Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 21, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Our milfctlim of things Hiiltuhlo fur
tho holiday l nulii and the wny wo have
priced lln'iii In IiiiiiihI to make mil'
Htoro mh liilet'enllug place for you,
Mlxnd Nut 2 pouinln fur 35c
Nw MIhhIoii Mum, 2 Jim for 1Bo
Smyrna Flgn 25c per lb
Onttwt'H, all hI.c k 15c to 40c per doz.
Mince Meat (homo nutiU') 21tH ..25c
11 il m Pudding 25c Ech
Full lino if Cuinlli'H, Hnlnliin, Xman
Cuiiillim, etc.
Try our Palace Grill M. Ai .1. Cof
fee, 3&5 per pound. II Ibn for , . 11.00
A. Robertson
phons 411 Tho 7th 8t. Grocer.
Strike Situation Unchanged.
Portland, Dec, 20.- St reet car strike
ntt nut Ion hero iini'liuiiK"l tit 2 o'clock
thin afternoon. Tho company says
earn will run nil night an they (lid hint
In tho Circuit Court of tho Hlato of
Oregon for Iho County of CInckn
IIIHH. H. (1. Joints, riHlnllff,
A. 1), Ninwnnder, Defendant.
County of Clackamas, as.
Christmas Presents
IVfl w f
Hurry Up.
' Don't Wait
Lymp's Studio
Open every
KhutoH 25c.
night except Hurnlny.
Ijidlc In tho Kiillory
OrcgonCity ShocStore
The only exclusive
shoe store in the city
Fino Footwear for I .udics,
(icntli'intMi and tin?
Young Folkn
Krmissc Bros., Props
Car load of fine Alfalfa
Idaho Cattle
received by II. PETZOLD.
To people desiring to put down
beef, it will bo Bold by the
quarter at wholesale priced.
This I not peddling wagon
meat but tho Biiino wo mil on
tho block.
Ily virtue of n Judgment ordor, de
cree nnd mi execution duly Innued out
of and under tho seal of tho above en
tilled Court, In tho ubovo entitled
cinme, to urn duly dlroriod nnd dated
tlio 20th day of November, 1900, upon
u Judgment rendered nnd entered In
mild court on tho 2Uh day of Novem
ber, 1!iii, In favor of E. 11. JoneH,
plaintiff ami against A. I. NIh wander,
defendant for Iho mini of 1 1 130.00, nnd
the further mini of $50.00 nn attorneys
fee, and the fmWier miiiii of $20.00
cohIh mid dlnburHcmciiln, and tho cohIh
of and upon thin writ, commanding
me out. of (lie perwoiial properly of
mild defendant anil If HiiITIeloiit could
not be found, then out of the real
property belonging to Kald defenilant
on and lifter the date of milt! Kxi-rn-1
llmi to witbtfy Hltld Hum of $1130.00
and alHo the cents upon thin nnld writ.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of Hiild
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of nald writ, being unable to find any
perHomil property of Hiild defendant',
I ilhl on the 20th day of December,
l'.mr,, duly levy iiihiii the fnllnwliiK
doMt-rlhcd real property of said de
fendant, Kltnuto and being In tho
County of Clackamas and State of
Oregon, to wit:
lioKlnnlnK at a point ten (10) chains
Mouth of tin) Heetlull corner between
HectloiiH Four (I), Five (5), Eight (")
ami Nine (!) In Section KlKbt (&),
Township Three (3) South, Range
t)n" (1) Went of the Willamette Mer
idian; Thence South Ten (10) chalnH;
Thence Went Thirty (30) chains;
Thence North Ten (10) chalnH; Thence
I'.aMt Thirty (30) chains to tho place
of beginning and containing Thirty
(30) acren more or h-nn, and I will
on Saturday, the 19th day of January,
l'.ioT, at the hour or 10 o clock a. m.,
ut the front door of the County Court
Mourn. In th City of Oregon City, In
mild County and State, noil at public
auction, subject to redemption, to tho
highest bblder, for 1'. S. gold coin,
,!eanh In band, all the right, tltlo and
Interest which tho within named de
fendant, bad on the date of said Ex
edition, or Hlnco bad In or to tho
uliuve described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy huIiI Execu
tlon, Judgment order, decree, Intercut
cohIh nnd all accruing costs.
it. n. kkatie,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
l!y K. W. HAKKH. Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon,
cember 20th, l'JOG.
