OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBEH 21, 1900. Por Sale The J. 0. McCord farm 1H miles from Oregon City will be aotd In tracts to suit purchaser, 10, 20, 30 ami 40 acres. Other farms for sale. Ab stract of title with each farm Fold. CITY TRUST CO., City and Vicinity L. H. Klrchom of Logan transacted business In Oregon City, Saturday. OREGON 1-3-4 Garde Hid. J. A. Cain Agent HOME MADE CANDIES FRESH EVERY DAY THE PALM 719 Main Street Tickets on Haviland Dinner Set given with every purchase. Brunswick House AND KESTAVRAXT. Oysters Received Dally. Main St., Opposite Suspension Bridge. R. I. Walker writing from ltaker City to his wife here, navs they have snow a foot deep and still coming. Miss Theresa Stabon of Heaver Creek spent the last few days of the week In this city. 1 Mrs. (loorgo Wilson of Soli wood I visited Mrs. A. J. Wilson Thursday and Friday. A. A. Schneider of Woodburn was in town Friday, meeting dd friends. Mr. Schneider was formerly foreman in the paper mills. J. T. Grace of Highland, a recent Democratic candidate for the office of county commissioner was In Ore gon City, Saturday. Smoke "Golden Leaves" and the pleasures of a good Miioke will be doubly so. Distributor V. Harris and Kverhiut & Co., Oregon Ci v; Niles & Co., Glad stone; Mrs. J R. Walker, P.irVplacc A special meeting of the city school district will bo held on December 28 in the court room of the county court house. The report of the board of directors will be read nnd nil Inter ested in school matters will have n chance to vote on the levying of n special tax for the support of the city schools during the ensuing year. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY TH0S F. RYAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Probate and Realty Law Practice Specialties. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Office Upstairs, first building south of Courthouse. O. W, EASTHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Collections, Mortgages, Foreclosures, Abstracts of Title and General Law business. Office over Bank of Oregon City. Office Phone 1101 Res. Phone 1773 C. H. DYE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Corner Sixth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. A petition against Sunday closing Is being circulated in Oregon City and the person who bus been In ehargo of the movement has been able to secure a largo number of signers. Mrs. T. II. Haitians, of Star, Lane county, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. II. R. Straight of this city for a few days. Mrs. Hanklns will then go to Spokane to visit another married daughter, nee Miss Lulu Hanklns. Mrs. Uessle Dowers and baby of Cauby, returned to their home, Friday, afler a short visit with her uncle nnd aunt. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. H. Samson. Mis. Dowers reports her father. Mr. Armstrong, as being no better. J. D. Wallace of Highland was In town the latter part of the week and subscribed for the Knterprlso for him self and also for his brother George who lives at Coltou. D. N. Trulllnger of I'nlon Mills was an Oregon City visitor, Friday. A. II. Petit, a former saw mill man of Oregon City, was In town, Saturday. David F.by, father of Attorney O D. Khy, left Saturday morning for Eugene, where ho will spend a month with relatives. A. II. Knight of Cauby, was trans acting business at the Court House Saturday. Miss Jessie Paddock, deputy coun ty treasurer, returned Friday after noon from a two weeks' visit with rel atives at Grants Pass. O. D. EBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land titles examined, estates Bettled, general law business transacted. Over Bank of Oregon City. GEORGE C. BROWNELL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Phone: Main 521 Office in Caufield Bid., Main and Eighth Sts. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office in Commercial Bank. Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON, W. S. U'REX" C. SCIIUEBEL U'REN & SCHUEBEL ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT Will practice in all courts, make collections and settlements of estates. Furnish abstracts of title, lend you money on first mortgage. Office in ENTERPRISE Building, Oregon City, Oregon. J. E. HEDCES F. T. CRIFFITH HEDGES & GRIFFITH Oregon City Camp, No. fii'Ort, Mod ern Woodmen of America, elected of ficers Thursday night for the ensu ing term, as follows: Charles Wright, consul; C. X. Mosier, advisor; I. D. Taylor, clerk; G. W. Dlgham. escort; G. Grossenbacher, banker; Chris Sic bkin. watchman; August Splinter, sen try; E. F. Story, member of board of managers. C. C. Shroder formerly of Condon. Oilman county, is visiting at Stafford, having rented his farm with the. In tention of selling to locato in Oregon City later. Miss