Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 14, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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City and Vicinity
Win. W. Hinll.li (if Clackiunan wtut
ttoin on liiiHltii'HH, Friday.
II, C, Iloylim of Molalla, wan lii tho
city Saturday.
.1. Penman of Molullu trammeled
liunliiyim hero, Friday,
MIh MuKtflo IllVbhoff of Iogan vlaJt
wl In the city, 'fkiirwluy.
''., i
John Do Nloii of Stafford was In
tho city, Friday.
A. I,. linker and AIIIhoii lluker, hop
Rrowera from Sherwood, wore In tho
orfty Hiitunluy mottling,
John Lolchtweln of Clarke trana
acted IjumIiksmh In Oregon City, Frl
diiy, W, 11. llnlr, cornmlHHlon nittit from
C'anby, wan In town, Friday.
Mrn. Henry Meldnim Ik vlaltintf her
luiidiiuid itt Miigor, Wiuth. Mr. Mel
drum la employed oh time keopur on
J thy WW Kill ron.
A. V, Vineyard of Canby wum In
(own Saturday.
J. K. Graham of Canby trammeled
IiiihIih-hh In thn city today.
V, V. II. Simmon linn returned
from (ilbtiln Creek where ho wuh call
ed to tho bodiildo of bin hrother-ltilaw.
61 r. AriiiMtroiiK In no (miter, Ilia re
covery In very doubtful, i
Sheriff Ili'iitin'M (ton, who wan hit-l-n
hy a dog recently, la atlll being
looked aftT hy thn doctor, not having
recovered completely from tho wound.
MImh Nellie North of Portland, who
tan been vlHltlng with friends In thla
city, returned to her homo, Friday.
('. F. .Inner, brother to (bounty Su
perintendent .Inner, wan In from Ml.
Heott Saturday vIMtlng Ih brother.
Charley White and Carl Sr.lionk
havii rented tho Olia barn at Mt. Pleas
ant. Thoy or! deullng In horses and
1'hlllp lluiiimoiid, miiii of Hey. iiinl
Urn. I'. K. Hammond, left Friday to
axHlnt hi hrothcr In a hook store In
John Stldham ami family after a
vtt on tho Went Hide among rein
Uvea, nn)v-i Friday to ToiiiiIh:i,
William ItoblHon, n rancher from
I'loanBiit Hill, wan In tho city, Friday.
I H, HHIIiik ciimo home Thursday ev
ening from Portland where ho had
In tho Good Samaritan hoHpltal
for tho Iut three wci'ka. Mr. Selling
U Improving nicely from tho opera
; tlnn.
! Thn ladli'H of lhr German Lutheran
! c-hurch will hold their ha.aar, Tuoh-
day, !) iber 11, In tho Dan Wll-
!llaniH property, tho old Phillip atoro
room, comer Heventh and Center
'street. Lunch will ho Horvod.
Electric light have been put In
tho Beoley grocery on Heventh atrent,
John Scrogg and family, who re
cently arrived from North Dakota havo
mailt) their homo In IIiIh city, In tho
Kansas City addition, Mr. Scrogga Ih
a carpenter by trade,
MrH.( W, (i. Smith and baby non ar
rived from Wohco, Saturday. Mr.
Smith Ih llnemu-n for tho pacific States
Telephone and Telegraph company
with local lii;ttd'iuurt';r here.
David Eby returned home Friday
nlKht after a four months' vlalt among
hi children up tho valley. Ho has
been dividing the time between hi
two daughter, Mr, T. L. Morrow of
Harrlabtirg, and Mrn, It. H. Keed of
Springfield, and two sons, It. F. Khy
of Pleasant 11.111, and R. M. Eby of
Cottage Grove,
MIhh Elmlra fJucnlher reinrned to
her work Monday morning as clerk
fr tho Yokohama Clothing company,
after an aliHonoo of throw week,i, at
her homo In Khubol on account of
Mra. D. Thomas wont to Salem, Fri
day evening, to upend Sunday with
hwr parenu and to bring homo her
Hoven yearold aon, Clifford, who haa
been making an extended vlnlt with
bin grandparents.
