Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 28, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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John W. Mcldrum has placed In 1
the county recorder's office a not leo !
of appropriation of water of the Clack-.
amns river. Ho intends to nppropri-1
ate 10,000,000 cubic Indies of tho
water of said stream by minors' mens- ;
urenuMit. under a six Inch pressure.
being In volume a continuous Ihvy of (
5000 cubic feet of water per second. !
The place the water is to be diverted
la on the right bank of the Clackamas j
river in tho NW'4 of tho NIC1 of sec. I
11. 4 8 r-4 E. I
The water to be diverted will be j
conveyed by moans of pipe lines and
the water is to be used for tho pur
pose of developing the mineral re
sources of tho State of Oregon, and
to furnish electrical power and en
ergy of light, power and al! other pur
poses. There is to bo one dam con
structed 120 feet high across the
Clackamas where the water Is to be
Mr. Hodson of Oregon City has been
receiving sealed bids for the contract
of constructing a new- saw mill, five
miles south of this city.
The location of the mill, just this
side of New Era, is a good one. hav-1
lng easy access to the transportation
lines, being located just between the
river and the tracks of the Southern
Pacific company. The mill will be
32x130 and a large force of men are
to be kept busy. Both rough and
dressed lumber will be cut and pre
pared for shipment.
Pupils and Teachers Enjoy Christmas
Program and Exchanging
Santa Claus visited 170 pupils at
St John's Parochial school Friday af- J
ternoon. Rev. Fr. Hillebrand distrib-'
uc Bduta ,i anu gaveifire piare with an imitatiim fire.
ine cnnuren a nice talk. The pupils j
of each grade gave their teacher a i
present, while the class of 1007 pre-
sented the Father with
a beautiful
cut glass ink-stand. The following j
program was
given by some of the !
smaller pupils:
Concert Recitation by six little
girls; Margaret Hoffman, Veronica
McMillan, Rose Munch, Tressa 'Haas,
Margaret Soreghan, Helen Soreghan.
Joseph Gadke i
Recitation William Baselor
Recitation Joseph Miller
Recitation in French
Ormaine Dupasquier ;
Concert Recitation Four little boys!
Emerson Hoove. Frank HueehMn,
Willie Oberstaller. Victor Justin.
Improve and Eeautify the Complexion.
The principal ingredients in Dainty
I.axakola tonic tablets are cacarin
and dandelion which is one of the saf
est complexion beautifiers known.
Forty little chocolate coat'-d laxative
tablets, 25 cents, Huntley Bros.
Deutsch Verein.
The "Iiit-ch Ven iri" will hold
Christmas exercises and a Christmas
tree on the Sunday following Christ
mas in Knapp's hall. The German res
idents of Oregon City have prepared a
fine program, con-i-ting of songs, r ci
tations and spe'chi-s, interspersed
with a Christinas tree for the child
ren, and refresh merits for all.
In Praise of Chamberlain's
There is no other medicine manufac
tured that has received s-o much
praise and so many expressions of
gratitude as Chamberlains Cough Rem
edy. It is effective, and prompt relief
follows its use. Grateful parents ev
erywhere do not hesitate to testify to
Its merits for the benefit of others.
It is a certain cure for croup and will
prevent the attack if given at the first
appearance of the disease. It is es
pecially adapted to children as it is
pleasant to take and contains nothing
injurious. Mr. E. A. Humphreys, a
well known resident and clerk in the
store of Mr. E. Locke, of Alice, Cape
Colony, South Africa, says: "I have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to
ward off croup and colds in my family.
I found it to be very satisfactory and
it gives me pleasure to recommend it.
For sale by Howell & Jones.
Sold on Merit
Always the Same
San Fi
Mulino Isn't dead, its just been rest
ing. Our school Is progressing nicely tin
ier the direction of G. V. Metzger.
A few of our young people attend
ed the basket social at Molalla Friday
Herthena Howard, who has been
working at Fred JvYoodside's lately,
walked to her home at Cams, Tuesday
Arthur L. Chase and Miss Edith
Wyles were in Oregon City Wednes
day. Miss E. F. Wiles Is preparing to
take her trip to Seattle after New
A few Pirls hflil n eret tmn of V
j ., . ' , ,, "'Water Fund Warrants endorsed prior
J. Maine a n few n k-hfj nrri mnl-ho ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Udell went to Oregon
City Tuesday, on a business trip.
A Christmas treat will be given to
the children at the Methodist church
immediately after Sunday school. Rev.
