Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 21, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Several hundred yards fine Cheviots,
Tweeds, Cassimercs and Flannels in
gray, gray mixed, dark patterns and
red, suitable for Men's and Women's
suits or Ladies' skirts, jackets, under
skirts and underwear.
This consignment of fine woolens
consists of the very choicest styles
and best qualities and will be sold in
lots from 3 to 100 yards at the cost of
the wool.
percent, of Actual Value
Bargain Pot
Main St., 2nd door south of post office, now
in the hands of
moil Fire salvage
worth of the finest Clothing, Hats, Shoes and
Christmas Furnishings that money can buy, is on
m m
Don't spend a cent till you see these Bargains. If we can't save you fully ONE HALF, don't buy here. That's
square talk no nonsense.
There never was a time in the history of over IOO stocks of goods that have been sold bv The
Union Pire Salvage Company, that we were compelled to slaughter tine goods at such Low Prices.
Don't be a sceptic; see the grand stock and you will say this is surely a wonderful SACRIFICE SALE.
City and Vicinity
Joseph and Amandy Fellows, of
Highland, were Oregon City visitors
on Wednesday.
Emil Guenther of Shubel visited
with his daughter, Miss Elmira Guen
ther, a popular clerk of the Yokohama
clothing store Monday and went on
to Portland on a business trip.
A. L. Bigelow of Flanagan, Or., was
a business visitor to this city on Tuesday.
Call on Mrs. H. T. Sladen for
Christmas millinery. Beautiful Hat
at a big reduction, just the thing for
a present. 2-2
L. II. Kirchem of Logan transact
ed business in this city Tuesday.
Mrs. John Hellmyer and sons John
and George of Clackamas were In
Oregon City, Saturday.
Xmas gixids cut.
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Miller is very 111.
A meeting of the Alumni association
of the Oregon City schools Is being
arranged for during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson, who
have been making an extended stay
at Hot Lake, have returned home.
The new annuclators at the Barclay
school building are expected to be
finished and ready for use Thursday
morning. There are connections In
every room and the teacher can with
out any trouble call for "hot air."
Mrs. Haden of Portland visited her
ulster, Mrs. B. A. Sleight, Wednesday.
W. J. Caufluld Is expected home
from Collins, Saturday, for the holl-
K. I. Johnson, one of the prosper
ous onlott growers of Mllwaiikle, was
In Oregon City, Thursday.
F. Mueller of Clarkes was neon on
the streets of Oregon City, Thursday.
August Funk of Viola was an Ore
gon City visitor Thursday.
Mixed nuts 15c; peanuts 8 1-3 hnd
Mr. Kirchem of liOgun transact)!
biiHlncMH In Oregon City Thursday.
Court Robin Hood. No. 9, F. of A,
Initiated throe candidates Tuesday v
enliiK. The lodgo Is In a very pro
perous condition.
Some hats at half price. They may
suit you. Call and see them. On 7th
St., one door from Main street. Mrs.
H. T. Sladen.
T. M. Long and two song Elbon and
Archibald and Herman Rakel, of Ska
mokawa, Wash., came Tuesday noon,
2-2 ! to visit until after the holidays with
. home people.
August Treichler will be able to re- J k
turn to his work in the mills in a few i Trafton Dye went down to Port
days, having been forced to stay in ; land Monday and being detained on
his room with a fractured thigh. i account of the street car strike, visit-
jed until Tuesday with hi3 friend, W.
Roy Sleight, student of the State ' b. Shively.
Agricultural college at Corvallls, i
came Tuesday morning to spend the j
holidays with his mother and sisters. !
The First Congregational church
will have an old fashioned chimney-
' place and a real live Santa Claus, with
Mrs. H. E. Harris' sister, Mrs. Vina ! treat3 for the children on Friday ev
Jones of Eastern Oregon, came Tues-! ening, December 21.
day for a short visit. The sisters had ; '
not seen each other for fourteen years. :
Mrs. Margaret Hendricks, of the
Twilight neighborhood has been seri
ously ill for several days. Mrs. Hen
dricks Is the mother of Frank Hen
dricks, rural carrier No. C.
Chester Roake, wife and two child
ren of Chico, Cal., are expected Mon
day to spend Christmas with Mr.
