6 OREGON CI TV ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1908. J. E JACK THE GROCER Sevenfh - Street Best Groceries, Low est Trices. Quickest delivery. Phone jhl Nice line Xtnas Nu's innl Candies City and Vicinity ! Isnnc Wlnson of Salem w hs an Ore gon City visitor, Thursday. j Mr. and Mrs. 11. llennet of Gcrvals were in Oregon City Thursday after-noon. Win. Morey of Liberal was in town i Thursday looking after business Interests. Mrs. J. U. Wilson of Portland, visit ed at tho homo of her parents, V. H. Wood, Friday. DEATH RECORD Lester Mrr la homo from Corne lls for tho holidays. W. F. Poltn of Minnesota was a vs Iter In Oregon City over Sunday, Harry Paddock returned from his studios nt the slate l iilvocslly at Ku geiie, Saturday to spend Christmas at home. Oregon City Shoe Store The only exclusive shoe store in the city Fine Footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen ami the Young Folks Krausse Bros., Props V. WRIGHT, Hgr, J. L. Kldon of Sllvorton was trans j acini; business In Oregon City Thurs ! day afternoon. Car load of fine Alfalfa Idaho Cattle received by R. FETZOLD. To people desiring to put down beef, It will be sold by the quarter at wkolesale prices. This is not peddling wagon meat but the, same we sell on the block. FRED C. GADKE Plumbing & Tinning Hot Air Furnaces and Mop Pipts, Pumps. Water Pipts. All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates Given on All Classes of Work. Res. Phone 1514 Shop 1516 914 N. Main St, Oregon City, Or CASCADE LAUNDRY Clothes Washed "Whiter Than Snow." Family Washings at Reasonable Rates- -No worry, no regrets If you phone 1204. Our wagon will call. Brunswick House AND RESTAURANT. Oysters Received Daily. Main St., Opposite Suspension Bridge. Miss Ona Keener came homo from MeMinnvllle college, Thursday even ing, to remain until after tho holidays. Wm. L. Davla of 0woko. died Sat urday ulnar. In his SUth year at his home. Mr. Uavls has left a wlfo and three nous to mourn Ills demise, llen- ry PavU of Ohio, I'M ward latvls and ! John 1'avls of Oswego, Win. I.. lhivlsj had been a resident of Oswego for I the last 21 years. The funeral Her-1 vices took place Monday afternoon l I o'clock from tho residence, Rev. W. ! II. Moore preaching the Hernion. In- i torment In tho Oswego cemetery. j IreiiH-llelen I.eo Kosenstein and friend Mr. llowen. students of the Corvallls Ag ricultural College, came Friday to spend the holiday vacation with Mr. j Uosensteln's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. j Kosenstein. I The Oregon City Manufacturing Co. is having several windows placed In tho northeast corner of their build ing, which will give much better light in the company's offices. Mr. Cochran and Fred Younger of Fortland, were guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Lent. Mr. Young er Is a son of the master mechanic of tho S. P. linos in Oregon. The mlllinory establishment of Mesdames Shively and Hatcher on Seventh street has Its window beauti fully decorated during tho Christmas season with handsome hand-painted burnt wood novelties and potted plants. A window that has attracted a great deal of attention on the hill is the one of the Seventh street Bakery, owned by Walter & Doring. All the good things In the eatable line are arrang ed around a beautiful Christmas tree set in a bank of snow. Among the Seventh street stores who have taken pains of decorating their windows for the holiday recess are Robertson's, Jack's and Seeley's. All these have their windows filled with all the good things that are re quired to make out the Christmas din ner. Councilman Knapp has presented Mrs. Manlou with a check of Jllt'S S5, a token of appreciation of tho services of her late husband. Norman White Is employed near Portland by tho Willamette Traction company, on a survey south of that city. Will Mapl arrived In Oregon City for a two weeks' stay with his par ents and relatives. Mr. Maple has been employed in one of the black smith shops of Condon for the Inst two years. Miss Albina Thibert, one of the pop ular teachers of the West Side schools, left Friday afternoon for Goldendalo, Wash., to spend tho holidays with her parents. Adam Knight, of Canby, came to Oregon City Saturday morning to Join the Odd Fellows on their trip to SanJy. S. T. Richardson, a prominent at torney of Salem, was attending to business interests In Oregon City, Saturday. Albeit Stuedeman was born Aug. I. IS", at Corvallls, llonton county, Ore., and died nt tho