ColiMlnblo Kly went out to Kuglo
Creek Wednesday morning with
warrants for tho iKront of woven men.
Tbn warrants were caused to be In
Hiiei! through Justice of tho Peace
A. K. AlliipniiKh of KhkIo (Jreek. The
Meven men for whom warrant m were
drawn are Charhm and Herman I.ln-
(Ionium, N. Ilowley, Ibmry and Mell
aril (lliheiiH, John Doe and Klchard
Itoe, on tho chargo of treKjiUMMlnK.
The l,lndermaii Kioh. own and oper
a to u Kawmlll In tho vicinity of Kagbi
Creek and tlm other men who were ar
routed wore working for tho mill, cut
ting treoH on tho land owned by AIIh
paiii;h, Tho Miiwmlll men had a contract
with AllHpaugh allowing thorn to cut
wood on bin property, but AllHpaugh
cluliiiH that Llmlerman Kioh bad over
Htopped tho provlHlonu therein and
tho plaint lit thiiH lnt ltut,ed tho charge,
after ordering them off.
Tho hearing Iiiih boon deferred un
til Monday and will bo In JuhHcc
Stlpp'H court.
Serlout Allegatloni Made by Fred
Chard Against Hit Wife
Ceorgo Maclnaw wan ThurHday giv
en 30 day In tho city Jail for being
drunk ami dlnordorly on tho BtreoU
aiu caiiHlng a lot of commotion on tho
property of nolghbom In Elyvlllo.
(ioorgo cuino homo TueHday evening
In an Intoxicated condition and be
gan to ralno a rough bo'mo. On being
reprlmamlod ho went out and nought
ahelt.or In one of tho neighbors homoH,
where ho began to creato much din
turbanco. Ho wan flnully thrown out
of tho bonne, but wan not Hatlnflod
until bo again mado bin appearance
In tho bonne. Force bad to bo lined
and Maclnaw was later tied to one of
the treon in tho yard and left there
im' II tho police wan notified. Ho wan
marched to tho city bantilo and placed
where bo could not do damago or dii
turb other people'n peaceful nlumbern.
On Tburnday morning he wan given
hearing In tho recorder's office and
wan nentenced to 30 dayn. It In now
thought that be will be given a chance
to move out of town. Maclnaw han
been employed for Homo time on the
Fifth ntreet newer by Mlhlntin and ba
been placed In the handn of tho po
lice on several occasions on charge of
dlnorderly conduct on tho htrettn.
fleforo tho circuit court of Clacka
man county, Fred F. Chard, plaintiff,
bun instituted suit against Francos
Chard, defendant, to dlnnolvo winds
of matrimony. The plaintiff complains
and nlleg.-M an follows:
That the plaintiff now Is and has
been for more than one year last
pant a resident and Inhabitant of the
State of Oregon. That tho defendant.
whoso maiden name was Francen Hoi
labniigh and plaintiff, Fred F. Chard
were married at Portland on tho 21th
day of November, 1901; that tho nald
parties lived together an husband and
wifo until April 15, 1905, when the
nald defendant, dlwregarding tho sol
enmities of tho marriage vows will
fully and without caune deserted and
abandoned tho plaintiff and ever since
has willfully lived separate from him
without sufficient cause or reason and
against bis will.
That from February, 190,", the de
feiulnnt has been guilty of cruel and
Inhuman treatment, making life bur
(lcii.toine for plaintiff in ways that can
not Co Bot down at this time. That
from two to five times during the
week she went to places of amusement
and would not return until 12 o'clock,
midnight, and two o'clock a. m., and
she would submit herself to tho em
braces of other men; nnd that she
han broken up his household.
I There aro no children, and no prop
erty Involved In tho suit. '
Classes Now Starting
English, Arithmetic, Bookkeeping;, ' Shorthand
Start now while others are beginning;. Complete
courses in Day School. Night School, 7 to 9 Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday, The opportunity
for you is now
E. O. Allen, President
Bridge Corner Oregon City, Oregon
Schuebel, tho W 27.33 acres of SW
of S7 of Sec 21, 4 r-2 E; $250.
Theodore Habekone and ' wife to! bort Schuebel and Lottie Schue-
t.,.1 Ti XT T .... mwr,.T. U 07 OO
Patrick J. Flanagan, the 15 half of,'"" ."
