Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 14, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Von Zeppelin
And His Airship
Kaficst Dirigible Balloon tvcr Constructed
and Successfully Ised Sixteen Sep
arate Envelopes For Gds-Cdn ics
Nine People With Ease.
IIK biggust airship that ever
soared Into the empyrean U
Couut vou Zeppelin's latest
model, which recently mad
two successful trial trips lu German
atmosphere. This vessel is as big aa au
ocean steamship and speedier than the
average of such craft. She can sail
from eighteen to thirty miles an hour.
The length of tha vessel Is 430 feet and
the diameter about forty feet. Sho car
rier two Daimler motors of eighty-live
horsepower each, by far the greatest
horsepower ever applied to an airship, i
The hydrogeu gas aupply that buoyi '
ber up is calculated to last for 120 ;
houra. Thus If conditions are favora- j
ble this ship may fly five days, or long j
enough to cross the ocean from Liver- i
pool to New Vork, at the speed of a j
fast steamship. j
In the construction of this ship Count j
on Zeppelin followed his former plan I
of Inclosing his gag baps In a long !
cylinder of aluminium plates, each bag !
or balloon lu Us separate compart
ment. Independent of all the other.
There are sixteen of these balloons In
the 430 foot cylinder. If one should be
come punctured and colfcipse the oth
ers will keep the ship afloat. Several
of the balloons. In fact. mi;ht be put
out of commission with-it making the
airship useless. This 0 what may be
called an armored cruiser of the air,
the armor being the aluminium platss.
It Is designed by the count primarily
for use la warfare and is therefore a
new type of German war vessel,
though not just yet attached to the im
perial navy or army.
, The old count, now in his sixty-ninth j
year, is undoubtedly the boldest and '
most persistent experimenter In aerial
navigation now living. His experi
ments all have been upon a very large
scale. He has spent his own "private j
fortune, the kaiser has contributed to
lave added their cash to the cause, i
which has consumed several hundred
thousand dollars.
Ferdinand von Zeppelin, in addition
to being a German nobleman, Is a sol
dier of distinction. He rose to the j
rank of lieutenant general In the Ger- i
man army and for years has been chief .
military adviser to the king of Wurt-'
temberg. In the Franco-Prussian war
be won fame as the first Prussian of- j
fleer who crossed the frontier into '
France. He was a noted leader of
Bcouts. Prior to that he had served his ;
fatherland In the United State during !
the civil war as a military attache, and ;
it was in this country in 1SG4 that he
made his first balloon ascensions. Bal ,
loons were used by our government to
some extent in making military ob
servatlonu. The count went up sever
al times, and that gave Dim a tast" j
for aerial experimenting as to the j
uses of balloons or airships In war. j
During the past ten years Count voit
Zeppelin has done little more than j
build airships and finance propositions J
for building better ones. The present j
ship Is bis third model. The first was j
bought by his government. The sec-;
ond he destroyed, selling the material j
for Junk. Model No. 3, which flew j
around and over the Bodenuee, the :
lake between Switzerland and Baden, j
carrying nine persons in Its two car
rlages, was eight months In building.
Work began last February. At times j
200 workmen were employed day and
The ship was built in a long hall ex
tending out over the waters of the Bo
densee. The floor of the ball was so
constructed as to float outside when
the ship was ready for launching and
float back when It was desired to re
turn the monster to its mansion. The I
vessel went up about a thousand feet
and made a circuit of the lake, crossed
twice and returned to the starting
point, gracefully alighting upon the
platform. This programme was repeat
ed the next day with even greater suc
cess. The first trial was of two hours'
duration and the second of four hours.
The propellers, rudders and motors
worked smoothly on each trial.
In general shape the aluminium cyl
inder lncloEin;: the balloons resembles a
monster torpedo flying through the air.
It oas an advantage In cutting tbe air
In being sharp pointed.
Kongo Chief With Appendicitis
Objected Like a Missourian to
Unknown Operation.
