7 SKVED FROM THE OD and FLAME OREGON CITV ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 14, 1908. FLO I 8 1 1 A Mastadotisc, Macjnificient, Stock of Merchandise Mar sluilal for Distribution 'Moncj Oregon City's Buyers of Clothing and Things for the Man's Xmas. COC AOA Worth of Men's Wearables at Slaughter Sale by pz.j,uuv Unkm pire Sevage & Adjustment Co. OVERCOATS & CRAVENETTES ."H f,f nn fine garments as can be found in all thU big Htnte will mM l v thr Union l'in- Salvage Co, at th! cont of Hie making and 1 riinmin;rt. J?.' H." for Ii..H.n-t. in'K 7 and $H ones $7.H7t fr Uoh- nMciiH' $10 and J?li"on.- i?7.(." fur I!im.TiHi.Mii' JjUfi and Jjt I S oi i?5. ir for KoM'iihtrin'K $'. 00 on. J? I I .7." for Ko-nj'in'K S'iM.OO one 9i:i.r0 for lJot.-n.t-inV SjW.VOO im. 'llif above include the (iiwht and lient Kerseys, beavers, vieunii. mlk inn ami t -n u i mt Priestly Cnm-nettes. The grcnlt earn lire ever known i -hi of Chicago. 1,000 MEN'S SUITS llnwiihtriu expert. -d to relit niii jm ti thin store, nn! hud bought a line new ktork for that purpose. Mr. Rosen-iti-iii has 1 u rn-' his entire liunine.-H over to tlie I'nion Fire. Salva- Co , and Ins interests have ended forever. This stork unlet Im- soM at onre and all nlT.iir pertaining to the liiihini KS adjured at i There will he Fine Suit sol here nt what they will bring, loss, eoht, or worth is not con-1 Slilen d. ;." for IJoM-nslein's, $7 and JjW Suit $i.7 for I Jo nilein's $10 Suit $0.00 for Uomitenrs $f nml $11 Suit $7.M.' for lJiwiiftein'H $1.1 ami $H Suit $0.00 for IIom n-tein's $i() Suit $ll.7." for K.-s, nMrin's $',"i nnI $'il Suit $'1 l.."0 for i:o,entein's $M." ami $'7 Suit MEN'S PANTS ,'000 Pair from the ejod working nml corduroys to the flllfr. t CUf-lolll linihei silk unveil L'ooils. hS ri-nis for oihls worih to $J.."0. $!.::." for nonstein's $'.'..r0 Pants. $1 .$." for KoM iiMein's $: to $1 Pants. $''. !." for i,,o nf.tei1r $1..".0 to $.".(M) Punt. $I.Sr for lioM itnn's $.(( Pants. $;.." for PoM iiftein's $7 and $H Pant. ODD VESTS '.'00 -Silk. Linen ami Wool Vests-worth from $1.00 to $."i.OO lake choice at i7t rents. 3 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS .'tl to .'( Hust Measure. Ilon'iistein had a weakness for buying. This stock con tains some of the hest goods on earth and enough of them for a wholesale house. $I. ('." for Posenstem's $." and $ Suits. $ 1 . !." for liosenstein's $S to $10 Suit. $(.(;." for Kosenstein's $Pi and $!.'. .r0 Suits. $S.H." for Kosriislriu' $!." and $1H Suits. lOO Young Men's Overroats and CravenettcH at less than lirst factory cost. MEN'S SHOES :t(H0 Pairs at the Cost of the Materials. This hnniiess must he closed out at once. No time like now. iMi't wait for there will he crowd to buy those bar- $0.I." for odd pairs worth to $'-2.."0. $1. for liosenstein's $Jt Shoes. $!.." for Kosenstein's $:5..r0 Shoes. $,i.:J." for Kosenstein's SjW.oO and $1.00 Shoe. S'i.OO for Kosenstein's $.".00 Shoes. $;.(.! lleiich made dress and viscolized water proof worth $r.ooto $o.ro. MKN'S X MAS SldPPFdiS AT LESS THAN HALF PKICK. . ' KNEE PANTS SUITS 100 f.f them at such a slnui;hler that you should supply the hoys for years. $0. ((' Sample sizes worth to $2..r0 Suit. $0.00 for Kosenstein's up to $.'l Suits. $1.00 for KosensleinV $1.00 Suits. $1 .00 for Kosenstein's $ l.."0 Suits. $M. l 1 for Kosenstein's $.".00 Suits. $.'t.:t:t for Kosenstein's $( and $7 Suits. ODD KNEE PANTS Come quick Lots of Ihem, hut they will fly. il!3J! for up to llZc rants. lOe for up to .r0e Pants. 