Cook, the Free Methodist minister,
will preach in the morning, also the
evening of December 23d.
Congregational Sunday School.
The Congregational Sunday school
was given a delightful social in the
lecture room of t he chlurch, Friday
ening. There was an old fashioned
dy for the pupils, was distributed by
Santa Claus imnersonnted bv Kerf
n()ake. A Iare c,,,hrimr besides the
LnnCo ir.i , . -...i 1
ani the la,,i(,s , , ,)rovij,i (;1 even de-
i,j,, rnu-ns ui,,h w trv.i ,
In A. D. 2000.
From the Cleveland Leader.
Hive me a spoon of oloo, ma,
And the sodium alkali,
For I'm going to make a pie, mama!
I'm going to make a pie.
For John will be hungry and tired, ma
An1 tlis tissues will decompose;
f give me a gram of phosphate,
And the carbon and cellulose.
Now give me a chunk of casein, ma,
To shorten the thermic fat,
And give me the oxygen bottle, ma,
j And look at the thermostat,
! And if the electric oven is cold,
Just turn it on half an ohm,
! For I want to have the supper ready
i As soon as John comes home.
Charming Women.
Nothing lends more to personal
charm than a clear rosy .skin and noth
ing is so sure to free- the skin from
moth spots, shallowness and the ef-if'-ets
of chronic constipation as the
Dainty I.axakola tonic tablets, 25 cts.
! Hunt.lov Iiros.
Bulletin Bubbles.
From the Philadelphia Bulletin.
Even the stove is grate-full.
The jailor isn't to blame for keep
ing bad company.
Naturally enough, the blind horse
feels his oats.
Be thankful you are alive.
You !
might be "a dead one."
The oyster man doesn't do his open
work wiili a corkscrew.
Wonder if most of the twins in Ire
land are horn in Dublin?
If you've nothing to be thankful for
be thankful it isn't measles or mumps.
In all affairs of state, be careful and
state the truth.
Beauty More Than Skin Deep.
Every one who wants a good healthy
color, and a clear skin free from bil
iousness, sluggish liver and chronic
constipation should get a ackage of
Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets, nature's
sweet restorer. Huntley Bros.
Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion,
When a. man conies Into thin store
and calls for any particular Indiges
tion remedy, wo give what ho asks
for, but In case he leaves It to us we
usually recommend lVpslkolit tablets.
Here Is a preparation wo have been
selling right over the counter for years
and from actual observation wo know
It must be good, and really does re
lievo and cure indigestion mid dyspep
sia or there would be a steady stream
of people coming back for their money,
as every 25 cent box Is sold with the
understanding that you must bo de
cidedly benetltted or there Is nothing
to pay.
You simply try Fepslkola tablets
will tho understanding that they will
steady your nerves, improve your ap
petite, relieve wind belching, coated
tongue, sour stomach, fullness after
eating, weakened energy, and other
sjmptonis of Indigestion or Huntley
Pros, are ready at any tme to pay
back your money without the least
Special School Meeting.
Notice Is hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No. t',2, of
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
that a Special School Meeting of said
district will be held at the County
Courtroom In tho County Courthouse
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the
2Sth day of December, 1900, at 7
o'clock p. m., for the following object:
For the purpose of levying a special
tax for school purposes.
Dated this 15th day of December,
1906. CEO. A. HARDING,
Chairman Hoard of Directors.
Attest: K. E. Urodie, District Clerk.
City Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there
are sufficient funds on hand in the
General Fund of Oregon City to pay
ail outstanding Warrants endorsed
prior to July Sth, 1901. Also all
to Sept. 12th, 190 1. Interest ceases
with date of this notice.
December 20th, 1?0C.
City Treasurer.
When you want your horses well
taken care of, stop at the Farmers'
Feed Barn. 44-tf
cent. Farm security. U'Ken A
Unight of W. S. Ladd estate. For sale
cheap. Will trade for registered Jer
sey or Guernsey. J. R. Carr, one mile
south of Clear Creek creamery. 2tl
work on and take care of same.
J. A. Crippin, Oregon City, Or. H3
HEIFER, red and white spotted, mark
ed "CM" on horn. Missing since
spring. Reward for information. Mary
Eggeman, R. F. I). 3, Oregon City. It3
Justice of the Feace.
Office in Jagger Building, Oregon City.
J3E2 IS X DE: 3F
Seventh" Street, near Depot.