MIhh UohhIo Bimpnon of the Clack
amas Bchool called at tho auperlntend
ent'M office Suturday morning.
William Koerner of Oregon City,
wan elected captain of Stanford' Kug
by foot bull team for next year Friday
I'. F. Morey of Mberal, wan in thn
c4ly Saturday.
Hiperlntendent J. C, Zinaer vlalted
Uio Mchixil at Upper and Iower Iigan,
M, I'arrlnh and family of (hln aro
removing to their old ronldenco, Park
rlaeo. Mr. and Mra. Delhert Hoylaud of
Oak (irove wero In Oregon CWy, Thura-day.
j Mr. and Mm. I). Thoniaa of Pondlo
ton havo moved to Oregon City. Mr.
jThoiiifia began work In tho Willam
ette paper nilllrt WodnoHday. Iloforo
going to hoiiKi'ke.-pIng they are vla
lt lug at the home of Mr. and Mra. A.
W. 1'hoinart. Tin MennrH Thomaa are
not relatlvea, but were Bchool friends
;ln Haletn Homo yearn ago.
Jacob CaHsell returned Friday from
a btiMlnoMR trip of two weeks In San
II. C. Oreen of tho Went Side, la
recovering from blood polHonlng in
hia hand, the result of a brulne re
ceived while at work In the Willam
ette naw mill. It wan feared for a
while that Oreen would lone hla hand.
I). F. Harleaa, a prominent farmer
of Molalla, woa transacting business
!n tho city Monday.
Mr. J. I,. VoHberg of Oak drove
khoppd In Oregon City, Thumday.
Frank Maple of Mllwauklo vlnlted
Mia Hewitt, Sunday.
Ive Hedge of Seattle I it vliilting
relutU'e here. He recently returned
from a trip to Alnnkn.
i A llttln blare at the homo of 15. J.
U.ankln in Kanmm City, made thing
j exciting for awhile Thuraday after
noon. Mra, Iankln and ;er five year
old on Klden, were'ftloirS In tho
hmiBo, when the little boy atruek a
match In tho bedroom that fell onto
a roll of cotton. Klden in fright fled j
Jfrom the room. Mr. I.anklnH' hand!
jwere badly burned in trying to atnoth-1
;er out the fiameH with bed quilt. Ex- j
ceptlng tho lima of two heavy quilta
ino other damage wa done to prop-j
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Miller and
daughter left for New Tork Saturday.
They will Ktop en routs for vlBlt
Charle Upton of Walla Walla, la
the guest of Mra. C. D. Latourette.
C-eorgo Hall, aollcltor for the Pacific
States Telephone company,, who is
making a Hpeclal effort to Increase the
farmer' lines patronage, returned to
this city after an absence of several
weeks to resume work In this county.
Mr. Hall returns from tho western
country and reports the building of
the Tillamook railroad an going for
ward very rapidly.
Our holiday supplies include a fine assort
ment of handsome clocks which we have
just received from the factory. Our prices
are the very lowest, considering quality.
We Can Ft nish Yoti
a nice 8-day Mantel Clock
for $3.00 and $3.50
Fine Blackwood Clocks
for $4, $4.50- $5
Gilt Clocks $1.50 to $5.00
Gilt Ornaments $1 to $2
They are all guaranteed to give satisfaction.
When you purchase a Clock of us you are sure of getting
one that will please as an ornament and a timepiece.
Tmeister and An
jti-prr.-ion BrfJge Cornzr The Oregon City Jewelers
Tho Hlxth grade of tho liarclay
school will havo a debate Friday af
ternoon that la Interesting tho boys
and glrla of that grade. Tho boys,
with Dradley Woodward a: captain,
will uphold tho merit of hore and
buggy agaln-tt tho girl advocacy of
automobile. Glady Hamilton l cap
tain for tho girl's Ide.
Ja. lleagarty wa arrested Friday
by night watch man Shaw, accused of
violating ordinance 209 in being; dis
orderly o nt ho street ami being found
Intoxicated. Tho accused wa brought
before City Recorder bimick Saturday
and wa sentenced to 20 day In tho
city Jail, with Htreet cleaning recrea
tion on the Hide.
