Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 21, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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    ,1' p.
City and Vicinity
N. J I. lllulr of lliililmnt was nn Ore
gon City visitor Monday.
Mr. inn) Mrs, II, T, Hlndon were
down on their ranch ut Fern Kldgo,
iivnr Hutidiiy,
I. V. llurlittm fit Ml (icorgo Ogle of
MiiIiiIIii, started fur llui Ogle tnouii
lain m 1 in Monday morning,
Miss Clementina Hrudfoid of Pott
luuil vIhU.hi! with Mr. Kllitbelh War
tier ut Locust fut nt, Huniliiy.
Mrs, Hfuurt of Health,, nee. Mis arcr yjfo III
Cluru Warner, arrived in t ii'i-oii city
Hubert C, ami C. M. French of Ho
nttlo wero In Oregon City Monday on
ii business trip.
Mih, Norn Mulr and Iwn children
of pent Icy, lnwii, i'iiiiik Holiday for nn
extended vhilt with Mrs. Mnlr'M moth
er, Mrs. Kllnbeth Callff.
Mrn, K. Ilolley ami daughter MImh
I.IIIIiiii Fisher, with In I'orlliinil Hut
1 1 fit it y tin 1 Kundny,
Hanker W. H. draco of linker Cliy,
Vl'dlCil hi MlMtl-r 1(1 IllW, Ml'H, (i. W.
fJriien, Sunday,
I'M Morgan arrived In Oregon City
Momlny front Htimptor, where, lio had
Imtii employed for hoiiiii lino. Mr.
Morgan left the miiiiio ilny for lgiui
whore lui will visit IiIi sister ami re
imiimtiiIh for n few weekn. Mr. Mor-
Kiui bus not I n In the best of lieulth
Chits, llolln Im bring huntei) ttien
days liy Countable Fly, tint sreum to
lie Keeping Olll of sight lllld mieeeeilH
In making iu iii pH front omi pluco to
another. The charge against llolln In
fall hi of payment of fl!0 hiiiinl dill
nt Iho boarding Iioiiho of M. Jttut In.
Itnllii sklppi-d mul liml apparently
pliiinieil tin) move fur M iino time nn
lie took nil IiIh hrlonglugs, trunk, etc.,
when making the Jump during the
Mboi M.
In lu re for a
Huniliiy evening for a visit with her
parents, Mr. liml Mrn. Thomas War
ner. Mih. SI niirt will remain during
lint Christinas holidays.
Tho Mlsse Jensen ami Madison
anil Mr. Vletor Fugtiit of Forent drove
ami F.itil Hhepheril of Portland wore
Oregon City visitors Hunuiiy, tint
young ladles belong to tlm efficient
corps of teachers of Iho Forest (irovo
public hcIhmiIh.
(ieorgn Dow nml Miss (ieorglfl Hllva
of I'orllaml, Mrn. Yount mul Misses
l.eoiinii ami KiitlH-rliic Hllva of Haiti
ler were guests Hunilay of Mr. liml
Mrn. A. .1. Wilson.
Fierce light With Mid
night Marauder.
DEffl 01 TO
Beef and Mutton Advance.
There has hf.cn an advance In price
paid by local butchers of beef and
mutton. They arc now paying $2.75
, per hundred for heifers and $3.50 to
$1.50 for steers. Sheep are bring
ing from 5 to t cents a pound.
V. A. Holmes of I'ark place ha3 Just
received three carloads of shorts and
Is amply prepared to supply tho de
lioth of New York's senators wero
In their seats when the senate roll
was called. Now Mrs. Piatt ought to
know where to find her husband.
.1 11. Hunt ami daughter Cora of
Willamette were In I'ortlaml Kslunlay
nml Sunday, slopping hem over Hun
iliiy night with their son ami brother,
A. H Hunt. 1
If You Stir i ll Blow Your Head Off,"
Wan the Kubber'a Muff, but
"Mr. und Mrs. JonepliKon
Called It.
Vancouver, II. C, Dec. 18. No new
In tho Circuit Court for Clackamas
County, Oregon.
