City and Vicinity H. J. Rastall, Wm. Rorgan and U. W. Myers of Molalla, were aeon on the streets of Oregon City, Saturday. F. Lehman of Molalla was trans acting business In Oregon City, Cla' urday. V. Phegloy of Minnesota is looking over Oregon City with a view of lo cating here. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kay of Ostrand er, were Oregon City visitors, Satur day. Sheriff Peattie attended the funeral of Albert Studeman at Beaver Creek, Sunday. The Foresters of America will give a dance on New Years' day in their hall at Oervais. J. S. Scott, justice of the peace at Scott's Mills, was in Oregon City, Wednesday. Willie Cotto, of Vancouver, Wash., upent Christmas with his brother Dave Cotto. Chas. Humphreys, manager of the Fostal Telegraph Co., at Astoria, re turned home Wednesday after spend ing Christmas with relatives in Ore gon City. Russell Wood of Drain, who is here for the holidays, and his sister Miss Tearl spent Christmas in Portland, with their sister, Mrs. J. G. Wilson. Walter Hart broke his right arm on Christmas night, while skating at the Y. M. C. A. rink. 1 Mr. O'Dell and daughter Miss Hat tie are expected this week for a visit with their friend, Mrs. Geo. W. Clark. Miss Elmira Guenther Is having a vacation from work in the Yokohoma Clothing store and will visit until af ter New Years with her parents at Shubel. Miss Millie Kruse, a teacher of the State Blind School at Salem, Is home for a visit with her mother. She was (past week the guests of Mrs. Roake's accompanied by Prof. Roberts of that j sister, Mrs. William Fortmiller. school who though blind is a musician j Tuesday's Albany Herald. The little three year old daughter ;of J. R. Carr of Arthur's Prairie died John T. Hindle of Toronto was In Oregon City over Christinas. William Myers of Portland spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Al. Dillman. Mrs. K. J. Phillips came Tuesday morning from Albany to spend Christ mas with her daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Caufleld. Miss Catherine Covnch of Portland is coming Thursday to visit her friend, Mrs. J. Miller, and attend the Willam ette ball. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Fisher and daughter were entertained to Christ mas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Miller on ltth street. Mrs. F. Williamson, ' Washington street, has been laid up for several days with a sprained ankle, but Is able to be around the house now, Mrs. Williamson was stepping from a buggy after a drive up town Monday when the accident occurred. Born, Wednesday, December 19, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Will Wig gins of Portlaud. Mrs. Wiggins was formerly an Oregon City girl, being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Wil kinson of Fourteenth street. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Kellogg and fam ily and Mrs. Graves of Clackamas Heights spent a merry Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. James. Mr. Kellogg is a brother of Mrs, James. Miss A. S. Monroe, a noted jour nalist and writer, formerly of Chi cago, but now making her home in Portland, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Warren of Glad stone, on Christmas day. Elizabeth Hayhurst, who has been teaching the Poring schoolhas been engaged to take charge of the Wills berg school. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Roake of Chieo. Cal., and two sons left yester day noon for Oregon City to visit with Mr. Roake's parents for a short time They have been in the city for tht of wonderful ability. Prof. Roberts is nriranist of the first M. E. church of Salem. j Tuesday of bright's disease. The Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wishart and little .child had been suffering for over a son Russell of Portland were in Ore- year. The funeral will be held Thurs gon City with Mr. Wishart's parents. 