10 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1906. GUILTY OF ELECTION FRAUDS SAYS VERDICT MAYOR J. W. REED OF ESTACADA CONVICTED AT TRIAL IN PORTLAND, FRIDAY. Judge Characterizes Defense as Non sensical and Delivers Sting ing Rebuke to Counsel for Defendant. Penalty Provided by Law. Mayor Hood and the other defend ants In the Sellwood election fraud casen were Indicted under section 1107 of Hellinser & Cotton's code. The penalty on conviction Is: "Any per son, upon conviction of a violation of section 1907, shall he Imprisoned In the penitentiary not less than one nor more than three years, or shall he lined not less than $100 nor more than $1000, or shall he punished by both such line and Imprisonment, In . it i t t... ......... .....i ...n J. W. Reed, mayor of Estacada, , t ;"v , ; ' " , , banker, contractor and vote colonizer, 1 1' ovcr Ineligible to hold any of Mas late Friday afternoon found flce ot trust or rrofU ln thls sfato' guilty of participating In the election ! frauds In Sellwood precinct on June ! 4, the date of tho last general election. ISMALL FIRE FROM Tho trial of Mayor Reed began Wed nesday before Judge Frazer lu Port land. The jury returned its verdict at 5:50 o'clock. Some 20-odd cases are yet to be tried in connection with tho alleged Illegal voting of 2G men In precinct 37. The trial of the Estacada mayor moved along: smoothly until the de fense attempted to prove through its witnesses that the colouizlng of the 2C voter at the June election was done upon the advice of the lato At torney O. F. Paxton and upon the Instructions of a circular issued dur ing the campaign by the Brewers' and Wholesale Liquor Dealers' tion. jury OAK GROVE WILL ASK REDUCED O.W.P. FARES SUBURB ON NORTH WANTS FIVE CENT RATE AND OTHER PRIVILEGES. DEFECTIVE PLUE Roof of Charles Schoenheinz' Shoe Shop Slightly Damaged Sat urday Morning. Fire in the shoe shop of Charles Schoenheinz Saturday morning be tween S and 8:30 o'clock was the cause of the ringing of the fire alarm and the calling out of Fountain Hose and Columbia Hook and Ladder com panies. The fire was caused by a defective associa- j flue In the room just back of the shoe The attempt to bring before the jsop anj which Is being used to store evidence of this nature roused I stock. Fire had only been started Improvement Association Formed Work for Advantages Want Crelghton and Center Names Dropped. to iAnver traction line fares, electric lights and telephone service were the key notes sounded at a rousing meet- kind will receive tho attention of tho new association, whoso officers se lected Thursday night are l.eo Paget, tho Poit'and banker, president; 12. A. Allen, of Allen's business college, Or egon City, vice-president; tleorgo Mil ler, tho Oak lirovo storekeeper, sec retary, and Mr. lleltkemper, treasur er. Another meeting will he hold next Thursday night when the organization i v t ! 1 bo completed by adoption of con jstltntlon and by laws, j The name of the community receiv ed consideration Thursday night. Tho station Is named Center, tho postof lice Crelghton, while the school dis trict and precinct Is known as Oak drove, and that Is the name tho resl- ESCAPE DEATH BT ill MARGIN Ing of the clti.ens of Oak 15 rove, j ,,,,, d(!,,ro to ,mV), n,iopted by tho Thursday night, that resulted In tho j a w. r.,r ,, tt,m ami 1v ,,. forming of the Oak drove Improve ment association. About 10 residents of Oregon City's thriving northern suburb attended the meeting and everyone was enthus iastic over the community's future If equal privileges with other suburbs could bo secured, and all were deter mined that those privileges should be secured. Street car fare occupied the atten tion of most of tho speakers. Twenty ride Wxks to Portland, eight miles , spelling away, now cost $1.70 or SVj cents a postofflce. Oak drove Is a town of tho last few years . About l'.'j families reside there now and the town Is growing rapidly STRENGTH AND WEIGHT 8AVE MAN AT PAPER MILLS THIS AFTERNOON. Mr. Eppler's Sleeve Caught In Shaft ing Tears Coat In Shreds In Keeping From Being Mangled. AFTER DINNER TAKE TROY GOLDENSEAL DYSPEPSIA Tablets Relieves .inJ Cures INPIOKSI'HiN IIUAIU'IHIKN loss oif AiTicrm?, if.t 50 Chocolate Coated Tab lets 25 cents A SAMPLE FREE CM ARM AN & COMPANY CITY DkU(l 5TORI2 The Mexican government will take control of the principal railroad