Oregon City In jNTKRH?aSK VOL. 33 NO. 3. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1906. ESTABLISHED 18C6. AGITATE COUNTY CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL BARCLAY ALUMNI WILL MEET TO DISCUSS ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY SCHOOL. Tlm Alumni Association of tliti Har dily IHkIi Hchool Iiiih di'dded Id IiiiIiI it ini't'lliiK In K uapii'H hull on Friday kvkmIiik. At (IiIh iik'HIiik will hit ills riiHMoil tho nuiltiT of reiiewliiK tlm Htiind fur a reulrul coiinly IiIkIi school. Although tlin cent I a I school liliill was (IcfKiili'il litiil Jiiiiii, yet It wiiri imly by a hiiwiII majority aiul tint nxi'cul Ivn board now thinks Unit nfti-r tho Mk.Ii hi IhioI iiiihihII Ion In intituled, tlll'lll Will 111' IIO Ijlll'Mtloll IIH to lll'llIK vol In favor of. A IiIkIi school of four Kimh'H Ih Ei'liiliiully winning fuvor from nil sldi'H, ho tlu hIiiiiiiiI UHHocliilloii Iiiih di-cld-i'i to hrliiK Din iiiiillrr up und discus when iiml liow It hIiiiII Ihi IiioiikIiI up befolo tin.) people. A Committee, coiiHlKtlllK of MIhh I . ii i a Iti'iitln, Mrs, Coo. A. HiirtlliiK uiul Aln'1 Mi'r'HH), wuu appointed lo llivont iK'Dn tin1 problem und feanlbll Ity of n central MkIi school. The llll'llllllTM llf tlllH Committee will In terview lilt' IIH'llllilTH of tin' board of directors of tlu Ori'Kon I'll)'. Went Ori'Koii City, J'urkpiure, Wlllumeite, Oak (Wove, Maplo I. nil", Ciitifiuuli ami MllWIItlklt! HI'llllolH, A report of what tho committee turn iloiin uml Ih hoping lo do will ho glv cii on Friday enuluK It In hopi'il hy tlm iuein'erH of tlm executive I'omiultti'o that a law limn tnr of tin; unmii'tutloll will hi) present at thin uii'i'tliiK. Much ucpotiilx on tho ftttcmlaiit'o ul II. U ineetlnt;. CITY COUNCIL MEETS IN SPECIAL SESSION An adjourned npeclal hchhUiii of tlm city council met on WedneHday evening In the cmincll chamber. Af ter Home lengthy waiting n quorum of the meiubiTH wan Hecured and the unllnlNhed huHlne-m of prevlotiH meet lug wuh brought to II ii it I climax. The real plirpoHe of the meeting mh anuouiiceil by tim inaoi' wiih tlm Hecond reading of the ordlnnnces- an HCMHlng the pnilmble cost of the lay ing of NeWei'M lu Kcuer IllHtrll't No. 5: an ordinance IHIng the bond of the treasurer of Oregon City, and or dinance fur the regulation of pool roouiH. Two Milium lleeiiHcn were granted one to lluriiett fi Foiimal and one to W. K. Wilson. C con 01 xk ah a 00 it t - - mm 1 - , 'A t . V ' . iP, t - , l U j v $ 4 fit V5 r A roiniiiuiili'iilloii from 0. II. Dye eoiicernltiK thii I'Mliilfi of John Welch wan referred to tlm llnuiii'i! committee, lo report at tlm next iimi'tltiK. Tlm ordinance porlnlnliiK to the miK'ni'titliiK of tlm bond of tlm treati uri'r of Oregon (Ml y was placed on final piiMHiiK" ami ordered passed, 'i'lm amount of tlm ofTlelul bond of tho i'lly treasurer Ih now fixed tit 120,000 Instead 'of iri.000. When tlm ordinance ri'KulallriK pool roouiH wiih brought up, Council man Kuapp thought that tlm time Mpecllled In Miild ordinance, eleven o'clock, wit loo early and mlht do IllJllMtll'll to OWIIIT Of KUCll pIllCeM of business, no Im ami'tidi'd orillnancii to read that poolrooms should close nt 12 o'clock . in. Bam" wan considered an placed on first p-iidltiK nnd wiih or dered published. The in n 1 1 1 -r of tlm Hewer District No, .1 wiih inferred to tlm Ht r-t com mittee to look mi Miimi) and report payment, ncci'iilancH, construe! Ion, and nlso examine same, Tlm dedication of Winner Htreet wiih brought up hy I lie chairman of tin; street committee who said Mr, Ely wan willing to dedicate iiaiui! If Hie rent of llm properly owner would alHo deillrati) tlm mild Htreet. Tho matter of walk along Fifth and Wllti-I" Klt'eet WIIH left IIH lit preHent. The Improvement of Eighth, Sev enth mid Fourth Ktreets nnd ahio Water Htreet wan brought up hy Conn cllmaii AndrcHen. Tlm council wan united on hiicIi Improvement und a special committee