Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise jQty ami VidlMV JKltSr
Published Every Friday. J '
H. A. Galloway .. Kditor and Manager
Subscription Rates:
One Your $1.50
Six Months To
Trial subscription, two months.. ,'r
Advertising Knti's on Application.
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment Is
not credited. Kindly notify ns, and
the matter will receive our attention.
Kntered at the postoffice at Oregon
City. Oregon, ns second-class matter.
Whatever is done by Congress in
the way of Japanese legislation should
be done belore the .laps are given a
vote. Otherwise people will suspect
congressmen of catering for the sup
port of the Japanese".
A Nebraska woman Knocked a high
wayman dn.vn. bound him and march
ed him to the police station. Andrew
Carnegie overlooked something when
he failed to provide ur heroine medals.
It occurs to us about this time every
year that somebody lies about mak
ing Christmas presents. Everybody
claims to give away more than he re
ceives, and we are unable to make
such statements balance.
An Alaska to.vn has 2 ".00 inhabi
tants, but no lawyer. In an unorgan
ized territory there seems to be no
better way than to talk over a dif
ference and settling it amicably.
Awarding of the Nobel prize to Mr.
Roosevelt at this time just before
Christmas again calls for the that
old saying to the effect that "them
that has, gets."
This Is the season of the year when
everyby is in favor of an elastic
currency one that will stretch out
and take care of the season's expenses.
If you do not believe in Santa Clans
now you will when you see the list of
those whose whiskers are burned off
at the Christmas trees.
Mr. and Mrs. A. lUount of lilad
Uone were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
"rank Harlow in Oregon City, Christ-
Jacob Spangler of Shuhel was In
Oregon City Thursday on his way
.'.omo from Portland.
led rulstng 25 0. llenson of Clackamas, wit In
Oregon City Monday.
.W 8. Winder of rortlmul, wn In
Hex. Lewis of Molalla spent Christ- Oregon City, Tuesday,
mas day in Oregon City. i Jlmry I toy lea and wife of Portland
'wenj hero over Christmas with Mr.
Kd. Map'o of Mulino, spent Christ- Hoy It's' mother autl nlster.
mas with relatives here. C, Tellefsou of Sprlngwater It. 1'. I
;1. was In town Wednesday and had
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphreys the address on his paper changed
of Astoria, were here for l nrlstuias : from l'arkplace.
with his parents.
Ceo. McHride of Astoria spent
'lirist nas at the homo of Judge Mc
''rido in this city.
O. 1". Yonderahe of l'rowns school,
was an Oregon City visitor, Thurs
day. Joe (loodfellow has returned to
'ugene after spending Christmas
.ith Ids parents.
1 T. Morey. a prominent Liberal
armer was in Oregon City. Thursday.
-Mr. and
-" Oaggy
! 1!
Irs. A. C
Hrs. Krel T. Stauffer of
Wash., and Miss father
of Lewisum, Idaho, arriv-
ay for a visit w ith Mr. and
Warner of Mt. Pleasant.
:as. Pournam of Mulino was meet-
:'g I'or'iier acquaintances on the
t reels of Oregon City, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Charles of Sa-
n. were Oregon City visitors, Wed
:esday. O. N. Trullinger of Union Mills
transacted business in Oregon City
E. E. Marshall of Portland was an
Oregon City visitor, Wednesday.
C.ilbert Ward of St. Johns la visit
ing at J. A. Tufts.
Judge Galloway
town, Thursday.
of Salem was In
No one blames a girl for not want
ing to sit up and hold her hands when
there are others around who would be
glad to hold them.
The principal thing that a man
knows at forty, which he did not know
at twenty, is that at twenty he did not
know very much.
For a man with a reputation and a
prize for being peaceful, Mr. Roosevelt
has stirred up a lot of trouble with the
Any man is great if he is in the
right place at the right time.
The more advice a man need3 the
less he will accept.
It is necessary
get a flame.
to consume fuel to
Mrs. J. G. Haynes of Reaverton Is
visiting at the home of her parents,
.Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ware, and with
other relatives.