NW, N half of SW of NE, NW of NE i
of nee. 22. . h r-2 V.- tISOO.
: tno went z v, or sw or ists or sec zs,
of SW of SE of sec 21 4 a r-2 E; $250.
E. C. Trullinger to D. N. Trulllngor,
Sarah Jones Clarke and C. F
Clarke to Emma II. Welnh, part of
DLC of Wm. Matlock In sec 4 , 2,
s r-2 E, 45 acren; $0,750.
W. G. Thomas to Lucy Miller part
of Peter M. Itinoarson DEC 2 s r-2 E;
2.15 acres; $1500.
Wm. Hurnmel to A. H. Irenz, S
half of NW of sec 30, 4 s-1 E, 80 acres
n. f
James A. Wills and wifo, half Interest
4 s r-2 E; $250.
W. J. Udell and Jarnes T. Udell to
D. N. Trullinger, claim loft bank of
Molalla river, 4 s, r-2 E; $22.
D. L. Trulllngor and Maud L. Trul
linger to D. N. Trulllnger, part of
NE of sec 28, 4 a, r-2 E; $1000.
Theodore Shankland and wife to
Elmer Shankland, 102 acres, 3 s, r-2
Tucker and M. M. Tucker toiE- ln ftctlOT9 17 and 20
I Fred Wourms and wife to John w.
ln W half of sec 10 and 11. 2 s r-2 E,Ix"l':r ant- 10823 acres SlnnIa8
20 acres; $125.
C. W. Pallett
Philip Strelbe and Karoline Streibe
lot commencing SW corner of blk. 1,
Lewelyn park; $20G.GO.
P. E. Linn to S. E. Wooster, S half
15.45 chains N of SW corner of An-
flriminitrHmr f,t Pfl.i drew Hood DLC, in 3 g, r-2 E; $1500.
tate of Mary E. Davis to James A.
Wells, half interest In W half of
Presley Welch DLC, 20 acres; $100.
Ik-niamln Drc-Ier to Amelia Dreler. !
S half of SW of sec 2C of 4 a r-1-80 of sw of eec 33 1 3- 8 M E 75 acre8;
acres; $000. !1300
Walter Hitchman and Matilda Hitch-1 aura Van Valkenberg and Leroy
Van Valkenberg to Grace t. Loaer, 5
acres, beginning 20 ft S. of SW cor
ner of Williams DLC, la 3 8, r-2 E;
man to Mrs. Lydla Clevenger, 1 acre,
beginning from NE corner of DLC of
George Abcrnethy in 2 s r-2; $100.
Geo. I. Crown and wife to O. E.
Haley NE of NW of section 30, 1 s,
Ellen E. Hackett to Mary E. KnotU
PUimbing & Tinning
Dot Air Furn.KM and Hop Pipes.
Pumps, Waltr Pipes.
All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty
Kutlmates Given on All Classes
of Work.
Iten. 1'bono 1514 Shop 1S16
914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or
Clothes Washed "Whiter Than
Snow." Family Washlnga at
Kcanonnblo Itatos- -No worry,
no regrets If you phono 1204.
Our wagon will call.
Oar Smoke and Water Sale a
boon to Holiday Shoppers
Husband Suet for Divorce.
James F. Hoblnett hns begun suit
against Mlnnlo Robinett for decree of
divorce. Tho couple were married
at Pomeroy, Wash., September 13,
1SS3. llotb aro now residents of the
state of Oregon, The plaintiff avers
ho hns always treated his wife as a
truo and devoted husbnnd should but
ho nays that In March, 1901, the de
fendant, disregarding tho solemnity of
her marriage- vows, willfully and with
out cause, deserted and abandoned tho
plaintiff, nnd ever since lias and still
continues so to willfully and without
eiuiso desert and abandon said plain
tiff, nnd to live separate and npnrt
from him, against bis will nnd with
out bis consent. Thero are no children.
The several grades at the Eastham
school will combine for a' fine Christ-
man program on Friday afternoon at
1:30 o'clock. Following is the order
of exercises:
Christmas Hymn by School.
"Christmas Welcome" Alta Howk
ell, 3d grade.
"Santa Claus' Joke," 10 pupils of
1st Grade.
Holly Drill and Song 12 girls of
second grade.
