Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 21, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Good Teeth Means Good Health, Good Digestion and Good Looks
and acknowledged skill and gentle
lor n reasonable fi-o.
If you di'Hiro tho best possible results for the amount we
charge, you will not ho disappointed at this office.
I I Plf KFNTC Dentist- Wcinhard Bld- Pnes, City
U L. rlblALllJ, 293. Farmers 121.
International Society to Hold
Annual Meets In London.
Aaiiuuiii-mirul ll nl Kulliiml
Moras Kililhlt In rl 1 urk Hbam
Thai Mu of I'ruuilaml Ami-rli-aa
l:ilillj)lir Will llui-k lb I'rujrrl
hf I'rrauiial I'.ulrlra anil laflqrnrr.
Manag rmrat )o IIb Analu-Aiurrlraa.
All lllll'l'lllltllllltll homo show to I III
hold (It London licit JuilO I III! II K
mirrtl furl. A iixft lute of Hi' proud
unit American exhibitors und repre
sentatives f the National Ilorso Www
association uiul of (lit llurkiiry Homo
MHHix'ltltloll of Fughllld WIIH rrrrlllly
lirlil In Madison Hqunre Cardcu III
New York, when tlir plans for the ex
lillillloll Well' decided llloll, says till)
New York Times, 'l'lu! show will lu
an nuuuiil one iiml held hi I,oudon
each ynir. Tlir Inaugural event In
art for Juno 7 I l.'l, I'.)n7. anil will bo
lirlil ut I lii? great olyiuphi of Ioudou,
Til" pll7.es will agglogato nliout f. '!.",
Oimi, mut tin- I ili-t will ii ihii next
May, Not only will tint American ex
llllillH liirrt Ihr best Inline 111 Knglalld,
hut entrant w ill he solicited In I'm lire,
llclrluiu, ( ; .-iiu ii n . Holland, Spain ami
Ituly. Kurd of thcae rotilltrlen will hi
represented mi Hie loaril of director.
Tin' meeting wan lirlil at tho Instanoo
of Frank 1'. Knri'ii. Herri'tiiry of tho
F.llgllsll Illll'Ulliy lllM'HK IIKHIH'ltltlol),
win) raino to .New York to roiiiiileto tho
detail of the exhibition. He repre
sented tho IIiikIIhIi director and ex
plained tho object of tho now associa
tion, outlining Ha plan niul mhii,
Anion) those who ntlriiileil worn Al
fred tjwyitlio VauilrrblK, Itcglnaltl
Vllllilerlillt, Coorgo Pepper. John I,.
Conn way, James T. Hyile. William T.
iHllles anil U 1'enii Smith of I'hlladel
jihlu, Alfreil (iinlfrey ami Adam Itork,
M. 1'., of Canada, who oortiilotl tho
Choice Lots
" -and'
Improved Property
At (Hailstone, Oregon City's unost
miburb. !w fare, six mlnutoa' rhlo
from city. Prices reasonable.
F.lght room limine, nut buildings
ono nrro of land, nil cleared ami fenc
ed; close to Htoro; fine location.
AIniT other mimll tracts, raiiKlnK
from ono to fifteen nrrrH, at roa.son
ahlo prices.
l'.'O ncrei, 5 ft nrroH cloar. 114 ncros
of fruit, all KlmR fill ncreu heavy lit
hh w tlmher, 7-room Iioiimi H)xZG and
llxlt;, Imrn DOxlis, pMiil cellar valued
at $100, Kianiuy, hlacliamltliHhop,
wood nhei, II miles from Oregon
City ami !) miles fiom Kstariulti Rood
woll and Hinall utream of water run
nhiK thioiiKh place, freo rural deliv
ery, fences all around tho plnoo.
$25 per acre.
"The Man Who Makes Property
524 Main &v., Oregon City.
The perplexing question of what to get for the boy or girl for Christ
man Is now confronting you and In order to help you out In the mat
ter, we suggest that a
with a credit of a dollar or more will be far mora appreciated
than a toy, the novelty of which wears off In a day or two, and
which Is then cast aside. The opening of a Savings Account may
be the means of starting the boy or girl on the road to Independence.