W. O. McKown, Plaintiff,
Marguertha JdeKown, defendant.
To Marguertha McKown, the above
named defendant.
In the name of the State of Ori g in,
Your Holiday Trade
We have the right goods and the price
Is right too.
Large supply Cal. Mission Figs lb 10c
Imported Smyrna Figs, lb
developments have occurred In the ; you aro h'Teby required to appear and i
Mixed Nuts, pound 20c
l.llliker (if Colilen.lale,
to weeks' vlult with
V. Mayn.lil of Maylb ld Jims., who
pi rate a general merrhitnilliie Htoro
at Highland, whm In Orif;iiit City, Mou-
I'. W. Mcl.eran, mannger of the
Wllhoit Hpiini'.'i was In town .Monday
afternoon. Mr. Mcl.eran hud Just re
tutiieil friiiii a hiiftlneHH trip to Port
land and wltiifuHed mum of th In
eonvenleiiieH of the Kirlkti Sunday,
having hml the ileatiui of walking
;:r. blocks Sumlay evening to reach
the home of his brother. In order to
make certain of not making the trip
from Portland to Oregon City on foot,
Mr. Mi-l-iiin took nn early car for
this place, He returned to the
Kprliig-i, Tuesday morning.
"Come, bestir yourself," said Mra.
Albert JoM-plrnon, wile of the superin
tendent of tlm faMhiumihle Lenox Court
apartments, New York, to her spouse
lu the early hours of a recent morning.
"I think there Is some one lu the
"Tut, tut; you're Just nervous. It
me sleep," returned the husband drow
sily. It it his nap was short Ills wife
I was sure and, being sure, piTMlstently
j shook hlui ;iitll he was wide awake.
J "Oh, w ell, Just to atlnfy you I'll get
: up iHid t. ke a look around," he said,
i Tin n a lleep voice c.'iine out of tho
case of the poisoning of Mrs. Nettle
Mrs. Heeds' death was purely accident
Mrs. Heed's death was purely accident
al, though one physician says the dog
wash contained carbolic acid while
there was no evidence of that acid In
Mrs. Heeds' stomach.
The dead womaVn husband, J. T
Heeds, when he left home Friday told
her she was not looking well and
cautioned her to not forget to take
her medKno. He was a half hour late
returning home that evening, and
found preparations made for
filed against i
Court and I
before th7 expiration of
Miss Kilnu Canllebl Is expected to
return from the Cnlvi-rslty of Oregon
for the Christ inns holidays on Friday.
MIhs ( larn ( iiuflcld will not tie utile to! ,.()m fr.,.i hoitiewhere at the foot of hut his wife wan not visible. Search
return until the following duy. the bed: K . waH horrified to find her body
I "F.xcum. me; you won't do anything , ,
At the Inquest, It developed that
Mrs. Seed :' medic!;. e was In a b-ittle
A large number of Oregon City : of the sort. You'll lie Jut where you
people who were In Portland Humlay "re, nud you'll keep' mighty (j ilet about
afternoon had to return on the Houth
ern Pacific train on account of the
lied up truffle of the electric cars.
The Knights and Ladles of Secur
ity had a very enthusiastic meeting
Monday night nnd Initiated one cntidb
date, MIhi Certle Mayo, with five ap
plications on the table. Light refresh
ments were enjoyed. The team and
a number of members expected to go
to Portland tonight to do initiatory
work but because of tho car strike
were compelled to postpone the trip.
At the next meeting of the local lodge,
January 7, n (lass of eight will ho
taken In. A committee was npisilnted
to prepare for a big supper for that
It. If vim Ktlr I'll b iiu' vour he.nl off.
JoM-phsoii, h .-.veyer, decided he '" a shelf a'-.ngslde a battle of polnon-
wntfh t v iln;: to keep still, so he sprang huh dog wr.sh, which she probably
Into the darkne-s ntid grappled with drank by mistake. There la no sus-
wbat mined out to be the blt:get man ,i,.uri that she bxik tho poison lnten-
he had ever encountered. They rolled (,.n!.iiv
atioiii lie
answer the complaint
you In the above
suit, on or
six weeks from the date of the first
I publication of this summons which
first date of publication Is December
21, 1900, and If you fail to so answer
j for want thereof the plaintiff will ap-
! ply to the Court for the relief demand-!
ed In the complaint and for a decree'
j'hat the plaintiff be forever divorced!
j from defendant. j
i This summons Is published by order .
