Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 14, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Good Teeth Means Good Health,
for a reasonable fee.
If you desire the best possible results for the amount we
charge, you will not be disappointed at this office.
I I DlfKFN Dentist, Weinhard Bid., Phones, City
L. L. NLlXLllJ, 1293. Farmers 121.
Aeronauts Marvel at Brazilian's
Successful Flight.
Tbgr- fr4llctloa That AcMeTemeats la
hf Rear Fatare Will Sarpaaa the Oaa
C" Hade la I'arla With "Heavl r-Thaa-
Alr" Flriaa; Machlae First lmpor
taat Demonktratlon of the Klad
Mad la Pablle-Coat Sot Lara..
IL Santoa-Dumont's accomplishment
la flying 683 feet la a "heavler-than-tdr"
machine In Paris the other day
was the chief topic of discussion at a
meeting of aeronauts and men Inter
ested In aeronautics recently held at
the Hotel Astor In New York.
"It marks the most positive advance
yet made 'In the science of aeronau
tics," said Mr. Augustus Post "There
h&Te been many reports of the suc
cessful performance of similar feats,
but M. Santos-Dumont has publicly
demonstrated the entire practicability
f the 'heavier-than-air' principle. One
of the features that should not be lost
sight of Is the fact that such a ma
chine as his can be made for not to ex
ceed $3,000, while $100,000 would not
buy a Lebaudy airship of the gas bat;
design. As soon as the public be
comes accustomed to the operation of
these airshins thev will he as numer-
V ous and more popular than automo
biles." "More than anything elr the
achievement of Santos-Duiuout will
compel other Inventors to come into
the open and make public what they
have accomplished," said Mr. J. ('.
McCoy, who made many assents iu
Faris last summer In company with
Lieutenant Lahin and as his own pilot.
"It marks the beginning of a new era
In aeronautics," he added.
Stimulated by the feat of Santos-Du-mont,
Ir. Julian p. Thomas has re
newed his experiments witli aero
l)iaiie, which he a'.i.ud ui d lust sum
Choice Lots
Improved Property
At Gladstone, Oregon City's finest
suburb. Low fare, six minutes' ride
from city. Prices reasonable.
Eight room house, out buildinps
one acre of land, all cle :v4 and fene
ei': close to store; fine location.
Also other small traus. rangin::
fruai one to fifteen acres, at reason
able prices.
120 acres, 35 acres clear, IVi aue-i
of fruit, all kinds, 50 acres heavy f.r
fcaw timber, "-room house 10x20 and
14x10. barn 2Cx38, good (.'i.'ar valued
at $100, granary, bla-ks:nitiishfp,
wood shed, 11 miles from Oregon
City and 9 miles from E:,tacada good
weli and small stream of water run
ning through place, free rural deliv
ery, fences all around the place.
$25 per acre.
"The Man Who Makes Property
S24 Mam St.., Oregon City.
is never yours unless a portion of your
wages is put away for future use. Begin
now to provide for the "rainy day" that is
sure to come when sickness visits your
home or you are thrown out of employ
ment. A good way to do this is to open
a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us and add
something to it each payday. Come and
see us and we will gladly give you any de
sired information. A DOLLAR WILL
Good Digestion and Good Looks
and acknowledged skill and pcntlo-
ness in handling the most difficult
cases have robbed the dentist's of
fice of its old time terrors. People
entrusting their work to us are sur
prised and delighted at the results
which will not fail to satisfy the
most exacting.
We ami to keep the lead; old
fashioned method Ind no plne m
our otVwe. VP, give the host in
skill and methods and appliance
mer for ballooning. Dr. Thomas was
associated with Mr. Israel Ludlow lu
the experiments which resulted In the
almost fata! accident to the latter In
Florida last spring when his airship
"Without In any way discounting the
achievement of M. Santos liumont,"
said Dr. Thomas, "I believe I have dis
covered a more correct principle of
maintaining equilibrium than his ap
pears to be. 1 know from my experi
ence In ballooning that one is more
than anything else anxious to know
how he is going to land. When that
problem Is solved the rest Is easy. I
have already set to work carrying out
my own ideas. Like all other Invent
ors, I expect of course to succeed, but
at least I have enough confidence in
my plan to risk my own neck In try
ing it out. I shall have the aeroplane
finished within a few months, and by
next spring at the latest I shall proba
bly either have succeeded lu proving
my theory or disproving it to my own
A. M. Herring, who has been experi
menting for a dozen years with gliding
machines and aeroplanes, said that M.