Belgian Surgeon Had to Cut Open and
Cure Twcl.e Healthy Blacks Before
Their Sick Ruler Would Go
Under tbe knife.
Pr. Eiull Maestrlcht, surgeon major
in the Belgian army, stutloued In the
Kongo Tree State, saved the lives of
twelve negroes by operating on them
for appendicitis. None of the negroes
had appendicitis, but they had to be
operated on or be killed with a wax
No surgeon ever faced a more ter
rible responsibility. Imagine an opera
tion for appendicitis in u Jungle, under
an equatorial sun, with no trained
nurses, no surgical appliances, no hos
pital staff, no cleanliness, no means of
keeping down the Inevitable fever!
And yet these were the awful condi
tions under which the youuK surgeon
worked and watched for six sleepless
days and nights, lie worked not only
to save the lives of the twelve dusky
patients, nut to save his own, for he j
feit certain that if even one of the I
twelve died his own life would pay the
It was at a native villuge 100 miles
east of Mugwardle that Dr. Maestrlcht
performed the operations. The lieu
tenant in command of the expedition tc
which the surgeon was attached was
under orders to establish a po-it In th i
' " V. U JV, HIV .U1V. "in til,
Maestrlcht was sent to see him, and by
questions addressed to the chlel
through an Interpreter satisfied hlmsel!
that tLe native potentate was suffer
Ing from appendicitis and must b
operated upon.
tue chief Just what was th
was the mattet !
with him.
T1.. , . , .
iue i-uiei Knew less auout
j anatomy than he did about the planet j COUNTY WARRANTS
Mar?, and he couldn't be made to un j Mn.m - . rlmT
; derstand what an appendix was and, MONDAY AFTER COURT
how it could be cut out without killing ;
' the man. ! , , !,
,, . , , , , i Persona who have claims aga nst
I inally. after hours hud been spent it;
I wrangling, the chief suddenly Rave flr.'the c,,unt' ln fl,t," wi" have to
i m
1 K WVf
"IT'S THE WoilK 01'
order to one of his boys. The boy rat
away and quickly returned with s j
youug woman
"Operate on her iirst, said the chief
.. . , , ,, , . , ..... ,
with a crafty gleam lu las dusky eyes
"If she guts well perhaps I'll believe j
The young surgeon protested In vali
that the young woman was not sMt j
but the chief grew suspicious and sale j
that the surgeon had deceived him uric j
wanted to kill him. j
"Operate on the woman, major," ad !
vised the lieutenant. "It's our only
hope of getting away without a light.' !
"Put If she dies';" asked the youni: ;
surgeon anMousiy. ,
The lieutenant puffed his cigarette
lazily. "Well, we'll light and run foi
it then," he said.
The young surgeon performed the op
erutiuu, through which the girl undet
the Influence of chloroform nevei
moved. So still she lay that the chiel
declared she was dead and that th
white mau's doctor had killed ber.
Finally, to the chief's amazement
the seemingly dead girl stirred. Thee
her eves onened languidly. Aftel
awhile she was able to speak in i
weak voice. The chief asked her sev
eral questions, which sho answered.
"It's the work of the evil spirit," as
serted the chief. "She says the white
man's doctor's knife never hurt her
She didn't feel it."
Still the chief was not satlsfled. lit
sent for another slave, and then anoth
er, until the surgeon had operated oi
twelve persons without killing them.
At last he was convinced and con
sented to be operated on. Not only dk
the chief recover, but all of his twelf
appendlxless subjects wove-
Belgian authority firmly Is e
In that part of the Kongo V: c.
Roosevelt Was As Much Surprised As
Any One That the Cat Was
Let Out of the
Washington. P. C, Dec. 11 Presi
dent Koosovelt assured Senator Kul
tou today that he hud no knowledge
of the publication of the letter in
Collier's Weekly and did not Rive and
was not asked to give his consent to
such publication.
The President also said Secretary
Hitchcock was not consulted about
the publication and did not authorise
; the same.
