OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 14, 1906. 9 Get on the Satisfac tion Line Folgcrs Spices, Coffees Baking Powders and 8PECIAL8 for thli weik. Prunes, iii'w fiimli slock, lti 5o Soup, Mascot, K bars for ........ 25o Honp- Hnowborry, DuHky Dia mond g for 25c Matches-Sum light parlor, 6 boxes (or , 25c Daily arrlvala Raltlni, Nuti, Hyi, Candlm, Home-mad Mlnca meat, etc. for ChrUtmai. A. Roberteon Phone 411 The 7th 8t. Orocer. GET PICTURES FOR Christmas Presents Latest Styles. Hurry Up. Don't Wait Lvmp's Studio CASCADE LAUNDRY Clothe Washed "Whiter Tlinn Snow." Fumlly Washing at Reasonable Kates- -No worry, no regret If you phono 1201. Our wagon will cull. OregonCityShoeStore The only exclusive shoe store in the city Fim Footwear for Ladies, (lentleinen and tho Younj; Folks Krmissc Bros., Props V. WRIOMT, flier. c --- Car load of fine Alfalfa Idaho Cattle rweelved by U. PETZOLD. To people desiring to lnit down beef, It will be Bold by the Quarter at wuolesalo price. This In not peddling wagon incut but the naino we lull on tho block. tr RED C. GAliKE Plumbing & Tinning Hot Air FurnacM and Mop Pipri. Pumps, Water Pipes. All Kinds of Jobbing a Specialty Estimates Given on All Classes of Work, lien. Phono 1514Shop 1516 914 N. Main St., Oregon City, Or Out Smoke and Watet Sale a boon to Holiday' Shoppers The Christmas shopper who fis look ing iot genuine bargains in suitable holiday gifts can be easily satisfied 'here. Our stock is overflowing with the newest creations in Holiday! goods that will be sacrificed owingto slight damage by smoke and water iUnheat d-of Bag naking your purchases. FAIR Harding Building, COUNCIL TURNS DOWN LIBRARY PROPOSITION PRACTICALLY REJECTS ORDI NANCE BY POSTPONING CON 8IDERATION INDEFINITELY. WILLING TO AID PRIVATE ONE Dut Hid No Money For Publlo Inetl tutlon for All the People Referendum Offer Un noticed. At an adjourned meeting, Wednes ilay night, tho city council turned down tho proposition for n city li brary or th alternative of a rcferen dum on tho queMtlon, by postponing further consideration Indefinitely. Tho council rmninlttfo that bail mot with tho library association com mitter Tuesday evening, reported the proportion presented to tho other committee that of presenting before) tho council tho subject of levying a 'i mill tax for tho first year of tho ex- bitetiro of tho library, tho Hatno to bo organized under a prlvaio corporation or association which would take charge . After tho flrnt year tho nub Jecl inlKht bo brought at a regular elfi-tlon before tho peoplo and their panel Inn thus bo given. Tho aHMoclntlon coinnilttco was re ported aH not willing to agree ti this tin they wlHhed tho mayor to appoint a city board to have chargo of tho name under tho name rf tho city. Many persons wero beard on IhiMi hides. Some showed plainly that they did not Hon tho need of such an In stitution In Oregon City. Judgo ltyan spoke In a forceful manner of tho good which would bo rendered through mich an Institution but Htuck fast to tho fact that It should bo a city organization. J. U. Camplx-ll replied, and argu ment and wit (lowed freely between the two and wan tho cause of aomo nmuHemont. Mr. Campbell upoko agaliiHt tho forming and establishing a library of any aort In this city. Deputy District Attorney Schnebel put up some giMd arguments In favor of a library and pointed out tho need of such an organization a placo w here the children, young men and ladle and tho older ones would find a Bult- , able placo to Hpend noma of their spare nmment and evenings and ; where they would como In contact with tho best books and literature of tho day. , Mr. Schuehcl proposed that a refer endum bo taken, tho library associa tion to pay half tho total expense, about $00, and tho council the other . half. i After all Mio arguments bad been ' presented, by