'i)c for up to 05c Pants. :)c for up to $1 .00 Pants. LADIE'S SHOES This fine stock hnupht for Christ mas and oponinp up this place with a new stock are going to he sold for next to no price. $.0. for bis lot of $2.00 Shoos. $1 ..'5 for liosenstein's $2.50 Shoes. $1 .85 for Kottonstein's $11.00 Shoes. $2.45 for Kosenstoin'st $:t.50 nnd $1.00 SioeB. $2.00 for Kosenstein's $5.00 Shoes. $0,85 for fur trimmed $2.00 Slippers. CHILDREN'S SHOES $.25 odd lot worth to $1.00. $0.05 regular sizes $1 .25 value. $0.05 for nil $1 .50 and $2.00 Shoes. $1 .:W for finest and best $2.50 SIkmu S0,;J5 for a big lot of 75e nnd $1 Slippers. HATS Here in where we w ill do some tall slaughtering. I. odds and ends worth to M5c for iSrst sft and stiir $2.00 Hals. $1 ..'5 for best $2.50 Hats all stylcx $1 .5 for all kinds of $:J.(M) Hats. $2.15 for .1. '. Stetson and other up to $5 Hats. CAPS 1 lc for 500 regular II5c Cap. 20e for up to 75: Caps. IKK: for up to $1 .(H) Cni.s. Suit Casert, Kuhler Coats, Oil Skins, and all other good of every description will be Sold at big reduction. MEN'S FURNISHINGS A tremendous bin- utix'k. The Is'st that can he found at Fin- Sale Prices, le fur Kiiseiistein' 10c Sot. He for to 20- Sox. 12 l-2e for 25c Sox. 1 He for !55e Sox. 20,: for 50o wim.I Sox. IJOe for 75e Hand Knit Sox. SUSPENDERS-Fine Xmas Stock 10e for all up to 10,; Suspenders. J50e for all up to 75c Suspenders. -I0e for all up to $1 ,(M) Suspenders. SWEATERS lOOO fine new Sweaters will be sold at Fire Sale Prices. 25e for Kosenstein's to (J5c ones. 45e for Kosenstein' to $1.(M) ones. (I5e for Kosi nstein's to $1 .50 ones. 85e for Kosenstein's to $2.K) ones. $1 .JJ5 for KoHmsfein's to $JJ.(M) ones. $1 .85 for Koscnstcitt to $1.(M) ones. $2.05 Fine Worsted nnd Pure Wool worth $5 & $G GLOVES Knoiich to tit out an army. Oe for Canvas Cloves. 10e for liurk I'urro .'J5e Gloves. 20c for all kinds of 50e Gloves. ll'.ic for all kinds of 75e Gloves. 40o for all kinds of $1 .00 Gloves. 00c for all kinds of $ 1 .25 Gloves. 80c for nil kinds of $1 .50 Gloves. UNDERWEAR liring some of the men with you that work in the Oregon City Woolen Mills, they will tell you that we are just slaughtering things. 20c Rroken lot liib to 75c value. IJOc big lot worth double. 40e wool fleece cut from $1.00. OOe wool goods worth to $1 .50. 80c wool ouds worth to $2.00. $1 .:) Kest quality worth well $2.50. SHIRTS ll'Ac for (I5e working Shirts. 41c for all kinds of 75e Shirts. 55c for 50 kinds of up to $1 .00 Shirts. (KIo and 77c for up to $1 .50 Shirts. OOe and $1 .IV.) for dress nnd wool and Cassimere up to $2.50 Shirts. UMBRELLAS (Jet your Xmas Presents at the Forced Fire Sale aiyl get them for next to no price. 15o for all Kosenstein's 75e ones. 85c for all IJosensteiivs up to $2.00 ones. $1 .117 for nil Kosenstein's $15.00 ones. $1 .85 for nil liosenstein's $ 1 .00 ones. HANDKERCHIEFS 2 l-2e for 5e ones. 5e for up to 10c ones. 12 l-2e for up to 25c ones. 22eSilk, etc., to 50c ones. 4. '5c for Silk Handkerchiefs. 70: Silk Mufflers worth to $2.00. NOTICE All Store Fixtures for Sale. Store. This is the end of Kosenstein's RUBBER BOOTS How is this for killing things? 1!) for Host Knee $5.00 Boots. $-1 .05 Hip up to $0.50 Boots. Men's Kubber Shoes nt less than wholesale. CANVAS COATS SI. 20 for Cnnvas $2.50 Coats, ij? 1.(50 Long $.5.00 Coats. XMAS NECKTIES . 