Washington. D. P., Dec. 11 Sena- j last tip years when It has been con
tor Fulton today presented aff idavits stantly In Florida.
"f many of the loading citizens of
to the good char-
acter of Indian Agent Edwards.
Charges against Kd wards were also
tiled, accusin
him of graft, drunken- i
ness, and general unfitness.
The affair will be thoroughly Investi
gated by the Interior department.
j wait until tnc nrst .v.iimay fallowing
the adjournment ( f the countv eom
mlsloneis' coirrt before they can re
jceive tin ir warrants irom the county
j clerk's office, t'p to this time Coun
ty Clerk C.eenman has always en-
; deavored to have die warrants ready
I for the claimants wU'iin 24 hours, but
! this method vvill liuvo to undergo a
change as the County Clerk reports
it Impassible tc nu'ke out the warrants
before the Mcnday foiVwin;j; the ad
journment of the count'? court. This
; change will prevent any impartiality
and confusion.
Moores and Dimick Among th' Elect
Injuries Keep Latour
ette Off.
The all-star for.tball team , from
C&1UU!1 hit; l 'ii nu ll nan ir.wll J'iv.rv
ed by the pencil iMcpwtt. Oirgon
lurnUhcs both the etnlsi in Cliaadler
ami Mixires, the latter a former Ore-
gun City boy. Dinick f.f Whitman Is
the tirqrialified clioico- for richt tack-
I; He a brother of Judge Dimick
f ths c,
,,,, i
Uag;-;haw of Wash ir-jton s namHl
''r quarterback, but the writer Hys
'Laruurt'ttc, if Oregon, had tho lnis-
fortune of ku.-,. fining a Hvro Injury
jn the opening giimt! of the aeawm,
an(1 was forct.d t() r(.tire. He waH the
An.North(4Wt tr in mi an(, .5f
ar"1 wt"'d undouhfidl have mado
wl in the portion agtiin this year
had ho pUyed in tins more important
jho expert also nays no team pro-
ducesd a field general this year equal
to Jack LatouroUe of this city.
Great Interest Shown at Meeting Held
Saturday Five Mill
County Judges Grant U. Dimick at
tended thei meeting of tho farmers of
Dickey prairies Saturday. A rousing
and helpful meeting was held and the
farmers of that district showed great
Interest in the good, reiada problem
and as tho result voted to levy a five
mill tax in the Dickey district for the
improveme-nt of their roads.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Cures toltU, Croup and Whooping Cough.
v mrui nunc Telephone company
met nt llrowu's school heumo at On
mil t'oint Saturday afternoon and
closed up business for tho year,
I no company Is in g;iod, healthy
condition, entirely out of debt with
$."n in tho treasury; newcomers hitch
Ing on to the lino continually; lino
stretching nut In all direct Ions. The
company Is golni; to mid tw.i more
wires to the system right away.
Urtfl,. ... . .1
I'utciTs ior mo coining year were
elected a follows: (le.i. Knndull, pros
mom, i. tmis, vice -prosit lent; (bxi.
('.. Kandall, secretary ami treasurer;
David IViiniunim, Martin Straubauer
ami August Stackley, executive com
mittee; W. G. llandall, lluonutn.
The Tilly Olson company, a dialect
eomeslyfuroo on tho order of tho Die
Olson, Is billed at Tho Shlvely for
December 19. A unique, feature Is
that tho loading emmcter Is cammed
ienne instead of n eomedlun.
An old Oregon City favorite nttrnc-
tltm Is to return Saturday night. De
cember 22 (It rttin's Minstrels. This
tine organization always draws crowd
ed houses. It isitvd Oregon City
every year for eight years until the
Tho month's program certainly In
cludes something for every taste, and
if variety Is tho t plce of theatrical
life, surely all ought to be pleased.
Comedy ami mlustiels will bo followed
D' tragedy on December 28, when the
John Griffith ci mpnny will present
tin; great Shakespearean tragedy of
Richard III. This should bo welcom
ed in a city where there are so many
Shakespeare clubs.