lines In thnt country. Judge Frazer, who, with some show a short time in the stove when the or feeling, not only ruled out this line smell of smoke Issuing from the rear of evidence, but delivered from the;room was noticed. The Que In that bench a stinging rebuke on Attorney Mulr. Practically No Defense Offered. Trouble for the defense broke out room had been badly repaired and sparks soon set the wall paper afilre. A stream of water from a garden hose was brought to play on the flames during the morning session, and it , an j the Are was extinguished, w hen came so thick and fast that practically laome excited young man rang the fire no defense was offered. Lawyers ! bell. Smoke was still issuing from Muir, Moody, Martin and Wolf elect ed to try the case upon the fact that Reed, In getting the 20 men into pre cinct 37 to rote, had done so because a lawyer had said that all that was necessary for the voting of the 2C men was to have them sleep one night in the precinct in which they were to Tote. This line of defense was based upon the allegation that the attor ney, now dead, and gone, had given it as his legal opinion that this was all that was necessary to establish legal residence, and on the liquor dealers' circular. Attorney Moody had called A- Crofton, manager of the Wholesale Brewers' and Liquor dealers' associa tion, as the first witness. When the court saw through the line of de fense His Honor very promptly sus tained the objection made by District Attorney Manning and his deputy, G. C. Moser. Attorney Moody then took up almost an hour in citing authorities in defense of his point and it was at the close of his argument that Judge Frazer said: "The charge against the defendant has been sustained so far as the evi dence has gone, and I cannot allow so nonsensical a defense to go before this jury. The court cannot believe that any such advice could be given or even believed by any lawyer. Ev erybody knows that such a thing would be wrong-. It is a fraud on its face and the District Attorney has well said that if this defense can be justified in this way there would be IjO protection for the people in admin istering their affairs in their o.vn way." The result of the court's ruling was that Crofton, beyond acknowledging the circular, did not get a chance to testify. This was also the case of the attempt to have other witnesses testify along the same lines. The oth er witnesses were Reed himself, I!. F. Boynton, ex-assistant superintendent of the Oregon Water Power fc Rail way company, and County Clerk Fields who had been solicited by the liquor men for a decision on the question of establishing a residence. When tin: counsel for the def-'-nse were met at every direction with ob jections which were sustained by the court, the defense was dropper!, atl,i after introducing a number of charac ter witnesses, the defense offered no testimony. Mayor Reed in answer to the few questions that were allowed, admitted calling up the hotel-keeper at Sellwood and making arrangements for the meals and sleeping quarters under the roof when the department arrived, but Chief McFarland soon had a hole in the roof and with a small stream of water put out the last spark of the fire. The only damage reported Is the holes In the roof and gable and a soaked floor. Roosevelt has yielded to public opinion and will give up "simplified" ami hereafter public docu ments will be spelled In the old way. ride. This It is believed should be re-1111' ' n"1 ,,u' rst '" " l been diired. worsted by Webster. Twenty ride books from Onk Grove (or Center as the station Is called) to Oregon City, only four miles away, This certainly should bo reduced to at least 5 cents. Lights, telephones, sidewalks and other Improvements of a material Beauty More Than Skin Deep. Kvery one who wants a good healthy color, and a clear skin free from bil iousness, sluggish liver and chronic constipation should get u ackngo of Dainty I.axakola tonic tablets, nuturo's sweet restorer. Huntley llros. Mr. lCpplor, who Is employed In tlm saw mill of the Willamette I'aper & I'ulp mills, hail u narrow escape Sat urday afternoon. While reaching for one of tho set screws Ills coat sleeve were caught by a shaft of tho machin ery ami ho was thrown to tho floor with tremendous force. Tho fact that Mr. Kpplor Is a strong and heavy person Is tho one reason that ho dlil