12 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 14, 1900. THECOUNTY COURT OUSINESS TRANSACTED AT REG ULAR DECEMBER TERM. Be It remembered. That at a regu lar terra of the County Court of Clack mas County, hold In the Court House a Oregon City, for the purpose of ransactlng county business In De amber, the same being the time fixed y law for holding a regular term of aid court, present. Hon Grant B. Dim i. county judge, presiding; T. B. vUlla and John Levelling, comtnis- loners, when the following proceed- aga were had, to-wit: -n the matter of Pauper Allowance Peter Hanson, $6.00 E. Hitchtnan, 10.00 W. Danforth, 5.00 R. G. Ogden, 5.00 C. E. Burns, 5.00 B. F. Forrester, 6.00 W. J. Lewellen, S.00 M. Krueger, 7.00 Mrs. Valentine, 7.00 John Avin, 10.00 J. E. Jack, 8.00 V. L. Molloy. 10.00 Isaac Prindle, 10.00 W. T. Gardner, 10.00 Mrs. M. Pickens, 10.00 Brunswick Restaurant, 10.00 F. V. S prague, Mrs. Bradtl, Mrs. Heinz, J. A. Jones, Mrs. M. Ford. Q, Albright, indigent Soldier Mead Post G. A. R., CIaJm Against County Q. B. Dimick, J. Lewellen, T. B. KUlin. Circuit Court E. R. Hubbard, Brunswick Restaurant, M. Hubbard, Lewis Kock, Mrs. S. Curry, Mrs. M. Cook. Frank Robinson, T. H. Sconce, J. M. Coon, J. L. Murdock, We Stewey, J. Cline. J. J. Knaus, J. Gower, O. D. Robbins, Chas. Thompson, C. C. Babcock, Otto Hettman, James Henderson, Lewis Koch, Ed. Ott. Flo Ott, E. Rinstedt', Marvin Hubbard, A. Hunter, H. M. Mullan, . Joseph Reed, J. Mlady. J. W. Grasle, Irving Appling, Wash Smith, O. Hettman. E. Ringstedt, E. H. Cooper, J. Henderson, Perry Sharp, Chas. Shields. Fred'k Frederici, Maggie Frederici, C. H. Dauehy, E. C. Chapman, J. C. Haines, W. F. Boberg, G. R. Miller, J. E. Marquam, P. Wormsdahl, I. M. Park, Petre Held, Justice of the Peace F. H. Dungan, .T. F. Adams, .1. V. Harless, T. J. .Jonsrud, L. O. Cornet;, I,. D. O'Neil, T. R. Whitmarch, E. L. Shaw. L. Rail, S. D. Rambo, Brady Rambow, S. U. Barney, A. Mautz, Otto Hettman, Louis Cook, Sheriff It. B. Jieatie, C. F. Kly, Fashion Stables, Clerk Echo McCord, Ella Shaver, M. Mulvey, Retta Pierce, Recorder Ixivejoy & Lincoln, G. L. Hedges, "oroner Wilson & Zumwalt, -upt. of Schools J. C. Hinser, ax Rebate Mrs. E. Wilbern, Current Expense r. W. Greenman, Universal Adding MacU J. F. Nelson, Telephone Co., Water Commissi! rs C. H. Dye, F. T. Griffith. Phenlx Insurance Co. Northwestern Ins. Co. Court House F. Buseh. A. Mihlstin, Wilson & Cooke, P. Kehren, Pauper Mrs. Kate Parker, Mrs. T. Doty. , J. F. Nelson, G. D. Dlmlek, Miles .ft McGlashan, Star Dairy, L. Adams, St. Vincent Hospital, C. B. Nash, Emma Wilkinson I. Selling, J. E. Jack, Insane Dr. W. E. Carll. W. U. Tel. Co. L. Stipp, Bridge Account O. C. Lumber Co., O. C. Foundry, O. C. Lumber Co., Printing Courier, Enterprise, Daily Star, Surveyor S. A. D. Hungate, Reports of Supervisors- District No. 1. C. Kerr. C. Battin, J. Hoffman, C. Couusell, W. H. Counsell, District 3 Wilson & Zumwalt, J. B. Elliott & Co., Sager & Wing, Rodlun Bros., W. R. Dallas. District 4 Alex Baker, Charlie