Mary Hello Meldrum of this city, who Is attending the University of Idaho at Moscow, will leave there the twenty-first, to spend tho Christ mas holidays, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Meldrum. The Navajo club held a business meeting at the homo of the Misses Edna and Ethyl Park Friday evening LAWYERS- Rooms 10-13 Weinhard Building, opposite Court House H. E. CROSS ATTORNEY AT LAW Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Main Street, OHE.GON CITY W. Greenwell was In town Friday on business. Mr. Greenwell has re cently moved from Darton to Portland where he has gone Into tho express business. His mother, Mrs. Jerusha Greenwell. one of the oldest settlers at Damascus, has rented the1 hom farm to W. W. Cooke, and about three weeks ago went to Lents where sh bought property and will reside. Mrs Greenwell had lived at Damascus since 1S.",2. D. C. LATOURETTK, President. F. J. M EYE'S, Cashier. THEaCOMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY, OREGON AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a General F inking Bii.-iine.-s. Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Willamette club members on. taking much interest in the dancing party which they will give during thi holidays in Armory hall on the even ing of December 27. The event Is the ! second of the series to bo given during I the season ami promises to be the so jcial affair of the holidays. The occa sion Is looked forward to by many as i a large number of tho members of the club and their friends who are now ! attending the different colleges and i universities will be able to attend. Daniel Guetitbor of Shubel Is erect- lug a residence that will malio u pretty new homo for tho Guonther family when completed. llert and Thomas Garrett of Mar quant were Oregon City visitors Thurs day afternoon. Call on KnaOO & Nobel RetaiI Liquor Dealers "lmrr MUWtl Fur Your Hobday Wines MRANDJES ami TABLE WINES For Mince Meat Zi'mdel Madoria Plum Pudding ' Muscat Grape Brandy An Mica Old Peach 0 , (.atawba , . . Pantenie Sparkling Sautemo Old Apricot , n , i i " ( and Hurgundy. Maderia Win ; Rie.-lint? Impt. Khein Wines Port Wine ; p"n '"'I. p"rt ; Sherry Impt. Sherries Sherry Wine Tokay Impt. Champagnes Museate-1 i Malaga Impt. Cognacs J. J. Kuntx of Heaver Creels, was In town Friday, meeting former aeumlnt Mrs. J. L. Hobertson nnd Miss Eva Ulrd of Dover were Hhopplng In Ore gon City, Thursday afternoon. Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving nSSTm Williams Bros. Transfer Co. 624 Main Street Deputy District Attorney Sehuobel waa In Poring Friday morning. Cataract Lodge, No. 70. Knights of Py thins, has elected offlcora for tho coming term na follows: II. L. Greaves, chancellor-commander; A, J. Wilson, prolato; Elinor Lanklna, master-nt arms; 11. W. Trombath, mas ter of exchequer; M. P. Chapman, keeper of records nnd seal; E. liurdon, outside guard nnd Dr. Goorgo Iloeyg, master of work. W. A. White mado a buslnoMs trip to Portland, Saturday afternoon. Charles Koluhofor of 11. V. D. No. :l. Is looking for a location nnd ex pecting to move Into Oregon City, W. A. Shaver of Molalla wns In, tho city, Thursday. V. H. Madison of U. V. D. 4 was trad lug In town Friday nnd went oti to Portland to hade after some business mat tors. W. A. lleylman, president of tho bank of Estacndn, was lit Oregon City Friday morning idiaklng hands with friends and distributing calendars with tho compliments of his Institution. W. II. lloiiney, a saw mill man of Viola, wan trading In Oregon City, Monday. The Dickons club meet lugs nro post poned until the fli'Nt Monday after Now Years, when tho members will moid with Mrs. T. A, Melliido, Mrs, (1. ( lli-ownoU's Sunday iiehool class of tho Presbyterian church are working on a iptllt that, will be pre sented at ChiiMlmaM time to tho Good Samaritan lioxpllal In Portland. Crown Hoys mining and milling company operutliig property hi tho llluo Hlver district, and owned by lo cal capital, has just finished a hun dred foot tunnel and started another. A mining expert of Portland, who has Just returned from un Investigation of that country, reports It ono of tho richest claims In Oregon. Mrs. Helena Ulnearson of Mllwau klo combined business and pleasure In a trip to Oregon City, Thursday. Mrs. L. T. Patten of Cunby spent Thursday with hxr daughter, Mrs. J. L. Waldron, going from hero to Port land on a short business trip, before returning to her homo. J. II. Davids, formerly of Oregon City, but now a contractor and capi talist of Portland, was In town Fri day. " Mrs. Ira Wlshart and son Uussell of Baker City, aro expected, tho first of tho week for a visit with Mr. Wlshart'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goo rgo Wlshart. They will go to Oak land, Oregon, beforo returning