; OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1908. It o Moit people know that if they have been tick they need Scott's Emul sion to bring back health and strength. But the strongest point about Scott's Emulsion is that you don't have to bo tick to get reiulu from it It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre vents coughs, colds and consumption. Food in concentrated form for sick and veil, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohol ALL JDRUOQISTSl BOo. AttD SI. 00. SUPERINTENDENT VISITS SCHOOLS j ELLOH 2,HHI tnili-n of lone; illH timet' ti'lfi!iHrii- wire ii Oregon, WiiHliiiiKli,,(!iili . furiiiu iiikI Idaho now ii, operation ly tin l'lieilii Station T'l-jili(iii dun J' it. V, covering' 2,'J'i1 tlW MM ( Quick, melinite, ctieii All tlif itutifiU'tinii )f trmiiiil coiiiiiiiiiuratioii l)intnncc no fllcet to clear milerftiimliii. Sjhi kmie utul Sun riuneiHio a h tMHilv iifiinl m I'ort laml. ' Oregoii City ollicc Ht Ilanliiiir's I f 1 1 ir Sinn DENVER SUITS WIFE; HUSBAND COMPLAINS TWO MEN AND ONE WOe,, SEEKING DIVORCE FROM MI8 MATES. Additional Room at Carui and Extra Teacher at Brown Are Needed. County Helmut Huporliilendi-nt In ner tuiH returned from a few dnyiT vIhII of the nchooln of I.ogai, Union, Hock Creek, CnriiH unit Kldorado, Ho roportu nil mcIiuoIh In proHperoux con dition. The CnriiH whool Iiiih been Improv ed tiilely with u new porch, woodHhed mid the hcIiooI building Iiiih been re imluted. The directors aro contem plating the addition of u new room and li-aclier tin the Nchool In now crowded to tn eiipnelly. The llroivn dlHlrlet No. d'A Im uIho In need of mi extra teacher. 'I'lui liiiinuKcim hcIiooI, the mipcrln tcndotit found In line condition and doing good work. 'J'he hcIiooI coiihIiiU of two rooniH and In well equipped., Superintendent .Inner Im now mak ing pr piiratlotiH for the annual teach t'rn' hint Unto which will ho held tho llrnt week of February In Oregon City. ii iii hiiiiiimwi mm 77 or that W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V. Ciiii'liiite of the Ontniin Vc-tcil-miry College of Toronto, Cfimulii. iiinl the McKilii! School of Surgery tf Chiiiigo, bus located Oi-gou City iiml mUhlikhi'il an ollur at The I'lisliioU Slnbli.il, Seventh Street limr Main. Until lrU-'llolirs, l'nriner' Ijl Miiin JJtt & t ww Mr m y-". mm iuhu i ! vnmi 8 Famous at homo for Conerntlims pant; Fuinouu now n'l over the World. For hiiIo by E. MATTHIES. (Iiorgn Anderitoii ban flbd com plaint In the circuit court to Hocure a divorce from Mary II. AnderHon. I'laliitlff'M cauMe of action In tinned on the complaint that the parties were buHband and wife, having Intermar ried at l)i-nver. Cot., tin April 3, 1905; that the plaintiff In now and has been g rt-Kldent of the Ktllte of Oregon, but oil or about the 27th day of Septem ber, l'.iul, the plaintiff, CeorK" Ander Hon, under an agreement, b-ft Inuiver and came to Cortland with the under rttiindlng ttiat the wife wan to follow. Though requested by the husband on a numiier or octiimoiih io iohow uh? , philntlff and come to live with him.! the ilefltnllllit refutied and Ht 111 doon ' continue to denert and live m-parate nnd aimrt. The plaintiff prnyx that' the bond of matrimony be dlxnolved. ! I II. H. Koi-n beKun milt for dlvorcv j In the circuit court Friday tnornliiK from Anna K. Koeii. The plaintiff In! now IIvIiik' In the ulate of Oregon. Tin- two were married at Nveatle, .Til., on the loth of AiiKUKt, l'.'u:i, but after the Unit y-ur the deft iidanl left the plaintiff and Iiiih rfuned to re turn. I'laliiilff ncelin for a decree annul IIiik nnd hetlinK aside boiidn of mat linony. Mattie A. Weemier tn'Kt the court for divorce decree from A. Klhert WVemer. Tle-y were inarrh'd nt Me Mlnnvllle in 1 S'.ifS and have lived to i;. tlier Hlnce but durliiR thin tlmo