'day at 11 o'clock from the residence. Mr. and Mrs. George Wishart, Christ-'Rev. Parch will preach the funeral mas day. services. Interment will be in the P. J. Winkle and family of the West ( Pleasant View cemetery. Side and George Rakel and family of j Portland, spent a happy Christmas j The ball given by Fountain Hose .day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ', company No. 1, Christmas eve was a Fred Rakel. of Canemah. A family ; great success, 190 couples participat- lots t to i 'i k. .." i . block SI, all u4 ivi hi in i. uiv i m block 47, also al of lots 2 to 12 Incl. of block CO, in Mlnthorn Add to Portland; $1.00. Charles J. Snndstrom and Mabel Sandstrom to Mary P. Sandstrotn, all of lots 7 and 8, blk, 10 of Gladstone; F.staenda State Hank to Una Havl- land, all of lot 20 of block 32 in 1st add Kstacada; $105. State of Oregon to John S. Small, .10 of sec 20, 1 s r-5 E, 100 acres; $200. State of Oregon to Abhpia Land company, W half of see. II; E half of see. 22; N half of sec, 20 and all sec. 24. e s r-2 and SW, S half of NW and lots 3 and 4 see 2. S half of S half of sec S; all of sec. 10, the W half of sec II, the E half of sec 10, the NW of sec 2S. and SE, E half of SV and lots 3 and 4. see "0, S a r-3 E; 3SI3.22 acres; $,V20S.05. State of Oregon to Land company, tne s hair or ana lots 3 and 4. sec 4; the K half and E half of W half and lots 4. 3. 0, 7. sec 0; the N half of sec S; the K half and W half and lots 1. 2, 3. 4 of sec IS; all of sec 20; the K half of NV and lots 1, and 2 of see 30, 8 s r-3. ami also the NE of sec 12 and E half of sec 14. 8S s r-2 E, 3S37.37 acres ;$;, 593.43. G. N. Shlere to R. H. Rlrks all Kits 7. 8. blk 1 and lots 9, 10 In blk. 2 In Mltwaukle Park; $300. Thresa Moerwald to Thresa Habe koss, E half of NW sec 32, 1 s r-5 E. SO acres; $1.00. G. W. Hough and Lottie 11. Hough to Cordelia M. and J. H. Sympson, NW of NW of sec 3, 4 s r-2 K, 40 acres; $3000. David S. Livesay and Mary J. Live say to Sarah Jones, S'-j acres, E of J. W. Newman's DEC; $700. Oregon Iron & Steel company to Hans P. Estlierg In James Athey IMA' 12.09 acres; $1.00. Mary E. Conyers to John W. I.oder, lots 12, 13, 14 blk. 3, south Oregon City; $1. L. E. Armstrong and Mattle ('. it'iiuiiea ia lie paid for billiard tables, and pool tables ns provided In section 9, of Ordinance No. 207 pay to the City treasurer the sum of $2.r .00 per quar ter, and upon presenting tho receipt for the sum to tho recorder, accom panied by a bond In tho sum of $500, with two sufficient surotles, to be ap proved by the mayor, conditioned that they will not penult any unlawful or disorderly conduct, or allow any minor under the age of eighteen years, to frequent or loiter In or attout their place of business, and that they will not have any room or rooms In connec tion with their place of business, where any game Is played, curtained or partitioned off In any manner what ever, and that they will not allow any game or games to be played excepting In a main public room, and that they any game of cards, billiards, pool, dice- throwing or any other gitmo of chance or oilier game for amusement or otherwise after the hour of twelve o'clock p. in. of any day, or before the hour of hIx o'clock a. in. of any day. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or opening or conducting a card room, billiard room, or pool room, without first having obtained a license as re quired by section one of this ordi nance or violating any of the condi tions required In said bond as provided in said section No. one, shall be deem ed guilty of n misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof before the record er or mayor shall be lined In any sum not less than ten dollars or morn than tlfty dollars, or by Imprisonment In the City Jail for not less than five days will maintain no curtains, partitions nor more than twenty days or by both or other obstructions to the plain view of the interior of said room from any person passing along on the street the said recorder will Issue such li cense provided that this section shall not apply to saloons or private clubs having billiard rooms; provided fur ther, that if the person or tlrm having such tine and Imprisonment. Sec ft. The City Council shall have power to revoke the license provided for In this ordinance for any cause which In their Judgment Is sufficient. Read tlrst time and ordered publish ed at a special Hireling of the Council of Oregon City, held December 20th, such license shall be convicted of a 1 1900. violation of any of tho provisions of Hy order of the Council of Oregon this ordinance, the line, costs and din-! City. W, A. DIM1CK, bursemelils of the action together with the costs of keeping of such persons In Jail may be recovered by Oregon City off of the sureties upon such bond. Sec. 2. It shall be unlaw ful for any person or firm conducting a card room, billiard room or jhhi! room, to harbor, permit or suffer any minor under the age of eighteen years to loi ter or remain In such card room, bil liard room or pool room, or to engage In any game of cards, dice throwing or other game of chance, billiards, pool, bagatelle or other game In such card rooms, billiard rooms or pools rooms, either for amusement or otherwise. j Section 3. It shall bo unlawful for iany minor under tho age of eighteen j years to frequent, loiter or remain In Iany card room, billiard room, pool Armstrong to C. II. Uunnell, all of lots : room, or to engage In any game of Recorder, AFTER DINNER TAKE TROY GOLDENSEAL DYSPEPSIA Tablets Relieves and Cures INDIC.ItSTlON llKAKTHUKN loss op AiTirrmc, I'.tc 50 Chocolate Coated Tab lets 25 cents A SAMPLE FREE CHARM AN & COMPANY CITY DRUO STORIJ HOME MADE CANDIES FRESH EVERY DAY THE PALM 719 Main Street. Tickets on Havlland Dinner Set given with every purchase. cards, dice throwing or other games of chance, billiards, pool, bagatelle or other games In any card room, billiard reunion was held, the children all be- mg in the evening's pleasure. The I ing home to partake of the Christmas ; ball room was tastefully decorated feasti ! with bunting, flags and Oregon grape. Miss Zida Goldsmith went to Eu- j The following committees were in gene Saturday to spend the holidays charge: with her brother's family, J. Gold-: Floor committee A. Cannon, R. -mith ; Woodward, A. Cox, C. Hamilton; ad- 19 and 20 in block 90, first sub-division of Oak Grove; $750. Benjamin Hoinesly to J. II. Kraus SO acres, part of SE of sec 20 and part room, or poo! room, either for amuse nf SW of sec LM In 4 s r-1 E: i.'llOO. inient or Otherwise. William Evans and Susie Evans to j Sec. 4. It shall bo unlawful for any D. O. Freeman, 20 acres In sec. 20, person or firm conducting any card 3 s r-1 E; $000. 'room, billiard room, or pool room, to California Vlgorit Powder company j keep the same open or to permit any to California Powder Works, 2 acres person, except employes, to remain In. I Wn, ir.n,..w ill r Mnrhfiei.i nmi ! or to permit any person to engage In in same $10. WE WANT Your Holiday Trade We have the right goods and the price Is right too. Largo supply Cal. Mission Figs It 10c Imported Smyrna Figs, IT 25c Mixed Nuts, pound 20c Fine l,ondon Layer Raisins, rti..12'ac New Navel Oranges, do.en 25c Largo assortment Fine Candles. Try our special Java and Mocha Cof fee, 35c per pound. Finest Country Cured Ilacon. Harris Grocery For Sale Th J. 0. McCord farm 1 miles from Oregon City will ho sold in tracts to suit purchaser, 10. 