a OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1008. City and Vicinity Golden Wedding. Harlow, IVc. 3. Over 300 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ole A. Aasve gathered Sunday at the old Harlow homo, now owned by S. B. Berg, to help ccie biato the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Aasvo. Olo A. Aasvo was born July 4, 1S2I, at Trondhjem, Norway. He camo to America In the spring of 1S51 and set tled In Wisconsin, and afterwards went to Michigan, returning to Nor way In 1S55. He soon returned to America and was married December 2, 185G, at Hesper, Winneshiek county, Iowa, by Rev. Clausen, to Chrlstlmia O. Rlgg. who was born in Trondhj.-m. Norway, October 31, 1S;!4. Mr. and Mrs. Aasvo lived on their first farm 10 years, then sold out and moved to Hoono county, Iowa, resid ing there seven years, then to Jewell county. Minnesota, remaining there until the fall of 1S3'J, when they cum to Oregon and settled near Fairfield In 1903 they went east on a visit and to attend the Synod jubilee, bvM at Decorah, Iowa. They came to Bar tow in 1903. Six of their eleven children ar liv ing. The youngest son, O. M. Aasve, lies at Barlow. Rev. O. Hagoes, of Portland, an I Rev. A. O. White, of Silverton were present. A sumptuous banquet was served. A handsome golden oak bed room set was presented to Mr. anil Mrs. Aasve, who, although they are 82 and 72 years of age, bid fair to en joy many more anniversaries. Jacob-Cox. Judge G. B. Dimick officiated at a wedding in the county court chamber, Wednesday afternoon, at which Miss Cora Cox and J. M. Jacob were the principals. Both are Oregon City young people well known to thoir friends who wish them long life and happiness. The Deutscher Maennerchor, the young but enterprising German socie ty of Oregon City, gave a very suc cessful dancing party at the armory Wednesday night. Typical German dances were rendered and the society gave a number of selections of good old German songs which made a tre menduous hit with the aduience. Re freshments were served. Parsons' or chestra furnished the music. Southern-Thompson. Charles L. Southern of Oregon City and Miss Helen Thompson of Ridg land, Wisconsin, were married at 11:30 by Judge Dimick In the court room. Mr. and Mrs. Southern will board for a while with Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Cur tla, friends of Mr. Southern in his boyhood home in Junction City, Kan wu. Mr. Southern is a painter by trade. He has many friends In Ore gon City who extend congratulations aad welcome his bride to their new home. Mrs. Linwood E. Jones entertained the members of St. Paul's Guild at her home Friday afternoon. Dainty refreshments were served and work done in preparation far the annual sale given by the ladies of St. Paul's parish. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Mi l tertair e l to dinner Thursday ,'' ( ' -i home Jll Fifth street, Mr. ar. I ; "' oma Viller of this city, and Mr. ami . 'rs. R. H. Taber of Illion. The firemen at Kstaeada will . "Hardtimes Ball" on New Ye;,r's Kve. Mrs. George Howe) entertained on Friday afternoon at her hou- at Fifth and Madison --tr-. ts. n! twenty little girls in . ,r I,. ; daughter Alta's ninth 1 : ,-::,iy. The afternoon was ploasan :i; hi games and at half-pasl j.ir delicious refreshments 'were servt .1. Mi.-- Alta was the recipient of i; .-. .i v h- a r presents with the good v : . jos of i."r little friend.-.. Mrs. lb.,.. was j ,-; t-'i in entertaining by Miss Myrile Cross. Those prose, .t bosh'"..- t... hostess were; Mrs. ,Jo' r, Howe!'. Mi . MxrtV Cross. Miss .V;. '!!- Brook"r. Alice Miller. Lucille Hmi Gwendo line Shaw. Dorothy lie. lyes. Madeline Castor Vivian Curtis. Lethal Cross. Elva Ericl.son. Violet IJeaiiliau, Carol Ely. Pearl Sag'-r, Katie Sagor, lint h Miller. Alta Howell. Everett Swun.son, Kennelh Swanson, Richard Howell, Raymond Howell. Sturday was Cupid's busiest day at the courthouse for some time. Four li censes were issued, two of which wen; followed up Immediately by mar riages. Judge Dimick united in mar riage Kate Hogan and Theodore Glaz ier of Wasco at Dimick & Dirnick's of fice, and Sophia Machiner and Ed ward OH in the county court cham ber. Helen Thompson and Charles L. Southern were issued a license. A marriage