ness in bundling tlio most dilTicult
eases liuvo robbed tho dontiht's of
fice of Hh old li mo terrors, l'l-nply
I'lilriiMting their work to us are sur
prised mid delighted nt tho result
which will not fail to satisfy tin
iiiohI exacting,
Wo nim to keep tho lead; old
fashioned method)) find do place in
ollico. We give tho best in
and methods und appliance
Frank F. liureu, on nehalf of tliu
KiikIInIi dlreetoiH, oxphilneil Unit liu
win "rut over for tho purpoHii of In
teroNllni; tho Alnerlcitii oxhlliltum In
an Intermit IoiiiiI kIiuw, (d lie held an
nuiilly lu I .nil Ion, iiml huIiI that It wan
tho lutontloll to hold Hid exhibition In
tho Olymphi hulldluK, a utructuru twlro
tho kI.d of MihIIkoii Kipiaru (i'nrden,
with a ahow rln S'lS hy 7)1 feet. Ilo
allien tlm ufiVr of f.'i.'.ooo In prl.en a
liumhep of rlianiploiiHlili) cupH woro
phiuneil to hecome tho ulmoliilo prop
erly of tho wlnnern am! to bo renew
oil enrh year. Tho ohjert of tho xhow
wan to proiuoto tho hent IntorintH of
liorHo hrreillni; iiml to ciideavor to on
tronrh Hh position In Nodal favor.
Hu mild tho illrertora In KiiKland
werii thoroughly repreneiitatlvo Liorno
men ami eutliiiHlantli.' xportituieii ami
that they propimeil to aeeuro JiiiIkos ao
looted hy mutual agreement. It wag
Intended to priivldo atahllutc aeeouiiuo
ilatlon for more than a thousand liorae
ami to hold auction nulen at tho end of
overy ahow.
Not only would tho American exhib
itor w ho Kent atrlliKH over to compete
liuvo an opportunity to roiitent In tho
Intornatloniil hIiow, Imt hy arrauuo
lueut with thn luaniiKement of promi
nent KiikIInIi and forelun lUturea they
could also allow In various other Kng
llab pventn wino they no lulnded.
'l'lui most protulurtit exhlliltom of
America wero lu attendam-o, and each
ono plnlp'il his Individual aupport to
tho projii t and iiKreoil to foster It with
jxTaoual entry and IndlvUlual Influ
euro. Alfnil Yauderhllt created urent
eiithusliiMiii hy beluK tho llrst to do
claro that ho would not only attend tlio
exhibition, but would' tako over his en
tire atablo. lii'nlunld Yauderhllt then
anmiuueeil that ho would do tho mi mo
tlillll,', and the followlUK plrilk'etl them
aelvea to aeiul a more or lea extcnalvo
reprosentatlou: John (ierken, It. I".
MrCrann, (.'hiremo Moore, Alfred II.
Marlay, Ir. Andrew Hmlth, Kv T.
HtoteNhury, Kdwanl t'. Kuierleui,
tieorKO Pepper ii nd CeorKo Hulmo. A
tiuinber of others, Ineludliitf W'llliani
H. .MiHiro and Clarence H. Miickny,
who wero not present, are expected to
lake Maiden over.
Chiilrman lteek then said that ho
Would pledge (jovei iiiucilt asslslaiico
abroad ami assure every exhibitor of
absolutely fair treatment lu tho Jud
liiK. He sal, I he li.nl taken up tho mat
ter w ith ihe ( aii nliaii minister of agri
culture, whi !iil assured 1 1 i lit of j;ov
erumeiit rrr . ..ullinti. lie said that ho
llopril I're ioril K,i i rielt Illicit bo
Inloreiloil In ihe project all. I jjlve U his
A IMIlllllit! ,'l
In;; of A lire
John (ieiUeii
selis't an .Vine
Has a
;i uilitril colislst
Hie Vanilerlillt,
a'nl .lame T. Hvdo to
i ir.if) r.iii.inlltco of eight
iiul.r ail arrangements
ami f ir the traiisiuii'tu-
meieliers r
for the hh iv
Hull of InV-.os.
that he II I I te
Amerlran rhi
H'liibn; of .il
from Amerlc.i
Iiml that Ihe r
a I'.rad fur th.
It Is Intemlr.
Mr. Hyde nniiouticeil
re: led asMi.'anros from
ilois that Insured the
Ic.ist a hundred entries
to the London show
t would nut exceed $."0
I 1 1 i.uMniorato the as-
sorlntioii under ih. title of the Interna
thcial Horse Sh iv ass iclatlon, with a
capital of $lntUMi, of which J'Jo.oiK)
has already been suliM-ribed by tho
Kimllsh illreeiors and their friends.
