OREGON CITV EN J FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1908. M W46060604e0406466OQG. FAIRCLOUGII SAFE AT THE OGLE MINE Rapid changes of temperature Are hard on ihe toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind know the difficulty of avoiding cold. wr Sco1t's EnvuUlon strengthens the S body so that it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. 0 It will help you to avoid taking cold. & 2,000 miles of Ioiik din tuiicti tfil'ihoii wiro in Oregon, WiinliiiiKton, Cali fornia and Idaho now in oMrntion hy IIih 1'uoilic HUtion Tflfjiliono (Join pin.y, covering 2,2.r0 tOH'IIH. Quick, nccuratn, clioaji All tint Hiiti nfiirtion of a iwTHonal communication. biHtanoo no nct to a clear uridtTHtanding. Hjk. kano and Han KraneiHoo an iMicily heard an Tort land. -Oregon City oflio at DEATH OF ONE OF . OREGON'S PIONEERS HE2EKIAH 8TIPP, WHO CROSSED THE PLAINS IN 1802, PASS ES AWAY, AGED 85. Harding's Druir Stor W. S. EDDY, V. S.f M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Vrtcii imry College uf Toronto, CaiiMilii, ml the McKillip Siliool of Surgery of Chicago, Inn loinled . Oregon City nml mtaldiidicd no olfiie nt The I'ukhioii Slablra, Seventh Street near Main. Ilolh 1'elejihoura. l-armera' IJl Main IJI I 1 O A mmwm I lozfMali Htlpp, 11 JiIhi r of ISVJ, died nt lilit home In Oregon 'City on UVilni-HiIiiy evening. Mr. Stlpp wiih n iiifinluT of thi party Unit (Tunned tint plains In IKr,2 In which tint parents of Harvey Scott of the Orcgonlim, well' Included. Tho (leci'iiHi'l wiih horn In Indiana, December T.'., H2. and early In his life ri'inoved with tils parent to 1111 iioIm, when- lie lived until lS,ri2, when he Joined a party of emigrant for Oregon from Danville. Reaching tho Oregon country, hi located In tho Waldo IIIHh, near Kalein, Marlon coun ty, nflerwnrdH removing to Salem, where oil September , 1KC0, ho mar ried Kmlly (Iholson, who died In 1878 nt Junction City. From JS72 to 1S7G he redded at I uy ton, KiiKtcrn Waidi Ington, mid afterwards returned to Junction City. Following tho death of IMk wife two years litter, ho came to ClacUiiiium county, when? with tho exception of three years In IlllnolH, he lillH since refilled. There nro live surviving children, four mum uiul a daughter, n follows: Jhiio'h II. mid C. W. Stlpp. of Utile White Salmon, WhnIi.; Thud S. Stlpp, l.lheral; I.I vy Stlpp, Oregon City; mid Mr. Mary DciirdculT, Treimuit, l'iu't!und. No Opium In Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. There Is not the leant danger In giv ing Chamhei lulu's Cough Keinedy to KiiKill children as It contains no opium or other harmful drug. It has nn es tablished reputation of more than 30 .veins as the most successful medicine In ii"c for colds, croup and whooping 'cough. It always cures and Is pleas nut to take. Children like It. Sole hy Howell & Jones. Famous at home for Oeneni! Ions past ; Famous tio.v all over the World. For mile hy E. MATTHIES CATARRH A MIDDEN ATTACK ! OF IICART FAILURE Mrs. William Huckner of Mt. Pleas ant, who was In town trading Satur day, was overcome with 1111 attack of heart failure In the lied Front store al iLMht. Ur. Mount was summoned mid she was taken to the homo of II. S. Moody. Mrs. Huckner has heen subject to these attacks for tho last live years and Is now In a very criti cal condition. ROAD LEVY MEET AT SOUTH OSWEGO COUNTY JUDGE DIMICK HELD MEETING TODAY OTHERS TO BE HELD SOON. I hewyoioV Ely's Cream Balm This Romody Is a Spoclflc, Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleanses, mint hex, heals, and protects tho diseased meiuliriine. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in tho Head cpiiekly. Kestnrcs tlio Senses of 'i'uslo ami Smell. Kimy to use. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into the iiontrils ami nhsorhed. liiirgo Size, fill emits at Prugisls or by mail; Trial Size, lOeimhiliy mail, ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren St., Now York. County Judge (Iriint U, Dimlck held Monday a mei'tlug with tho piniplo of South Oswego, foi'Xhe purpose of levy I111: 11 Hpeclal road tax. On the 27ih id' Dooonihoi' ho will m(et with tho people of Hinton and on tho 2'Jtli will hold a similar meeting with tho resi dents of tho Now I0ra district. Moot lugs of this mirt aro holng ludd all over tho county for tho purposo of levying special road tax nud tho resi dents respond freely. PARTY FROM MINE ARRIVE TO SPEND CHRI8TMA8 WITH OR EGON CITY FRIENDS. FiIciiiIh of 1. A, Falrcloiigh aro ro Jolclng to know ho Im snfo mid well In camp, at tho Oglo initio. Mr. Fair chiugh will remain In churgo of tho I'linip through ( Mi rim itiHH. Mr. and Mrs, I ten Wright lire ulso at tho initio for Ihe winter. Tho party coming home for Christmas left tho initio at C;:i0 Friday morning and arrived In Oregon -City at, !t p. m, Saturday, mak ing tho trip In tho shortest time they have ever dono. Thoso who camo out. were, Chas. ICarly, Mark Sprague, .1. I). and T. II, Falrcloiigh, Will Wil son, ICd ward Oraco ami James llatteii. who lives at Clear J.ako. Hay, grain, flour and feed of all kinds at tho Farmers' Feed Barn, at the right prlco. 