license has been issued tu Itosia I'lricli ami George H. Snyder. CLASSES ELECT OFFICERS. Ninth and Tenth Grades, Barclay, and Eighth Grade, Eastham. Class elections were held at the Bar clay Hi'hiHil Wednesday afternoon. The tenth grado elected officers as fol lows: Alllo Grout, president; Gene vieve Capen, vice-president; Myrtle Cross, secretary; William Strohmoyer. treasurer The first two wore elected unanimously and the other two officers went In by handsome majorities. The ninth grade also elected of ficers. The successful ones were Wal lace Cautleld, president; Arllne Hard in, vice-president ; Sedonin Shaw, secretary; Oudln Roberts, treasurer. The Kasthain school also engaged In polltices by electing eighth grade officers. Gilbert Charters was elected president; Thornton Howard, secre tary and Madge Brightblll, treasurer. A surprise party was tendered the successful candidate for president of he tenth grade, Allie Grout. The surprise was a good, old fashioned complete one. the party of young peo ple overwhelming the recipient while he was engaged In a quiet little game with his young brother, both sprawl ing on the floor. In a tree guessing game, in which Miss Elva Watts and Mildred GUlett came out victorious, Miss Watts was given a silver hat pin as first prize, Mr. Gillett having with drawn In her favor. The party con sisted of the Misses Elva WatU, Alice Goettllng. Genevieve Capen. Ethyl Park. Mary Scott, Ha.el Francis, Olga McClure, Mrs. Grout and Mrs. God frey; Messrs. Carl Schramm, Harlle Blackwell, Mildred Gillett, William Jackson. Harold Waldron. Glen Grout, William Strohmeyer, Harry Frost and Allle Grout. The Knights and Ladies of Security gave their retiring president, Mrs. T. J. Lutz, a very handsome recognition of her work for the good of the Order, at their regular meeting at Woodman hall Monday night Two candidates, Mrs. Lena Spagle and H. Saunders were Initiated, three new applications were presented and S. O. Coolldge, who was recently elected to the vice presidency, was Installed. Lodge was then closed and Mrs. Lutz was escort ed by the conductor and staff to the banquet hall, where instead of the "marguerites and tea" which she had been asked to help provide, she found the banquet table spread with an ele gant collation and beautified with Oregon grape and Chrysanthemums. But the crowning surprise came after all were seated when Secretary Mark Chapman called for order and In a neat speech presented to Mrs. Lutz a hand some set of silver knives, forks and spoons. Mrs. Lutz was prominent In the organization of the local lodge six years ago last April and for five years has been the popular and effi cient president. About sixty members were present. The Harding grange is preparing for a dance to be given New Year's Eve in Igan ball. Miss Nettie Kruse was pleasantly surprised Saturday evening, by twenty-five of her friends, in honor of her nineteenth birthday. Music and games i ' "p'ng v.-it.h t Tluml 1. Miday.s wi re the f mu .em 1 1.-. ai'ei u'.ieh a da hneh" n wj or- ! ' sses i:v..-i;';'-jrd, Hazel K n- le !y and tiessie cap- n and Err"-s S'lank n'en tee pri'-s. Bo is ;,.ei ' ' i : l.t.v.'y yh'ts v -re ;i - 'it.;.! to ..ii.-i.s Krus" i:h "in : atu !a;.ions. St. John's choir held a spocLl re hearsal Tuesday evening. A new mass is in preparation. Ed. Kuen.i is moving wit "i !,;-: Iv from Gladstone to a rila:.; J ; rchased near Bae.- City. i. .". Dickey of Molalla made a .hoi't ! visit t'ie first of the wee',; with his M S. M. Ramsby. Mr. nd Mrs. Charles Southern left for tl ir new home at Taeoma, Tues day. Mr. Southern has a position i there vith the Northern Pacific rail road. ! 