family homo at Heaver Creek. Friday, Oecember 21. at 2 a. in., of pneumonia, after an Ill ness of eight days. The deceased was the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Carl Sliiedeiiian, and besides the parents he leaves ono brother unci two sosters, Joseph and Miss Lena Stuedeiiuui, and Mrs. Al v 1 1 Klemsinlth of Klyvlllo. Tho funeral services were held nt the home on Sunday morning at 9:'M conducted by ev. P. K. Hammond of St. Paul's church of this city. Hymns were sung by a choir under the direction of Henry Hughes. Tho deceased was a very estimable young man and some two hundred friends attested the esteem In which ! he was held by their presence at the services. The burial was at Gra ham cemetery. DOVER. A. J. Klt.mlller Is on the Hick lint, A, J. Morrison left for Portland Fri day where ho will spend Christ man, and visit his daughter at Hindis he fore lie returns to Hover. Itev. J. W. ICxon has gone to Cor nelius to hold a series of revivals. Charles A, Keith returned Friday from a trip to Portland and lleaverlou. J. L. ltobertsou Is moving back (o his farm. Mr. Hews has leased his farm to A. f Morrison till Oct. 1st. AHor Oct. 1st he will move his family here to reside permanently. W. C. Mnimel, tho Hover teacher, lias gone to Fnrmtiigton, to spend his vacation. School will begin January 7th. , The annual election of officers for the Hover Sunday school occurred liV't Sunday. Superintendent, Chus A. Keith; assistant, Jos. HcShiucr; t neeieliiry, Mrs. H. Kllnilller; liror, Jennie Kxoii; iutnl.it nut. Keith. The north tdile of Heaver Creek hill Is In very bad condition, The first three months of tho Hover Heboid closed OeCember L'ImI, will) nil enrollment of fourteen pnplln. Tim following pupils have been neither absent nor tanly dining (ho throe mouths, Italtdi lieSlmvcr, Web, Rob erts, Molllo Aliueit and llelotit Keith, The Liberty Hell prl.o was awarded to Molllo Ahueil, whoiie average wait (I. I, ilia Roberts was net-on.! with an average of 1H At tho clone of tho exerclii'M Santa Clans came In with a bii'iket tilled with candy anil nuts for the children. Percy Sliiipniiii of Seal t ie w as an Oregon City visitor on ('Illiniums day. Miss Mabel Graves of Caneiiiall went to The I 'alien Tuesday morning to visit over Christinas with a ulster. Many a young maiden has stopped in front of Little's confectionery store during the last week, wondering which of the beautiful boxes of bon bons Santa would bring. The effect in the window Is especially neat a pretty tree loaded with baskets of fruit and bonbons. A carload of 24 heifers arrived in Oregon City for the Christmas trade. The lot was purchased In Eastern Oregon and certainly are the best looking animals seen In this city for some time. The buyer was Petzold, the butcher, who says he is going to give the people of Oregon City rich meat during the holidays. r . w -1 m Harry Smith, of Eastern Oregon was in Oregon City, Saturday. Mr. Smith Is a former resident. Ralph Eaton is home from MeMinn vllle for the holiday vacation. Miss Frances Myers of the Eastham school, left Saturday morning for Forest Grove, where she will spend the Christmas holidays with her fath er, Col. W. H. H. Myers. Miss Elva Watts of Stone, who Is attending the school In Oregon City, left Saturday to spend the holidays with her parents. Gilbert Horton a prominent farmer of Pleasant Hill, was trading In Ore gon City, Friday. P. S. Noyer of Mulalla, arrived in Oregon City Friday and will locate here in the future. Judge Dimick was in Portland Thurs day evening, lecturing before tho students of the Oregon Law school. Edison Phonographs k AND RECORDS Big Stock on Hand Send For Catalogue Wassom's Music Store 4 1 9 Main Oregon City MT. HOOD CAFE, M. Justin, Proprietor Fine Wines anl Liquors, Pool Table Porter on Draught. Fai;iily Room.; Main find Fifth Streets. R. L. HOLMAN, LEA DING L'ND ERTA KER, Phone 10C1. "The Hesperian," the publication of the pupils of the Oregon City High School, was scattered among the pu pils of the schools Friday morning and j received the general approval of all. The issue contains a number of very I creditable essays, poems and other j Miss Eva Smith teacher of Twilight literary efforts of the pupils. The edl-j school, w ill spend vacation week at torial work and in fact all down to' j her home at New-berg. the local work shows much study. The j December issue Is brightened with j The Oregon City Foundry Thurs- j several cuts, one of the Eastham i (lav afternoon