a OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 14, 1906. Tea TTaI CEYLON V Satisfaction SEVEN FLAVORS Golden Gate Japan Golden Gate English Breakfast Golden Gate Ceylon Golden Gate Oolong" Golden Gate Fancy Blend Golden Gate Gunpowder Golden Gate Black and Green 'PaetJ m Diiwr-Tijlit Carton! J. A. Folger 6c Co., sn f, rancuco COURT TO SEE COUNTY POOR COMMISSIONERS CITE MALE PAU PERS TO APPEAR AT JAN UARY TERM. Then and There Must Show Cause Why They Should Not be Stricken from Poor List. The county court at its session Fri day morning took action on the male paupers in Clackamas county in a manner that is somewhat of an inno vation. The paupers are cited to ap pear before the court the first Wednes day in January, 1907, and show cause hy they should not be stricken from the poor list This is not as the result of any ir regularity but simply to start to su pervise the pauper class somewhat more thoroughly. It was also decided that no money should be paid out for printing or stationery except with the endorse ment on the order by one of the county commissioners. In the matter of vacating an alley in Oswego the court having knowledge of objections, laid the matter over for awhile. More Children Than Money. Brown's school, which has not yet finished paying Tor Its new school house, is now confronted by the ques tion of building an addition to the house to accommodate the Increas ing number of pupils. TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED. Make Huntley Bros. Prove What Pep. sikola Tablets Do For Indigestion. It stands to reason that Huntley Bros, would not come right out in these columns year after year and ask you to try Pepsikola tablets for indigestion if they were not pretty sure you would receive decided bone lit. You can see that for yourself. The remedy fails to cure every When you require an Abstract of TIIU to lauds In Clackamas County, have It accurately and reliably prepared by a responsible company Ineorpor ated for the purpose Our rates art reasonable. We Invite you to amine our complete set of Abstract Hooka. CLACKAMAS TITLE COMPANY, fSUG- 608 Chamber of Commerce Mdg. PORTLAND, OHKC.ON. Money to loan on Clackamas Count) Property. IVY STUT ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Justice of the Peace. Office in Jagger Hulldlng, Oregon City " JOHN YOUNGERT JE "W 235 Xji 3E5 3FC Seventh Street, near Depot. FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureal Britain and America. DENTISTRY At Molalla, every Monday: Saturday on Appointments. JOHN W. THOMAS, Dentist Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas, ad ministrator of the estate of William Roche, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me properly verified, as by law required, at the "offtce of I'Ren Schuebel In Oregon City. Oregon, within six i months from the date hereof. Dated this ,th day of 190C. CHARLES SHIELDS, Administrator of the estate of Wll liam Roche, deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the. State- of Oregon, for Clackamas County. W. K. Fnuler. Plaintiff, vs. Emma E. Fnuier, Defendant. To Emma K. Fra.ler, the above named defendant: til the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer Itio complaint tiled against you In the above entitled cause on '.H before the 2'Jd day of December, l'.tilti, that being after the last day prescrib ed In the onler for publication of (lis summon, and If you fall to apiie.tr ho said plaintiff will apply to the court fur the relief prayed for In the coimibilnt. to wit: for a decree of the court dissolving- the marriage exist ing between you and the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as shall be equitable. This summons Is published lu the Oregon City Enterprise for six con secutive weeks by order of lion. U. n.Dlmlck. Judge of the County Couit of Clackamas county, Oregon, made the Mil day of November, 190G, first publication being on the 8th day of November, l'.bHI. J. J. FITZGERALD, h'll Chamber of Commerce, tS-t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. SUMMONS. . In the Circuit Court of the Statu of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Irene McKlnnoti, Plaintiff, vs. A. C. McKtnnmt, Defendant. To A. C. McKlunon, defendant above namod: lit the name of the Stale of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against von In the above entitled suit oil or before tlm 21st day of December. A. D. llioii. said date being after the explra t Ion of six (0) weeks from the first publication of the summons mid If yuii so fall to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for In the complaint, to wit: Fur a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant mi the ground of cruel and Inhuman treatment and for such other relief as may he Just and meet In equity. