregon City, Ore gon. Notice is hereby given that the Council of Oregon City, Oregon, at .a special meeting of said Council held Wednesday, December 2Cth, 190G, de clared an assessment by Ordinance No. 307 for the laying of Sewers In Sewer District No. 5, of Oregon City, Oregon, in manner as provided by Ordinance No. 3G0 of said Oregon City, Oregon, upon each lot, parts of lots and tracts of land benefitted by the laying of said sewers in said Sew er District, to be as follows, viz: Easterly half of Lot 3, block 42, Conn- ! ty. Add. to Oregon City, Heirs of George W. Grace $11.00 W'esterly half of Lot 3, Block 42, Coun ty Add to Oregon City, John Fair clou gh $11-00 Easterly half of Lot 4, Block 42, Coun ty Add to Oregon City, Heirs of , George W. Grace $20.00 Westerly half of Lot 4, Block 42, Coun ty Add to Oregon City, John Fair clough $20.C0 Undivided half of Lot 5, Block 42, County Add. to Oregon City, B. All dredge $20.00 Undivided half of lot 5, Block 42, County Add to Oregon City, Luva Randall $20.00 Undivided half of 3 feet of Lot C, Blk. 42, County Add. to Oregon City, B. Alldredge $0 50 Undivided half of 3 feet of Lot C, lilk. 42, County Add to Oregon City, ju- va Randall $0.50 Lot C, less 3 feet off W'ly Bide, Blk. 42, County Add. to Oregon City, Mrs. Martha Rlngo $21.00 Lot 3, Block 45, County Add to Ore gon City, A. E. Latourette.. $22.00; Lot 4, Block 45, County Add. to Ore- gon City, A. E. Latourette.. $40.00 Lot 5, Block 45, County Add to Oregon City, F. II. G. and A. Staben. .$40.00 Lot G, Block 45, County Add. to Ore gon City, F. II. G. and A. Sta ben $22.00 Fractional Lots 3, 5 and G, Block 4G, County Add, to Oregon City, J. C, and C. Taylor ...$40.00 Fractional Block IJ, County Add. to Oregon City, A. S. & L. P. Hunt, $40.00 Public Square in County Add. to Ore gon City Beginning at the North Easterly corner of Public Square on Seventh Street, running thenco along Seventh Street In a Westerly direction 200 feet, thenoo nt right angles In a South Westerly direction 132 feet, thenco at right angles In an Easterly direction 200 feet; thenco In a northerly direction along Molalla Avenue to place of begin ning. Corporation of Oregon City $88.00 Lot 1, Block 3, Mt, Pleasant Add to Oregon City, as subdivided by T. P. Randall, Mrs. Emma Harring ton $35.00 IM 2. Block 3. Mt. Pleasant Add. to Oregon City J. N. Harrington $35 00 Lot 3. Block 3. Mt. Pleasant Add to Oregon City. A. 8. & L. P. Hunt $35.00 Lot 4, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add to Oregon City, Ernest P. Elliott $35.00 Lot 5, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add to Oregon City, Paulina SehwarU, $35.00 Lot G. Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to Oregon City, O. Green $35.00 Uit 7. Block 3. Mt. Pleasant Add. to Oregon City. J. F. Nelson.... $35.00 Lot 8. Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to Oregon City, Rebecca Sykes. ,$35.00 Lot 9. Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to Oregon City, Rebecca Sykoa $35.00 Lot 10. Block 3. Mt. Pleasant Add. to Oregon City, Mary Marr $35.00 Lot 11, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to Oregon City, Mary Marr . . . $35.00 Lot 12, Block 3, Mt. Pleasaut Add. to Oregon City. E. J. Waldron ..$35.00 Lot. 13, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add. to Oregon City. E. J. Waldron ..$35.00 Lot 14, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add to I Oregon City. Win. E. Esto $35.00 Lot 15. Block 3. Mt. Pleasant Add to Oregon City, Win. E. Eaton.. $35.00 Lot 1G. Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add to Oregon City, Chester A. Elliott $35.00 It 17, Block 3. Mt. Pleasant Add to Oregon City, Chester A. Elli ott $35.00 Lot IS, Block 3, Mt. Pleasant Add to Oregon City, Mrs. Martha Far rel $33.00 Lot 1, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City (Also known as Block 13, Holmes Add to Oregon City), Henry Hornshuh $33.00 Lot 2, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, Henry Hornshuh $35.00 Lot 3. Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add. to Oregon City, Joseph O'Neill $35.00 Lot 4, Block 13, Plensant Hill Add to Oregon City, Joseph O'Neill, $35 00 Lot 5, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, Mrs. Ollvo Albright, $35.00 Lot G, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, Mrs. Ollvo Albright, $35 00 Lot 7, Block 13, Pleasant Hill All to Oregon City, Estate of Benjamin Jaggar $35.00 Lot 8. Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add. to Oregon City, Estate of Benjamin Jaggar $.i.',.i;0 Lot 9, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, Estate of Benjamin Jaggar $35.00 Lot 10, Block 13, Pleasant lllil Add to Oregon City, Ira O. Shattiick, $35.00 Lot 11, Block 13, Plensant Hill Add. to Oregon City, Mary Holmes, $35.00 Lot 12, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon Cl'y, T. B. Hanklns, $35.00 Ix)t 13, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, Heirs of Jollus Logos, $35.00 113 BEGINS WEDMESMY, J AM 2nd CONTINUES FOR 30 DAYS It's stock clearing time for us money-saving time for you. Unparallecl bargain offerings in Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing. Dress Goods, Hosiery and Underwear. Men's , Furnishings. Blankets and Comforters. Pancy Goods. o Lot 14, llloek 13, Pleasant Mill Add to Oregon City, Holm of Julius lrfigus, $35.00 Lot 15, Block IS. Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, i. J. BwlUer... $35.00 Lot 10, Block 13, Pleaiiant Hill Add to Oregon City, Francis It. Cross $35.00 Lot 17, Block 13, Pleasant Hill Ami to Oregon City. Matthias Justin, $.'15.00 Lot IS, llloek 13, Pleasant 1 1 111 Add to Oregon City, Matthias Justin, $35.00 Ut 5, Block 8, Pleasant lllil Add to Oregon City (also known as Block 8, Holmes Addition to Oregon City, Joseph and L. Noble $17 50 35 feet oft East side of I-ot 0, Block 8. Pleasant lllil Add to Oregon City, Joseph and L, Noble $20.00 11.07 feel off West side of Lot fl, Block 8, Pleasant Hilt Add to Ore gon City. W, and L. Bluhin,. $9 00 Lot 7, Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, W. and L. Blnhm $35.00 Lot 8, Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, Jane C. Hands. .$35.00 Ut 9, llloek 8, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, Jane C. Rands. .$35 00 Lot 10, Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, Guxtlna Moehnke $35.00 tot It. Block 8, Pleasant lllil Add to Oregon City, Gustlna Moehnke, $35 00 Uit 12, Block 8. Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, C. A Blnhm.. $35.00 bit 13, Block 8, Pleusnnt Hill Add to Oregon City, C. & A Bluhiu., $35.00 Fractional part of I.ot 14, (about half lot), Block 8, Pleasant Hill Add to Oregon City, C. ami A. Bluhm, $17.50 Block 4. Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, tho following described r Hon thereof. Commencing at the Northwest corner of suld Block 4, running thenco Southerly along Block line 200 feet more or less to Southwest corner of block; thence Easterly on Block lino 100 feet; thenco Northerly at right angles 2oo feet inoro or less, to block line; thence Westerly on Block line 100 feet to place of beginning, estate of John Welch $100.00 llloek 7, Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, the following described por tion thereof: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Block 7. running thence Southerly along Block line 200 feet, more or less, to Southwest corner of Block; thence Easterly on Block lino 100 feet; thenco Northerly at right ungles 200 feet, more or less, to Block lino, thenco Westerly on Block line 100 feet to plant of beginning, Estate of John Welch $100.00 llloek I I, Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, tho following described por tion thereof: Commencing at the Northwest corner of mild Block 14, running thenco Southerly along Block lino 200 feet, more or less, to Southwest corner of Block, thence Easterly on Block line 100 feet, thence Northerly ut right angle. 200 feet, more or less to Block lino, thence Westerly on Block line 100 feet to place of beginning, Eatate of John Welch $I00.on The Easterly half of Block 8. Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, also known ns Block 8, Pleasant Hill Ad - dltlon to Oregon City; Estate of John Welch $200.00 Block 2 of Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, the following described por tion thereof: Beginning at the North- OUR oast corner of said Hloclt 2, running thence along Molulla avenuo In Southerly direction 55 feet, thence ut right angles 100 feet, thenco at right angles 55 foot to North linn of Block; thenco Easterly alonu Block lino 100 foot to plactt of be ginning. Horueo Williams... $27.51 Block 2. Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, the. following described por tion thereof: Beginning at a point la lino of said Block 2 on Molalla nvit line 55 foot South of the Northeast corner of said Block, running thence South on Block lino 45 feet, thence West at right angles 100 feet; thence Northerly 45 feet, thenco at right angles In nil Easterly direction K feet to place of beginning, Martha I lay ward $22. 5 Block 2, Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, the following described por tion thereof: Beginning at the South east corner of said Block 2, running thence In a Westerly direction ohm Block Hue 100 feet, thenco Norther ly at rlgjit angles loo feet; thence Easterly at right angles too feet to Molalla avenue ; tinmen In a Southerly direction along llloek linn too feet to ptuce of beginning, Mary J, Cans ....$:.0.n Block 9, Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, the following described por tion thereof: Beginning at the North east corner of hhIiI Block !t, running thence South along Molullu Avo nuo 100 feet; thenco West at right angles 100 feel; thence North at right angles Jim feet to llloek line; thence uloug Block line 100 feel to pluce of beginning, John Hchpylor, $:,oo Block 9. Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, the following described por tion thereof: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Block , running thence North along Molallt Avenue 100 feet, thence West 1 00 feet; thence tyulh 100 feet to Block line, (bene East on Block line B' feet (o place of beginning, S. II. Johnson $50 0 BliK-k 12. Holmes Add to Oregon City, Oregon, the follow ing described por tion thereof; Beginning at the NortbeuHt corner of said Block 1!, running thenco along Molalla Ave nue 200 feet to South Fast corner of Niild Block; He nce West on Block line 100 feet; thenco North 200 feet to Block line; thenco F.unt 100 feet to place of beginning, M. YodT, $100 01) A statement of the aforesaid Hstesd- meet has been entered In tho docket of City Liens, and U now doe and pay able at the office of the City Treas urer of Oregon City. Oregon, In law ful money of Uu United Statu, ami If not paid within twenty U'o) day from the first publication of this no tice, such proceedings will be taken for the collection of the same as are provided by the Charter of Oregon City, Oregon. The above llssrSHIlietlt will benr In terest twenty (J0 i!h)h after the llrst publication of this notice. I'lils notice Is published by order of the Council of Oregon City, made t n special meeting of said Council, hold Wednesday. December 20th, I90G. W. A. Dl MICK, Recorder. Date of Mint publication of this no tlee, Friday, January 4, 1907.