rotiHlHtlnK f May or E. (,. Cii'ifleld and C'otincllmen Andreiien, Kuapp and Hands, wait ap IMilnted to view, uppralHii vulim of coht of Huch Improvenii'iit and report at next timet lug. Tlm recorder wan ordered to notify the owner of the property on Jacknon rtreet at head of Fifth Htreet. on tlm plank road, that tho tall tree on hlo property iiiiihI be removed an hbiiio wan ilangeroiiH. WANTS MATRIMONIAL BONDS DISSOLVED NOT PROVIDED FOR SINCE JUNE 1905 SEEKS DIVORCE BY CIRCUIT COURT. A. A. Dlckerson has Instituted suit fur divorce from C, D. Dlckerson, al leging that they were married on De cember 2:1. l.v.i;;, and that since June, r.m.". the plaintiff has been deserted and bin been forced to provide f.ir nerseii. mere are no ciiiiiiren. nam- tiff hlmply seeks that the matrimony be dissolved. bonds of k iriK J k a no 11 r 1 11 1 1 - ,, - - "iv - - - - MrTTr - r'rT - i TT N EVERY DEPARTMENT LADIES' SUITS, COATS AND SKIRTS 20 1 PER A Pretty Selecfion of Up - to - Sttenuotjs Reductions in our Clothing Department. hop in Yoit' MODEL ORCHARDS ARE BEING PLANTED BEST VARIETIE8 OF APPLE8 ARE BEING PLANTED IN DIFFER ENT 8ECTION8. Tlm model orcliardn of ClackmnaH county an) now being planted, on Urn farm of Judno Tliomu F. Kyun, on bin plain near tho (,'IackumaH; on tho farm of W. II. Holder at Garfield, and on tlm farm of II. A. Kayler of Mo lallu. Mr. Ityan ban coum' to a final agree-1 inetit a h to tho kind and amount of IreeH to bo planted. Ho will havo two tractw one of 10 ncrcH In which the different vailetlen 8pltzenberg HaldwIiiH, 'u raveimteltiH and Wagners will bo planted, while on another tract of one aero will bo planted only the onu vurlety HplUcnbcrgH. Tho orchard will bo planted under tho Hiipervbdon of the Htato board of hor ticulture and for tho next ten yeant the horticultural Hoclety Hhall havo full charge of the orcliardn cultiva tion, pruning and Hpraylug. Tho or chards after tlm ten yearn havo ex pired will then belong to tho owners of the land. Judge Ityan believes that orchards should not contain so many varieties and ho an agreement was made to plant the one orchard with ono varie ty. Tho .ludgo will also plant a largo orchard of peach trees as ho Is a firm believer that th peach can be made to produce well In this dlHtrlct. Tho orchard of W. II, Holder, at Gnrlleld, will bo planted only with Spltenbergs and Wagners, and ' the orchnrd belonging to II, A. Knyb-r, of Molalln, with Splt.enhergs and Bald wins. CHAUTAUQUA MEETS WITH GREAT SUCCESS ; Committee Receives Letter Asking For Shares In New Chautau qua Association. The m w Chaiitauiiia association committee Is meeting with great suc cess although no work Is being done during the Christinas holidays. let ters of appreciation anil congratula- j tlotis to the new committee arrive al-! n:oHt dally and In most letters-several J shares are asked for. Judge John H. I j and Mrs. Waldo have both written for ; a share each. W. S. Hurst, the will i known Aurora commission merchant, ! has also written for shares. Mrs. 11 11 r"i k-i n i"i r i i,mii i"i rui - iinr - ni -mi fwwn n.E rfi ' - ru CENT. DISCOUNT and let tis show yoti thru the Ike. can compare price and Oregon citys Clara II. Wuldo Ih well known to all and i-Hpeclally ho to tho members of tho different grangen of tho Htato of Oregon, hh hIio Ih at preHent tho Htato ; lecturer of tho Orgon Ktato Grango and editor )f tlm Oregon Htato Grango j Iliillellu. i COUNTY COURT. Tlm timmberH of tho Clackamatt county court met ThurHday morning for an adjourned hohhIoh. I'lanH for making tho annual tax levy wore con sidered. Meeting wan a nhort one hh County Judge Dlmlck bad to bo prewent at a npeclal meeting at I5ar ton In the afternoon, for tin; purpoHo of levying a Kpecial road tax. No definite business was transact ed at this meeting. Tho county court uieet'i next month for tho purpose of making the unnual tax levy. However, there Is no doubt hut that the levy will be somewhat higher than