Mrs. T. L. Walker, her daughter
Mr. Klner and three children are
moving from Gladstone to Paker City.
They were guesta of their son and
brother Guy Walker at tho liruiiHwIck
Friday. Th'-y left Saturday morning
for their new home. Ernest Walker
of this city, went with them. HI
wife will remain at the home of her
parent, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner
for a month or more.
P. II. Schram, tho hustling city edi
tor of the Star for the last two months
has been called home to Madison,
Wis., by urgent family matter. He
leaves his many friend here with re
gret, and the Star I sorry to lose Mr.
Schram's service. Ho came a strang
er, but departs with respect and friend
ship of all with whom his duties have
made hlra acquainted and that I
pretty nearly everybody. His succes
sor on the Star la Abel Meresse of
Forest Grove, who, by the way, is far
from being a stranger In Oregon City
as he resided here with bis father, E.
Meresse,- and the remainder of the
family for nine years prior to 1897,
when they xnoved to Forest Grqve
where Mr. Meresse became a member
of the faculty of Pacific University.
Abel Meresse graduated from that In
stitution in the class of '02, same class
of which W. A. Dlmlck was a member.
For the last six months Mr. Meresse
has been editor of the Washington
county News. He began his duties as
cit editor of the Star Monday morning.
Oregon City assembly No. 7, Unit
ed Artisans, held election of officers
Thursday night, resulting as follows:
Master Artisan, George Everhart; su
perintendent, G. W. White; Inspector,
Mrs. Emma Thomas; secretary, Mrs.
N. M. Cooper; treasurer, J. A. Tufts;
senior conductor, Mr. Taylor; master
of ceremonies, S. D. Simmons; junior
conductor, Mrs. Mary Kambo; field
commanders, J. W. Goodfellow and
Mrs. Hickman. There were 75 per
sons present at the meeting and the
elect km took up the time until nearly
twelve o'clock. The installation will
he held the first meeting in January,
when also the appointive officers will
be named.
At tho meetiug of Sola Circle in
Woodmen hall Friday evening, the
menu consisted of articles beginning
in C, D orE, included doughnuts,
crackers, cheese, dates-stuffed, cocoa,
eclairos. The scheme was also car
ried out In table decorations, cedar,
carnations and evergreens being used.
Mrs. Sol Walker secured the prize, a
j cream pitcher, for guessing the near
lest what tho supper would be. Part
i nor for supper were chosen by match
i i:ig torn pictures.
! This was one of the most delight
; ful i if Sola's socials yet given.
Mr. F. W. Street and Miss Reva Hol
liagsworth were quietly married in
St. Paul's Episcopal church Friday,
December 7. by tho rector, Rev. P. K.
Hammond. Miss Hollingswwth came
Thursday from Talo Alto, Cal. Mr.
and Mrs. Flrvt will go to housekeep
ing at once in Portland.
These young people belong to one
of Clackamas counties best families
and their many friends extend con
gratulations and best wishes.
'W? vj
John Caasldy, Harmon Green, Earl
Wilson and It. O. Uoawell comprise
the committee, that will manago the
Hunlt imos ball to bo given by the
Estacnda Are department on New
Years Eve. Over $25 wiU be given
in prizes, and the host lady rlanoer
will rece've a sold watch.
The ' .' lies' Aid society of Canemnh
met Thursday with Mrs. FranUie
Faust, f ft eon members being present.
An election of officers was held after
which a social time was enjoyed. Re
freshments were served by the host
ess. The ballot resulted as follows:
President. Mrs. Louisa Cole; vice
president ,Mrs. Mary Carothers; sec
rotary. Mrs. Nora Kiussy; treasurer,
Mrs. Clara Martin.