Roake's parents, SJr. and Mrs. James
In a recent divorce case, one of the
questions put to the husband was this:
"Did you ever make Christmas or
birthday presents to your wife?" The
husband replied that he had noc and
was sorry for his neglect; that he had
given her authority to draw on his
bank account and that now, when it
was too late, he had learned that it
was not enough. A permission to use
money at will expresses confidence,
but it lacks the essential element of
love the personal attention, the study
of likes and dislikes, the selection of
a gift and the sweetness of Its pre
sentation. The lover during his court
ship days knows the difference. Why
should not the husband?
, K. K. Bennett and Gus Fournal of
Oervais bought Tuesday the saloon
business of the Log Cabin and will be-
Kin business Thursday. The Log
i Cabin saloon was formerly owned by
; Geo. Young of this city, who at present
is located on the bottom floor of the
Armory building and conducts a shoot
ing gallery. H. K. Bennett is to be the
proprietor of the new concern and
-Mr. Fournal the manager. Mr. Four
nal was formerly one of the largest
hop growers in the vicinity' of Ger
vais, but sold bis property before
moving to Oregon City.
J. Hermann of Molalla, came In for
a load of freight Wednesday morning.
Mr. Hermann speaks very highly of
the amount of business now being
done out in the Molalla country.
J. L. Kruse and Z. Elllgsen of R. F.
D. No. 5, Sherwood, were In town
Monday. Mr. Kruse had his paper
changed from Willamette, having had
to move his mail box about half a
mile south to strike the Sherwood
A marriage license was applied for
at the county clerk's office Tuesday
afternoon, but was not. Issued as the
witness was not willing to swear to
some statements required to be made.
The parties overcame the difficulty
by applying for the license In the
clerk's office of Multnomah county.
The Holly club consisting of Misses
Nettie Kruse, Lennie Seeley and Nel-
lie Sw afford; and Messrs. Harry Gor
! don and Leonard Runyon gave a de-
lightful party at the Phillips &' Olds
skating rink Tuesday evening. About
I sixty invitations were heartily accept-
ed and all had a jolly time. The rink
! was prettily decorated in bunting and
evergreen and the girl members of
the club wore sprigs of holly. Punch
was served by Mrs. J. L. Swafford and
Mrs. E. P. Ketehurn, who were pat-
I ronesses of the affair.
St. Agnes Orphanage has now more
babies than at any time since the
founding of the institution. The num
ber has increased to 70 and many of
these are of a very young ago. The
citizens of Oregon City could do some
very good deeds during the Christmas
time by sending to the orphanage
small gifts toys, clothing, etc. The
persons in charge will appreciate such
donations and such deeds of kindness
will make the babies a happy Christ
mas. Those who cannot take their do
nations can leave same at Dr, Carll's
office and will be credited as the
I donor.
Mr. Marshall, who was hurt some
time ago in the woolen mills, Is im
proving rapidly. Mr. Marshall was
working In tho carding room, when
he stepped on some of tho broken
teeth of the carding machine and as
his shoes wero rather well worn out,
the teeth worked through the solo In
to the foot. Ho paid no particular at
tention at the time, thinking the
same a very small matter and only
! realized too lato how serious the ln-
jury was. Blood poison set In, but
under the care of a physician the
i limb did not have to be amputated.
Mrs. R. D. Miller has gone to Hills
boro to spend Christmas with her sis
ter, Mrs. L. M. Hoyt.
"TI1K. Ollinn" full,.. I n 1,,.,.. i.r, l
, Shively opera house Wednesday even
ing. Had train connections seemed
i to have been tho cause of tho cancel
, ling of tho date lato In the afternoon. ,
Harry Allen of Underwood, Wash.,
Is expected Saturday to spend Christ
mas with his sister, Mrs. E, C. Hamil
ton, and family.
The high school boys have chal
lenged the Alumni association of tho
city schools for a football game on
New Year's day.
Tho Misses Km 1 1 of Scholls, Wash
ington county, were giients of Mrs.
Walter Dlmlck of this city. Tho
young ladles have been attending Wil
lamette University and were on their
way home for tho Christmas holidays.
A happy family reunion nnd bis
Christmas dinner nro being arranged
for nt the home of MrH. E. J. Marshall
of Canemuh. Sixteen gin-Hta nro In
vited and tin- children expected nro
Mrs. II. W. Myers. Athena; W. 15.
and It. T. Marshall, Portland; Mra.