Santos-Dumont's feat was chiefly of
Importance as having been the first
public demonstration of the practica
bility of flyiug with a machine without
the aid of a gas bag.
"It is furthest from my thoughts to
appear to disparage M. Santos-Dumont's
performance." he said, "and he
deserves extreme credit for what he
accomplished, but the fact remains
that the Wright brothers iu this coun
try have far exceeded his feat, al
though not in public tests. I do not
blame the public for being suspicious
of claims which are made without
proof, however, and the fact that thou
sands of persons saw with their own
eyes the flight of M. Santos-Dumont
entitles him to all the praise which has
been accorded to him.
"With the experience of additional
flights he ought to gain confidence and
a greater facility in guiding his air
ship, lie Is proceeding on the same
general principles as almost all aero
plane Inventors nowadays, and his
ship Is probaldy the type of what will
finally become the standard airship
when th-' automobile and even steam
and i-h-ctrle lines are displaced for all
ex'Mit f.ihr hulling anil short ii!s-tam-e
"M. s-iitos I).;t- c:t regulated him--If
I i !i-.'''t r Ir .-'H rxl-t. but the ma
chine of !', fi. !(- iiiiist be largely
a'it,iiiatic in . 1 J - - tins Itself to the air
Cl.r-!it i' it 1 I i ! f t nil ;ife. T'y
""-'.v ' !'- I' !: " l d t'Ti:i::.c.i
th :t !!.- in: ' . r e: is n it piicit
ei: it'.; h s-f !i : o -widen ctner-
' : :; 'plane rest
limus '.'.a' ,:d 1 ;.i ' f j'c-jal ii-ivlgi-tiuii
(. ' ; , i i hail it w v.i
- ' ' ling to t:,e
1 1' 'i n of Orvill Mid n:r Vr!;ht
'f Pnyion, (),, i'lveni'iv" jf prob-ibly
lirst !!!..-ft; f'ying ncliiuc. I
The i, test Hi?ht lii.ole 1 , v M. Santos-buii!
l!!t dues ;'it iiptii'lll to US With
he muiio ilegr ... if i if ; port.-ii' (hat It
'''"'' ' ' .,)- side
(if tin '.vat"-, wbefe the aeroplane l
'Miup'trativc!-.- ir-v,- in the problem of
.".!al nsvig-'tii-ei." -;id the Messrs.
Vv'r -rlif. "In f-o-i. : ' Cit'lit d'i- net
f-i:- ! one which we nuolc nearly twn
... .'g'i a' Kittyhawk, N. C, with
r is.-; '!'ie .-iinl whi'di we hare bet
tered s-.. -I t:;,e si,.e. At that
i:;". with .i twepe horsepower (jaso
line ei ine, we covered twenty-four
miles i:i fifty-nine secotids in the fare
of a v-;:h1 above the normal velocity.
Or" mi 'ive power, furnished by a gaso
li'!" : :ine, was only one-fourth that
i; 'cd 1 M. Santos liiiinont, while our
1 "'- exceed :'d that carried by the
Mraziliau seveitil hundred pounds."
Woman Swlnllcr In Restaurant Showl
rarls Police
a New
The police of l'nrl hnvo discovered
u trick, now to them, which hua been
practiced In the restaurants frequented
after midnight by the bettor class of
In n resort on Monttnartre, where
city oilU'lals iiinl opera stars are well
known and Americans tire sometimes
seen, a lawyer drew n louls from his
pocket ti pay for his refreshment,
whereupon n young woman of engag-
lug manners approached and, announc
ing herself as a fetlchlst, asked per
mission to bite the coin for Rood luck.
The lawyer was complaisant, but th
girl. Instead of biting the coin, swallow
ed It. Iiespite her alluring smiles, tin
lawyer's complaisance changed to rfr
scutnient. He called n iHiliceiuan, and
the girl was arrested. At the station
house the commissary ordered an
emetic. Then, to the consternation ot
those present, tiiere came Into view
not the louls, but two ten franc pieces
The commissary urged a second effort,
and the patient rid herself not of oih
but two cuius of the desired denomina
tion. Then she was hx-ked tip.