mutual consent the li brary problem, which has caused so ! much anxiety to many, was postpon ed Indefinitely by council. I Tho ordinance providing for tho li censing and regulating of billiard, pool and card rooms, and to prevent minors under the nge of 18 from fro - quentlng the same, was read and or dered published and will como up for second reading and final passage at a special meeting of said council to bo held Wednesday, December 26. The dispute over sidewalks on Fifth and Water streets and also whether (there should be a C or 4 foot sidewalk on Fifth street was referred to the ! street committee. 4 rtnn't -!( n inmaft STORE 3 doors south of P, O, Tho council had recently named a committee of three membera to take chargo of circulating u mibserlptlon paper which would give a chance to thy peoplo of Oregon City and vicinity to show appreciation of tho faithful HorvlcoH of tho Into (loorjje J. Han Ion, night police olficer, who was mur dered by Outlaw Bmlth, while Jlanlon waa In tho performance of his official duty. The subscription taken up by the committee has reached the amount of $270 anil Councilman Kuapp was appointed at this meeting to present tho donation to tho widow of tho late officer as a Christmas gift from her friends. A warrant of 11013.92 was ordered paid to Contractor Mihlstln In part payment on contract for construction of sewer In sewer district No. 6. The warrant was ordered paid on an esti mate of the city engineer. The complaint that the woodshed of Charles Nash, at Seventh and J. Q. Adams streets, was about to col lapse and endangered the lives of pedestrians, was referred to the com mitter on health and police. DAMASCUS NEWS. F. Tong Is In our vicinity again. He hi working for I). Griffin. Sluglng at F, Hubbard's Sunday ev-4 enlng. All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Cardnor took dinner at A. Newell's. Sunday. There will be a grand mask- ball on the evening of December 21. Misses Anna and louls Stoll and Miss Mao Newell have gone to Port land to work for an Indefinite time. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Say spent Sun day at Mrs. Feathers. The occasion being Mrs. Feather's birthday. O. T. Moore and family have mov ed to the Unshoe place at Sycamore. Sorry to lose good neighbors, as they are not found every day. DOVER DOTS AND DASHES. Kemomber the road meeting at Ceorge Saturday night, I)ecember 15. I.ula Roberts met with an accident last week by falling orl a tin pall, cut ting bet faco quite badly, and keeping i her home from school for several days. Mr. Seward went to Portland Thurs day. Mr, Hcroogs nigved his family to Oregon City last week. Oeorge Kltznilller spent Saturday night and Sunday with his sister, Mrs Woodle. Mr. Morrison Is clearing a site for his buildings. C.raiulma DoShazer has been quite poorly for several days. C. A. Keith bought a horse and pony this week. Clackamas the Beet Place. Horn In the garden spot of Ohio, Miami county, and after residing In Indiana, Iowa and Dakota, David Rob eson came to Clackamas county 30 years ago and now says he wouldn't llv anywhere else. He resides two miles west of Clarkes and is a pro gressive, up-to-date farmer. Ho en ltstod in an Iowa regiment at the outbreak of tho Civil war and served four years. llrltlsh cahlnet rejects all House of Lords amendments to education bill and this may precipitate nn Issue in British politics that will overshadow all else tho ending of tho House of Iirds. Floods have caused great famines In China and 5,000,000 people are starving. Parents drown their child ren and then commit suicide. Tho Shah of Persia Is dying and late Tuesday there were conflicting ru mors of his death. If the Senate turns down tho ap pointment of Bristol as district at torney at. Portland, tho President will send In a new nnmo. OREGON CITY MARKETS (Retail Prices.) Whout No. 1, 85c per bu. Flour Valley, $1.10 per bbl; Ore gon hard wheat, $4.30. Oats In sucks, $1.30 per cwt. Hay Clover, oat, cheat mixed, $10 per ton. Potatoes lc lb choice. Eggs 40c per dozen. Iiuttor Ranch 50c 55c per roll; separator 55c GOc per rool; creamery 70c 75c per roll. v Ruttabegaa carrots, turnips, par snips, beets, 50' cents per sack. Good Applos- Choice, 75c$1.25 a box. , " Peaches Dried, 15c lb. Honey 12V40 per lb. Beef Hoifors $2.10; steers $3.25 per hundred. Hogs, drsssed So. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS State of Oregon to Hammond Lum-1 Iber company, all section 10, T. 4 8, R 0 15, of Willamette meridian, contain ing C40 acres; $800. The Hell wood ln Sc Improvement company to Christian L. Vonderhae all of lots numbered 4, 5, G, 15, 16 and 17, In block numbered 97 of Oak Grove $300. The Oregon Iron & Steel company to Frank Chllds, part section. 20, 2 acres, t 2 h r 1 E, Willamette meridian $1.00. J. It. Humphrey and A. H. Humph rey to William Schwarts and Minnie SchwarU, lot No. 5, In block No. 19, In Sunset City; $500. Mary liehrendt to Julius Behrendt, W half of NV of sec. 20, In Township 5 a of II 2 K of Willamette Meridian, 80 acres more or loss; $1. The Sunset Land company to John It. Humphrey, lot 5, of block 19, of Sunset City; $200. Oarrett Yott and Ithoda Yott to Mary K. I.lngren, 25 acres of south end of W half of W half of NK of nee 25, t 1, s of r 2, K of Willamette meri dian; $750 Samuel H. Kalbrielsch to Daniel M. Spat., In section 33 township 3, s r 1, east of Willamette meridian, 10 acres; $750. Maria Marchhank to Nelg Christen sen all of lot 8 and 9 of section 10 In T 4, s U 4. east of Willamette meri dian, 40.10 acres; $?,25. Philander T. Davis and Jennie Davis to Jacob Michel, 40 acres in southwest corner of tho A. I. Smith DLC, No. V. in T. 2, s of U. 2, Kast of Willam ette meridian; $1100. Fanule Johnson to Frank W. Cebell and Clare O beli, 120 acres, E half of NW and NK of SW of section. 30, In T. 3, a of It 3, Kast of Willamette meridian; $1000. Alvts W. Quliin to C. J. Jones 3 acres A. Slarquam I)L.(J .No. 40, 0 s-l K; $375. John Kieman to Ella A. Johnson lot 1 blk. 31 O. I. & S. Co. First Add Os - f wego; jTj. . ii i . v ranny u. .-Nonnrup 10 cua a. joun-. son lot u, blk in O. I. &. s. Co First Add Oswego, qcd; $5. Ceo. H. Clarke to Grace E. Loder, j Z. Foster DIX 4 s-3 E, 41.44 acres; $300. Josephine V. Secrest to Samuel L. Secrest lot 5 and C blk 81, Oregon City, $2000. Will P. & P. Co. to Gustave Schnorr P. A. Woiss DLC 3 8-1 E, 64.41 acres; $1100. O. W. P. Townsite -Cot to City of Estacadu, sec 28, 3 8-4 E, 2.52 acres; $250. O. W. P. to City of Estacada .ease ment lot 4 blk. 3G. D. N. Brldensteln to Sam'l G. Reed easement and right of way. Etta A. Morris to Wm. West 8 half section 22, 4 s-5 E; $100. D. C. Freeman to Caroline R. Horno- day, W half 10-acre tract "8" Logus Tracts, sec 30, 1 8-2 E; $750. Land Office to Banner G. Raven, W half SW sec 32, 1 8-5 E; 80 acres. Chas. Masters and N. M. Moody to K. O. Vaughan E half DLC. of And J. Cutting, sec. 1. 5 s-2 E, sec. 6, 5 8-3 E, qcd; $2000. O. W. P. Townsite company to City of Estacada part of Muklln Peirce DLC No. 3S, also easement for pipe lines. Sam Reed to City of Estacada ease ment for pipe lira on lot 4, sec 28, 3 s-4 E. A. S. and M. G. IVulo to M. D. and N. Gross, lot 16, Fi"..ivon; $475. J. X. Griffith and u to G. C. Grlf- j flth. township ls-2 E; $1000. I M. and M. E. Murdock to Portland I and Sandy River Electric company, sec. 1G, 2 s-5 E; $3250. W. E. Applegnte to Mary J. Gratin, part of lot, Whitman Claim; $1. Robert DeShazcr to Alice V. Haley, 3G 1 s-3 E; $300. George E. Rastall and wife to Wm. G. Gosslln SE of sec 32, t 5 s, r-4 E, CO acres; $7G3. Charles J. Caufleld to Wm. J. Goss-, lln, N half sec 22; W half sec 26; N half sec 28 and E half sec 