Hunter, S. A. Douglas, R, B. Gibson, Lindermann Bros., II. Wilbern. L. S. Baker. E. H. Burghardt, H. S. Gbson, District 5 W. J. Hlllyard, J. Rlchey. Otto Rlchey. Walter Hall. District 6 N. E. Donahue & Co., A. D. Edwards, Paul Dunn, B. Hite, Straus, Straus, John Straus, Fred Wlnche, Ernest Kligel, D. F. Louderback, Fred Proctor, District 7 Bacon & Sons, Hans Kock, Geo. Oak, Jas. Fegles. District 8 Straus Lumber Co., District 9 Samuel Miller, Fred Lins, Carl Lins, M. Grafenheira, ' John Oalson, Henry Vosst, William Held, District 10 Has. Tracy, W. R. Oatfleld, District 12 W. H. Bonney, Storm & Storm, J. S. Gill, E. Swales, District 13 F. Busch, Deririg Lumber Co. A. M. Kirchein, W. C. Ward, J. T. Fullam, I George uiii, District 14 H. A. Heater, H. Bigelow, Eugene Cummins, G. F. Gibbs, Jas. Shelley, Jas. Shelly, Jr., T. W. Gibbs, H. Froemyer, Wm. Rivers, A. Splinter, C. C. Gibbs, District 15 O. C. Lumber Co., R. H. Taber, W. B. Lawton, M. Telford, D. G. Hylton, District 16 Jonah Penman, B. F. Allen, W. G. Randall, H. H. Eastman, District 17 Carlton &. Rosenkrans, Jos. Penman, 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,00 8.00 8.00 5.00 15.50 26.90 26.10 18.00 3.25 3.80 4.90 4.80 4.80 7.00 27.60 25.00 27.00 27.20 9.20 2.90 3.00 4.00 13.60 10.60 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.60 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 6.40 3.80 12.20 6.40 11.60 2.20 4.50 4.50 24.60 5.00 25.00 26.80 20.40 29.00 29.00 4.00 7.40 45.00 1 Alex Tleo, 2.25 45.00 Geo. Holland, 1.50 49.50 A. M. Olson, 1.50 49.60 Good's Bridge I O. C. Mnrhlne Shop, 4 94 4.50 E. Story ' 27.15 2.28 J. W. McKay, 1.80 2.23 A. Holland, 170.62 13 SO J. Zook. 7.65 A. Koehcr, 5.80 45.00 Scripture & Beauliou, 6.00 8.00 Wilsou Zumwalt, 10.00 5.00 O. C. Iron Works, 1.15 2.50 J. Green, 75.00 10.00 S. Green, 72.00 1.20 W. Dutcher. 72.00 COO W. Martin. 36.00 30.00 W. Fine, 60.00 2.00 E- Hatch, 60.00 3.50 A. Anderson, 6.S7 14.95 J. W. MacKay, 104.00 11.40 V. Grimm, 1.00 M. Johnson, 9.00 5.00 District 19 .58 J. B. French, 1.75 2.50 C. E. Smith, 1.75 F. Lee, 3.50 400.00 W. Wallace. 1.73 62.49 J. J. Mallatt. . 10.00 110.00 J. Ertckson, .87 A. Erlckson. 3. 50 57.10 District 20 35.50 Fred Hettman. 3.00 54.10 A. Durst. 1.00 Geo. Rutherford, 1.75 18.00 W. H. Botterailler, 4 50 John Put. 12 60 Amos Vallen, 1 50 4.23 C. Bittner, 4.90 6.00 Fred Madison, 1.50 2.00 C. Keunzy, .75 2.00 A. Sherruble, 1.50 5.00 B. Sullivan, 62.00 Eugene Cummins, 6.50 6.00 Helston Ley, .50 3.65 F. T. Chute, 10.00 68.80 District 21 3.12 Robbins Bros 1.00 136.00 Wm. James, 3.75 Frank Wlnslow, 3.75 13.50 Wm. Baker, 2.50 lg.00 Fred Wlnslow, .60 6.00 S. Dlx. 3.50 3.00 Bert Hubbard. 