ho ba failed, neglected and refiiHed to Hiipport plaintiff and the plaintiff chllnm hhe hliri HUpported herself and child and to a hirKe extent supported defendant by lilrInK out an a servant. .Plaintiff neelm ilecree nnmiltlnK bonds of inalrlmonv and piayn that she Hhiill have rlht to visit id tier plensuro the lion. I.loyd (larrinon Weesner. Dan 1 1 ft There is one thine that will cure it Aycr's Hair Vigor. It is a regular scalp-medicine. It quickly destroys the eerms which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to you healthy hair, no dan druff , no pimples, no eruptions. Tim bait kind ot toitlmonlal -"Sold lor over !xty years." PRIMITIVE METHODS FOR LOADING S. P. CARS EXPEDIENTS FORCED ON SHIP PERS AT OREGON CITY BY BIG CORPORATION. I.lmlHoy ItroH. are loading a large number of earn with lumber, Just Mouth of the Southern Pacific depot, Coimlderable tlmo In beliiK taken an the method tmed la loading 'M rather a primitive one, TblH In due to the Inaccemdblo approach to tho tracks from the alleyn between Main street and tho Southern Pacific track. A temporary alldo of a few plankH hftH been placed on tho embank n: ' and with the aid of a homo ' fclriK away" up and do'.n the tra few plecen of timber aro drawn on the earn. A Hwltch and loading place for S. P. In badly needed here, and iiiethodM now being used to load earn aro surely detrimental to shipping of Oregon City and vlclr The Southern Pacific hag often h courteously asked by the manufae' crs and merchants of thin city and the mill owners and other shippers the surrounding country to do nor thing In tho way of Improving t antiquated methods now In use. No doubt to many citizens of otl, cities, who pass on tho trains dai the work now going on amuses the and they wonder whether tho ahi meats of Oregon City and vlclnlt warrant no better equipment. I The Flirty Flirt That Flirted. liy Jesse Iiaker. She stood In the meat market window; Sho looked bo awfully neat, And mado "goo-goo" eyes at a travel ing man, Who stood Just acrosH tho street. tier dark eyen flashed and sparkled, Llko a diamond In a shirt, While men on the opposite corner Watched tho maiden flirt. She hung her head so Innocent, like, Then smiled and looked so sweet, Hut a frown soon covered her pretty face, When the butcher yelled, "Here's your meat!" WISNER RESIGNS. Nelson Winner has sent to the gov ernment liln resignation as Field Su perintendent of tho Cnlt.ed States Bu reau of Fisheries. Tho resignation will take effect on January 1, as Mr. Winner an accepted tho position of secretary of the Oregon City Mill & Lumber company. He will take the place left vacant by the resignation of J. A. Moehnke, who goes to Portland to enter the real ostate business. Mr, Winner has been connected with the department of Fisheries for about eight years. Improve and Beautify the Complexion. The principal ingredients In Dainty Laxakola tonic tablets aro cascarln he saf nown. xatlve IA MUi tt J O Aj't Co . l.ofll, Um. Ai9 ui)ufoturr of I'll IS. CIIUKY PECTORAL iijefs HOP BUYING ACTIVE; RULING PRICE KC f i U'kL leat monev. Li T l 1 I i 1 - oZuKGn A. HARDING j OREGON CITY, OREGON. ! I Shorts Advance of $1.50 a Ton tail at 85 Cents per Sack. -Re- Hop buying was more active during the last week than at any time since the picking season. The ruling price tlan 11 cents. cents on every article you buy there. ! ARCADE Can you make money as V easy any other way? Dement's Best Flour MADE FROM HARD WHEAT. U IAILLS f ATIFLOUBI walla walla washington Shorts have lately taken a jump of j 4k $l.;0 a ton. The local market on: shorts Is now 85 cents per sack. Bar- b-y Is $1.13 per sack. i Then come and be convinced You will soon save a dollar. A square deal to all who trade here. 606 MAIN ST. W. L, STULTS GRANGERS REPORT AGAINST JUTE MILL Gresham, Dec. 15. The