Installed an oil furnace school building and of Judge Thomas J tf, ,)f, us,.d ln conjnction with the F. Ryan. ; making of brass tastings. The same ! has proven very succesful when ex ' perirnentod w ith and Mr. Roake will j now place three others. The burners I used up to this time have been coke burners and when brass castings are required to be made the loss of metal is very large. The new oil burning furnaces reduce the expense to quite a degree as the combustion Is done much quicker and there is apparently no waste of the metal as with the coke furnace. The object, in putting the three other furnaces is to double the capacity of work and in doing it in perhaps less time than before. How ever for iron castings the old furnace w ill be brought into use. Mr. Loretta Buckner, wife of Wil liam lluckner of Mt. Pleasant, died In Oregon City, Saturday, IVcember 22, of heart failure. Funeral services at 1 o'clock from the Baptist church, Monday. Rev. II. It. Robins officiat ing. Interment In Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. Buckner was born In Marshall, Iowa. September I", 1 SCO. She had been a resident of Mt. Pleas ant about four years. Her parents, an aged couple, are living ln Highland. She also leaves to mourn her death two brothers and one sister, besides the sorrowing husband and four children. Andrew Naterlin died In Austria, at the age of 70 on November l!0. He left a widow and daughter u Austria, and two sons, who are residents of Oregon City, John and Anton. It Is fourteen years since Anton last saw his father when he left Austria. TOM, THE CHINAMAN ASSAULTED BY BOYS SEVERAL YOUNG MEN OF THIS CITY JUMP ON CELESTIAL AND DISFIGURE HIM. Bud Thompson of Hubbard was in Oregon City on business Monday, but jund time to leave an immense turk- ey for his friend, County Judge Dim j ick as a Christmas gift. Miss Dolly Mead is home from Cali fornia to spend Christmas with her parent-;, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mead of Canemah. ! Judge and Mrs. L. T. Harris of Eti ! iy H" are- spending Christmas with ;S!if.-riff Reatie and family. Mrs. Har i ris is a sister of the sheriff. Tom Linn, the Chinaman who works cleaning up many of the offices around town, was assaulted by a crowd of young fellows Saturday night. Tom swore out a complaint or assault ami battery against the boys and Con stable Ely is busy looking for the lads. They will be given a hearing in a few days. The Celestial Is able to be out but Is badly disfigured. Brown-Matchett. Mrs. Elizabeth Matchett and Mr. R M. C. Brown of Willamette were married Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the presence of a few friends at the bride's home on Dunne street, Itev. Landsboroiigh of the Presbyterian church officiating. Next Door to Harris Grocery, t Mr. and Mrs. James Fryrear of Canby and A. Kleve of Vancouver, Wash., came Monday to spend Christ- I Some time ago a new club for the mas with Rev. W. R. Kraxberger and I boys and young men was undertaken wife. I by a few of the boys and business ' ; men. Mr. Young who runs a shooting A. K. Knapp of the firm of Knapp ! gallery on the lower II nor of the arm i& Nobel, has received a letter from iory building was to let. the boys have IP- H. Kylhi, of Pine River. Mr. Ky-i the rear half of the building and he CN.GreenrriGn Pioneer Transfer and Express Line Established J865 o is an experienced miner and has j , been employed by the Crown Hoys i .Mining & Milling company to conduct i I t I had gone so far as to get donations of cash from business men and had re ceived enough to have the plan paid He writes to Mr. i for the first month. Ho had also their operation.- Knapp that, they have just started on the second one hundred feet of the tunnel. The miner speaks in terms of much encouragement and savs the Freight and Parcels to all Parts of Rates Reasonable. Delivered the City. t I I I i I j "It i mine is a wonder and prospects line. is a line layout for a smelter as mine has a big oreshute. The o- I ! 1.110 ! i ' roe!.- w ryther huml tif trr.r.-f..,f l.,o ... i ...ti,.i it.,,, ml, e',i. wn I the beginning of the second 100 feet tends towards running into good stuff." Mr. Kyllo went on to i that the Crown liovs Mine lu no tlrm .- JLLaLQ ,,,, ... . iiej oe.