'Jreat. Hritain and America.
At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday
on Appointments.
Private f 'oney to Loan
I have private parties with the fol
lowing amounts to loan on real estate:
Pai ties
$ 500.00
$ 200.00
$ 200.00
to 10 years
to 5 years
to 3 years
to 3 years
to 4 years
1 to
Interest at C per cent and your own
time for repayment.
Also a little Chattel money at 8 per
Will buy notes and mortgages.
Also own Oregon City property to
trade for country land.
Will look up tltly? to land free if
trade is made.
Own 3 lots, house, barn and chicken
park at Willamette, for sale cheap on
No real estate agent to interfere.
If Interested call, write or phone,
Stevens Building. Oregon City,
When you require an Abstract of Till
to landu In Clackamas County, have
It nccunitely wl reliably proparod
by a responsible company Incorpor
ated for tho purpose.. Our rates ar
reasonable, Wo Invito you to ox
amino our complete not of AliHtrnei
tidti- tlOS Chamber of Commerce Uldu
Money to loan ou Clackamas Count)
Wanted Gentleman or laily with
good reference to travel by rail or
with rig, for a firm of 1250.000 00
capital. Salary J 1,072 per year and
cvponsos. Salary paid weekly and
expenses advanced. Address with
stamp, Jos. A. Alexander, Oregon
City, Ore. Dec. 21
Notice of Appointment of Executor.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been, by order of the
Honorable. County Court, of Clacka
mas County, appointed executor of
the estate of Mary A. Lamar, deceas
ed. All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby untitled to pre
sent them, duly verllled. to me at my
office In Oregon City, within six
months from tho date nf this notice,
Executor of tho Estate of Mary A.
Lamar, deceased.
Oregon City. December 7th, 1901'.. 5215
Notice to Creditors.
Patrick Sharkey Estate:
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Patrick Shark
ey, deceased, by tho County Court of
tho State of Oregon, for Clackamas
County, and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent tho same to tho undersigned at
tho office of Wilson & Neal, room C31
Chamber of Commerce Illdg., Port
land, Oregon, with proper vouchers,
duly verllled. within six mouths from
date hereof.
Date of first publication, December
14, 190C.
Administrator of the Estate of Pat
rick Sharkey, deceased.
Wilson & Neal, Attorneys for estate.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. I
In the matter of the estate of Chris j
Titnm, deceased.
To William Timm, a minor sob heir
at law of Chris Timm, deceased, and
to Mrs. J. P. Jensen, mother and nat
ural guardian of said minor, and to
nil heirs of said deceased known or
unknown, and others, greeting:
In the Name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby cited and required to
appear In the county court of the
stat( of Oregon, for the County of
Clackamas, at the courtroom thereof,
at Oregon City, In the County of
Clackamas, on Monday, the 7th day
of January. 19o7. at 11 o'clock in the
I forenoon of that day, then and there
to show cause If any exist why the
petition should not bo allowed and
an order granted to the Administra
tor of said estate to sell so much of
the hereinafter described real estate
of said deceased as shall be neces
sary, to-wlt: Beginning at the North
East corner of James G. Cunning
ham's ten aero tract on the County
road and running North two hundred
and ten (210) feet; thence West four
hnndrtil and fourteen and 11-H: (111
11-12) feet; thence South two hun
dred and ten CilO) fevt; thence East
four hundred and fourteen and 11-12
(4H 1112) feet; on said Cunning
ham'a line to the pi, ice of beginning
containing two acres of land more or
less, being a part of the George Wills
and Sarah Wills D. U C. In section
2"), Tuwnshlp 1 South, of Rane 1
East of the Willamette Meridian.
This citation is served upon you
by publication by order of the above
entitled Court made and dated this
5th day of December, 1 900.
Wlint-ss, The Hon. Grant H. Dim
Ick, Judge of tho County Court of
the state of Oregon, for Hie County
of Clackamas, with tin; seal of said
Court affixed, this 5th day of Decem
ber, A. D 190;.
Attest: F. W. Grenman, Clerk.
Graham & Cleeton,
Attorneys for Administrator. 52 (5
In the Circuit Court for Clackamas
County, Oregon.
W. O. McKown, Plaintiff,
Margiiertha McKown, Defendant.
To Marg'iertha McKown, the above
named defendant.