A Christmas family reunion at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ware was
one of the most enjoyable in the
city. Four generations were repre
sented. There were eight children,
seventeen grandchildren and one great
grandchild present.
The Aurora band which played here
Christmas night for the Woodman
dance, will give a dance in Aurora
Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M.
Justin expect to attend.
R. M. and C. X. Tracy of Logan were
guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Tracy, Thursday.
J. R. Eustin of Portland
friends here Wednesday.
M. E. Kandle of
transacting business
in Oregon
"Mr. Dooley" on the Christmas Spirit.
American Magazine.
"Chris'mas comes but wants a
year, an' they ain't anny time like it.
All th' rest iv th' year, fish days an'
feast days, holy days an' unholy days,
all th' wurld is in a clinch. A gran'
rasslin' match is goin' on in ivry cor
ner iv th' civylized wurruld. We're all
in a tansle, fi?htin.' quarrelin,' rob
bin", plundhrin', or murdhrin', accord-
in' to our tastes. I trust no man. No,
I won't that far. I'll say I prctlnd
Ivry man is honest, an' I believe none
iv them ar-re. In that way I keep
me frinO.s an' save mo money. Nobody
thrusts n.e. Down th' stairs ( through
th' kitchf n, an' into th' parlor we go,
all over th' house, st.hriking high or
low, no holds barred, no blows foul.
It's what Hogan calls th' sthruggle
f'r exh-'tence, an' it'll always go on
while there's a dollar in th' wurruld,
a woman, or a ribbon to wear in our
coats. We've f'gotten ivrything -l sf
but poundin' th' man under us, whin
suddenly we hear a voice: 'Gintlemen,
gintlemen, not befure the childer.'
An' we get up an' brush the dust off
our clothes, an' shake hands, pretind
in' it was all fun. Th' kids have come
"That's what Chris'mas is for, liin
nissy. But f'r that wan twinty-four
hours, whin tin res a white flag up an'
th' worst inimy I have, or the worst
frind, cud come within ston's throw iv
me without fear, we'd die iv exhaustion."
Oregon City assembly United Or
der of Artisans will hold their regular
session tonight.
W. E. Grace of Baker City was a
guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. W. C.
Grace, from Sunday until Tuesday.
Miss Oilie Mesmore, a teacher in
Portland, is visiting her friend Miss
Grace Roberts.
Misses Jennie May and Milton May
of Portland were Christmas guests
of Mrs. May's father, Mr. Roberts.
W. A Marshall of Kussellvllle vis
ited over Christmas with his mother
and sister In Canemab.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter IMmleU who
1 ave been spending Christmas In Pur
est Grove with Mrs. IMinick's parents,
returned to Oregon City Wednesday
Miss Florence K. ltlechlnger hut
been engaged to teach the Cherryvdle
school and Miss Oracle Mne Smth.
the Hoffman school,
Geo. Murdock, principal of Itio In
dependence schools, was In Otvg 'i
(City Wednesday. Mr. Murdoel. lo.
' merly taught In Claekauiu count)
: 11. K. Derrick of Mulino . a ; a i.
I (tor tit the county seat Wedite'.daj,
I .Mr. iruiiinger, oi iiiu.-t wi ri i,'
George Gardner who was very H ; cgon City on busine -.s. Wednos.la..
ho first of the week from compile-! 1,r r"s,- "f '". "' -.'
ions arising from la grippe, is uuicl) , ('"-v vislh"' 'educ-nlay.
etter. Mrs. K. IV Smith of IVttbcM n-.-tn
Christmas vflth her father, v. u ;.,
Mrs. Ernest Hands returns Thurs-j field, In Oregon City.
lay irom i orvams wnere sue mis Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Mrs. Mary Chnrimin and Mr. and
Mri, Leonard Charman and little mm
Albert npent Chrlntiiian with Mm.
I.xonard I'luirmau's mother, Mm.
Putiott, In Mllwaukle.
V. . Petit of Albany was tint KUest
over Chrhdmas ofhls friend W, 11.
' lib.
t'!. M. Clancy of the West Side
i ,i received word that her brother,
!' e ptiidl il.er of a Ne.v Yol k city
paper Is dead. lie died of ly
p'mld eer.