-ii. iiuiie in uh; jiiuo uivcr UIS Combination Up-to-date- ' trict todav. and elmnreq ro that n.e SHAVING ARWRS 1,"' show ln '"at "" San'P- JOHNSON & STRATTON. ProDS. lns of oro ar(i expected now any T Four-Chair Electric Massaging. time. se cured the apparatus formerly in use at the Y. M. C. A. and some generous draymen had volunteered to haul the outfit to the Armory building, when the movement was knocked In the head. It is very doubtful now whether the boys will go on and perfect the organization. The plan accrued to have very good backing among the business men and after the first month say j the boys were to have the same on a paying basis. Friday morning a sign "a storage room for rent" was seen in the front window of the shooting gallery, indicating that the organiza tion of the movement had fallen through. Nelson-May. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene I'.aker, illl'j Ninth avenue, North Se attle, Washington, Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 11th, was soluicnized the marri age of Miss Jeanette M. May of Port land and Mr. Henry Nelson of Minne apolis, Minn. The wedding though quiet was a very beautiful and Im pressive one, and was performed by P.ev. Honderlio, pastor of the Luth eran Norwegian church of Seattle, Mrs. Ilaker being matron of honor, and Mr. Howard Douglas of San Fran cisco best man. A dainty luncheon followed the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Jennie May who now resides In Port land. Her father, the late David May, formerly of Oregon City, was well known throughout Clackamas county, having been prominent in educational work for many years. Many friends here wish Mr. and Mrs. Nelson much happiness. They will bo at home alter December 20, at 020 University street, Seattle. Choose Your Druggist Carefully A druggist can do more harm or pun! tlinn most n'0i!e gdvo him credit fur. There ure dilTcreiit ijiialitieH in drupi just as then' are in dry floods, and to the outsider all qualities pHy the same name. The dilTerctice hetween pure hig-h-rnde drug's nnd cheap, inferior drills of the Hitine inline, means the dilTcrcnw between keeping- sick and pelting- well. When a doctor writes a preccription he means lett quality. When Koine druggists (ill u prescription they think only ahout bi; profits. Every Drop of Medicine . . . that goes in a prescription filled in thin utore is per fectly pure. Pure drug" menu n npeedy recovery. Poor drus mean a relapse. You want the licst. Ijct uh fill your proscription. We are giving awny free, while they last, a 'i' cent box of soap with a 25 cent pair of scissors for LT) cents. HOWELL & JONES Reliable Druggists. 4c f 4 4f 4, 4 4t Spraying a Small Orchard Rcqulrn iinull .ry pump ,ut gt.od one. You waul )ut o gooil fruit Ida ownrri of Inrue orihunN w h ut.e i nwrr irny-r nn-l you cm havt it. Any upray pump ha dime lu pari whrn it pruvulci hiuti, tvrn rcurp, kfrpn ihe ,.myin( material well Btlrretl, give no troul.lr, and wurku rr'nonalily r'v Bean's Little Giant Pump doemall thin and more. When we miy It "krrim W e inutniul well Mined" we mean It too, and it' Important If you waul good fruit. And tlir "no trouble" ferine leu yoii feel Kund nattirrd after the liny upriiyintf In over. The vu'.vta can't clog, jrVx the. atottinu bon cun't I rule flircu.e there iin'l uny 1 and the pump la ao I J y """ !'r"''"'c lo "',c " ' cmiiiie we have uixhI punipa 'ae cneuprr mn l ean 1,1111 uiani la iiiioneitirr the hen barrel r ni'n'mr A I"""1' cvtr "r'"'l (" ripruyiuK anull atrcaue. AIo a uplendid whllo- Pr5t A. umpid 01 ine puinpi in iiocn -5-S Hi iV arid will be pleaied to ihow them to you. pSgsr Frank Busch XZX - I7 Uppott t&tkt Out Smoke and Water Sale a boon to Holiday Shoppers A Western Wonder. Thero'B a Hill at Uowlo, Tex., that's twlcn &n blc aH last year. This won- 'dor In W. L. HIM, who from a weight of 90 pound ban tfrown to over 180. ; Ho nays: "I Buffered with a terrible ; cough, and dootorn gavo mo up to j rile of Consumption. I wan reduced : to 90 pounds, when I began taking IJr. : King's New Discovery for Consump ; tion, Coughs and Colds. Now after taking 12 bottles, I have moro than doubled In weight and am completely j cured." Only sure Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by Howell & Jones, I druggists, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. The Christmas shopper who is look ing for genuine bargains in suitable holiday gifts can be easily satisfied here. Our stock is overflowing with the newest creations in Holiday goods that will be sacrificed owing to slight damage by smoke and water. Unheard-of Bargains making your purchases. Don't fail to inspect our stock before FAIR STORE Harding Building, 3 doors south c f P. O.