30 of T. 5 s-l E Willamette meridian, 12S0 acres. William (r. Gosslln and wife to Mario H. Bradley, N half sec 22; N half sec 28; W half sec 2G, E half sec 30; SIC sec 32, T. 5 s r-4 E, 1440 acres; $10,00(i. Levi Rivers and wife to C. W. Mnrphpy, W half of SW of NW; W half of NW of SW of sec 4, t 3 s-4 E; $1500. Peter Drake to Henry Bort, part of tract 1 of First Add to Willamette Falls acreage tracts, south and west of county road; $100. Mao Shaver to August Fick In Clackamas County part 1-4 soctlon9, 10 1-4 acres; $1700. H. E. Cross and Orpha Cross to Jes sie C. Hamilton, NW corner of lot 35, S. W. Moss add to Oregon City" $50. Bollamy Storer scored President Roosevelt for his dismissal as Am bassador to Austria-Hungary, and Roosevelt scored heavier by having the last word. The dismissal was the result of Mrs. Storer's meddling In state and church affairs. Classes Now Starting English, Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Shorthand Start now while others are beginning. Complete courses in Day School, Night School, 7 to 9 Mon day, Wednesday and Friday, The opportunity for you is now ALLEN BUSINESS COLLEGE E. O. Allen, President Bridge Corner Oregon City, Oregon Garfield tells of tho "good" accom plished by the Standard Oil Investi gation. Tho "good" doesn't stand out like aore thumbs as far as men out of office can see. Ex-United States Senator Arthur Drown of Utah got what Mrs. Anna liradley owed him In Salt Lake City, Saturday, and Is not likely to survive tho bullet wounds. ' LOST OR 8TRAYED. HEIFER, red and white spotted, mark ed "CM" on born. Missing since spring. Reward for Information. Mary Eggernan, R. V. D. 3, Oregon. City. It3 SUMMONS. In th Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Ada M. Manshlp, Plaintiff, vs. Albert A. Manshlp, Defendant To Albert A. Manship, the above nam ed defendant. In the name of the State or Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In the above entitled cause on or before the 25th day of January, A. D. j1JI" - lnat elng the last day prescrib- eu " " order or publication for this unm....n.. 1 It ! I ouiimiiiua, nuu a you iau u appear, Ethil iixi nlolnttfT lr1 1.. U rw u.e wu" lu L1"" prayeu lor in ner complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the court dissolving je marriage contract existing between '011 an1 the said plaintiff, and for sucn oth('r an'l further relief as the Juoge or said court shall deem equi- table. This summons is published in the Oregon City Enterprise for six con secutive weeks, by order of Grant B. Dimick, Judge of the County Court, Clackamas County, Oregon, which or der is dated December 12th, 1906. The first publication of this summons De- cuiu'our 14th, 190G, and the last pub lication of this summons January 25, lt07. JOHN DITCHBURN. Ho Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. Patrick Sharkey Estate: Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate of Patrick. Shark-1 ey, deceased, by the County Court of ' the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre - sent the same to the undersigned at the office of Wilson & Neal; room 631 Chamber' of Commerce Bldg., Port- land, Oregon, with proper vouchers, duly verified, within six months from date hereof. Date of first publication, December 14. 