20. .10 and 40 acres. Other farms for sale. Ab stract of title with each farm sold. OREGON CITY 2 3 4 Canto lll-lg. Agent TRUST J. A. CO., Cain BARGAIN IN' FIVE ROOM HOI'SE lots, good corner In Elyvllle; all kinds of beiirlng fruit trees. PRICE ONLY $'25.00. Enquire at Dry Goods Store 717 Main Street, Oregon City, Terms to Suit. Williams has returned , vertising J. A. McGlashan, C. Hart Kocrnig; decoration W. R. Cook, H. Williamson; tickets R. Roucnich; door, W. Schae. fer; cleak room, E. Frederick and D. Cain; arrangements E. Fredrich, J. A. McGlashan, A. Cannon, R. Wood ward, L. Ruconich; A. Cox. Excellent music was furnished by the Mllwaukie band of thirteen pieces. DEATH RECORD L. E. Armstrong of Cribble Creek, died at his home at 2:10 Tuesday, De cember 23, of paralysis, after an ill ness of two years. Mr. Armstrong was 00 years of age. He was marri'-d to Miss Louise Turner and was the Mrs. Dan home after a three weeks' visit atfnian- k. Coartlo onrl Fvorett Wash with her ' Schaefer, daughters. Mrs. E. H. Barker and Mrs. C. G. Norberg. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. MyrGn or Rose burg have written to their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Howell, of Ca nemah, an interesting description of a trip they are mailing through southern California. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Sladen spent Chri.-itmas on their ranch at Fern Ridge. Dr. C. A. Stuart returned Monday morning from a week's vacation trip to Dayton and North Yamhill. Com bining business with pleasure the doctor visited their ranch, near the latter place. Dr. G E. Stuart who ban been taking his son's place her?, went back to his own practice at Yam hill, Monday. Miss Jessie M. Fotits of the Cedar dale school, reports a very successful entertainment before the close of last teen at which the school n'.-tted $17. Miss Frances Myers, of the Eastharn school spent Saturday at the home of her father. Col. W. H. II. Myers in For---1 Grove arid Sunday loft with Miss Eva Meldnim for a week's stay at Hot Springs, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wanblad were en- j x!iss p,,,.;,. Sleight died tertaincil by friends in Portland to a j ,,,,,, ion at tli;; ll0rri(. 01 her big English dinner Tuesday. Twenty- j J; six guests sat down to a table loaded with an abundance of guod thing;; j to eat. I The Christmas decorations in the St. John church I uesday, were so i beautifully artistic and realistic as to be deserving of .special mention. The ladies of the Altar society com posed of the following officers, presi dent, Mrs. J. Miller; secretary, Miss Gusfa .Myers; treasurer, Miss Beta Matthies; had the decorations in 'i acre Rosetta Morrow to John Denny, SO acres, W half of NE of sec 31, 1 s r-2 E; $sooo. Wm. A. Wheeler to Abbpia Land eomnanv. 100 acres SE of sec 2. 8 s r-3 E; $1. ! F. J. I' Ren and V. R. I' Ren to i Wm. Corcoran, E half of E half of sec 22, In 2 s r-7 E, 100 acres; $lno. j ohn ('. Tracy and Martha Tracy to i Anna Thomas, SW of NW and all of I NW of SW exc-pt south side 10 rods 1 wide. ,"i acres more or less; $3"0o. ' Anna Thomas and Frank Thomas to r Ti,,..o v i,, .if ,.r vi.' ,,f i sec 12, 2 s r-4 E; $3000. Edwin N. Bates to Edwin Hates, half of NW of SW, the S half of NW and lots 1, 2 of sec 10, In 3 s r-1, E, 120 acres $1."00 State of Oregon to D. M. Marshall, T. acres in sec 31, 1 s r-2 E $."j00 R. B. Beatie to V . S. lowland, part Sylvester Hathaway DEC. K. S. Iiowland and Lucy llowland to Mrs. Margeret L. Roberts, section . Toipolar's furniture store He HI r.. a - fipJY. ..... .... ... . vv -1 LT 1 b.y'ik, ) U '" H I": I .'iS'.V'- L A few samples of our Furniture Val ues. We can save you money on any order. Let us prove it. f.,tier of three children, two sons and a daughter. They are Elbert of Walla , " Hathaway DLC. . . .