home, for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Hua-eell. Lincoln Annuity Union had ft good time and a good crowd. In Woodman hall Snturday evening. Coffee and cake wero served. Miss Josslo Taylor violin, nnd Miss May Strnngo, piano, furnished music for dancing. Multnomah lodge has appointed tho following commltteo to lnvustlguto tho plan for building a new temple: John 11. Walker, J. E. Hedges, T. F. Uyan, J. W. Moffltt, and Harry Jones. Tho Master nod Wardens will receive pro posals for rout of storo nnd office rooms. Ooo. K. Ilargreuves of Clackamas Ih In town on business, Monday. Mrs. Simpson, of Uedland, was vbdtor In Oregon City, Monday. A. E. Hooter of Forest drove arrived Monday morning In Oregon City for a few days' vlalt with friends. Mr. Hue tor has tho largest, vineyard on David's Hill near Forest drove. Ills wines are famou all over the country and have received a gold medal front tho Purls KpoHltloti of DIDO, and also pii.es of dlHllnctlon ami medals from tho Chicago, Pan American, St. I.ottlit and the Lowls ami Clark Expositions. Mrs. John Intenberger of Clacka mas wits a guest of Mrs. Mary Capos and other friends In Oregon City, Saturday. O. V. Church who lias undergono a second operation for one of tils eyos, at a Portland hospital, returned Sat urday. Mr. Church Is Improving rapidly. tletits who camo to tho rosort a few days ago, In a crippled condition, from the effects of rheumatism, left on tho third day, walking away as If nothing had ever ailed Mm. V. V. Mclioran, manager of tho Wtlholt Springs, ws a business vis itor in Oregon City Thursday after noon. Mr. McLeran npoko lu praising terms of tho good work being dono out at the springs In tho way of rem-1 27th. edylng tho broken down (tystems of! The bulge will attend services nt many people lately. Mud baths havejtbo Episcopal church on December been established and one of tho pa- ::oih nt S o'clock. A delightful birthday party wiim held In Canamali, Saturday evening: for William Freeman, who was sev enteen that day, dames, music and a Hplemlld luncheon were enjoyed un til a late hour. Those present were: Cora Smith, Initio 1 lacker, AkkI dreable, Lillian Freeman, lla.el drnves, Oscar Smith, I.Idas Hacker. Horace Minor, Oscar Minor, daell dreable, Clyde Edgar Nuttall, William Fnyackerley. Multnomah Ijidgo No. 1, A. F. & A M , met Saturday evening In a reg ular session, electing the following of fleers: It. ('. dauong, worthy master, Ernest p. Hands, senior warden; Llvy Stlpp, Junior warden; Linn E Jones, treasurer and John Humphreys, sec retary. K. 0. danong, the master, will appoint members to fill the fob lowing offices. Senior deacon. Junior deacon, senior steward, Junior stew ard ami tyler. The ImstalliUlon of officers will tak- place) on St John's day, on December One of the, most enjoyable events of tho season, was the first open meeting of the Derthlck dub, Friday evening, when about sixty guests wero enter tained at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. James Chase. Tho house wa3 artistically decorated In Oregon grape, mlsletoo and garlands of red crepe paper. Partners wero chosen for progressive whist by matching articles drawn from baskets that wtfre passed an iron-holder and nn iron, a knife and a fork; a cup and saucer, wero among the combinations. Prize winners wero Cis liarclay Pratt, a hand-painted plate of dainty design; R. U. McAlpin, a hand'-ome deck of cards. An auction of antique created, a ?;reat deal of merriment; bids rang ing from half a million to one penny, kept, the bean-money in circulation. Tho packages were wrapped In tissue paper arid tied with ribbons and each was given fifty beans an a start. In the musical game, seven or ei'ht gentlemen guessed all the numbers. Three other selections were played, resulting In victory for C. I). Lutour otto, wiro was given a harmonica. Col. Jtobt Miller Kecured tho consolation prize, a jewsharp. A delicious lunch eon was served. The evening was brought to a delightful close by the singing of several popular airs, by the entire company. Mrs. Chase was as sisted In receiving by Mesdames Win, A. Huntley, Charles H. Caufield, Wal ter Dimick, John Loder and Mlna Muriel Stevens. We arc, still of:crinj 2t per crnt. discount on nil Ladies' Suits & Coats DOZENS OF GIFT THINGS FOR MEN I I This Store is overflowing 1 I with them. Here are 1 just a few REMINDERS Shirts r()c to $,.oo Neckwear 25c to $1 Suspenders 2 ."5c to $1.50 Combination, suspenders, Hose supporters and Arm hands (5e set Handkerchiefs 5c -50c Ni(ht robes 75c-$ 1.50 Hosiery 12 l-2c-50c Shoes $2.50 to $5 Underwear 50c to $2.50 Hats $1.85 to $5.00 ' Mulflcrs 75c to $2.00 Military brushes $1.50 to $2.50 Shaving sets $1.50 to $5 Umbrellas 75c to $5 Suit Cases, all prices Slip OREGON CITYS BUSIEST STORE, A Ml