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered on the 7th day of November, A. D., 1900, and the SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court or thn Stale of Oregon, for CliickamiiH County. May Jacobs, Plaintiff, vs. Kilns M. Jacobs, Defendant. To Ellas M. Jacobs, the above named defendant : In the inline of the HUto of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear mid answer the complaint filed UK.uiiiHt you III the above entitled court and cause at or before the expiration t six weeks from the date of first pub lication of this notice, ami If you fall to do so the plallillff will apply u I h court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to w II: a decree illmiolvliiK the bonds of matrimony exiting be tween you and plaintiff and restoiliiK to plaintiff her maiden name. May Cheneworth. This MiiinmoiiM Is pub lished pursuant to order of Hon T. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of said court, m.ido November f, mm!, dli'cctliiK that this notice be published Hot less Unit OIIC0 a week for six consecutive weeks III the Oregon City Enterprise. The data of the llrnt publication of till iwliro Is November !. I9i0. HENRY ST. UAYNKK, ' ,St7 Attorney for I'lulitiff In the C Oregon mas. tvult Court of the State of for the County of Clacka- vs. Amos L. Lovejoy, William H. Inejoy, A. Lawrence Hudson, A. C. dowdy, and Elizabeth dowdy, lawful heirs of Elizabeth U'vejoy, deceased, Defendants. To Amos L. Lovejoy and William R. Iivejoy. of the above named de fendants. In the mime of the State of Oregon, You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com- December, I plaint filed against you In the aimve entitled suit on or before January 11, 1907, that being the expiration of six weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, the nlaintiff will apply to the above en- Notice of Admlnlitrator's Sale of Heal tf mo prescribed for publication then-- , , ir. i,,,,. , t !,,hn : III Hie iiiuio'i i, i -. ' Kennedy, deceased of Is six (tl) weeks; date of the first publication Is November 9th. I'.ioii, and the date of the last publication, December Hth, moil. JOHN. F. LOCAN. IS t7 Attorney for Plaintiff. 121 Mohawk ltldg. Portland. Ore, SUMMONS. of In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon, for Clackamas County. Timy Artiiiud. Plaintiff, vs. Rose Artiiiud, DcfcmUiiit. To Rose Arnaud, defendant above named: In the name of the State of Oregon: voil are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against ' you In the above entitled suit on or j before the Hist day of December, A. D ! p.Mit',, said date being after the explra Hon of six (0) weeks from the first ' publication of the summons and If you so full to appear and answer said case, of course, but they always pay your quarter back, should the tablets ; By I' Ren & Schuebel, Attorneys for ... .j- i i AclminUtrntor 62t5 lau lo uo suuu. - , .. . i t ifa la inn short for mUron-csenta-1 . . ". " v ' ,' 1 ' ' , , . , ' complaint for want thereur the plain- Life is too short for m r tp.estnta Admimstratnx' Notice. , plaintiffs complaint, to-wlt : , ff , , , f , !lluu j Notice is hereby given mat me uu- ror me ionno:oo, 's . : (,f (nvi,(, fl,r tll th ,m,t, to ithe small profit Huntley Bros, make j(.rsigned administratrix of the estate mortgage executed by Lll.abeih uive-1 t . it would bo. of Owen J. Roberts, deceased, lias Ille l , Joy on me mi ..a, m ju.j, , Ki(. u ,(,,,.,.,. dissoMng the bonds In the county Court of Clackamas me sum oi ji.iu.ee, me one ,.. .o . . if Inllt.mi)v ..xlsting between the County. Oregon, her final account as date, mieivM ai me r.ue m 0 " ptuiiitifr iiml defendant, on the ground desertion and for such other relief on a 23 cent package j mighty poor judgemnt to induce you to make a trip to this store and then j sell you something that would disap I point you. j If troubled with sour stomach, heart burn, wind belching, coated tongue, loss of appetite, weakened en- I pnsnu' . Kteailv vnnr nerves imrirove --"-civ, ing or other stomach trouble, just try Pepsikola tablets on our say so. Our word for it, they will build up your energy, steady pour nerves, Improve such administratrix of said estate, and that Monday, the 21th day of De cember. 