The !. It Allen Itilslliesn College
e ! I rl.l.u evening until after Hi"
! di.l:n . Prof. Allen w a.i mil able lo
dl Co night se-islon last Wednes
day on account of Hie UIiii-hi of Ills
! tile ilair-lih"'. Put id.e Is much bet-
I lenv e
'mi ii
l.e.u to attend tin"
'Tether. John Fisher,
there Oecember "I.
funeral of her
which occurred
1'mi llenson, one of the earlv pin
m ors of Oregon, after spending a few
months with his daughter, Mrs. M.
Graves of Caneniah, returned to
his home In Hood River, Tuesday.
w ith
were here to
Mrs. McCor I s
W. W. II. Sn-ir
r I
: i ill Newport News and
wllh los i ill eaeh of about
v y. net W, L. Itawbi, of
i fo'i-.ht mi .al catarrh. He
'( i , .! eg ;iiii soren t
n t v i I. Mi lill. till I be
Piiet b'n'i Vrnlca Salve
mi : i,-e . I HI ciiiN(.. I he
i ' :w e"iii!i to dl'Ull'peiir.
fe 'i " I e t r.ulve In exist
i ' nit ;it ! low ell Al- Jones,
Choice Lots
Improved Property
At Clad-iloiie. Oii'Koii Clty'N llilOMt
.iibiirh Low fare, hIx uiluuteH' rldn
from city. PrleeM rciuiiinablo.
file. bt room Iioiihc, out blilblliiK
one aero of laud, nil cleared and felio
d , elime to store; tine local lull.
Abut other Ktiiall Irui-t h, raiiglnx
from one to II ft ecu iii'ieii, nt rciitotl
ible prlcei.
I :'n acres, fi". neres clear, acre
if fmit. all kinds, l.il iiciea heavy llr
aw tliuber, 7 room Iioiino ttlxllll uinl
ilH'. barn '.Y.xiiK. good cellar viilued
it f I I'H. granary, bliu kniiillliidiop,
Aood -.in -el, II mill's from Orngoi
iiy and ',1 mile rnuu I I'ltnciolii good
eil and Htiiull t.tri'Hlil of water rtltt
iiilu; llo-oiich place, free rui'lil lli'llf
ei'), leiii-e i all around Hut place,
J.bj per acre.
MKet Property
"The Man
r.L'-l Mkiii
Oregon Cltjr.
Thomas Hlackburn came home from
Estaeada to spend Christmas with i
its family and he and Mrs. Pluck- I
'uirn entertained his brother William i
P.lackburn, who Is foreman of a log-j
ging camp at Mabel, Oregon, his w ife j
and William Snyder and family of the i
West Side. !
Miss Mabel Graves of Caneniah left
Tuesday morning for The Italics,
where she will spend the holidays
Aith her sister, Mrs. It. W. French.
W. S. Hurst, the commission man of
-Vurora, was in Oregon City Thursday
securing a large quantity of potatoes.
R. L. llerron, formerly employed In
the Willamette Paper mills and who
has been in San Francisco, has re
turned to this city.
In the probate court the estate of
Michael Moerwald, deceased, was ap
praised to the value of $:im). Theresa
Halekot was appointed administratrix.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Bonaker of Mo
lalla were doing Christmas shopping
in this city, Saturday.
C. W. Fredencn, the Seventh street
hardware dealer, displays a window
of useful articles in the hardware line
in the midst of a profusion of red
crepe paper and holly.
Miss Florence Toon, teacher at Mt.
Pleasant, has gone to Portland to j
spend vacation at her home. I
H. G. Allen who was here for
Christmas with bis sister, Mrs. E. C.
Hamilton and family, returned Wed
nesday to his home in Underwood,
Mrs. Sarah G. London of Cams was
in town trading Saturday.
J. Martin and wife of Lebanon were
Oregon City visitors, Saturday.
A. Goettling, government inspector
of Fort Flagler and son William of
Tacoma, Wash., are here to spend
the holidays with home people. Wil
liam is helping out
their holiday rush.