Though Married Again She Ask that
Present Administrator be
Suit was brought Monday nftermxm
before County Judge Dimick for the
appointment of the widow of Carl
Joerg as administratrix of tho estate,
in place of John Cooke;, pp'sent admin
istrator. Although the widow has
married again, it is clalmfd sho has
the prior right. The court did not ren
der decision today ami will take same
under advise-tuent.
Margaret II. Ho.sk Ins instituted a
divorce wait Monday against Hiram
Hoskins, on the ground of desertion.
Anna M. Johnston has made? appli
cation to tho county court to hf ap
pointed administratrix of estate of
Thomas F. Johnston, deceased.
LoRoy S. Johnson lias petitioned! to
bes appointed guardian of Seth K.
Johnsor. Appraisers give valuation
of estate $2700.
In effect Novmnhor 25, 1900. TraJun
due at Oregon City as follows:
North Bound.
No. 16 Overland, Duo C:4l a. m.
" 18-Cot Grove Pass. 10:11 a. m.
" 12 Overland, 4 ::'.:! p. m.
South Bound.
No. 11- Ovwrland Dim 0:22 a. m.
" 17 Cr.t Oroe Pans. 5:04 p. m.
" 15-Overland . . 8:22 p. m.
North bound No. 11 and South bound
No. Dl not Hcht'duhsil to stop here.
II. C. Myers and family are visiting
his wife's folks.
Mr. Turner was detaineid from res
turning to hts heiuies at fJfiHt.on, Or.,
by Illness. Dr. Mount was callesd and
Mr. Turner is now better. lies will
go to see his parents at Dodge Wed
nesday, and thence to his homo on
Sunday. The family lived in Clack
amas county for twenty yesars, but I
have luiem ln Washington county for j
the last throe years and say that is
the place to make a start.
J. II. Turner Is cutting wood for
Mr. Warnock. Wood is very scarce
Great wind blows down buildings
and ruins in San Francisco, and drives
shipping on to the shore, Monday. One
killed and score injured. Damage es-
tl mated at $000,000.
I'poll meeting former tui!iitiun
es lirter several ear's llbartire tmlil
Oregon City, the- pn id ' !) ,''lt,"r
of tho Star Is sotm-wlud Mii pii-.e.l to
hear some of the resl.leuls i.peak of
the city's grow.h in i' 11 '" '
and cureless manner. "Why )". iu'
gull City Is grow lug, Du! then Pa purt
ami tho cluuigft and growth are i.low."
Is the ever ready reply of (he friend
Why, this thoughth-M i -mark l-
somewhat perplexing, for i-lumM any
one say a word again-. I the home
town to them there would be trouble
at once.
Afler llll Itliseiit'e of Koine ears, one
can readily judge the rapid and sternly
growth of the pioneer city.' lime not
good, up tmhite buililing t of hrii k or
stone been erected? lias net (he
number of business houses iiieiea e.l
to nearly doublet'.' Are not the fill, in
of Oregon City prosperous. These
questions must in' ailsrt t'I'eil lu lite
Kvery city needs (he .support of lis
citizens ami only by such means will
Its lldvanlages tu made known to per
sons who are looking toer (he we t
for locations. Always haw good
word to say of the ruinmutilly "ii
live In, It will cost )ou nothing and
(he results will be wonderful
The giving way of the old bulkhead
on the Southern Pacific track bewir.d
the Portland lioiiruig ctimlntn) s unlit
caused a little delay to the t ar m r
vice of the () W. P, (i l!y Co s iraftie
the eutrlv purl of Tiienliiy a f f riioe'i
About I: il o'clock the officials ft'
tho freight tleHit were notified of th"
slide. On Investigation th" ehclne
company's tracks were found cow-re.l
over with debris (if (lie old bulkhead
A few men had the track eltareil t..
allow passage In a short time IIoa-
(ver Stlpi'rliltelelelit I'lfids sent word
to the Portland office fur a spt i la!
crew to clear the rubbish
Since; the change of lf:. Southern
Pacifier's tracks, (he old of tacle had
been left standing until lime should
take It away.
