OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1906. pt"3 rr ftx P3 rrs D) ha Thsd: Csurry Blessings is Their Wake ili-.:rl m IX it 'A. U LL FioocJs and Fife Bring Beneficient Advantages to Oregon City and Her Burghers. Coming Events Cast their Brightness Ahead-Glad Tidings Precede the Happy New Year. Haruly have the chimes oi Christmas ceased to alarm the listening: ears of joyous thousands when the tinkle of the New Year's bells come jingling 'cross the hills. And hard'y li.ri oKI Kris Knule j'ot started away on his homeward trip to the frozen North Land ere old Father Time comes peering 'round the corner of yesterday with the infant l07 oi tomorrow. ' The New Year comes laden heavy wilh promise to the great shopping public of Oregon City and her tributary country. In thanking the thousand.; wlo have come and shared tne marvelous bargains we've distributed since our advent among you, we will go further and say we've decided to remain another month in Orego.. City! Strung inducements were held out in the neighboring, sister city of Portland for us to move our great stocks there thru January. Promises of reduced ten's and free insurance, wit'i r.iher things, were offered but we decided to stay here for at least one more month and Portland folk must come to us to share these marvelous values! At any rate, foe a time. And Now More Good News! $15,000 Worth of New Goods - Delayed in Transit and turned over to us for quick disposal by the railroads has been received and will be placed on sale tomorrow, in addition to the immense stock of merchandise dam aged by KIRK, SMOKIC AND WATER, formerly owned by ROSENSTE1N, the clothier. These monster, combined stocks, embracing thousands of dollars' worth of new goods and including many advance Spring Styles in Men's Wear, m CLOTHilSG, HATS, FURNISHINGS, AND SHOES will be oifered the people of Oregon City and vicinity at TRCMEDOUS REDUCTIONS Ta firing Prices of Today to ebout 30 to 50 yesterday. Read the examples of merciless massacre of values! And the half is not told! Came and see! Share! Per cent the cost of men s a ana j& aims $3.65 Men's $10 Suits $4.85 Men's $12 and $14 Suits $6.90 Men's $15 and $16 Suits $7.85 HATS Monster Safe of a Factory's End of the Season's Stock of Fashionable We've had turned over to us for quick disposal the entire remaning stock of a cele brated Eastern hat factory with instructions to "get what they'll bring." We know they'll "bring" these prices quick. Rea'd-Black and colors, stiff "derbys''or soft hats A lot of odd hats worth to $3 for - - - - 45c Regular $2 hats - - - - - - 33C Regular $2.50 hats $1.35 Regular $3.00 hats - - - - - - $1.65 Regular $5 hats (J. B. Stetson make and others equally famous) $2.45 Men's $7 or $8 Over coats or Cravenettes $3.85 Men's $10 Overcoats or Cravenettes $4.90 Men's $12 Overcoats or Cravenettes $5.85 Men's $15 Overcoats or Cravenettes $7.65 Men's $20 Suits $9.60 Men's $25 Suits $n.75 Men's 28.50 Suits $14.85 Men's Shoes and Loggers' Boots Stilson & Kellogg's celebrated $7.00 boots for loggers, all perfect new goods and at Calm, Nickclsburg & Co's family famous $5 shoes for men; smart stylish lasts, best uppers and perfect examples of fine shoe making, in the sale at Rubber Boots $5 boots - $6.50 hip boots .... $5.45 $3.45 $3.19 $4.55 Women's Shoes ' Women's good 2.00 shoes ; Women's good 2.50 shoes ! Women's goo i 3.00 shoes Women's good 4.00 shoes Women's good 5.00 shoes Women's fur trimmed 2 slippers 95C $1.35 $1.55 $2.45 $2.90 55C Men's $20 Overcoats or Cravenettes $9.45 Men's $22.50 Over coats or Cravenettes $n.75 . Men's 25 Overcoats or Cravenettes $13.50 MEN'S SHOES .'(MM) fairs at tin- Cost of (lie Material. $0.05 for odd pairs worth to $2.50. $1 .45 fr $3 Shorn. $1 .H." for $3.50 Shoe. $2.35 for $3.50 nnd $l.00 Shoos. $2.00 for $5.00 Shoos. $3.(55 1'm iicIi made (lrc.-n and viseolized water proof worth $5.00 to $j.5. MK.VS XMAS SU1TF.KS AT LKSS THAN HALF l'KICK. MEN'S PANTS ,2000 Pairs from the pood working nnd corduroys to U10 finest custom finished silk mixed goods. 