1906. EDWARD J. SHARKEY, Administrator of the Estate of Pat rick Sharkey, deceased. Wilson & Neal, Attorneys for estate. l-t5 ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance providing for the li censing and regulating of bil'ard, pool and card rooms, and to pTvert minors under the age of eighteen years from frequenting the same. Oregon City does ordain as foil. s: Sec. 1. Any person or firm conduct-1 ing a card room, billiard room or pool room, shall in addition to the license required to be paid for billiard tables, and pool tables as provided in section !, of Ordinance No. 207 pay to the City treasurer the sum of $25.00 per quar ter, and upon presenting the receipt for the sum to the recorder, accom panied by a bond in the sum of $500, with two sufficient sureties, to be ap- A Quality That Counts M. . B. COFFEE - Mocha and Java This is a combination of Javas' fancy mild cof fees, and Mocha. It's an excellent article, 3 lbs. for $ 1 .00 H. P. BRIGHTBILL Phone 1261 proved by the mayor, condition that they will not permit any unlaw! -or disorderly conduct, or allow a- -minor under the age of eighteen year to frequent or loiter In or about th- place of business, and that they w not have any room or rooms In conne Hon with their place of busing, , where any game Is played, curtain: or partitioned off in any manner whr' ever, and that they will not allow game or games to be played exceptlr -In a main public room, and that th , will maintain no curtains, partltlo: or other obstructions to the pla; i view of the interior of gald room fro1 any person passing along on the etre . the said recorder will Issue such 1 cense provided that this section she ! not apply to saloons or private clul having billiard rooms; provided fu -tner, that if the person or firm havln such license shall be convicted of ; violation of any of the provisions ( this ordinance, the fine, costs and dl bursements of the action together wit the costs of keeping of such persons I Jail may be recovered by Oregon ClV off of the sureties upon such bond. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for an" person or firm conducting a car ' room, billiard room or pool room, t harbor, permit or suffer any minf under the age of eighteen years to lc ter or remain in such card room, b! iiard room or pool room, or to engac In any game of cards, dice-throwin or other game of chance, billiard pool, bagatelle or other game in sue oVird rooms, billiard rooms or poo! rooms, either for amusement or othei wise. Section 3. It shall be unlawful fr any minor under the age of eightee years to frequent loiter or remain I : any card room, billiard room, po ; room, or 10 engage in any game c, cards, dice-throwing or other game of chance, billiards, pool, bagatelle other games In any card room, bllllar room, or pool room, either for amus: ment or otherwise. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for ar person or firm conducting any ca: room, billiard room, or pool room, t keep the Bame open or to permit ac person, except employes, to remain 1 or to permit any person to engage i any game of cards, billiards, poc dice- throwing or any other game chance or other game for amusemer or otherwise, after the hour of elevc j o'clock p. m. of any day, or befo: the hour of six o'clock a. m. of at. 1 day. j Sec. 5. Any person violating any r" 1 the provisions of this ordinance opening or conducting a card roor billiard room, or pool room, withov first having obtained a license as r quired by section one of this on' nance ( or violating any of the cone tions required in said bond as providt in said section No. one, shall be dee;, ed guilty of a misdemeanor and upt conviction thereof before the recoi er or mayor shall be fined in any su . not less than ten dollars or more thr r fifty dollars, or by imprisonment i the City jail for not less than five da: - 1 nor more than twenty days or by bo; .. such fine and imprisonment Sec. 6. The City Council shall ha power to revoke the license provide for in this ordinance for any can which in their judgment is sufficient Read first time and ordered publis ed at an adjourned meeting of f Council of Oregon City, held Decei ber 12th, 190G, and to come up f second reading and, final passage at special meeting of said Council to 1 held Wednesday, December 2Gth, 19C at 8 o'clock p. m. of said day. By order of the Council Of Oreg' City. W. A. DIMICK, Recordc