$1.00 Walla amf Fred of Tacorna, Wash., j ""' euamas An- stract & I rust ( o., 10 acres i NW of SE of sec 10, 4 s rE $30 ! Finl'-y O. McGrew and Emma Me Grew to Angus McLennan all of SW j of SW of NE of sec. 28, 1 s r-2 E, 10 acres; $10i0. j W. II. Blackburn and F. M. Black burn, bis wife, C. T. Blackburn and ! Winnie Blackburn, his wife; May j Yonee and Willis Yonee, her husband ; and J. E. Blackburn, Sarah Ford; ; Raleigh Ford, her husband, Including' heirs of Sarah B. Blackburn to A. R. Blackburn, lot 7 wid S half or lot 0, all in blk. 2 of Parker Hill Add to Oregon City; $1.00. N. P. Unit, and wife to Oscar N I I f iilt, Peter Julius Unit and John Kitchen Cabinets, large size, worth your while to examine it and Mrs. Will Bauer of Barlow. He also has a brother and sister living in Salem and a brother who is engin eer on the Southern Pacific railroad. The burial will be in Silverton, Thurs day at 11 a. in., in charge of the Odd Fellows of Canby. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. II. Samson went to Cribble Creek Monday in response to a telephone ..;--.'.T. and will remain until after of c.on-niother, Belle A. Sleight on Seventh St., :i;0 Thursday, December 27. 1 r . -r . . l ' -'It Y-J? r. I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS W. It. Jones and Myrtle C. Jones to Oregon Swedish Colonization Company E half of NW sec. 3 3 s r-3 E; $J00. Geo. J. Kelly to M. C. Morrow, all of lot if, block 2, Estacada; $200. II. C. Coleman to Andrew Lenger and Kasper Lenger, 127.07 acres in Russell DLC; $1300. V Philip Unit, the N half of SE of sec.; i 33, -1 s r-3 E; .SO acres $::,000 ! J. T. Tucker and Margaret Tucker to Martin S. Johnson and Amy John ! son, E hall' of NE of Sec 0, in 4 s j r-2 E; 7!). 03 acres; $1. Henrietta Brown to Conwcll Lum ber company, the E half of SE and Morris Chair Elegant Gilt charge. The three main altars were decorated in Oregon grape, ferns .nd misletoe, while garlands of grcjen strung with red Christinas bells, hung from the four corners of the sanctu ary, with an immense bell of red sus pended from the ceiling where they were joined in the center. The man ger at the right of tbe santuary was the work of I.!. Kuppenbender. The child in the manger, the sheep grazing on the hill, the cattle sleeping near and the worshipers at the shrine told the Christmas story more distinctly than words could have doue. Otto Hetman to K. A. Sperry all of SE of NW of sec 1, 2 r-2 E; also W half of E half of NE of NW sec. 1, 2 s r-2 E; $1. E. A. Sperry to Otto Hetman, the SE of SW sec. 30, 1 s r-2 E; also W half of E half of SW sec 30, 1 s r-2 E; $2100. John V. Loder and Grace E. Loder to Maggie A. John ;on, all of lots 23, 20, 27 and 28 of block 44, and all of lots 42, 43, 41 of block 43, and lots G to 2G incl. of block 73, all of lots 12 and 13 of blk. 81, all of block 70, all of lots 13 to 27 Incl. of blk. 77, all of SE of NE of sec 20 in 3 s r-3 E; 120 acres; $3000. Mary Ryan lo Dennis & Davis Shingle company, in sec. 23, s r E; 2,40 acres; $2000. ORDINANCE NO. j An ordinance providing for the 11-! censing end regulating of blilard, pool ! and card rooms, and to prevent minors ! under the age of eighteen years from ' frequenting the same. ! Oregon City does ordain as follows: Sec. 1. Any person or firm conduct ing a card room, billiard room or pool Mairesi.s Iran $ I up to Dining Tables, fine assortment lrom$3 to 10 Dining Chairs from 75c i Rockers, a nice line to suit t 1 -65 ior fine ones everyone. $ up to 750 Our expenses are small and we can sell goods cheaper thanothers. Remember it costs nothing to look, if you don't prefer the goods to the money you can keep the money. Full line of Crock ery, Tinware, Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, and Heat ers of all kinds. M wi I'm kUP liitit m !2i. !. u ""a Kitchen Safes, fine line up from 2 to $ 1 2 KflKngfeRiKicsa