2e for 10c Bows. 10c for Silk 50c Ties. 0c for Silk up to $1 Ties. STILSON & KELLOGG'S celebrated $7.00 Boots for Loggers, all perfect new goods and at $5.45 COHN, IMICKELSBURG & CO.'S fam ous $5.00 Shoes for men; smart stylish lasts, best leathers and per fect examples of fine shoemaking. In the sale at $3.45 BEDDING: WARM COMFORTERS $2.00 Comforters 89c Heavy warm household comforters that will delight the heart of any housewife, $1.60 and $2.00 values. In the Sale, and all perfect at 89c WOMEN'S $3.50 WALKING SKIRTS $1.45. Neat attractive Skirts, cut in the full round lengths, trim, trig, styles full AT THE STORE FORMERLY KNOWN AS Roscnstein's Clothing House TWO DOORS SOUTH OF POSTOFFICE, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY, THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FLOOD-BOUND GOODS FROM THE RAILROADS HAVE BEEN BROUGHT IN AND COMBINED WITH THE ROSENSTEIN STOCK SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY FIRE IN NOVEMBER LAST, AND NOW IN ONE GIGANTIC OFFERING OF $5 fT fkfk f Worth of Men's and Boys' ZyUUU Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings are put upon the Altar of Sacrifice. Forced to the Slaughter at the mercy of your cash for as low as 5 c on the dollar. There's no Hocus Pocus about this genuine, gigantic massacre of a mighty stock of good merchandise, most of it new, intended for Christmas trade, hut held too lato for delivery to the consignees and turned over to the UNION FIRE SALVAGE & ADJUSTMENT CO. by the railroads, as a last resort to be sold by them nt any price the goods will bring. 'Tis a matchless opportunity to make every dollar do double duty in the joyous work of Holiday buying of useful gifts for the Men's and Boys' Christmas. And people are ilcxking from all direc tions to share in the marvelous bargains. Competition is dazed! Never again, in the lives of those who read these lines will clothing go at such ridiculous prices for every dollar's worth in this mastodonic offering would cost an advance of a third on the regular prices of these goods that we offer "for a song"' at present ruling prices in the wholesale market. But this is a case of MUST! Every dollar's worth of goods in the great sale must lie closed out at some price and the store cleared ere the New Year! How different an atfair is tlus gigantic sale of these immense stocks at 15c to 2.V on the dollar up to Oc on the dollar, from the stereotyped, prearranged and really meaningless sides heralded through the newspapers far and near. Here is Sacrifice That Stops at No Loss To accomplish its great purpose of selling; these monster combined stocks. The prices tell the story You waste nearly half of every dollar spent elsewhere during the progress of this sale, which ends with the month. We'll give you nearly double for your dollar what other stores offer. MAKE US PROVE IT! READ. of chic and verve. In 8-gored mod els, plaited effects, trimmings of strappings and buttons, grays, blues and blacks, heavy and medium weight materials, best regular $3.50 values in town, in the sale at $1.45 MEN'S SUITS. Handsome, stylish suits, with the hall mark of fashion in their every line. The very latest and newest cut, ex pertly tailored and built from fine domestic and imported materials. Selling this way Suits worth to $8 selling at $3.65 $10.00' Suits for $4.85 $12 and $14 Suits for $6.90 Best $15 Suits in the city for.... $7.85 $20 Suits for $9.60 $25 Suits for ' $11.75 I 5 liHiifaiiMtf&BB