1PM0, at the hour of It) o'clock in the forenoon, has been fixed as the time for hearing objections to sa d account and the settlenient thereof. MARGARET L. ROBERTS 50tr Administrator' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, your appetite, enrich your blood andjQn.,)n asl administrator of the e DEMISE Of AGED MOLALLA RESIDENT C:croe H. Gregory, Sr., Succumbs to Attack of Pneumonia Fun eral on Saturday. put new life in as this world. your stomach as sure The funeral of Ceorge H. Gregory, Sr., who died of pneumonia at the Lome of his son George H. Gregory, Jr., at Molalla. was held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock from the house. Interment took place in Mountain iew cemetery, me Kev. spies, oi-1 ficiating. Mr. Gregory, who was 80 years old, was born in Somersetshire, England, in 1827, and came to this country in ! ;C9. He lived in New York state, j When you want your horses well taken care of, stop at the Farmers' Feed Barn. 44-tf MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 cent. Farm security. U'Ren Schuebel. per & tate of Mahala Hanson, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same to the undersigned at his residence, 2H!) Porter street. Port land, within six months from this date. , ROY W. COCHRAN, Administrator of the Estate of Mahala Hanson, deceased. Dated Nov. 9th, 190G. 43-t5 '.... .... n ,i in i ii unr I ii i ii nnii a r Ui-lil i'.- unii'.in .in... , : III mortgage conveyed uie lollowiug lies-! cribed premises, to-wit: The Hast half of tin; Northeast quarter and the Northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of Section Twenty- seven (.'7), T. 0 a. It. 2 E. of Administratrix, 'the W. M., and for such other and fur ther relief as the Court may deem Just and equitable. This summons Is published by order of Ibm. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the above entitled Court. The date of the first publication of rhis summons Is Friday, November uth. l'jmi, and the date of the last publication of this summons Is Janu ary 11th, 10U7. DIMICIv & DIMICK. ;,H7 Attorneys for Plaintiff. as may he Just and meet In equity. This summons Is published by order of Hun. Thomas A. Mcllrlde. Judge of the ubovti entitled court, which order ...... I., ,.,,.1 ,.l I . .,. (I.n "II. .I..V iHi'tlt of .Novemi.er A. I... 1. ami ,,., nM lime preseriveii mr puiiiicanon more of Is six (C) weeks; date of the first publication Is November !'ih, l'.n'.. and thi. date of the laM publication, December llttl. P.MIl!. JOHN. V. LOCAN, lvt7 Attorney for Plaintiff 421-1 Moluiwlv llldg, Portland, Ore. SUMMONS. of SUMMONS. of FOR SALE. Registered Guernsey Bull, bought of W. S. Ladd estate. For sale cheap. Notice of Appointment of Executor. Notice is hereby given that the un- - idersigued has been, by order of the Honorable County Court, of Clacka mas- County, appointed of Clear Creek creamery WANTED. TIMBER LANDS; from 40 acre tracts up. (J. (J. senmana, a sum sw-ei, Portland, Oregon. U-t2 where he was a large property owner and teasle grower, until the spring of 1901. Three sons and four daughters survive of whom George H. Gregory, Jr., of Molalla, and S. E. Gregory of Carus, reside in Clackamas county. Wanted Gentleman or lady with In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon, for Clackamas County. Harry S. Green, Plaintiff, vs. Frances F. Green, Defendant. j To Frances F. Green, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon: 1 You are hereby required to appear executor of and answer the complaint of the plain- in uie aoove en- on or before mber. 190G, that said estate are hereby notified to pre-j being the date fixed for such appear ance and answer by the I ouri in uie order for publication of this summons, and if vou fail so to appear and ans wer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com- nlalnt. to-wit: A decree of divorce from you upon the ground of deser tion, and for such other and further Will trade for registered Jersey or ; of a. Lamar, deceas- j H.urT'and Ci e Guernsey. J. R. Carr, one mile south A person9 havlng ;Iaims aBainHt Kuh day "? D of Clear Creek creamery. 