McBride, Judge of the
above entitled Court and the date of
the first publication of this summons
Is December 21, PioO.
HI.), and A. H. MEN DSN HALL, 1
t" Attorney! ror nainun.
Fine London Layer Raisins, lb.. 120
New Navel Oranges, dozen
Large assortment Fine Candies.
supper lof Thomas A
Try our special Java and Mocha Cof
fee, 35c per pound.
Fine.'t Country Cured Bacon.
Harris Grocery
"Corton Minstrels" which wer
have appeared at the Shlvely tho
have written to postpone their
here until after the holidays.
2 2d,
Dee. ;u, 'Jerry from Kerry," will he
given and on Jan. 7, "Hello of Japan."
Itoth aro popular plays.
I'.uon securing a marriage license
Frldajp morning from the county clerk,
Myrtle Johnson and Thomas F. John
Hon, both of Multnomah county, pro
reeded to the room of the County
Judge where their inntrlturinlal knot
was re tied.
Tho parlies were married some time
ago, hut on account of some mlsun-
derHtandlng of the law, a legal re-niar
rlago was performed.
Charles V. Wilson has been heard
from through friends who have met
It I m In New York city. Mr. Wilson Is
now a member of tho "Margaret
Wllcherly Stock company" which Is
filling at present an extended engagi
inent in Hrooklyn, New York. The
company Is a well known one nnd the
friends of Mr. Wilson will bo pleas
ed to learn of his progress In his
chosen profession. Mrs. Charles Popo
nnd Mrs. Imogen Harding llrodle
since going to the Knut have met Mr
Wilson and havo given fluttering re
ports of his work.
Deputy Sheriff Uly wont to llolton
Monday morning for tho sale of the
foreclosure of mortgngo against the
properly of Charles linker. Tho ntort
Riige was held ngalnst. tho property
by the Hank of Oregon City. Tho fore
closure of the chattel mortgage will
occur on March 2(i.
Hon:-, and the Intruder curs
ed. JoHejihHoii didn't. IL' needed all
the breath In; could muster to tnke care
of H1 1 man
Mrs. Josephson In the m-antime
turned on the llht, and when she saw
the Intruder about t get away alio
Joined In the battle without waiting to
dress. Finally she nlded by Sitting 00
the wA until her husband got a
givMl grip on bin. 'I'licn she hurriedly
dipped Into a dressing gown nud atart-
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hrown were given j
surprise at their home on Clackn- j
inns Heights, Saturday evening. A !
number of their neighbors marched
Into their home, singing "(ilory, ;
ilory." (inmes were Indulged lu un- I
til a late hour, when a bounteous:
luncheon wns served, after which the
Kitests departed, congt titillating them
selves that tiny had so completely
surprised Mr. and Mrs. Hrown. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Hrown,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Moore, Mr. and Mrs.
Hurgess, Mr. and Mrs. Schnffer, Mr.
und Mrs. Johnes. Mr. and Mrs. Walk
er, Mr. nnd Mrs. long, Mr. nnd Mrs.
McAnulty, Mrs. Do Ford. Mrs. Short-
dge, Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Draper and
Miss Anna Schaffer.
Kanney Tho bnby son of C. W.
Kanney of tho West Side tiled Sunday
morning at Uio home. The body was
taken to Snohomish, Wash., Monday
afternoon for burial, llrlef services
were hcii! ly Kev. j". K. liammonil.
The body of Charles llurkhnrt Is ex
pected to arrive iu Oregon City on
Thursday's train from the south. It
will be remembered that A. J. Nobel
of this city went to San Jose lust
week Upon the receiving of a message
of the serious Illness of Mr. llurkhnrt
and of the second message received
here after Mr. lturkhart's death. Mr.
llurkhnrt died In Sun Jose on Friday
and the remains are being brought
back by Mr. Nobel, who Is a brother
In-law of the deceased.