In the name f the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required lo appear and
answer tho complaint filed against
you in tho above entitled Court and
suit on or before the expiration of
six weeks from the date of tho lirst
publication of this summons which
first date of publication is December
21, 1900, and if you fail to so answer
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for tho relief demand
ed In the complaint and for a decree
that the plaintiff ho forever divorced
from defendant.
This Bummona is published by order
of Thomas A. Mcllride, Judge of the
above entitled Court anfl the date of
the first publication of this summons
is December 21, 190C.
2t7 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Hlnto or
Oregon, for tho County of Clackamns.
Ada M. Mantdilp, Plaintiff,
Albert A. Mnnxhlp, Defendant.
To Albert A. Mnnxhlp, tho iibovo nam
ed defendant.
In tho name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint Mod against
you In tho above entitled cause on or
before tho 2Mb day of January, A. D.
P. '07, that being the last day preiicrlb
ed In tho order of publication for this
summons, and If you fall to appear,
the said plaintiff will apply" to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint, to-wlt:
For n decree of (he court dissolving
tlu marriage contract existing between
you and tho said plaintiff, anil for
such other ami further relief as the
Judge of said Court shall deem equi
table. This Hiimmoiis Is published In the
Oregon City Entei prlso for hIx con
secutive weeks, by order t if Grant II.
Dltnlck, J ildgo of tho County Court,
Clackamas County, Oregon, which or
der Is dated December 12th, P.ioiJ, The
tlrst publication of this summons De
cember llth, P.'oi'i, and the last pub
lication of this KUinmniiM January 25,
It5 Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for tho County of Clacka
mas. vs.
Amos L. I-oveJoy, William It. Lovejoy,
A. Lawrence Hudson, A. C. dowdy,
and Kllnibeth Gowdy, lawful heirs of
Elizabeth Uivejoy, deceased.
I lefonduiits,
To Amos L. livejoy ami William It.
Iivejoy, of the above named de
fendants. In the name of the State of Oregon,
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer tho com
plaint tiled against you In tho above
entitled suit on or before January II,
l'.m7, that being the expiration of hIx
weeks from the date of the tlml pub
lication of this HiimumnH, and If you
fail to ho appear and answer, the
plaintiff will apply to tho above en
titled Court for tho relief prayed for
In plaintiffs complaint, to-wlt:
For the foreclosure of Unit certain
mortgage executed by Ellabeth Live
Joy on the 7th day of July, 19o;i, for
the sum of ll.S0.no, tlue one year after
dnto, Interest at the rate of 8 per
cent per ti ii i) ii in until paid, and which
mortgage conveyed the following des
cribed premises, to-wlt:
The I'.mt half of the Northeast
quarter and the Northwest quurter of
tho northeast quarter of Section
Twenty- seven CI7), T. C h. It. 2 E. of
the W. M., und for such other and fur
ther relief lis the Court may deem
just und equitable.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllride, Judge of
the ulxtvo entitled Court.
Th"! date of the lirst publication of
this summons Is Friday, November
iPHh, 1 '.MM,, ami the datu of the last
publication of this numinous is Janu
ary llth, 19'J7.
5H7. Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamai County.
Iilifcitte ChrliUeiim-n, nuiutiff,
Chrl.it.lan ChrtsteriHen, Defendant.
To- Christian Chrlsteasen, Defend
ant above mimed:
Iiu the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint llb-d ugaliiHt
you In the above entitled Court and
causB, on or before .Saturday, the H9lh
day of December, I'.ini;, that being
the date lixej for such appearance or
answer by the Court in the order for
publication or this Fiimtiions, and tf!
you fall so to appear or answer, plain
tiff will apply to tie; Court for the re
lief prayed for In her complaint, to
wlt: For a decree dissolving the mar
riage cont ract now exist lng between
plaintiff and defendant ami for such
other and further relief as to the
Court may seem meet and just.
This summons Is published In the
Oregon Cily Enterprise not less than
onco a week for six consecutive
weeks prior to said li!itb day of De
cember, 1900, by order of the Hon.
Thos. A. Mcllride, Jud;;. or said Court,
made and entered on tlm (itli day of
November, A. D. Him;,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First Insertion November !, 19m!.
Last Insertion December 27, 1900,
Admlnintrator'8 Notice.
Notice Is hereby given Hint the un
dersigned has hern duly appointed by
tho County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas, ad
ministrator of the estate of William
Roche, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present the sumo to me
properly verified, as by law required,
at the office of U'Ren & Schuebel In
Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Dated this 7th day of December,
Administrator of tho estate of Wil
liam Roche, deceased.