The police have learned that she ha
Ih-cu practicing her game with great
success. Most of her victims smllei)
when the coins slipped down her throat
while the others kept their anger tC
Human Ostrich's Remarkable Scheme t(
Obtain Release From English
Seldom has such an extraordinarj
story been told to a coroner as that tr
which '. I.. Irew li.-teneil the othet
day in Wormwuod Scrubs prison. If
England, where he held an liepiest 01
the body of Harold Williams, a build
or and shop lit ter of ( Iran vi lie Hardens
Shepherd's Hush, who ili'-d in tin
Williams was a M-ritnhlc liiiinan os
trich. While In prison he sualloweo
'iu::i: ties of imils, f!nnm-l nml cottoti
wool .oni froiM his chest protector, eld
i, a b; il.eii fr'-ia a prison scp ilisli nicl
a bra s ring, wliicii be had smuggled
into j iil. In nd-lition lie had soaked
ids -it iu wa'er and worn it wet.
'Hi "human ostrich," however, wa
not mad. Me was net rated solely b
a desire to ob'aiii his release, not hj
eoinmittiiig Miiclih', us it miyht appeal
from his action,), but by making him
self Kit ill that his frb-ul.i could ob
t-iin his t-eleas". IP' g it his release not
o.dy from pilsoii, but from life itself.
Oi(-rln-i, l.iiti-n ,lil, Iklll lllmxrir
Itecause he oveis!e,t and lost a jot
John I'ecker, a Milwaukee laborer
eommitteil suicide by taking i-arbolli
acid. J'.eckcr hnd bi-i-ti out of employ
irient. for some tirn". lie secured a Job
but had to ri.se at .'i:.'!0 o'clock to go t(
work. He awoke late. Dressing quick
ly, lie ran to the place only to Iind thai
the Job had been given to another mat
who had iippeai-ed on time. I'.ecker 01
his way home purchased a bottle ol
carbolic acid mid, ging to the base
incut, drained the bottle.
Snvfil Trnln With Kcd Snllli-.
1M Thompson and ('lint Coefiehl
fourteen year old boys, discovered I
broken rail on the Franklin branch ol
the Erie road near I-'r;inl;lin, Pa. Ai
(he pus e. mer train from Cltj
which cnuid-is with New York irid
Oliic3!o trains at Mendville appi-1 idl
ed Thompson wnv.-d his tv I iim-: tie
The engineer ; -,ppt" his (imiW, which
lie said, r,-o!:U have been wrecked bar
it. struck (lie curve at. I'u!i speed.
Fall Ftr "nnrlrd Feet iind 1,1 von
Fallin ; A ' feet down :i:i abandoned
i.iliie nlr'.'t, .Joseph f.c'.iroe ler of Totts
Vile, Vr.. 'vfl rev-je t ;i! v, after ht
had bee i v rtimliy burle! nil day ami
all Inr ' hin rev:;e nlmndoned
When t.med it was Puntd Bohrw
der hid not: ven n broken bon. li
was the mot extraordinary escipi
known In th hiitory of anthraclti
Oklahoma Woman Will Taste No Pood
Until Her Imvgcncrate Spowtw
Is Converted,
Mrs. Cora Ilartlett, a devout Chris
tian, who resides a few miles south
west of I.awton, Okla., has totally ab
tulned from the taking of food for fif
teen days In fiililllinent of her pledgi
to fast until her luwbniul Is converted
A tlamlng revival of religion has been
lu progress lu that community for sonit
days, and her husband, being n proin!
Iient man and a reptvmMitntlvo cltlr.en.
has been one of the principal marks nl
which the inlnlsters and religious pinv
pie luive directed their prayers, en
treaties mid tears. Hut be lias remain-
ed stillborn through It all. and appear
to have no conviction whatever of hi!
Mrs. liartlelt, belfving that nearly
all of human Mivcrfbad been rxhauKt
ed In efforts to savefher husband, final
ly promised the lard and her fellow
workers lu her cunse that until hei
husband had found ence In a wonder
fill salvation she would totally abstale
from food, and she has kept her prom
The community in general Is looklni
upon Mrs. H.irtlett's action, and
great deal of Interest In the outcomi
has lieeu nianlfe-,ied. TIip revival ha
reached greater proportions than wer
nnficlpnted. and her course Is approved
by the ministers ami religious people.
Iowa Farmer Finds "Shooting I'p" Hit
Neighbors an Fxpcnsive , ,
August Kroner, a wealthy farmer
who under thcSjjiitatioii of ome bin!
whisky undi-rtiHik to shoot up the peo
ple of Hancock. In , several week oco
is finding that his amusement was an
expensive one. lie has already net
tled with Dr. Sieu iis, one of the num
ber injured by the tlyln-; bullets, Knie
ger paying him $:;,') iu cash us a
balm to his wounded anatomy and In
Jured feelings.
.lames Diiil-an, another wh t vn hit.