44tf 3 Why Refer to Doctors Ikcausc we make medicines for them. Wc tell them all about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con sumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. Th boat kind of a taatlmonial "Bold tor over alxty yeara." Li' MU by J, O. kjn Co., Iw.n, Mas .lao ataaulaoturara or SAKSAPARILLA, PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. WlkilltolMntil W pnbllih tha formalaa ofll our madlotnM. yers Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry sectoral in breaking up a com. Demcnt's Best Flour MADE FROM HARD WHEAT. IK- 1 .V i walla waila WASHINCTIN s;-r.r'.rrg Try- ,1 ttrt.' v p ----- 1. Fsod hy housewives hecauso of Its goodness and economy. Makes the most broad and makes It most nutri tious. For sale hy most dealers. There is no satisfaction keener than be'mj dry and comfortable when out in the hardest storm. YOU ARE SUM OP THIS IP YOU WE AS WATERPROOF 1LED CLOTHING HACK OR YCUOW 407 ONJAU EVERYWHERE A.J. TOWH 0..bOSTOH, MASS . U.S. A. TOWtR CANADIAN CO,LimW.T0(aNrO. CAN. c? 1 l : r v 1 OAK GROVE MEETING ENTHUSIASTIC ONE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION 13 BOUND TO BRING GREAT BENEFIT TO COMMUNITY. Oak (Jrovo, Doc, 20.-Tho Irnprovo mont association at lift mooting this evening was largidy attondoii consider ing tho exceedingly Htormy weather. Tho meeting was full of llfo and on 'hiiHlasm and each and every person horo that dotermlniMl at.tlt.udo that. gooH to show that ho will do every thing In his power for tho hiiccoks of 'ho association and tho community In general. Tho president of tho association, Mr. I!. Loij Fugot, Is tho right man In tho right place. With such an en ergetic, enterprising and enthusiastic proHldont success Is Inevitable. After tho reading of the minutes of tho previous meeting, tho report of the committee on constitution and by laws was received ami after a few minor changed a constitution and by laws was adopted. An advisory board consisting of seven members was elected, four of tho Hoven members being tho duly elected officers of tho association and thrwj members, Messrs. Jno. Klsloy, Meyers and Khlnobart being elected from and hy the members at large. A membership roll was Instituted and every member present subscribed hl name, each male member being assessed 25 cents, and each female member 10 cents a quarter. Various Btandlng committees were to have been appointed, but on ac count of tho small number that brav ed the elements to be present. It was decided to postpone this phase of the situation until tho next meeting. Our regular meetings will bo held on the 1st Thursday of each month, tho next meeting being two weeks from to-nght, or January 3. Watch our progress. Mist E. H. Roper at the Congregation al Church Sunday. Miss B. II. Hoper of New York, oc cupied the pulpit of the Congregation al church Sunday morning, delivering a very able and well prepared dis course. The congregation was unit ed In praising Miss Roper. During the sermon Miss Itoper brought out very forceful facts, her words reach ing the hearts of the people. In speaking of the different walks through life, she said, "If one wishes to succeed in business, I do not know a better guide that the book of Pre verbs; one who wishes to become c master of Art should read the Acts; one who would follow and stu:lv astronomy should carefully study the Revelations; while one who woyld put his whole heart in literature must read the whole bible." Then Miss Roper went on to speak of the men that were needed In tho city government and those she said must be clean men men who have the city's Interests at heart. President Roosevelt calls op citi zens of United States to give to starv ing millions In China whose homes and crops have boon destroyed by floods. When wanting to take a ride get a rig of Bradley, the best In town. WINTER RATES TO YAQUINA BAY. v ''r'l.SE a. i.Um iA..iiaA-JBwM jt.,.4fl XT I 11 fl A tUil'o Htl'iniiiU" tl II V ,'j;;Y'S r.nriw-.lfnru PILE uujuuiiui ij It. M lit. I "iiii.t, Hue t (Imil.il H.'liiH'K S'li'OMo, N. C uiluai " I mm nv 1 1 ln-y tin ml vuii iilium for Hu tu." I'r. S. M. Itt vori', KllVi'tl KlIliK. H . Vtt., Wl 1 1''1 " '1 tlt'T KIVII WIIITt THIH Mtllt, ,101 lull.' Ur. 11. I'. Mi (Oil. Cl:l:klMH'U. T.i Ivllh . "In It lirutitloo til 211 .vt'nra, I Inwu roiiinl In, ri nutil.v li ''iitml vniim.'' I'ltitiN, M Vunt, SiiiiiiIi'ii Kirn, H")'t .v Hriuli, martin minv, iNcaTra, ia. Bold In Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Call for Froe