1. W. Waldron of Crescent Ridge ! was in town Tuesday. Mr. Waldron 1 now gets ids mail on route No. 2, so I his visits to the city are less frequent I than heretofore. Among other beautiful (i-i-r.! off' r iti;.V5 sent to the funeiV of MKs Ara Foster, Wednesday in I' eilan I. was one from teachers of J'arelay school where Miss Maysie Foster taught last year, and others from the choir and Missionary society of the Presbyterian church. Henry DeShaer, wife and son e Morrow county, .lames DeShazer of Sandy, Joseph DeShazer of Dover and Mrs. If, L, Ward of Barton, who had been at. Crescent Uldge to attend the funeral of their father, Jtobert, De Shazer, returned to their homes Tues day morning. K. M. Graves of Mohilla visited rel atives here Tuesday. Captain James Evans of Cunby was an Oregon City visitor Saturday. Howard Kccles of Canity was In the city Friday. John Page of Kstiieadu was In the city, Tuesday. H. I.. Skirvln of Maniuum was In town Tuesday on business. Mrs. Ktters of Clackamas visited here early this week. The Misses Cochran of Canby wuro here on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chapman leave today for a short stay In Estncnda. W. O. and II. I.. Vaughan of Molalla came to the city Tuesday morning. Charles t'pton of Walla Walla Is visiting his relatives, 0 D. I.atourette and family for a few days. Gus Schueltcl of Heaver Creek, brother of Deputy District Attorney Schuebel, visited In Oregon City, Tues day. County Surveyor S. A. D. 1 (ungate left for Molalla on a survey Tuesday. H. J. Johnson, city surveyor, also left town for a short trip on a surveying Job. G. G. Forbes who Is attending Wil lamette 1'nlverslty In Salem, return ed to school work Monday evening, after spending the Thanksgiving va cation at his homo here. Miss Eva Miller, after a month's vacation at the homo of her uncle anil aunt. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. H. Samson, returned Tuesday morning to her work In Portland. Mrs. M. S. Howard of Mullno, state secretary of the grange, left Tuesday morning for a tour through Benton county. She had Just returned from Marion county, where she had been working among the granges for the last two weeks. Eleven Molalla people arrived in Oregon City, Monday night by stage, or rather In stages for an extra rig was put on to bring the crowd. Some of the party came to attend the meet ing of the Patrons' Life Insurance as sociation, others on different business. The party was composed of the fol lowing persons: W. D. Adams, Ada Boylos, James Dickey, 0. W. Robbins, Fred Stratten, Lloyd Shaver, Clay Engle, Mrs. J. H. Horry, Frank Ever hart, J. V. Harless and J, W. Thomus. W. W. H. Samson received a tele phone message Tuesday morning from dibble Prairie, asking him to come at once to the bedside of L E. Arm strong, who has suffered a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Armstrong is Mr. Sam son's sister, and she and her husband formerly resided at Ml. Pleasant. He Is very ill and has suffered previous strokes. Alex Robinson appeared in Justice Stlpp's court Wednesday morning and pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and battery on Willis lui"! Robinson and A. W. Chapman admin ("red a -'o'ind beating to Inn I at ti..- f'lacka-ma- 'onietory Sunday. His fine was fixe,; 'at $10. OiV'ichiur Diiparifjiior mid family of Soiu -rset, Ontario, Canada, arrived in Ore; n City. Saturday, to make this their home. Fifteen families are now here who came from Somerset or vi cinity ami more are coining. They do not. read or write English, but they are well-to-do, industrious people and re most welcome additions to tin ity's population. Mrs. C. C. Williiims and dauglit'-r 1- 1 la left, Moni'fu". to spend tie- u Intel I'vi.li their son ;m Lnithe.-. Wallace it). Williams, at North Yakima. U'asn Constable Charles Ely served at tachment papers on Charles Baker et al as the result of a chattel mortgage held by the Commercial Hank of Ore gon City. The stock attached con sists of 11 heifers, i-ever.'il co -a and horses and farm i rn j iD -i ri -n t . E. W. Chapman was promoted to the position of head bookkeeper in the Willamette Pulp & Paper company offices, Saturday, succeeding ,T. A. K'-atin;.'.. who re.-.ign.Mi to act- pt n po sition with the Spaulding I.u-e er company. ,Mr. chapmt.H' 'ion was strictly on n.erlt. ;c -e 1 n ",,een employed in the effice for seven or eight year:;. Fred Bailey of Gladstone, who has Ven i'l for the la-.t. Ci days, is j " ! !lde to -,it cp again. Dr. Stuart, v. ho ' i :is hee'i iu constant attendance, i:-1': (' ree ci. -.e : of typiioid in the Bailey family, t .o of which lured a good deal netter ti. an Mr. Bailey. His affliction wa't typhoid, followed by pneumonia, and other complications. Mr. Bailey's friends will be glad to hear of his re covery. ' Hurney Krederlcli it prominent rancher from New Era. and Mrs. Fredrlch