Mrs. Nettle Seeds was a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Davis of Mt.
Pleasant. He-ddes the parents, she
leaves a pbter, Mrs. W. T. Rowan,
with who. ii Mr. and Mrs. Davis re
side. Kxcept for a dispatch announc
ing tho death, tho family here had
heard no particulars of Mrs. Seeds'
demise until told of the above dis
patch to the Star. Mrs. Seeds was
20 years of age.
In response t i enquiries the Rnter- j
prise herewith gives the rodl of mem
bers of the reconstructed cabinet, as
It will bo when the appointments re
cently made by the President have
, been confirmed by tho Senate, and
the transfers of office are made:
j Secretary of State, Elihu Root
Secretary of Treasury, George B.
Secretary of War, Win. II. Taft
Secretary of Navy, Victor IL Met
calf. , Attorney General, Charles J. Bona
parte. '
Postmaster General, George Von L.
Secretary of the Interior, James R.
Secretary of Agriculture, James
Secretary of Commerce and Labor,
Oscar L. Strauss.
Batdorf'a Fingers Mashed.
Kdmund Hatdorf, who Is employed
by the paper mills, had three lingers
mashed Tuesday. Tho accident hap
pened while Hatdorf was doing volun
teer work In aiding tho lock-keepers.
Ills hand was caught In tho cogs of
tho gate. Ho may not lose his lingers.
ed for a policeman. She found two of
him In le-s time than It usually takes
lu Harlem, even when the need Ib not
mo great.
The bluecouts returned with her and
bracelet ed the big man. At first he
was sullen. Afterward nt tho West
One Hundred uud Twenty-fifth street
station, the police say, he gave his
name as John Kelly, his age as twenty-one
and his address na 853 Second
avenue. Ills occupation was set down
us "lalHirer," and from his appearance
when the police found him rolling
about the floor with Josephson It was
no mlsuomeiv He had put In a labori
ous half hour.
In ,hls pockets, the police say, they
found a bunch of skeleton keys ami a
pair of gold cult links, which, Joseph
sou said, had been taken from his shirt.
On the floor of the bedroom clothing
belonging to tho Josephsons was found
bundled up ready to be taken away.
Mr. Dooley's New Observations.
In the language of a friend "Dooley
Is glttln' gayer and wiser all the
tolme." He has never written so bril
liantly as In tho new series of Dooley
articles which are now appearing In
The Chicago Sunday Record-Herald.
His views on "Me Young Frlnd Count
lionney's Iive Affairs," "Th" Prlsi
dlnt's Activities" and other timely
observations In the new series are
the choicest things tho author has
ever offered his thousands of admir
ers, full of witty sayings which will
be quoted for years to come." These?
"Dooley" articles, each complete In it
self, will appear in successive Sunday
Issues of the Record-Herald.
Mrs. John Cox Is very 111 at. her
home on Tenth street. Her father,
L. M. Davidson of Oswego, came Sun
day, expecting his wife who has been
with her daughter sonui time, would
be able to return homo with him, but
Mrs. Cox wns not well enough to
Beauty More Than Skin Deep.
ICvery one who wants a good healthy
color, nnd a clear skin free from bll
lousnoss, sluggish liver and chronic
constipation should get a nckage of
Dainty Lnxnkola tonic tablets, nature's
sweet restorer. Huntley Bros.
Oregon City Aerie No. 993, F. O. K.
met Monday evening for regular meet
ing. It was decided to hold tho Ini
tiations, which aro to be followed by
a banquet, on Now Year's Eve.
Miss JodhIo Dlllmnn lias so fur re
covered from her recent sovoro ill
iioss, as to ho able to bo out calling
on friends.
Special School Meeting.
Notice Is hereby given to tho legal
voters of School District No. 02, of
Clackamas County, State of Oregon,
that a Special School Meeting of said
district will ho held at tho County
Courtroom In tho County Courthouse
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, tho
2Sth day of December, 1900, at 7
o'clock p. m., for tho following object:
For tho purposo of levying a special
tux for school purposos.