52-t2 u.,, ifl.wl ii irn. ' t.niniv IVin Into fWi.,1 for sent them, duly verified, to me at my , office in Oregon City, within six ' months from the date of this notice, j H. E. CROSS, I Executor of the Estate of Mary A. ! Lamar, deceased. i th, 190C. 52t5 ! In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon, for Clackamas County. llirgltte Chrlstensen, Plaintiff, vs. I Christian Chrlstensen, Defendant. To Christian Chrlstensen, Defend ; ant. nbovo named : ! In the name of the State of Oregon: j You are hereby required to appear 1 I. . I.. !.. 111. ..I I...,, ! 1 turn miMHi'i iiitr 1 1, hi iiii, oi l iiii-ii ii,i,iii.-.i,,. . I ... .1 I ...I...I ! I I A" you ill lie: oou vuniii-i. v oui i ..u.. cause, mi or before Saturday, the 2'Jtb day of December, 1911',. that being the ilato fixed for such appearance or answer by the Court In the order for publication of this summons, and if joii fall so to appear or answer, plain tiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for In her complaint, l wit: For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between Notice Is hereby given that pursu ant to an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clacka mas County, made mid entered on the Hill day of November. I'.NMi, I will ou the llth day of December, mm;, pro coed to sell at public miction, subject to the confirmation of Court at the front door of the ciuiitlioU'ie of said Clackamas county, Oregon, the fol lowing described real property of said estate, and all the right, title mid In terest which the Httld John Kennedy had therein at the time of bin dentil, to w it : The southejiit quarter of i-oiithenHt quarter of seel Ion 27. In towiedilp On south. Hinge t enl of the Willamette meridian, containing l' acres In. mild eiiicl.timi. county, Oregon. The terms of Mild sale lire as fol lows: The entire purchase price Is to be paid III cash D D J"'K, Administrator of the eslale of Johu Kennedy, deceased Dated November 9. pen; IS tC APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Notice Is hereby gU ii Unit the lite derslgiied will apply to the fount)' Court of t'liicUaniiit t'ountv for a li cense to sell spirituous, malt and lu oih liquors for the period of C. months from the ;'d day of January. 19" ;, at Id o'clock a in, and that e will pre- the following petition to Mild lay for mild license. I Dated Novem her 1'.', 190. i T. M ALLISON, petitioner. Petition. To the Honorable County Court of Clackamas County: We. the undersigned, residents and ! legal voters of Muring precinct. In Clackamas County, State of Oregon, j hereby respectfully petit Ion your hull- 'orniue noey to grant to l. m. mmmi It license for the perl.nl of f. InontliH 'from the "Jil day of January, 19n7, to sell spirituous, malt and vlnuom :.pi ors, In less quantities than one gu'lon i In the town of Muring, Muring pre. iu t, i State of Oregon D .1 Hito, S V.. Card. F. M Morgan, Mert lloills, W. II. Card, Win. Ibder matin, John Muhii, D lledermoemi, rsoll. O D. Roe, C. l.like, C. Palmer. Iv Lllswortb, J. J. Tlmiuer- man, C. A. Wheeler, l ItiTnegger, i Frank Irvln, Joseph llorde, ('has. One Ishotig. ("has Pfyffer, L. O. Conutt, !V. P. Mrehm. A. II. llarher. C. G. j Kvans. J. C. Sutherlainl, Fred Mullock. !j. Smith, C. R. White, L. D. O'Neil. 19 tj Appointment Notice. 1 MVeil l.l? TOO flf lZVl)"rr,t 2Rft.S 0.00 Oregon City, December capital. Salary $1,072 per year and j CITATION expenses. Salary paid weekly and j ' advanced. Address wit-n-ui me .uumy omn n.- A. Alexander, Oregon Oregon, for ttie county oi ciacaa- Dec. 21 mas. expenses stamp. Jos. City, Ore. i relief as may seem Just and equitable. I This summons Is published In the ! Oregon City Enterprise once a week j for six consecutive weeks prior to I said 21th day of December, DOG, by I order of the above entitled court ! In the matter of the LOST Timm, deceased. . j To William Timm, a minor sob HEIFER 2V2 years old, white with . at iaw of Chris Timm, deceased Christmas Green for California. r. irii-knatriel.- of I nn AnL'fdes ren jji. iiiwuiuv.iv.. v. o - -, - -- . , 1,11 ..... i s , n i, nihas on small bell. restm.m ui- o t. . niation. F. F. Zimmerman, owner of California is in the city gathering j r p R a suonly oi ".nrisimas nets iu ue inn on the market at Frisco. One car load has already been made up, and another is being loaded now. Two cars is all that will be shipped from this red spots and short pointed horns; jto Mrs. J. P. Jensen, mother and nat- Reward for lnfor-iural guardian oi saiu minor, ami si all neirs oi said neceaseu khowh oi estate of Chris : made and entered on the Gth day or i November, 1900, Hon. T. A. Mcllrlde, heir i Judge, presiding. and ! J. C. MORELAND, Attorney