Women's Handker- Cp Boy's' Hose, heavy
chiefs 25c values for IJU ribbed, 25c vaL for
Women's Handbags, HQ Women's Handbags, A Q
$1.50 values for VOL $J. 00 values for 401
Women's Turn-over IT j OC
Collars, special Ol a?d LOl
Women's Fancy Long Coats, ftill loose, plaid &f AC
coats, $15.00 Values, for yy.yo
Women s telt Juliet slippers, tur HQ
too. Soectal COC Pai
Women's Kid Juliet slippers," fur Jl( I XX
top, Special
Men's Slippers, in tan, brown and Zg
black, extra special OUL Pair
Fascinators and Shawls,Iarge X J7f
assortment, Special f"Q-
Miss Marie Holmes, daughter of
W. A. Holmes, the Parkplace mer
chant was nine years old Saturday.
Her parents have had Wm. Gardner,
the jeweler, make a ring for her, con
taining as a set, a nugget of gold that
Geo. Hamilton brought with him from
Alaska, when he returned six weeks
A marriage license was Issued Sat
urday to Ella M. King and Samuel J.
The Shakespeare club met Monday
evening with Mrs. J. P. Shaw. Miss
Strong of Portland was present as
instructress. They read the second
act of King Lear. The next meeting
will be held on Tuesday, January 8,
with Mrs. Shaw. There will be no
study night this month on account of
Christmas festivities. Miss Strong
will be with the club again at its next
Called at Clerk' Home.
County Clerk Greenman has issued
r auy marriage licenses In his office
at the court house and has also ii
jsutd several through the malls dar
ling his term of office, btjt Monday
'was called upon while at home by a
young couple and a witness. The li
cense was issued and later 'n the af
ternoon County Judge Dimicl; -.'as tIs
; ited by the parties and the k ot was
tied. The contracting parties were
j Delma Matheny and E. B. Flett of
I Yamhill county. They were accom
' panied by Edith Rains who witnessed
i the ceremony. The object of the
young people In calling at the home
of the county clerk was to avoid the
throng generally in the office and have
a surprise on their friends.
Mr. and Mrs. James Church of Port
land, are the happy parents of twins,
a boy and a girl, born Monday, De
cember 10. All doing well. Mrs.
Church before her marriage was Miss
Clma Albright of Oregon City.
Marriage Licenses.
Dec. 10. E. B. Flett and Delma
Dec. S. Samuel J. Kropt and Ella
M. King of Hubbard.
Dec. 8. John Hoffman ".nd Ethel
Miss Joyce Williams will leave bo.n
for California in the hopes of benefit
ting her health.
S :
John Hellinger has returned to Ore
gon City after a brief visit with rela
tives in the East.
G. H. II. Miller is remodeling his
residence at Fourth and Center Sts.
Evelyn Cnliff and wife of Portland
were Oregon City visitors, Tuesday.
Carl limit, a former resident of Ore
gon City is visiting friends after an
absence of several years. Mr. Hoot
has been in thj employ of the govern
ment in Wyoming and after a short
visit here returns to his family who
Aro at present located iii Nebraska.
Mrs. Fred Simmons of Molalla was
in town shopping. Tuesday.
Victoria Times Writer Couldn't Find
McLoughlin Home in
Two Tries.
The editor of the "Victoria Times"
hag made two trips to Oregon City t
see the old McLoughlin house and fatt
ed to find it. A mutual friend in Sa
lem, writing to Mrs. Eva Emery Dye
of the absurdity of it, said, "I seat
him one of your books; if he will
try it again after he reads that 1 be
lieve ho will have no trouble in locate
ing the house."
Miss Louise Uowinan of Canby, af
ter a pleasant visit with Mrs. .Toso
phlne Griessen, returned to her home
Tuesday morning.
The following lotters are uncalled
for at tho Oregon City postoffice for
the week ending December 11:
Clark Miss Jessie; Holeoma, Mrs.
Diana; Lowry, Mrs. W. II. ; Myers,
Miss Isabelle; Martin, Miss Jennie;
j White, Mrs. Hattie; Wood, Mrs. Aa
jnie; Chapp, Ralph; Werner, Paul.
Mrs. James Swafford and daughter
Miss Nellie, were Portland visitors
i Democrats in the Senate will
j pose confirmation of Bonaparte as
. Secretary of the Navy because he ob
jected to anti-trust laws la 1899. At
least that la what they say is th re,