'I ho main, .cine :l will bo vested In
Ktivl.uiit and Airerira Jointly. James
T. Hyde, assistant serieiar.v of the Nil
lloiial Horse hlriw. will bo tho mana
ger for America nut! Canada, and
Frank F. Kuica will bo the resident
imniMjrer In L:il:i. A continental
cominll lee h is already been named. To
Insure perfect fairness In all classes
there will bo one American, ono Eng
lish and one nct'iieut il Judge.
Big Beast Drives Mate From
Body of Prostrate Ani
mal Trainer.
Audience at a New York Show Se
a Thrilling Act Not Down on
the Programme Woman
Badly Bitten.
Mnie. Kmnm Kchell, a profenalonal
lion tamer, fumed almost an much for
her bcuuly a for her daring, atoppol
to wave a (freetlug to her cheering au
dience before aim put her head within
tlm Jaws of a lioness at an animal
ahow 111 New York city, and that ec
ond of delay an veil her life.
Mine. rU hoH'H appearance had been
a drawliiK card at the show for two
week. Keverul time each day ahe
entered the vugn to compel tho Hon
and Hones to do the tricks alio had
tatiKlit thorn.
Itcforo an audience of 500 persona,
nearly all of them women ami children.
Mine. Kihell entered the cbro with
nothing but a abort whip to protect
her. A a ahe opened tlio door tho fe
male apraug at her, tut alio rowed tho
brute with whip lushes, closed the
gate and hegau to put the Hons through
their parcN.
Though both growled and roared at
tlinea, they obeyed the commands of
the menacing whip, and Mine. Bchell
j act her audience Into a whirlwind of
: applause when she made both beasU,
: In alngle fllo, walk over her prostrate
1 body, then leap back agnln to tho cor
ner of tho cage, where they obediently
J atood upon their hind leg.
I The climax cornea In the finale, when
the lion tamer drives the Jlonesa Into
1 the center of the atage, open Its Jawa
I with her hand ami thrusts her un
. protected bead Inside.
It took minutes of prodding by her
assistant outside the den to force tho
1 angry Hones from her corner. Then
' ahe aprang out with a great leap and
' would have felled her mlstresa with a
Wow of her massive paw If a atlnglng
blow of die whip bad not subdued ber.
Itut even as she ralsisl herself sulkily
: upon ber rear legs she snapped savage
ly at ber tumor, and the whip bad to be
. used unsparingly before she was again
I brought into submission.
Thou Mine. Sehell opened the huge
; mouth with her bands, ran ber lingers
filling the two rows of glistening tooth
ninl bent her head to thrust It between
the menacing jaws.
She stopped to bow smilingly at tho
nudlenco and wave her hand, as all
performers do before attempting a
hazardous feat.
Tho bow and the smile saved bel
li fe, for at that Instant the lioness,
with a fearful r.mr, thrust her paws
down upon her shoulders and buried
her tooth lu her left cheek.
The woman shrieked and staggered
back. Tho beast lunged, with open
Jaws, at her head again and tore her
other cheek.
Then as It was about to spring upon
ler a third time she throw up her
bauds and fell unconscious.
Mine. Sehell would have! been torn to
pieces, but the lion, who hml been
growling lu his corner, sprang forward
and attacked the frenzied lioness.
While they fought, gnashing and claw
ing nt each other across the stage, wo
men In tho audience fainted, while
even the men bolted for the street.
A moment later the tamer's assist
ant, revolver and prodding pole In
hand, had thrown open the door and
dashed, In. He fired a do.:en shots at
the rngiiv.; Hons. Jabbed with the polo
find Ruceeeilod In forcing them apart
and Into dlfl'erent corners.
Then be carried tho unconscious wo
man outside, nnl attaches of the mu
seum (summoned a ltellevue nmbu
lanoe. Mine. 'Sehell wtta carried to tlio
hospital, still unconscious. Surgeons
put twelve stitches lu the gaping
wound In her right cheek and eighteen
In the torn Hosh of tho other. Tbey
said she would recover.
Harlem Wife Aided Husband la
Fierce Fight With Mid
flight Marauder.
"II Vou Stir I'll Blow Your Head Off,"
Was the Robber'i Bluff, but
Mr. and Mrs. Josephsoo
Called It.
"Come, liestlr yourself," said Mrs.
Albert Josephson, wife of the superin
tendent of the fashionable Lenox Court
apartments, New York, to her (spouse
In the early hours of a recent morning.
"I think there Is Home one la the
"Tut, tut; you're Just nervous. Let
me sleep," returned the husband drow-
! slly. Itut bis nap was short. Ills wife
was sure and, being sure, persistently
I shook blm until he was wide awake,
j "Oh, well. Just to atlsfy you I'll get
up and take a look around," be said.