not losu his life. Whon his coat sleeves heenmu tangl ed In tho machinery ho tried to extrl rnto himself with such strength that all the clothing of tho arm was tora Into threads. Ills arm and face wore badly bruised. French restaurant proprietor In San Francisco admit paying Abo Ruef money for protection. More In dictments Bom. will be found against tho Want Watch Satisfaction If you expect n watch to keep time, buy It from u rcl'ahbi Jeweler. Mall order hoime i mill department stores hmr clump watches ami cheap clucks, uiul cheap clerks who know Ilttlo or nothing about wtittlies to wait on you. If they iniiktt a sale ami the watch ticks till yon K''t home, nil well ami gisitl, they don't care, you will always have to pay for repairs they make no matter If kim,I or bad. You pay exprottH charges too. Tlit'lr motto Is Get the Money. Its different when you buy of Wm. Gardner, Jcwclcr Watchrt, Cloc, Jewelry OVERSTAYED HIS LEAVE PROM ARMY Veteran Regular from Vancouver Bar racks Is Arrested in Local Saloon. I Sicmund Clark of Company E, ltth i Regiment, stationed at Vancouver, Wash., was arrested Friday night on charge of deserting the army. Clark was taken to Vancouver Saturday by Chief of Police Burns, who placed him in the custody of the officers in charge of the station. The deserter w as found in a saloon and upon being questioned readily gave himself up. The army uniform had been exchanged for citizen's clothing in order to make the escape more certain. Sigmnnd Clark had served in the United States army for about 12 vears and after being placed in the 'jail over night was willing to return to the barracks. His regular term will expire soon. The Standard Oil company claims it is as innocent as a new born babe because its lawyers have found a technicality in the passage of the rate law. "Ain't it a shame" how people persecute poor old Rockefeller? i Andrew tance tax. Carnegie favors an inheri- ! Guaranteed Remedy for Indigestion. Interesting Statement by Huntley Brothers. When a man comes into this store ami calls for any particular indiges tion remedy, we give what he asks for, but in case he leaves it to us wo usually recommend Pepsikola tablets. Here is a preparation we havi been selling right over the counter for years and from actual observation we know it, must be good, and really does re lieve and cure indigestion and dyspep sia or there would be a steady stream for his colony of voters. lie also ad- people, coming back tor their money, milled paying the bill by check. ,as ('V('r' -" cent box Is sold with the understanding that you must be do Icidedly benefitted or there is nothing Two attempts on the part of the it() !'"' defense to have the court instruct the Von simply try Jury Promntly Convicts. jury to bring in a verdict of not guilty were overruled. George Eanford was made foreman of the jury, and in less than an hour a verdict of guilty was returned. When the jury had rendered its verdict, attorney Martin moved for 3 days' time in which to ask for a new trial. Pepsikola tablets wtli the undt rstandiirr that they will steady your nerves, improve your ap petite, relieve wind belching, coated tongue, sour stomach, fullness after eatiiig; weakened energy, and other symptoms of indigeslvin or Huntley Bros, are ready at any tme to pay back your money without the least argument. , ' ft. ' WATS-' v--IjVSTxX I I a I THIS ! I K2S!s I fF-S ' Bureau ' IS. ; mm. $9.50 I Combination Case Writing Desks ! 7 ; j S12 50 to s45 s5 50tos20 J, 1 v i ! Jiand 10c rS DOLL ' I p) Carriage f I Set S1 RftFancv I Mftm JS -- -.. a .ww r , i:,. Y.TfVL I Imported Glass V2$$) 1111111 FRANK BUSCH The Hoascfurnisher HOLIDAY SALE NOW ON . Distribution of good furniture under prices such as the community never heard of. FULL LINE OF TOYS! OUR BIG A IN CHAFING DISHES $3.50 m A TT?Q Finished in Golden O.Z!lVC 0a'.( Cobbler Seat $6.00 for set of six Couches $5.00 ' ROCKERS Hife $1.75 Kitchen Treas $2.75 to $5 Folding Tabk $1.25 COMPLETE Assortment of rugs at prices to suit n , j h.i.Ly,J4Ai-v,.- -it,. euv t yv or your purse. Rogers Solid Nickel Silver 28 pieces with fancy lined display case. These are Rogers solid nick el silver goods except salt and pepper, which are silver plated on nickel complete $5- 1111 Pictures and Picture Frames. See our DISPLAY Extension Tables $4.50 to $30 SEE our Display of Pancy Mission Purniture