: I
Dr. Pickens and John Lewthwj'te
Will Erect Handsome Homrs
Across River.
fr. Pickens and John l.e-wthwaiie
are making iireparatinns for the t ree
lion of bt'iiutlful rttsiiilcnces on the
West fclde near tbte Willaiuetle el. c
trie station.
James WIlkltiMon, who lives at the
corner oi .Main and nth streets, is
eonteun plating bulbling several ml
tages (. the preiperly nljolnliig lilt
This funeral of Dr. Simeon Smith
eiccurred tills morning with inleruieut
In Mountain Vir-w ceme'tery. The
body was brought, up from the home
In Kant Portland and nut at the un- :
dertaklng parlors by a largo nnmber
of friends. The services we-ro direct- i
oil according to tin wishes ed' the ile-!
ceased. !
,juiii-(! Hayes gave a tew remarks
ut. tie; k -', kiviiik nil. fXK'rilletl ae-
,., it... .......... ..t..t .
count of the good tloedn of liie pion
eer physician. rl ho patlhouresrs were
all personal frletitls of tho hoii of ib..
uece-ase-u aim we-ro: j. (, pradley, ;
(!. Hrownell, ,1. 11. Campbell, Judge
iruvou 1n,l,.o m..,i.i, ....a ei..,., .,. ... ,
....,, .no . lOIIH'M Hill,-
C(K:k,. i
Dr. Simeon Smith was born In New i
York In 1S20, and passfid away at tin;!
ago of SO. ll Mime to Oregon, (). !
eating on tho Kant Side, Portland, In !
1879, where ho practiced ,iH (.mH(,ri
profession, medicine, until a few years ',
ago. Ills wife diesd several years ae-o :
and an only son, Dr. C, It. Smith of
ICagle Creek, reinains to mourn his
Supt. Zlnser ha received the bal-
anco or the nooks from Salem for the
school libraries and tho districts that
were not provided with their (.odd
number some weeks ago may now ob-
tain the remainder that Is duo to thedr
schools by applying at his tifflce.
uiity school Huiierllili'ndent Ju
e(- IS
Ued It t omillll'IICItllOll 1 Ul!
,lav iiioiiiliig ritnu the Mllwnultli'
.jhoel, gUllig II leeol'tl lileakll't til
t lldalice ,,f pill Us.
,. Iuok I'.'o neither Hbweilt nor
(Hi,!i iIki month iiiol my rooin iim.it.
i , i 1 "f utlelidanto of y'JT II.
t' S'- uoiir "
Mi .'lev 1 1 1 1 1 r hi pi at'ipul iif Ihti
Muas! le ..eliools
1 :.f,I PoHltiiltl Dl.ilricl M. K. Mln
1 lei
1 1,
iiiiieti w IH tnet-l In (Irt'Koii
s in It J' .Rowland, th
Mi-t, will be hern. About
ti lit lire i Xpecte'd to n
pre (idilig
Ihirly in
!, lid
e "Itk are it' I beiter t ln r
'11. iff has heell ftomi IllKh Wlltit.
blew im r I li t.ty iiight a mtittll liotise'
l.eii.iiging o IPiiry SetmU which li
had sii'.) imiiH.fel, piepttrntory In
' i ai :ng It th
im. tali :.) I!
can g. I any I
e-t !o ii. . ike
a..!i if (he
w . i r s o . g e.f.i
..r I,.. le I..