special Grange committee, to which was re ferred the question whether the state should establish a Jute mill at the Salem penitentiary, has made its re port and recommends that the mas ter of the Oregon State Grange be re quested to appoint a committee of three to study the matter carefully and to confer with the. Legislative committee. The committee's report Is lengthy nnd in tho main unfavorable to the jute mill project. Cough CATARRH Vffa:.:m KZBSMSS TltK CI.KANSINO AM IH.Al.INO ft' UK Wit CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Kiioy lent )ilfv:mt to mi". I'uiilniiii uu In Jiirlnun iIiiik. ll In (Mclily aluorlipil. lllvt'M Holli'f ill oncn. H 0n'ii unit Clemim tlui Nal I'iiiiiii;'I. Allva I rillMiiitiiul lull. lli'iiln suit I'mii'i ln llm Moiiihrniia. Hi-nttirm tin hii'lim'H of TiiKln mill Hmrll. I.nrn Sin-, Ml ct-iitt l Vrip'i'lBtKiir I'V mull ; 'I'rml HI., lOciiln ly mnll Kl.V UUO'i'tllilW, 60 Wwrcu Street, Vcwork as S.V-Stv'llw No Opium In Chamberlain' Remedy. There in not the least dang.-r In giv ing Cluimherlaln's Cough Koniedy to Kinnll children as It contains no opium or oilier harmful drug, tt lias nn es tablished reputation of more than "0 years as the most Micecssful medicine in use for colds, croup and whooping cough. It always cures nnd Is pleas ant to take. Children like It. Sole by Howell & Jones. Used by housewives hecause of Itsj goodness nnu economy, miikcs me most bread and makes it most nutri tious. For sale by most dealers, v HIGH dsn f Robert Whitney died of heart dis ease at Woodhurn Friday. He was the father of Lincoln Whitney, who was killed In Portland by Orlando Murray. The sudden death of the old gentleman was no doubt hastened by the shock of the news of his son's death. When wanting to tako a ride get a rig of Bradley, the best in town. COLD 'N HEAD Koosevelt has broken out In a new place, lie will champion reform for the Congo State, where that old dis solute villain, King Leopold of llei gium, has promoted nil sorts of In famous things, human slavery being among the leant, and all for his Indl- -ii... i n. t.i 1 1 ...111 .,......,.,1 VUllllll piOlll. I'.iikimiiii wo ni-iuini Koosevelt In the work. wy "r!" M-yJ'y I'l'-'ii.''"' 'lili pro; 'I V' $ mm It l'l p-rl- Sjr, vulKiii. t'.H V ni'ire snci rhii fn.m 111!- hl.lll. I M-11 llllf ll" itunl'iH nl inntliiff "ur illkn;)- tMiltiliiir-no. ill liarvrsl. oi'l f for MivKfMt, mrr'-t, bent rrnpt I lit U urulrrn, I ntiiouHlor ovrr A 5 yru. I '.'07 Nviul AiiuiiMl wi lift- on rn ri. (i'fjjk D. M, t'CRRY A. CO., . JTLL -,' ..-ill tfrv -w '.i ----- m w v mmm m A otiro gnrKiLlm il If joti ma HmhnTC'LE Supposltora I,, Mtl, Tliuinpanii, Biii'i OrmliHl Suhiiol., Hlittf.rlllft. N. (, rluni ' I onil hii.i ihir iln nil 7u oliiliil fur tln-ni." lir, H. M. lii.vri ICnv.-n Itm-li, w. V.,wrlli'l "Tlu'TllI.e uiiIvitbrI mniIi rsollon." Ilr. II. I. MnlllH, Clarkuliim, 'film., wrlli': " 111 irnoiliio or UK yi'ira, I Imv. ruiiini no rt niuilv t" piliull yniir.. li uriiuifiMta. llllchcock says no respite for land fraud men; prosecutions will go on relentless as fate. 1 & V Vt 1. 1 1.l-l V fmnil, 00 Ckntb. tiHink Fruo. Hull! an; lriiiii. MARTIN RUDV, l NCT R, PA Sold In Oregon City by Huntley Bros, Call for Free Sample. .Section men on the Ilarrlmnn lines in Oregon have suffered another cut n pay from 17 cents to 15 cents an hour. A now theatre to cost a half mil lion of dollars is plannod for Sixth street in Portland. King of All Cough Medicines. Mr. K. G. Case, a mall carrier of Canton Center, Conn., wlio has boon In tho U. S. Service for about sixteen years, says: "Wo have tried many cough medicines for croup but Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Is king of all and one to bo rolled upon every tlmo. Wo also find It tho best reme dy for coughs and colds, giving cortaln