Ily U'Ron & Schuebel, Attorneys for
Administrator. G2t5
Oregon City, Oregon
Will practice In all courts of tho state
Office In Caufleld Building.
in tin' Circuit Court of tho Hlnto nf
Oregon for (ho County of Clackn
mas. 10, (I. Jones, Plaintiff,
A. 1). Nlswander, Defendant.
County of Clackamas. hs.
ily virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution duly limuotl out
of and under the seat of the above en
tilled Court, In the above entitled
ciiuxe, to me duly directed and duled
llio 20th day of November, P.imi, upon
a Judgment rendered and entered In
uilil court on the 21th day of Novem
ber, -190(1, In favor of E, G. Jones,
plain! Iff and against A, D. NlHvvander,
defendant for (ho sum of $li:iii.no, and
the further sum of $50 00 an attorney's
fee, und tho further sum of $20 00
costs and disbursements, and the costx
of and upon (his writ, commanding
me out of the personal properly of
said defendant and If MiilTlcleiit could
lint bo found, then oil! of the real
properly belonging to mild defendant
on and after the date of mild Exocu
tloii lo imtlMfy mild sum of $li:!0.(l()
and also the costs upon thin tin Id writ.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of mild
execution, Judgment order ami decree,
and In compliance with tho coinmiunbl
of said writ, being unable to llnd any
personal property of said defendant's,
I did on the 201 Ii day of December,
PJOil, duly levy uihiii the following
described real property of mild de
fendant, situate mid being In tho
County of Clackamas and Htato of
Oregon, to-wlt:
beginning nt a point ten (10) chulim
south of the section comer between
sections Four III, Five (5), EiKht ( N )
ami Nino (9) In Section Eight (S),
Township Three CI) South, Range
One (I) West of Hie Willamette Mer
idian; Thetieo South 'fen (In) rhaltin;
Tlienco West Thirty CM) chains;
Thenco North Ten (HO chains; Thotioo
East Thirty CO') chains to the placo
of beginning and containing Thirty
(Hi)) acres more or bis, and I will
on Suturday, tho 19th day of January,
PJn7, at the hour of lo o'clock o in.,
nt the front door of the County Court
House In tho City of Oregon City. In
Hiibl County and State, sell at public
unction, subject to redemption, to tlm
highest bidder, for V. S. gold colli,
cash lii hand, all the right, title ami
Interest which the within named de
fendant, had on the date of subl Ex
ecution, or since had In or lo the
ubove described real properly or any
part thereof, to satbdy said Execu
tion, Judgment order, decree, Interest
costs and all accruing cois,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
l!y It. W. MAKER, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, De
cember 20th, P.iof,, 2l5
Executor' Notice.
No'lce is hereby j-lveii thnt the till-del-signed
have I on appointed execti
tol - if the estate of Robert DeKhaer
drcciiHcd, by the Hon. County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon. All
I-I'hoiis having cUIiiih against said es
tate are hereby liolllled to present
the name to us for payment with prop
er vouchers to Gordon E. Hayes at
hls'offico In the Stevens building, Or
gun City, within six months from Hie
date of this notice.
Dated December Mb, 19m',.
0. It. LI VESA Y,
Executor of the Estate of Robert Do
Sluuer, Deceased.
Gordon E. Hayes, Ally., for estate 1 15
In Hie Circuit. Court of the Slate of
Oregon, for (inekiimas County,
Pearl W. Smith, Plaintiff,
Walter E. Smith. Defendant.
To Walter E. Smith, defendant
above named :
In the inline of the Stale of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear ami
answer the complaint Hied against
you In the above entitled court and
came on or before the HUd day of
January, A. D. 1907, said day being
"Iter tl xplratlon of six weeks from
Hie lirst publication-of this summons,
und If you fall to ho appear or an
swer said complaint, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in the com
plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between the philulllT
above mimed and you as defendant,
on the ground of willful desertion, ami
for Hindi other relief as may he Just
und meet In equity.
'fhls summons is published by order
of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllride, Judge
of the above entitled court, which or
der was made und entered on the 3d
day of December, 1901',, and the tlmo
prescribed for publication thereof Is
six weeks.
Tho date of lirst publication Is De
cember 7, 1900. Tho dale of last pub
lication is January is, 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 21A Mohawk
Hldg., Porllanii I-'.'koii. 52-t7
Abstracts of Property Furnished.
Office, with Oregon City Entorprlso.