' Then a deep voice came out of the
gloom from somewhere at the foot of
the bed :
"Excuse me; you won't do anything
of the sort. You'll He Just where you
are, and you'll keep mighty quiet about
i It. If you stir I'll blow your head off."
j Josephson, however, decided, he
wasn't going to keep still, so be sprang
Into the darkness and grappled with
wnai lurneo oui io oe me uiggeni man
he had ever encountered. They rolled j
alsiut the floor, and the Intruder curs-1
ed. Josephson didn't. He needed all
the breath be could muster to take care
of bis man.
Mrs. Josephson In the meantime
turned on the light, ami when ahe saw
the Intruder aliout to get away she
Joined In the battle without waiting to
dress. Finally she aided by sitting on
the big man until her husband got a
good grip on him. Then she hurriedly
slipped Into a dressing gown and atart-
cd for a policeman. She found two of
him In less time than it usually takes
in lhirleui, even when the uoed Is not
po great.
The bhieeoats returned with her and
bracelet tl the big man. At first be
was sullen. Afterward nt the West
One Hundred and Twenty fifth street
station, the police say, ho gave bis
name as John Kelly, bis age as twenty-one
and bis address as SoS Second
avenue. His occupation was set down
as "laborer," and from bis appearance
when the police found him rolling
about the floor with Josepbsou it was
no misnomer. He bad put In a labori
ous half hour.
In bis pockets, the police say, they
found a bunch of skeleton keys and a
pair of gold cult links, which, Joseph
Kon said, had boon taken from bis shirt.
On the floor of the bedroom clothing
belonging to the Josephsous was found
bundled up ready to be taken away.
I'lillliful Don 1)1,1 HU Duly.
Pavld Conover, carpenter, entered
his homo on Trenton avenue, Chelsea,
N. J., and discovered blood trails over
the floor. Ho traced them to a door
through which ho entered with some
trepidation and discovered his New.
fouinlland dog Tip in an excited con
dition. Conover went over the bouse
mid found that lie bad been robbed.
There were signs of a battle between
the thief and the Newfoundland, with
clear evidence that the burglar had
been severely bittiMi. Hut the thief,
notwithstanding his wounds, carried
off his loot.
lluiilt Uok'h 1 1 rail on lliiNluinil's Poor,
Fottl Huddin, a Mohammedan of j
Asbury Park, N. J., bad bis wife be-i
fore Justice of the Peace P.orden to '
explain why she hanged pigs' feet and '
a bog's head on his door knob and also!
called blm a monkey. He admitted j
be bad another wife In India, but de
clared when he married the wlfo
nyniust whom be Is now complaining !
lu New Y'ork about twelvo years ago, 1
whnu she was only seventeen, ha toldj
her of his wife In India.
Choose Your
Druggist Carefully
A druggiat can do more harm or good than moat
poople give him credit for.
There are different qualities in drugs just as there
are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by
the same name. The difference between pure high
grade drugs and cheap, inferior drugs of the same
name, means the difference between keeping sick and
getting well.
When a doctor writes a prescription he means best
quality. When Borne druggists fill a prescription they
think only about big profits.
Every Drop of
Medicine ...
that goes in a prescription filled to this store is per
fectly pure. Pure drugs4 mean a speedy recovery. Poor
drugs mean a relapse. You want the best. Let us
11 your prescriptions.
We are giving away free, while they last, a 25 cent
box of soap with a 25 cent pair of scissors for 25 cents.
M. Justin, Proprietor
Fine Wines and Liquors, Pool Tables
Porter on Draught. Family Rooms.
Main and Fifth Streets.
Main and 7th
C A TMT A has Ieft for the North PoIe but he
,ta'"J'1 " will return loaded with Toys for
all the little children. Toyland is in full blast at our
store. Come and see for yourself.
Also a full line of Furniture, Carpets and Ranges,
Rockers, Morris Chairs. Library Tables, China
Closets, Side Boards, Buffets, Beautiful Rugs, Havi
Iand China of all kinds, Cut Glass and Silverware.
Your Satisfaction is our Success.
J. E. Smith Hardware Co.
10th and MainSts.
Oregon City.
We are here with a big line of Hardware, Gro
ceries, Graniteware, Tinware, Implements,
Wagons and Buggies and anything from a pin
to a 40 horse power engine.
10th and Main
Phone 106L
Next Door to Harris Grocery.
Main and 7th
The Busy Corner.