"Christmas Tr es," 19 girls of 4th
"Merry Merry Christmas" Song by
"Christmas Greeting" 8 pupils of
5th grade.
"Come Again Santa" 6 boys of 2d
"Santa's Worker Boys" 8 boys of
4th grade.
"Angels' Message" Song by Cth
and 7th grades.
"Just before Christmas" Wm. Mil
ler, 4th grade.
"Kris Kringle's Surprlso" Fritz
Jossl, 3d grade.
"Santa Claus Will Come Tonight"
Song, 1st grade.
"Christmas Dawning" Cth and 7th
Santa Claus Song 14 girls of 3d
grade. 1
Dialogue 8th, 3d, and 1st grade
"Joy Dells of Christmas Tide"
Mary Confer and Norma Holman j
King out oh Joyous Bells Bessie I
Warner, Louise Walker and Madge
Hrlghtbill, Sth grade pupils.
r-3, thence east to right of way of eaHl ou tturts U1 "L 00 Ul DC'"
Oretmn Water Power and Railway "' 2 8- r"7 E! $10-
company claim; $1. j
Mary Lewis to Henry Baars, 72 j
acres, 1-4 sec between sec. 15 and 22, ;
3 s r-2 E; $2500. j
Elizabeth Weitzel to C. F. Weltzel,
NE of Hezeklah Johnson DLC sees. I
15 and 22, 2 s r-2 E; 204.29 acres;
Hans Christ Scheel and Margaretta
Scheel to Nicholas Scheel, the N half
of NW of sec 22, 3 s r-3 E, 80 acres;
Ida B. Palmer and L. E. Palmer to
A. W. Lambert the SW of NW and S
half of NE and NW of SE of sec 26,
2 s r-6 E; the N half of N half sec
Robinson and J. F. Rob- 2 8- E; the SW of SE and SE of
o ui see -j, t r-u c, iuo ui
SE of sec 23, 2 s, r-6 E; 410 acres;
Wm. H. Lindsay to Harry Roach,
SW of SW of sec 8, 2 s r-3 E, 40 acres;
Wm. L. Davis to Emily A- Davis; all
of lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 ln block 4 ct
South Oswego,
The Christmas shopper who is look
ing for genuine bargains in suitable
holiday gifts can be easily satisfied here.
Our stock is overflowing with the
newest creations in Holiday goods
that will be sacrificed owing to slight
damage by smoke and water
TLfA4tf Rrv'iic Don't fail to inspect
making your purchases.
our stockjbefore
Harding Building, 3 doors south of P. O.
Sandy Will Entertain Oddfellows.
A big demonstration is to occur at
Sandy on Saturday when tho I. O.
O. F. degree team of this city, bended
by Judge Thomas F. Ryun, tho Deputy
Grand Muster, will institute a lodgo
of tho order in thnt plnee. There will
bo delegations from many places and
tho lodgo members nre looking for
ward to this meeting with pleasure.
Canby, Oregon City, Molalla, Greshnm,
Kstneada, Clackamas nnd Portland
will ho represented. Tho degree tenm
will leave Oregon City on Saturday
afternoon at threo o'clock, take tho
electrlo cars to Estncada and from
there drivo out to Sandy.
Eight Mills for General Improvement
and 12 Mills for Maintenance.
by Viewers
Funeral of Charles Burkhardt.
Tho funeral of Charles Burkhardt
took plnco Thursday at 2 o'clock
from tho funeral pnrlors of Shank &
Bisscll. Mr. Burkhardt passod away
at San Joso, Cal., and the body was
brought to this city for burial In tho
family lot In Mountain View cemetery.
Rev.. Kraxbergor preached the funer
al Borvlce,
Oak Grove, Dec. 19
Hungate accompanied
Blnlr and Council, were here yester-'
day and located lines and grades for
the proposed new Risley and Atkins
road, commencing at the west end of
Center avenue and extending east
ward to the Oatflold road. We look
for a favorablo report.
Taxpayers of Oak Grove school met
Inst evening and voted an 8 mill tax
for general improvements and a 12
mill tax for maintenance of schoosl
Contractor Ed. Olds has plenty of
business in his lino at the present time
having shifted several dwellings re
cently. Our citizens are somewhat inconven
ienced by tho street car strike, sev
oral being obliged to walk home after
business hours. The end is near, how
ever. Dr. J. S. Casto of Cams was ln the
village Thursday evening.