for the Plaintiff. First publication Nov. 9th, 190G. 48t7 plaWitlff and defendant and for such, other and further relief as to the i Not Ice 'Is hereby jriven that the tin- Court may seem meet and Just. derslgned, Julia S. Hull, has 1 n up- This summons Is published in the! pointed by the llnorable County Court Oregon City Enterprise riot less thaujof Clackamas county, Oregon, ndmlnls- once a week for six consecutive weeks prior to said 29lh day of De cember, 1900, by order of the Hon. Tims. A. McHrlde, Judge of said Court, made and entered on the Gth day of November, A. D. 1900. J. U. CAMPBELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. place this year. Eight or phippf'd a year ago. In Praise of Chamberlain's Remedy. There is no other medicine manufac tured that has received so much nraixo and so many expressions of nine were Oregon City, Cough Oregon. unknown, and others, greeting: In the Name ot the State of Oregon, : i (three miles south of Stafford. 52t1you are hereby cited and required to i . appear in the county court of the i state of Oregon, for the County oi j Clackamas, at. the courtroom thereof, : j at Oregon City, In the County of. '.Clackamas, on Monday, the 7Ui day lof January, 1907, at 11 o'clock In the; I forenoon of that day, then and there : Will practice in all courts of the state i snow cause if any exist why the' Office in Caufield Building. : petition should not be allowed and ! an order granted to the Administra tor of said estate to sell so much of the hereinafter described real estate of said deceased as shall he neees- I have private parties with the fol-1 Kary, to-wit: Beginning at the North praise ana so many explosions iowing amounts to loan on real estate: jEast corner of James G. Cunni.ig Kratitude as Chamberlains Cough Rem-ip t. Amount. Time. ; ham's ten acre tract, on the County THOS. N. STRONG, Attorney for Plaintiff. First Insertion November 9, 19HG. Last Insertion December 27, 1900. SUMMONS. tratrlx of the estate of Albert D. Hall, deceased. All persons having claims against, said estate nr hereby notified to present the name for payment with proper vouchers lit the office of Gordon E. Hayes, Stevens building, Oregon City, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated November lr.th, 190G. Jl'LIA S. HALL, Administratrix of the estate of Albert D. Hall. Deceased. Hayes, Attorney for Estate. Private Money to Loan; edy. It is effective, and prompt relief j i follows its use. Grateful parents ev- 1 erywhere do not hesitate to testify to its merits for the benefit of others. It is a certain cure for croup and will prevent the attack if given at the first appearance of the disease. It is es pecially adapted to children as it is pleasant to take and contains nothing injurious. Mr. E. A. Humphreys, a well known resident and clerk in the store of Mr. E. Locke, of Alice, Cape Colony, South Africa, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ward off croup and colds in my family. I found it to be very satisfactory and it gives me pleasure to recommend It. For sale by Howell & Jones. 2 5 8 15 25 $3000.00 $4500.00 $2500.00 U 500.00 S 500.00 $ 300.00 i 100.00 to 200.00 10 5 to to to 3 years to 3 to 4 years road and running North two hundred years jand ten (210) feet; thence West four years j hundred and fourteen and 11-12 (111 i 11-12) feet; thence South two bun years ! dred and ten (210) feet; thence East years 1 to 5 ye-rs Hay, grain, flour and feed of all kinds at the Farmers' Feed Barn, at the right price. 4tf Interest at C per cent and your own time for repayment. Also a little Chattel money at 8 per cent. Will buy notes and mortgages. Also own Oregon City property to trade for country land. Will look up titles to land free if trade is made. Own 3 lots, house, barn and chicken park at Willamette, for sale cheap on installments. No real estate agent to interfere. If interested call, write or phone, JOHN W. LODER, Attorney-at-Law. , Stevens Building. Oregon' City, Oregon. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stat" cf Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Charles Evans, Plaintiff, vs. Angellne Evans, Defendant. In the name of the State of Ore t'on You. Angellne Evans, are here by required to appear and answer the omnia nt filed against you nerem on or before Thursday the 27th day of December, 1900, said date being six u..,.l(H from the first publication of Mirnmons herein, ami, If you fail to appear or answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed lor In the complaint on file herein, to rt it.: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing nciween the. plaintiff and defendant upon the ground of acts of extreme cruelty committed by the defendant against 1 1 lie plaintiff, and for such other ro ! lief as may be equitable. i This summons is served upon you by publishing for not less than six ! successive weeks in the "Oregon City Kntorprlse," published in the County of Clackamas and the State o Oregon and bv order of Honorable Thomas A. McDrlde, Judgo of the above en titled court, which order is dated Oc tober 29th, 1900. The date of the first publication hereof is Friday, the 9th day of No- of four hundred and fourteen and 1112 (414 11-12) feet; on said Cunning ham's line to the place of beginning containing two acres of land more or less, being a part of the George Wills and Sarah Wills D. L. C. In section 25, Township 1 South, of Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian. This citation Is served upon you by publication by order of the above entitled Court made and dated this 5th day of December, 190G. Witness, The Hon. Grant H. Dlm Ick, Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the County Vember, 1906, and the date of the last of Clackamas, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 5th day of Decem ber, A. D., 1900. (SEAL.) Attest: P. W. Greenman, Clerk. Graham & Cloeton, Attorneys for Administrator. 52-t5 publication Is Friday, the 2lBt day of December, 1906. EMMONS & EMMONS, W. H. POWLER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 508-511 Columbia Bldg., Portland, Or. 48 t7 ' In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon, for Clackamas County. Nellie Mullen, Plaintiff, vs. William Mullen, Defendant. To William Mullen, defendant above named: lu the name of the Slate of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the aiiovo entitled suit, on or before the 21st. day of December, A. D 1900, said dale being after the expira tion of six (0) weeks from the Hist publication of the summons and If you so fall to appear and answer said complaint for want thereof the plnlu- tirr win apply to uie court, tor the re lief prayed for In the complaint, to wlt: For a decree, dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant, on Hie ground of desertion and for such other relief ns may be just and meet. In equity. This summons Is published by order of lion. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of tho above entitled court, which order was made and entered on the 7th day of November, A. D., 1900, and the time prescribed for publication there of Is six ((!) weeks; date of the first publication is November 9th, 1900, and the date of the last, publication, December 14th, 1900. JOHN F. LOGAN, JOHN C. SHILLOCIC, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Mohawk Pldg., Portland, Oro. L, lT porter," ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Gordon H. 49 t5 SUMMONS. of 4St7 421-4 In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon, for Clackamas County. Pearl W. Smith, Plaintiff, vs. Walter 10. Smith, Defendant. To Waller K. Hmlih, defendant above named: In the Hume of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required lo appear and answer the complaint, filed against you In the above entitled court, and cause on or before I he 2 2d day of January, A. D. 1907, said day being after the expiration of six weeks from Hie first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear or an swer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief prayed for In the com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolv ing the bonds of mat rlmony heretofore and now existing between tho plaintiff above named and you as defendant, on me ground of wlllfu desertion, and for such other roller as may bo Just and meet In equity. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrlde, Judge of the above entitled court, which or der was made and entered on the 3d day of December, 190(1. and tho time prescribed for publication (hereof Is six weeks. 4 The date of first publication is De cember 7, 1900. The dale of last pub lication Is January 18, 1907. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff, 421-4 Mohawk llldg., Portland X-egon. B2-t7 Abstracts of Property Furnished. Offlco with Oregon City Enterprise. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cure! Col.U, Croup and Wliwiplng Cough,