last year's. The levy last year was IH mlllH. Peteron-Rambo. Married at tho home of W. P. Ram bo In this city, Wednesday, December 20, at S p. in., Miss Oilier Uambo to Mr. I'eter I. I'elterson, the Itev. Henry II. Robins officiating. The wedding was performed In the presence of a company of relatives and friends of tho bride. The bridal pair were at tended by Miss Mae Uambo and Mr. A.dna Murrow. Mr. and Mrs. I'elter son will make their home In Ashford, Wash., where Mr. Pelterson's busi ness Interests are. Wade-?herman. Married, at tho home of Mr. R. D. Wilson, Wednesday, December 20, at II o'clock a. m., Mrs. A. E. Sherman to Mr. W. 8. Wado, Rev. H. K Robins officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Wade will make their home In Gilliam county, Oregon, where Mr. Wade Is In busi ness. Brown-Matchett. Married at the home of the bride In this city, Sunday evening, Decem ber 23, at 5 o'clock, Rev. Landsbor orough of tho First Presbyterian church officiating, Mrs. Elizabeth Matchett and Mr. R. M. C. Brown of Klamath Falls. Oregon. Only a few friends were present, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gladden ftif Barton, Mrs. I.andsborough and Mrs. Chas. Ely of this city. After the ceremony light j refreshments were served. The bride has been a resident here three years and has a law circle of friends. The groom is well known In Klamath coun ty where he has lived fur 23 years and ' is om of the substantial farmers of 'that pl:uv. The good wishes of their j many friends attend them. They will ' reside in this city for the present. 3 nn ri rui r" vi m nrfcrfirhrfin rfirrfw rfi t date Garments quality. busiest Store SCHOOL MEETING TO BE HELD FRIDAY FOR PURPOSE OF LEVYING OF 8PECIAL SCHOOL TAX RE PORTS TO BE RECEIVED. A mnitlng of tho taxpayers of tho school diHtrlcts of tho Oregon City schools will bo held Friday at the court house, for the purpose of levy ing a special school tax. Reports of tho school clerk and of several com mittees will also be read. The meet ing Is of special Interest to all of the parents In those districts, and all Hhould be present. OPPOSE HIGHER RATES OF SECOND-CLASS MAIL STATISTICS OF PUBLISHERS' AS SOCIATION SHOW RATES OF UNCLE 8AM ARE MUCH HIGHER THAN PRI- , VATE CORPORA TION. Statistics compiled by the repres entatives of the United Typothetae of America and the American Weekly Publishers' association, organizations which are vigorously fighting the In crease of the postage for second-class mail matter, show that the Govern ment Is paying the railways three times as much on the average for the transportation of mall matter as the express companies pay the railroads for like service. On the basis of the Postmaster-General's statistics, the publishers as sert that the Government during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1907, will pay the roads almost J32.000.000 more than the express companies would pay them for hauling an equal tonnage The printers and publishers compile the statistics to show that the Govern ment, for the purpose of reducing the annual postoffice deficit, rather should reduces its outlay for the transporta tion than increast the rate for second class matter. Fine Horse to be Sold. A valuable horse will be sold at public auction in about a week by Sheriff R. B. Beatie to satisfy judg ment for about f 340 held by Homer M. Mullan against S. B. Hartman. Mullan recently obtained a judgment against Hartman for the care and keeping of the stallion, which is valu ed at $3500. A number of horsemen are desirous of acquiring the owner ship of the valuable animal, and some lively bidding is expected at this sale. Marriage License. Dec. 21. Helen Folsom and ward Hubbard. Dec. 21 Edward Hubbard and en Folsom. Dec 21. Clarence Jackson Korah Cline. Ed- Hel- and Dep. 22 R. M. C. Brown and Mrs. Lizzie Matchett. Dec. 21 Jennie Aikins and Oscar Dix. Dec. 21 Lillie Kimmel, Robert Mc Clintock. Dec. 21 Mrs. Bettie Harnblin, B. V. Bunnell. Dec. 