Price Bros. In
James Sykes and family moved on
Saturday from Seventh street to the
property which they recently purchas
ed of George Moore at 802 Third
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKinney of Se
attle came Saturday evening, for a
visit with Mrs. W. C. Grace. They
went from hero Tuesday to Clarkes,
for a two weeks' visit with the family
of it. L. Ringo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Niles of Milwau
kie Heights will have a reunion of
the Tufts family Friday, December 20,
in their new home there. Mr. and
Mrs. .1. A. Tufts of Oregon City are
tioing. There will he four of Mr.
Tuft's sisters present with their hus
bands. It is thirty-eight years ince
as many of the family were together.
Mrs. Josiah Howell of Canemah has
a beautiful cactus full of red bloom
and buds. Being a novelty this time
of year makes it all the more attrac
The platform and stairs leading to
the Southern Pacific depot of this city
have been torn down and a temporary
stairway leading from the center of
Seventh street up to the embankment
to the tracks has been built.
Frank Rosenthal and sister Miss
Rose of Portland, visited Christmas
with their sisters, Mrs. William Rob
ison and Miss Lindenbaum.
The following Ptatement by H. M.
Adams and wife, Henrietta, Pa., will
interest parents and others. "A mir
aculous cure has taken place In our
home. Our little child had eczema 5
years and was pronounced incurable,
when we read about Electric Bitters,
and concluded to try it. Before the
second bottle was all taken we noticed
a change for the better, and after tak
ing 7 bottles he was completely cur
ed." It's the up-to-date blood medi
cine and body building tonic. Guar
anteed. 50c and $1.00 at Howell &
Jones' drug store.
The Revel club had a program and
tree at the home of J. M. Tracy Wed
nesday evening. The girls had a
splendid time until a lato hour. Re
freshments of candy, nuts and fruit
were passed. John Thomas acted as
Santa Clans and created a great deal
of merriment. Mrs. Tracy was assist
ed in entertaining by Mrs. Rose Neh
ren, Mrs. Hart and Mrs. Myers. The
members of tho" club present were:
Alice Thomas, Maud, Marie and Edith
Riley; Edith, Gladys, Hamilton; Lota
Edmiston; Elva Blanchard; Sada Ken
nedy; Bessie King; Wanda Baxter;
Stella Ilosey, Clara Nehren.
The social event of the season the
Willamette club dancing party is be
ing anxiously looked forward to by
the members. Invitations are out for
Thursday evening. Parsons' orches
tra will furnish the music.
The Woodmen dance on Christmas
night was one of the social events
of the Christmas holidays. It was at
tended by a large number of people
from outside towns as well as home
people. The costumes were beautiful
and of every Imaginable description.
Miss Bingham was awarded the first
prize for the prettiest costume while
Miss White and Mr. Willey received
the prizes for the most comical cos
tumes in the hall. Tho music furnish
ed by tho Aurora band, was pronounc
ed excellent.
i I jtv mm v r mm i
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t"iW-F '?' ' ' .1 ''"! til iM.
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mimi mm
iMxm mp
Ederheimir V4C
'Sttin&Co. ISJ
MAKERS Vtl'ini
Rock Bottom
You don'f want to miss
Hie openincj of our Mid
Winter Ueun-Up s le
there re too intmy t ij
biiruuins in winter Suits
iiiul Overcoats for you
to pass by without grosp
iiui some ot them.
Tomorrow Morning
bright and early we inaugurate
this jreat sale with a large and
splendid collection of snappy
sack suits and smart overcoats
that we sold up to yesterday
noon at $20 and $22.50 which
yonuocwT $14.35
Price cutting on the other
gnide of Suits and Over
coats runs like this:
Suits and Overcoats that were
$16.50 & $18 now $1 1.65
T -
Suits and Overcoats that were
$12 and $15 now $Q.50
Suits and Overcoats that were
$8 and $9 now at the extreme
ly low price of 5 45
Men's Underwear, Hosiery,
Bath Robes, House Coats,
Shirts, stay-overs from Xmas,
now marked at half price for
quick sale-see our windows.