1.50 594 Slfa James. .60 5 65 Frank Arquette, 3.00 1 60 W. E. Bonney, 23.00 10o O. N. Hart. 115 J. W. Stiuidinger, Albert Eimlo, H. S. Ramsby, District ,23 E. M. Zimmerman, Fred Barhart, Andy Hnehart, G. Krnus, C. Trost, U. W. Zimmerman, N. K. Cole, W. B. Tull, District 24 Carlton A Rosonkrans, Lais & Co.. Solon Kluxer, 9. H. Knuffman, Ola Kyllo, F. SehultH. Otto Blxol, Phil Mohr, Morts Myers, George Mitts, R. I. Garrett, District 25 Carlton & Rosenkrans, J. B. Mitts, District 26 Robbins Bros., D. L. TrulllnKer. M. S. Hungate, Win. Skeon. Jacob Harless, O. W. Bobbins. P. C. Miller, John Shepherd, Chas. Pelky, U Shank. R. Pelkey, Wm. Stennlnger, H. N. Everhart. District 27 Carlton k Rosenkrans, J. Labour, District 28 Jas. Nicholson, J. C. HIce, Roy Rice, James Gray, J. Walker, G. M. GroHhong, D. M. Groshong, Homer Williams, F. J. Ridding. A. M. Groshong, Petter Brown, District 29 W. L. White, F. J. J. 1.70 0.20 5.00 3.15 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.90 1.90 2.10 2.50 2.10 2.10 3.50 3.10 18.19 39.70 2.50 50.25 50.25 50.25 50.25 35.00 10.00 5.00 56.78 6.40 24.25 3.46 11.25 3.50 42.50 73.50 7.50 7.00 2.00 93.55 15.50 42.50 24.50 10.50 8.75 7.87 18.31 3.00 4.50 13.00 81.00 5.65 4.50 1 3.05 I .75 j 3.00 j r, nri i 15.12 7.20 2.50 222X0 248.CS 15.00 3.00 19.25 44.90 4.00 2.00 5.50 20.00 3.00 72.05 S0.00 48.75 35.00 30.00 22.75 28.00 22.10 28.00 7.00 287.39 1 .-. nn 1 10.00 13.00 8.00 6.75 4.50 17.00 3.00 7.93 9.00 9.00 1.25 ' 6.10 13.50 ia.it District 22 Robbins Bros., Gust Johnson, Andrew Johnson, R. D. Ball. I. G. Vaughan, C. Dickeraon. R. P. Cooper, District 31 4.00 1 10.50 i W. J. Powell. B. F. Wcddle, 7.871 J. Batdorf. 4.37 S. Batdorf, 14 00 j Z. Elllgsen. 11.37 District 32 2.62 , Fred St. Clair, 2.62 13.50 7.20 3 60 3.50 13.25 11.00 11.00 45.60 5.60 8.25 11.45 3.95 4.50 3,50 4.50 3.00 n ok 3.00 1 3.00 1.50 17.50 3.55 16.50 C.C5 14 05 2.25 3.00 15.73 2.60 1.50 25.50 4.60 7.00 0.00 .75 27.50 20.50 15.00 9.00 6.75 4.50 0.00 7.50 3.7 1.60 4.50 2.60 18.00 3.00 44 20 1.00 4 65 800 8.00 24 35 7.00 Elmer Jones, A P. Todd. (ild lllltHOIl, Will linker, Jofl Roberts. UufuH Slnhlnerkor, Robert Htnhlnockor, Feed Btahlnorkor, Frank KhiAi, A. J, Winters, Dan Htuhliwcker, District 33 Dodge Lumber Co., Press Howell, (loorgn Unwell, Frank Howell, Victor Schmidt. Willie Howell, Roy Haley, Ed. dustier, District 31 O. C. Lumber Co., John Turner, Sam Hiitdorf, Puul Hchrooder, R. Bchroedor, Duvld Joiicm, Joseph Batdorf, James Edmonds, ChiiH. llakrr. Delloek, District 35 Western Storage Proctor Ilers, A. D. Edwards, District 36 A. J. Uls. S. H. Kauffman, O. W. OwIkh. Hud Kent, C. E. Voder. N. lllalr, John Wachtman, A. Colllstnr, John ('aato. District 38 C. Kerr. V. Dlx, (i. W. Thlessen, II. Thlessen, District 39 F. Busrh, J. Kelhofor, Ilalley, Hoard. Balloy, Co.. 1.25 In the matter of road tax collected 7.00 within corporate limits of Oregon .50 City for year 1905; .50 Ordered that warrant be drawn on 7,00 general mail fund for $2211.25 In 4 00 favor of Treasurer of Oregon City . 4.00 in the matter of petition of resident 7.00 mul lax payers of road district No. U, 1 37 for 13 boxes of powder, and that court 9.00 duplicate 11 subscription of (299.75 for 21.25 plunking the Kelso and Oregon City road; 82.60 Ordered that 13 mixed of powder be 2.13 purchased, for said district, and that 0.12 $200 worth of road plank tie fur 5.50 nlslied after the .subscriptions nro 4.37 collected and worked out. 13.40 in the matter of the efflre of Constable 32.85 fr J 11st lee of Peace District No. 3; 14 00 It Is ordered thrt the office of con stable In Justice of the Peace DIs 4.H.Q0 trirt No. II, o and same la declare 30.50 vacated, ami that Ed Lakln ho ami 3D 00 In appointed to fill vacancy. 