24 Edith P. Shipley, Harry Berdlne. Doc. 21 Ol'.ie Rambo, Peter L. Rieb csou. Dec. 24 Genevieve Christofrson, Ambrose V. Carberry. ROCK CREEK AND SUNNYSIDE. A birthday party was held at Grand pa Johnson's December 15, in honor of his 75th birthday. Most of the peo ple who attended were masked or dressed in costume. A Christmas tree was held at Sun nyside School house December 21st. All reported having a good time. Misses Anna and Louisa Stoll were I home from their work in Portland Sat urday and Sunday last week. Mrs. Dolsie Hunter and daughter were visiting at A. Hunter's Monday. Rock Creek school is progressing nicely under the supervision of O. E. Ramsey. Misses Ruth and Faith Young are homo for vacation of Christinas and New Years. Mrs. Alice DeardoMT has been on the sick list for a week or so, also Mrs. Stoll. Miss Mae Newell, working in Port land, was at home Christmas Eve. Miss Lydia Hunter will be at home about New Years or a little afterward. Roy Johnson and Mr Hunter, also J, O. Smith were in town Monday. Ringing will bo at Walter Smith's December 30, 190C. Come and have a good time. MOUNTAIN VIEW. A largo audience assembled at the church at this place last Saturday ev ening for the exercises of the Union Sunday school. An Interesting pro gram was given and all took their par In a very creditable manner. Josle Currln's recitation was well ren dered. Little Otto Reanran elicited much applause and gave his response to the encore In a pleasing manner Inlta Dixon's recitation wai perfect and for one of her age Is exceptionally fine and we hope for a brignt futura for her. Two small trees were used for Christmas trees and were nicely decorated, A violin solo by Mr. Ow ens accompanieu ny me organ wuu also a pleasing feature. Good order and a happy time was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gladden of Barton came Satuny eve and re mained over Sunday to attend the Brown-Matchett wedding. The boys gave quite a serenaue wnn oiu iron, tin pans and wagon tires last Monday evening to the newly married couple. The treat consisted of oranges and ci gars and all were wished a happy Christmas when they departed. E. C. Selby came home from the logging camp and Is spending the boll days with bis family. VANCOUVER STARS DEFEAT STANFORD GREAT RUGBY GAME AT VANCOU VER IN WHICH KOERNER OF THIS CITY TAKES PART. By a sensational finish to one of the greatest games of Rugby football ever played in British Columbia, the All-Stir Vancouver team turned what seemed like certain defeat into victory in the initial match of the series with Stanford University team for the championship of the Pacific Coast yesterday at Vancouver, B. C. Score All-Star Vancouver, 11; Stanford, 9. The people of Oregon City are no doubt somewhat interested in the above score since Will Koerner of Oregon City was one of the best play ers for Stanford. Although his school was defeated, the game is said to have been a fine exhibition of the Rugby game. Stanford had the best of the game during the first part. Sev eral Portland boys also played with Stanford. NEW MACHINERY POR OREGON CITY MILL OREGON CITY MILL & LUMBER CO SHUT DOWN THIS V.cEK TO MAKE REPAIRS. The Oregon City Mill and Lumber company closed it? mill the first of the week and w ill keep it closed the rest of the week. This was made necessary in order tv.at the old boil er which lias been used might be overhauled and the engine repaired. The company will also put in much new machinery and thus enlarge the capacity of the mill. The first of the week expects to see the mill doing double the amount of work. Robert Bradley and son of Mc Minnville are visiting friends in Ore gon City. It has been thirty years since .Mr. Fradioy was last here and he is enjoying tv xH? w!t his boy hood friends and says there are lots of Improvements in tlw place. A HATTER OF HEALTH Absolutely Purs A Cream of Tartar Powdec, ' free from alum or phoa phatlo acid msmsuBSTiwffi