88 rents for odds worth to $2.50. $1 .35 for $2.50 Pants. $1.85 fr $3to$t Pants. $2.45 for $ I .SO to $5.00 Pants. $2.85 for $(5.00 Pants. $3.(55 for $7 and $8 Pants. ODD VESTS 200 -Silk, Linen and Woo Vrsls worth from $1.00 to $5.00 take choice, nt 45 rents. YOUNG MEN'S SUITS 31 to 3(5 Bust Measure. $2.(55 for $5 and $0 Suits. J;! I. 45 for $8 to $10 Suits. $(5.(55 for $12 and $13.50 Suits. $8.85 for $15 nnd $18 Suits. KM) Young Men's Overcoats nnd Cravenettes at less than first factory cost SHIRTS IJiJf for (55e working Shirts. I Ic for nil kinds of 75o Shirts. 55e for 50 kinds of up to $1 .00 Shirts. J(Ic and 77c for up to $1 .50 Shirts. !)!)( and $1 .31) for dress nnd wool and Cnssiniero up to spa.. 10 Shirts. CANVAS COATS $1 .20 for Canvas $2.50 Coat. $1.(11). Kong $3.00 Coats. UMBRELLAS 45o for nil 75e ones. 85c for nil up to $2.00 ones. $1.35 for nil $3.00 ones. $1.85 for nil SKI. 00 ones. NEW NECKTIES 2c for 10c Hows. l!)c for Silk 50c Ties. 30e for Silk up to $1 Ties. HANDKERCHIEFS 2 l -2c for 5e ones. 5c for up to 1 Or ones. 12 f-2c for up to 25c ones. 22c Silk. etc.. to 50c ones. 43o for Silk Handkerchiefs. 70- Silk Mulllers worth to $2.00. LADIE'S SHOES .05' for hig lot of $2.00 Shoes. . $1 .35 for Kosenstein's $2.50 Shoes. $1 .85 for Kosenstein's $3.00 Shoes! $2. 15 for Kosenstein's $3.50 nnd $1.00 Shoes. $2.!)0 for Kosenstein's $5.00 Shoes. $0.85 for fur trimmed $2.00 Slippers. CHILDREN'S SHOES .25 odd lot worth to $1.00. (55 regular sizes $1 .25 value. .1)5 for all $1 .50 and $2.(M) Shoos. $1 .35 for finest and host $2.50 Shoos. .35 for a hig lot of 75c and $1 Slippers. KNEE PXNTS SUITS " 100 of them nt such a slaughter that you should supply the hovs for years. $0.(5(5 Sample sizes worth to $2.50 Suit $0.1)1) for Kosenstein's up to $3 Suits. $1.(5(5 for Kosenstein's $1.00 Suits. 8 1 .1)1) for Kosenstein's $ 1.50 Suits. $2.1 1 for Kosenstein's $5.00 Suits. $3.33 for Kosenstein's $G and $7 Suits. ODD KNEE PANTS il2ic for up to 35e rants. IDc for up to 50c Pants. 2!)c for up to (55c Pants. 31e for up to $1.00 Pants. WOMEN'S $3.50 WALKING SKIRTS $1.45. Neat attractive Skirts, cut In the full round lengths, trim, trig, styles full of chic nnd verve. In 8-gored mod els, plaited effects, trimmings of strappings and buttons, grays, blueg nnd blacks, heavy and medium weight materials, best regular $3.50 vi.lues in town. In the snip at $1.45 BEDDING: WARM COMFORTERS $2.00 Comfoiters 89c Heavy warm household comforters that will delight the heart of any housewife, $1.50 and $2.00 values. In the Sale, and all perfect at 89c CAPS 14c for 5(H) regular 35c Caps. 20c for up to 75c Caps. 31)e for up to $1.00 Caps. Suit Cases, Kublier Coats. Oil Skins, and all other goods of every description will be Sold at big reductions. MEN'S FURNISHINGS A tremendous hig stock. The best that can be found -1c for 10c Sox. Do for to 20c Sox. 12 l-2c for 25c Sox. 1 8c for 35c Sox. 20c for 50c wool Sox. .'i!)c for 75c Hand Knit Sox. SUSPENDERS 10c for all up to 40c Suspenders. 30c for all up to 75c Suspenders. 40c for all up to $1.00 Suspenders. SWEATERS 25c for Kosenstein's to 05c ones. 45c for Kosenstein's to $1.00 ones. (55c for Kosenstein's to $1150 ones. 85c for Kosenstein's to $2.00 ones. $1.35 for Kosenstein's to $3.00 ones. $1.85 for liosenstein's to $1.00 ones. $2.(55 Fine Worsted and Pure Yool worth $5 & $G GLOVES (5c for Canvas Gloves. IDc for Buck Burro 35c Gloves. y2!)c for all kinds of 50c Gloves. 30c for all kinds of 75c Gloves. 40c for all kinds of $ 1 .00 Gloves. (i!)c for all kinds of $ 1 .25 Gloves. 80c for all kinds of $1 .50 Gloves. UNDERWEAR 20c Broken lot Rib to 75c value. ' 30c big lot worth double. 40c wool fleece cut from $1.00. (0c wool goods worth to $1.50. 80c wool goods worth to $2.00. $1.30 Best quality worth well $2.50. The Union Fire Salvage and Adjustment Company Now in Control of Rosenstein's Store 2 doors south of the Post Office, Oregon City. L kite