Is awaiting the result of the iliairiiosls
of liis physicians, who placed him un
der the X ray, wl lie will decide the
amount he will sue Krue'cr for.
Still another citizen v, ho is nurs
ing several wounds received while as
Hist i 11 111 the effort to coital the drink
crazed Krue-.-er, Leonard Tinkler, has
brought suit against him for $10,fHM)
damages, .5,ixki actual and S.l.ooo ex
emplary damages.
Kruer.'cr. It Is understood, Is attempt
ing a setlleineiit with all of bis adver
saries of the (lay of tin: battle at his j
home place, with the Intention of re-(
moving to the west, lie Is exceedingly j
penitent and admits his desire to get)
away from the place which can have
but iiiiile isaut memories for him. I
Owing to his wealth ho may be able to
gratify his desires iu this direction.
Tied to Track liy FHIoit Ktitrinil.
John Green and Percy Weil, two tiln
dents at Hie liiiili school at Kant Liver
pool, O., came iieur being bflr.ed tftei j
KtMiyoti college method. Blindfolded
and bound, they were tied to a rail-1
road track by a sang of fellow nlu j
dents. (Jreen wns terror utrlcken when;
he learned be was to le tied to the!
track, and' bis i-iiptni-s e nild not hold,
him down lonr enough to tie him no 1
ciirely. He broke away and fledj
HcrenmliiK to Ins home near by. JIIh
aunt ran to the (rack nml found Well j
there. Hi lormentorn fled at hr ap
proach. She released the boy, who win !
ulmofit unconscious from fright. I
Wmla rar Vor I'fitllna- Cat Oat.
When T. M. Keyes of LoganHport, i
Ind., was ued for a $125 board bill lit '
filed n counter unit, elnUuitiif a total of;
$S1 for servlceg he rendered hlH land -i
lady. He want iisymeut for mikliifl
bin own bed ('A limen, 10 ceutn eaet I
for 100 mrnndn he run for bin landlidy I
n reutal of 7 eentn n nllit for u ol i
1tvo of bin own blnnketi on hie eiwicli
Vlhff llemi ire for putting; th cat;
at nlKht. '.rlndinc tin elck and j
?:it!ni: eirpetH. I
Choose Your
Druggist Carefully
J A 1friii7i;isl can do morn Imnu or frond Hum moat
"'v. js'ojile li i ut en'dit for.-"
There are ililTercnt (iiulilies in drills just as tliero
nre in dry 'roods, and to the outsider till (imlitie.u go ly
the sniiie imiiie, Tim ditTerenco lietweeti pure high
grade drills and cheap, inferior i!:'iii's "f (1 1 v.!'i)i
mime, means the dilTer i;u. b'li :i kis-jiiuj.; siel, tin I
Kettinj; well.
When a doctor writca a jirescrijtioii lie means host
quality. When some druggists lill a jirescrition they
t, think only about big jirolits.
every urop or
Medicine . . .
that goes in a prescript ion filled in this store is per
fectly pure, l'ure drugs mean a speedy recovery. Poor
drugs mean a relapse. You want the U-st. Ijet us
lill your prescriptions.
We are giving away fp'e, while they lust, n J 5 cent
box of Honp with a 25 cent pair of scissors for 'i! cents.
Reliable Druggists.
Dont make fun of the other fellow
Joke. He Isn't to blame for jovt
If pain Is the price of pleaaure, tb
fellow that has the toothache most
have hni a glorious old Jamboree.
The meek and lowly don't own a big
AVtini buutliiK for trouble kick aoui
body's else reliever.
HoQ't try to be the blggeat fool U
t'ie wnrli' Coinpetltlon l, too great
Main and 7th v
Santa Claus! Santa Claus!
Santa Claus' Headquarters
Wo L. Block's
Furniture Store. Cor. Main and 7th St.
I will be here to shake the hands of all little folks and
bg folks Wednesday and Thursday nights between
7 and 9 o'clock sharp.
Everybody Come. Lvei ybody Wt Iconic.
Main and 7th Main and 7th
Your Satisfaction is our Success.
J. E. Smith Hardware Co.
10th and Main Sts.
Oregon City.
We are here with a big line of Hardware, Gro
ceries, Grantteware, Tinware, Implements,
Wagons and Buggies and anything from a pin
to a 40 horse power engine.
JOth and Main - - . The Busy Corner
Pioneer Trnnsfcr
iind tx press Line
Established J 865
Freight and 1'nrceU Delivered
U all Parts of the City.
Hate Ren lonublo.
Main and 7th