It, ill llollhle
Mr. tt:;:,.
lo i.rr horn.
a n I i:'li (hi w Hid ite
e ti I. -photm tot riot olin
.l) M r liaK'- tta tdillK
(I J !!!!) I I WUnonvllV,
lei. ; '....e hlld been lU
r ...I at In iiiimrr )rit
e. i t have been put l
U eipttln to felttru
'au Krniii'lne'ti ttiSei
.!, i
U i
Old. -..taiit ha
I" t il hllUlltHE
!'...! land i t phmliiu on the
plat e an I dodjillijt betee-ll
..Ii i'..:es.ja( l.t f it ili-J In biiitt
Hen VMiy't 'I hi re lil imiu
eee,;!;) of 1,1 (o k-p fltlM'k
'I !
I... . i i:eee ,;1
oft th" tjeet
I'hiirb.. I a
darn at Such'
n is at work on tint
IU. ; .1
! .- .1 Pi;! !,;..
Annie St hal ', !
: id an st'i r
l 'i he in K tt.'llK to
i .,-e.t
l.c-u J i t i r i k tjejir
r-.sv nnd friend.
Habrrljth Street,
A i-r. l'y ,
: t -1 1 S'in lay.
i.eh-.- of Mr
W e.j.png W llt -Hto
1 li-celllber tt, lit tlle
an I Mrs. t'ltitrlen
I F Stle, l u he,
;l! Lilly Sir.-, l
:' Mr V !' ii.!,,,
i wits performed
jslvt) r-l.llee-i
(!s sr daughter, Ml m
b' t. line the wift of
" liach I t . reinotttr
I In t!:e pr,ri,tt of
ii"d f rP-iHli. lit high
I' K I ItifiiiAotid, rel lor
P.pi-.e.qml church, of
The bridal party enter.
liooll. hi Ids
f S! Pail
, If l'iill I 'it x-
! 'd Iht- pnrlon I
(''llgrili', We, I in,
t!ie ntialliH t.f Iih
march, plnyeil hy
i Mil's I.iibi Haywartl
; an arch ,,f f. , ,.( g,
'es. The hi'i.l.. v.as
ami nfiMitl under
',' arid maid row-
goAlied creiun
l"tiK tilth. Veil WHS
landi.dow n and h. r
I'lle Worn I,;,-
r mother on her wetl
t arni .1 a niutiiet of
li" Ismi'ia llaberliich,
dim: ii.u ..) ,.
briile., ,-..,.., y
d-ter of t'io gr
m acted u., hrltlen-
inaid, w
maids n
"r id P
;d. Mr.
III lit l o,
'iriiiR white nn, rnrrylriK
' Mr Arthur .Street, broth
" bride, was he;:t man. A
w-e,,tiri(.. (,ini,r ttu Hl,rr.
and Mrs. Haherlach will no
'" Ping in flat kaiiiiue whera
iianeiiaeh Is in the
Keiieral nnr
the firm of
j''baiidlse hm.!net..t f
1 app K. Ili!,erliirh.
Net A-.kinrj Damnejes.
Wllli.dn, on, flll,,ru f ,h(, W(imilIV
Mll,"l "'' CluH anm.,. Halunluv,
- ll..Tt. Not, ieotborml ,
town Tm-.-tdav.
. win 111
Mr. On l not ask-
Hlg i.i.iiuige:. fr,
'he eoiilitv lint Im.
-.lieves the
miy i.houhi ,,iiy (i,,, tll.
nil isi,,.,,,,,,
simw h
na i again com,, to Hie "relief
of Wall SI root ,.,.,,,1.1.. ,
' """ i. iiie-m
l,,lIH l)()
" mini mas premmt. via
"r. Clan-nee Ti
WllfUiM of
"niantl Taylor,,, reef eh,,,,.,,
" pays even
,l...t e . ....
polities. If
mm. in irue. u i i ... ,
thing ..hut pys U ZlZ
Hlgl.1. firemen )(., two sortouHly,
' In Portlaml, M,llly nl,ht
Liquor L N
Notice Is hereby f
"Pply at the nox, -council
fe,r u r,,.
'''rise nt. ,y in.N(
Pourth im, Main
t work on nnd r
lj- A. Crlppin,