rosults and loavlng no bad after ef focts. For sale by Howejl & Jones. MAKE NO MISTAKE mm OILED CLOTHING will give you com pieie protection and long service You caot't jjford to buy any other Every garment guaranteed The best dealers sell tt WINTER RATES TO YAQUINA BAY. Jryli.; preparations simply dovel op dry catarrh; Uioy dry up the secretions, which adhoro to tho ini iuhmno nnd docom poso, causing a fur moro Kcrious t ronblo thau tho ordinary fnnn of 'ciitanh. Avoid nil dry. iug iuhalanlR. faim's, sinnUos and snulls and imo that which clonuses, Boolhos and hcnls. Fly's Cream Balm is such n ronicdy nnd will euro cularrh or cold in tlio lioad easily ami jiloasiuitly. A trial si.o will be mailed for 10 cfnts. All druggists Bell the fill arrou tt., N.i Oregon's Great Recreation and Health Resort at the Newport Beaches. Ticket Sales Resumed Nov. 1st to May 31st, 1907. As a winter health and recreation resort Newport Is the one par excel lence. 'Recognizing this, and wishing to give the people an opportunity to breathe the fresh, pure ozone of tho ocean, the Southern Pacific and Cor vallls & Eastern have resumed the sale of tickets through to Yaqulna From all S. P. points tickets will be sold throughout the winter and spring until May 31st, every Wednesday and Saturday and from Albany, Corvallis and Phi lomath on the Corvallis & Eastern, tickets will be sold to Yaquina and Newport DAILY. ! The rates will bo the same as during the summer, and will be good for re turn GO days from date of sale. Dr. Minthorn'8 Sanitary Baths will be in operation during the entire winter and treatments will bo given daily. Other Health Resorts Closed. During the winter nearly all other health resorts are closed or difficult to reach, and none of them have the advantages of Newport and vicinity r.ll.v uW.n VlvHi-ntliers . -1 .... i . i 1.. ll The Balm euros witlioat pmn, uoos mil its reguroa euuiai.e, puiius ui uuimuhi,, irritate or cause snoozing. It spreads itself recreation, and amusement. For par over an irritutod ami angry surfaco, reliev- ties desiring to enjoy fishing, hunting iiij imuiodintoly tho painful inflammation, or seeing the ocean in sunshine or in Vilu I'.lv's Oronm Halm youVo armed storm, tho famous resort la unequal- against Nasal Catarrh and Hay lever. E M FRENCH FEMALE APILLS. A St', CkHTMN Hll.lKV for St'VPRD MlNRTHlliTIWf. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Hufol s"'l 8ivlv I H.H.. fki'liou IJnitrKiiteoil or MoiH'.v Hiiftniiti.il. Hi'iil irtinlil fur f I. (HI Hr tiox. Will ii'tiil tliiiMun trial, vi bo linlit fur whim rtillnvtiil. Hmiirili'ii Krtw. Iljimr druagUluuwi uut Imve ttiiHU Huml yuur urilori to tliu UNITED Ml'DICHLCO., OK T4. UtNOHaTCn, . Sold in Orogon City by Huntloy Bros. led, the surroundings are Ideal beau tiful scenery, climate mild, healthful and invigorating. Cottages for rent cheap, fresh vegetables, milk, honey, fruit at lowest possible cost, fish and tho famous rock oysters to be had for tho trouble of securing them. Full information from any S. P. or C. & E agent or the General Passeng er Agent of either Company. Rate from Oregon City to Yuquina $6.00. 49-t7 GET BUSY! Holidays Are Neat ELECTRIC LIGHT 2s the magnet that draws trade. Keep your store bright and you'll be kept busy. A show window brilliantly illuminated with ELECTRIC LIGHT makes many a sale "the night before. " It attracts atten tion, makes it easy for your dis play to be examined and shows your goods to THE BEST AD VANTAGE. AN ELECTRIC SIGN will make a name for you and when made it will burn public's eyes and minds. It is an investment that pays big dividends. Our repre sentative will explain how REDUCED RATES for current on Meter Basis, PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. MILLER, Contract Agent OREGON CITY your name m it into the is !