were In Oregon City, Stitur day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Henderson of llalsey, Or, are visiting their daugh ter. Mrs. R. R. McAlpln. Wayne Green was down from Leb anon to spend Thanksgiving w ith tela lives. Mr. and Mrs. DuvIh and family of St. Johns, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Davis's brother, Rov Lauslsir ough and family. Miss Jessie LeuU of Portland spent Thanksgiving In Oregon City with her sisters, Mrs. Illinium Walter and Miss Pearl Lent.. Mrs. M. K. Hamilton goes Saturday morning to their farm In I'nderwood, Wash., to be gone a few days The awning man was busy putting up a new awning In front of Mrs, N. Miller's Palm confectionery store Mr. and Mrs. W. It I' Ren left for Eugene. Saturday morning where they will spend the winter. Miss Edna Pennman of Canby was the guest, over Thanksgiving of her sister. Mrs. J. L. Waldron. Mrs. H. K. Wnssom anil daughter Miss Maude, who have been visiting their son and brother J. E. Wassom, returned to their home at Harrlsburg Saturday morning Dee Wright of Molalla was In the city Friday. He left In the evening with a load of provisions for the Ogle Mountain mine, They will have to travel part of the way by sled Mr. and Mrs W. E. Struchell, who were married In Newberg. on Novem ber 22. have been visiting Mrs. Struchell's sisters. Mrs II. M. Miller and Miss Lulu Miller. They go from here to their new homo In Portland. Miss Carrie Candtg, whose hom Is In West Dayton, came over Saturday morning from Molalla, where she had been visiting. After a short stay here she ros on to her home. Mrs. George Clark of Main street, is convalescing from her recent Ill ness. W. E. Marshall of Russellvllle, spent Sunday with his mother and sister in fam-mali. W. R. Powell of Moro, eastern Ore gon, visited with Postmaster T. P. Randall, Sunday. Mr and Mrs W. R. C'Ren of Glad stone, parents of W. S. C'Ren, left for Eugene Saturday for a visit with their daughter, Jennie C'Ren. Report has it that another sugges Hon has been made to honor Dr. Mc laughlin In the midst of all the sug gestions that have come of late. It Is now proposed to name what has heretofore been called High street, Mclaughlin avenue or Mclaughlin street. Patents to Oreaon Inventor. Two more Valley geniuses were granted patents last week John II lolmson fif Silverton on a mop, and lohn Voss of Woodbtirn on a gear ( niter. At the last tnix-tlng of Oregon Lodge No. :,, I. O. O. F., the election or of ficers resulted as follows: C. A. Nash, noble grand; Harry M. Shaw, viec rniid; T. F. Ryan, treasurer; E. J. N'oble, recording secretary, II W. Trembath. financial secretary. The ippolntments of the Noble Grand and he VicoGrand will he made known v the course of a month. Mr. and Mrs. W. II Marshall ami ;.iuH,il.-r Margaret and' Miss Anno .. .):.. i.. i' rorilcWid, visited over Sun !;. v.'i li the Liiiiilies of W. L. and C E. Midlam, of Canemah. Miss Mid lam baa Just returned from a delight ful trip through tho East. J. .1. Howell of Clackamas Station is eriously ill with pneumonia. Weh. Burns, oldest son of Ciilrf of Police C. E, Burns, left, for Troutdale 'u work at that, place. County Superintendent J. C. .Inner and School Director D. M. Klemsen visited the Canemah school Monday ''orenoun. Norwood Charman returned to his studies tit the state university Sun day morning after spending Thanks Mving with relatives here. II. S. Swenson, editor of The Dalles Chronicle, was a caller In Oregon City, Sunday. He says work on the Jim Dill railroad down the nortn bunk of the Columbia is making good times in The Dr'llos, ns many thousands of dollars are spent there weekly by the laborers. l-'nink llusch In Installing n new electric sign similar to Hie one ul price Brothers' store. The Seventh Day Adventlsts will meet with Mrs, Nettle Miller of Water street every two weeks on Saturday afternoon at .1 o'clock. They will study the bible under the direction of Mr. petltt and Mr, Vaulkonborg of Portland Jacob Schmidt of Reaver Creek came to town Friday morning and brought two In i k tin nips nml a carrot to the office of II. K. Cross on Main street. The finger of the turnips Is nfl of 12 Inches high and measures fully ten Inches Mirougll. MIhh Grace M Smith of Garfield, school dlHtrli't