3.50 u tint mutter of the claim of Mrs. E. 20.00 Wilbeni for lobale of tuxos; 3 12 Ordered that same i allowed an4 10 00 that warrant Issue for $6.40 In pay- 5.00 moot of same. 12.50 In the matter of mnle .panpors of 4 00 Clackamas county; Ordered that all uii'le paupers of 50 I'liicluiinus county, are hereby rlle4 122.60 to appoar before this court on the 35.00 jlrst Wednesday of January term 1907 at the hour of ten o'cl xk am. 42.00 nn.t mIh w cuuse why their name 70 85 nhoiild not be Ntrloken from the list. 10.50 n the miitier of the petition for the f alley In Block 4. In towe 8 75; vacation 3.75 . iif Oswei'.o: 1 1.25; 4 00 j 3.00 I 2.00 ; 5.75 j 9 001 16.00 j 45 00 A. S. F. A. 2.75 49 38 27.75 3.50 450 In the matter of the petition of M. 0. Proctor anil others for county road; Ordered that viewers meet at place of b ginnlrg on the 18th day of December. Objections having been filed to va cation of same, It Is ordered that same be referred to January term of this Court, at 10 a. m. In the mutter of procuring printing and stationery for county orTlters; Ordered that no stationery b paid for by Clackamas County except on written order of one of the mem bers of this Court. In the matter of the Paul Schneider road; Ordered that Supervisor proceed to open suld road on the survey, and that county cb'ik notlOy said Su pervisor of this order. I President Castro of Venezuela, U ton his death bod and rebels win vie j torles over twvurnnienl armies. In the matter of the petition of Henry I Gortlar and others for county road; I Boston went Democratic In the Ordered that viewers meet at place ! municipal election, Tuesday. Throe of beginning on the 17th day of De- larRe Massachusetts cities Join the cember. dry side. A EADQUARTERS FOR YOUR XMAS SHOPPING The needle lends Its service to the making of many of pretty little novelties. Wo have a complete stock THE "MAKINGS" Pillow Tops, Embroidery Silks, Hoops, Stamped Linens, Sniisllks, Mexican Drawn Work, Linens, Bat tenberp; Pieces, Linens, Thread nnd Braid, Cords, Etc., Etc. GIFTS FOR MEN Don't, wrinkle your forehead another minute we solve the problem easily. No need to trust to some one's else taste irt clears tills year, for here are hundreds of Gifts Unit men will like. Suit Cases, Shirts, Collars, Ties. Gloves, t'nderwear, Night. Robes, Shoos, Military Brushes Toilet. Ar ticles, In fact, dozens of acceptable nift.s. Brim? your list, to us. GIFTS FOR WOMEN Equally as easy, loads of pretty things In every line, Beautiful lino fancy collars, bells, hose support ers, handkerchiefs, hosiery, suit cases, umbrellas, etc, etc, Oregon citys busiest, store j 2.00 Ivan Dimick, 3.00 M. Berringer, 2.00 M. Parmaletz, C.90 D. R. Dimick, 15.0s I A. H. Knfgkt,