Tho Oak Grove Improvement asso
ciation meets next Thursday evening
at 8 o'clocy.
Real estate values aro holding their
own, a number of transfers having
been made recently.
Mary F,
inson to Milo Thompson and Myrtle
Thompson, 1 acre more or less. In
Root's Add to Marshfield, Clackama3
cojunty; $800.
Oregon Iron & Steel company to
August Kempln, lots 11 and 12 of
blk. 3C, Oregon Iron & Steel Co.'s 1st
add to Oswego; f ISO.
Manley B. Hoard and Elsie M.
Hoard to August Kempin, lots 9 and
10 in block 20, Oregon Iron & Steel
company's first add to Oswego; $500.
J. J. Mallatt and L. A. Mallatt to
Thomas Fish and Viola Fish, N half
of NE of SE of sec IS, 4 s, 2 E; $500.
J. J. Mallatt and L. A. Mallatt to
J. M. Mallatt, E half of SW of Ne,
and S half of SE of NE of sec 18, 4
s r-2 E;, containing 40 acres; $500.
John E. Rogers Sr., to Alice M.
Graves, all of lot 5 of block 8 of Wil
lamette Falls; $500.
J. J. Mallatt and L. A. Mallatt to
Ernest Davis, W half of SW of NE of
sec 18, t 4 s-2 E; 20 acres, $500.
Thos F. Ryan and Inez M. Ryan to
Tom P. Randall, lots 1 and 2 of block
123, Oregon City; $1.00.
Mary Behrendt and Julius Behrendt
to Cornwell Lumber company, N half
of SW of sec. 20, 5 s-3 E, 80 acres;
A. S. Pattullo and Myra G. Pattullo
to Edward Schmeer, lot 21 of Finavon
2Vs acres; $425.
Peter Madison and Mary Madison
to Proctor & Beers, SW of SW of sec.
19, 2 s r-3 E, 37.27 acres; $950.
John W. Gilstrap and Susana Gil
strap to W. G. Mayfleld and C. M.
Mayfield, all of lots 17 and IS, block
2 in plat, Estacada; $750.50.
United States to Henrietta Brown,
the B half of SE and SE of NE of sec.
26, 5 s, r-3 E, 120 acres.
George II. Clarke and Grace E.
Loder, part of Zerelda and Ambrose
Foster claim; $200.
J. J. Cooke to P. II. Marlay, lots 1
and 2, blk. 1; East Oregon City; $100.
P. II. Marlay and Jessie V. Marlay
to E. W. Randolph, lots 1 and 2, blk.
1, East Oregon City; $1.
Erikke C. Trullinger to Robert
Mrs. Nettie Miller's confectionery
store on Main street is no doubt in
the opinion of many of the little
girls the prize winner in window
display. Many children have tried in
vain to reach the beautiful and rich
ly dressed dolls, and have given forth
exclamations of joy in front of that
window. The display is exquisite and
shows neatness.
(Retail Prices.)
Wheat No. 1, 85c per bu.
Flour Valley. $4.10 per bbl; Ore
gon hard wheat, $4.30.
Oats in sacks, $1.30 per cwL
Hay Clover, oat, cheat mixed, $10
per ton.
Potatoes lc lb choice.
Eggs 40c per dozen.
Butter Ranch 50c53c per roll;
separator 55c 60c per rool; creamery
70c75c per roll.
Ruttabegas carrots, turnips, par
snips, beets, 50 cents per sack.
Good Apples Choice, 75c$1.25 a
Peaches Dried, 15c lb.
Honey 12Vjc per lb.
Beef Heifers $2.73; steers $3.50
$4.50 per hundred. Hogs, dressed, 8c.
Mutton $5 to $5.50 per hundred.
Pears Choice $1.00 per box.
Cabbage 50cS0c per doz.
Squash 50c$1.00 per doz.
Shorts S5c per sack.
Barley $1.15 per sack.
bought of W. S. Ladd estate. For sale
cheap. Will trade for registered Jer
sey or Guernsey. J. R. Carr, one mile
south of Clear Creek creamery. 2tl
A Quality That Counts
M. I. B. COFFEE - Mocha and Java
This is a combination of Javas fancy mild cof
fees, and Mocha. It's an excellent article. 3 lbs.
for J 1 OO
Phone J26I