No. SS, culled at the superintendent's office Friday after, iieoii and procured the books for that dIMrW't Superintendent J. C. Znmer Ih returning the circulating library to Salem, which bus been here for the pnst six months. Henry Paddock, son of Counry Treasurer Paddock, spent Thanksgiv ing at Gladstone with his parents. C. L. Miller and family of Chicago, after a pleasant visit of several weeks' duration at the Ml. Pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs Bert Clark, left Friday morning for Wasco, Wash , ir tby will spt4 ti wlstsr Miss Florence Llmbdl of Mllwaukle Is making a pleasant visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, A Hidden. Dr. Starheck of St. Vincent hospital In Portland, came up and took Dr. Mount's place Thanksgiving, while the latter had a short vacation Myrtle Biihall. who Is studying In Portland to become n nurse, visited her mother, Mrs. K. K. Bohall and other friends here. Thanksgiving day A mnrrlsKe license was Issued Wed nesdny to Christine Tennet and K. L. ItlHlt. William Stone of Redlnnds neigh horhood, who Is attending tho Willam ette university at Salem, Is home for j the Thanksgiving vacation. S. C. Young, clerk of the Rock Creek school called at the county superin tendent's office, Wednesday. Mrs. W. L WoMlcox of New Kru wus shopping here, Tuesday. Harriet Parker, six year old daugh ter of Mr. nml Mrs. K. M Parker, has Just recovered from an attack of fever. A. S Molr and A. W. Joehnke went i, own to Portland Tuesday evening, from where they snll on the Hteamer Columbia for San Francisco They will spend thi' w inter In California, August Holden, "II Jackson Street, was the flr.-d man to have his street and number placed on his Knterprlse. Mr. Holden says If we have city mall delivery we tuny as well make use of It. An amlbtlous housekeeper In this country of luscious frult.i, could get a very pretty Idea from Mrs. Robert Warner, for the niaklte; of something unhpic and beautiful In the way of Jelly. The fruit juice Is strained sev oral times to obtain the clear ills tinct hhade, one glass containing In striped effect many llaors and col ors. This method of Jolly making ori ginated with Mrs. J. K. Groom who was then a resident of Oregon city, She nave the Idea and taught the pro cess to Mrs. Warner. J. K. Groom Is now editor of W. J. Bryan's paper, "The Commoner" nt Lincoln, Neb. WatS?iiTitVs d A 1FT that yhldj jutij- ' fuclion by iht intfful. Christ. maj iit)ini should gtnuint, jo paaj th imitation and chooji tOattrman'j Ideal l.a 1W II II iT4 1! WW; w if :i MM f V.h 11 l. Ill If i We also make a special offer until Christmas of the $3 Competitor Fountain Pens for Gold Pens in Pearl d Goid and Silver Pocket Holders up from y Pencils 75c to HUNTLEY BROS. CO. CHRISTMAS HEADQUARTERS WANTED. TIMBER LANDS; from 40 here Duels up. C. O. Schmnud, 2211 Hlurk si reel, Portland. Oregon. fil 12 0 a OUR PAINTS Arc Going Post llcst Pure Prepared P dint s $1.50 Per Gallon others In proportion CHARMAN & COMPANjY CITY DRUG 5TOKU MT. HOOD CAFE, M. Justin, Proprietor Finn Wine nml Llijuors, pool Table Porter on Draught. Family Kooia Main and Fifth Street. CN.Grccnmnh Pioneer Transfer and Lxprc.ss Line Established 1865 Freight and Parcel Delivered to all Parts of tho City, listen Reasonable. CASCADE LAUNDRY Clollms Washed "Whiter Than Snow." family Washing at Reasonable Itntos- -No worry, no regrets If you phone 1204 Our wagon will call. That Hungry Feeling Is something you want and don't want to lose. We satisfy the "Inner maa" with Just the sort of good things tint touches the hungry spot. Whits Clover Honey, exquisite Harnr 1.1 cents per pound. Extern Buckwheat Flour, from thn famous Blckett mills,' I'cnn Van, N. Y., 4.1c for lort) sack. Sliced Bacon, In glass Jars, 3)cts. Mince Meat, Homemade, 2ffs fur ;;., Cheese, A car loud Just received from Tillamook, October make. Dally arrivals, .Now walnuts, Imported Snirnu Figs, dinned Goods, Fish, etc. A. Robertson Phone 411 The 7th St. Grocer. No Question about the Waterman Ideal being the best Fountain Pen made. Ask any user. Wc guarantee them and give privilege of exchange until you find the point that exactly suits your hand. We have 75 dif ferent sizes and points to select from. Plain and gold mounted S2-50to 5 OO $1 $2