Sampla. King of All Cough Medicines. Mr. R CI. Case, a mail carrier of Canton Center, Conn., who has heen in tho II. S, Sorvleo for about sixteen yearn, says; "Wo have tried many cough medicines for croup hut Cham berlain's Cough Remedy la king of nil and ono to ho rolled upon every tlmo. Wo also find It the host romo dy for coughs and colds, giving certain ! results and loavlng no bad after ef 1 fects. For sale by Howell & Jones. ;v ,.;-,et, IS Seeds prove their worth nt harvest time. At'trroven'.riy ycatsof cucccsr',, they are jupiuuim-i d t':o 1 t u::il" c.urcsl by cut f. 1 j !vtt' rs everywhere. V " -iletiler t- lla them. 1" ! ' w f 1 1' -e 0:1 n ;r.. !. s ' v .. Priwi It if V "Tt Tt V S I t 'V V WV- To Heat Cold Rooms Quickly Every house has Its cold room. Abnormal weather conditions, Inadequate stove or furnace heat olten result In some particular part of the house beinz old and cheerless. Yoa can make home warm and cheerful with the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Carry It atout from room to room. Tum wick high or low there's no danger. Smokeles device prevents smoke and smell, fcasy to operate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass oil fount beautifully em bossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. Gives Intense heat. Two finishes nickel and Japan. Handsome, useful, reliable. r" Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write our I nearest azencv tor aescnot ve c rcuiar. RWO Lamp r J"o buy- If the km lamp for all-roual household u EquIcdciI with latctl Improved burner. Clvea bright, tedy light at lowett cmt Made of brati tlirwiKhoul and nickel plated. Suitable for any root whether library, dtmng-roon.parloror bedroom. Safe and satisfactory, fcvery lamp warranted. Write to , Dearest agency If not at your dealer . Standard Oil Company I SRCSDE Saves you from Icto25 cents on every article you buy there. Can you make money as TSJfO easy any other way? Then come and be convinced You will soon save a dollar. A square deal to all who trade here. W. L. STULTS 606 MAIN ST. 2 WAW'fl FRENCH FEWflLE SPILLS. Him, rhiniiN UniKK fur Ht'i'i-Rhnim Mknhthihtiun. KfVEIt KNOWN TO fA!l. H.M Kawi Si ! I SMl lll.'tloll tillltintltlVil il Mollis lii.ntll.lr.l. .S. llt Vtrliil for I.(H pi t bus. Will m n.Vihi'mim 1 1 ml, to Lit :i .t fur wlti'li r.'llt'Mtil. NHint.i... 1 n t,. It 11tr ilnttu'.l.t ut lliVt1 tMl'lll hrllil .Vullf ncli TH til IIH. UN It ID NF.IMOl 0.,M 74, UNMtns, f Sold In Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Oregon's. Great Recreation and Health Resort at the Newport Beaches. Ticket Sales Resumed Nov. 1st to May 31st, 1907. As a winter health and ' recreation resort Newport is the one par excel lence. HecoRnizliiR this, and wishing to give the people an opportunity to breathe the fresh, pure ozone of the ocean, tho Southern Pacific and Cor vullis & Eastern have resumed the sale of tickets through to Yaquina From all S. P. points tickets will be sold throughout the winter and spring until May olst, every Wednesday and Saturday and from Albany, Corvallis and Phi lomath on tho Corvallis & Eastern tickets will be sold to Yaquina and Newport DAILY. Tho rates will be the same as during the summer, and will bo good for re turn 60 days from date of sale. Dr. Minthorn's Sanitary Baths will be In operation during the entire winter and treatments will be given dally. Other Health Resorts Closed. During the winter nearly all other health resorts nre closed or difficult to reach, and none of them have the advantages of Newport and vicinity as regards climate, points of interest recreation, and amusement. For par ties desiring to enjoy fishing, hunting or seeing the ocean iu sunshine or In storm, the famous resort Is unequal led. tho surroundings are Ideal beau tiful scenery, climate mild, healthful and Invigorating. Cottages for rent cheap, fresh vegetables, milk, honey, fruit At lowest possible cost, fish and tho famous rock oysters to bo had for tho trouble of securing them. Full Information from any S. P. or C. & E agent or the General Passeng or Agent of either Company. Rate from Oregon City to Yaquina $G.00. 49-t7 GET BUSY! Holidays Ate Near ELECTRIC LIGHT is the magnet that draws trade. Keep your store bright and you'll be kept busy. A show window brilliantly illuminated with ELECTRIC. LIGHT makes many a sale "the night before. " It attracts atten tion, makes it easy for your dis play to be examined and shows your goods to THE BEST AD VANTAGE. AN ELECTRIC SIGN will make a name for you and when your name is made it will burn it into the public's eyes and minds. It is an investment that pays big dividends. Our repre sentative will explain how. REDUCED RATES for current on Meter Basis, PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. MILLER, Contract Agent OREGON CITY