W. L, Mldluin and MIhh Grayco of
Mrs. Edward Sheahnn and little son
go Saturday morning tr spend Christ
mas with her mother, Mrs. Joseph
Kuertin, and sister, Mrs. Will Shea
ban at Camas, Wash.
Mr. Manning and tho Misses O'Dell,
of McMlnnvlllo will come Saturday to
spend Christmas with their friend,
Mrs. G. W. Clark.
Russell Wood, timekeeper for the
Dlmlck Lumber company at Drain,
will be homo Thursday, to remain un
til after Christinas with his people
Joe Harless of Molalla started for
the Ogle Mountains mines Thursday
morning. lie expects to find P. A.
Falrclough working nt the mines and
should he find out different will phono
to this city.
Falls View residents have been
heard to complain lately about tho
planking of tho county road. Many of
tho planks have rotted and have boon
removed ro that tho road Is really In
a very bad condition. Tho bad spots
are within the city limits. ;
The wood awning In front of tho
Portland House, a boarding placo on
Main street, was placed out of com
mission Thursday morning by the
wind storm. Although tho affair was
not entirely demolished, It was con
demned and barlrers wero placed In
front of the hostelry to warn pedes
trians of the danger.
L. Adams' windows, always beauti
fully arranged, are especially attrac
tive during tho Christmas season. The
displays show all sorts of beautiful
as well as useful gifts. The arrange
ment Is unique and deserves much
Representative W. I. Vauter of Med
ford was In Oregon City Wednesday
afternoon meeting members of the
legislature. Tho representative Is a
strong politician and has aspirations
for the chair of speaker of tho house.
Frank BuhcIi, tho House Furnisher,
has been tho landing placo of all tho
children for several weeks past for
tho displays of toys In tho windows
has mado them all think of tho
"dreamland." Last week tho largo
window was ('specially attractive with
tho toy trains, "giant whirl," automo
biles, etc., all in section of Central
Park, New York. Many a lad was
heard to express what ho hoped Santa
Claus would bring on Chrlstmns day.
Mrs. N. Miller returned Wednesday
noon from a three days' trip to
Woodlln, Wash. Sho hail been called
to tho bed nld of an old friend nnd
neighbor, A. F. llerry. The Miller
and Horrys wero neighbors seventeen
years ago at Maplo Lake, Minn. Mr.
Berry Is almost seventy years old and
whs living alone on a small ranch ho
owns In Woodlln. Mrs. Miller brought
hlin homo to cam fur him. The trip
was a hard one ami Mr. Ilerry Is now
dangerous, ly t wRh llttlu hopes of
recovery, suffering from kidney and
bonrt trouble.
Oregon City's well known poultry I
fancier. Elmer Dixon of Mt. Plnnnnnt. '
I will bo kept busy the greater part of J
this winter as Judge of poultry shows
In Oregon, Washington and Call for-
nla. Mr. Dixon hns recently return
ed from Eugene where ho was ono of
tho judges In the show held In that
city last week. Next week ho goes
to Everett, Wash., for tho poultry
show which Is to bo held In that city
from tho 27th to tho .10th of December.
On January 0-12 ho will bo at Alameda
and In Portland January 10-20 and
also Walla Walla between January
Judge Thomas F. Ryan has not been
ablo to attend tho meeting of the
Oregon Good Roads association which
Thursday. Mr. Kynn Is vice-president
met In Li'Gnndo Wednesday and
of tho association and was on tho pro
gram to speak on "Systematic Con
struction of Good Roads," Tho reason
of tho non-appearance if Mr. Rynn nt
tho meeting was on account of sick
ness In tho family, and tho amount of
luiHlnoHS which Is requiring his at
tention la this city at tho present time.
Judgo Kynn would also have to leave
Saturday for Sandy. Occupying tho
position of Deputy Grand Master of
tho I.' O. O. P. lodge, ho must bo pres
ent to Instltulo tho new lodgo at
Marlrage Licenses.
Doc. VS. w. A. Burleigh and Zor
tha B. Guild.
Dee. M. Thomas P. Johnson and
Myrtlo Johnson.
Mat.Uo Ik'Huomer and Elmor Bur
nett. Illancho McDonald and Charles D.
Dec. 17. rarmella Y. Hill and C. II.
Deo. 18. Ella Eglo and Daniel Lais.