Dated this 15th day of December,
Chairman Hoard of Directors.
Attest: E. E. Brodlo, District Clerk.
Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion.
l'ultlifnl Dog; Dlil Ilia Duty.
David Conover, carpenter, entered
his home on Trenton avenue, Chelsea,
N. J., and discovered blood trails over
tho floor, lio traced them to a door
through which he entered with soma
trepidation nnd discovered his New
foundland dog Tip In nn excited con-
When a man conies into this store
and calls for any particular Indiges
tion remedy, we give "what he asks
for, but in case he loaves it to us we
usually recommend Pepsikola tablets.
Here is a preparation wo have been
soiling right over the counter for years
nnd from actual observation we know
flit Ion. Conover went over the houso
snd found that he had been robbed. lt must 1)e gomli nlu realiy UO03 re
There were signs of a battle between I ,kve aml curo im,igostiou and dygppp.
the thief and the Newfoundland, with
clear evidence that tlie burglar had
been severely nltten. But the thief,
notwithstanding his wounds, carried
oft his loot.
Hunff Hog' Head on Iluabnnd'a Door,
Fottl Huddlu, n Mohammedan of
Asbury Turk, N. J., had his wife be
fore Justice of the Pence Borden to
sla or thero would be a steady stream
of people coming back for their money,
as every 25 cent liox is sold with the
understanding that you must be de
cidedly benefitted or there is- nothing
to pay.
You simply try Pepsikola tablets
wth the understanding that they will
explain why she hnuged pigs1 feet and steady jour nerves, Improve your ap
a hog's head otAls door knob and also pctlto, relieve wind belching, coated
called him a monkey. He admitted
he had another wife In India, but de
clared when he married the wlf
against whom he Is now complaining
In New York about twelve years ago,
when she was only seventeen, he told
her of his wlfo In India.
tongue, sour stomach, fullness after
eating, weakened energy, and other
symptoms of indigestion or Huntley
Bros, are ready at any tme to pay
back your money without the least
To Heat
Cold Rooms
rsss :c:o:
Every house has Its
cold room. Abnormal weather
conditions, inadequate stove or
furnace heat often result in some particular
rart of the house beine cold and cheerless. You
can make home warm and cheerful with the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Carry It about from room to room. Turn wick high or low there's no
danger. Smukeles device prevents smoke and smelL Easy to operate
as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Bras oil fount beautifully em
bossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and bums g hours. Gives Intense
heat Two tinishes nickel anJ japan. Handsome, useful, reliable. p)
tvery neater warranted, u nut at your oeaiers wrue our i
nearest agency for descriptive circular.
yoa cn buy.
latent Improve! I
Is the best lamp
fur a 1 1 - r o u ni
household use
EauippeJ with
improved burner. Gives
brlcht. steady lljht al lowest cost. Made of brass
throughout and nickel elated, suitable for any ronia
whether library, dinio? -room, parlor or bedroom. Safe
and satisfactory, tvery lamp warranted. Write to
nearest agency It not at your dealer s.
Standard Oil Company
The Best Christmas Present
Is something to wear a suit, overcoat
or some other apparel. Here you can
see a large and diversified collection
of desirable wearables from which to
make a satisfactory selection at little
cost notably among them being
Fine Clothing
which has no equal in style, quality
and finish. Come and see the extra
special values we are offering in
Men's and Young Men's win
ter suits at 8 to 20 OO
Every new style of single or double
breasted cut is here In fashionable
fabrics of tested quality.
Mens and Young Men's
Overcoats $8 to 825 OO
Of every ultra and conservative style
In fine overcoatings, elegantly tailored.
We show an exceptionally large va
riety of useful gifts for men. Do your
Christmas shopping now while stock
Is at best. If you wish to purchase
clothing as a surprise bring one of his
old coats with you for size.
t, "Vl- l-ijj?? 1
Ederheimer Stein & Q
I I Mw jar